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W.    G.    GOSLING. 




MAS  20  1911 





THIS  history  of  Labrador,  begun  at  the  instigation 
of  Dr.  Grenfell,  has  far  outgrown  the  original 
design,  I  had  long  been  collecting  books  relating  to 
the  history  of  Newfoundland,  and  fondly  imagined  that 
I  had  the  material  at  hand  from  which  I  could  com- 
pile a  few  chapters  that  would  contain  all  that  was 
known  about  Labrador.  I  soon  found  that  it  was  a 
much  more  serious  affair,  and  that  Labrador  had  quite 
an  extended  history,  the  greater  part  of  which  had  not 
been  touched  upon  by  any  writer. 

By  the  courtesy  of  Sir  Francis  S.  Hopwood,  Under- 
Secretary  for  State  for  the  Colonies,  I  have  been  ac- 
corded particular  facilities  for  obtaining  information 
from  the  Record  Office;  the  Canadian  Archivist,  Mr. 
Alfred  Doughty,  has  kindly  furnished  me  with  copies 
of  documents  from  their  most  valuable  collection  of 
records ;  Mr.  H.  P.  Biggar  has  given  me  the  benefit 
of  his  advice  as  to  where  to  search  for  information 
I  required,  and  Mr.  N.  E.  Dionne,  of  Quebec,  and 
Dr.  S.  E.  Dawson,  Ottawa,  have  courteously  replied 
to  my  queries.  To  these  gentlemen  I  tender  my  sin- 
cere thanks. 

For  all  matters  relating  to  the  discovery  and  early 
exploration  of  Labrador,  I  must  express  myself  greatly 
indebted  to  the  works  of  M.  Henri  Harrisse,  who  is 
facile  princeps  in  that  line  of  study. 

viii  PREFACE 

My  design  has  been  to  preserve  the  knowledge  of 
the  incidents  which  took  place  in  the  past,  and  which 
are  likely  to  have  some  value  in  the  development  of  the 
country  in  the  future.  That  may  tend  to  the  protection 
and  amelioration  of  the  native  races  of  Indians  and 
Eskimos,  to  the  betterment  of  the  comparatively  few 
white  settlers,  to  the  development  and  conservation  of 
its  marvellous  fisheries,  the  framing  of  proper  laws  for 
the  governance  of  the  thousands  of  Newfoundland, 
Canadian,  and  American  fishermen  who  frequent  its 
coasts,  to  excite  an  interest  in  this  neglected  country, 
and  to  assist  Dr.  Grenfell,  who  has  been  working  for 
these  same  ends  for  the  past  sixteen  years  with  a  single- 
minded  devotion  which  excludes  all  other  interests. 

As  was  to  be  supposed,  there  is  no  consecutive  history 
of  Labrador,  and  the  chapters  have  resolved  themselves 
into  dissertations  on  subjects  often  very  slightly  con- 
nected one  with  another.  At  other  times  they  will  be 
found  to  overlap  and  to  contain  a  certain  amount 
of  repetition,  which  has  been  unavoidable  in  the  method 
I  have  been  compelled  to  follow,  and  which,  I  hope, 
may  be  forgiven. 

Although  this  volume  far  exceeds  the  size  originally 
intended,  a  good  deal  of  matter  has  been  omitted.  It 
will  be  found  that  I  have  included  very  little  either 
of  a  descriptive  or  scientific  nature,  my  reason  being 
that  Dr.  Grenfell  intends  shortly  to  bring  out  a  book 
dealing  exhaustively  with  these  subjects. 

But  I  trust,  however,  that  the  story  of  the  past  here 

related  may  prove  not  altogether  without  interest  and 


W.    G.    GOSLING. 



The  Norsemen's  Visits  to  the  Coast  of  Labrador.       i 

The  Cabots.    1497     .  .  .  .  .  .19 

Voyages  to  the  New  Lands,  i 500-1 534  .  .  .33 

The  Derivation  of  the  name  "Labrador"     .  ,      52 

Cartographical  Evolution  of  Labrador        .  -56 

Jacques  C artier       .  .  .  .  .  -73 


English  Voyages  to  America  in  the  Sixteenth 
Century    .......      93 


The  Search  for  the  North-west  Passage  and  Con- 
sequent Visits  to  Labrador— The  Hudson  Bay 
Company   .  .  .  .  .  .  .118 



The  French  on  Labrador,  1700-1763     .  .  -131 


The  Eskimos  .  .  .  .  .  .  •    iSS 

The  English  Occupation  .  .  .  .  .171 

Captain  George  Cartwright       ....    222 

The  Moravian  Brethren  .  .  .  .  ,251 

The  Moravian  Brethren  {co7iti?nied)      .  .  ,278 

Americans  on  the  Labrador        .  .  .  .317 

The  British  Fisheries  on  Labrador     .  .  .    379 

Boundary  Dispute  with  Canada  .  .  .432 

Dr.  Wilfred  Grenfell,  C.M.G.    ....    454 

Appendix         .  .  ,  .  .  .  -475 


Remarkable  Iceberg,  showing  Corrugations  caused  by 

Continual  Streams  of  Water  flowing  down  it        F'piece. 



Hakluyt's  Voyages 


Glacial  Erosion  in  Labrador,  near  the  Horsechops 

Fishing  Schooners  on  the  Labrador  Coast 

Cantino  Map.     1502 

King  Map 

Kunstman  No.  II 

Kunstman  No.  Ill 

Carta  Marina,  15 16 

Wolfenbuttel  B.  circa  1530 

Desliens  Map,  1546 

Molyneux  Map,  from  1598  Edition  of  " 

French  Mat,  about  1700 

Old  Fort  Ridge,  near  the  Ancient 

Admiral  Sir  Hugh  Palliser    . 

York  Fort 

Captain  Cook 

Battle  Harbour,  Labrador     . 

Moravian  Mission  House,  Nain 

Moravian  Mission  Station,  Hopedale 

Moravian  Mission  Station,  Okak 

Moravian  Mission  Station,  Hebron 

Iceberg       .... 

Moravian  Mission  Station,  Killinek 

A  Large  Bekg  near  Indian  Harbour 

Indian  Harbour  .... 








Venison  Tickle    . 

A  Haul  of  Codfish 

River  St.  Lawrence,  1829 

Dr.  Wilfred  Grenfkll,  C.M.G. 

Dr.  Grenfell  and  Secretary  trying 

Dr.  Grenfell  and  Patients  on  Deci 

Battle  Harbour  Hospital 

SS.  "Strathcona"  at  Work    . 

"Petb"  Lindsay  . 

Red  Bay  Co-operative   . 

A  Group  of  Orphan  Children 


Lapps  Milking  Deer 

A  P'isHiNG  Dispute 
OF  " Strathcona ' 









THE  story  of  the  Norse  voyages  to  the  American 
continent  has  received  the  alternate  support  and 
ridicule  of  students.  The  first  ardent  believer  in  the 
legend  was  Rafin,  who  published  his  monumental  work, 
Antiqiiates  Anieidcance  in  1837.  He  was  followed  by  a 
number  of  writers,  who,  by  trying  to  prove  too  much, 
brought  the  whole  story  into  contempt.  Governor 
Benedict  Arnold's  windmill  was  transformed  by  their 
imagination  into  a  Norse  tower,  and  the  Indian  picture- 
writing  found  at  Dighton,  Mass.,  into  a  runic  in- 

Bancroft  in  his  History  of  the  United  States,  and 
Justin  Winsor  in  his  History  of  America,  concur  in  the 
opinion  that  the  Norse  voyages  were  mere  fables  upon 
which  no  reliance  could  be  placed. 

But  lately,  as  a  result  of  continual  research,  the 
pendulum  of  belief  has  swung  strongly  to  the  affirma- 



tive,  and  a  perusal  of  the  latest  and  most  learned  work 
on  the  subject,  The  Discoveries  of  the  Norsemen  in 
America,  by  Professor  Joseph  Fischer,  1903,  must 
convince  the  most  sceptical  that  the  Norsemen  did 
visit  Labrador,  Newfoundland,  and  perhaps  some  more 
southern  coasts. 

In  order  to  appreciate  fully  these  Norse  legends  it  is 
necessary  to  relate,  as  briefly  as  possible,  the  history  of 
the  early  settlement  of  Greenland,  from  which  place 
the  voyagers  to  America  set  forth. 

About  the  year  986,  Eric  the  Red,  a  prominent  man 
in  the  Norse  colony  of  Iceland,  was  banished  for  having 
slain  in  a  feud  the  two  sons  of  a  powerful  karl. 

It  had  been  previously  reported  that  land  had  been 
seen  far  to  the  west  of  Iceland,  so  he  sailed  away  in 
search  of  it,  and  discovered  Greenland.  There  he 
decided  to  settle,  and  called  the  place  Greenland, 
because  he  said  "men  would  be  the  more  readily 
persuaded  there  if  the  land  had  a  good  name." 
Whether  it  was  a  result  of  this  judicious  choice  of  a 
name  or  not,  two  considerable  colonies  arose,  one  called 
the  eastern  and  the  other  the  western  settlement,  both, 
however,  being  on  the  west  side  of  Greenland.  It  has 
been  estimated,  from  the  ruins  which  are  still  extant 
and  from  the  authentic  histories  which  remain,  that 
probably  they  contained  about  five  thousand  inhabi- 
tants in  their  most  flourishing  days. 

Christianity  was  introduced  about  the  year  1000,  and 
the  first  bishop  recorded  to  have  visited  there  was  Eric 
in  the  year  1 121.  Of  him  the  Amiales  Regii  of  Iceland 
makes  the  following  brief  mention  :  "  A.D.  1 121,  Bishop 
Eric  of  Greenland  went  in  search  of  Vinland." 

Apparently  he  never  returned,  for  the  colonists  soon 
after  petitioned  to  have  a  bishop  appointed  who  should 


reside  in  the  colony;  and  accordingly  in  the  year  1125 
a  Bishop's  See  was  created  at  Gardar,  the  first  occupant 
being  Bishop  Arnold.  In  the  three  hundred  years 
which  elapsed  before  the  abandonment  of  the  colony, 
the  names  are  recorded  of  no  less  than  seventeen 
bishops,  many  of  whom  visited  Rome,  notably  Jon, 
about  the  year  1204,  and  John  Ericson  Scalle  in  1356, 
and  again  in  1369. 

The  colony  was  a  dependency  of  the  Crown  of 
Norway,  and  supported  itself  by  cattle  breeding,  seal 
hunting,  and  fishing.  It  is  even  said  that  they  were 
able  to  export  considerable  quantities  of  cattle,  butter, 
and  cheese,  and  that  they  contributed  a  handsome  sum 
annually  to  Peter's  Pence. 

A  sturdy  and  independent  existence  was  maintained 
until  about  the  middle  of  the  fourteenth  century,  when 
evil  days  fell  upon  them.  The  Pestilence,  known  as 
the  Black  Death,  reached  even  to  these  remote  regions 
and  greatly  reduced  the  population.  About  the  same 
time  also  the  savage  Eskimos  first  made  their  appear- 
ance from  northern  Greenland  and  persistently  attacked 

As  there  was  no  vi^ood  for  ship  building,  the  Green- 
landers  had  become  more  and  more  dependent  upon 
the  parent  land  of  Norway  for  their  communication 
with  the  rest  of  the  world.  Norway  was  also  full 
of  trouble.  Pestilence,  and  wars  foreign  and  civil, 
occupied  its  attention,  and  the  distant  colony  was 
more  and  more  neglected  and  finally  abandoned  to 
its  fate. 

It  is  not  known  when  or  how  the  final  tragedy 
occurred.  The  last  ship  to  go  to  Greenland  was  the 
Knor  in  1406,  which  returned  in  141  o.  There 
seems,   however,   to    have   been    later   news,  for  in    a 


letter  written  by  Pope  Nicholas  V,  in  1448,  we  read  : 
"  It  is  not  difficult  to  understand  how  our  mind  was 
filled  with  bitterness  by  the  tearful  lamentations  which 
reached  our  ears  from  our  beloved  children  the  natives 
and  other  inhabitants  of  Greenland,"  but  no  indication 
is  given  of  how  the  news  came.  Again,  Pope 
Alexander  VI,  in  the  early  days  of  his  pontificate, 
1492- 1 503,  wrote:  "  We  have  learned  that  no  vessel  has 
touched  there  during  the  past  eighty  years."  He  ap- 
pointed one,  Matthias,  to  be  Bishop  of  Gardar,  but 
history  does  not  state  whether  he  ever  reached  his 
episcopate.  In  the  early  part  of  the  sixteenth  century 
an  attempt  was  made  by  the  Archbishop  of  Drontheim 
to  search  for  the  lost  colony,  and  in  1579,  Frederick 
II  of  Norway  sent  out  an  expedition  for  that  purpose, 
but  it  did  not  succeed  in  reaching  the  island.  The  first 
European  to  visit  Greenland  after  this  hiatus  in  its 
history  was  John  Davis  in  1585,  but  there  was  then  no 
trace  of  the  previous  settlers. 

History  has  few  more  tragic  stories  than  that  of  the 
abandoned  Christian  colony  in  Greenland.  One  can 
picture  the  sufferings  which  must  have  been  endured, 
the  hope  of  succour  continually  deferred,  and  the  despair 
of  the  last  survivors. 

Crantz,  the  historian  of  Greenland,  thinks  that  the 
last  of  the  Norse  colonists  were  probably  absorbed  by 
the  Eskimos,  as  some  words  of  their  language  seem 
to  have  a  Norse  origin,  especially  the  word  "  Kona," 
woman — a  significant  fact.  The  Eskimo  themselves, 
however,  have  a  clear  tradition  of  having  completely 
exterminated  the  hated  Kablunaet  (foreigners,  sons  of 

It  is  easy  to  understand  how  the  deeds  of  the  Green- 
landers  in  their  early  days  and  the  memory  of  their 


discoveries  would  have  gradually  faded  into  oblivion. 
But  the  records  remained. 

The  story  of  the  Norse  voyages  to  America  is  de- 
rived from  the  following  sources  :  Adam  of  Bremen, 
who  wrote  in  the  year  1067;  Ari,  the  historian  of 
Iceland,  1067-1148  ;  a  twelfth-century  geographer,  sup- 
posed to  be  Abbot  Nicholas  of  Thingyre,  who  died  in 
the  year  1159  ;  and  many  Icelandic  sagas,  the  principal 
of  which  are  the  saga  of  Eric  the  Red,  written  between 
the  years  1310-20,  and  the  saga  known  as  the  Flatey 
Book,  about  the  year  1380. 

Adam  of  Bremen,  a  learned  German  monk,  was 
appointed  canon  of  the  cathedral  of  that  city  about 
the  year  1067.  He  became  greatly  interested  in  the 
work  of  the  Church  in  the  northern  countries,  and  was 
at  much  pains  to  write  its  history.  His  book  is  called 
A  History  of  the  Deeds  of  the  Bishops  of  Hamburg,  the 
fourth  part  of  which  is  entitled  A  Description  of  the 
Islands  of  the  North.  In  order  to  obtain  particulars 
of  these  northern  countries,  Adam  made  a  visit  to 
King  Sven  of  Denmark,  "  in  whose  head  was  graven 
as  on  a  tablet  the  whole  history  of  the  barbarians " 
(that  is  to  say,  the  Norsemen).  As  there  was  con- 
tinual communication  between  Greenland,  Iceland,  and 
Denmark,  it  is  quite  possible  that  King  Sven  may  have 
obtained  his  information  from  one  of  the  voyagers 

Adam  says :  "  Moreover,  he  (King  Sven)  speaks  of 
an  island  in  that  ocean,  discovered  by  many,  which  is 
called  Vinland,  for  the  reason  that  vines  grow  there 
which  yield  the  best  of  wine.  Moreover,  that  grain 
unsown  grows  there  abundantly  is  not  a  fabulous  fancy, 
but,  from  the  accounts  of  the  Danes,  we  know  to  be  a 


Unfortunately  Adam  caused  a  doubt  to  be  cast  on 
the  truth  of  the  whole  story  by  the  following  addition  : 
"  Beyond  this  island  there  is  said  to  be  no  habitable 
land  in  that  ocean,  but  all  those  regions  beyond  are 
filled  with  unsupportable  ice  and  boundless  gloom." 
He  also  thought  Greenland  was  so  called  from  the 
colour  of  the  skin  of  the  inhabitants.  In  spite  of  its 
incongruities,  Adam's  history  is  particularly  valuable, 
being  the  first  written  mention  of  Vinland,  derived  from 
contemporary  sources  and  entirely  independent  of  the 
Icelandic  sagas. 

Ari  the  Wise,  "  the  earliest  and  most  trustworthy  of 
all  the  Icelandic  historians,"  gives  a  detailed  account  of 
the  settlement  of  Greenland.  He  is  careful  to  give  his 
authority,  and  tells  how  he  obtained  the  story  from  an 
uncle  who  in  turn  received  it  from  a  companion  of 
Eric  the  Red.  Ari  does  not  relate  the  story  of  the 
discovery  of  Vinland,  but  speaks  of  it  as  a  country 
which   was   well  known  to  all. 

The  MS.  geography  of  the  twelfth  century  is  valuable 
corroborative  evidence  of  that  period.  It  simply  states  : 
"  Helluland  lies  to  the  South  of  Greenland,  then  comes 
Markland,  and  a  little  way  on  Vinland  the  Good,  which 
is  said  to  be  joined  to  Africa,"  with  some  particulars  of 
the  discovery  of  the  latter  by  Leif  the  Lucky. 

The  above  references  are  very  slight,  but  they  show  a 
continual  tradition  and  are  independent  one  of  the 
other,  and,  added  to  the  testimony  of  the  sagas,  remove 
the  story  of  the  Norse  voyages  to  America  from  the 
realms  of  romance  to  that  of  settled  history. 

The  value  of  the  Icelandic  sagas  as  history  has  been 
very  much  debated.  They  are  the  written  form  of 
traditions  which  had  been  handed  down  from  father  to 
son  through  generations,  and  are  a  curious  compound 


of  myth,  history,  and  genealogical  details  of  the  families 
whose  deeds  are  recorded. 

The  accounts  of  the  voyages  to  Vinland  differ  con- 
siderably in  each  saga,  but  all  agree  in  the  main 
features.  The  saga  of  Eric  the  Red  is  generally  con- 
sidered more  authentic  than  that  of  the  Flat  Island 
book,  and  from  it  the  following  short  narrative  is  chiefly 

About  the  year  999,  Leif  the  Lucky,  son  of  Eric  the 
Red,  the  discoverer  of  Greenland,  went  to  Norway, 
where  he  was  converted  to  Christianity.  The  following 
year  he  set  out  with  the  intention  of  returning  to 
Greenland,  charged  by  Olaf,  King  of  Norway,  with  the 
mission  of  introducing  Christianity  into  that  distant 
island.  He  was  driven  out  of  his  course  by  storms  and 
came  to  a  land  where  vines  and  corn  grew  wild.  Mak- 
ing his  way  from  thence  in  a  north-easterly  direction,  he 
finally  arrived  at  Greenland.  His  story  naturally 
aroused  great  interest,  and  the  next  spring  his  brother 
Thorstein  set  out  to  explore  the  newly-found  country. 
But  "  they  were  long  tossed  about  upon  the  ocean  and 
could  not  lay  the  course  they  wished.  They  came  in 
sight  of  Iceland,  and  likewise  saw  birds  from  the  Irish 
coast."  They  finally  got  back  to  Greenland  worn  out 
by  toil  and  exposure. 

Thorstein  died  the  following  winter,  under  circum- 
stances full  of  miraculous  detail,  and  his  widow 
Gudrid,  who  plays  a  prominent  part  in  the  Vinland 
voyages,  married  Thorfinn  Karlsefni,  an  Icelandic 
trader  of  considerable  means  and  of  well-known  lineage. 

Vinland  continued  to  be  much  talked  about,  and 
Karlsefni,  urged  by  his  wife  and  new  relations,  at 
length  determined  on  a  voyage  of  exploration.  He 
started    out    from    the   western    settlement   with    two 


ships  and  i6o  men,  commanding  one  ship  himself  and 
his  friend  Bjorne  the  other.  His  wife  Gudrid  also 
accompanied  him. 

They  bore  away  to  the  southward,  and  after  several 
days  discovered  land.  "  They  launched  a  boat  and  ex- 
plored the  land,  and  found  there  large  flat  stones 
(hellur),  and  many  of  these  were  twelve  ells  wide. 
There  v/ere  many  Arctic  foxes.  They  gave  a  name 
to  the  country  and  called  it  Helluland  "  (the  land  of  flat 

Another  account  is  as  follows  :  "  They  sailed  up  to 
the  land  and  cast  anchor,  and  launched  a  boat  and 
went  ashore  and  saw  no  grass  there ;  great  ice  moun- 
tains lay  inland  back  from  the  sea,  and  it  was  as  a  flat 
rock  all  the  way  from  the  sea  to  the  mountains,  and  the 
country  seemed  to  them  entirely  void  of  any  good 

They  set  sail  again  with  a  northerly  wind,  and  after 
two  days  came  to  a  land,  "  and  upon  it  was  a  great 
wood  and  many  wild  beasts,  and  the  land  where  the 
wood  was  they  called  Markland"  (forest-land).  Setting 
forth  once  more,  "  they  sailed  by  a  bleak  coast  having 
long  and  sandy  shores,  and  they  called  the  strands 
Wonderstrands,  because  they  were  so  long  to  sail  by." 
Finally  they  reached  Vinland,  where  they  spent  several 
winters.  Karlsefni  had  intended  to  make  a  permanent 
settlement  in  the  newly  discovered  country  which 
possessed  so  many  advantages  over  Greenland,  but  a 
change  in  his  plans  was  caused  by  the  appearance  of 
the  natives,  whom  they  called  Skraelings.  The  low 
stature  and  facial  characteristics  of  this  race,  and  their 
skin  canoes,  each  holding  one  man,  prove  beyond 
reasonable  doubt  that  they  were  Eskimos,  a  race 
which   the  Norsemen   had   not   at   that   time   met   in 


Greenland,  and  who  were  not  known  there  until  after 
the  time  the  saga  of  Eric  the  Red  was  written.  The 
attacks  made  upon  the  Norsemen  by  this  savage  people 
caused  Karlsefni  to  abandon  his  enterprise,  and  he 
returned  to  Greenland  in  1006,  with  his  wife  Gudrid 
and  their  son  Snorri,  who  had  been  born  during  the 
stay  in  Vinland. 

It  is  not  necessary  for  the  purposes  of  this  history 
to  enter  upon  any  discussion  as  to  the  location  of 
Vinland,  but  the  resemblance  of  "  Helluland "  and 
"  Markland "  to  Labrador  and  Newfoundland  is  too 
exact  in  its  general  character  to  leave  any  doubt  upon 
the  mind  that  they  at  least  were  visited  by  the 

It  is  naturally  impossible  to  offer  anything  more 
than  a  surmise  as  to  the  actual  places  visited.  Almost 
any  part  of  the  coast  of  Newfoundland  answers  to  the 
description  of  Markland,  but  it  seems  particularly 
applicable  to  Notre  Dame  Bay.  Lying  open  to  the 
north-east,  it  would  be  the  probable  landfall  of  vessels 
coasting  from  that  direction.  There  are  numbers  of 
islands  in  the  bay  clothed  with  woods  to  the  water's 
edge,  a  circumstance  which  caused  Corte  Real  to  call 
it  Terre  Verde,  has  earned  for  it  the  sub-title  of 
"  Green  Bay,"  and  very  likely  suggested  the  appropriate 
name  "  Markland  "  to  the  Norsemen. 

Several  of  the  physical  features  noted  in  the  Norse 
tales  are  to  be  found  in  Labrador,  Wonderstrands 
would  appear  to  have  been  met  with  to  the  south  of 
Markland,  but  the  sagas  differ  somewhat  on  this  point, 
and  it  is  possible  that  the  long  stretch  of  sandy  coast 
on  the  Labrador  known  as  Porcupine  Strand  may  have 
been  the  place  visited. 

Dr.  Packard,  in  his  Labrador,  thus  describes  it :  "  The 


exceptional  area  observed  lies  between  Sandwich  Bay 
and  Hamilton  Inlet,  Cape  Porcupine  being  the  centre. 
It  is  protected  from  the  northern  swell  of  the  ocean  by- 
Indian  Harbor,  islands  and  promontory.  Here  large 
deposits  of  sand  are  seen  covering  many  square  miles 
in  area."  This  stretch  of  coast  is  nearly  fifty  miles 
long.  The  shores  of  Sandwich  Bay  are  also  sandy  and 
the  water  is  very  shallow.  Several  good  sized  rivers 
empty  into  it,  which  are  famous  for  salmon. 

Another  explanation  of  "  Wonderstrand "  may  be 
found  in  the  "  Report  of  an  Official  Visit  to  the  Coast  of 
Labrador"  by  His  Excellency  Sir  Wm.  MacGregor, 
Governor  of  Newfoundland, in  August,  1905.  He  says: 
"  On  looking  at  the  coast  of  Labrador  from  some 
distance  at  sea  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Chateau  Bay, 
one  would  think  from  the  long  greyish  white  line  of  the 
beach  that  there  was  a  fine  sandy  shore  all  along  it. 
But  this  appearance  is  produced  only  by  the  sea-washed 
foot  of  the  worn  rounded  eozoic  cliffs  and  rocks  that 
on  this  coast  present  to  the  ocean  a  solid  wall  of  stone, 
a  continuous  and  enduring  breakwater  of  bare  rock, 
which  in  its  sinuous  course  is  thousands  of  miles  long." 

It  has  been  seen  that  Helluland  was  thus  named 
either  from  the  quantity  of  "  broad  flat  stones "  or 
because  of  the  flat  table-land  which  lay  between  the 
shore  and  the  mountains,  both  of  which  are  character- 
istic of  Labrador, 

The  following  description  is  taken  from  Dr.  Packard's 
Labrador,  and  is  accompanied  by  the  striking  photograph 
here  produced : — 

"  The  adjoining  illustration  brings  out  clearly  some 
of  the  characteristic  features  of  the  scenery  of  the 
coast  of  Labrador.  In  the  foreground  the  rocky  shore 
of  the  Horsechops,  as  the  deep   fiord  is  called  which 


is  situated  far  up  on  the  eastern  coast  of  Labrador, 
has  been  ground  down,  smoothed  and  polished  by  the 
great  mass  of  land  ice  which  formerly  filled  Hamilton 
Bay,  Across  the  fiord,  the  shores  of  the  bay  rise 
abruptly  in  great  rocky  terraces — also  a  characteristic 
feature  of  Labrador." 

It  would  be  hard  to  imagine  a  locality  more  likely 
to  give  rise  to  the  name  of  "  Helluland  "  than  that  here 
depicted  ;  but  curiously  enough,  Dr.  Packard,  who  is 
quite  convinced  that  Helluland  is  Labrador,  does  not 
seem  to  have  noticed  how  appropriately  his  description 
and  photograph  illustrate  the  name  given  to  the  country 
by  the  Norsemen. 

Horsechops,  here  mentioned,  is  at  the  southern 
terminus  of  the  sandy  stretch  of  coast  already  referred 
to,  known  as  Porcupine  Strand.  We  have  thus  close 
together  two  of  the  most  important  physical  features 
recorded  by  the  Norsemen. 

Helluland  seemed  to  these  early  discoverers  "  to  be 
entirely  devoid  of  good  qualities  " — an  opinion  which 
found  an  echo  five  hundred  years  later  when  it  was 
visited  by  Europeans.  On  the  Spanish  map  drawn  by 
Ribero  in  1529,  to  delineate  the  respective  portions  of 
Spain  and  Portugal  in  the  New  World,  we  read  : — 

"  Labrador  was  discovered  by  the  English ;  there  is 
nothing  in  it  of  any  value." 

Wherever  else  they  went,  we  feel  sure  that  the  Norse- 
men undoubtedly  visited  Labrador. 

While  studying  the  annual  reports  of  the  Moravian 
Brethren,  which  have  been  published  regularly  since 
the  founding  of  their  mission  on  the  Labrador,  I  found 
references  to  remains  of  houses  on  the  islands  border- 
ing the  coast  about  Nain.     It  was  stated  that  these 


houses  had  been  built  of  stone  not  after  the  fashion  of  the 
Eskimos.    Brother  Lundberg  writes  in  183 1  as  follows: — 

"  The  fact  of  the  Greenlanders  having  once  inhabited 
Labrador  appears  to  be  proved  by  the  occasional  dis- 
covery of  the  ruins  of  Greenland  houses  upon  the 
islands  which  stretch  along  our  coast.  In  the  construc- 
tion of  these  houses  stone  has  been  used,  which  is 
contrary  to  the  Eskimo  mode  of  building." 

The  writer  concluded  from  this  that  the  Greenland 
Eskimos  at  one  time  inhabited  Labrador,  evidently  not 
being  aware  that  the  Eskimos  migrated  from  Labrador 
to  Greenland,  not  from  Greenland  to  Labrador.  The 
Brethren,  Kohlmeister  and  Kmock,  who  travelled  from 
Okak  to  Ungava  Bay  in  the  year  181 1,  record  finding 
ruins  of  Greenland  houses  on  Amitok  Island,  lat.  59°  30". 
They  say : — 

"  The  Eskimos  have  a  tradition  that  the  Greenlanders 
came  originally  from  Canada  and  settled  on  the  out- 
most islands  of  this  coast,  but  never  penetrated  into 
the  country  before  they  were  driven  eastward  to  Green- 
land. This  report  gains  some  credit  from  the  state  in 
which  the  above-mentioned  ruins  are  found.  They 
consist  of  remains  of  walls  and  graves,  with  a  low 
stone  enclosure  round  the  tomb,  covered  with  a  slab  of 
the  same  material.  They  have  been  discovered  on 
islands  near  Nain,  and  though  sparingly,  all  along  the 
eastern  coast,  but  we  saw  none  in  Ungava  Bay." 

Dr.  Rink,  in  his  Tales  and  Traditions  of  the  Eskimos, 
gives  the  following  interesting  tradition  as  told  by  one 
of  them  : — 

"  Our  ancestors  and  the  tunneks  or  tunnit  (in  Green- 
landish  tornit,  plural  of  tunek)  in  days  of  yore  lived 


together ;  but  the  tunneks  fled  from  fear  of  our  people, 
who  used  to  drill  holes  in  their  foreheads  while  yet 
alive.  With  this  view  they  moved  from  here  to  the 
north,  crossing  over  to  Killinek  (Cape  Chidley). 
While  dwelling  among  us  they  had  sealskins  with  the 
blubber  attached  for  bed  robes.  Their  clothes  were 
made  in  the  same  way.  Their  weapons  were  formed  of 
slate  and  hornstone,  and  their  drills  of  crystal.  They 
were  strong  and  formidable,  especially  one  of  them, 
called  by  the  name  of  Jauranat,  from  which  is  formed 
javianarpok  (Greenlandish,  navianarpok).  Huge  blocks 
of  stone  are  still  to  be  seen  which  they  were  able  to 
move.  Some  ruins  of  their  houses  are  also  to  be  found 
here  and  there  in  our  country,  chiefly  upon  the  islands, 
having  been  built  of  stones,  and  differing  from  the 
abodes  of  our  people.  One  of  our  ancestors  when 
kayaking  had  a  tunnek  for  his  companion,  who  had  a 
bird  spear,  the  points  of  which  were  made  of  walrus- 

Dr.  Rink  comments  upon  this  tradition  as  follows : — 

"  This  tradition  is  compiled  from  several  manuscripts 
in  German  from  the  missionaries  in  Labrador,  in  which 
the  alien  nation,  expelled  by  the  present  inhabitants,  are 
called  partly  'Die  Tunnit,'  and  partly 'Die  Gronlaender.' 
Very  probably  these  denominations  have  arisen  from  a 
misunderstanding,  induced  by  enquiries  put  to  the 
natives  as  to  their  knowing  anything  about  the  Green- 
landers.  The  tunnit  are  certainly  almost  identical  with 
the  tornit  or  inlanders  of  the  Greenland  tales.  The 
Eskimo  of  Cumberland  Inlet  speak  about  the  '  tunud- 
lermiut,'  which  signifies  people  living  in  the  inland. 
The  present  Indians  of  Labrador  are  called  by  the 
Eskimo  of  the  same  country  '  aullak,'  but  it  is  possible 


they  distinguish  between  these  and  the  traditional  or 
fabulous  inlanders.  However,  the  most  striking  incon- 
gruity is  that  of  the  tunnit  having  had  their  abodes  on 
the  islands,  which  looks  as  if  ancient  settlers  of  Euro- 
pean race  are  hinted  at.  Be  this  as  it  may,  the 
tradition  of  the  Labradoreans  should  be  more  closely 

In  order  to  find  out  as  much  as  possible  about 
this  matter,  the  historical  importance  of  which  will 
be  at  once  realized,  I  wrote  to  Bishop  Martin,  the 
present  head  of  the  Moravian  Missions  on  Labrador, 
asking  if  he  could  supply  any  further  particulars 
about  these  ruins,  and  received  the  following  inter- 
esting reply :  "  Several  times  I  have  heard  about  ruins 
of  old  dwelling  places  upon  some  islands  along  our 
coast,  but  have  never  yet  seen  one  of  them.  Whether 
these  ruins  are  really  the  ruins  of  old  Greenland  houses, 
as  is  stated  in  the  report  of  Brother  Lundberg,  or  not, 
will  be  difficult  to  decide.  Once  I  showed  Baron  Nor- 
denskiold's  book  on  Greenland  to  our  Eskimo.  When  they 
saw  the  pictures  of  the  old  Norse  houses  there,  they 
told  me  at  once  that  some  ruins  on  the  islands  here  are 
very  much  the  same  as  those  given  in  that  book.  Since 
that  time  I  have  often  thought  that  the  Labrador  ruins 
might  be  the  ruins  of  old  Norse  houses  also.  That 
would  not  be  unimaginable,  for  the  old  Norsemen  are 
said  to  have  travelled  south  to  Weinland." 

A  subject  for  investigation  is  here  opened  up  which 
will  hardly  be  exceeded  in  interest  by  any  other  anthro- 
pological problem  to  be  found  in  America, 

The  Eskimos  in  Greenland  and  other  places  in  the 
far  north  build  their  houses  largely  with  stones,  but  if 
the  evidence  of  the  Moravian  Brethren  is  of  value,  these 
ruins  are  not  like  the  stone  huts  of  the  Greenlanders. 


In  addition  to  the  fact  that  the  Eskimos  disclaim  their 
authorship,  the  description  of  these  old  burial  places, 
"  with  a  low  stone  enclosure  round  the  tomb  "  (evidently 
to  protect  the  dead  from  prowling  beasts),  would  be 
ample  evidence  that  they  are  not  Eskimos,  for  it  was 
not  the  custom  of  this  race  to  show  any  respect  for  the 
dead,  and  their  mode  of  burial  was  hardly  worthy  of 
the  name. 

What  then  was  this  vanished  race,  and  is  it  possible 
that  these  ruins  are  of  Norse  origin  ? 

In  that  most  interesting  book  just  published.  The 
North-  West  Passage,  by  Captain  Roald  Amundsen, 
relating  the  final  accomplishment  of  this  voyage  by  the 
little  Gjoa,  there  is  a  description  of  stone  ruins  at  Boothia 
Felix,  near  the  Magnetic  Pole,  about  which  the  Eskimos 
of  the  region  have  a  similar  tradition  to  that  current  on 
Labrador.  If  the  ruins  are  identical  in  these  two  far 
separated  localities,^  it  is  evident  that  they  cannot  be 
ascribed  to  the  Norsemen.  For  however  high  an 
opinion  one  may  have  of  these  hardy  adventurers,  one 
cannot  attribute  to  them  the  power  to  navigate  the 
Arctic  seas  so  far  to  the  westward  as  Boothia  Felix. 

Yet  it  is  a  remarkable  coincidence  to  find  a  tradition 
among  the  Labrador  Eskimos  confirming  so  extra- 
ordinarily the  story  of  the  Norse  voyagers. 

The  traditions  of  the  Greenland  Eskimos,  relating 
to  the  Norsemen,  date  from  the  early  part  of  the 
fifteenth  century  only,  yet  are  very  fragmentary  and 
mingled  with  fabulous  details.  Any  memories  of  the 
Norsemen  lingering  among  the  Labrador  Eskimos 
probably  date  from  the  eleventh  or  twelfth  centuries, 

^  Upon  my  request  for  further  information  about  these  ruins,  Capt. 
Amundsen  has  very  kindly  written  to  say  that  no  photographs  or  drawings 
were  made  of  them,  and  that  they  were  mere  gravel  pits. 


and  it  can  hardly  be  expected  therefore  that  anything 
more  that  the  bare  outline  of  the  story  would  remain 
after  such  a  lapse  of  time. 

Such  as  it  is,  the  tradition  clearly  points  to  the  fact 
that  a  foreign  race,  of  powerful  physique,  having  cus- 
toms and  weapons  different  from  those  of  the  Eskimos, 
at  one  time  lived  upon  the  Labrador,  the  ruins  of  whose 
houses  still  remain ;  that  they  were  attacked  by  the 
Eskimos  and  driven  away  northward. 

It  is  hard  to  imagine  why  the  Norsemen  should  have 
left  Greenland  to  settle  on  Labrador,  They  did  not 
depend  for  their  livelihood  on  fishing  or  seal  hunting, 
but  occupied  themselves  principally  in  cattle  raising. 
Also  the  Greenland  waters  abounded  in  seals  and  fish 
almost  to  as  great  an  extent  as  did  those  of  Labrador, 

But  it  may  well  be  that  the  same  adventurous 
spirit  which  carried  them  across  the  northern  ocean 
to  Iceland  and  Greenland  impelled  them  farther  to 
Labrador,  and  would  have  found  them  permanently 
occupying  the  American  seaboard  had  they  not  en- 
countered the  savage  hordes  of  Eskimos  and  been  forced 
to  retreat. 

The  question  of  the  locality  of  Vinland  seems  to 
depend  largely  upon  the  identity  of  the  Skraelings,  In 
order  to  support  the  theory  which  has  been  advanced 
in  favour  of  Maine  and  other  southern  situations,  it 
has  been  argued  that  in  the  term  Skraelings  were 
included  the  Beothuks  of  Newfoundland  and  other 
southern  Indian  tribes,  as  well  as  the  Eskimos.  But 
it  seems  to  me  that  every  attribute  of  the  savages  en- 
countered by  the  Norsemen  is  characteristic  of  the 
Eskimos  only.  Several  have  been  already  referred  to, 
but  the  following  point  of  resemblance  has  not  to  my 
knowledge  been  noted  hitherto. 


The  first  encounter  of  the  Norsemen  with  the  Skral- 
ings  is  thus  described  in  the  saga  of  Eric  the  Red  : — 
"  They  saw  a  great  number  of  skin  canoes,  and  staves 
were  brandished  from  their  boats  with  a  noise  Hke 
flails,  and  they  were  revolved  in  the  same  direction  in 
which  the  sun  moves." 

Farther  on  it  says  : — 

"  A  great  multitude  of  Skraeling  boats  were  dis- 
covered approaching  from  the  south,  and  all  their  staves 
were  waved  in  a  direction  contrary  to  the  course  of 
the  sun." 

It  is  evident  that  this  is  an  attempt  to  describe  the 
motion  of  the  double-bladed  paddle  used  by  the 
Eskimos ;  and  it  will  be  seen  that  an  Eskimo,  sitting 
in  his  kajak,  facing  the  direction  towards  which  he 
is  paddling,  when  going  east  or  north,  will  appear  to 
wave  his  paddle  contrary  to  the  motion  of  the  sun  in 
the  heavens,  but  with  it  when  travelling  west  or  south. 
In  the  first  instance,  therefore,  they  made  their  appear- 
ance from  the  north,  and  in  the  second  instance  from 
the  south.  The  action  of  an  Eskimo  paddling  is 
entirely  different  from  that  of  a  North  American  Indian, 
who  cannot  in  any  sense  be  said  to  wave  his  single- 
bladed  paddle  in  the  air. 

Some  writers,  finding  it  impossible  to  dissociate  the 
Skraelings  from  the  Eskimos,  have  suggested  that  at 
one  time  the  Eskimos  were  to  be  found  all  along  the 
American  seaboard.  This  theory  is  more  untenable 
than  the  other.  The  whole  Eskimo  economy  was  de- 
pendent upon  the  seal.  It  formed  not  only  their  chief 
food,  but  also  supplied  them  with  clothes,  boats,  tents, 
etc.,  and  we  can  be  absolutely  certain  that  the  habitat  of 
the  Eskimos  has  been  bounded  by  that  of  the  seal  for 


many  ages,  and  therefore  has  not  had  a  range  farther 
south  than  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence. 

Inasmuch  as  there  is  no  mention  of  the  Eskimos  in 
the  voyages  of  Jacques  Cartier,  and  other  early  navi- 
gators through  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  I  am  of 
opinion  that  they  did  not  frequent  that  locality  until 
the  latter  part  of  the  sixteenth  century,  and  that  it  was 
the  desire  to  obtain  European  goods,  boats,  and  iron 
implements  which  first  drew  them  so  far  south.  While  it 
is  impossible  to  associate  the  Skralings  with  a  southern 
country,  it  is  equally  impossible  to  harmonize  Labrador 
with  the  description  of  Vinland,  and  the  discussion  is 
therefore  brought  to  an  impasse. 

The  speculation  is  most  interesting,  but  one  can  only 
say  with  Dr.  Rink  that  it  is  deserving  of  further  in- 

Note. — Dr.  Grenfell  informs  me  that  he,  this  summer, 
visited  some  curious  erections  of  obvious  antiquity,  built 
of  flat  slabs  of  stone,  on  the  summit  of  lofty  cliffs.  He 
thought  they  were  look-out  places,  but  could  not  say  by 
whom  built.  It  adds  considerably  to  the  interest  in 
this  speculation  that  similar  look-out  places  are  to  be 
found  among  the  Norse  ruins  in  Greenland,  where  they 
are  thought  to  have  been  used  to  keep  watch  for  attacks 
from  the  Eskimos. 

THE   CABOTS.     1497 

EARLY  five  hundred  years  elapsed  after  the 
voyages  of  the  Norsemen  before  Labrador  was 
again  visited  by  Europeans.  But  the  memory  of  Green- 
land had  not  faded  away  entirely,  and  it  is  probable 
that  the  tradition  of  the  discovery  of  Helluland,  Mark- 
land,  and  Vinland  had  filtered  down  through  the  ages 
and  formed  in  part  the  basis  for  the  many  legends  of 
fabulous  islands  lying  far  out  in  the  Atlantic. 

From  the  early  part  of  the  fifteenth  century  Iceland 
had  been  visited  regularly  by  English  fishermen,^  prin- 
cipally from  the  east  coast,  but  also  from  Bristol,  so 
that  the  story  of  Greenland  and  other  distant  islands 
in  the  West  was  probably  quite  familiar  to  them. 

But  it  was  from  Italy  that  the  bold  spirits  were  to 
come  who  were  to  lead  the  Western  European  nations 
across  the  Atlantic.  The  first  to  propose  the  possi- 
bility   of    reaching    China    by   sailing    westward    was 

^  In  the  quaint  poem  entitled,  The  Englysh  Policy  to  Keep  the  Seas, 
written  in  1437,  the  Enghsh  trade  to  Iceland  is  thus  referred  to  : — 

"  Of  Iseland  to  write  is  little  nede 
Save  of  Stocke  Fish.     Yet  forsooth  in  deed 
Out  of  Bristowe  and  costes  many  one 
Men  have  practised  by  nedle  and  stone 
Thiderwardes  within  a  little  while 
Within  twelve  year,  and  without  perill 
Gon  and  come,  as  men  were  wont  of  old 
Of  Scarborough  unto  the  costes  cold." 



ToscanelH,  an  Italian  physician,  and  it  is  from  him  that 
Columbus  is  supposed  to  have  taken  his  inspiration. 
As  John  Cabot  was  living  in  Venice  at  the  same  period, 
it  is  probable  that  he  also  heard  the  theory  propounded. 
And  when  he  emigrated  to  Bristol  about  1490,  and 
learned  of  the  Iceland  voyages  continually  made  by 
English  seamen,  conceived  the  idea  of  himself  putting 
the  theory  to  the  test.  We  are  told  on  good  authority 
that  for  seven  years  prior  to  the  year  of  the  discovery, 
tentative  voyages  into  the  Western  Ocean  had  been 
made  by  Bristol  men  at  his  instigation.  The  success 
of  Columbus  no  doubt  impelled  him  to  more  deter- 
mined efforts,  and  in  1496  we  find  him  applying  to 
Henry  VII  for  Letters  Patent  authorizing  a  voyage 
of  discovery. 

No  journal  was  kept  of  these  momentous  voyages, 
and  no  historian  of  the  time  realized  the  importance 
of  the  events,  nor  how  hungrily  the  smallest  evidence 
would  be  sought  for  by  the  historians  of  later  days. 
Consequently,  we  have  but  the  most  fragmentary 
accounts  of  them,  drawn  principally  from  letters  of  the 
Ambassadors  of  European  sovereigns  at  the  court  of 
England,  a  few  entries  in  the  Customs  Roll  of  Bristol, 
the  copies  of  the  charters  issued  to  Cabot  and  his  sons, 
a  few  brief  references  in  contemporary  chronicles,  and 
a  legend  copied  from  a  map  since  lost.  No  certain 
history  can  be  compiled  from  such  data,  and  each 
student  forms  a  theory  for  himself,  according  as  he  is 
swayed  by  some  particular  piece  of  evidence  which 
seems  to  him  to  have  the  most  weight. 

Fortunately  the  most  important  facts  are  not  matters 
of  dispute.  The  following  is  an  attempt  to  state  them 
in  the  simplest  possible  form. 

John  Cabot  was  born  in  Genoa,  became  a  citizen  of 

THE   CABOTS.      1497  21 

Venice,  married  there,  and  emigrated  to  England,  taking 
up  his  residence  in  Bristol. 

The  first  English  document  which  has  been  found 
relating  to  him  is  the  Charter  granted  to  him  "  and  his 
sonnys,"  by  Henry  VII,  of  March  5th,  1496.  Prefixed 
to  the  Charter  is  the  following  quaint  petition: — 

"  To  the  Kyng  our  souvereigne  lord  : 

"  Please  it  your  highness  of  your  most  noble  and 
habundant  grace,  to  grant  unto  John  Cabotte,  Citizen 
of  Venes,  Lewes,  Sebastyan  and  Sancto,  his  sonnys, 
your  gracious  letters  patent  vnder  your  grate  seale  in 
due  forme  to  be  made,  according  to  the  tenour  here- 
after ensuying.  And  they  shall  during  their  lyves 
pray  to  God  for  the  prosperous  continuance  of  your 
most  noble  and  royall  astate  long  to  enduer." 

These  "gracious  letters  patentes"  permitted  them 
to  fit  out  an  expedition,  "  at  their  own  proper  costs 
and  charges,"  to  seek  out,  discover,  and  find  whatsoever 
islands,  countries,  etc.,  of  the  heathens  which  were 
unknown  to  all  Christians.  The  right  was  conceded 
to  them  to  fly  the  British  flag  over  any  places  they 
found,  and  to  occupy  "  any  such  places  that  they  were 
able  to  conquer  as  our  vassals  governors  lieutenants  or 
deputies."  For  this  privilege  the  said  John  and  his 
sons  were  bound  to  the  King  for  one-fifth  (Y5)  part 
of  all  the  proceeds. 

Fortified  with  this  precious  document,  John  Cabot 
left  Bristol,  probably  on  May  2nd,  1497,  in  a  little  ship 
called  the  Matthew  with  a  crew  of  eighteen  men. 
He  rounded  the  south  of  Ireland,  steered  a  northerly 
course  for  several  days,  and  then  struck  boldly  west- 
ward, "  with  the  Pole  Star  on  his  right  hand."  On  St. 
John   the   Baptist's   Day,   June   24th,   he   made   land. 


Early  in  August  he  arrived  back  at  Bristol,  and  on  the 
loth  the  King  gave  ;!^io  "  To  hym  that  found  the  New- 
Isle."  This  is  almost  all  that  can  be  said  about  this 
memorable  voyage  that  is  not  open  to  controversy. 

The  following  further  particulars  are  mainly  correct. 
The  country  discovered  was  seven  hundred  leagues 
from  England.  The  tides  were  slack  there,  and  the 
seas  were  full  of  fish,  the  value  of  which  was  immediately 
recognized.  "  And  the  said  Englishmen,  his  partners, 
say  that  they  can  bring  so  many  fish  that  this  kingdom 
will  not  have  any  more  business  v/ith  Iceland,  and  that 
from  that  country  there  will  be  a  very  great  trade  in 
the  fish  they  call  stock-fish."  A  prophecy  which  was 
fulfilled  in  both  particulars,  for  the  Iceland  trade  gradu- 
ally declined,  but  the  trade  in  "  stock-fish  from  the  new 
isle  "  goes  bravely  on  to-day. 

One  account  says  he  coasted  three  hundred  leagues, 
which  is  difficult  to  explain.  Then  he  named  an  island 
off  from  the  land,  the  Isle  of  St.  John,  which  has  worried 
commentators  enormously  ;  and  again,  he  is  said  to 
have  seen  two  islands  "  to  the  right "  on  his  way  back, 
which  has  been  quite  inexplicable  until  lately,  when  it 
is  said  that  the  Italian  letter  which  gives  this  informa- 
tion had  been  badly  translated,  and  the  expression 
used  means  simply  "  on  the  way  back,"  the  words  "  to 
the  right"  being  an  interpellation.  White  bears  and 
"  stagges  farre  larger  than  ours"  were  seen,  and  both 
have  caused  floods  of  controversy.  Sebastian  Cabot 
told  in  later  years  how  the  bears  caught  salmon  in  their 
claws,  and  was  probably  looked  upon  as  a  romancer 
even  in  those  days.  But  in  Cartwright's  Journal  of  a 
Residence  on  the  Labrador,  to  be  discussed  later  in 
this  history,  we  shall  find  the  same  incident  described 
with  full  detail. 

THE   CABOTS.      1497  23 

Cabot,  or  one  of  his  companions,  was  rash  enough  to 
say  that  "  they  thought  Bresil  wood  and  silke  grew 
there,"  but  had  they  known  how  this  bare  suspicion 
was  to  be  fought  over  and  made  the  groundwork  for 
the  wildest  theories,  they  would  doubtless  have  been 
more  cautious  in  expressing  their  opinions.  None  of 
the  natives  of  the  country  were  seen,  but  Cabot  found 
and  brought  to  the  King  snares  for  catching  game  and 
a  needle  for  making  nets,  which  have  also  become 
serious  controversial  points. 

Upon  his  return  to  Bristol  he  was  received  with  such 
adulation  that  he  was  completely  carried  off  his  feet. 
"  The  people  ran  after  him  like  mad,"  and  he  was  called 
"  the  great  Admiral."  He  looked  far  beyond  the  humble 
codfish,  which  took  the  fancy  of  his  English  companions, 
and  saw  visions  of  a  great  trade  with  Cipango  (Japan), 
"  where  all  the  spices  in  the  world  do  grow  and  where 
there  are  also  gems." 

Like  Sir  John  Falstaff,  "  He  dreamed  of  Africa  and 
golden  joys."  Soncino  wrote  to  the  Duke  of  Milan 
that :  "  He  gave  away  islands  and  promised  bishop- 
ricks  to  poor  friars,"  and  adds  with  evident  humour : 
"  And  I,  being  a  friend  of  the  Admiral,  if  I  wished  to 
go  could  have  an  Archbishoprick." 

The  next  year  Henry  VH  granted  new  letters  patent 
to  John  Cabot,  this  time  not  including  his  sons,  to  make 
another  expedition  "  to  the  lande  and  isles  of  late 
founde  by  the  said  John." 

Four  or  five  ships  were  fitted  out,  provisioned  for 
a  year,  and  "goodes  and  sleight  merchandize"  were 
adventured  in  them.  They  sailed  in  the  spring ;  one 
vessel  was  at  once  driven  on  the  coast  of  Ireland,  and  that 
is  all  which  can  be  said  for  certain  regarding  this  voyage 
from  which  Cabot  and  his  associates  expected  so  much. 


Only  two  indisputable  references  to  it  have  been 
found.  The  most  important  is  a  manuscript  in  the 
British  Museum  entitled  •*  Cronicon  regum  Angliae,  etc." 
There  the  fitting  out  of  the  expedition  is  described 
"  which  depted  from  the  West  Country  in  the  begynning 
of  Somer  but  to  the  psent  moneth  came  never  know- 
ledge of  their  exployt."  The  month  referred  to  is 
made  out  to  be  October.  The  other  is  a  despatch  of 
Pedro  Ayala,  the  Spanish  Ambassador,  dated  July  25th, 
1498,  which  reads :  "  News  has  been  received  of  the 
fleet  of  five  ships.  The  one  in  which  was  Brother  Buil 
put  into  Ireland  owing  to  a  great  storm  in  which  the 
ship  was  damaged." 

A  very  important  document  was  found  among  the 
papers  at  Westminster  Abbey  in  1897,  the  four 
hundredth  anniversary  of  Cabot's  memorable  voyage, 
and  was  appropriately  exhibited  for  the  first  time  at  the 
Cabot  Celebration  at  Bristol.  It  was  the  Customs  Roll 
of  the  Port  of  Bristol  for  the  years  1496-9.  In  it  is 
the  following  entry,  between  the  dates  September  25th, 
1498,  and  September  25th,  1499  :  "  In  tho  in  una  tall 
p  Johe  Calvot  XX  li,"  which,  being  interpreted,  means 
that  ;^2o  was  paid  for  one  tally  per  John  Cabot. 

This  is  considered  fair  presumptive  evidence  that  he 
did  return  from  his  last  voyage,  but  unfortunately  it  is 
not  conclusive.  It  will  be  noticed  that  the  payment 
was  made  for  one  tally,  but  by  a  Special  Warrant,  issued 
on  February  2nd,  1498,  three  tallies  were  granted  to 
John  Cabot  because  "we  be  informed  the  said  John 
Caboote  is  delayed  of  his  payment."  These  tallies  were 
practically  promissory  notes,  and  were  negotiable,  and 
therefore  the  payment  might  not  have  been  made  to 
John  Cabot  in  person. 

No  amount  of  industry  has  unearthed  any  further 

THE   CABOTS.      1497  25 

account  of  the  voyage  of  1498,  or  any  other  incident  of 
John  Cabot's  history.  Until  quite  lately  the  stories  told 
by  Sebastian  Cabot  of  a  voyage  to  the  far  north  were 
applied  to  the  voyage  of  1498,  but  some  recent  authori- 
ties consider  it  probable  that  they  refer  to  a  later  ex- 
pedition, probably  in  1 508. 

In  explanation  of  John  Cabot's  entire  disappearance 
from  history,  it  has  been  suggested  that  he  returned  a 
discredited  and  disappointed  man,  his  magnificent  visions 
dispelled,  and  his  friends  put  to  serious  losses  through 
their  trust  in  him.  Under  such  circumstances  it  can  be 
easily  seen  how  quickly  he  would  drop  out  of  memory. 
The  only  reference  to  the  death  of  John  Cabot  which 
has  been  found  is  in  one  of  the  reputed  utterances  of 
Sebastian  Cabot,  who  is  reported  as  saying  that  his 
father  died  about  the  time  of  the  discoveries  of  Colum- 
bus, which  is  too  obviously  untrue  even  for  Sebastian  to 
have  ventured  on. 

Even  the  fame  which  should  have  been  his  seems  to 
have  been  appropriated  by  Sebastian.  Richard  Eden 
and  Peter  Martyr  both  knew  Sebastian  Cabot  intimately, 
and  both  wrote  accounts  of  his  voyages,  but  John 
Cabot's  share  in  them  is  not  mentioned.  The  glory  of 
discovering  the  new  found  land  was  given  to  Sebastian 
only.  But  time  has  its  revenges,  and  for  this  unfilial 
act,  combined  with  a  tendency  to  boast,  Sebastian  has 
received  a  severe  castigation  at  the  hands  of  recent  his- 
torians, and  John  Cabot  is  now  firmly  settled  in  his 
rightful  place  as  the  first  European  to  set  foot  upon  the 
mainland  of  America.  That  is,  provided  he  made  his 
landfall  upon  some  part  of  the  Labrador,  as  some  think, 
or  that  Newfoundland  and  Cape  Breton  shall  be  con- 
sidered as  the  mainland,  if  either  of  those  islands  were 
the  first  to  receive  his  foot. 


No  attempt  can  be  made  here  to  give  all  the  particu- 
lars of  the  controversy  which  has  raged  over  the  prob- 
able landfall  of  Cabot,  but  in  order  that  some  apprecia- 
tion of  it  may  be  arrived  at  by  the  ordinary  reader,  the 
principal  controversial  points  are  recited. 

As  an  example  of  the  confusion  which  has  arisen  on 
this  point,  witness  the  contradictory  statements  for 
which  "  the  industrious  Hakluyt "  is  responsible.  The 
map  of  Emeric  Molyneux,  issued  with  the  1599  edition 
of  Divers'  Voyages,  states  regarding  Labrador :  "  This 
land  was  discovered  by  John  and  Sebastian  Cabot  for 
King  Henry  VII,  1497."  In  Hakluyt's  MS.,  1584,  in 
the  library  of  the  late  Sir  Thos.  Phillips,  he  says,  refer- 
ring to  Cabot's  "  owne  mappe  "  :  "  In  which  mappe  in 
the  chapiter  of  Newfoundland  there  in  Latin  is  put 
down — the  very  day  and  the  first  land  which  they  saw." 
But  when  the  so-called  Cabot  map  was  finally  found  it 
states  that  the  landfall  was  at  Cape  Breton  and  not  in 

It  is  also  clear  from  the  evidence  of  Sir  Humphrey 
Gilbert  and  Richard  Willes,  who  had  both  seen  Cabot's 
map,  that  it  differed  in  a  marked  degree  in  respect  to  the 
Arctic  regions  from  the  Sebastian  Cabot  map  of  1544, 
now  extant. 

The  greatest  authority  of  the  present  day  on  the 
voyages  of  the  Cabots  and  the  cartographical  evolution 
of  America  is  M.  Henri  Harrisse.  It  is  not  too  much 
to  say  that  he  has  spent  a  lifetime  in  the  study  of  these 
and  kindred  subjects,  his  many  publications  spreading 
over  a  period  of  more  than  forty  years.  Very  many 
important  facts  have  been  discovered  and  made  public 
by  him.  He  is  especially  harsh  in  his  judgment  of 
Sebastian  Cabot,  whose  character  he  sums  up  in  the 
expressive  words  ^' pienteur  fieffeT     In  his  latest  book 

THE   CABOTS.      1497  27 

on  the  subject,  Decouverte  de  Terre  Neiive,  Paris,  1900, 
M.  Harrisse  deals  exhaustively  with  the  early  voyages 
to  Newfoundland  and  the  neighbouring  countries,  critic- 
ally examines  all  the  early  maps,  and  gives  an  invaluable 
dated  nomenclature. 

Of  Cabot's  landfall  he  writes  as  follows :  "  The  un- 
biased critic  therefore  does  not  know,  has  no  means 
of  knowing,  and  probably  never  will  know,  exactly 
where  Cabot  landed  in  1497  and  1498." 

In  h\s  John  and  Sebastian  Cabot,  1882,  he  pronounced 
in  favour  of  a  Labrador  landfall.  In  his  Discovery  of 
America,  1892,  he  took  an  extreme  view,  and  thought 
the  landfall  of  1497  might  have  been  at  Cape  Chidley  ; 
and  in  his  John  Cabot,  1896,  he  thinks  the  south-eastern 
part  of  Labrador,  near  Sandwich  Bay,  the  favoured  spot. 

A  powerful  argument  against  the  Cape  Chidley  theory, 
and  one  that  the  writer  has  not  seen  advanced  hereto- 
fore, is  that  the  tides  are  very  strong  there,  rising  and 
falling  about  thirty-five  feet,  whereas  Cabot  reported  of 
the  country  he  had  discovered  that  the  "  tides  were  very 

The  principal  arguments  advanced  in  favour  of  a 
Labrador  landfall  are  as  follows  : — 

1.  That  the  course  taken  by  Cabot,  first  sailing 
northerly  for  some  days  after  rounding  the  south  of 
Ireland,  and  then  westerly  "  with  the  Pole  Star  on  the 
right  hand,"  would  naturally  take  him  to  Labrador. 

2.  Many  maps  of  the  early  sixteenth  century,  some 
of  them  drawn  under  the  superintendence  of  Sebastian 
Cabot,  state  that  the  Labrador  region  was  discovered 
by  the  English.^ 

^  Mr.  J.  P.  Howley,  Geological  Surveyor  of  Newfoundland,  has  always 
held  the  opinion  that  Cabot  first  landed  on  Labrador,  and  has  written 
several  able  articles  in  favour  of  it. 


The  following  seem  to  be  the  principal  arguments 
against  this  theory  : — 

1.  The  influence  of  the  Arctic  current  and  the  varia- 
tion of  the  compass  would  have  caused  Cabot  to  make 
a  much  more  southerly  course  than  he  intended. 
Elaborate  calculations  have  been  made  by  Sir  Clement 
Markham  and  Dr.  S.  E.  Dawson  as  to  the  variations 
of  the  compass  at  that  time,  and  they  arrive  at 
very  different  conclusions.  M.  Harisse  contends,  how- 
ever, that  there  are  no  data  available  now  for  such 

2.  No  mention  is  made  of  ice  having  been  met  on  the 
first  voyage,  and  it  is  unlikely  that  he  could  have 
reached  any  part  of  the  Labrador  coast  on  June  24th 
without  passing  great  quantities  of  it,  or  that  he  could 
have  failed  to  record  it  if  he  had  seen  it.  But  it  is  not 
impossible.  On  many  occasions  the  ships  of  the 
Moravian  Brethren  have  reached  the  coast  without 
passing  through  ice,  and  on  one  notable  occasion  made 
land  near  Nain,  June  24th,  1772. 

3.  It  has  been  argued  that  fish  do  not  strike  in  on  the 
Labrador  coast  as  early  as  June  24th  (equal  to  July  3rd, 
new  style).  Which  is  true  as  a  general  thing,  but 
occasionally  they  appear  much  earlier.  Lieut.  Chimmo 
reports  in  1867  that  fish  struck  in  at  Ice  Tickle,  about 
54°  N,,  on  June  loth,  before  any  vessel  had  arrived  on 
the  coast. 

4.  M.  Harrisse  thinks  the  La  Cosa  map  of  1500  was 
drawn  from  reports  of  Cabot's  voyage,  and  while  quite 
imaginary  as  to  coastline,  the  nomenclature  found  on 
it  indicates  that  Cabot  made  his  landfall  west  or  south, 
and  coasted  towards  the  east  or  north.  If  the  landfall 
was  at  Sandwich  Bay,  how  then  could  he  have  coasted 
three  hundred   leagues  north,  as  one  account  states? 

THE   CABOTS.      1497  29 

5.  As  to  the  legend  on  the  early  maps,  that  Labrador 
was  discovered  by  the  English,  it  will  be  demonstrated 
in  a  later  chapter  that  the  name  was  probably  derived 
from  the  fact  of  its  being  first  sighted  by  John 
Fernandez  in  the  Anglo-Azorean  Expedition  of  1501, 
and  Cabot's  voyage  might  not  therefore  have  occa- 
sioned the  continual  repetition  of  the  statement,  al- 
though in  some  maps  the  discovery  is  specifically 
stated  to  have  been  made  by  John  and  Sebastian 

6,  Cabot  saw  none  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  country 
he  discovered,  but  found  traces  of  them,  and  brought 
back  with  him  "snares  for  game  and  needles  for  making 
nets."  Harrisse  considers  this  to  indicate  the  regular 
occupation  of  the  Eskimos.  But  this  is  an  entirely 
erroneous  idea.  Every  authority  states  that  the  Eskimos 
are  inhabitants  of  the  seashore,  and  derive  their  susten- 
ance almost  entirely  from  seals  and  whales.  On  the 
Labrador  the  Eskimos  were  in  the  habit  of  making  two 
excursions  into  the  interior  each  year  after  reindeer, 
which  were  sometimes  killed  with  bow  and  arrow,  but 
generally  were  driven  into  the  lakes  or  rivers  and  there 
speared.  The  Eskimos  had  no  knowledge  of  catching 
salmon  or  trout  by  means  of  nets,  and  had  to  be 
instructed  in  the  art  by  the  Moravian  missionaries  in 

Cartwright,  who  made  the  acquaintance  of  the 
southern  Eskimos  after  they  had  had  some  intercourse 
with  Europeans  and  knew  the  articles  which  were  most 
in  demand  for  barter,  says  the  Eskimos  "  do  not  trouble 
themselves  to  catch  furs,  not  being  furnished  with  traps, 
nor  do  they  understand  the  use  of  deathfalls,"  He 
points  out  that  the  Eskimos  had  no  stimulus  to 
industry  beyond  providing  the  necessaries  of  life,  which 


the  seal  furnished  almost  entirely.  That  the  catching 
of  furred  animals  was  so  fatiguing  and  precarious,  and 
the  carcase  so  small,  that,  v/ere  he  to  give  up  his  time 
to  the  business,  his  family  must  perish  with  hunger. 
Among  the  implements  of  the  Eskimos  which  have  been 
many  times  carefully  described,  snares  and  nets  are  not 

While  it  is  somewhat  foreign  to  this  history,  the  rival 
claims  of  Newfoundland  and  Cape  Breton  must  also  be 
explained  in  order  to  estimate  the  value  of  the  Labrador 
theory.  The  principal  arguments  in  favour  of  a  landfall 
at  Cape  Breton  are : — 

1.  The  statement  on  the  so-called  Sebastian  Cabot 
map  of  1 544,  that  Cape  Breton  was  the  land  first  seen. 

2.  That  the  La  Cosa  map  depicts  the  south  coast  of 
Newfoundland, "Cavodescubierto"  being*' Cape  Breton" 
and  "  Cavo  de  Inglaterra,"  "  Cape  Race." 

3.  That  the  climate  of  Cape  Breton  more  nearly 
answers  to  the  description  given  by  Cabot  of  the  land 
he  visited. 

Which  arguments  are  thus  rebutted  : — 

1.  That  it  is  almost  impossible  for  Cabot,  even  if  he 
did  not  make  Labrador,  to  have  missed  Newfoundland, 
taking  the  course  he  did,  and  if  by  any  chance  he  passed 
out  of  sight  of  Cape  Race,  he  could  hardly  have  arrived 
at  Cape  Breton,  which  is  but  forty  miles  south  and 
four  hundred  miles  west  of  it.  If  Cabot  steered  a 
westerly  course  by  compass  and  passed  south  of  Cape 
Race,  the  variation  would  have  carried  him  south  not 
only  of  Cape  Breton,  but  of  Nova  Scotia  also. 

2.  That  the  so-called  Sebastian  Cabot  map  of  1544 

^  Permanent  stone  fox-traps,  for  taking  Ihc  animals  alive,  of  very 
ancient  date,  are  found  in  many  places  on  Labrador. 

THE   CABOTS.      1497  31 

is  a  most  inferior  production,  that  it  was  engraved  at 
Antwerp  not  under  Cabot's  supervision,  although  he 
may  have  suppHed  information  for  it.  That  the 
nomenclature  is  limited  and  very  incorrect,  and  the  out- 
lines already  antiquated.  And  that  Cabot  is  equally 
responsible  for  the  statement  on  other  maps  that 
Labrador  was  the  country  discovered  by  him  and  his 

3,  That  Cape  Breton  does  not  differ  from  New- 
foundland in  general  characteristics,  and  neither  of 
them,  any  more  than  Labrador,  answer  fully  to  the 
climatic  conditions  described  by  Cabot. 

The  theory  that  Newfoundland  was  the  country  first 
seen  by  Cabot  has  been  generally  accepted  for  centuries, 
and  in  fact  never  was  questioned  until  the  finding  of 
the  so-called  Cabot  map  in  1843. 

Apart  from  this  tradition,  if  so  it  may  be  called,  the 
arguments  advanced  for  it  are  : — - 

1.  Its  position  making  it  the  natural  landfall. 

2.  Its  name,  having  been  called  "  the  new  found  isle," 
or  some  similar  term  by  the  English,  and  "  Terre  Neuve  " 
by  the  French  from  the  very  earliest  times.  It  must 
be  admitted,  however,  that  for  a  long  time  the  term  was 
used  to  denote  the  north-east  coast  of  America  generally, 
and  only  more  recently  became  the  distinctive  appella- 
tion of  our  Newfoundland. 

3.  Many  early  maps  also  give  it  the  name  "Bacalaos," 
which  one  account  says  Cabot  bestowed  on  the  country 
he  found. 

4.  It  is  Newfoundland  which  has  always  been  par- 
ticularly celebrated  for  its  wealth  of  fish. 

5.  On  the  map  drawn  by  Mason,  1625,  the  statement 
is  made  that   Cape  Bonavlsta  was  "a  Caboto  primum 


reperta,"  which  also  appears  on  a  French  MS.  map  by 
Du  Pont  of  about  the  same  date,  but  does  not  so  clearly 
refer  to  Bonavista.  The  significance  of  the  name 
"  Bonavista  "  has  also  been  advanced  in  support  of  this 

The  name  "  Bonavista  "  first  appears  on  the  fragment 
of  a  map  by  Viegas,  1534,  as  Boavista,  On  the 
Riccardina  map,  which  is  an  exact  copy  of  the  Viegas 
map  so  far  as  the  latter  goes,  but  shows  in  addition  the 
northern  parts  of  Newfoundland  and  Labrador,  the 
name  "  Boavista  "  also  appears  on  the  Labrador  coast. 
But  the  name  was  probably  in  use  long  before  it 
appeared  on  a  map,  as  Jacques  Cartier  refers  to  it  in  the 
narrative  of  his  first  voyage,  before  the  Viegas  map  was 
printed.  The  theory  which  seems  most  likely  to  be 
accepted  is  that  Cabot  made  land  on  the  east  coast  of 
Newfoundland,  in  the  vicinity  of  Bonavista  or  Trinity 
Bay,  and  that  he  then  coasted  northwards  until  possibly 
he  reached  Hamilton  Inlet  on  the  Labrador,  which  he 
might  have  done  in  ten  days,  and  yet  have  ample  time 
to  get  back  to  Bristol  early  in  August. 

Since  the  reign  of  Elizabeth,  England  has  claimed 
Newfoundland  and  Labrador  by  virtue  of  their  dis- 
covery by  Cabot. 


VOYAGES  TO  THE  NEW  LANDS,  1 500-1 534 

THE  continued  increase  in  the  knowledge  of  New- 
foundland and  Labrador,  as  shown  by  the  maps 
still  extant,  is  satisfactory  evidence  that  many  voyages 
were  made  thither  between  1500  and  1534,  but  history 
has  preserved  the  names  of  very  few  of  the  voyagers  or 
the  particular  localities  visited. 

The  whole  of  the  north-east  coast  of  America  was  for 
a  long  period  termed  the  "  Newlands,"  "  Terre  Neuve," 
or  some  similar  designation.  Even  in  1534  we  find 
Jacques  Cartier  writing  both  of  Newfoundland  and 
Labrador  as  "  Terre  Neuve,"  at  the  moment  he  was 
in  the  act  of  proving  that  they  were  two  separate  and 
distinct  countries. 

The  splendid  additions  which  were  made  to  the 
domains  of  Spain,  as  a  result  of  the  discoveries 
of  Columbus,  were  viewed  by  King  Emmanuel  of 
Portugal  with  jealous  eyes,  and  when  the  news  of 
Cabot's  successful  voyage  towards  the  north-west 
reached  Portugal,  he  determined  at  once  to  despatch 
an  expedition  of  discovery  in  that  direction.  The  hope 
of  finding  a  north-west  passage  to  the  East  was  of 
particular  interest  to  him,  as  that  portion  of  the  globe  had 
been  kindly  assigned  to  him  by  the  Treaty  of  Tordesillas, 
Caspar  Corte  Real,  son  of  the  Governor  of  Terceiras,  one 
of  the  Azores  islands,  was  chosen  by  the  King  to  com- 
D  33 


mand  the  expedition.  He  was  persona  grata  at  the 
Portuguese  Court,  a  man  of  ability  and  daring,  who  had 
already  made  a  voyage  in  the  proposed  direction. 

Corte  Real  set  sail  in  the  spring  of  1500  and  arrived 
within  sight  of  land,  but  was  prevented  from  reaching 
it  by  the  quantities  of  ice  which  lay  upon  the  coast. 
This  land  is  thought  by  some  to  have  been  Greenland, 
but  was  undoubtedly  Labrador.  Nothing  daunted,  he 
started  again  on  May  19th,  1501,  with  three  vessels, 
and  finally  arrived  at  a  country  near  the  land  he  had 
seen  on  the  preceding  voyage.  The  country  now  dis- 
covered was  Newfoundland,  and  his  landfall  was  about 
lat.  50  N.  in  some  part  of  Notre  Dame  Bay.  There 
were  fine  rivers  in  this  Newland,  one  of  which  they 
ascended  in  their  boats,  and  remarked  upon  the  magnifi- 
cent pines  which  grew  upon  the  banks  "  fit  for  the 
masts  of  the  largest  vessels,"  They  found  the  waters 
abounding  in  salmon,  herring,  and  stockfish,  and  saw 
numbers  of  large  stags  and  other  animals.  Corte  Real 
called  the  country  Terre  Verde,  a  name  which  the  locality 
still  bears.  Green  Bay  being  the  common  name  for 
Notre  Dame  Bay,  and  one  of  the  smaller  arms  of  the 
sea  also  being  called  Bay  Verte. 

But  what  seemed  to  please  the  Portuguese  more  than 
the  riches  of  the  sea  and  forest,  was  that  the  country 
was  thickly  peopled.  Visions  of  a  profitable  slave 
trade  immediately  dawned  upon  them,  inflaming  their 
imaginations  to  such  an  extent  that  they  seized  fifty- 
seven  men  and  women  and  children,  and  bore  them 
away  to  spend  the  rest  of  their  lives  as  slaves  in  Portugal. 
The  neighbourhood  of  the  Exploits  river  was  always  the 
principal  haunt  of  the  Beothuks,  the  original  inhabitants 
of  Newfoundland.  And  there  can  be  no  doubt,  from  the 
description  given  of  these  unfortunate  captives  by  eye- 

VOYAGES   TO   THE    NEW    LANDS,   1500-1534     35 

witnesses  of  their  arrival  in  Portugal,  that  they  belonged 
to  that  much  wronged  race. 

No  doubt  this  great  crime  committed  against  them 
on  their  first  encounter  with  the  white  race  aroused 
that  spirit  of  hostility  and  suspicion  which  ever  after 
militated  against  the  establishment  of  peaceful  relations 
with  them. 

The  country  reached  by  Corte  Real  in  1501  being 
Newfoundland,  the  adjacent  coast  seen  by  him  in  the 
previous  year  was  undoubtedly  Labrador. 

Two  of  Corte  Real's  ships  returned  safely  to  Portugal, 
but  the  ship  which  he  himself  commanded  was  never 
again  heard  of.  This  caused  the  King  so  much  dis- 
tress, that  two  years  later  he  despatched  Miguel  Corte 
Real,  with  three  ships,  to  find  out  what  had  become  of 
his  brother.  Arriving  at  Newfoundland  they  separated, 
after  agreeing  upon  a  time  and  place  of  rendezvous,  to 
search  the  coast  north  and  south  for  traces  of  Gaspar. 
At  the  appointed  time  two  ships  returned,  but  that 
commanded  by  Miguel  Corte  Real  never  arrived,  and 
tradition  says  was  lost  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle, 
for  which  reason  Belle  Isle  was  originally  called  the 
Island  of  Bad  Fortune.  The  country  was  called  by  the 
King  of  Portugal  "the  land  of  the  Corte  Reals,"  and 
was  bestowed  upon  that  family  by  a  Royal  grant,  which 
was  continually  renewed  until  the  year  1579.  That  the 
Portuguese  at  once  began  to  carry  on  a  fishery  in  a 
commercial  manner  in  the  new  prolific  fishing  grounds 
is  proven  by  the  fact  that  in  1506  King  Emmanuel 
issued  an  edict  ordering  that  one-tenth  of  the  proceeds 
from  the  fishing  voyages  should  be  paid  into  the  Royal 

In  1 52 1,  letters  patent  granted  to  Joao  Alvarez 
Fagundez    refer    to    many    previous     voyages     made 


from  Viana,  some  of  which  apparently  penetrated  into 
the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  in  1527  we  have  John 
Rut's  letter  telling  of  the  presence  of  two  Portuguese 
ships  in  the  harbour  of  St.  John's. 

The  French  records  tell  of  a  voyage  made  in  1506 
by  one  John  Dennys,  and  in  1508  four  vessels  were 
fitted  out  in  Rouen  for  Terre  Neuve.  In  15 10  the 
vessel  Jacquette  arrived  at  Rouen  to  sell  fish  caught 
in  Terre  Neuve,  and  in  1 5 1 1  letters  patent  were  granted 
to  Juan  de  Agramonte,  "  to  discover  the  secret  of  the 
new  land." 

A  book  called  the  Chronicles  of  Eusebius,  published 
by  Henry  Estienne  in  Paris,  in  15 12,  describes  seven 
savages  who  had  been  brought  to  Rouen  from  the 
country  called  Terre  Neuve.  There  can  be  no  doubt 
that  the  French  fishermen,  particularly  from  Normandy 
and  Brittany,  greatly  preponderated  in  the  fisheries  of 
Newfoundland  and  Labrador  during  the  sixteenth  cen- 
tury. The  New  Interbide,  15 17,  to  be  quoted  fully  later, 
laments  that  while  the  English  were  neglecting  the 
countries  discovered  by  them,  *'  full  a  hundred  sail,"  of 
the  French  loaded  with  fish  there  every  year.  While 
some  allowance  must  be  made  for  poetic  licence,  it  was 
no  doubt  mainly  correct.  John  Rut  encountered  eleven 
Norman  vessels  in  the  harbour  of  St.  John's  in  August, 
1527,  and  the  St.  Maloins  showed  by  their  opposition 
to  Jacques  Cartier  in  1533  that  they  carried  on  a  regu- 
lar fishery  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and  probably  in 
the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  as  well.  In  Edward  VI's 
Journal  of  his  reign,  he  mentions  that  the  French  Am- 
bassador informed  him  that  the  Emperor  of  Spain  "had 
stayed  certain  French  ships  going  fishing  to  Newfound- 

The  Spanish  do  not  appear  to  have  given  any  atten- 

VOYAGES   TO   THE   NEW   LANDS,   1600-1534     37 

tion  to  the  northern  parts  of  the  American  coast.  In 
1 501  the  Spanish  King  gave  orders  to  Alonso  de  Hojeda 
to  take  steps  to  frustrate  the  attempts  of  the  EngHsh 
in  the  North  West,  but  after  the  voyages  of  the  Corte 
Reals  made  it  plain  that  the  greater  part  of  the  sea- 
board of  Newfoundland  and  Labrador  lay  to  the  east- 
ward of  the  line  of  demarcation,  agreed  to  at  the  Treaty 
of  Tordesillas,  and  consequently  outside  of  the  Spanish 
sphere  of  influence,  they  took  no  further  interest  in  those 

It  has  already  been  stated  that  nothing  is  known  for 
certain  of  John  Cabot  after  the  sailing  of  his  second 
expedition  in  1498,  and  it  is  generally  supposed  that  his 
death  took  place  shortly  after  his  return.  Be  this  as  it 
may,  after  an  interval  of  little  more  than  two  years  we 
find  that  his  letters  patent  were  superseded  by  new 
letters  patent,  granted  by  Henry  VII,  on  March  19th, 
1501.  The  recipients  were  three  merchants  of  Bristol — 
Richard  Ward,  Thomas  Ashehurst,  and  John  Thomas, 
and  three  natives  of  the  Azores — Joao  Fernandez,  Fran- 
cisco Fernandez,  and  Joao  Gonzales.  Privileges  were 
granted  to  them  similar  to  those  previously  granted 
to  Cabot.  The  term  was  ten  years,  and  it  was  signifi- 
cantly added,  "  Let  none  of  our  subjects  turn  them  from 
their  lands  ...  by  virtue  of  any  previous  grant  made 
by  Us  to  any  foreignor  or  foreignors,  etc." 

No  account  of  this  expedition  is  preserved  beyond 
the  fact  that  it  returned  in  January,  1502,  for  on 
January  7th  we  find  that  Henry  VII  granted  "To  men 
of  Bristoll  that  founde  Thisle  £$•" 

On  September  26th,  1502,  there  is  an  entry  in  the 
Privy  Purse  "  To  the  merchants  of  Bristoll  that  have 
been  in  the  Newe  Founde  Lande  ;£"20." 

On  December  6th,  1503,  Henry  VII  issued  a  warrant 


for  the  payment  of  a  pension  of  £10  per  annum,  which 
had  already  been  granted  in  1502,  "  unto  our  trusty  and 
well  beloved  subjectts  ffraunceys  ffernandus  and  John 
Guidisalvus  squiers  in  consideration  of  the  true  service 
which  they  have  doon  unto  us  to  our  singular  pleasure 
as  capitaignes  unto  the  newe  founde  lande."  The  first 
payment  made  under  the  grant  referred  to  was  no  doubt 
that  of  ^20  named  above. 

Another  item  of  information,  which  must  be  referred 
to  this  voyage,  is  contained  in  Stowe^s  Annals  and  in 
Hakluyfs  Voyages.  They  both  quote  from  Fabyans 
Chronicle,  but  differ  as  to  the  date  of  the  occurrence. 
Hakluyt  at  first  places  it  in  the  seventeenth  year  of 
Henry  VI Fs  reign,  and  afterwards  in  the  fourteenth, 
while  Stowe  says  it  was  in  the  eighteenth.  It  is  more 
reasonable  to  suppose  that  the  first  named  date  was  the 
correct  one,  which  would  be  between  August  22nd,  1501, 
and  August  22nd,  1502. 

Hakluyfs  account  reads  as  follows :  "  Of  three 
savage  men  which  hee  (Sebastian  Cabot)  brought  home 
and  presented  unto  the  King  in  the  17th  year  of  his 

"  This  yeere  also  were  brought  unto  the  King  three 
men,  taken  in  the  newe  founde  Island,  that  before  I 
spake  of  in  William  Purchas  time  being  Maior.  These 
were  clothed  in  beastes  skinnes  and  ate  raw  flesh,  and 
spake  such  speeche  that  no  man  coulde  understand 
them,  and  in  their  demeanour  like  to  bruite  beastes, 
whom  the  King  kept  a  time  after.  Of  the  which  upon 
two  years  past  I  saw  apparelled  after  the  manner  of 
Englishmen  in  Westminster  Pallace,  which  at  that  time 
I  could  not  distinguish  from  Englishmen,  till  I  was 
learned  what  they  were.  But  as  for  speeche,  I  heard 
none  of  them  utter  one  word." 

VOYAGES   TO   THE    NEW    LANDS,   1500-1534     39 

The  fact  of  their  eating  raw  flesh  declares  them  to 
have  been  Eskimos,  and  consequently  that  they  were 
almost  certainly  taken  from  Labrador.  It  is  also 
certain,  as  will  be  abundantly  proved  later,  that  the 
name  Labrador  was  bestowed  upon  the  country  because 
it  was  first  sighted  by  Joao  Fernandez.  How  it  came 
to  pass  that  Sebastian  Cabot  was  chosen  to  present 
these  three  Eskimos  at  Court  cannot  be  explained. 
But  it  seems  reasonable  to  suppose  that  Warde, 
Ashehurst,  and  Thomas,  John  and  Francis  Fernandez 
Guidisalvus,  Hugh  Elliott  and  William  Thorne,  had, 
some  or  all  of  them,  accompanied  John  Cabot  in  his 
voyages  1497  and  1498,  that  Sebastian  had  also  accom- 
panied his  father  and  afterwards  formed  one  of  the 
crew  of  the  subsequent  expeditions  from  Bristol. 

On  December  9th,  1502,  Henry  VH  again  issued 
letters  patent  to  Thomas  Ashehurst,  Joao  Gonzales, 
Francisco  Fernandez,  and  Hugh  Elliott,  authorizing 
another  expedition,  and  granting  privileges  of  trade 
for  forty  years.  On  January  7th  previous,  a  payment 
of  ;^20  had  been  made  to  Robert  and  William  Thorne 
and  Hugh  Elliott,  of  Bristol,  who  having  bought  a 
French  ship  of  120  tons,  "wit  the  same  ship  the  same 
merchants  offre  to  doe  unto  us  service  at  all  times  at 
our  commandment."  The  connecting  link  between 
these  two  records  is  furnished  by  Robert  Thome's  letter 
to  Henry  VH,  written  from  Seville  in  1527,  in  which 
he  says :  "  I  reason  that  as  some  sicknesses  are  heredi- 
tarious  and  come  from  father  to  sonne,  so  this 
inclination  or  desire  for  discoveries  I  inherited  from 
my  father,  which  with  another  merchant  of  Bristowe 
named  Hugh  Eliot  were  the  discoverers  of  the  New- 
foundlands of  the  which  there  is  no  doubt  (as  now 
plainly   appeareth)   if  the  mariners  would    then    have 


bene  ruled  and  followed  their  pilot's  mind,  the  landes 
of  the  West  Indies  (where  all  the  gold  cometh  from) 
would  have  been  ours,  for  all  is  one  coast  as  by  the  card 
appeareth,"  How  this  would  have  been  accomplished 
is  not  so  plain  to  us  as  it  appeared  to  Robert  Thorne. 

The  following  entry,  taken  from  the  Public  Records, 
no  doubt  refers  to  this  voyage  of  1503.  November 
17th,  1503,  "To  one  that  brought  haukes  from  the 
Newfound  island  ^i." 

And  the  following  would  indicate  voyages  made  in 
1504  and  1505  :  April  8th,  1504,  "To  a  Priste  going 
to  the  New  Island  £2!' 

August  25th,  1505,  "To  Clays  going  to  Richmond 
wit  wyld  catts  and  popyngays  of  the  Newfound  Isle  for 
his  costs  13s.  4d." 

September  25th,  1505,  "To  Portuzals  that  brought 
popyngays  and  cattes  of  the  mountaigne  with  other 
stuff  to  the  Kings  Grace  ^^5." 

It  is  thus  apparent  that  the  people  of  Bristol  were 
at  once  aroused  to  great  enthusiasm  by  the  discoveries 
of  Cabot,  and  immediately  took  steps  to  utilize  them. 

Sebastian  Cabot's  history  at  that  time  cannot  be 
accurately  determined,  Peter  Martyr,  Gomara,  and 
many  others  report  speeches  and  statements  made  by 
him,  which  recent  commentators  conclude  were  actually 
so  made  in  the  words  in  which  they  were  recorded,  and 
because  of  their  contradictory  nature  his  reputation 
has  been  assailed  in  the  most  uncompromising  manner. 
All  the  apparently  contradictory  statements  have  been 
ascribed  to  him,  and  none  to  the  inattention,  forgetful- 
ness,  or  carelessness  of  the  chroniclers  themselves, 
whereas  one  of  the  most  common  frailties  of  human 
nature  is  the  difficulty  of  repeating  a  story  exactly  as 
it  has  been  heard.     Sebastian  Cabot  seems  to  have  been 

VOYAGES   TO   THE    NEW    LANDS,   1500-1534     41 

of  a  boastful  nature,  and  to  have  spoken  more  of  his 
own  achievements  than  of  those  of  his  father,  but  that 
is  hardly  sufficient  reason  for  the  entire  discredit  which 
has  been  cast  upon  him  by  many  recent  writers.  If  he 
was  the  liar  and  impostor  which  these  would  have  us 
believe,  he  seems  to  have  been  more  successful  in  his 
day  and  generation  than  such  characters  generally  are. 
His  services  were  highly  valued  by  England  in  his  early 
manhood,  and  were  so  generally  known  that  Spain 
intrigued  until  they  were  secured  for  her  benefit.  For 
thirty-seven  years  he  filled  the  highest  posts  in  the 
Spanish  Marine,  and  when  he  transferred  his  services 
again  to  England,  where  he  also  occupied  high  office, 
the  strongest  representations  were  made  by  Spain 
insisting  that  he  should  be  sent  back.  At  intervals 
during  this  period  the  Council  of  Ten  at  Venice  also 
were  on  the  alert  to  take  him  from  both  of  them.  It  is 
hardly  probable  that  they  were  all  deceived,  and  our 
modern  historians  only  able  to  form  a  just  estimate  of 
his  character  and  ability. 

Sebastian  Cabot  several  times  referred  to  a  voyage  or 
voyages  other  than  the  original  voyage  of  discovery, 
but  the  accounts  differ  so  much  that  it  is  impossible  to 
reconcile  them  or  to  determine  when  they  took  place. 
They  have  been  referred  to  voyages  in  1498,  1508, 
and  1 5 17.  The  1498  voyage  has  already  been  dis- 
cussed. In  support  of  a  voyage  which  took  place  in 
1508,  there  are  two  entirely  independent  and  circum- 
stantial accounts,  to  which  some  credit  must  be  given. 
The  first  is  contained  in  a  report  read  by  Mercantorio 
Contarini  before  the  Senate  at  Venice  in  1536,  and  is  as 
follows  : — 

"  Sebastian  Cabot,  the  son  of  a  Venetian,  who  repaired 
to  England  in  galleys  from  Venice  with  the  notion  of 


going  in  search  of  countries,  obtained  two  ships  from 
Henry  King  of  England,  the  father  of  the  present 
Henry,  who  has  become  a  Lutheran  and  even  worse  ; 
navigated  with  three  hundred  men  until  he  found  the 
sea  frozen.  He  was  obliged  therefore  to  turn  back 
without  having  accomplished  his  object,  with  the  in- 
tention of  renewing  the  attempt  when  the  sea  was  not 
frozen.  But  upon  his  return  he  found  the  King  dead, 
and  his  son  caring  little  for  such  an  enterprise." 

Henry  VH  died  on  April,  2ist,  1509,  and  the  voyage 
referred  to  must  have  been  made  in  the  previous  year, 
1508.  Contarini  had  undoubtedly  met  Sebastian  Cabot 
in  Spain  and  obtained  his  information  from  his  own 
lips,  but  as  usual  did  not  tell  the  story  clearly  and 
completely.  The  account  of  the  date  of  the  voyage, 
however,  seems  quite  circumstantial. 

The  other  statement  regarding  a  voyage  made  by 
Sebastian  Cabot  in  1508  is  found  in  George  Best's 
account  of  Frobisher's  voyage,  published  in  1578. 
He  says  : — 

"Sebastian  Cabot,  being  an  Englishman  borne  at 
Bristowe,  was  by  commandment  of  King  Henry  VH 
in  anno  1508  furnished  with  shipping  munition  and 
men,  and  sayled  along  that  tract  (which  now  is  called 
Baccalaos)  pretending  to  discover  the  passage  to 
Cataya  and  went  aland  in  many  places  and  brought 
home  sundry  of  the  people,  and  sundry  other  things 
of  that  country  in  token  of  possession,  being  (I  say)  the 
first  Christian  that  ever  set  foote  on  land." 

There  seems  to  be  no  possibility  that  Best  derived 
his  information  from  Contarini's  statement,  and  it 
seems  quite  too  extraordinary  a  coincidence  for  them 
both     to    have    made    the    same    mistake ;    therefore, 

VOYAGES   TO    THE    NEW    LANDS,    1500-1534     43 

unless  a  mutual  source  of  error  can  be  traced,  it  must 
be  assumed  that  each  had  good  authority  for  what 
they  stated. 

Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert,  writing  in  1 566,  quotes  from 
Sebastian  Cabot's  chart  "  yet  to  be  seen  in  the  Queens 
Majesties  Privie  Gallery  at  Whitehall,  who  was  sent  to 
make  this  discoverie  by  Henry  VH  and  entered  the 
same  fret,  affirming  that  he  sayled  very  farre  Westward 
with  a  quarter  of  the  North  on  the  north  side  of  Terre 
de  Labrador,  the  eleventh  day  of  June,  until  he  came  to 
the  septentrional  latitude  of  6^^  degrees,  and  finding 
the  sea  still  open  said  that  he  might  and  would  have 
gone  to  Cataia  if  the  mutiny  of  the  masters  and 
mariners  had  not  been." 

Either  the  date  or  the  latitude  is  incorrect  in  this 
statement,  but  it  does  not  necessarily  follow  that  the 
misstatement  was  Cabot's. 

Ramusio,  Peter  Martyr,  and  Gomara  all  tell  of  a 
voyage  to  the  Arctic  regions  under  Sebastian  Cabot's 
command.  But  we  can  only  notice  here  the  account 
given  by  that  "  learned  and  painful  writer "  Richard 
Eden,  in  the  prefatory  letter  to  his  translation  of  Sebas- 
tian Munster,  in  1553.     He  says: — 

"If  merely  manly  courrage  had  not  been  wanting  at 
such  time  as  our  soverign  lord  of  noble  memorie  King 
Henry  VHI,  about  the  same  yeare  of  his  reign, 
furnished  and  sent  out  certain  ships  under  the  govern- 
ance of  Sebastian  Cabot  yet  living  and  Sir  Thos.  Pert 
whose  faint  heart  was  the  cause  the  voyage  tooke 
none  effect." 

This  is  the  only  reference  that  has  been  found  to  a 
voyage  in  the  year  15 16-17.  Hakluyt  evidently  gives 
gives  credit  to  it,  and  Purchas,  referring  to  it,  writes: 


"  A  second  time  Sir  Thos.  Pert  and  the  said  Cabota 
were  set  forth  with  a  fleet  to  America  by  King  Henry 
VIII  in  the  eight  yere  of  his  reign,"  but  he  nowhere 
refers  to  a  .'previous  voyage  conducted  by  them.  It 
will  be  noticed  that  the  reference  to  the  date  in  Eden's 
letter  is  somewhat  ambiguous,  or  at  least  very  peculiarly 
expressed.  Generally  speaking,  the  sentence,  "  about 
the  same  year  of  his  reign,"  would  be  taken  to  mean 
that  it  was  the  same  year  as  that  on  which  some  other 
event  had  taken  place,  but  in  this  instance,  wanting 
some  such  explanation,  it  has  been  concluded  that  the 
adjective  "  same  "  refers  to  the  numeral  "  eight,"  which 
is  by  no  means  a  convincing  explanation.  It  is  much 
more  likely  that  "  same  "  is  a  printer's  error  for  "  first,"  ^ 

In  any  case  the  voyage  could  not  have  taken  place  in 
1 5 17,  as  Cabot  transferred  his  services  to  Spain  in  15 12, 
was  certainly  there  on  November  13th,  15 15,  was  made 
Pilot  Major  February  9th,  15 18,  and  it  is  very  improb- 
able that  he  could  have  accepted  employment  from 
Henry  VIII  in  the  interval.  Sir  Thomas  Pert  is  also 
recorded  as  being  in  the  Thames  in  July,  1517,  ballast- 
ing his  vessel. 

The  earliest  reference  to  the  discovery  of  America 
which  has  been  found  in  English  literature  occurs  in 
a  little  drama  entitled,  A  newe  interlude  and  a  niery  of 
the  iiij  elements  declaryinge  inany  proper  points  of  philo- 
sophy natural,  the  only  copy  of  which  is  in  the  British 
Museum.  It  is  somewhat  imperfect,  having  lost  the 
colophon,  and  it  is  therefore  impossible  to  sa)^  exactly 
when  it  was  printed,  but  a  note,  in  the  handwriting 
of   David   Garrick,  states  in   regard  to  it,  "  First  im- 

^  Mr.  Geo.  Parker  Winship,  author  of  the  very  excellent  Cabot 
Bibliogi-aphy ,  is  a  strong  believer  in  a  voyage  made  by  Sebastian  Cabot 
in  1508. 


VOYAGES  TO  THE  NEW  LANDS,  1500-1534  45 
pressions  dated  25th  Oct.,  11  Henry  VIII,"  which  would 
be  in  the  year  1519-20. 

The  lines  referring  to  the  New  World  are  as  follows  : — 

And  northwarde  on  this  syde 

There  lyeth  Iselonde  wher  men  do  fyshe 

But  beyonde  that  so  cold  it  is 

No  man  may  there  abyde 

This  see  is  called  the  great  Oceyan 

So  great  it  is  that  never  man 

Coude  tell  it  sith  the  worlde  began 

Tyll  nowe  within  this  xx  yere 

Westwarde  be  founde  new  landes 

That  we  neuer  harde  tell  of  before  this 

By  wrytynge  nor  other  meanys 

Yet  many  nowe  haue  been  there 

And  that  contrey  is  so  large  of  rome 

Muche  lenger  than  all  cristendome 

Without  fable  or  gyle 

For  dyuers  maryners  haue  it  tryed 

And  sayled  streyght  by  the  coste  syde 

Aboue  V.  thousand  myle 

But  what  commodytes  be  within 

No  man  can  tell  nor  well  imagyn 

But  yet  not  longe  a  go 

Some  men  of  this  contrey  went 

By  the  kynges  noble  consent 

It  for  to  serche  to  that  extent 

And  coude  not  be  brought  therto 

But  they  that  were  the  ventere  (r)s 

Haue  cause  to  curse  their  maryners 

Fals  of  promys  and  dissemblers 

That  falsly  them  betrayed 

Which  wolde  take  no  pain  to  saile  farther 

Than  their  own  lyst  and  pleasure 

Wherefore  that  vyage  and  dyuers  others 

Suche  kaytyffes  haue  distroyed 

O  what  thynge  a  had  be  than 

Yf  that  they  that  be  englyshe  men 

Myght  haue  been  the  furst  of  all 

That  there  shulde  haue  take  possessyon 

And  made  furst  buyldynge  and  habytacion 

A  memory  perpetuall 

And  also  what  an  honorable  thynge 

Bothe  to  the  realme  and  to  the  kynge 

To  haue  had  his  domynyon  extendynge 


There  into  so  farre  a  grounde 

Whiche  the  noble  kynge  of  late  menory 

The  most  wyse  prince  the  vij.  He(n)ry 

Caused  furst  for  to  be  founde 

And  what  a  great  meritoryouse  deed 

It  were  to  haue  the  people  instructed 

To  lyue  more  vertuously 

And  to  lerne  to  knowe  of  men  the  maner 

And  also  to  knowe  god  their  maker 

Whiche  as  yet  lyue  all  be(a)stly 

For  they  nother  god  or  the  deuell 

Nor  neuer  harde  tell  of  heuyn  nor  hell 

Wrytynge  nor  other  scripture 

But  yet  in  the  stede  of  god  almyght 

They  honour  the  sonne  for  his  great  lygght 

For  that  doth  them  great  pleasure 

Buyldynge  nor  house  they  haue  none  at  all 

But  wodes  cotes  and  caues  small 

No  marueyle  though  it  be  so 

For  they  vse  no  maner  of  yron 

Nother  in  tolle  nor  other  wepon 

That  shulde  help  them  therto 

Copper  they  haue  which  is  founde 

In  dyuers  places  aboue  the  grounde 

Yet  they  dig  not  therfore 

For  as  I  sayd  they  haue  none  yron 

Wherby  they  shuld  in  the  yerth  myne 

To  serche  for  any  wore 

Great  haboundance  of  vvoddes  ther  be 

Moste  parte  vyr  and  pyne  aple  tre 

Great  ryches  myght  come  therby 

Bothe  pytche  and  tarre  and  sope  asshys 

As  they  make  in  the  eest  landes 

By  brynnying  therof  only 

Fyshe  they  haue  so  great  plente 

That  in  hauyns  take  and  slayne  they  be 

With  stauys  withouten  sayle 

Nowe  frenchemen  and  other  haue  founden  the  trade 

That  yerely  of  fyshe  there  they  lade 

A  boue  an  C.  sayle. 

But  this  newe  lande  founde  lately 
Ben  called  America  by  cause  only 
Americus  did  first  them  fynde. 

These  verses  are  full  of  suggestiveness,  and  display 
a  popular  knowledge  of  the  New  World  in  England  at 

VOYAGES   TO   THE   NEW   LANDS,   1500-1534     47 

that  period  ;  but  we  are  only  concerned  here  with  the 
reference  to  a  voyage  to  the  northern  coasts  of  America, 
undertaken  by  the  English,  which  was  brought  to  nought 
by  the  mutiny  of  the  sailors.  This  making  the  fourth 
reference  to  an  incident  of  that  kind. 

It  does  not  seem  probable  that  they  all  refer  to  the 
same  occasion.  One  would  be  inclined  to  suppose  that 
Thorne  referred  in  his  letter  to  one  of  the  earlier 
voyages,  probably  that  of  1501-2.  The  others,  how- 
ever, point  to  a  later  date,  and  it  is  allowable  to  surmise 
that  they  all  three  refer  to  the  voyage  of  1508-9,  in 
which  Sebastian  Cabot,  possibly  assisted  by  Sir 
Thomas  Pert,  sailed  along  the  Newfoundland  and 
Labrador  coast  and  penetrated  some  distance  into 
Hudson  Strait,  but  owing  to  Sir  Thomas  Pert's  "  want 
of  stomacke"  was  prevented,  as  he  thought,  from  reach- 
ing Cathay.  Turning  south,  he  coasted  down  to  Florida 
and  thence  returned  to  England.  It  must  be  conceded, 
in  any  case,  that  such  a  voyage  took  place,  and  the 
duration  of  the  voyage,  recorded  by  Contarini,  from  the 
spring  of  1508  to  April  22nd,  1509,  is  the  only 
account  we  have  which  would  permit  of  such  an  exten- 
sive exploratory  expedition.  The  probability  that 
Sebastian  Cabot  entered  Hudson  Strait  is  deduced 
from  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert's  account  given  above,  and 
also  from  that  of  Richard  Willes  written  about  the 
same  time.  The  latter  is  most  circumstantial,  describ- 
ing a  strait  depicted  on  Sebastian  Cabot's  map  "  which 
the  Earl  of  Bedford  hath  at  Cheines,"  between  sixty- 
one  and  sixty-four  degrees  north  latitude,  into  which 
Cabot  penetrated  for  some  distance  :  but  no  such  strait 
is  found  on  the  so-called  Sebastian  Cabot  map  of  1544- 

After  this  date  there  is  no  record  of  an  English 
expedition    actually    having   taken    place   until     1527. 


But  the  English  marine  was  steadily  growing,  and  the 
English  Navy  was  making  itself  felt  in  the  "  narrow  " 
seas.  In  15 13,  it  is  recorded  that  the  merchants  of 
Bristol  owned  a  fleet  of  nine  vessels  of  over  one 
hundred  tons  each,  which  were  bound  to  do  a  service 
to  the  Crown  when  called  upon.  Seeing  the  interest 
taken  by  the  people  of  Bristol  in  the  New  Lands  in  the 
opening  years  of  the  century,  it  is  safe  to  assume  that 
some  of  these  vessels  were  employed  in  the  trade  which 
they  had  discovered. 

In  1521,  Henry  VIII  and  Cardinal  Wolsey  decided 
that  an  expedition  "  be  prepared  for  a  viage  to  be  made 
to  the  newe  founde  land.  .  .  .  The  Drapers  Company 
to  furnish  V  shippes.  The  King's  Grace  to  prepare 
them  in  takyll  ordinaunce  and  all  other  necessaries  at 
his  charge.  And  also  the  King  to  bere  the  adventor. 
The  michauntts  and  companys  to  be  at  the  charge  of 
vitaylling  and  mannys  wages,  for  one  whole  yere  and 
the  shippes  not  to  be  above  VI  score  ton  apeice."  In 
reply,  the  Drapers  Company  declared  that  the  King 
and  his  Councillors  "  were  duely  and  substauncially 
informed  in  such  man'^  and  as  perfite  knowledge  myghte 
be  had  by  credible  reports  of  maisters  and  maryners 
naturally  born  within  this  realm,  of  England  having 
experiences  and  exercises  in  and  about  the  afore  said 
lande  as  wele  in  knowledge  of  the  lande,  the  due  course 
of  the  waye  thithwards  and  homeward  as  in  knowledge  of 
the  havens  dayngers  and  sholds  there  upon  that  coast  that 
then  it  were  lesse  jeopardy  to  adventure  thither  than  it 
is  now  al  though  it  be  furder  hens  than  few  English 
maryners  can  tell. 

"  And  we  think  it  were  to  sore  advent  to  jeoperd  V 
shippes  with  men  and  goodes  unto  the  Island  uppon  the 
singular  trust  of  one  man  called  as  we  understoned 

VOYAGES   TO   THE    NEW   LANDS,   1500-1534     49 

Sebastyan  whiche  Sebastyan  as  we  here  say  was  never 
in  that  lande  himself,  all  if  he  makes  reporte  of  many 
things  as  he  hath  heard  his  father  and  other  men  speake 
in  tymes  past. 

"  And  also  we  say  that  if  Sebastyan  had  bene 
there  and  were  as  conying  a  man  in  and  for  those 
parties  as  any  man  myghte  be  having  none  assistants 
of  maisters  and  maryners  of  England  exercised  and 
labored  in  the  same  p'ties  for  to  guyd  three  shippes  and 
other  charges  than  we  knowe  of  but  onely  trusting  to 
the  said  Sebastyan  we  suppose  it  were  no  wysdome  to 
adventr  lyves  and  good  thither  in  suche  manr.,  what  for 
fear  of  syknes  or  dethe  of  the  said  Sebastyan." 

Sebastian  Cabot  was  in  England  at  the  time  this 
protest  against  him  was  made.  We  read  that  one  John 
Goderyck  of  Foley  was  paid  43s.  4d.  "  for  his 
charge  costes  and  labour  conductying  of  Sebastian 
Cabot,  master  of  the  Pilattes,  in  Spain  to  London." 

So  far  as  is  known,  the  expedition  never  sailed. 

It  is  not  easy  to  understand  the  exact  purport  of 
this  reply  of  the  Drapers'  Company,  beyond  the  fact 
that  they  were  unwilling  to  furnish  the  ships  required 
by  Wolsey  and  were  searching  for  excuses.  Wolsey 
was  chaplain  to  the  Marquis  of  Dorset  at  the  time  of 
John  Cabot's  discoveries,  and  must  have  been  fully 
acquainted  with  all  the  particulars  connected  with  them. 
That  he  should  have  judged  Sebastian  Cabot  competent 
to  command  this  expedition  goes  far  to  counterbalance 
the  unfavourable  opinion  of  the  London  merchants,  who 
after  all  did  not  seem  to  be  very  sure  of  their  statements. 

Sebastian  Cabot's  own  account  of  this  affair  is  to  be 
found  in  the  very  interesting  letter  of  Contarini,  Vene- 
tian Ambassador  at  Madrid,  to  the  Council  of  Ten  at 
Venice,  dated  December  31st,  1522.     Cabot  was  intri- 



guing  to  transfer  his  services  to  Venice,  and  by  way  of 
increasing  his  value  told  how  anxious  England  had 
been  to  employ  him.  He  said  :  "  Now  it  so  happened, 
that  when  in  England  some  three  years  ago  (if  P  mis- 
take not)  Cardinal  Wolsey  offered  me  high  terms  if 
I  would  sail  with  an  armada  of  his  on  a  voyage  of  dis- 
covery. The  vessels  were  almost  ready,  and  they  had 
got  together  thirty  thousand  ducats  for  their  outfit.  I 
answered  him  that  being  in  the  service  of  the  King 
of  Spain  I  could  not  go  without  his  leave,  but  if  free 
permission  were  granted  me  from  hence  (Spain)  I  would 
serve  him."  He  then  told  of  his  meeting  with  a  Vene- 
tian friar,  who  reminded  him  of  his  duty  to  his  native 
country,  Venice.  "  In  consequence  of  this,  as  by  serving 
the  King  of  England  I  could  no  longer  benefit  our 
country,  I  wrote  to  the  Emperor  not  to  give  me  leave 
to  serve  the  King  of  England,  as  he  would  injure  him- 
self extremely,  and  thus  to  recall  me  forthwith." 

One  very  important  fact,  however,  is  proven  by  this 
reply  of  the  over-cautious  Drapers'  Company,  and  that 
is,  that  many  native  born  masters  and  mariners  were 
obtainable  who  had  full  knowledge  of  the  way  to  the 
new-found-lands  and  of  the  havens,  dangers,  and  shoals 
upon  that  coast.  Consequently  many  unrecorded  ex- 
peditions had  been  made  thither  by  the  mariners  of 
England  prior  to  1521.  The  trade  had  reached  such 
proportions  that  in  1522,  when  war  broke  out  between 
England  and  France,  English  men-of-war  were  stationed 
in  the  Channel  to  protect  the  returning  fishing  fleet. 

John  Rut's  voyage  of  1527  was  possibly  instigated  by 
Robert  Thome's  letter.  Two  vessels  sailed  on  this  ex- 
pedition, the  Sampson  and  the  Mary  Guildford  of  160 
tons,  a    King's   ship,  built  in   1524.     From    the  letter 

^  i.e.  Contarini. 

VOYAGES   TO  THE   NEW   LANDS,   1500-1534     51 

John  Rut  wrote  to  King  Henry  from  the  harbour  of 
St.  John's  "  in  bad  English  and  worse  writing,"  (which, 
by  the  bye,  is  the  earliest  letter  in  the  English  language 
written  from  America)  we  learn  that,  having  sailed  as 
far  as  53°  north,  they  encountered  so  much  ice  on  July 
1st  that  they  were  forced  to  turn  south  and  harboured 
near  "  Cap  de  Bras,"  or  "  Gras,"  as  the  north-east  point 
of  Newfoundland  was  then  called,  probably  in  the  well 
known  harbour  of  "  Carpunt."  They  had  become 
separated  from  the  Sampson  in  a  storm,  and  after  wait- 
ing some  time  for  her  at  "  Carpunt "  they  went  south  to 
St.  John's  and  waited  there  six  weeks  longer,  but  she 
never  put  in  an  appearance. 

Apparently  there  were  two  other  English  ships  on  the 
coast  the  same  year,  which  are  referred  to  by  Purchas  as 
"  Master  Grube's  two  ships,"  sailing  from  Plymouth, 
June  loth,  and  reaching  Newfoundland  July  21st,  also, 
rather  curiously,  at  Cap  de  Bras.  Also  Hakluyt  wrote 
of  two  ships  sent  out  by  Henry  VHI,  sailing  from 
London,  May  9th,  1527,  one  of  which  was  called  the 
Dominus  Vobisaim,  and  in  which  sailed  divers  cunning 
men  and  a  canon  of  St.  Paul's.  One  of  the  ships  was 
lost  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and  the  other  returned 
home  about  the  beginning  of  October.  Hakluyt's 
account  cannot  be  harmonized  with  what  is  known  of 
either  Rut's  or  Grube's  voyages.  He  was  disappointed 
that  he  could  not  find  out  something  more,  and  blames 
the  "  negligence  of  the  writers  of  those  times  who 
should  have  used  more  care  in  preserving  the  memories 
of  the  worthiest  acts  of  our  nation,"  A  criticism 
which  we  devoutly  echo. 


THE  preceding  chapter  gives  in  narrative  form 
what  is  thought  to  be  a  commonsense  view  of 
the  early  voyages  to  the  north-east  coast  of  America, 
with  but  little  attempt  at  argument  or  explanation  of 
the  statements  there  made.  He  is  a  brave  man  who 
undertakes  to  treat  of  a  subject  which  has  occupied 
the  attention  of  so  many  able  students,  and  the  writer, 
in  embarking  upon  it,  does  so  with  great  diffidence. 
The  problems  surrounding  the  early  exploration  of 
Labrador  and  Newfoundland  are,  however,  so  curious 
and  interesting  that  they  necessitate  an  attempt  at 
explanation.  It  has  been  enunciated  in  a  preceding 
chapter  that  the  land  seen  by  Corte  Real  in  1500, 
but  which  he  could  not  reach,  was  really  our  Labrador, 
and  not  Greenland  as  is  generally  stated. 

The  derivation  of  the  name  Labrador  is  so  inter- 
woven in  the  discussion,  that  it  is  first  necessary  to  give 
the  theory  now  generally  accepted  in  regard  to  it. 

Many  attempts  have  been  made  to  explain  it.  The 
first  and  most  obvious  meaning,  "  le  bras  d'or " — the 
arm  of  gold — is  so  evidently  a  misnomer  that  it  need 
not  be  seriously  considered.  "  Le  bras  d'eau  "  has  been 
suggested  as  the  interpretation  for  the  Bradore  Lakes 
of  Cape  Breton,  but  it  seems  to  have  no  significance 
for  our  Labrador.     Some  early  writers  said  that  it  was 



^9     i 

^  .» 


the  name  of  the  captain  of  a  Basque  vessel  who  was 
among  the  first  to  navigate  its  rugged  coasts,  or  of  the 
vessel  itself  But  no  evidence  has  been  produced  to 
substantiate  this  theory.  Another  far-fetched  explana- 
tion is  that  Corte  Real  bestowed  the  name  on  a  part  of 
the  country  because  he  thought  it  fit  for  cultivation, 
which  is  absurd.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  it  is  probable 
that  Corte  Real  did  not  succeed  in  effecting  a  landing 
on  any  part  of  Labrador  on  account  of  ice,  and  not 
intending  to  found  a  colony  he  could  not  have  applied 
the  name  with  intent  to  deceive,  as  did  Eric  the  Red  in 
the  case  of  Greenland. 

Henry  Biddle,  in  his  Memoirs  of  Sebastian  Cabot 
(Philadelphia,  183 1),  first  called  attention  to  the  letter 
of  Pietro  Pasqualigo,  Venetian  Ambassador  at  the 
Court  of  Portugal,  to  his  brothers  in  Venice.  It  is 
dated  October  19th,  1501,  a  few  days  after  the  return 
of  Corte  Real's  ships.  Among  other  particulars  he 
gives  a  description  of  the  fifty-seven  natives  who  were 
brought  to  Portugal  from  the  land  which  had  been 
visited.  "  The  men  of  this  place,"  says  he,  "  will  make 
excellent  workers  and  the  best  slaves  one  has  ever 
seen."  For  this  reason  Biddle  suggested  that  the 
name  Labrador  was  taken  from  the  Portuguese  word 
"  lavrador "  or  "  labrador,"  meaning  labourer — an  ex- 
planation which  has  satisfied  nearly  all  writers  since 
that  time.  But  there  are  flaws  in  the  line  of  reasoning 
which  completely  upset  that  theory.  On  the  "  Cantino," 
"  King,"  and  other  maps,  drawn  immediately  after  the 
return  of  Corte  Real's  ships,  tw:o  countries  are- seen. 
One  is  undoubtedly  Newfoundland,  both  from  its 
description  and  situation  ;  and  from  there  Corte  Real 
sent  his  vessels  with  the  fifty-seven  savages.  The 
other,  in  some  maps,  has  the  unmistakable  outline  of 


Greenland  ;  in  others  the  outline  is  vague,  but  of  both 
it  is  written  that  Corte  Real  was  unable  to  land  there. 
This  latter  is  the  land  which  is  called  Labrador.  It  is 
certain  that  the  geographers  were  fully  aware  of  the 
facts  of  Corte  Real's  voyages,  and  if  the  derivation  of 
the  name  had  been  as  suggested  they  would  have 
applied  it  to  the  land  from  which  the  people  were  taken — 
that  is,  to  Newfoundland.  There  seems  to  be  but  little 
doubt  that  the  name  "  Labrador "  centres  round  the 
achievements  of  one  Joao  or  John  Fernandez.  It  will 
be  remembered  that  he  was  one  of  the  grantees  of  the 
letters  patent  issued  by  Henry  VII  in  1501,  but  his 
name  is  not  included  with  the  grantees  of  the  letters 
patent  in  1502,  and  it  is  to  be  presumed  that  he  had 
returned  to  Portugal. 

M.  Ernesto  de  Canto,  in  his  Archives  dos  Azores, 
1894,  points  out  that,  in  1508,  King  Emmanuel  of 
Portugal  gave  certain  privileges  to  an  Azorean  named 
Pero  de  Barcellos  for  discoveries  made  by  him  in 
northern  regions.  Associated  with  Pero  de  Barcellos 
was  Joao  Fernandez,  described  as  "  lavrador,"  the 
meaning  of  which,  according  to  M.  de  Canto,  is  rather 
"  landowner "  than  "  labourer."  There  can  be  little 
doubt  that  this  was  the  same  Joao  Fernandez  who 
sailed  from  Bristol  in  1501.  What  particular  voyage 
from  Portugal  it  was  that  he  and  Pero  de  Barcellos 
had  conducted  has  not  been  ascertained,  but  the  guess 
may  be  hazarded  that  it  was  one  of  the  expeditions 
which  went  to  seek  for  Caspar  Corte  Real. 

It  is  stated  again  and  again  on  the  early  maps  that 
Labrador  was  discovered  by  the  people  of  Bristol.  One 
map  gives  us  additional  information  and  supplies  the 
connecting  link  which  incontestably  settles  the  deriva- 
tion of  the  name.     It  is  an  MS.  map  by  an  unknown 


author,  drawn  about  the  year  1530,  which  is  preserved 
in  the  Hbrary  of  the  Duke  of  Wolfenbuttel.  Professor 
Stevens,  of  Rutgers  College,  New  Jersey,  has  only 
recently  obtained  leave  to  copy  it,  and  has  just  pub- 
lished an  excellent  facsimile,  from  which  the  accompany- 
ing illustration  has  been  made.  In  the  outlines  of  the 
north-east  coast  of  America  and  in  the  nomenclature, 
it  is  an  exact  copy  of  the  Ribero  map  of  1529.  But  on 
the  country  named  "Tierra  del  Labrador"  it  is  written : 
"  This  country  was  discovered  by  the  people  of  the 
town  of  Bristol,  and  because  he  who  first  sighted  land 
was  a  labourer  from  the  islands  of  the  Azores  it  was 
named  after  him." 

It  has  been  suggested  that  this  was  a  likely  thing  for 
sailors  to  do,  seeing  themselves  outdone  by  a  reputed 

Taken  altogether,  this  evidence  from  such  diverse 
sources  seems  to  be  conclusive,  and,  unless  something 
more  definite  is  disclosed  in  the  future,  must  be  accepted 
as  the  real  explanation  of  the  name  Labrador. 

But  whatever  the  derivation  may  be,  the  name  fits. 
Cabot,  Corte  Real,  Davis,  Hudson,  and  a  long  line  of 
adventurous  spirits,  have  ioiled  along  its  rugged  coasts. 
And  in  the  present  day  an  army  of  fishermen  from 
Newfoundland  fight  their  way  to  its  shores  each  suc- 
ceeding spring,  through  ice  and  fog  and  storm,  there  to 
ply  their  calling  during  the  eighteen -hour -long  day 
with  a  degree  of  severe  labour  unknown  in  other  in- 
dustries. It  is  truly  named  the  land  of  the  labourer — 
not  "  tiller  of  the  soil,"  but  "  toiler  of  the  deep." 



EITHER  Cabot,  Corte  Real,  nor  any  of  the  earlier 
voyagers  to  Newfoundland  and  Labrador  left  any 
written  accounts  of  their  expeditions,  and  we  owe  our 
knowledge  of  them  entirely  to  hearsay  evidence.  But 
there  is  a  continuous  series  of  documentary  evidence 
left  to  us,  of  which  they  were  in  part  the  authors,  from 
which  a  great  deal  of  information  can  be  derived. 

The  leader  of  every  expedition  furnished  himself, 
before  starting,  with  any  maps  or  charts  which  were 
obtainable  of  the  regions  he  proposed  visiting,  and  cor- 
rected and  enlarged  them  by  his  own  experience. 

These  rough  drawings  were  acquired  by  skilled  carto- 
graphers (especially  in  Portugal  and  Spain,  where  there 
were  Schools  of  Navigation)  and  were  embodied  in 
maps  drawn  up  by  them,  often  of  the  most  elaborate 
character,  embellished  with  illustrations  and  resplendent 
with  gold  and  colours. 

Some  thirty  or  more  maps  and  charts  of  the  countries 
in  which  we  are  interested  are  still  extant,  dating 
before  the  voyage  of  Jacques  Cartier  in  1534,  and  it  is 
one  of  the  most  fascinating  studies  to  trace  in  them  the 
gradual  growth  of  knowledge  of  the  New  World  to  see 
how  new  discoveries  were  represented  and  also  how 
errors  arose  and  were  perpetuated. 

Labrador  is  a  particularly  interesting  subject  of  study, 



as  there  are  some  curious  problems  connected  with  it 
which  are  likely  to  remain  subjects  of  controversy  for 
many  a  long  day. 

The  first  map  which  attempted  to  show  the  New- 
found-land discovered  by  Cabot,  was  that  drawn 
between  April  and  October,  1500,  by  Juan  La  Cosa,  a 
Spanish  pilot  of  considerable  experience,  who  had 
himself  crossed  the  Atlantic  several  times.  A  long 
coastline  is  seen  running  from  east  to  west,  gradually 
curving  south  until  it  combines  with  the  present  Florida. 
It  bears  a  number  of  names  at  intervals  along  the 
coast,  and  the  sea  is  labelled  "the  sea  discovered  by  the 
English."  Notv/ithstanding  the  deepest  study  which 
historians  and  geographers  have  bestowed  upon  it,  this 
map  remains  entirely  inexplicable;  the  coastline  cannot 
be  identified,  and  the  names  are  purely  fanciful.^ 

Only  one  suggestion  can  be  made  in  regard  to  it, 
which  seems  in  the  slightest  degree  satisfactory.  Pedro 
de  Ayala,  the  Spanish  Ambassador  in  London,  wrote  to 
Spain  shortly  after  Cabot's  first  voyage,  saying  that  he 
supposed  the  lands  found  by  Cabot  adjoined  the 
dominions  of  Spain  which  had  been  discovered  by 
Columbus.  He  also  spoke  of  sending  a  map  drawn  by 
Cabot,  but  doubtless  did  not  do  so.  La  Cosa  seems  to 
have  been  impressed  by  the  hint  contained  in  Ayala's 
letter,  and  to  have  drawn  his  map  solely  to  give  ex- 
pression to  it,  and  produced  a  fanciful  coastline,  dis- 
covered by  the  English,  adjoining  the  dominions  of  the 
King  of  Spain. 

The  next  map  of  the  north-east  coast  of  America  is 
known  as  the  "  Cantino"  map,  bearing  the  date  of  1502. 

^  Some  writers  have  seen  in  this  coastline  the  south  coast  of 
Newfoundland,  others  have  thought  it  to  be  the  north  shore  of  the  Gulf 
of  St.  Lawrence,  and  some  prominent  writers  have  declared  it  to  be  the 
east  coast  of  Labrador. 


It  was  drawn  at  Lisbon,  and  is  undoubtedly  an  en- 
deavour to  show  the  results  of  Corte  Real's  voyages  in 
1500  and  1 501.  A  very  curious  error  originated  on 
this  map  which  it  took  many  years  to  eradicate. 

The  designer  knew  that  Corte  Real  had  been  unable 
on  account  of  ice  to  reach  the  land  he  saw  in  1500.  He 
must  also  have  been  familiar  with  the  maps  and  portu- 
lans  of  the  latter  half  of  the  fifteenth  century,  which 
show  Greenland  fairly  correctly  outlined.  Although  all 
communication  with  it  had  been  cut  off  for  nearly  a 
century,  its  reputation  as  an  ice-bound  country  still 
continued,  so  the  designer  of  the  map  very  natur- 
ally jumped  to  the  conclusion  that  it  must  have  been 
the  land  which  Corte  Real  saw  in  1500.  He  therefore 
copied  it  very  carefully,  and  labelled  it  as  follows : — 

"  This  land  was  discovered  by  the  order  of  the  most 
excellent  Prince  Dom  Emmanuel,  King  of  Portugal, 
and  is  found  to  be  the  extremity  of  Asia.  They  who 
discovered  it  were  not  able  to  land,  but  they  examined 
it  and  saw  nothing  but  mountains.  For  this  reason  it 
is  believed  to  be  the  extremity  of  Asia." 

Now  it  is  clearly  impossible  that  Corte  Real  could  in 
such  a  short  time  have  become  so  well  acquainted  with 
the  outlines  of  Greenland  as  is  here  shown,  and  the  map 
therefore  does  not  delineate  only  what  he  had  seen,  and 
the  fact  of  the  above  label  being  attached  to  Greenland 
cannot  be  considered  conclusive  evidence  that  he  had 
seen  a  part  any  more  than  the  whole  of  it.  Some 
writers  are  of  opinion  that  it  actually  was  Greenland 
which  Corte  Real  saw  in  1500,  but  when  it  is  re- 
membered that  the  country  arrived  at  in  1501  was 
Newfoundland,  and  that  it  was  contiguous  to  the  land 
seen  on  the  previous  voyage,  it  must  be  admitted  that, 


in  all  probability,  our  Labrador  was  the  ice-bound  coast 
which  he  could  not  attain.  Perhaps  also  the  geo- 
grapher may  have  been  misled  in  some  curious  way  by 
the  fact  that  Corte  Real  had  given  the  land  he  dis- 
covered the  name  of  "  Tierra  Verde."  It  must  also  be 
remembered  that  the  early  voyagers  were  very  erratic 
in  their  longitudes,  while  their  latitudes  were  fairly 
correct.  Even  Frobisher's  discoveries  were  misunder- 
stood, and  until  the  end  of  the  eighteenth  century 
Frobisher's  Straits  were  marked  on  the  east  coast  of 

On  the  Cantino  map  is  seen,  near  to  Greenland,  an 
outline  of  the  country  which  Corte  Real  visited  in  1501. 
The  label  attached  to  it  reads  : — 

"  This  land  was  discovered  by  the  order  of  the  very 
high  and  most  excellent  Prince,  Dom  Emmanuel,  King 
of  Portugal,  the  which  Gaspar  Corte  Real,  gentleman 
of  the  King's  house,  discovered.  He  sent  thence  a  ship 
with  some  men  and  women  of  the  country,  remained 
himself  with  the  other  ship,  and  never  afterwards 
returned.     Magnificent  trees  for  masts  are  found  there." 

It  is  carefully  located  to  the  east  of  the  line  of 
demarcation,  by  which  Pope  Alexander  VI  divided 
the  dominions  of  Spain  from  those  of  Portugal,  and  it 
is  called  "  The  land  of  the  King  of  Portugal." 

The  deep  bays  and  scattered  islands  are  typical  of 
the  eastern  seaboard  of  Newfoundland,  and  it  is  un- 
doubtedly intended  for  that  coast.  Notre  Dame  Bay 
is  supposed  to  be  the  scene  of  his  landfall. 

The  next  map  to  claim  our  interest  was  drawn  by  an 
unknown  Portuguese  cartographer,  a  year  or  so  after 
the  Cantino  map,  and  is  known  as  the  "  King"  map. 

It  is  particularly  interesting  as  being  the  first  attempt 


to  delineate  the  Labrador  coast.  The  cartographer  had 
probably  discovered  the  mistake  made  on  the  Cantino 
map  by  confusing  it  with  Greenland,  as  he  abandons 
the  well-known  outlines  of  that  Peninsula  and  draws 
an  irregularly  shaped  island  to  the  eastward  of  "Terra 
Corte  Real,"  as  Newfoundland  was  then  called,  and 
labels  it,  for  the  first  time  time,  "  Terra  Laboratoris." 
As  has  been  already  shown,  this  is  proof  positive  that 
the  name  was  not  derived  from  the  natives  which  Corte 
Real  sent  from  "  Terra  Corte  Real."  And  if  the  de- 
rivation of  the  name  is  as  has  been  demonstrated  in 
the  previous  chapter,  it  shows  that  the  reports  of  the 
Anglo-Azorean  Expedition  had  reached  Portugal,  and 
very  likely  prevented  the  designer  from  falling  into  the 
errors  of  the  Cantino  map.^ 

On  the  "  King "  map  will  be  seen  for  the  first  time 
on  the  land  called  "  Terra  Corte  Real "  the  name  "  Capo 
Raso,"  showing  how  very  soon  the  geographical  im- 
portance of  that  famous  cape  was  recognized.  Also 
far  up  in  the  right-hand  corner  will  be  seen  the  penin- 
sula of  Greenland,  with  "Tile" — i.e.  Thule  or  Iceland  — 
beside  it. 

The  next  map  in  point  of  date  is  known  as  Kunst- 
man  II.  It  was  probably  drawn  after  the  return  of  a 
part  of  Miguel  Corte  Real's  ill-fated  expedition  in 
1503,  and  differs  but  slightly  from  the  King  map  in 
outline.  On  the  island  called  "  Terra  de  lauorador," 
however,  appear  no  less  than  seven  names,  which  may 
possibly  be  taken  as  an  indication  that  some  portion 
of  the  coast  of  Labrador  had   been  explored   in  the 

^  It  has  been  already  suggested  that  Joao  Fernandez  left  Bristol  after 
his  return  in  January,  1502,  and  went  to  Portugal,  where  he  would  have 
given  correct  information  to  the  designer  of  this  map  about  the  land 
discovered  by  him  in  the  previous  year  and  have  caused  his  "nickname" 
to  be  attached  to  it. 


Facing  p.  60 


meantime.      The   names  themselves  are  now  without 

But  it  is  a  curious  circumstance  that  names  are  found 
upon  "  Terra  de  lavrador "  before  they  are  upon  New- 
foundland, with  the  sole  exception  of  "  Capo  Raso." 
This  fact  is  also  evidence  that  it  was  in  reality  our 
Labrador  which  was  intended  and  not  Greenland.  For 
the  east  coast  of  Greenland  is  nearly  always  beset  with 
an  impenetrable  mass  of  ice,  and  from  the  time  of  the 
rediscovery  of  the  country  by  John  Davis  until  the 
beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century,  it  remained  un- 
visited  on  that  account.  When  in  1 8 16-17  this  barrier 
of  ice  became  almost  if  not  entirely  separated  from 
the  land,  the  event  caused  a  great  deal  of  comment  by 
geographers,  and  parts  of  the  east  coast  were  then 
visited  for  the  first  time.  While  it  is  not  impossible 
that  a  similar  event  may  have  taken  place  in  1500,  it  is 
yet  very  unlikely. 

An  interesting  effort  is  evidently  made  by  the 
designer  of  the  map  known  as  Kunstman  III,  to  recon- 
cile the  outlines  of  Greenland,  according  to  Cantino, 
with  the  outline  of  "  Terra  de  lavrador "  in  Kunstman 
II,  placing  on  the  east  coast  of  Greenland  three  of  the 
names  found  on  the  latter,  while  at  the  same  time 
giving  the  best  outline  up  to  that  date  of  the  whole 
Newfoundland  and  Labrador  coast.  The  straits  of 
Belle  Isle  and  Belle  Isle  are  indicated  in  their  proper 
places,  and  the  projection  of  land  north  of  Hamilton 
Inlet  is  shown,  considerably  exaggerated,  but  in  nearly 
correct  latitude.  Farther  north  the  shore  falls  away  to 
the  north-west  in  a  fairly  accurate  manner.  There  are 
ten  names  marked  on  the  coast  of  Labrador  and 
Newfoundland,  and  among  them  are  found  "  Ilha  de 
Frey  Luis  "  at   52-50°  north  lat.,  near  the  present  St, 


Lewis  Inlet,  and  "  Cabo  de  San  Antoine"  at  51°  north 
lat.,  where  Cape  St.  Anthony  is  still  to  be  found.  Con- 
ception Bay  is  the  only  other  name  which  remains,  but 
is  placed  much  too  far  north. 

The  chart  of  Pedro  Reinel  (1504-5)  shows  the  east 
coast  of  Newfoundland  considerably  developed  and  hav- 
ing a  greatly  increased  nomenclature,  San  Johan,  Y-dos 
aves  (Bird  Isles),  Boaventura,  appearing  for  the  first 
time,  A  very  noticeable  feature  is  the  first  delineation 
of  the  south  coast  of  Newfoundland  and  Cape  Breton. 
Also,  north  of  Newfoundland  and  close  to  it,  is  seen 
a  coastline  extending  far  to  the  eastward,  which  is  the 
beginning  of  a  new  type  of  delineation  of  Labrador.  It 
is  the  prototype  of  a  number  of  maps,  notably  Kunstman 
IV,  1520,  Ribero  1529,  Wolfenbuttel  B  1530,  Ricardina 
1540,  Deslien  1 541,  Sebastian  Cabot  1544,  and  Descliers 
1546,  the  peculiarities  of  which  will  be  discussed  later. 

The  maps  known  as  the  Egerton  Portulan  1507, 
Ruysch  1508,  and  Majiolo  15 11,  are  more  crude  in  their 
delineation,  but  are  all  interesting,  as  they  embody  the 
idea  that  the  newly  found  countries  were  the  eastern 
portion  of  Asia.  The  Ruysch  map  is  particularly  im- 
portant to  us  as  it  shows  the  veritable  Greenland,  so 
named,  and  Newfoundland  labelled,  for  the  first  time, 
"  Terra  Nova,"  but  Labrador  is  not  indicated. 

Two  extremely  important  maps  have  recently  been 
discovered  at  Wolfegg  Castle,  in  Bavaria,  by  Professor 
Fischer,  S.J.  One  is  the  long-sought-for  map  of 
Waldseemiiller,  which  was  drawn  to  accompany  an 
edition  of  Ptolemy's  Cosmography,  published  in  1507 
at  the  little  town  of  St.  Die  in  the  Vosges  mountains. 
The  suggestion  was  first  made  in  this  edition  that 
the  New  World  should  be  called  "  America,"  after 
Americus  Vespucius,  and  the  map  now  found  puts  the 

KUNSTMAN    NO.   Ill 

Facing  p.  62 


suggestion  into  practice  by  so  designing  it  for  the  first 

The  coast  of  Newfoundland  is  shown  almost  exactly 
as  in  the  "  Cantino,"  "  Canerio,"  and  "  King  "  maps,  and 
is  labelled  "  Litus  Incognitum."  It  no  doubt  indicates, 
as  they  do,  the  country  discovered  by  Corte  Real. 
Engroenlandt  is  seen  joined  to  the  North  of  Europe, 
as  it  was  long  supposed  to  be,  and  as  it  appears  on 
several  fifteenth- century  maps,  especially  those  of 
Donnus  Nikolaus  Germanus. 

The  other  map  found  is  known  as  the  Carta  Marina 
of  Waldseemiiller,  15 16,  and  is  the  earliest  map  of  the 
chart  description  extant.  Here,  again,  Greenland  is 
found  correctly  outlined  as  it  was  in  the  Cantino  map, 
but  it  is  now  labelled  "  Terra  Laboratoris,"  although,  as 
we  have  seen,  Waldseemiiller  had  placed  it  on  the  map 
of  1507  and  correctly  named  it  Greenland.  This  is  the 
first  and  also  the  last  time  that  Greenland,  correctly 
drawn,  is  called  "  Terra  Laboratoris."  It  expresses  the 
error,  in  its  fully  developed  condition,  that  Greenland 
was  the  country  discovered  in  1501  by  the  Anglo- 
Azorean  Expedition.  The  "Cantino"  map  correctly 
depicted  Greenland,  but  did  not  bestow  the  name ;  the 
intervening  maps  gave  the  name  to  an  island  with  a 
fanciful  outline  east  of  Newfoundland  ;  it  was  left  to 
the  designer  of  the  map  now  under  consideration  to 
suppress  this  island  and  label  Greenland  "  Terra  Labora- 
toris." The  "  Litus  Incognitum"  of  the  1 507  map  is  seen 
considerably  developed,  and  now  embraces  the  whole 
seaboard  of  Newfoundland  and  Labrador,  from  47°  N. 
to  59°  N.,  the  northern  part  called  "  Terra  Nova,"  and 
the  southern  part  called  Coreati — i.e.  Cortreali.  This 
map,  and  Kunstman  III,  are  the  first  to  exhibit  some 
glimmerings  of  the  correct  lie  of  the   Newfoundland 


and  Labrador  coasts  and  their  relative  position  in 
regard  to  Greenland.  Not  until  the  end  of  the  sixteenth 
century  is  a  better  idea  of  the  trend  of  the  Labrador 
coast  to  be  found. 

The  label  attached  gives  more  information  than  is 
found  on  earlier  maps.     It  reads  as  follows  : — 

"  This  land  of  Corterati  was  found  by  order  of  the 
King  of  Portugal  by  Caspar  Corterati,  Captain  of  two 
ships,  A.D.  1 501.  He  was  of  the  opinion  that  it  was 
the  main  land  because  of  the  great  stretch  of  coast 
extending  over  600  miles.  It  has  a  number  of  great 
rivers  and  is  well  populated.  The  houses  of  the  in- 
habitants are  made  of  long  sticks  covered  with  skins. 
Their  garments  are  the  skins  of  wild  beasts,  which  they 
wear  with  the  fur  outside  in  summer  but  inside  in 
winter.  They  paint  their  faces.  They  have  no  iron 
and  use  instead  instruments  of  stone.  There  are  large 
forests  of  pine  trees  and  many  fish,  salmon,  etc." 

The  Kunstman  IV  map,  1520,  on  the  part  called 
"  do  Lavrador  "  bears  the  following  legend  :  "  The  Portu- 
guese saw  this  land  but  did  not  land  there,"  and  on  the 
part  corresponding  to  Newfoundland  called  "  Bacalaos," 
this  inscription :  "  This  land  was  first  discovered  by 
Caspar  Cortereal,  Portuguese.  He  brought  from  thence 
savage  men  and  white  bears.  Many  animals,  birds, 
and  fish  are  found  there.  The  following  year  he  was 
shipwrecked  and  never  returned.  His  brother  Miguel 
the  year  after  met  the  same  fate."  Which  adds  proof 
to  the  opinion  maintained  here  that  the  name  Labrador 
was  not  derived  from  the  savages  sent  back  by  CorteReal. 
In  support  of  this  theory  may  be  quoted  Thome's  letter 
to  Dr.  Leigh,  written  from  Seville  in  1527,  in  which  he 
says,  referring  to  the  dominion  of  Spain  in  the  New 

I    I    I    i>i 

From  "  WaldsecmuUcr  Maps"  by  ki^id  permission  oj  H.  Stevens  Sons  and  Stiles 
CARTA   MARINA,    1516 

Facing  p.  64 


World  :  "  Which  maine  land  or  coast  goeth  northward 
and  finisheth  in  the  land  that  we  found,  which  is  called 
here  Terra  de  Labrador,  so  that  it  appeareth  the  said 
land  that  we  found  and  the  Indies  are  all  one  maine 
land."  From  which  it  is  very  evident  that  the  position 
of  Labrador  was  clearly  understood  at  the  time  in 
Seville,  even  if  the  maps  were  incorrect  and  vague. 

About  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century  there 
flourished  in  Seville  a  well-known  cosmographer  named 
Alonso  de  Santa  Cruz,  who  is  described  as  "expert  in 
all  the  arts  and  mathematics."  He  had  accompanied 
Sebastian  Cabot  on  his  disastrous  voyage  to  La  Plata, 
and  was  later  one  of  the  band  of  scientists  to  whom  was 
entrusted  the  correction  of  Le  Padron  General  or  chart 
on  which  was  noted  all  new  discoveries. 

There  is  still  extant  a  manuscript  by  him  which  has 
never  been  published.  It  is  entitled  El  Islario  General, 
and  gives  a  very  good  idea  of  the  knowledge  possessed 
at  that  time  by  this  celebrated  school  of  geographers. 
He  says : — 

"  First,  we  propose  to  treat  of  that  land  which  is 
commonly  called  Labrador,  the  subject  of  much  dis- 
cussion as  to  whether  it  is  separated  from  the  continent 
of  Greenland  and  if  it  is  a  continuation  of  the  northern 
parts  of  Europe.  Zeigler  {Opera  omnia  1532)  holds 
that  it  is  entirely  a  continuation  of  Scandinavia. 
It  is  frequented  by  the  English  who  go  there  to  take 
fish  which  the  iiatives  catch  in  great  numbers.  It  is 
said  that  the  natives  have  the  same  customs  as  those 
of  the  Province  of  Poland  in  Scandinavia.  There  are 
many  islands  to  the  south  of  this  land  named  as 
follows  :  The  first  is  called  the  '  Isle  of  Bad  Fortune,' 
which  is  situated  in  an  arm  of  the  sea  or  strait  which 
passes  between  Baccalaos  and  the  Island  of  Labrador. 



It  is  called  the  Island  of  Bad  Fortune  because  a 
Portuguese  expedition  which  went  in  search  of  the 
Corte  Reals  suffered  a  great  maritime  disaster  on 
its  shores." 

From  this  it  will  be  clearly  seen  that  the  relative 
positions  of  Greenland,  Labrador,  and  Newfoundland 
were  well  understood,  but  whether  Labrador  was  joined 
to  Greenland  and  Greenland  to  Europe  had  not  been 

In  Richard  Eden's  translation  (i55S)  of  Peter 
Martyr's  Decades  there  are  several  interesting  refer- 
ences to  Labrador. 

"  Of  the  landes  of  Labrador  and  Baccalaos,  it  is  said 
that  many  had  travelled  to  Labrador  in  search  of  a 
passage  to  Cathay,  that  Caspar  Corte  Real  had  been 
there  in  the  year  1500,  and  had  sent  back  a  number  of 
men  as  slaves,  and  that  the  land  of  Baccalaos  is  a 
great  tract  lying  to  the  south  of  48  deg." 

Quoting  Jacobus  Gastaldus,  a  description  is  given  of 
Baccalaos  and  the  land  of  Labrador  to  the  north  of 

Quoting  Olanus  Gothero,  he  says : — 

"  Gruntland,  as  some  say,  is  fyftie  leagues  from  the 
north  part  of  the  firme  lande  of  the  West  Indies,  by 
the  lande  of  Labrador.  But  it  is  not  knowen  whether 
this  land  be  adherent  with  Gruntland  or  if  there  be 
any  streyght  or  sea  between  them." 

In  Gomara's  History  of  the  West  Indies  we  find  the 
following  statement  : — 

"  The  north  part  of  the  West  Indies  is  in  the  same 
latitude  as  Iceland.  The  first  two  hundred  leagues  to 
Rio  Nevado  have  not  been  explored  ;  from  Rio  Nevado 



—1      >s       \ — i    -t    V  y 

--  a- 















V     .- 



.  ^ 



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<'*<  «;^ 

„«.A>^i«l\^^-,  a 


in  lat.  60  the  distance  is  two  hundred  leagues  to  Baio 
de  Maluas ;  all  this  coast  is  the  same  60  deg.,  and  is 
called  Labrador." 

Baio  de  Maluas,  which  has  been  interpreted  Bay  of 
Evil,  appears  on  the  Riccardino  map  of  1534-40  in  what 
seems  to  be  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle.  Rio  Nevado,  or 
Snow  River,  would  therefore  be  Hudson's  Straits,  and 
the  intervening  country  correctly  named  Labrador. 

But  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  writers  of  the  day  under- 
stood the  position  of  these  northern  countries,  the  map 
makers  continued  to  confuse  Greenland  with  Labrador. 

In  the  type  of  map  which  began  with  that  of  Reinel, 
and  of  which  the  Descliers  map,  1546,  may  be  taken  as 
representative,  the  southern  portion  of  the  coast  named 
Labrador  is  undoubtedly  our  Labrador,  but  it  is  a 
matter  of  great  question  whether  the  long  peninsula 
stretching  to  the  eastward  is  intended  for  the  northern 
part  of  Labrador  or  for  Greenland.  It  is  generally 
considered  to  be  the  latter,  but  there  are  grounds  for 
supposing  that  it  is  Labrador.  The  variation  of  the 
compass  in  these  latitudes  no  doubt  greatly  assisted  in 
the  confusion  concerning  them.  On  the  coast  of  New- 
foundland the  variation  is  30°,  gradually  increasing 
until  at  Hudson's  Straits  it  is  45°. 

A  vessel  sailing  to  the  northward  from  Newfoundland 
sees  the  Labrador  coast  apparently  opening  continually 
to  the  eastward.  The  course  steered  until  the  White 
Bear  Islands  are  rounded  in  55°  is  almost  N.E.  by 
compass.  After  that  the  general  trend  of  the  coast 
is  north-west,  true,  but  the  variation  gradually  increas- 
ing in  a  manner  balances  the  change  of  direction  of  the 
coast.  Between  57°  and  58°  there  is  a  notable  bend  to 
the  eastward. 

It    may   be    remembered    that    in    the    narrative   of 


the  Mantuan  gentleman  Sebastian  Cabot  is  recorded 
to  have  said  that,  having  reached  the  same  latitude, 
57°,  finding  the  coast  still  to  turn  to  the  eastward,  he 
changed  his  course  and  sailed  to  the  south. 

As  the  entrance  of  Hudson's  Straits  is  approached 
the  land  again  turns  to  the  east,  and  the  Killinek 
Peninsula,  of  which  Cape  Chidley  is  the  farther  point, 
almost  drops  to  the  southward  of  east.  Dr.  Grenfell,  in 
making  his  course  to  Ungava  Baj^  through  the  Ikke- 
rasak  or  Channel  which  cuts  off  the  Killinek  Peninsula, 
actually  has  to  steer  a  N.N.E.  course  by  compass,  while 
according  to  the  maps  he  should  have  to  steer  almost 
due  west. 

Taking  the  other  assumption,  that  the  long  penin- 
sula is  Greenland,  and  allowing  for  the  variation  of  the 
compass  at  Cape  Farewell,  which  is  52°  west,  it  will  be 
seen  that  a  vessel  approaching  Greenland  from  the 
eastward  would  find  that  coast,  by  compass,  to  lie 
almost  east  and  west,  with  Cape  Farewell  pointing  to 
America,  in  the  following  manner  : — 

instead  of  this,  as  will  be  found  in  the  Deslien  map 

1^     X)^tUi.i\:i  Hup 


If  the  variation  of  the  compass,  therefore,  in  one  case 
would  cause  Labrador  to  stretch  to  the  eastward,  in  the 
other  case  it  would  cause  Cape  Farewell  to  point  to 
the  west  instead  of  to  the  east  as  these  maps  show  it. 
It  may  therefore  be  concluded  that  the  idea  of  the 
real  Labrador  preponderated  when  these  maps  were 

On  a  map  preserved  in  the  Hydrographical  Depart- 
ment in  Paris  of  Portuguese  origin,  and  supposed  to 
have  been  drawn  about  the  year  1550,  the  outline  of 
"  Terra  do  laurador  "  is  shown  somewhat  similar  to  the 
Deslien  map,  but  on  it  Greenland  is  also  shown  in  its 
proper  place. 

The  names  which  appear  on  the  quasi-Labrador 
coast  of  these  maps  are  nearly  all  of  Portuguese  origin, 
and  cannot  now  be  either  explained  or  located.  The 
following  list  is  taken  from  the  Deslien  map,  quoting 
from  Mr.  Harrisse's  Decoiiverte  de  T^erre  Neuve.  The 
Deslien  map  was  drawn  in  Dieppe,  the  names  are 
therefore  French  or  French  adaptations  from  the  Portu- 
guese.    Such  meanings  are  given  as  can  be  ascertained. 

Terre  septentrionale  inconnue.      The  unknown  northern  land. 

I.  rlayne. 


2.  B  de  caramello. 

2.  Bay  of  Ice. 

3.  C  de  terre  firme. 

3.  Cape  of  Mainland. 

4.  Mer  de  France. 

4.  Sea  of  France. 

5.  Terre  de  Laborador. 

5.  Land  of  Labrador. 

6.  R  de  C. 


7.  G  de  P. 


8.  R  Grande. 

8.  Grand  River. 

9.  G  de  Anurado. 

9.  Gulf  of  Forests. 

10.  Gandra. 


II.  Redonda. 

II.  Round  (Island). 

12.  Ys  de  maio. 


13.  Reparo. 

13.  Gulf  of  Repairs. 

14.  Costa. 

14.  (Straight)  Coast. 

70                                     LABRADOR 

Terre  septentrionale  inconnue. 

The  unknown  northern  land. 

15.  C  de  terre  firme. 

15.  Cape  of  Mainland. 

16.  Ys  de  loupes  marins. 

16.  Island  of  Seals. 

17.  Angos. 


18.  Cirnes. 


19.  Argillur. 

19.  Clay. 

20.  Y  de  barres. 

20.  Island  of  Shoals. 

21.  B  du  prassel.^ 

2 1 .  Bay  of  the  Little  Pig 


22.  R  de  pecje. 

22.  River  of  Fishes. 

23.  B  oscura. 

23.  Dark  Bay. 

24.  Terra  de  Johan  vaz. 

24.  Land  of  Joao  Vaz  (Corte 


25.  C  de  bassis. 

25.  Low  Cape. 

26.  Manuel. 


27.  B  de  Manuel. 


28.  B  de  Serra. 

28.  Bay  of  Mountains. 

29.  Tous  saints. 

29.  All  Saints. 

30.  Terre  ursos. 

30.  Land  of  Bears. 

31.  Pracell.^ 

31.  Porcupine 

32.  Mallie. 

32.  Evil. 

33.  de  Mallu. 

33.  Bay  of  Misfortune. 

34.  Praia. 

34.  Meadow  of  Plains. 

35.  B  du  Brandon. 

35.  Bay  of  Brandon. 

36.  B  du  baudeon. 


37.  R  dulce. 

37.  Sweet  River. 

38.  R  Dulce. 

38.  Sweet  River. 

39.  Canada. 

39.  Canada. 

40.  G  froit. 

40.  Cold  Gulf. 

41.  Carame^l 

41.  Ice. 

42.  Forest. 

42.  Forest. 

43.  P  de  Gama, 

43.  Point  of  the  Deer. 

44.  Chasteaux. 

44.  Castle  Bay. 

45.  Blanc  Sablon. 

45.  White  Sand. 

46.  Brest. 

46.  Harbour  of  Brest, 

47.  Jacques  Cartier. 

47.  Harbour  of  Jacques 


The  principal  fact  revealed  by  a  close  study  of  these 
maps  is  that  the  whole  east  coast  of  Newfoundland  and 

^  Numbers  of  porcupines  are  found  on  Labrador, 


Labrador  had  been  traversed  within  a  very  few  years 
after  their  discovery  by  Cabot.  It  is  not  possible 
to  attribute  to  each  voyager  the  particular  portion  of 
coast  explored  by  him,  but  perhaps  the  following  may 
be  as  good  a  conjecture  as  any  other  which  has  been 

John  Cabot,  in  1497,  probably  made  land  on  the  east 
coast  of  Newfoundland,  and  coasted  some  distance 
northward  before  setting  out  on  his  return  journey. 

The  significance  of  the  name  "  Bacalieu,"  borne 
by  the  island  at  the  mouth  of  Conception  Bay,  does 
not  seem  to  have  been  properly  appreciated.  It  was 
the  name  which  Cabot  is  said  to  have  bestowed  on 
the  countries  found  by  him,  and  first  appears  on  the 
Oliveriano  map  of  1503. 

In  1498  Cabot  probably  extended  his  explorations 
considerably,  both  north  and  south. 

Corte  Real,  in  1500,  saw  some  part  of  the  northern 
Labrador  Coast.  In  1501  he  landed  at  Notre  Dame 
Bay  and  explored  the  whole  east  coast  of  Newfound- 
land. The  natives  he  sent  to  Portugal  had  in  their 
possession  a  broken  sword  handle  and  silver  rings  of 
Venetian  manufacture,  which  could  only  have  been 
obtained  from  Cabot's  second  expedition. 

In  this  same  year,  1501,  the  Anglo- Azorean  expedi- 
tion visited  Labrador,  bestowed  the  name,  and  took 
three  Eskimos  to  England.  Some  members  of  this 
expedition  had  previously  sailed  with  Cabot. 

In  1503  Miguel  Corte  Real's  expedition  probably 
ranged  the  whole  coast  of  Newfoundland  and  Labrador 
in  the  search  for  Caspar  Corte  Real.  Joao  Fernandez, 
the  discoverer  of  Labrador,  probably  accompanied  this 
expedition,  or  that  of  1504,  which  was  despatched  from 
Portugal  for  the  same  purpose. 


In  1508  Sebastian  Cabot  and  Sir  Thomas  Pert 
sailed  along  the  Labrador  Coast  into  Hudson's  Straits, 
and  possibly  still  farther  north,  then  turning  south  they 
coasted  down  the  entire  North  American  coast. 

English,  French  and  Portuguese  fishermen  at  once 
began  to  ply  their  calling  in  the  waters  of  the  New 
World,  the  former  apparently  frequenting  more  par- 
ticularly the  coast  of  Labrador. 


THE  discovery  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  is 
generally  attributed  to  Jacques  Cartier,  but  it 
would  be  undoubtedly  more  correct  to  say  that  he  first 
explored  it  and  made  it  known,  as  there  is  good 
evidence  for  the  belief  that  he  only  followed  up  the 
discoveries  of  his  own  fellow  countrymen  the  Bretons. 

Prior  to  Cartier's  voyage  in  1534,  however,  the  Gulf 
of  St.  Lawrence  is  not  shown  on  any  map. 

It  has  always  been  a  matter  of  regret  to  students 
that  the  letters  patent  or  commission  granted  to 
Cartier  by  Francis  I  has  been  lost.  Many  writers 
think  that  the  object  of  his  voyage  was  to  find  a 
passage  to  China  and  the  East,  but  as  he  makes  no 
reference  to  them  in  his  narrative  it  seems  rather  to 
have  been  intended  for  the  exploration  of  the  "  New- 
lands"  already  found,  and  which  are  referred  to  in  the 
narratives  of  his  voyages  as  being  the  eastern  parts  of 

Some  indication  of  the  purport  of  his  voyage  can  be 
obtained  from  the  declaration  he  made  before  the  Pro- 
curateur  of  St;  Malo,  on  March  19th,  1533.  He  was  at 
that  time  endeavouring  to  secure  ships  and  men,  "  hav- 
ing charge  to  voyage  and  go  into  Newlands  and  pass  the 
Strait  of  the  Bay  of  Chatteaux,"  but  found  himself  con- 
tinually balked  by  his  fellow  citizens  who  designed  "  to 



carry  away  and  conduct  a  number  of  ships  of  the  town 
to  the  said  parts  of  Newlands  for  their  particular  profit, 
who  have  concealed  and  cause  to  be  concealed  the  said 
shipmasters,  master  mariners  and  seamen,  that  by 
this  means  the  undertaking  and  will  of  the  said  lord 
(Francis  I)  are  wholly  frustrated." 

Upon  this  complaint  the  Procurateur  decreed  that 
no  ships  were  to  leave  port  until  Cartier  had  selected 
those  which  he  required.  It  will  be  seen  from  this  that 
Cartier  intended  "  to  pass  the  Straits  of  the  Bay  of 
Chatteaux,"  now  the  "  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,"  and  it  is 
therefore  evident  that  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  must 
have  been  known  at  least  in  part,  or  else  this  body  of 
water  would  not  have  been  described  as  a  Strait.  As 
both  Bretons  and  Basques  were  in  the  habit  of  resort- 
ing to  the  Straits  regularly  for  the  whale  fishery,  it 
would  seem  impossible  that  they  should  not  have  been 
drawn  some  considerable  distance  within  the  Gulf. 

The  St.  Malouins  also  showed,  by  their  endeavours 
to  block  Cartier's  designs,  that  they  valued  the  fishery 
very  highly,  and  did  not  wish  him  to  intrude  upon  their 
private  preserves  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence, 

This  is  the  first  extant  reference  to  "  Chateau,"  and  it 
will  be  noticed  that  it  is  spoken  of  as  a  place  well  known, 
although  it  does  not  appear  on  any  map  until  the 
Harleyan  Map  of  about  1543.  It  is  not  known,  there- 
fore, who  bestowed  this  very  appropriate  name,  the  huge 
mass  of  basalt,  which  caps  an  island  in  the  bay,  with  its 
perpendicular  cliffs,  rectangular  shape  and  flat  top  hav- 
ing all  the  appearance  of  a  Norman  keep. 

Hitherto  we  have  only  been  able  to  record  that 
voyages  were  made  to  Labrador  without  being  able  to 
tell  what  places  in  particular  were  visited,  but  fortun- 
ately a  contemporary,  if  not  the  original  manuscript  of 


Cartier's  first  voyage,  is  still  preserved,  and  we  are  able 
to  trace  his  course  from  day  to  day  with  almost  perfect 

On  the  lOth  May,  1534,  he  arrived  at  Cape  Bonavista, 
and  as  there  was  a  good  deal  of  ice  on  the  coast  he 
went  into  the  harbour  of  St.  Katherine,  now  Catalina, 
and  remained  ten  days.  Evidently  these  places  were 
then  well  known  by  name,  although  no  maps  prior 
to  1534  now  exist  which  show  them.  From  there 
Cartier  directed  his  course  to  the  Isle  of  Birds  (now  the 
Funks)  where  two  of  his  boats  loaded  with  great  auks, 
a  practice  which  continued  until  the  species  was  exter- 
minated in  the  early  part  of  the  nineteenth  century. 

On  May  27th  he  arrived  at  Chateau  Bay  on  the 
Labrador  coast,  which  was  probably  the  port  he 
intended  to  have  first  made,  but  found  so  much  ice 
about  that  he  returned  to  the  Newfoundland  shore  and 
harboured  at  Rapont,  or  Carpont  (nov/  Ouirpon).  This 
name  again  bears  witness  to  the  voyages  of  the  Bretons 
to  the  coast,  as  there  are  several  small  localities  in 
Brittany  named  "Carpunt."  Here  he  was  ice-bound 
for  nine  days.  When  able  to  get  out  of  the  harbour  he 
returned  to  Chateau,  and  from  thence  coasted  westward 
through  the  Straits,  touching  at  Hable  des  Buttes 
(Greenish  Hr.),  Hable  de  Balleine  (Red  Bay),  and 
Blanc  Sablon,^  which  still  bears  the  name,  although 
it  was  apparently  not  bestowed  by  Cartier  as  some 
authors  have  stated.  Passing  ITsle  de  Bouays  (Woody 
Island)  and  ITsle  des  Ouaiseaulx  (Greenly  Island),  he 
came  to  Islettes  (Bradore  Bay)  and  notes  that  "there 
great  fishing  is  done." 

^  Blanc  Sablon  is  said  to  be  so  named  on  account  of  its  sandy  beach, 
but  it  may  be  something  more  than  a  coincidence  that  there  is  a  bay  of 
the  same  name  within  a  few  miles  of  Brest  in  France. 


On  June  loth  he  harboured  at  Brest,  now  Old  Fort 
Bay.  Leaving"  his  vessels  to  take  in  wood  and  water, 
he  went  in  his  boats  some  distance  to  the  westward, 
and  passing  by  so  many  islands  on  his  way  he  named 
the  locality  "  Toutes  Isles,"  While  on  this  journey  he 
met  a  ship  from  Rochelle,  the  captain  of  which  asked 
to  be  directed  to  Brest,  where  he  intended  to  do  his 
fishing.  From  which  incident  it  is  clearly  seen  that 
Brest  was  not  so  called  by  Cartier,  as  has  been  often 
stated,  but  was  known  by  name  and  frequented  by  the 
Bretons  before  his  time. 

Proceeding  along  the  coast  in  his  boats  he  explored 
harbour  after  harbour,  with  the  excellence  of  which  he 
was  much  struck.  One  in  particular,  which  he  named 
Jacques  Cartier  Harbour,  he  considered  "one  of  the  good 
harbours  of  the  world."  But  of  the  country  he  gave  the 
same  unflattering  opinion  as  the  Norsemen  had  done. 
He  says : — 

"If  the  land  was  as  good  as  the  harbors  there 
are,  it  would  be  an  advantage,  but  it  should  not  be 
named  the  New  land  but  (the  land)  of  stones  and  rocks, 
frightful  and  ill-shaped,  for  in  all  the  said  north  coast  1 
did  not  find  a  cartload  of  earth  though  I  landed  in 
many  places.  Except  at  Blanc  Sablon  there  is  noth- 
ing but  moss  and  stunted  wood  ;  in  short,  I  deem 
rather  than  otherwise  that  it  is  the  land  God  gave  to 
Cain.  There  are  people  in  the  said  land  who  are  well 
enough  in  body,  but  they  are  wild  and  savage  folks. 
They  have  their  hair  tied  upon  their  heads  in  the 
fashion  of  a  fistful  of  hay  trussed  up  and  a  nail  or  some 
other  thing  passed  through  it,  and  therein  they  stick 
some  feathers  of  birds.  They  clothe  themselves  with 
skins  of  beasts,  both  men  and  women,  but  the  women 
are  closer  and  tighter  in  the  said  skins  and  girded  about 


the  body.  They  paint  themselves  with  certain  tawny 
colours.  They  have  boats  in  which  they  go  by  the  sea, 
which  are  made  of  the  bark  of  the  birch  trees,  where- 
with they  fish  a  good  many  seals.  Since  having  seen 
them  1  am  sure  this  is  not  their  abode,  and  that  they 
come  from  warmer  lands  in  order  to  take  the  said  seals 
and  other  things  for  their  living." 

Commentators  have  not  been  able  to  agree  as  to 
the  particular  race  of  Indians  here  described.  The 
description  is  certainly  not  applicable  to  the  Eskimos, 
whom  Cartier  was  most  likely  to  have  encountered  on 
the  Labrador  coast,  and  from  its  place  in  the  narrative 
it  seems  improbable  that  he  could  have  intended  it  for 
the  Beothuks,  the  unfortunate  inhabitants  of  Newfound- 
land. It  therefore  seems  most  likely  that  he  met  on 
this  boat  voyage  the  Montaignais  Indians,  who  always 
came  down  to  the  coast  at  that  season  of  the  year,  and 
he  naturally  described  those  he  had  last  seen. 

On  June  13th  Cartier  returned  to  Brest,  sailed 
thence  to  Newfoundland,  along  which  he  coasted  south, 
crossed  over  to  the  Cape  Breton  shore,  and  then  sailed 
northerly  until  he  had  made  the  complete  circuit  of  the 
Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  thus  prepared  the  way  for 
his  great  discovery  of  the  river  St.  Lawrence  on  his 
next  voyage.  He  left  Blanc  Sablon  on  August  15th  to 
return  to  France,  and,  in  spite  of  being  delayed  in  the 
Strait  three  days  by  head  winds,  he  arrived  at  St.  Malo 
on  September  5th — a  good  voyage  for  modern  times. 

It  is  not  inappropriate  here  to  comment  upon  the 
misunderstanding  as  to  the  situation  of  Brest  which  so 
long  obtained,  and  which  was  finally  settled  by  Dr. 
Samuel  E.  Dawson  in  an  able  paper  read  by  him  before 
the  Royal  Society  of  Canada  on  May  24th,  1905.  On 
all  the  early  maps,  right  up  to  the  beginning  of  the 


nineteenth  century,  the  ancient  harbour  of  Brest  was 
properly  located  at  Old  Fort  Bay.  On  the  map  of 
Lieutenant  Michael  Lane,  1790,  the  two  names  are 
bracketed  together  and  correctly  placed,  so  it  seems 
strange  that  any  misunderstanding  could  have  arisen. 

There  had  been  published  in  London,  in  1638,  a  book 
called  the  Merchants'  Moppe  of  Commerce,  which,  to- 
gether with  other  erroneous  information  about  the 
New  World,  contains  a  description  of  Terra  Corterealis, 
the  chief  town  of  which  was  Brest,  the  residence  of  the 
Governor,  Almoner,  and  other  public  officers,  and  from 
which  the  French  exported  large  quantities  of  fish,  oil, 
and  furs.  This  seems  to  have  been  repeated  in  other 
publications,  and  finally  a  tradition  was  established 
that  Brest  had  been  a  city  of  importance  which  fell  into 
decay  in  the  seventeenth  century.  A  Mr.  Samuel 
Robertson,  who  lived  upon  the  coast  about  1840, 
apparently  misled  by  this  tradition,  was  at  some 
pains  to  find  the  remains  of  a  city  and  finally  located 
some  ruins  in  Bradore  Bay,  which  he  estimated  to  have 
represented  about  two  hundred  houses,  and  concluded 
that  he  had  discovered  the  ancient  town  of  Brest. 

He  wrote  a  paper  to  the  Historical  Society  of 
Quebec  giving  this  information,  which  was  accepted 
without  challenge,  and  consequently  historians  ever 
since  have  located  Brest  at  Bradore,  and  have  spoken  of 
it  as  a  town  of  importance.  Dr.  Samuel  E.  Dawson, 
however,  points  out  that  Brest  was  never  anything  but 
a  harbour  much  frequented  during  the  summer  season 
in  the  sixteenth  century ;  that  probably  there  was 
never  any  settlement  there  beyond,  perhaps,  a  block- 
house with  a  few  men  to  guard  any  boats  or  fishing 
material  which  may  have  been  left  behind  each  winter ; 
that  Brest  is  not  even  mentioned  by  Jehan  Alphonse  in 


1542,  by  Champlain  in  1610,  nor  by  Charlevoix  in  1740, 
who  described  the  coast  minutely,  nor  is  there  any 
reference  to  it  in  the  Jesuit  Relations,  nor  in  the  Edits 
et  Ordonnances  of  Quebec.  This  evidence  may  be  con- 
sidered absolutely  conclusive.  The  ruins  found  by  Mr. 
Samuel  Robertson  were  undoubtedly  those  of  Fort 
Pontchartrain  and  the  settlement  made  by  Legardeur 
de  Courtmarche,  who  obtained  a  grant  of  the  coast  in 

Brest  seems  to  have  been  a  favourite  scene  for 
mythical  episodes.  In  the  Lennox  Library  in  New 
York  there  is  a  unique  volume  entitled  Coppie  dvne 
Lettre  e7ivoyee  de  la  Nauvelle  France  ov  Canada,  par  le 
Sieur  des  Combes.  It  was  printed  in  1609,  and  purports 
to  have  been  written  at  Brest  in  Canada,  February 
13th,  1608.  The  following  translation,  as  given  by  Dr. 
Samuel  E.  Dawson,  will  be  found  very  amusing.  It  will 
be  seen  at  once  that  the  narrative  is  entirely  fabulous 
and  about  on  a  par  with  Gulliver's  voyage  to  Lilliput : — 

Copy  of  a  Letter  sent  frojn  New  France,  or 
Canada,  by  the  Sieztr  des  Combes,  a  Gentleman 
of  Poitozt,  to  a  Friend,  in  which  are  Described 
Briefly  the  Marvels,  Excellence,  and  V/ealth  of 
the  Country,  Together  zvith  the  Appearance  and 
Manners  of  the  Inhabitants,  the  Glory  of  the 
French,  and  the  Hope  there  is  of  Christianising 

Sir, — Since  want  of  time  and  the  condition  of  my 
fortune  debar  me  from  the  means  of  seeing  you  per- 
sonally, and  that  my  destiny  has  relegated  me  to  foreign 
lands,  I  will  try  at  least  to  visit  you  now  by  a  letter, 
and  to  direct  my  thoughts  to  France  in  a  visit  to  my 


own  country,  my  parents,  and  those  with  whom  during 
my  early  years  I  contracted  the  ties  of  close  friendship, 
and  among  whom  you  hold  the  first  rank,  for  I  have 
always  especially  esteemed  your  worth.  The  only  thorn 
which  troubles  my  rest  and  prevents  me  from  settling 
my  inclinations  in  the  satisfaction  flowing  from  our 
conquests  and  our  triumphs,  is  being  deprived  of  the 
conversation  of  my  friends,  and  finding  myself  now,  so 
to  say,  torn  in  as  many  parts  as  there  are  objects  of 
affection,  and  that  those  objects  are  to  me  so  dear.  I 
would  sustain  with  more  patience  this  voluntary  exile, 
and  the  remembrance  of  the  charms  of  Europe  would 
not  so  often  trouble  my  resolution,  seeing  that  now  my 
circumstances  are  changed  into  an  abode  in  these  dis- 
agreeable, wild,  and  uncivilized  lands  ;  but  I  am  now 
realizing  to  my  cost  what  it  is  to  be  separated  from 
those  whom  one  loves,  and  to  endure  the  pain  of  such 
a  long  absence  without  hope  of  even  seeing  any  change 
in  my  lot.  But  after  all  it  is  the  result  of  my  own 
inconsistency  and  youth,  and,  as  I  have  thrown  the  die, 
I  must  alone  meet  the  result.  However  that  may  be, 
I  beg  you  to  believe  that  I  have  erected  an  altar  in  my 
heart  upon  which  I  offer  every  day  vows  and  bene- 
dictions in  recollection  of  your  worth,  and  I  cherish  in 
my  memory  the  pleasures  of  our  former  enjoyments. 
I  think  that  if  I  had  not  found  this  remedy  to  alleviate 
my  reminiscences  I  could  not  have  endured  the  distress 
that  these  memories  threw  over  all  my  energies,  but, 
at  last,  I  have  learned  by  this  means  to  soften  their 
pain,  and  these  solaces  are  so  pleasant  that  I  gather 
them  as  roses  and  flowers,  overspread  with  contentment 
so  great  that  it  creates  for  me  a  paradise  of  enjoyment 
and  is  the  delight  of  my  life.  The  sorrows  of  absence 
would  yet  be  endurable  if,  after  a  certain  length  of 
time,   I   could    secure  news  from  you  ;    but   since  my 


departure  from  France  my  ill-fortune  has  been  such 
that  I  have  been  without  any,  and  I  can  in  no  way 
learn  how  you  are  nor  the  state  of  your  affairs,  except 
in  imagination,  and  I  know  very  well  that  such  im- 
aginations are  deceitful.  That  would  afford  a  new 
charm  to  quicken  the  ardour  of  my  desires,  but  seeing 
that  my  unfortunate  situation  forbids  it,  I  leave  the 
whole  to  chance  and  hazard,  both  in  giving  you  a 
description  of  New  France  and  in  asking  you  to  let 
us  know  what  is  going  on  in  the  old  one ;  and  if  a  fair 
wind  carries  my  letter  to  you,  I  beg  that  you  will 
recognize  this  mark  of  my  affection  and  accept  in  good 
part  what  I  say  of  events  on  this  side,  until  history 
records,  in  detail,  all  those  facts  for  your  better  in- 

You  must  know  that  after  our  departure  from 
Rochelle,  which  was  on  April  13th,  1604,  under  the 
direction  of  the  Sieur  de  Bricaut,  a  man  equally  ex- 
perienced as  a  captain  on  sea  and  on  land  (as  the  facts 
prove)  as  much  so  as  any  one  I  have  ever  known  either 
by  reputation  or  otherwise,  we  pursued  our  way  on  the 
high  sea  with  a  fair  wind  until  the  24th  of  the  said 
month,  when  at  two  o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  when  we 
were  near  Maida  Islands,  about  the  3rd  degree  of 
longitude  and  the  24th  of  latitude,  there  arose  a  north- 
east wind  very  strong  and  vexatious  with  storm  and 
tempest,  separating  our  vessels  and  raising  the  sea  with 
such  fury  that  we  thought  we  were  lost,  and  that  our 
destiny  was  to  be  wrecked  on  the  spot ;  but  God,  whose 
will  was  to  reserve  our  lives  for  a  more  glorious  occasion, 
showed  that  He  had  ordered  otherwise  in  His  Divine 
Justice,  because  after  wind  and  tempest  had  frothed  out 
their  malice  during  two  hours,  at  four  o'clock  in  the 
afternoon  they  ceased  and  the  waves  calmed  down. 
Then  we  commenced  to  examine  the  Islands,  and  we 


took  refuge  there  to  recuperate  and  rest  during  three 
days,  as  well  as  to  wait  for  some  of  our  vessels  which 
had  gone  astray,  as  to  repair  two  of  them  whose  sides 
had  been  opened  by  the  great  strain  they  had  sustained. 

After  three  days  at  that  place  we  raised  anchor  the 
28th,  at  seven  o'clock  in  the  morning,  and  spreading  all 
sails  we  steered  away  towards  Isle  Verde,  but  just  as 
we  thought  to  approach  it  there  came  a  north  wind 
which,  after  blowing  furiousl)'-  against  us  for  a  day  and 
a  half,  drove  us  to  the  Azores,  where  in  the  immediate 
vicinity  we  met  a  fleet  of  Spanish  vessels.  They 
attempted  to  bar  our  passage,  but  after  a  few  light 
attacks  we  passed  along. 

I  would  describe  to  you  in  detail  the  nature  of  these 
Islands,  their  situation,  and  the  manner  of  life  of  the 
people,  but  as  I  have  only  undertaken  to  tell  you  of 
New  France  and  of  what  is  going  on  there,  I  will  pass 
over  the  rest  and  will  say  nothing  more  than  that  the 
climate  is  fairly  agreeable,  and  that  they  are  very  fine 
Islands,  well  peopled,  of  which  Spain  holds  the  great 
part.  I  will  not,  therefore,  say  any  more  on  this 
subject,  except  that  after  numerous  encounters,  fortunes 
and  perils  (not  here  related  for  the  sake  of  brevity),  we 
arrived  at  Cape  Bellile  the  twenty-seventh  of  the  month 
of  August  of  the  year  1605,  about  three  o'clock  of  the 
afternoon :  this  Cape  is  one  of  the  finest  that  exists  in 
all  the  ocean,  and  especially  in  the  northern  sea ;  and 
you  should  know  that  there  are  two  large  rocks  a 
gunshot's  length  into  the  sea,  and  then  they  meet  in 
a  crescent  on  the  south  side,  so  that  one  might  suppose 
that  Nature  had  set  herself  to  build  a  port  as  safe 
and  more  beautiful  than  any  which  human  skill  could 
produce.  A  league  and  a  half  from  there  is  a  small 
town  named  Surfe,  inhabited  since  a  long  time  by  the 
French.     We  made  acquaintances  there  and   received 


great  courtesies  from  the  inhabitants,  and  were  made 
very  welcome. 

This  place  is  the  beginning  of  Canada,  but  we  did 
not  want  to  prolong  our  sojourn  there  because  we 
desired  first  to  go  and  see  the  Sieur  du  Dongeon,  who 
is  governor,  and  resides  ordinarily  at  Brest,  the  prin- 
cipal town  of  the  whole  country,  well  provisioned,  large 
and  well  fortified,  peopled  by  about  fifty  thousand  men, 
and  furnished  with  all  that  is  necessary  to  enrich  a  good 
sized  town  ;  it  is  distant  from  Surfe  about  fifty  leagues. 

Our  voyage  so  far  was  more  favourable  than  the 
sequel,  for  having  sailed  the  eleventh  of  December,  so 
soon  as  we  were  in  the  open  sea  about  six  leagues,  a 
north  wind  arose  Vv^hich  struck  us  with  such  violence 
that  in  less  than  twenty-four  hours  we  were  thrown 
on  the  land  of  Baccalaos,  partly  owned  by  the  Spaniards, 
partly  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  country  ;  but  fortune 
was  so  favourable  that  we  were  pushed  in  a  little  strait 
in  the  corner  of  an  island  under  great  trees  closely 
resembling  oaks,  except  that  their  leaves  are  like  cab- 
bage leaves,  and  they  bear  a  fruit  similar  to  oranges, 
which  is  very  good  and  delicate,  with  a  taste  most 
delicious  and  agreeable.  While  we  were  there  riding 
at  anchor  some  of  our  men,  animated  by  curiosity  to 
know  who  were  the  inhabitants  of  that  island,  roamed 
amongst  the  trees  and  walked  about  two  miles  before 
finding  anything.  Then  proceeding  further,  they  saw 
in  the  woods  a  few  huts  covered  with  foliage,  and  in 
the  vicinity  some  men  who  seemed  to  cary  arms  and 
were  patrolling  around  the  huts.  Our  folks  stopped 
a  moment  in  order  to  ascertain  what  they  v/ere  doing. 
Soon  after  came  to  them  two  tall  men,  like  semi-giants, 
armed  with  scales  of  fishes,  and  each  carrying  a  big 
club  in  his  hands  bristling  with  iron  nails,  and  weighing 
about  eighty  pounds.    At  the  first  approach  they  began 


to  quarrel  with  these  poor  people,  and  in  less  than  no 
time  threw  ten  or  twelve  of  them  on  the  ground  before 
they  had  time  to  put  themselves  on  their  guard ;  upon 
which  the  people  began  to  beat  upon  a  sort  of  wood 
unknown  to  me,  and  made  such  a  noise  that  the  whole 
forest  resounded.  Then,  joining  together  in  defence  to 
the  number  of  about  five  hundred,  and  with  a  sort  of 
crossbows  gave  chase  to  these  monsters,  who  neverthe- 
less carried  off  some  plunder  in  their  flight. 

Our  men,  seeing  the  awkwardness  at  arms  of  these 
poor  Barbarians,  became  more  bold  and,  showing  them- 
selves to  them,  fired  three  or  four  discharges  of  musketry, 
which  so  surprised  them  that  they  did  not  know  where 
they  were,  and  they  were  preparing  to  flee  when  some 
of  our  men  advanced  towards  them  and  made  signs  to 
them  to  have  no  fear  and  that  no  harm  would  be  done 
to  any  of  them. 

On  this  assurance  they  assembled,  and,  after  a  long 
deliberation,  they  placed  their  king  on  a  small  chariot 
with  four  wheels  and  the  four  most  good  looking  drew 
it  marching  in  the  direction  of  the  men,  making  signs 
to  drop  their  arms.  The  arms  being  lowered  the  king 
kissed  the  Sieur  de  Fougeres,  who  was  the  most  distin- 
guished looking  of  the  lot,  and  told  him  through  his 
interpreter  that  if  they  wished  to  remain  in  the  country 
he  would  furnish  them  with  subsistence  and  land,  and, 
taking  a  great  collar  of  precious  stones  that  he  wore 
around  his  neck,  he  gave  it  to  the  Sieur  de  Fougeres,  and 
afterwards  that  same  collar  was  estimated  at  more  than 
one  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  ecus  ($75,000).  Then 
after  having  studied  the  disposition  and  appearance  of 
our  folks,  and  finding  them  so  dexterous  and  gracious 
compared  to  themselves,  the  Barbarians  remained 
ravished  and  wanted  to  worship  them  like  gods,  making 
signs  that  if  they  wished  to  go  with  them   they  would 


be  recognized  as  kings  and  emperors  of  all  their  lands 
which  are  very  extensive  and  rich,  but  our  people  made 
reply  that  they  were  only  human  beings  and  no  more 
than  themselves,  and  that  there  was  in  heaven  an  im- 
mortal and  Almighty  God,  and  that  they  all  ought  to 
worship  Him  with  devotion.  Then  they  threw  them- 
selves on  their  knees,  and,  stamping  with  joy  and  with 
eyes  elevated  to  heaven,  they  commenced  to  sing  hymns 
of  joy  in  their  language.  Then  as  the  wind  rose  they 
ran  away  in  all  directions,  so  that  in  less  than  no  time 
our  men  were  left  alone  without  knowing  the  cause  of 
such  a  sudden  alarm. 

After  that  our  people  returned  to  the  vessels  and  told 
all  that  they  had  seen,  and  we  remained  surprised,  won- 
dering at  the  mercy  of  God  and  magnitude  of  His 
works,  as  well  as  the  simplicity  of  those  poor  beings 
which  renders  them  a  hundred  times  more  happy  in 
their  brutish  state  than  we  are  with  all  our  pride  and 

We  were  almost  on  the  point  of  taking  the  risk  of 
seizing  the  country,  seeing  the  road  open  before  us  and 
almost  inviting  us  to  enter ;  but  after  consultation,  fore- 
seeing the  perils  that  we  might  meet  with,  we  refrained 
and  postponed  the  attempt  to  another  time.  Still  the 
country  is  beautiful,  rich,  productive,  with  an  infinity  of 
fine  fruits,  many  precious  stones  and  [about  last  half  of 
line  missing,  clipped  by  binder]  which  makes  it  very 
wealthy.  I  believe  that  less  than  five  hundred  men 
could  get  possession  of  it,  and  thus  make  one  of  the 
best  conquests  possible.  The  French  will  consider  this 
matter,  and  meantime  I  will  proceed  with  the  narrative 
of  our  voyage. 

After  resting  for  a  day  and  a  half,  we  raised  anchor, 
and  taking  the  route  of  St.  Lawrence  Island  we  were 
again  thwarted  and  had  to  land  on  a  small  island  called 


Les  Chasses,  where  we  remained  a  fortnight  before  we 
could  sail  again.  We  found  there  small  grains  of  pure- 
gold  mixed  with  the  sand,  so  much  that  some  of  our 
men  gathered  more  than  thirty  pounds  of  it,  and  plenty 
of  coral  and  layet  (jaiet)  which  grow  there  in  great 
abundance.  Following  again  the  same  route  we  made 
so  swift  a  course  that  on  November  5  we  arrived  at 
Brest,  where  we  received  a  hearty  welcome  with  the 
most  magnificent  entertainment  we  could  desire,  both 
from  the  Sieur  de  Dongeon  and  all  the  other  inhabi- 
tants. After  resting  for  a  short  time  we  were  employed 
in  the  war  they  were  waging  against  the  people  of 
Bofragara,  on  the  other  side  of  the  river  Anacal  which 
divides  their  lands  ;  but  before  entering  further  upon  an 
account  of  that  war,  I  wish  to  say  something  of  the 
situation  of  the  country  and  the  manners  of  these  New 

Firstly,  you  must  know  that  Canada  is  a  very  beauti- 
ful country,  large  and  pleasant,  bounded  on  the  north 
by  the  river  Anacal,  on  [about  first  half  of  line  missing, 
clipped  by  binder]  Northern  Ocean,  on  the  sunset  by 
the  mountains  of  Gales,  and  on  the  south  by  the  terri- 
tories of  Chillaga.  The  principal  towns  are  Brest, 
Hanguedo,  Canada,  Hochilago,  Foquelay,  Turquas, 
Brinon,  Bonara,  Forniset,  Grossot,  and  Horsago,  Poquet, 
Tarat,  and  Fongo,  all  large  towns,  and  well  provided. 
The  rivers  are  Anacal,  which  is  a  great  river,  Saguenay, 
Bargat,  Druce,  and  Boucorre,  the  least  of  them  being 
larger  than  the  Seine,  besides  an  infinity  of  other 
streams.  The  Kingdom  of  Canada  is  about  three  hun- 
dred leagues  in  length  and  one  hundred  and  fifty  broad, 
of  a  fair  enough  temperature,  except  that  it  is  a  little 
colder  than  France,  being  placed  under  the  50th  degree 
of  latitude  and  320th  degree  of  longitude.  It  is  very 
fertile,  flat,  full  of  all  sorts  of  trees,  except  that  it  pro- 


duces  no  wine,  but  in  compensation  there  are  certain 
apples,  marvellously  big  and  full  of  a  certain  juice  very- 
delicate  and  which  intoxicates  as  much  as  wine.  There 
is,  however,  wine  there,  and  very  good  and  delicate, 
which  is  brought  from  Florida,  a  warmer  country  where 
they  produce  much  of  it.  As  for  wheat  of  all  kinds 
the  country  is  as  fertile  as  France  itself,  and  there  is  a 
certain  class  of  wheat  named  Trive  which  is  whiter  than 
the  French  species,  and  better,  more  savoury,  yielding  a 
very  sweet  flour  with  a  smell  nearly  like  the  violet.  It  is 
only  necessary  to  plough  the  land  once  and  to  sow,  and 
I  can  assure  you  that  from  a  bushel  of  this  Trive  you 
will  get  more  than  thirtyfold  without  any  admixture  of 
grass  or  other  weeds  to  spoil  it.  I  cannot  describe  to 
you  the  fertility  of  the  country  both  in  wheat,  in  other 
sorts  of  fruits  and  things  necessary  to  manhood,  as  well 
as  in  other  kinds  of  merchandise,  drapery,  silk,  and 
wool.  To  sum  up  in  a  word,  I  believe  it  is  some 
promised  land,  and  that  the  simplicity  of  its  inhabitants 
brings  on  it  the  benediction  of  heaven,  because  without 
excess  of  labour  and  without  hard  work  to  make  a 
living,  such  as  we  do  in  Europe,  they  have  all  things  in 

Now,  to  show  you  the  nature  of  those  who  reside  here, 
you  must  know  that  they  are  very  fine  men,  white  as 
snow  ;  they  allow  their  hair  to  grow  down  to  the  waist, 
men  or  women,  with  high  foreheads,  the  eyes  burning 
like  candles,  tall  in  body  and  well  proportioned.  The 
women  also  are  very  beautiful  and  pleasing,  well  formed 
and  delicate,  so  much  that  with  the  style  of  their  dress, 
which  is  somewhat  strange,  they  seem  to  be  nymphs  or 
goddesses.  They  are  very  tractable  and  gentle,  but 
would  rather  be  killed  than  consent  to  their  own  dis- 
honour, and  they  have  only  connection  with  their 


As  regards  their  manner  of  living  in  other  respects 
they  are  brutish,  but  they  are  commencing  to  be  civi- 
lized and  to  adopt  our  ways  and  deportment ;  they  are 
easy  to  teach  in  the  Christian  Faith  without  showing 
much  obstinacy  in  their  paganism,  so  much  so,  that  if 
some  teacher  were  to  visit  them  I  think  that  in  a  short 
time  the  whole  of  the  country  would  turn  to  the  Chris- 
tian Faith  without  much  effort,  and  I  think  also  by  that 
means  the  road  would  be  open  all  over  America  for  the 
conquest  of  souls,  which  is  more  important  than  all  the 
territories  that  can  ever  be  conquered. 

It  should  be  known  that  we  hold  a  large  extent  of 
country  as  Frenchmen,  and  that  we  have  undertaken  the 
conquest  of  the  Atares,  which  is  one  of  the  richest  por- 
tions of  Canada,  and  where  mines  of  gold  and  silver  are 
in  great  abundance,  and  which  are  very  rich.  All  along 
the  riversides  even  are  to  be  found  something  like  small 
nuggets  of  fine  gold,  many  precious  stones,  diamonds 
and  other  wealth.  The  people  there  are  cruel  and  war- 
like and  give  us  much  trouble.  We  want  badly  some 
help  from  France,  and  I  think  Mons.  du  Dongeon  has 
written  to  the  King  to  that  effect,  and  I  tell  you  that  if 
we  receive  help  we  shall  have  the  upper  hand  of  them, 
and  will  perform  such  deeds  that  the  memory  will  go 
down  to  posterity  and  the  glory  of  Frenchmen  will  live 
forever  in  all  America. 

This  is  briefly  what  I  can  write  you  for  the  present, 
as  I  have  not  been  long  enough  in  the  country  to  know 
all  its  singularities,  and  I  beg  you  to  be  satisfied  with 
this  little  until  time  and  experience  have  furnished  me 
the  means  to  add  to  my  informxation  and  enable  me  to 
describe  to  you  at  full  length  the  merits  of  such  a  fine 
conquest.  I  promise  and  assure  you  that,  France  being 
excepted,  Canada  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  and 
agreeable  countries  that  you  can  either  see  or  desire, 


and  I  would  even  dare  to  prefer  it  to  France  as  to  riches 
and  resources,  both  for  gold  and  silver  as  well  as  for 
other  necessaries  of  life,  and  all  that  without  much  pain 
and  work  as  you  have  generally.  Please  take  this 
meagre  budget  of  news  in  good  part. 
Sir,  as  coming  from 

Your  most  affectionate  servant, 

Des  Combes. 

From  Brest  in  Canada, 

this  13th  February,  1608. 

Leon  Savine,  master  printer,  permission  to  print  the 
present  copy  of  letter,  v/ith  interdiction  to  any  others  in 
such  case  required. 

Jacques  Cartier  made  a  second  voyage  in  1535  ;  again 
entering  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  by  the  Straits  of 
Belle  Isle  and  harbouring  in  Blanc  Sablon.  On  this 
momentous  voyage  he  ascended  the  St.  Lawrence  as 
far  as  the  present  Montreal,  and  returned  leaving  the 
Gulf  by  the  Cabot  Straits  to  the  south  of  New- 

It  is  said  {Documents  Aiithentiques  de  la  Marine 
Normande,  by  E.  Gossilin)  that  after  1527  there  was 
a  notable  decline  in  the  pursuit  of  the  fisheries  in 
the  New  World  by  the  fishermen  of  Normandy,  and 
that  it  did  not  revive  until  after  the  voyage  of  Roberval 
and  Cartier  in  1541.  It  seems  certain,  however,  that 
Cartier's  fellow-townsmen,  the  St.  Malouins,  continued 
to  make  yearly  voyages,  their  objective  point  being 
nearly  always  the  south  coast  of  Labrador  in  the 
Straits  of  Belle  Isle.  On  Cartier's  third  voyage  (1541) 
he  made  the  harbour  of  Carpunt  to  the  north  of  New- 
foundland, and  proceeded  through  the  Straits  to  his 
destination.     He  wintered  near  the  mouth  of  the  St. 


Lawrence,  and  after  enduring  great  hardships,  departed 
in  the  spring  of  1542  to  return  to  France,  Entering 
the  harbour  of  St.  John's,  Newfoundland,  he  found 
there,  to  his  great  surprise,  Roberval  with  three  ships, 
who  had  failed  in  the  previous  year  to  follow  him 
across  the  Atlantic,  as  had  been  intended.  Roberval 
wished  Cartier  to  return  with  him  to  the  St.  Lawrence, 
but  Cartier  had  had  enough  of  it,  and  slipping  away  in 
the  night,  returned  to  France.  Roberval  continued  his 
journey  via  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and  made  his 
disastrous  attempt  to  found  a  colony.  The  only  inci- 
dent of  his  journey  which  need  concern  us  is  the 
romantic  story  which  was  related  b}^  Marguerite  of 
Navarre  in  her  Heptameron  (1559),  and  by  Thevet 
in  his  Cosmographic  Universelle  (1586).  It  is  also 
retold  by  Park  man  (^Pioneers  of  France  in  the  Netv 
World)  in  the  following  vivid  and  picturesque  manner: — 

"  The  Viceroy's  company  was  of  mixed  complexion. 
There  were  nobles,  soldiers,  sailors,  adventurers,  with 
women  too,  and  children.  Of  the  women,  some  were 
of  birth  and  station,  and  among  them  a  damsel  called 
Marguerite,  a  niece  of  Roberval  himself  In  the  ship 
was  a  young  gentleman  who  had  embarked  for  love  of 
her.  His  love  was  too  well  requited  ;  and  the  stern 
Viceroy,  scandalized  and  enraged  at  a  passion  which 
scorned  concealment  and  set  shame  at  defiance,  cast 
anchor  by  the  haunted  island,  landed  his  indiscreet 
relative,  gave  her  four  arquebuses  for  defence,  and  with 
an  old  Norman  nurse  named  Bastienne,  who  had  pan- 
dered to  the  lovers,  left  her  to  her  fate.  Her  gallant 
threw  himself  into  the  surf,  and  by  desperate  effort 
gained  the  shore,  with  two  more  guns  and  a  supply 
of  ammunition. 

"The  ship  weighed  anchor,  receded,  vanished,  and  they 


were  left  alone.  Yet  not  so,  for  the  demon  lords  of  the 
islands  beset  them  day  and  night,  raging  around  their 
hut  with  a  confused  and  hungry  clamoring,  striving 
to  force  their  frail  barrier.  The  lovers  had  repented  of 
their  sin,  though  not  abandoned  it,  and  heaven  was  on 
their  side.  The  saints  vouchsafed  their  aid,  and  the 
offended  Virgin,  relenting,  held  before  them  her  pro- 
tecting shield.  In  the  form  of  beasts  or  other  shapes 
abominably  and  unutterably  hideous,  the  brood  of  hell, 
howling  in  baffled  fury,  tore  at  the  branches  of  the 
sylvan  dwelling;  but  a  celestial  hand  was  ever  inter- 
posed, and  there  was  a  viewless  barrier  which  they 
might  not  pass.  Marguerite  became  pregnant.  Here 
was  a  double  prize,  two  souls  in  one,  mother  and  child. 
The  fiends  grew  frantic,  but  all  in  vain.  She  stood 
undaunted  amid  these  horrors  ;  but  her  lover,  dismayed 
and  heartbroken,  sickened  and  died.  Her  child  soon 
followed  ;  then  the  old  Norman  nurse  found  her  unhal- 
lowed rest  in  that  accursed  soil,  and  Marguerite  was 
left  alone.  Neither  her  reason  nor  her  courage  failed. 
When  the  demons  assailed  her  she  shot  at  them  with 
her  gun,  but  they  answered  with  hellish  merriment,  and 
henceforth  she  placed  her  trust  in  hea.ven  alone.  There 
were  foes  around  her  of  the  upper,  no  less  than  of 
the  nether  world.  Of  these,  the  bears  were  the  most 
redoubtable ;  yet,  being  vulnerable  to  mortal  weapons, 
she  shot  three  of  them,  all,  says  the  story,  'as  white  as 
an  egg.' 

"  It  was  two  years  and  five  months  from  her  landing 
on  the  island,  when,  far  out  at  sea,  the  crew  of  a  small 
fishing  craft  saw  a  column  of  smoke  curling  upward 
from  the  haunted  shore.  Was  it  a  device  of  the  fiends 
to  lure  them  to  their  ruin  ?  They  thought  so,  and  kept 
aloof.     But  misgiving  seized  them.     They  warily  drew 


near,  and  descried  a  female  figure  in  wild  attire 
waving  signals  from  the  strand.  Thus  at  length  was 
Marguerite  rescued  and  restored  to  her  native  France, 
w^here,  a  few  years  later,  the  cosmographer  Thevet  met 
her  at  Natron  in  Perigord,  and  heard  the  tale  of  wonder 
from  her  own  lips." 

The  scene  of  this  strange  and  romantic  story  was  one 
of  the  islands  to  the  western  end  of  the  Straits  of  Belle 
Isle  on  the  Labrador  coast.  Jehan  Alphonse,  Roberval's 
pilot,  in  his  Routier,  lays  down  the  Isles  de  la 
Demoiselle,  no  doubt  named  from  this  circumstance,  at 
about  the  position  of  Great  or  Little  Mecatina. 

In  February,  1541,  no  less  than  sixty  vessels  left 
ports  in  Normandy  for  the  transatlantic  fisheries,  and 
until  1545  the  business  was  continued  with  great  vigour. 
After  that  it  was  discontinued  until  .1560,  when  it  took 
another  start,  and  thirty-eight  vessels  left  for  the  "  New 
lands."  In  1564  there  was  apparently  some  intention 
of  the  French  Crown  to  revive  the  project  of  coloniza- 
tion in  New  France,  but  for  some  reason  the  design 
was  abandoned,  and  it  was  not  until  1597  that  it  was 
again  seriously  undertaken.  We,  however,  have  the 
evidence  of  Parkhurst  and  Haies  to  the  effect  that  the 
French  fishermen  were  numerous  on  the  south  coast  of 
Newfoundland,  and  in  the  "  Grand  Bay "  in  the  last 
quarter  of  the  sixteenth  century. 



WHETHER  the  English  did  or  did  not,  at  once 
and  ever  afterwards,  make  good  the  discoveries 
of  Cabot,  by  use  and  occupation  of  the  countries  he 
found,  has  long  been  a  matter  of  controversy. 

In  Prowse's  Histoiy  of  Newfou7idland,  1896,  a  full 
and  continual  possession  of  the  land  is  claimed  from 
the  very  first.  On  the  other  hand,  in  Decouverte  de 
Terre  Neuve,  Harrisse,  1900,  it  is  argued  that  not  only 
was  Newfoundland  not  discovered  by  Cabot,  but  that 
it,  as  well  as  the  neighbouring  coasts,  were  not 
frequented  by  the  English  to  the  same  extent  as  by 
other  nations,  and  in  fact  were  ^une  qiLaritite  negligeable' 
for  Englishmen  until  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht,  171 3. 

The  dispute  is  an  old  one.  The  industrious  Hakluyt, 
in  the  Epistle  Dedicatorie  to  his  Divers  Voyages  says  : — 

"  When  I  passed  the  narrow  seas  into  France,  I 
both  heard  in  speech  and  read  in  books,  other  nations 
miraculously  extolled  for  their  discoveries  and  notable 
enterprises  by  sea  and  land,  but  the  English  of  all 
others,  for  their  sluggish  security  and  continual  neglect 
of  the  like  attempts,  especially  in  so  long  and  happy 
a  time  of  peace,  either  ignominiously  reported  or 
exceedingly  condemmed.  Thus  both  hearing  and 
reading  the  obloquie  of  our  nation  and  finding  few  or 



none  of  our  own  men  able  to  reply  therein  .  .  .  myself 
determined  to  undertake  the  burden  of  that  worke." 

And  it  is  certain  that  very  little  could  be  done  to 
uphold  the  honour  of  England  in  this  respect  did  we 
not  have  Hakluyt's  great  collection  of  voyages  as  a 
foundation  to  build  upon.  The  controversy  revived 
again  nearly  two  hundred  years  later.  By  the  Treaty 
of  Utrecht,  171 3,  in  regard  to  the  Newfoundland 
Fisheries,  it  was  declared  that  Spain  should  enjoy  such 
rights  qnce  jure  tibi  vindicare  poterunt — "  as  they  were 
to  prove  by  law " ;  but  as  England  always  denied 
any  such  rights,  Spain  obtained  very  little  satisfaction 
from  the  permission.  When  peace  was  being  negotiated 
with  France  in  1761,  the  proceedings  were  suddenly 
stopped  by  the  intrusion  of  Spain,  with  a  renewed 
claim  of  right  to  fish  in  Nevv'foundland  waters,  which 
claim  received  the  full  endorsation  of  the  French.  But 
their  demands  were  dismissed  with  scant  ceremony  by 
Pitt.  In  a  letter  to  the  English  Ambassador  at  Madrid, 
he  writes  : — 

"  As  to  the  stale  and  inadmissable  pretensions  of 
Biscayans  and  Guipuscoans  to  iish  at  Newfoundland, 
you  will  let  it  be  clearly  understood  that  this  is  a  matter 
held  sacred,  and  that  no  concession  on  the  part  of  His 
Majesty,  so  destructive  to  the  true  and  capital  interest 
of  Great  Britain  will  be  yielded  to  Spain,  however 
abetted  and  supported." 

The  English  Ambassador  wrote  in  reply  to  Pitt : — 
"  As  to  the  second  Article,  containing  the  claim  so 
often  set  up  by  the  Biscayans  and  Guipuscoans  to  fish 
at  Newfoundland  and  as  often  denied  by  England, 
I  had  in  the  clearest  terms  I  could  make  use  of,  showed 
that   the  first   discovery   of  the  Island    was    made   at 


the  expense  and  by  the  command  of  Henry  VII,  and  I 
had  likewise  demonstrated  the  uninterrupted  possession 
of  it  from  that  time  to  the  presetit  date  to  have  be- 
longed to  the  English  from  their  being  constantly  settled 

The  controversy  ended  in  renewed  war  with  Spain 
and  France,  in  which  England  achieved  instant  success, 
and  by  the  Treaty  of  Paris,  1763,  the  sovereignty  of 
England  was  declared  over  Newfoundland  and  Canada, 
including  Labrador ;  but  unhappily  saddled  in  respect 
to  Newfoundland,  with  a  permission  to  the  French 
to  fish  on  certain  parts  of  the  coast.  A  weak-kneed 
concession  which  caused  even  the  poet  Cowper,  from 
amongst  his  cats  and  old  ladies,  to  exclaim,  "  One 
more  such  Peace  and  we  are  undone,"  and  which  was  a 
constant  source  of  friction  until  it  was  cancelled  by 
purchase  in  1904. 

The  number  of  voyages  actually  made  or  projected 
by  the  English  in  the  first  quarter  of  the  sixteenth 
century  is  proof  that  the  English  Sovereigns  did  not 
lose  sight  of  the  valuable  discoveries  made  by  Cabot ; 
but  except  for  the  disastrous  voyage  of  Master  Hore 
in  1536,  so  quaintly  related  by  Hakluyt,  there  is  abso- 
lutely no  record  of  any  English  voyage  there  for  nearly 
forty  years.  This  does  not  prove,  however,  that  no 
voyages  took  place,  and  we  can  be  certain  for  many 
reasons,  which  will  be  amply  demonstrated,  that  had 
there  been  records  kept  in  England  as  there  were  in 
France,  it  would  have  been  found  that  a  continual 
stream  of  fishing  vessels  left  the  western  parts  of 
England  for  the  "  newe  founde  lands." 

Labrador  in  particular  was  assigned  to  the  English 
by  map-makers  and  geographers  of  the  Continent.  The 
Maggiolo  map  of  151 1  bears  the  legend  across  its  most 


northerly  part,  undoubtedly  intended  for  Labrador : 
"  Terra  de  los  Ingres  " — the  land  of  the  English — and 
is  the  first  map  to  associate  the  English  with  that 
region.  On  Thome's  map  of  1527  we  find  the  following 
legends  :  "  Nova  Terra  Laboratorum  dicta,"  and  on  the 
ocean  bordering  this  country,  "  Terra  haec  ab  Inglis 
primum  fuit  inventa."  Thorne  addressed  a  memorial  to 
Henry  VIII  from  Seville  exhorting  him  to  undertake 
voyages  of  exploration  to  the  northern  regions,  "  to  his 
own  glory  and  his  subjects'  profit  .  .  .  for  that  you  have 
already  taken  it  in  hand."  Hakluyt  thinks  this  refers  to 
the  supposed  voyage  of  15 17  under  Cabot  and  Pert,  but 
it  seems  safer,  in  the  light  of  recent  research,  to  attribute 
it  to  the  expedition  projected  in  1521,  but  which  was 
thwarted  by  the  Drapers'  Company. 

The  Ribero  map  of  1529  states  that  Labrador  was 
discovered  by  the  English,  and  adds  the  unflattering 
comment,  "  There  is  nothing  there  of  much  value." 

In  the  Carte  de  Verrazano,  1529,  on  the  land  called 
"  Terra  Laboratoris,"  is  written,  "  which  land  was  dis- 
covered by  the  English."  In  token  of  which  this  part 
of  the  coast  is  embellished  by  the  arms  of  England. 

The  map  known  as  Wolfenbuttel  B.  (1534),  already 
quoted,  not  only  states  that  Labrador  was  discovered 
by  the  English,  but  gives  the  important  information 
that  the  country  was  so  named  because  a  labourer  of 
the  Azores  first  sighted  it. 

A  Portuguese  map  (1553),  preserved  at  the  Depot 
de  la  Marine,  Paris,  shows  the  English  flag  with  the 
crosses  of  St.  George  and  St.  Andrew  on  the  land  called 
Terra  de  Laurador.  The  Molyneux  map  which  accom- 
panies the  1599  edition  of  Hakluyt's  Voyages  also  states 
regarding  Labrador :  "  This  land  was  discovered  by 
John  Sebastian  Cabot  for  King  Henry  VII,  in  1497." 


Such  an  array  of  evidence,  extending  over  the  whole 
of  the  sixteenth  century,  is  conckisive  proof  of  the  fact 
that  Labrador  was  recognized  as  territory  particularly 
belonging  to  England. 

We  have  already  quoted  the  unpublished  manuscript 
of  Alonzo  de  Santa  Cruz,  entitled  El  Islario  General. 
This  important  statement  will  be  noticed  regarding 
Labrador :  "  It  is  frequented  by  the  English,  who  go 
there  to  take  fish  which  the  natives  catch  in  great 

Evidence  from  such  a  source  must  carry  great  weight, 
for  Alonzo  de  Santa  Cruz  and  his  associates  of  the  Casa 
de  Contratacion,  among  whom  was  Sebastian  Cabot,  were 
not  only  possessed  of  all  the  maps  and  reports  which 
were  brought  back  by  Spanish  voyagers,  but  also 
obtained  all  possible  information  from  foreign  sources, 
and  embodied  that  knowledge  in  "  Le  Padron  General," 
or  map  of  the  world,  which  it  was  their  duty  to  keep 
up  to  date.  Notwithstanding  the  general  concurrence 
of  map  makers  in  associating  the  English  so  particu- 
larly with  Labrador,  the  nomenclature  of  the  coast 
on  the  early  maps  is  either  Portuguese  or  French, 
and  English  names  do  not  begin  to  appear  until  the 
latter  half  of  the  eighteenth  century.  The  explanation 
of  this,  however,  is  obvious.  The  art  of  map-making 
was  in  a  very  backward  condition  in  England  as 
compared  with  Spain,  Portugal,  France,  or  Italy,  and 
English  maps  were  not  only  few  in  number  but  of 
the  crudest  description.  But  the  lack  of  maps  does 
not  argue  a  corresponding  lack  of  voyages  nor  poor 
seamanship.  On  this  latter  point  we  can  feel  certain 
that  English  sailors  compared  very  favourably  with  the 
French  and  were  vastly  superior  to  the  Spanish.  Mr. 
Oppenheim,  whose  exhaustive  study  of  naval  history 


constitutes  him  an  authority,  in  Yixs  Administration  of  the 
Royal  Navy  thus  writes  on  this  subject : — 

"  Judging  from  the  accounts  of  the  voyages  of  these 
years,  English  seamen  seem  to  have  handled  their  ships 
skilfully  in  all  conditions  and  under  all  difficulties,  and 
in  navigation  landfalls  were  made  with  accuracy.  .  .  . 
The  case  was  very  different  with  the  Spanish  seamen. 
Since  1508  there  had  been  a  great  school  of  cosmography 
and  navigation  at  Seville  under  the  superintendence  of 
the  Pilot  Major  of  Spain,  but  it  does  not  appear  to  have 
succeeded  in  turning  out  competent  men." 

A  writer  in  1573  says  : — 

"  How  can  a  wise  and  omnipotent  God  have  placed 
such  a  difficult  and  important  art  as  navigation  into 
such  coarse  and  lubberly  hands  as  those  of  these 
pilots.  You  should  see  them  ask  one  another,  '  How 
many  degrees  have  you  got  ?  '  One  says  '  sixteen,' 
another  '  about  twenty,'  and  another  '  thirteen  and  a 
half.'  Then  they  will  say,  '  What  distance  do  you  make 
it  to  the  land  ? '  One  answers  '  I  make  it  forty  leagues 
from  the  land,'  another  'A  hundred  and  fifty,'  a  third 
'  I  reckoned  it  this  morning  to  be  ninety-two  leagues,' 
and  whether  it  be  three  or  three  hundred  no  one  of 
them  agrees  with  the  other  or  with  the  actual  fact." 

Fifteen  years  later  the  superiority  of  the  English 
seamen  and  ships  over  Spanish  was  proved  beyond  all 
gainsaying  by  the  defeat  of  the  Spanish  Armada. 

A  good  deal  of  information  regarding  early  Eng- 
lish voyages  can  be  obtained  from  a  careful  analysis 
of  the  laws  passed  in  England  during  the  sixteenth 
century  for  the  governance  of  sJiippi^ig  and  naviga- 

The  first  Act  of  Navigation  was  passed  in  Richard  H's 


time,  and  had  for  its  express  object  "the  increase  of 
the  Navy  of  the  EngHsh,  which  was  then  greatly 
diminished."  It  is  curious  that  this  note  of  pessimism 
should  have  been  struck  thus  early,  when  it  is  obvious 
that,  prior  to  that  date,  the  shipping  of  England  could 
not  have  been  very  extensive  or  formidable.  The  same 
cause  is  assigned  for  many  of  the  Acts  which  follow, 
and  one  wonders  if  the  decline  of  the  Navy,  which 
was  periodically  bemoaned,  could  really  have  taken 

That  their  fears  were  unfounded,  at  least  in  one 
instance,  witness  the  Act  of  1581,  for  the  "  Increase  of 
Mariners  and  for  the  Maintenance  of  Navigation,"  the 
preamble  of  which  deplores  the  fact  that  the  trade  to 
Iceland  had  decayed,  and  the  number  of  seamen  and 
mariners  fit  for  Her  Majesty's  service  greatly  decreased. 
But  the  English  mariners  were  "  Ready,  aye,  ready  !  "  in 
1 588,  and  it  can  hardly  be  contended  that  such  efficiency 
as  was  then  displayed  could  have  been  developed  in 
such  a  short  time  and  by  virtue  of  the  above-mentioned 

The  preamble  of  an  Act  passed  in  1490  deplores  the 
decay  of  the  Navy  and  the  idleness  of  the  mariners.  In 
1494  the  Act  is  re-enforced  for  the  same  reason,  and  in 
1532  the  decrease  of  shipping  and  mariners  was  again 
the  occasion  of  statutory  enactments. 

The  first  Act  of  Parliament  to  mention  the  Newlands 
was  passed  in  1542.  The  preamble  states  that  in 
times  past  many  towns  and  ports  had  enjoyed  great 
wealth  "  by  using  and  exercising  the  crafte  and  feate  of 
fishing."  That  fish  had  been  sold  at  a  reasonable  price 
in  our  market  towns,  "  and  many  poure  men  and  women 
had  therebye  their  convenynt  lyuing  to  the  strength 
increasing  and  wealthe   of   this    realm."     But  latterly 


some  dishonest  and  lazy  people  had  forsaken  the  craft 
of  fishing  and  had  been  making  it  a  practice  to  buy  fish 
from  Picardes,  Flemmings,  Normans,  and  Frenchmen, 
sometimes  on  the  coast  of  France  and  "  half 
the  sea  over."  Such  practices  were  promptly  stopped 
by  the  imposition  of  a  fine  of  £io  for  every  such 
offence.  "  Provided  furthermore  that  this  Act  or  any- 
thing conteyned  therein  shall  not  extend  to  any  person 
which  shall  buy  any  fisshe  in  any  partis  of  Iseland, 
Scotlands,  Orkeney,  Shatlande,  Ireland  or  Newland." 
This  has  been  quoted  as  proof  that  the  fisheries  at 
that  period  were  greatly  neglected  by  the  English 
seamen,  but  the  proper  deduction  is  undoubtedly  that 
it  was  to  put  a  stop  to  dishonest  practices,  and  the 
mention  of  exceptions,  viz. :  the  distant  fisheries  of 
Iceland  and  Newland,  is  surely  ample  proof  that  the 
fisheries  in  these  parts  were  steadily  prosecuted,  as 
well  as  displaying  the  determination  of  the  Crown  to 
protect  them. 

In  1 549  an  Act  was  passed  forbidding  the  exaction  of 
a  toll  by  the  Royal  Navy,  either  in  money  or  in  kind, 
from  any  "  Merchants  and  Fishermen  as  have  used  and 
practised  the  adventures  and  journeys  into  Iceland, 
Newfoundeland,  Ireland  and  other  places  commodious 
for  fishing  and  the  getting  of  fish  in  and  upon  the 
seas  or  otherwise  by  way  of  merchandise  in  those 

Hakluyt,  who  quotes  this  Act,  says : — 

"  By  this  Act  it  appeareth  that  the  trade  of  England 
to  Newfoundland  was  common  and  frequented  about 
the  beginning  of  the  reign  of  Edward  VI,  namely  in 
the  year  1548,  and  it  is  much  to  be  marvelled  that 
by  the  negligence  of  our  men  the  country  in  all  this 
time  has  not  been  searched  over." 


One  of  the  Articles  in  the  Attainder  of  Sir  Thomas 
Seymour,  Lord  High  Admiral,  January,  1549,  is  that  he 
"  not  only  exhorted  and  bribed  great  sums  of  money  of 
all  suche  ships  as  should  go  into  Iceland,  but  also 
as  should  go  any  other  where  in  merchandize  to  the 
great  discouragement  and  to  the  destruction  of  the 

The  preamble  of  an  'Act  passed  three  years  later 
complains  that  the  Act  of  1494  was  intended  for 
the  maintenance  of  the  Navy,  with  the  hope  that 
the  article  there  mentioned,  (fish),  would  have  been 
cheaper,  but  on  the  contrary  that  the  article  had  ad- 
vanced in  price,  "  and  the  Navy  was  thereby  never  the 
better  maintained."  One  of  the  earliest  Acts  of 
Ehzabeth's  reign  (1562)  v^^as  "  for  the  better  maintain- 
ance  and  increase  of  the  Navy,"  and  the  principal 
means  taken  was  the  encouragement  of  the  fisheries, 
by  permitting  free  trade  in  the  article  for  Her  Majesty's 
subjects,  and  the  promotion  of  the  consumption  of 
fish  by  ordaining  that  Wednesdays  and  Saturdays 
should  be  ''  fish  days."  This  Act  does  not  refer  specific- 
ally to  the  Newlands  or  any  other  fishery,  but  was  in- 
tended to  be  general. 

In  1571,  I58i,and  1585,  alterations  were  made  in  the 
fishing  regulations,  all  for  the  purpose  of  increasing 
the  Navy.  But  in  1597  many  of  them  were  repealed, 
as  it  was  found  that  the  "condition  of  the  Navy  was 
not  bettered  nor  the  number  of  marines  increased,  and 
that  the  Queen's  natural  subjects  were  not  able  to 
furnish  a  tenth  part  of  the  realm  with  salted  fish  of 
their  own  taking."  The  Statute  of  1581  is  the  only  one 
which  mentions  Newfoundland  particularly. 

The  inference  to  be  deduced  from  these  sixteenth 
century  Acts,  in  respect  to  the  fisheries  on  the  north- 


east  coast  of  America  is,  that  they  were  undoubtedly 
steadily  prosecuted  by  the  English,  but  that  the  purpose 
of  the  i\cts  was  the  maintenance  of  the  Navy,  not  the 
exercise  of  sovereignty  over  the  new  found  lands. 

Confirmatory  evidence  of  these  early  fishing  voyages, 
from  a  entirely  different  source,  is  the  report  of  the 
Venetian  Ambassador  Soranzo,  who  wrote  in  1564: 
"  There  is  great  plenty  of  English  sailors  who  are 
considered  excellent  for  the  navigation  of  the  Atlantic." 
Anthony  Parkhurst,^  writing  to  Hakluyt  in  December, 
1578,  and  describing  Newfoundland,  makes  some  state- 
ments which  seem  rather  contradictory.  He  tells  that 
during  the  four  years  he  had  been  going  to  the  fisheries 
at  Newfoundland,  that  the  English  vessels  prosecuting 
that  fishery  had  increased  from  thirty  to  fifty  sail, 
"  chiefly  through  the  imagination  of  the  Western  Men 
who  think  their  neighbours  have  had  greater  gains  than 
in  truth  they  had." 

Parkhurst  says  that  it  is  impossible  to  arrive  at  the 
number  of  foreign  vessels  plying  there,  but  estimates 
them  at  100  Spaniards,  50  Portuguese,  and  150  French 
and  Bretons,  but  he  adds  this  pertinent  statement : 
"The  English  are  commonly  lordes  of  the  harbours  in 
which  they  fish,  and  do  use  all  strangers'  helpe  in  fishing 
if  neede  require,  according  to  an  old  custom  of  the 
country."  One  would  like  very  much  to  have  further 
particulars  of  this  old  custom  of  the  country.  If  the 
English  were  so  outnumbered  as  it  appears,  it  would 
have  been  difficult  for  them  to  enforce  their  authority. 
Edward  Haies,  the  historian  of  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert's 
voyage  in  1583,  confirms  Parkhurst's  statement.  When 
Sir  Humphrey  put  into  the  harbour  of  St.  John's,  and 
levied  upon  English  and  foreigners   alike  for  supplies, 

^  Anthony  Parkhurst  had  accompanied  Hawkins  in  his  voyage  of  1566. 


commissioners  were  appointed  to  make  the  collection 
both  in  St.  John's  and  neighbouring  harbours.  "  For," 
he  says,  "  our  English  marchants  commaund  all  there." 

We  have,  therefore,  two  independent  witnesses  to  the 
effect  that  the  English  at  this  period,  in  St.  John's  and 
the  neighbourhood,  were  regarded  by  the  fishermen  of 
other  nations  as  "  lords  of  the  soil,"  and  this  before  any 
attempt  had  been  made  by  the  Crown  of  England  to 
exercise  any  authority  there. 

Discovery  constituted  a  right  at  that  time,  and  it 
seems  to  have  been  generally  respected  by  all  nations. 
Parkhurst  excused  the  comparatively  small  number  of 
English  ships  at  Newfoundland  by  the  statement  that 
"  the  trade  our  nation  hath  to  Iceland  causeth  that  they 
are  not  there  in  such  numbers  as  other  nations,"  in  flat 
contradiction  to  Act  23  Elizabeth,  which  deplores  the 
decrease  of  the  Iceland  trade  at  this  same  time. 

In  closing  his  letter,  Parkhurst  made  the  following 
recommendations  : 

"  Now  to  show  you  my  fansie,  what  places  I  sup- 
pose meetest  to  inhabit  in  those  partes  discovered 
of  late  by  our  nation  :  There  is  neare  the  mouth  of 
the  grand  baie  an  excellent  harbour,  called  of  the 
Frenchmen  Chasteau,  and  one  island  in  the  very 
centre  of  the  straight,  called  Belle  Isle,  which  places  if 
they  could  be  peopled  and  well  fortified  we  shall  be 
lordes  of  the  whole  of  the  fishing  in  short  time,  if  it 
doe  so  please  the  Queen's  Majesty,  and  from  thence 
send  wood  and  cole  with  all  necessaries  to  Labrador 
lately  discovered  ;  but  I  am  of  opinion  and  doe  most 
steadfastly  believe  that  we  shall  find  as  rich  mines  in 
more  temperate  places  and  Climates." 

Parkhurst  here  refers  to  the  discoveries  made  by 
Frobisher    in    his    three   voyages    in    1576-7-8.      The 


purpose  of  the  first  voyage  was  "  for  the  search  of  the 
straight  or  passage  to  China/'  but,  as  we  shall  see,, 
other  motives  influenced  the  later  vo3/ages. 

Frobisher  sailed  from  Deptford  on  June  8th,  1576) 
and  passing  by  the  Court,  then  at  Greenwich,  with  his 
fleet  of  three  little  vessels,  25,  15,  and  lO  tons  respec- 
tively, "  we  shotte  of  our  ordinance  and  made  the  best 
shewe  we  could ;  Her  Majesty  beholding  the  same, 
commended  it,  and  bade  us  farewell  with  shaking  her 
hand  at  us  out  of  the  window,"  That  such  vessels 
should  have  been  considered  adequate  for  such  an 
undertaking  is  almost  beyond  belief,  and  displays  in 
a  striking  manner  the  hardihood  of  English  mariners 
of  the  period. 

They  sailed  away  to  the  north-west,  sighting  Iceland 
and  Greenland,  which  they  called  Friesland,  and  on 
July  29th  "had  sight  of  a  newe  lande  of  marvellous 
great  height  which  by  the  account  of  the  course  and 
way  they  judged  to  be  the  Land  of  Labrador."  They 
found  themselves  in  a  strait  into  which  they  penetrated 
some  distance,  landing  at  several  islands  and  having 
intercourse  with  the  natives,  the  Eskimos.  At  first  they 
seemed  to  be  friendly,  but  soon  manifested  the  change- 
able and  treacherous  character  for  which  they  were 
noted.  Without  any  offence  being  given,  they  entrapped 
and  made  away  with  five  of  Frobisher's  men. 

Frobisher  got  back  to  England  on  October  ist,  and 
probably  would  have  abandoned  any  further  attempts 
in  that  direction  had  it  not  been  that  a  small  specimen 
of  rock,  which  he  picked  up  by  chance  and  brought 
back  with  him,  was  found  to  contain  gold.  This  put  a 
very  different  complexion  on  the  affair.  "  The  hope  of 
the  same  golde  ore  to  be  founde  kindled  a  greater 
opinion  in  the  heartes  of  many  to  advance  the  voyage 


again,"  and  "  some  that  had  great  hope  of  the  matter 
sought  secretly  to  have  a  lease  of  the  places  at  Her 
Majesty's  hands."  Michael  Lok,  a  merchant  of  London, 
at  whose  cost  chiefly  the  first  voyage  had  been  under- 
taken, brought  the  matter  to  the  notice  of  the  Queen 
and  Council.  Frobisher  also  petitioned  the  Queen  for 
privileges  over  the  lands  he  had  discovered.  Many 
notable  men  took  an  interest  in  the  undertaking,  among 
whom  was  Dr.  John  Dee,  who,  in  spite  of  his  eccen- 
tricities, was  a  man  of  considerable  scientific  knowledge. 
Coming  to  Michael  Lok  to  get  particulars  of  the  affair, 
a  meeting  was  arranged  at  Lok's  house  at  which  Dr, 
Dee,  Frobisher,  Stephen  Burroughs,  Christopher  Hall, 
and  others  were  present,  when  Frobisher's  voyage  and 
the  prospects  of  a  passage  to  China  were  thoroughly 

A  company  was  soon  formed  called  "  The  Company 
of  Kathai,"  of  which  Michael  Lok  was  the  first  governor, 
"  for  the  purpose  of  voyaging  and  trading  to  Kathai 
and  other  Newlands  to  the  North  westward."  Frobisher 
was  appointed  High  Admiral  of  all  the  seas  in  that 
direction,  and  was  to  receive  i  per  cent,  on  all 
merchandise  brought  from  the  same  countries.  Queen 
Elizabeth  ventured  £1000,  Lord  Burleigh,  with  other 
members  of  the  Privy  Council,  Sir  Thomas  Gresham, 
Michael  Lok,  and  many  more,  various  amounts  from 
£2^  to  ;^300.  The  instructions  given  to  Frobisher 
show  that  the  prime  object  was  to  search  for  mines 
and  to  load  the  vessels  with  ore.  Item  12  says  :  "  If  it 
shall  happen  that  the  moyenes  do  not  yield  the  sub- 
stance that  is  hoped  for,  then  you  shall  proceede 
towards  the  discovery  of  Catheya."  If  possible,  some 
people  were  to  be  left  to  Vv^inter  in  the  strait  for  the 
purpose  of  noting  the  climate  and  protecting  the  mines. 


The  expedition  sailed,  reached  the  straits,  and 
although  they  could  find  no  more  ore  like  the  piece 
Frobisher  brought  back  from  his  first  voyage,  yet  the 
vessels  were  loaded  with  ore  that  the  miners  thought 
promised  well,  and  all  got  safely  back  to  England. 
The  ore  was  most  carefully  guarded,  being  kept  under 
four  locks,  the  keys  of  which  were  in  the  possession  of 
different  men.  Several  refiners  were  engaged  to  make 
trial  of  it,  and  estimates  were  furnished  of  the  cost  of 
refining.  The  value  arrived  at  by  the  different  experi- 
mentors  was  from  £21  to  ;{^53  per  ton,  and  the  cost  of 
getting  it  estimated  at  £%,  so  that  a  very  considerable 
profit  was  shown  on  this  venture.  Frobisher  was 
entertained  at  Court  and  all  the  voyagers  made  much 
of.  "  And  because  the  place  and  country  hath  never 
before  been  discovered  and  had  no  special  name,  her 
Majesty  named  it  very  properly  Meta  Incognita  as  a 
mark  and  bounds  hitherto  unknown."  Great  prepara- 
tions were  made  for  a  third  voyage  to  this  promising 
gold-field,  and  many  new  names  were  added  to  the  list  of 
"venturers,"  notably  those  of  Dr.  Dee  and  Sir 
Humphrey  Gilbert.  The  following  spring  fifteen  vessels 
set  sail,  which  were  expected  to  return  at  the  end  of  the 
summer  laden  with  the  gold  ore.  A  strong  house  of  timber 
was  taken,  all  ready  to  be  set  up,  and  one  hundred  men 
and  three  ships  were  appointed  to  inhabit  "  Meta 
Incognita"  all  the  year,  thus  intending  to  put  into 
practice  the  suggestion  made  on  the  previous  voyage. 
After  great  dangers  and  hardships  and  the  loss  of  one 
vessel,  they  reached  their  intended  harbour  on 
July  31st.  The  miners  were  immediately  set  to  work 
at  the  ore,  and  others  at  the  erection  of  the  house. 
Several  of  the  ships  were  sent  off  to  search  for  other 
mines,  and  altogether  ore    seems   to  have  been  loaded 


from  seven  different  islands  or  mines.  The  author  of 
the  narrative  had  grave  misgivings.  He  says,  "  Many 
symple  men  (I  judge)  toke  good  and  bad  together ;  so 
that  among  the  fleets  lading  I  think  much  bad  ore  will 
be  found."  The  ships  were  ready  to  sail  about  the  end 
of  August,  but  Frobisher  was  unwilling  to  leave  without 
making  some  further  attempt  to  explore  the  country, 
and  went  himself  to  search  the  straits,  finding  numbers 
of  islands,  but  not  discovering  that  his  so-called  strait 
was  only  a  long  and  narrow  bay.  Provisions  and  drink 
had  also  become  scarce  owing  to  leakage,  "  so  that  not 
only  the  provisions  which  was  layde  in  for  the  habitation 
was  wanting  and  wasted,  but  also  each  shyppes  several 
provision  spent  to  their  great  griefe  in  their  returne,  for 
all  the  way  homewards  they  dranke  nothing  but  water. 
And  the  great  cause  of  this  leakage  and  wasting  was, 
for  that  ye  great  timber  and  seacole,  which  lay  so 
waighty  upon  ye  barrels  breke  bruised  and  rotted  ye 
hoopes  in  sunder."  ^ 

This  occurrence  very  probably  occasioned  Parkhurst's 
suggestion  to  make  Chateau  a  depot  for  the  supply  of 
wood  and  coal." 

Frobisher's  fleet  sailed  for  home  on  August  31st, 
where  they  arrived  in  safety.  Works  had  been  estab- 
lished at  Dartford  to  extract  the  precious  metals,  but 
difficulties  seem  to  have  arisen  in  the  method  of 
extraction,  which  is  not  to  be  wondered  at  considering 
the  heterogeneous  collection  of  ores  with  which  the  ships 
were  laden.     Apparently,  no  returns  from  it  were  ever 

^  Relics  of  Frobisher's  expedition,  including  quite  a  quantity  of 
coal,  were  found  by  C.  F.  Hill  in  1865  on  an  island  in  Frobisher's 
Straits  called  by  the  Eskimos  "  Kodlunarn,"  that  is,  "  White  Man's 

'^  Frobisher's  Straits  were  long  supposed  to  have  been  on  the  east 
coast  of  Greenland,  and  are  so  placed  on  maps  in  the  latter  part 
of  the  eighteenth  century. 


received  by  the  Company,  although  Michael  Lok  at  one 
time  offered  to  take  over  the  whole  twelve  hundred 
tons  at  the  rate  of  £^  per  ton.  In  the  end,  Frobisher 
and  Lok  quarrelled  and  their  mutual  recriminations 
became  so  bitter,  that  the  high  sounding  .  Company 
of  Kathai  went  out  of  existence.  And  nothing  more 
is  heard  of  the  proposal  to  plant  a  colony  in  Meta 

But  Frobisher's  voyages  were  soon  to  be  followed  by 
more  pronounced  efforts  on  the  part  of  the  English, 
both  by  way  of  colonization  and  assertion  of  rights. 

Perhaps  it  was  owing  to  the  fact  that  Queen 
Elizabeth  had  ventured  and  lost  several  thousand 
pounds  in  the  Frobisher  expeditions,  that  her  attention 
was  called  particularly  to  the  New  World,  for  we  find, 
very  shortly  after,  that  she  became  desirous  of  knowing 
what  the  exact  rights  of  the  Crown  of  England  were  in 
those  regions,  and  requested  Dr.  Dee  to  make  her 
acquainted  with  the  same.  We  have  already  seen  that 
Dr.  Dee  took  a  practical  interest  in  Frobisher's  ven- 
tures, and  his  attainments  as  a  scientist  and  mathe- 
matician made  him  well  qualified  to  prepare  the 
statement  desired  by  Queen  Elizabeth.  The  map  and 
"  vindication  of  England's  rights,"  dated  October  30th, 
1580,  which  he  presented  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  are  still 
preserved  in  the  Cottonian  Collection. 

A  few  days  after  Frobisher  sailed  on  his  third 
voyage,  Queen  Elizabeth  granted  letters  patent  to  Sir 
Humphrey  Gilbert,  "  for  the  inhabiting  and  planting  of 
our  people  in  America."  Seven  years  prior  to  this  an 
Act  had  been  passed  imposing  severe  penalties  on  all 
who  left  England  without  licence,  or  who  failed  to 
return  on  notice  being  given.  Emigration  was  dis- 
tinctly discouraged,  and  it  was  due  to  Sir  Humphrey 


Gilbert  chiefly  that  a  change  v/as  made  in  England's 
policy  and  the  first  colonies  proposed. 

This  may  be  called  the  dawn  of  the  colonial  idea  in 
England.     Froude  says  of  this  period  : — 

"  The  springs  of  great  actions  are  always  difficult  to 
analyse,  and  the  force  by  which  a  man  throws  a  good 
action  out  of  himself  is  invincible  and  mystical  like  that 
which  brings  out  the  blossom  and  the  fruit  upon  the 
tree.  The  motives  which  we  find  men  urging  for  their 
enterprises  seem  often  insufficient  to  have  prompted 
them  to  so  large  a  daring.  They  did  what  they  did 
from  a  great  unrest  in  them  which  made  them  do  it, 
and  what  it  was  may  be  best  measured  by  the  results 
in  the  present  England  and  America." 

Before  all  others  of  the  period,  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert 
seems  to  have  been  possessed  with  this  "  great  unrest." 

Dr.  Dee's  Diary,  in  the  Ashmolean  Museum  at  Oxford, 
contains  several  very  interesting  references  to  his  pre- 
sentation of  England's  claim,  and  also  to  interviews 
which  he  had  with  many  noted  men  of  the  day. 

On  November  5th,  1578,  he  writes  : — 

"  I  speake  with  the  Queen  hora  qui7ita.  I  declared 
to  the  Queen  her  title  to  Greenland,  Estotiland,^  and 

"October  3rd,  1580.  On  Munday  at  1 1  of  the  clock 
before  noon  I  declared  my  two  rolls  of  the  Queens 
Majesty's  title  unto  herself  in  the  garden  at  Richmond, 
who  appointed  after  dinner  to  have  furder  of  the 
matter.  Therefore  between  one  and  two  afternoon,  I 
was  sent  for  into  her  Highness  Privy  Chamber,  when 
the  Lord  Treasurer,  who  was  also  having  the  matter  then 

■^  In  many  sixteenth  century  maps  the  name  Estotiland  is  bestowed 
upon  the  country  north  of  Labrador. 


slightly  in  consultation,  did  seme  to  dowt  much  that 
I  had  or  could  make  the  argument  probable  for  Her 
Highness  Title  so  as  I  pretended.  Whereupon  I  was 
to  declare  to  bis  honour  more  playnely  and  at  his 
leysere  what  I  had  sayd  and  could  say  therein  which 
I  did  on  Tuesday  and  Wednesday  following  at  his 
chambers  where  he  had  me  used  very  honourably  on 
his  behalf.  .  .  . 

"  October.  The  Queens  Majesty  to  my  great  com- 
fort {hora  quintd)  cam  with  her  trayn  from  the  Court 
and  at  my  dore  graciously  calling  me  to  her,  on 
horsbak  .  .  .  told  me  that  the  Lord  Threasover  had 
greatly  commended  my  doings  for  her  title,  which  he 
had  to  examyn,  which  title  in  two  rolls  he  had  brought 
home  two  hours  before." 

This  has  been  quoted  in  part  by  Mr.  Henry  Harrisse 
in  Decouverte  da  Terre-Neuve  as  evidence  that  Lord 
Burleigh  did  not  support  Queen  Elizabeth's  title  to 
North  America.  Whereas  Queen  Elizabeth  and  Dr. 
Dee  both  infer  that  he  was  converted  to  a  belief  in  its 

On  March  2nd,  1574,  a  petition  was  presented  to  the 
Queen  for  permission  to  embark  on  an  enterprise  for 
the  discovery  and  colonization  of  rich  and  unknown 
lands,  "  fatally  reserved  for  England  and  for  the  honour 
of  Your  Majesty."  The  petitioners  were  Sir  Humphrey 
Gilbert,  Sir  George  Peckham,  Sir  Richard  Grenville,  and 

This  first  colonization  scheme  did  not  materialize  at 
once.  In  1576  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert  laid  before  the 
Queen  and  Council  his  reasons  for  believing  in  a  north- 
west passage.  Among  the  benefits  to  be  derived  from 
the  voyage  of  discovery,  he  suggests  "  we  might  in- 
habit some  part  of  those  countries  and  settle  there  such 


needie  people  of  our  country  which  nowe  trouble 
the  commonwealthe  and  commit  outrageous  offences 
whereby  they  are  daily  consumed  of  the  gallows." 

In  1577  he  again  addressed  a  memorial  to  Queen 
Elizabeth,  proposing  to  fit  out  a  fleet  of  ships  of  war 
under  pretence  of  a  voyage  of  discovery  to  Newfound- 
land, where  he  would  destroy  all  the  great  ships  of 
France,  Spain  and  Portugal.  He  urged  that  the  ex- 
pedition be  undertaken  at  once,  "  for  the  wings  of  man's 
life  are  plumed  with  the  feathers  of  death." 

Letters  patent  for  the  term  of  six  years  were  granted 
to  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert  in  June  of  the  following  year, 
not  to  devastate  the  fishing  fleets  of  foreign  nations  in 
Newfoundland  waters,  but  peaceably  to  discover  and  in- 
habit such  unoccupied  countries  as  he  might  see  fit.^  On 
September  23rd  of  the  same  year  he  sailed  from  Dartford 
with  a  fleet  of  eleven  ships  and  five  hundred  men,  but 
in  November  he  wrote  to  Walsingham  from  Plymouth 
complaining  of  the  desertion  of  Mr.  Knollys  and  other 
men  of  Devonshire,  but  nevertheless  determining  to 
continue  his  purpose  with  the  seven  ships  remaining 
to  him,  one  of  which,  the  Faulcon,  was  commanded  by 
"  Captain  Walter  Rauley." 

No  account  has  been  preserved  of  this  expedition, 
except  that  it  failed  of  its  purpose.  They  were  con- 
tinually buffeted  by  storms  and  "  lost  a  tall  ship  and  a 
gallant  gentleman.  Miles  Morgan."  They  got  as  far  as 
the  Cape  Verde  Islands,  but  returned  to  England  early 
in  1579.  Sir  Humphrey  had  mortgaged  his  property  in 
order  to  fit  out  this  expedition,  and  was  obliged  to 
assign  portions  of  his  rights  under  his  letters  patent  in 

^  Dr.  Dee's  Diary,  August  Sth,  1578,  says:  "Mr.  Reynolds,  of  Brid- 
well,  toke  his  leave  of  me  as  he  passed  toward  Dartmouth  to  go  with  Sir 
Ilumfrey  Gilbert  toward  Hoch-  laga." 


order  to  raise  funds  for  a  second  attempt.  Dr  Dee  was 
one  of  the  assigners,  and  received  a  grant  of  Labrador. 
In  his  Diary,  August  25th,  1580,  he  writes  : — "  My  deal- 
ing with  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert  for  his  grant  of  dis- 
covery" ;  and  on  September  loth  : — 

"  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert  graunted  me  my  request  to 
him,  made  by  letter,  for  the  royaltyes  of  discovery  all 
to  the  North  above  the  parallel  of  50  degrees  of 
latitude,  in  the  presence  of  Storner,  Sir  John  Gilbert 
his  servant  or  retainer,  and  thereuppon  toke  me  by 
the  hand  with  faithful  promises  in  his  lodging  of 
John  Cookes  house  in  Wichercross  Street  where  we 
dined  only  us  three  together." 

Sir  George  Peckham  and  Sir  Thomas  Gerrard  were 
also  assignees  under  his  letters  patent,  and  in  1580 
applied  to  Walsingham  for  permission  to  organize  an 
expedition.  Also  the  great  Sir  Philip  Sidney  received 
a  grant  of  a  Principality,  perhaps  with  the  idea  of 
founding  a  real  "  Arcadia." 

Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert  sailed  again  in  1583  with  a 
fleet  of  five  ships,  the  largest  of  which,  supplied  by 
Captain  Walter  Raleigh,  almost  immediately  returned 
to  England,  a  serious  distemper  having  broken  out  on 
board  among  the  crew.  The  result  of  this  voyage  was 
the  taking  possession  of  St.  John's,  Newfoundland,  in  the 
name  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  which  was  thus  the  first  land 
in  the  American  Continent  to  be  actually  in  the  pos- 
session of  England,  although,  as  has  been  shown,  Eng- 
land already  claimed  the  whole  seaboard  on  account  of 
Cabot's  discovery. 

Edward  Haies,the  historian  of  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert's 
disastrous  voyage,  had  no  doubt  of  England's  title, 
which,  he  says, "we  yet  do  actually  possess  therein";  but 


he  laments  that  the  English  had  not  explored  the  New 
Lands  to  the  same  extent  that  the  French  had  done. 
But  as  both  the  French  and  Spaniards  had  been  un- 
successful in  planting  colonies  north  of  Florida,  "  it 
seemeth  probable  God  hath  reserved  the  same  to  be 
reduced  into  Christian  civilitie  by  the  English  nation." 
He  particularly  resented  the  action  of  the  French  in 
bestowing  names  upon  the  country,  "as  if  they  had 
been  the  first  finders  of  those  coasts,  which  injustice  we 
offered  not  unto  the  Spaniards,  but  left  off  to  discover 
when  we  approached  the  Spanish  limits.  Then  seeing 
the  English  nation  only  hath  right  unto  these  countries 
of  America  from  the  Cape  of  Florida  northward  by  the 
privilege  of  first  discovery,  unto  which  Cabot  was 
authorized  by  royall  authority  of  King  Henry  VII, 
which  right  also  seemeth  strongly  defended  on  our 
behalf  by  the  powerful  hand  of  the  Almightie  God, 
withstanding  the  enterprises  of  other  nations." 

When  their  own  voyage  met  with  disaster,  and  the 
great-souled  Sir  Humphrey  himself  was  "  swallowed  up 
of  the  sea,"  one  wonders  if  the  complacent  attitude  of 
the  narrator  remained  undisturbed. 

That  such  should  have  been  the  final  destiny  of  the 
greater  part  of  North  America  leads  one  to  think  that 
the  prescience  of  Edward  Haies  was  more  than 
ordinary,  and  that  he  also  possessed  in  no  common 
degree  "  that  enormous  force  of  heart  and  intellect " 
which  was  characteristic  of  so  many  of  the  contem- 
poraries of  Shakespeare. 

One  other  remark  made  by  Haies  is  noticeable  in 
respect  to  the  dominance  of  the  English.  When  the 
Squirrel,  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert's  smallest  vessel,  arrived 
first  at  St.  John's,  the  English  merchants,  "  that  were 
and  always  would  be  Admirals  by  turns  interchangeably 


over  the  fleets  of  the  fishermen,"  would  not  permit  her 
to  enter  the  harbour.  When,  however.  Sir  Humphrey- 
arrived  and  displayed  his  commission  from  Queen 
Elizabeth,  they  readily  consented,  and  sent  their  boats 
to  assist  him  off  the  shoal  upon  which  he  ran  aground 
when  entering  the  harbour. 

Although  the  scheme  for  the  colonization  of  Newfound- 
land which  cost  the  nobleSir  Humphreyhis  life,v/as  aban- 
doned for  twenty-seven  years  longer,  the  prosecution  of 
the  fishery  by  the  British  advanced  by  leaps  and  bounds. 
Sir  Walter  Raleigh,  writing  on  July  20th,  1594,  to  Sir 
Robert  Cecil,  calls  attention  to  the  report  that  three 
Spanish  men-of-war  were  cruising  in  the  channel.  He 
said  : — 

"  It  is  likely  that  all  our  Newfoundland  men  will  be 
taken  up  by  them  if  they  be  not  speedily  driven  from 
the  coast,  for  in  the  beginning  of  August  our  Newland 
fleet  are  expected,  which  are  above  a  hundred  sayle. 
If  thos  should  be  lost  it  would  be  the  greatest  blow 
that  ever  was  given  to  England." 

But  one  other  authority  will  be  quoted  just  now  on 
this  controversy.  Sir  William  Monson,  who  began  his 
career  in  the  Navy  in  the  days  of  Elizabeth  and  lived 
until  the  Commonwealth,  left  a  valuable  collection  of 
memoirs  which  have  been  published  under  the  title  of 
Naval  Tracts. 

A  recent  writer  (Harrisse)  has  given  the  following 
quotations  from  Monson,  in  proof  of  his  contention  that 
England  entirely  neglected  the  lands  discovered  by 
Cabot : — 

"  No  relations  of  Cabot  ever  mentioned  his  posses- 
sion or  setting  his  foote  ashore  to  inhabit  any  of 
the  lands  betwixt  the  degrees  aforesaid  ;  and  therefore 


we  can  challenge  no  right  of  inheritance  wanting  proof 
of  possession,  which  is  the  law  acknowledged  for  right 
of  discovery."  When  viewed  with  the  context  it  will 
be  found  that  this  is  not  an  argument  in  favour  of  the 
contention.  Monson  was  upholding  the  benefits  of 
peace,  and  said  that  "  Spain  is  more  punished  by  the 
King's  peace  than  by  the  Queen's  war,  for  by  our  peace 
England  is  enlarged  by  several  plantations  in  America," 
He  supposes  that  some  will  say  of  our  plantations 
that  they  were  known  to  us  long  before,  and  will  advance 
Cabot's  discoveries  in  argument  that  the  new  plantations 
were  not  owing  to  the  "  King's  peace,"  but  he  points  out 
that  possession  was  better  than  discovery  as  proof  of 
title,  which  had  been  rendered  possible  by  the  long 
continued  peace. 

In  other  parts  of  his  writings  he  continually  claims 
the  northern  parts  of  America  for  England  by  right  of 
discovery  and  occupation.     He  says  : — 

"  Canada  was  first  discovered  by  the  English  in  the 
days  of  Henry  VII,  as  all  the  world  acknowledges,  and 
none  but  the  first  discoverers  can  pretend  title  to  any 
land  newly  discovered.  This  is  the  title  by  which  the 
King  of  England  holds  that  part  of  America  from  58 
to  38  degrees,  and  has  held  it  since  the  discovery  of  it 
by  Cabot." 

In  another  place  he  writes  : — 

"  It  is  marvellous  if  we  consider  what  England  is  now 
to  what  it  was  in  former  ages — what  increase  in  his 
majestys  revenues,  what  an  increase  there  is  of  ships  in 
number  and  goodness,  what  dread  and  fear  all  other 
nations  apprehend  of  our  greatness  by  sea,  and  what 
rumours  we  spread  abroad  in  all  quarters  of  the  world 
to  make  us  famous." 


"It  is  admirable  if  we  call  these  things  to  mind.  And 
to  come  to  the  particulars  of  augmentation  of  our 
trades,  of  our  plantations,  and  our  discoveries,  because 
every  man  shall  have  his  due  therein,  I  will  begin  with 
Newfoundland,  lying  upon  the  main  continent  of 
America,  which  the  King  of  Spain  challenges  as  first 
discoverer,  but  as  we  acknowledge  the  King  of  Spain 
the  first  light  of  the  west  and  south-west  parts  of 
America,  so  we  and  all  the  world  must  confess  that  we 
were  the  first  that  took  possession  of  the  north  part 
thereof  for  the  crown  of  England,  and  not  above  two 
years  difference  between  the  one  and  the  other.  And 
as  the  Spaniards  have  from  that  day  to  this  held  their 
possessions  in  the  west,  so  have  we  done  the  like  in  the 
north  ;  and  though  there  is  no  comparison  in  the  point 
of  wealth,  yet  England  may  boast  that  the  discovery 
from  the  year  aforesaid  to  this  very  day  hath  afforded 
the  subjects  annually  one  hundred  and  twenty  thousand 
pounds,  and  increases  the  number  of  many  a  good  ship 
and  mariners,  as  our  western  parts  can  witness  by  their 
fishing  in  Newfoundland." 

Again  he  says : — 

"  England  had  some  honour  thereby  in  the  discovery 
of  Newfoundland  that  since  proved  most  commodious 
to  the  commonwealth,  and  most  especially  to  the  western 
parts  thereof,  by  their  yearly  employment  of  200  sail  of 
ships  thither." 

Sir  William  Monson  undoubtedly  maintained  Eng- 
land's right  to  North  America  from  Florida  to  Hudson's 
Straits,  and  if  he  had  known,  as  we  know,  that  Cabot 
actually  preceded  Columbus  in  the  discovery  of  the 
mainland  of  America,  he  would  have  denied  Spain's 
right  to  any  part  of  it  except  the  West  Indies. 


Such  are  a  few  (but  important)  items  of  evidence  on 
British  occupation  of  the  new  found  lands  in  the  six- 
teenth century.  I  think  it  must  be  conceded  that  there 
is  sufficient  warranty  for  the  belief  that  England  never 
lost  sight  of  the  valuable  possessions  added  to  the 
Crown  by  the  discoveries  of  Cabot.  At  first  coloniza- 
tion, or  any  form  of  jurisdiction  over  the  new  found 
lands,  was  as  unnecessary  for  England  as  it  was 
impossible.  But  what  could  be  done  was  done.  Pro- 
tection and  encouragement  were  given  to  the  fleet  of 
fishing  vessels,  which,  in  steadily  increasing  numbers, 
never  ceased  to  make  their  way  across  the  Western 



HILE  the  southern  shores  of  Labrador,  border- 
ing the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  were  regularly 
visited  by  fishermen  from  Brittany  and  the  west  of 
England,  and  by  whalers  from  the  Basque  provinces, 
the  eastern  and  northern  coasts  would  have  remained 
unexplored  were  it  not  that  English  sailors  persistently 
pursued  that  ignis  fatiius — a  North- West  Passage. 

The  French,  Spanish,  and  Portuguese  nations  very 
soon  abandoned  their  attempts  in  this  direction,  and  it 
must  be  accorded  to  the  glory  of  English  seamen  that 
they  alone  persevered  in  the  endeavour  to  solve  the 
mystery  of  the  North- West.  From  the  narratives  of 
these  expeditions  fleeting  glimpses  of  Labrador  can  be 

The  first,  after  Frobisher,  to  seek  this  supposed  short 
road  to  Cathay  was  John  Davis.  He  was  fitted  out  by 
the  merchants  of  London,  of  whom  Mr.  William  Saunder- 
son  ^  was  the  chief  Strict  instructions  were  given  to 
him  to  seek  for  the  passage,  and  not  to  be  turned  aside  by 
other  considerations  as  was  Frobisher. 

In  the  summer  of  1585,  with  his  two  little  vessels,  the 

^  Wm.  Saunderson  married  a  niece  of  Gilbert  and  Raleigh,  and  Davis 
was  a  great  friend  of  Adrian  Gilbert,  so  the  connection  with  previous 
voyages  is  clearly  seen. 



Sunshine  of  fifty  and  the  Mermaid  of  thirty-five 
tons,  he  succeeded  in  reaching  tlie  remarkably  high 
latitude  of  6f. 

On  this  journey  he  coasted  along  the  shores  of  Green- 
land, thus  once  more  restoring  communication  with  that 
almost  forgotten  country.  The  Eskimos,  whom  he  met 
in  considerable  numbers,  were  most  friendly.  "  They  are," 
he  said,  "  very  tractable  people,  void  of  craft  or  double- 
dealing,  and  easy  to  be  brought  to  any  civilite  or  good 
order,"  In  1586,  he  set  out  again,  this  time  with  his 
fleet  increased  by  the  Mermaid  of  120  tons,  and  the 
North  Star,  a  pinnace  of  ten  tons.  Again  he  suc- 
ceeded in  reaching  latitude  6^° ,  then  turning  south 
coasted  the  American  shore  to  latitude  57°.  On  August 
28th,  "having  a  great  mistrust  of  the  weather,  he  arrived 
in  a  very  fair  harbour  in  the  latitude  of  56,  and  sailed 
ten  leagues  into  the  same,  being  two  leagues  broad 
with  very  fayre  woods  on  both  sides.  I  landed  and 
went  sixe  miles  by  ghesse  into  the  country  and  found 
that  the  woods  were  firre,  pineapple,  alder,  yew,  withy 
and  birch  ;  here  we  saw  a  blacke  beare ;  this  place 
yieldeth  great  store  of  birds.  Of  the  partridge  and 
pezunt  we  killed  so  great  store  with  bowe  and  arrows ; 
in  this  place  at  the  habourough  mouth  we  found  great 
store  of  cod.  The  first  of  September  we  set  saile  and 
coasted  the  shore  with  fine  weather.  The  third  day 
being  calme  at  noone  we  stroke  saile  and  let  fall  a 
cadge  anker,  to  prove  whether  we  could  take  any  fish, 
being  in  latitude  54.30',  in  which  place  we  found 
great  abundance  of  cod,  so  that  the  hooke  was  no 
sooner  overboard,  but  presently  a  fish  was  taken.  It 
was  the  largest  and  best  reset  (?)  fish  that  ever  I  saw, 
and  divers  fishermen  that  were  with  me  sayd  that  they 
never  saw  a  more  suaule  (?)  or  better  skull  of  fish  in  theyr 


lives.  The  fourth  of  September  we  ankered  in  a  very 
good  road  among  great  store  of  isles,  the  country  low- 
land, pleasant  and  very  full  of  fayre  woods.  To  the 
north  of  this  place  eight  leagues,  we  had  a  perfect  hope 
of  the  passage,  finding  a  mighty  great  sea  passing 
between  two  lands  west.  The  south  land  to  our  judge- 
ment nothing  but  isles,  we  greatly  desired  to  go  into 
the  sea,  but  the  wind  was  directly  against  us.  We 
ankered  in  four  fathom  fine  sand.  In  this  place  is  foule 
and  fish  mighty  store.  The  sixt  of  September  having 
a  fayre  north-west  winde,  having  trimmed  our  barke,  we 
proposed  to  depart,  and  sent  five  of  our  sailors  yong 
men  a  shore  to  an  island  to  fetch  certain  fish  which  we 
purposed  to  weather  and  therefore  left  it  all  the  night 
covered  up  on  the  Isle :  the  brutish  people  of  the 
country  lay  secretly  lurking  in  the  woods  and  upon  the 
sudden  assaulted  our  men  :  which  when  we  perceived 
we  presently  let  slip  our  cables  upon  the  half  and  under 
our  fore  sailes  bare  into  the  shore,  and  with  all  expedi- 
tion discharged  a  double  musket  upon  them  twice,  at 
the  noice  whereof  they  fled  :  notwithstanding  to  our 
very  great  grief  two  of  our  men  were  slaine  with  theyre 
arrows  and  two  grievously  wounded  of  whom  at  this 
present  we  stand  in  very  great  doubt ;  onely  one  escaped 
by  swimming,  with  an  arrow  shot  through  his  arme. 
These  wicked  miscreants  never  offered  parley  or  speech, 
but  presently  executed  theyr  cursed  fury." 

The  "  very  fayre  harbor  "  in  latitude  56°  cannot  be 
identified,  as  deep  fiords  are  numerous  on  that  part  of 
the  coast.  Sandwich  Bay  was  no  doubt  the  locality  in 
which  he  harboured,  and  Hamilton  Inlet  the  "  mighty 
great  sea"  in  which  he  had  a  perfect  hope  of  the 

In  the  following  year  Davis  started  once  more,  and 


at  the  extraordinarily  early  date  of  June  24th,  reached 
the  latitude  of  6f  12'  "the  sea  all  open  to  the  east- 
wards and  northwards."  The  mariners  became  alarmed 
and  insisted  upon  turning  south,  and  again  Davis 
coasted  down  the  American  shore.  On  the  first  of 
August  he  "  passed  a  very  great  gulfe,  the  water  whirling 
and  roaring  as  it  were  a  meeting  of  the  tides."  Another 
account  of  this  voyage  says  :  "  To  our  great  admiration 
we  saw  the  sea  falling  down  into  the  gulfe  with  a 
mighty  over  fall,  and  roaring  with  divers  circular 
motions  like  a  whirlpool  in  such  sort  as  forcible 
streams  pass  through  the  arches  of  bridges."  It  is 
referred  to  afterwards  by  Davis  as  "  the  furious  over- 
fall," and  is  an  excellent  description  of  the  entrance  to 
Hudson's  Straits,  where  the  tides  rise  and  fall  about  forty 
feet.  Sir  William  MacGregor,  the  Governor  of  New- 
foundland, in  his  report  of  a  visit  to  Labrador,  1905, 
telling  of  the  meeting  of  the  tides  here,  says  •  "  The  clash 
of  these  two  mighty  streams  roared  like  a  great  water- 
fall and  produced  powerful  eddies  and  whirlpools."  ^ 

In  the  account  given  by  Herrera  of  the  English  ships 
which  visited  Hispaniola  in  1527,  supposed  to  be  Rut's 
vessel,  it  says  that  the  ship  had  been  in  a  frozen  sea, 
and  coming  south  "  they  arrived  in  a  warm  sea  which 
boiled  like  water  in  a  kettle." 

Hudson's  Straits  is  the  only  locality  where  there  is 
such  a  commotion  of  the  waters.  Rut,  however,  accord- 
ing to  his  letter,  was  not  north  of  the  Straits  of  Belle 

The  cape  at  the  south  entrance  to  Hudson's  Straits 
Davis    named    "  Chidleis    Cape,"    after    his    neighbour 

^  The  first  reference  to  Hudson's  Straits  is  to  be  found  on  Ruysch's 
map,  1508.  A  note  on  which  reads,  "  Here  a  raging  sea  begins,  here  the 
compasses'of  ships  do  not  hold  their  properties,  and  vessels  having  iron  are 
not  able  to  return," 


Mr.  John  Chidley,  of  Broad  Clyst,  near  Exeter,  county- 
Devon.  By  the  15th  of  August  he  had  sailed  down 
to  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  but  failed  to  find  the  other 
vessels  of  his  fleet  which  had  separated  from  him  early  in 
the  summer,  with  the  intention  of  fishing  about  lat.  54° 
to  55°.  He  therefore  sailed  for  home  and  reached 
Dartmouth  on  September  15th.  In  the  curious  little 
book  written  by  Davis  called  The  World's  Hydro- 
graphicalle  Description,  he  says,  referring  to  his  last 
voyage,  that  two  ships  were  fitted  out  for  fishing  and 
one  for  discovery  : — 

"  Departing  from  Dartmouth,  through  Gods'  merciful 
favour  I  arrived  at  the  place  of  fishing,  and  there 
according  to  direction,  I  left  two  ships  to  follow  that 
business,  taking  there  faithful  promises  not  to  depart 
until  my  return  unto  them,  which  should  be,  in  the 
fine  of  August,  but  after  my  departure  in  sixteen  days 
the  ships  had  finished  their  voyage  and  so  presently 
departed  for  England." 

This  is  the  first  fishing  adventure  to  the  Labrador 
coast  of  which  we  have  any  particulars,  and  its  won- 
derful success  no  doubt  attracted  much  attention. 

Davis  firmly  believed  that  there  was  a  practicable 
north-west  passage,  and  would  have  made  another 
effort  to  find  it,  "  but  by  reason  of  the  Spanish 
fleete  and  unfortunate  time  of  Master  Sectretary's 
(Walsingham)  death  the  voyage  was  ommitted,  and 
never  sithens  attempted." 

In  1602,  the  Muscovy  and  Turkey  Companies  de- 
spatched Captain  George  Weymouth,  in  an  endeavour 
to  follow  up  Davis's  discoveries.  He  did  not  succeed  in 
reaching  so  high  a  latitude  as  his  predecessor,  but  sailed 
into  Hudson's  Straits  for  a  considerable  distance,  and 


as  Captain  Luke  Fox,  who  fantastically  styled  himself 
"  North  West  Fox,"  relates,  "  did,  I  conceive,  light 
Hudson  into  his  Straights." 

Weymouth  also  sailed  down  the  northern  Labrador 
coast  and  explored  an  inlet  in  latitude  56. 

The  Worshipfull  Company  of  Muscovy,  in  con- 
junction with  the  East  Indian  Merchants,  sent  out 
another  expedition  in  the  year  1606  under  the  com- 
mand of  John  Knight,  who  had  previously  sailed  with 
a  Danish  expedition  to  Greenland.  On  June  13th 
he  had  sight  of  land  in  latitude  57°  25',  but  was  caught 
in  the  ice  and  drifted  south  to  56°  48'.  Finding  his  ship 
badly  damaged,  he  decided  to  put  into  a  small  cove  to 
effect  repairs  if  possible.  While  exploring  the  neigh- 
bourhood, looking  for  a  suitable  place  to  careen  his 
vessel,  he,  his  brother,  Edward  Gorrill  the  mate,  and 
another  man,  were  set  upon  by  the  savage  Eskimos  and 
slain.  The  rest  of  the  ship's  company  were  left  in  a 
sore  plight,  with  their  ship  almost  in  a  sinking  condition, 
short  handed,  and  continually  attacked  by  the  Eskimos, 
whom  they  described  as  "  little  people,  tawney  coloured, 
thick-haired,  little  or  no  beard,  flat  nosed,  and  are  man 

They  contrived,  however,  to  keep  the  savages  at  bay, 
and  to  lessen  the  leak  by  dropping  a  sail  overboard 
against  it.  In  this  crippled  condition  they  made  their 
way  south  to  Newfoundland,  and  on  July  23rd  "  they 
espied  a  dozen  shallops  fishing  and  making  toward 
them,  found  themselves  at  Fogo  where  they  took 
harbour,  repaired  their  ship,  and  refreshed  themselves." 

Not  satisfied  with  the  indeterminate  attempts  of 
Weymouth  and  Knight,  the  merchants  of  London,  in 
1610,  fitted  out  Henry  Hudson,  who  was  already 
famous  as  a  navigator  and  explorer,  to  seek  once  more 


the  much  desired  passage.  Boldly  pushing  his  way 
through  the  straits,  which  have  since  borne  his  name, 
he  discovered  the  great  inland  sea,  Hudson's  Bay.  Here 
he  wintered,  and  in  the  spring  determined  to  explore 
still  further  west,  confidently  expecting  to  succeed 
in  the  enterprise  upon  which  he  was  sent.  But  his 
crew  mutinied,  and  turned  him,  his  son,  and  the  few 
that  remained  faithful  to  him,  adrift  in  a  little  boat, 
doubtless  to  perish  miserably.  On  the  return  of 
Hudson's  ship  through  the  straits,  they  fell  in  with  a 
company  of  Eskimos,  who  as  usual  seemed  at  first  very 
friendly,  but  waiting  their  opportunity  treacherously 
attacked  and  killed  four  of  the  ship's  company,  among 
whom  were  the  chief  mutineers. 

In  1612,  the  year  following  the  return  of  Hudson's 
ship,  the  merchants  of  London  again  fitted  out  an 
expedition,  placing  it  under  the  command  of  Sir 
Thomas  Button.  Two  of  Hudson's  men,  Abacuck 
Prickett  and  Robert  Bylot,  accompanied  him. 

Proceeding  at  once  through  Hudson's  Straits,  he  made 
for  "Diggess's  He,"  where  the  mutineers  of  Hudson's 
ship  met  their  well-deserved  fate  at  the  hands  of  the  Es- 
kimos. Here  these  undaunted  savages  appeared  again 
in  considerable  numbers,  twice  attacked  his  ship  and 
killed  five  of  his  men.  Entering  Hudson's  Bay  he  sailed 
southward  seeking  suitable  quarters  for  the  winter,  and 
made  himself  as  comfortable  as  possible ;  but  viath  all 
his  precautions  lost  several  of  his  men  from  the  severe 
cold.  In  the  spring  he  explored  Hudson's  Bay  as  far 
north  as  65°,  and  returning  through  Hudson's  Straits 
passed  into  the  Atlantic  "betwixt  those  islands  first 
discovered  and  named  Chidley's  Cape  by  Captain 
Davis,  and  the  north  part  of  America,  called  by  the 
Spaniards,  who  never  saw  the  same.   Cape  Labrador ; 


but  it  is  meet  by  the  north-east  point  of  America, 
where  there  was  contention  among  them,  some  main- 
taining that  those  islands  were  the  '  Resolution ' ;  but 
at  length  it  proved  a  strait,  and  very  straight  indeed  to 
come  through,  which  resolved  all  doubts."  Thus 
writes  "  North- West  Fox"  on  the  evidence  of  Abacuck 
Prickett.  Commentators  have  thought  that  Button 
passed  out  of  Hudson's  Straits  not  between  Resolution 
Island  and  the  Button  Islands,  but  between  Button 
Islands  and  Cape  Chidley.  From  the  description, 
however,  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  he  passed 
through  the  narrow  channel  between  Chidley  peninsula 
and  the  mainland,  which  now  bears  the  name  of 
Grenfell  Channel.  Sir  William  McGregor  thus  des- 
cribes it : — 

"  This  is  a  passage  which  leads  through  from  the  east 
coast,  starting  south  of  Cape  Chidley,  to  the  Bay  that 
lies  on  the  east  side  of  the  Chidley  peninsula,  opening 
some  two  or  three  miles  south  of  Port  Burwell.  It  is 
about  two  or  three  hundred  yards  wide,  and  was  sup- 
posed to  be  sufficiently  deep  to  permit  of  the  passage 
of  large  ships  through  it,  thus  avoiding  the  necessity  of 
doubling  the  Chidley  peninsula.  The  navigating  lieu- 
tenant of  H.M.S.  Scylla  has,  however,  after  transversing 
the  channel  twice,  reported  one  spot  in  it  where  the 
depth  did  not  exceed  five  fathoms.^  It  is  therefore 
necessary'-  that  it  should  be  more  fully  examined  before 
it  can  be  considered  safe  for  large  vessels.  Strong 
tides  pass  through  the  Grenfell  Tickle.  It  seems  to 
be  navigated  by  small  icebergs  with  more  draught  than 
any  ships  would   have.     It  runs  all  the  way  between 

^  Dr.  Grenfell  has  since  again  passed  through  this  channel,  sounding 
most  carefully,  and  failed  to  find  anywhere  less  than  seventeen  fathoms  of 


steep  hills  of  bare  rock.  It  is  about  eight  or  ten  miles 
long,  and  would,  if  proved  to  be  safe,  be  a  decided  gain 
to  vessels  passing  between  the  Atlantic  and  Port 
Burwell,  or  Ungava  and  Hudson's  Bays." 

One  of  Button's  vessels  was  the  Discovery,  and  was 
the  same  vessel  in  which  Hudson  and  Weymouth 
made  their  voyages  to  the  same  regions.  She  is 
described  as  a  fly-boat  of  sixty  or  seventy  tons ; 
this  term  generally  denoted  a  broad  flat -bottomed 
vessel  which  Vv^ould  have  easily  passed  through  the 
channel.  Nothing  is  known  of  Button's  other  ship, 
the  Resolution. 

The  Moravian  missionaries  Kohlmeister  and  Kmock 
navigated  this  channel  on  their  way  to  and  from  Un- 
gava in  1811.  On  August  2nd  they  arrived  at  the 
mouth  of  the  dreaded  Ikkerasak  (strait). 

"  It  is  in  length  about  ten  miles ;  the  land  on 
each  side  high  and  rocky  and  in  some  places  pre- 
cipitous, but  there  appeared  no  rocks  in  the  strait 
itself.  The  water  is  deep  and  clear.  Its  mouth 
is  wide,  and  soon  after  entering  a  bay  opens  to 
the  left,  which,  by  an  inlet  only  just  wide  enough  to 
admit  a  boat,  communicates  with  a  lagoon  of  consider- 
able magnitude,  in  which  lies  an  island  on  its  western 
bank.  Beyond  this  bay  the  passage  narrows,  and  con- 
sequently the  stream,  always  setting  from  north  to 
south,  grows  more  rapid.  Here  the  mountains  on  both 
sides  rise  to  a  great  height.  Having  proceeded  for  two 
miles  in  a  narrow  channel  the  strait  opens  again,  but 
afterwards  contracts  to  about  one  thousand  yards 
across,  immediately  beyond  which  the  coast  turns  to 
the  south.  As  the  tide  ebbs  with  the  current  from 
north    to   south    alonsf   the  whole    Labrador  coast,  the 


current  through  the  strait  is  most  violent  during  its 
fall,  and  less  when  resisted  by  its  influx  or  rising.  We 
were  taught  to  expect  much  danger  in  passing  certain 
eddies  or  whirlpools  in  the  narrow  parts  of  the  straits. 
When  we  passed  the  first  narrow  channel,  it  being  low 
water,  no  whirlpool  was  perceptible.  Having  sailed  on 
for  a  little  more  than  half  an  hour  we  reached  the 
second.  Here  indeed  we  discovered  a  whirlpool,  round 
in  the  manner  of  a  boiling  cauldron  of  ten  or  twelve 
feet  in  diameter,  with  considerable  noise  and  much 
foam,  but  we  passed  without  the  smallest  inconvenience. 
The  motions  of  these  eddies  is  so  great  that  they  never 
freeze  in  the  severest  winter.  The  ice  being  drawn 
toward  them  with  great  force  is  carried  under  water  and 
thrown  up  again,  broken  into  numerous  fragments. 
The  Ikkerasak  is  at  this  season  utterly  impassable  for 

Sir  Thomas  Button  was  followed  in  the  next  year, 
1614,  by  Captain  Gibbons,  once  more  in  the  fly-boat 
Discoveiy.  Gibbons  was  a  cousin  of  Sir  Thomas 
Button  and  had  accompanied  him  on  his  voyage. 
Button  spoke  of  his  cousin  in  terms  of  the  highest 
praise,  and  declared  that  "  he  was  not  short  of  any  man 
that  ever  yet  he  carried  to  sea,"  but  he  did  not  justify 
Button's  recommendation,  and  his  voyage  was  utterly 

"  North-West  Fox  "  thus  tersely  describes  it : — 

"  Little  is  to  be  writ  to  any  purpos  for  that  hee  was  put 
by  the  mouth  of  Fretum  Hudson  and  with  the  ice  was 
driven  into  a  Bay  called  by  his  Company  '  Gibbons  his 
Hole,'  in  latitude  58  and  V2  upon  the  North  East  part  of 
America,  where  he  laid  ten  weeks  fast  amongst  the  ice, 
in  danger  to  have  been  spoyled  or  never  to  have  got 


away-j  so  ast  the  time  being  lost  he  was  inforced  to 

The  locality  here  indicated  is  probably  Saglek  Bay. 
It  is  a  pity  that  such  a  characteristic  name  has  not 
been  perpetuated. 

Later  seekers  of  the  north-west  passage  proceeded 
at  once  through  Hudson's  Straits  and  did  not  visit 

About  the  middle  of  the  seventeenth  century  French 
fur  traders  found  their  way  overland  to  Hudson's  Bay. 
The  two  chief  pioneers,  named  Grosseliers  and  Rodis- 
son,  were  so  impressed  with  the  importance  of  the 
trade  vv^hich  might  be  developed,  that  they  went  to 
France  and  tried  to  induce  the  French  Government 
to  send  an  expedition  there  and  take  possession  of 
the  country.  Receiving  no  encouragement  from  their 
own  people,  they  were  recommended  by  the  British 
Ambassador  at  Paris  to  go  to  London  with  their  pro- 
position. By  his  influence  they  obtained  an  audience 
with  King  Charles  11  and  Prince  Rupert,  who  were 
both  much  interested  in  the  proposed  enterprise.  A 
company  was  formed  and  an  expedition  sent  out  in 
1668.  Arriving  at  Hudson's  Bay  they  at  once  built 
a  fort,  and  during  the  ensuing  winter  carried  on  a 
brisk  trade  with  the  natives.  In  the  following  year 
they  returned  to  London.  Application  was  then 
made  to  King  Charles  for  a  charter,  in  order  that  the 
trade  might  be  more  fully  developed.  That  easy-going 
monarch  acceded  to  the  request  and  granted  a  charter, 
the  extraordinary  terms  of  which  have  excited  the 
wonder  of  succeeding  generations.  More  remarkable 
than  the  charter  itself  is  the  fact  that,  although  often 
challenged,  its  validity  has  been  always  upheld,  and 
the   Hudson   Bay  Company  is    still    a   virile  concern. 


fetaining  the  privileges  granted  by  King  Charles,  with 
the  exception  of  those  it  has  been  well  paid  to  relin'- 

This  charter  claimed  to  give  "  the  whole  trade  of  all 
those  seas,  streights  and  bays,  rivers,  lakes,  creeks  and 
sounds  in  whatsoever  latitude  they  shall  be,  that  lie 
within  the  entrance  of  the  Streights  commonly  called 
Hudson's  Streights."  The  fisheries  within  the  straits 
were  also  expressly  included.  By  reason  of  the  wonder- 
ful system  of  rivers  and  lakes  which  drain  into  Hudson's 
Bay  and  Straits,  the  company  became  possessed  of  a 
territory  estimated  at  nearly  one-third  of  North  America. 
It  was  recognized  as  a  colony  or  plantation  under  the 
name  of  Rupert's  Land,  and  had  almost  all  the  powers 
of  a  self-governing  colony  of  the  present  day.  The 
first  Governor  of  the  Company  was  Prince  Rupert,  and 
one  of  its  most  important  members,  if  not  the  leading 
spirit,  was  Sir  George  Carteret,  the  friend  and  neighbour 
of  the  immortal  and  immoral  Pepys.  One  is  surprised 
not  to  find  the  great  diarist  himself  interested  in  the 
Company,  as  his  hand  was  generally  stretched  forth  when 
there  were  any  fees  or  perquisites  to  be  obtained. 

The  Hudson  Bay  Company  was  therefore  the  first 
legal  possessor  of  any  part  of  Labrador,  its  portion 
being  all  the  country  drained  by  rivers  falling  into 
Hudson's  Straits  or  Bay. 

France  looked  with  great  jealousy  at  the  advent  of 
the  British  on  her  northern  borders,  and  during  the  wars 
at  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century  captured  every 
trading  post  which  had  been  erected  by  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company.  By  the  Treaty  of  Ryswick  (1697),  ^^^ 
later  by  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht  (171 3),  it  was  agreed 
that  all  "  countries,  islands,  forts  and  colonies,  which 
either  France  or  England  had  possessed  before  the  war 


should  be  restored  to  their  original  owners,"  and  a  joint 
commission  was  to  be  appointed  to  delineate  the 
respective  borders  of  Canada  and  Rupert's  Land.  This 
boundary  line  was  never  agreed  upon,  although  the 
commissioners  were  appointed  and  met  on  several 
occasions.  In  respect  to  Labrador,  the  English  com- 
missioners proposed  that  the  dividing  line  should  be 
drawn  from  Cape  Grimmington  on  the  Labrador  coast 
in  lat.  58°  30'  to  Lake  Mistassini,  thence  S.W.  to  the 
49th  parallel,  and  thence  westward  indefinitely. 

The  Hudson  Bay  Company  were  thus  prepared  to 
abandon  nearly  the  whole  east  coast  of  Labrador  to  the 
French,  and  besought  the  Imperial  Government  to 
forbid  any  intrusion  by  the  French  to  the  northward 
of  the  proposed  boundary. 

While  the  matter  was  in  dispute  Labrador  was  re- 
garded as  a  no-man's  land,  free  to  be  adopted  by  any 
claimant  In  1752  a  petition  was  presented  to  the 
Lords  of  Trade  and  Plantations  by  some  London 
merchants  for  a  grant  of  the  country  called  Labrador, 
between  52°  and  60°  N.  lat.,  "  not  at  this  time  possessed 
by  any  of  His  Majesty's  subjects  or  the  subjects  of  any 
Christian  Prince."  But  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  were 
able  to  block  this  project,  under  the  plea,  first,  that  the 
country  was  included  in  their  charter,  and,  second,  that 
it  was  an  entirely  barren  land,  and  the  intention  of  any 
company  starting  there  could  only  be  to  poach  upon 
their  trade. 


THE    FRENCH    ON    LABRADOR,    1700-1763 

THE  first  attempt  to  form  a  permanent  establish- 
ment on  the  coast  of  Labrador  was  made  by 
Augustin  Legardeur,  Seigneur  de  Courtemanche.  On 
October  17th,  1702,  he  obtained  from  Sieur  de  Vaud- 
reuil,  Governor  of  New  France,  a  concession  for  ten 
years  of  the  privilege  of  trading  with  the  savages, 
and  fishing  for  whales,  seals,  and  cod,  on  all  that  part 
of  the  south  coast  of  Labrador,  from  the  Kegaskat 
River  to  the  River  Kessessasskiou^  between  lat.  52°  and 
53°  N. 

About  the  year  1704  he  made  a  tour  of  his  domain 
and  wrote  a  description  of  it,  which  is  still  to  be  found 
in  the  Archive  of  the  Marine  at  Paris. 

Beginning  at  the  Kegaskat,  now  Kegashka  River,  he 
travelled  from  harbour  to  harbour,  noting  the  peculiari- 
ties and  excellences  of  each  locality.  The  abundance 
of  seals,  salmon,  cod,  feathered  game,  caribou,  and  fur- 
bearing  animals  must  have  been  simply  prodigious. 
He  was  evidently  charmed  with  his  acquisition,  and 
describes  each  place  in  glowing  terms. 

Courtemanche    established   himself    at   Bay    Phely- 

^  On  French  maps  of  the  early  eighteenth  century  our  Grand  or 
Hamilton  River  is  called  Kessessasskiou,  and  Hamilton  Inlet,  "  Grande 
Baye  des  Eskimaux." 



peaux,^  now  Bradore,  and  built  there  a  fort  which  he 
called  Fort  Pontchartrain. 

The  harbour,  he  tells  us,  was  excellent,  capable  of 
containing  a  hundred  vessels  of  all  sizes.  The  general 
aspect  of  the  bay  was  "fort  gaie,'^  bordered  with  islands, 
and  abounding  in  such  quantities  of  game  that  the 
whole  colony,  both  French  and  Indians,  could  easily  be 
supported  there.  At  the  bottom  of  the  bay  there  were 
three  hills,  "  tres  agreable  a  la  veueP 

The  rivers  and  lakes  amongst  these  hills  were  full 
of  salmon  and  trout,  and  the  waters  of  the  bay  teemed 
with  codfish,  so  that  he  felt  assured  of  sustaining  his 
garrison  without  any  difficulty. 

He  opened  communication  with  a  tribe  of  Indians  in 
the  neighbourhood  which  had  not  been  previously  known 
to  the  French.  They  were  a  gentle  race,  and  he  thought 
a  missionary  would  have  no  difficulty  in  converting  them 
to  Christianity.  It  seems  probable  that  he  referred  to 
the  Nascopee  Indians,  for  the  Montaignais  Indians  had 
been,  from  the  time  of  Champlain,  on  friendly  terms 
with  the  French,  and  were  among  the  first  to  be  con- 

Courtemanche  induced  thirty  or  forty  families  of  the 
Montaignais  to  come  and  settle  on  his  seignor)^,  employ- 
ing them  both  as  trappers  and  fishermen.  He  was  in- 
formed by  them  that  the  Basques  formerly  had  carried 
on  a  very  large  whale  fishery  in  the  straits,  and  that 
the  remains  of  their  establishments  were  still  to  be  seen 
at  Brasdor,  Forteau,  and  St.  Benoit's. 

Courtemanche  found  the  bones  of  whales  piled   up 

^  This  bay,  called  "Les  Islettes"  by  Jacques  Cartier,  wasknown  in  1740 
as  "  Bale  des  Espagnols,"  and  was  named  "Bay  Phelypeaux"  by  Courte- 
manche. It  did  not  take  its  present  name  until  late  in  the  eighteenth 
century.  On  tlie  Bellini  map,  1744,  it  is  called  "Bay  Phelypeaux,"  on 
the  Cook  and  Lane  map,   1790,   "  Labradore  Bay." 

THE   FRENCH   ON    LABRADOR,   1700-1763     133 

like  sticks  of  wood,  one  on  the  other,  in  such  quantities 
that  he  estimated  one  place  to  contain  the  remains  of 
two  thousand  to  three  thousand  animals.  He  counted 
ninety  skulls  of  prodigious  size  in  one  little  creek.  The 
Basques  had  been  compelled  to  abandon  the  fishery,  not 
from  failure  in  the  supply  of  whales,  but  because  of  the 
attacks  and  depredations  of  the  Eskimos.  Courte- 
manche  met  a  St.  Malo  fisherman  at  Forteau,  who  in- 
formed him  that  his  countrymen  had  carried  on  a  fishery 
there  de  to  us  temps. 

But  they  also  had  been  compelled  by  the  attacks  of 
the  Eskimos  greatly  to  lessen  their  operations.  Nothing 
could  be  left  behind  them  in  safety,  and  every  spring 
when  they  returned  they  would  find  their  huts  and 
stages  torn  down,  the  contents  destroyed,  and  their 
boats  stolen.  The  fishery  on  the  Labrador  shore  was 
considered  to  be  much  better  than  on  any  part  of  New- 
foundland, but  it  could  not  be  prosecuted  in  safety. 
The  fishermen  were  in  continual  danger  of  being  sur- 
prised and  murdered  by  the  treacherous  and  bloodthirsty 

Charlevoix  states  in  his  History  of  New  France  that 
about  1650  there  were  continual  and  desperate  battles 
between  the  Eskimos  and  Montaignais,  an  historical 
feud  which  continued  until  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth 

Courtemanche  found  that  the  Eskimos  in  considerable 
numbers  wintered  at  Ha-Ha  Bay,  and  records  that  two 
families  of  them  were  massacred  even  as  far  west  as 
Mecatina.  He  visited  Ha-Ha  Bay  and  examined  the  site 
of  their  camp,  as  well  as  he  was  able  to  do  for  the  stench 
which  still  lingered  there.  He  noted  that  they  used  no 
fire  to  cook  their  food,  and  gnawed  the  bones  like  dogs. 

From  the  beginning  to  the  end  of  his  life  on  the 


Labrador,  it  was  Courtemanche's  chief  endeavour  to 
make  peace  with  these  intractable  savages,  and  his 
principal  care  to  defend  himself  and  the  frequenters  of 
the  coast  from  their  attacks  and  depredations. 

In  1 7 14  Courtemanche  obtained  a  renewal  of  his 

"  The  King  being  at  Marly,  and  being  informed 
of  the  success  of  the  establishment  which  the  Sieur  de 
Courtemanche  had  made  at  Phelypeaux  Bay,  wishing 
to  treat  him  favourably  in  consideration  of  the  pains 
and  cares  which  his  establishment  had  cost  him,  hereby 
concedes  to  him  the  said  Bay  of  Phelypeaux,  where  he 
is  established,  and  two  leagues  of  coast  either  way  from 
the  said  bay,  and  four  leagues  inland." 

He  was  also  granted  the  sole  right  to  trade  with  the 
savages  and  to  the  seal  fishery,  but  in  regard  to  other 
fish  he  was  given  a  concurrent  right  only  with  any  other 
vessels  that  may  come  there. 

At  the  same  time  that  his  grant  was  renewed 
Courtemanche  was  appointed  Commandant  of  the 
Coast  of  Labrador. 

"  His  Majesty  deeming  it  necessary  that  he  should 
have  an  officer  of  the  army  to  command  on  the  coast 
of  Labrador,  in  the  country  of  the  Eskimos,  and  being 
satisfied  with  the  reliability  of  the  Sieur  de  Courte- 
manche, captain  of  one  of  his  companies  serving  in 
New  France,  His  Majesty  wills  and  requires  that  he 
command  in  the  said  coast  of  Labrador,  and  that  he 
rule  there  and  settle  all  differences  that  may  arise 
between  His  Majesty's  subjects  in  regard  to  stations 
for  the  fishery,"  etc. 

It  is  surprising  to  find,  from  Courtemanche's  report 
for    17 1 3,  that  there  were    only  three    French  vessels 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     135 

fishing  in  the  strait — one  at  Forteau  and  two  at  Blanc 
Sablon.  No  doubt  the  war  with  England,  just  closed, 
had  caused  the  fisheries  to  be  abandoned  for  a  time. 

If  one  were  to  believe  the  enthusiastic  memorial  on 
the  Labrador  which  here  follows,  Courtemanche  must 
have  had  a  comfortable  and  flourishing  establishment 
at  Bay  Phelypeaux.  The  writer  is  unknown.^  It 
seems  probable  that  he  was  a  priest  who  had  spent  a 
summer  on  the  Labrador,  and  being  greatly  impressed 
with  the  abundance  of  wild  life  and  the  beauty  of  the 
short  summers,  saw  in  imagination  the  country  becoming 
as  populous  and  powerful  as  Sweden  or  Norway.  While 
greatly  overestimating  its  possibilities,  many  of  his 
suggestions  for  the  civilization  of  the  Eskimos,  and  the 
amelioration  of  the  lot  of  the  fishermen  who  frequented 
the  coast,  are  most  excellent.  The  suggested  name  for 
a  town,  Labradorville,  and  the  proposal  that  the  caribou 
should  be  domesticated  are  particularly  interesting 
touches.  The  suggestion  that  magic  should  not  be  used 
in  taming  the  Caribou  is  a  quaint  sign  of  the  times. 


Labrador  is  all  that  vast  country  to  the  east  of 
Canada  and  north  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence. 
It  is  a  peninsula  bounded  by  the  River  and  Gulf  of 
St.  Lawrence  on  the  south,  the  ocean  on  the  east, 
Hudson's  Straits  on  the  north,  and  Hudson's  Bay  on 
the  west.  It  joins  Canada  on  its  western  border  from 
the  Isles  of  Mingan  to  Hudson's  Bay. 

Labrador  belonged  entirely  to  France  before  .the 
Treaty  of  Utrecht,  with  the  exception  of  some  small 

^  From  a  similarity  of  their  aims  and  propositions,  one  would  be 
inclined  to  call  this  author  a  pre-incarnation  of  Dr.  Grenfell. 


forts   which   the    English   had    built   in  the  bottom  of 
Hudson's  Bay. 

The  King  had  ceded  to  them,  by  that  treaty,  a  part 
of  Labrador — that  is  to  say,  the  Strait  and  Bay  of 
Hudson  with  all  the  coasts  and  rivers  which  fall  into 
the  said  Strait  and  Bay  of  Hudson.  This  constitutes  a 
large  country,  but  almost  uninhabitable  and  difficult  to 
reach.  The  greater  and  better  part  of  Labrador  remains 
to  the  King — that  is  to  say,  from  Mingan  to  Belle  Isle 
and  from  Belle  Isle  to  the  entrance  of  Hudson's  Straits 
with  all  the  rivers  and  inland  country.  This  coast  is 
over  400  leagues  in  extent.  It  is  certain  that  furs  are 
more  abundant  and  precious  in  Labrador  than  in 
Sweden,  Norway,  or  Canada. 

But  that  which  merits  more  attention  is  that  the 
fishery  which  can  be  carried  on  of  salmon,  codfish, 
seals,  walrus,  whales,  on  this  four  hundred  leagues  of 
coast  is  able  to  produce  greater  riches  than  the  richest 
gold-mine  in  Peru,  and  with  less  trouble  and  expense. 
It  is  very  important  and  even  necessary  for  the  good  of 
the  State  to  make  at  once  three  or  four  establishments 
on  the  coast  of  Labrador.  The  abundant  fishery  of 
salmon,  codfish,  porpoises,  seals,  walrus,  and  whales: 
the  walrus  teeth  which  are  finer  than  ivory  and  are 
used  in  the  fine  arts  ;  the  skins  of  seals,  seal  oil,  walrus 
oil  and  whale  oil  ;  an  infinity  of  caribous  and  other 
animals  are  in  this  vast  country  of  Labrador,  and  will 
furnish  an  infinite  number  of  skins  and  furs,  the 
handsomest,  the  finest,  and  most  precious  in  the  world. 
It  is  said  that  the  skin  of  the  caribou  takes  the  colour 
scarlet  better  than  any  other  kind  of  skin.  All  this, 
with  mines  of  copper  and  iron,  that  can  certainly  be 
found  in  Labrador,  is  capable  of  making  the  proposed 
establishments  both  rich  and  flourishing,  and  of  such 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     137 

great  advantage  to  the  State  that  Labrador  should  be 
regarded  as  its  Peru. 

In  effect,  it  will  furnish  France  v/ith  fish  and  oils, 
whalebone,  skins  of  seals  and  caribous,  furs,  ivory,  and 
eider-down,  and  all  in  such  abundance  that  a  large  trade 
can  be  established  with  foreign  countries.  Add  to 
these  feathers  for  beds,  such  as  are  used  in  Russia. 

The  abundance  of  all  these  things  will  be  increased 
In  proportion  as  the  country  becomes  peopled  and 
establishments  become  numerous.  But  it  is  necessary 
to  begin  with  three  or  four. 

The  first  at  Bay  Phelypeaux, — a  very  advantageous 
place, — a  good  harbour  with  abundance  of  seals  and 
codfish,  and  also  whales.  There  are  a  prodigious 
number  of  birds  called  "  Moyeis,"  which  furnish  quan- 
tities of  eider-down,  and  of  which  the  eggs  are  good  to 
eat.  The  King  has  given  this  post  to  M.  de  Courte- 
manche,  a  Canadian  gentleman,  during  his  life.  He 
is  well-established  there,  fortified  and  furnished.  The 
seal  fishery  is  the  principal  industry,  and  quantities  of 
oil  and  skins  are  obtained.  He  has  a  large  garden 
and  grows  all  sorts  of  vegetables — peas,  beans,  roots, 
herbs,  and  salads,  and  has  sown  barley  and  oats, 
which  grow  well ;  perhaps  wheat  and  rye  will  also 
grow.  He  keeps  horses,  cows,  sheep,  and  pigs.  The 
neighbourhood  of  the  bay  has  also  been  explored. 
It  is  a  plain  of  about  four  leagues  in  extent,  but 
with  little  woods,  so  that  M.  de  Courtemanche 
has  to  send  for  firewood  to  a  distance  of  three  or 
four  leagues  with  his  horses  and  carts.  He  is  also 
able  to  fetch  it  by  boat  from  the  river  of  the 
Eskimo  which  is  at  a  little  distance.  M.  de  Courte- 
manche has  engaged  thirty  families  of  Montaignais  to 
settle  near  his  house.     They  are  of  great  use  to  him, 


both  for  the  fisheries   in  summer  and  for  the   chase  in 
winter.     He  has  made  them  very  sociable. 

Near  the  house  of  M.  de  Courtemanche  there  is  a 
little  river  containing  quantities  of  salmon  and  trout. 

In  time  of  war  Bay  Phelypeaux  is  not  safe  because  it 
is  very  open,  but  three  leagues  away  there  is  a  bay  and 
a  port  called  St.  Armour,  where  the  fishery  is  not  so 
abundant  as  at  Bay  Phelypeaux,  but  being  easy  of 
defence  one  would  be  in  safety  there  from  the  attacks  of 

The  second  establishment  should  be  at  Petit  Nord,  in 
the  Strait  of  Belle  Isle,  either  at  St.  Barbe  or  at 
Chateau.  This  establishment  would  have  the  advan- 
tage of  being  in  the  strait  by  which  the  fish  and 
whales  from  the  ocean  enter  into  and  return  from 
the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence. 

At  this  port  a  lucrative  trade  could  be  carried  on 
with  the  Eskimos,  who  come  there  in  great  numbers 
every  summer. 

The  third  establishment  should  be  on  the  east  coast  of 
Labrador,  at  Kessessaki,  which  is  a  large  river  between 
52°  and  53°  N.  lat.  The  fishery  of  all  kinds — cod, 
seals,  whales — is  easy  and  abundant.  There  is  a  great 
quantity  of  fine  woods  to  build  stages,  houses,  or  ships. 
These  pinewoods  and  large  trees  are  a  sign  that  the 
land  is  fertile,  and  one  will  be  able  to  keep  animals  of 
all  sorts  and  to  grow  wheat  and  all  kinds  of  grains, 
vegetables,  and  root  crops.  It  short,  it  should  become 
a  considerable  colony  and  useful  to  the  State,  because 
(i)  it  is  not  far  distant  from  France,  (2)  it  will  return 
great  profits  for  little  outlay,  (3)  the  fisheries  will  yield 
certain  and  inexhaustible  profits — advantages  which 
are  not  found  in  mines  of  gold  or  silver,  that  are 
very  costly  to  work  and    soon    exhausted,  and   cause 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     139 

the  death  of  a  great  many  persons.  A  great  advan- 
tage for  this  establishment  will  be  that  the  river  Kesses- 
saki  is  much  frequented  by  the  Eskimos,  who  are  adroit 
in  the  chase  and  in  the  fishery,  and  will  be  able  to 
render  great  service  to  the  French  and  furnish  them 
with  quantities  of  fish  oils,  walrus  teeth,  caribou  skins, 
and  valuable  furs. 

This  immense  country  is  filled  with  animals. 

It  is  said  that  the  Eskimos  number  more  than  thirty 
thousand.  They  have  no  communication  with  any 
Europeans  nor  with  other  savages,  from  whom  they 
differ  greatly.  They  have  no  beards,  are  light  coloured, 
well  made  and  very  adroit.  They  clothe  themselves 
very  properly  in  seal  skins.  They  make  canoes  and 
boats  the  construction  of  which  is  admirable,  and  are 
good  smiths.  It  is  believed  that  they  take  their 
origin  from  the  Icelanders  or  Norwegians,  but  perhaps 
instead  they  may  have  originated  from  the  colony  the 
Danes  had  in  Greenland  about  three  hundred  years  ago 
which  has  since  disappeared.  Without  doubt  one  will 
find  in  their  language  words  of  European  origin.  It  is 
easy  to  throw  light  upon  them  by  means  of  Basque, 
Icelandic,  Norwegian,  and  Danish  languages. 

The  Eskimos  are  considered  extremely  savage  and 
intractable,  ferocious  and  cruel ;  they  flee  at  the  sight  of 
Europeans,  and  kill  them  whenever  they  are  able ; 
but  I  believe  they  fly  from  Europeans  because  they 
have  been  maltreated,  fired  on,  and  killed,  and  if 
they  attack  and  kill  Europeans  it  is  only  by  way  of 

I  think  that  in  the  beginning  of  their  intercourse 
with  Europeans  on  their  coasts  they  stole  some  trifling 
articles  and  then  fled,  but  this  did  not  warrant  that 
they  should  be  fired  at  and  killed. 


Messieurs  Jolliet  and  Constantin,  who  have  visited 
them,  have  received  a  thousand  tokens  of  friendship. 
M.  Courtemanche,  who  has  had  eight  or  ten  interviews 
with  them,  told  me  at  Versailles  in  1 7 1 3  that  they  are 
good,  civil,  mild,  gay,  and  warm-hearted  men  and 
women,  and  that  they  danced  to  do  him  honour. 
They  are  very  chaste,  dislike  war,  and  have  a  thousand 
good  qualities.  They  are  more  timid  than  savage  or 
cruel.  It  is  very  easy  to  see  that  there  will  be  no 
difficulty  in  civilizing  them  if  proper  means  are  taken. 
They  are  as  follows  : — 

1.  To  forbid  the  savage  Montaignais  and  other  savages 
to  make  war  on  them.  If  the  Montaignais  had  with 
them  a  Jesuit  missionary,  he  could  forbid  them  to  do 
evil  to  the  Eskimo. 

2.  It  is  also  necessary  to  forbid  the  French  fishermen 
and  others,  under  the  severest  pains  and  penalties,  to 
fire  on  them  or  to  offer  them  any  insult. 

3.  To  order  the  French  fishermen  to  endeavour  to 
win  them  over  by  offering  friendship  and  even  presents 
to  those  who  join  them. 

4.  In  exchange  of  merchandise  and  in  all  commerce 
with  them  to  be  sure  that  they  are  not  discontented,  and 
on  all  occasions  to  treat  them  with  kindness  and  good  will. 

5.  To  give  them  food,  but  neither  to  give  nor  to  sell 
them  any  intoxicating  liquors. 

6.  To  engage  the  Jesuits  to  undertake  this  measure, 
to  go  amongst  them  and  endeavour  to  civilize  them,  for 
the  Jesuits  have  a  great  talent  for  humanizing  the  most 
ferocious  savages.  When  commerce  has  been  estab- 
lished with  them,  it  will  be  easy  to  convert  them  to 
Christianity.  Their  gentle  spirit,  their  aversion  to  war, 
and  their  chastity  make  them  easily  disposed  to  con- 

THE   FRENCH   ON    LABRADOR,   1700-1763     141 

It  should  also  be  held  in  view  that  in  making  these 
establishments  on  the  Labrador,  not  only  spiritual  but 
also  temporal  blessings  will  be  poured  upon  those  who 
shall  procure  this  glory  to  God  and  Religion. 

The  Eskimos  civilized,  will  render  important  services 
to  the  French  by  the  fishery  and  the  chase,  being  very 
adroit  both  in  the  one  and  the  other.  They  will  bring 
skins  and  furs,  walrus  tusks,  fish  oils,  eider-down  and 
feathers  for  beds,  having  on  their  coasts  an  infinity  of 
birds  with  fine  plumage. 

Thus  the  Eskimos  will  contribute  to  render  commerce 
on  the  Labrador  both  large  and  lucrative.  I  forgot  to 
say  that  it  is  necessary  to  use  every  means  to  induce  the 
Eskimos  to  take  up  their  abode  near  the  French,  the 
advantages  of  which  it  is  unnecessary  to  detail.  Their 
proximity  need  not  be  feared,  as  they  are  not  warlike 
but  lazy  and  timid. 

Those  who  always  make  difficulties  and  have  not  the 
courage  to  undertake  large  enterprises  say: — 

I.  That  the  Labrador  is  a  place  cold  and  sterile,  where 
nothing  that  is  necessary  for  life  can  be  found,  and  con- 
sequently is  uninhabitable,  and  no  one  should  dream  of 
endeavouring  to  colonize  there. 

Sweden,  Norway,  Russia,  Scotland,  etc.,  are  all  more 
northern  countries  than  Labrador,  and  are  consequently 
colder.  These  places  are  also  filled  with  lakes  and 
mountains  to  a  greater  extent  than  in  Labrador.  The 
land  is  as  sterile  as  Labrador,  and  it  is  only  by 
cultivation  that  they  have  become  fertile  and  capable 
of  supporting  their  large  population. 

Scotland,  Sweden,  Norway,  and  Russia  are  powerful 
countries,  and  filled  with  great  and  rich  towns,  all  north 
of  Kessessaki,     Who  shall  say  that  one  shall  not  make 


of  Labrador  as  fine  a  country  as  these,  and  build  in  it 
cities  as  great  and  populous  ?  All  that  is  wanted  is 
work  and  patience.  I  claim  that  when  the  French  are 
well  led  they  are  as  capable,  both  of  one  and  the 
other,  as  the  Scotch,  Swedes,  Russians,  or  any  other 
northern  people. 

The  French  are  capable  of  overcoming  all  difficulties 
when  led  by  chiefs  enterprising  and  steady.  The  work 
which  they  have  done,  are  doing,  and  will  do  in  Canada, 
is  proof  incontestable  of  this  truth,  that  cold  countries 
are  more  favourable  to  them  than  hot,  and  that  in  cold 
countries  they  are  more  robust,  stronger,  more  enter- 
prising, and  more  courageous  than  they  are  in  hot 
climates,  or  even  in  France  itself.  For  this  reason  it 
will  be  better  to  have  Canadians,  accustomed  to  cold 
and  fatigue,  to  conduct  these  establishments  on 

It  may  be  said,  that  to  start  these  colonies  on  the 
Labrador  will  be  too  expensive  for  the  King,  who  has 
other  more  pressing  claims  upon  his  purse. 

I  reply,  that  it  is  possible  to  make  these  establish- 
ments without  costing  the  King  anything.  What  M.  de 
Courtemanche  has  done  at  Bay  Phelypeaux  has  cost 
the  King  nothing.  The  others  will  not  cost  the  King 
more.  It  is  only  necessary  to  engage  two  Canadians, 
wise  and  enterprising,  to  undertake  the  settlements  at 
Petit  Nord  and  Kassessaki  as  M.  de  Courtemanche  has 
done  at  Bay  Phelypeaux.  In  order  that  these  men 
should  not  ruin  themselves,  but  should  even  grow  rich 
in  sacrificing  themselves  for  the  State,  it  is  necessary  to 
grant  to  them  all  that  is  possible,  to  heap  upon  them 

In  order  that  these  posts  may  be  peopled  and 
become    important,    it    is    necessary    by    bounties    and 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     143 

privileges  to  induce  the  Bayonnais  and  other  French, 
and  especially  Canadians,  to  establish  themselves  there 
and  develop  the  commerce  of  the  country,  particularly 
the  fishery,  the  profits  of  which  are  immediate,  certain, 
and  inexhaustible,  and  do  not  require  a  great  outlay. 
It  is  necessary  also  to  give  to  those  who  shall  undertake 
the  settlements  of  Petit  Nord  and  Kessessaki,  (which 
should  be  named  Labradorville),  the  title  of  Com- 
mandant or  Captain,  if  they  have  it  not  already,  as  in 
the  case  of  Bay  Phelypeaux,  and  to  give  to  each  his 
entire  company  to  reside  at  his  post.  Instructions  must 
be  given  : — 

1.  Not  to  encroach  one  upon  the  other,  to  live  in 
peace  and  harmony,  and  on  no  account  to  entice  away 
the  savages  the  one  from  the  other. 

2.  To  forbid  the  savages  to  make  war  on  one 

3.  To  live  in  peace  with  the  savages,  to  civilize 
them,  trade  with  them,  and  induce  them  by  kindness  to 
come  and  live  near  the  French.  Especially  not  to  do 
them  any  violence  or  injustice. 

4.  To  have  the  care  of  missionaries  who  shall  work 
at  the  conversion  of  the  savages  and  the  salvation  of 
the  French. 

5.  To  explore  the  country  not  only  on  the  coasts, 
but  also  in  the  interior.  To  ascend  all  the  rivers  to 
their  sources,  and  to  engage  the  French  as  well  as  the 
Jesuits  to  seek  the  savages  in  their  own  homes,  and  to 
accompany  them  on  their  hunting  trips  and  voyages. 

6.  To  examine  the  quality  of  the  earth,  to  see  if 
there  are  mines  of  copper,  iron,  or  other  metals,  if  there 
are  valuable  stones,  such  as  marble  and  porphyry,  if 
there  are  woods  fit  for  houses  and  ships,  if  there  are 
medicinal  plants  or  drugs.     In  short,  to  discover  all  that 


the  country  may  produce.     Nearly  all  countries  are  less 
fertile  along  the  sea  coast  than  in  the  interior. 

7.  To  be  sure  to  rear  cattle  and  sheep,  pigs  and 
goats,  and  even  horses.  If  the  Canadian  species  are 
not  able  to  resist  the  climate,  it  is  necessary  to  intro- 
duce cattle  from  the  Faro  Islands  or  Iceland,  which  are 
countries  more  rugged  and  cold  than  Labrador.  These 
animals  will  provide  food  for  the  colony  and  manure 
for  the  lands,  to  render  them  capable  of  producing 
grain,  vegetables,  and  root  crops. 

8.  To  endeavour  to  tame  the  caribou,  which  is  the 
same  animal  as  the  reindeer,  so  greatly  used  by  the 
Laplander  and  Russians,  but  it  is  necessary  to  avoid  any 
appearance  of  magic. 

9.  To  breed  quantities  of  birds,  fowls,  pigeons,  geese, 
ducks,  etc. 

10.  To  sow  wheat,  rye,  oats,  barley,  and  other  grains. 
Oats  and  barley  will  grow  well  and  afford  food  for  the 
cattle  and  fowls.  Without  doubt  Turkey  wheat  will 
grow  with  a  little  care. 

In  Poland,  where  the  lands  are  cold,  they  sow  a  little 
salt  to  warm  them  and  render  them  fertile.  The  same 
must  be  done  in  Labrador,  or  grain  must  be  brought 
from  Canada. 

11.  To  plant  all  sorts  of  vegetables,  peas,  beans, 
lentils,  etc.,  and  also  to  endeavour  to  cultivate  fruit 

12.  To  cultivate  all  sorts  of  roots  and  salads,  which 
grow  very  well  at  Bay  Phelypeaux,  so  M.  de  Courte- 
manche  tells  me,  and  are  of  great  benefit  to  the  crews 
of  the  fishing  vessels. 

13.  For  the  use  of  the  fishermen,  to  have  at  each 
settlement  one  or  two  large  inns,  well  built,  with  good 
beds  and   other  conveniences  for  the  comfort  of  the 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     145 

seamen,   but   drunkenness   and   all    other    debauchery 
must  be  strictly  forbidden. 

14.  At  each  settlement  there  must  be  a  Cure,  an 
honest  man,  with  a  church  well  and  properly  adorned, 
where  service  can  be  performed  with  decency.  It 
is  a  means  to  inspire  the  savages  with  respect  and  an 
inclination  for  Christianity.  It  is  fitting  that  these 
Cures  should  be  of  the  St.  Sulpician  order  or  some  other 
community,  if  the  Jesuits  will  not  undertake  the  work. 

15.  The  commandants  must  be  instructed  to  keep 
the  Crown  informed  of  all  that  is  required  for  the  good 
and  for  the  increase  of  the  settlements. 

16.  They  should  take  care  that  solid  and  commodious 
houses  be  built,  for  which  they  should  furnish  plans. 
Lime  can  be  made  in  the  country,  and  it  is  possible  to 
make  bricks,  tiles,  and  pottery. 

These  means,  and  many  others  known  to  those  who 
are  more  experienced  than  I,  are  able  to  render  the 
settlements  on  the  Labrador  very  considerable  in  a 
short  time  and  without  any  expense  to  the  King,  and 
to  attract  there  numbers  of  vessels  which  will  bring 
all  that  is  required,  and  take  back  fish,  oils,  and  other 
produce.  This  will  maintain  a  great  commerce,  will 
enrich  the  country  and  the  merchants,  and  be  very  use- 
ful to  the  State, 

If  it  is  possible  to  keep  bees  one  can  make  hydromel, 
as  in  Muscovy  and  Poland,  where  quantities  of  bees 
are  kept,  although  they  are  more  northern  countries 
than  Labrador. 

The  wool  from  the  sheep  will  furnish  clothes.  Also 
clothes  may  be  made  from  the  sheep  skins,  as  is  the 
custom  in  many  places,  and  of  seal  skins  like  the 
Eskimos,  who  are  very  properly  clad. 

The  ships  can  bring  them  wine  and  other  commodities 



which  the  country  is  not  able  to  furnish,  and  in  exchange 
the  inhabitants  will  give  fish,  oils,  etc.,  which  the  country- 
produces  in  such  quantities  that  they  will  be  able  to 
buy  all  the  commodities  of  France  and  Canada  they 
have  need  of,  and  the  colony  will  become  a  rich  and 
powerful  State. 

The  colony  of  Placentia  is  a  place  more  sterile  than 
Labrador.  This  barrenness  occasions  the  colonists  to 
apply  themselves  entirely  to  the  codfishery,  which  fur- 
nishes the  means  to  supply  them  with  all  that  is  neces- 
sary and  even  to  grow  rich. 

It  is  possible,  perhaps,  that  it  will  be  more  advan- 
tageous for  the  colonists  of  Labrador  and  for  the  State, 
that  they  should  apply  themselves  entirely  to  the  fishery 
which  produces  such  immense  profits. 

Two  difficulties  are  still  made. 

1.  That  in  Labrador  the  cold  is  of  such  long  duration 
and  so  stormy  that  the  colonists  v/ould  not  be  able  to 
stand  it.  To  which  I  reply,  that  Norwegians  and  Swedes 
do  not  mind  the  cold  at  all,  and  that  good  houses,  well 
sealed  with  wool  or  moss,  are  complete  protection  against 
it.  Add  to  this  that  Canadian  men  and  women,  who  will 
form  these  colonies,  are  accustomed  to  the  severest  cold. 

2.  It  is  said  that  there  are  not  sufficient  food  and 
commodities  there  to  support  a  large  colony.  I  reply 
that  beef,  veal,  mutton,  and  game  are  not  wanting, 
neither  are  fish,  fresh  and  salted,  nor  vegetables  and  roots. 

It  is  possible  to  raise  excellent  pigs,  but  they  must 
not  be  allowed  to  eat  fish,  and  during  the  fishing  season 
must  be  kept  at  a  distance  from  the  sea.  Beef  and 
pork,  and  also  the  caribou  meat,  can  be  salted  and 
smoked.  The  country  abounds  with  game,  and  the 
birds  furnish  abundance  of  good  eggs. 

Oats  and  barley  will   come    to    maturity,    and    with 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     147 

the  great  commerce  in  the  products  of  the  country  are 
more  than  sufficient  to  support  a  large  and  numerous 
colony.  If  the  wheat  and  rye  will  not  come  to  maturity 
they  can  be  imported  from  Canada,  which  will  be  a 
good  thing  for  Canada.  It  must  be  admitted  from 
all  I  have  stated  in  this  memoir,  that  the  reasons  for 
establishing  colonies  on  the  Labrador  are  convincing, 
and  the  means  thereto  ample  and  easy. 

It  remains  then  to  carry  out  the  proposal,  to 
grant  permission  to  those  who  have  the  courage  to 
found  these  settlements,  and  to  accord  to  them  all  that 
is  suitable  in  order  that  they  may  not  be  ruined  in 
sacrificing  themselves  for  the  honour  and  advantage  of 
the  State  as  well  as  for  God  and  Religion. 

Six  months  later,  the  author  supplements  this  memoir 
with  additional  information  received  from  Labrador  in 
three  letters  from  M.  Courtemanche  and  M.  Lair,  his 
chaplain,  and  reiterates  his  proposition  for  the  establish- 
ment of  three  colonies  on  the  Labrador.  M.  Lair's 
letter  is  addressed  to  Madame  de  Courtemanche,  who  was 
in  Bayonne,  and  is  of  much  interest.  It  is  written  from 
Bay  Phelypeaux,  October  i6th,  1716: — 

"  Madam, 

"  This  is  to  salute  you  as  the  most  humble  of  your 
servitors.  I  trust  that  this  present  will  find  you  well 
and  happily  arrived  in  France. 

"  After  your  departure,  the  savage  Eskimos  have 
visited  your  coasts.  They  came  first  to  Forteau, 
where  the  people  of  Sieur  de  la  Rue  had  commerce 
with  them  the  first  Sunday  after  your  departure. 
Mestay,  who  was  out  shooting,  saw  them  first  on 
the  point  between  the  fishing  stages  of  Vallee  and 
Chardot,    and    came   after  vespers    to    give   the   news 


to  M.  Courtemanche,  and  hastened  to  send  Mon- 
sieur, your  son/  with  some  of  your  people  to  speak  to 
them  and  occupy  them  while  he  made  ready  one  of  the 
boats  to  go  himself.  But  the  Eskimos,  who  apparently 
noticed  that  yourjpeople  were  not  afraid  of  them,  and 
also  being  much  terrified  at  the  sight  of  a  man  on  horse- 
back, fled  during  the  night,  and  M.  Courtemanche  has 
not  been  able  to  find  them,  although  seeking  them  for 
three  days  in  his  boat. 

"  I  assure  you.  Madam,  that  M,  de  Courtemanche 
exposes  himself  too  much  to  the  wind  and  the  rain, 
which  falls  without  ceasing,  and  caused  much  anxiety 
to  Mdlle  de  Courtemanche  and  all  of  us  until  his  return. 
He  is  somewhat  upset  by  the  hardships  of  his  journey, 
but  I  trust,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  it  will  be  nothing. 

"  This  journey  of  M.  Courtemanche  has  not  prevented 
these  savage  animals  from  having  taken  many  boats 
from  the  coast.  I  do  not  know  how  many  there  were 
at  Isle  au  Bois,  but  your  people  say  there  are  but  two 
old  ones  left,  and  one  of  them  is  wrecked.  They  have 
broken  open  the  huts,  upset  the  stages,  and  choped  up 
the  barrels  in  which  the  seines  were  stowed  away.  They 
have  done  the  same  at  Little  River,  besides  throwing 
all  the  grappling  irons  into  the  water,  scattering  the  salt, 
and  cutting  the  seines  in  pieces. 

"  Your  children.  Madam,  are  well ;  your  little 
daughter  often  asks  if  you  will  return  soon.  There  is 
no  news  in  the  family  circle.  Take  care  of  your  health. 
Madam,  and  do  not  be  worried  about  Monsieur,  whose 
indisposition  will  be  nothing.  A  good  look-out  is 
always  kept  for  the  Eskimos. 

"  I  take  the  liberty.  Madam,  to  sign  myself, 

"  Your  very  humble  and  obedient  servant, 
"  Lair.     Pretre." 

'  Sr.  de  Biouagiie,  by  a  former  husband. 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     149 

Courtemanche  writes  that  this  band  of  Eskimos 
numbered  about  eight  hundred,  and  that  they  had 
firearms  of  various  sorts  in  their  possession.  As  they 
were  thought  to  be  too  timid  and  ignorant  to  use  them 
themselves,  it  was  supposed  that  some  Europeans  had 
taken  up  their  abode  with  them. 

Our  enthusiastic  memorialist  does  not  seem  to  have 
been  deterred  by  this  disturbed  condition  of  the 
country,  but  suggests  that  his  proposed  settlements 
should  be  further  protected  by  a  watch  tower  of 
thirty  to  seventy  feet  high,  and  an  armed  brigantine 
ready  at  all  times  to  go  in  pursuit  of  any  marauding 
bands  of  Eskimos.  His  representations,  however, 
were  unheeded,  and  the  great  and  populous  towns 
which  he  prophesied  for  Labrador  are  as  far  off  as 

The  reports  from  the  coast  the  following  year  but 
repeat  the  stories  of  attacks  from  the  Eskimos,  "  who 
only  put  foot  to  ground  in  one  harbour  to  steal  what 
they  require  and  then  fly  off  to  another." 

In  October  a  band  of  them  arrived  at  Bay  Phelypeaux 
who  appeared  to  be  peaceably  inclined,  and  came  with 
Courtemanche  to  the  fort,  "  and  in  no  time  the  house 
was  overrun  with  these  barbarians  as  if  they  had  been 
brought  up  there."  They  stole  everything  they  could 
lay  hands  on,  even  the  buttons  from  M.  Courtemanche's 
coat.  Leaving  Bay  Phelypeaux,  they  wintered  about 
fifteen  leagues  to  the  westward.  On  the  15th  May 
following  they  returned,  but  would  not  enter  the  fort 
again.  When  Courtemanche  tried  to  persuade  them, 
they  apparently  misunderstood  his  peaceful  intentions 
and  attacked  him.  In  the  fight  which  ensued  Courte- 
manche took  one  of  the  boats  and  made  prisoners 
of  the  occupants,  one  woman,  two   girls,  and   a  little 


boy.  Of  the  latter  it  is  laconically  written,  "  qui  receu 
la  baptime  avan  sa  mort." 

We  gather  from  these  different  letters  and  reports 
that  Courtemanche  lived  quite  the  life  of  a  Grand 
Seigneur  on  the  Labrador.  With  his  French  and 
French-Canadian  trappers  and  fishermen,  and  thirty 
to  forty  families  of  Montaignais  Indians,  the  settlement 
must  have  been  quite  large,  and  justified  the  estimate 
made  of  the  ruins  in  1840  that  they  represented  about 
two  hundred  houses. 

Courtemanche  died  in  17 17,  and  was  succeeded  by 
his  son-in-law,  de  Brouague,  Writing  on  September 
9th,  171 8,  to  the  Council  of  the  Marine,  Brouague 
acknowledges  their  letter  of  February  9th,  and  thanks 
them  for  appointing  him  Commandant  of  "  Bras  dort," 
and  for  the  grant  from  His  Majesty  that  "  we  should 
enjoy  the  establishment  which  the  late  M.  de  Courte- 
manche had  made."  It  will  be  noticed  that  Brouague 
thanks  the  Council  for  the  grant  in  the  name  of  his 
mother  and  half-sisters  as  well  as  his  own. 

His  reports  seem  to  be  quite  illiterate  compared 
to  those  of  Courtemanche.  For  forty-one  years,  almost 
without  intermission,  he  wrote  an  annual  letter  to  the 
Council  of  the  Marine,  detailing  the  events  which 
took  place  on  the  Labrador.  They  consist  prin- 
cipally of  accounts  of  the  depredations  of  the  Eskimos, 
and  his  efforts  to  warn  and  protect  the  fishermen, 
It  soon  became  a  practice  to  make  Bay  Phely- 
peaux  the  headquarters  for  the  coast,  and  at 
the  end  of  each  season  the  fishermen  brought  their 
boats  and  gear  for  him  to  take  care  of,  knowing  that 
anything  left  unguarded  would  be  stolen  or  destroyed. 
On  several  occasions  small  sealing  posts,  where  three 
or  four  men  only  were  employed,  were  attacked  and 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     151 

the  fishermen  slain.  Reprisals  were  naturally  of 
frequent  occurrence,  and  the  Eskimos  were  shot  with 
little  compunction  by  the  enraged  fishermen.  Brou- 
ague's  post  was  by  no  means  a  sinecure.  One  of  his 
duties  was  the  settlement  of  disputes  among  the  fisher- 
men themselves.  As  in  our  own  day,  the  favourite 
'•  berths,"  i.e.  fishing  stations,  were  much  sought  after,  and 
excited  great  competition,  fair  and  otherwise.  The  cus- 
tom seemed  to  be  for  each  vessel  arriving  on  the  coast 
to  go  or  send  to  Bay  Phelypeaux  and  procure  a  licence 
to  fish  in  the  locality  each  had  selected  in  turn  of 
arrival.  Some  of  the  fishermen  did  not  conform  to 
this  regulation,  those  from  the  Province  of  Quebec 
particularly  refusing  to  recognize  Brouague's  authority, 
often  occasioning  broils  which  he  was  powerless  to  put 

Each  year  he  made  a  list  of  the  vessels  fishing  on 
the  coast,  with  the  name  of  the  captain,  the  number 
of  men  employed,  and  the  quantity  of  oil  and  codfish 
secured  (see  Appendix).  Isle  au  Bois  and  Blanc  Sablon 
seem  to  have  been  the  favourite  fishing  places  ;  a 
preference  which  has  been  displayed  from  Cartier's 
time  to  the  present  date. 

The  methods  pursued  in  the  fishery  at  that  time  are 
not  recorded,  but  Brouague  writes  to  the  Council  of  the 
Marine  saying  that  some  of  the  captains  had  protested 
against  the  use  of  "faux" — that  is,  "jiggers."  They 
stated  that  many  more  fish  were  wounded  than  were 
taken,  that  the  wounded  fish  fled  away  and  were 
followed  by  the  rest,  and  that  they  were  of  opinion 
that  if  the  practice  was  continued  the  codfish  would 
abandon  the  coast  as  they  had  that  of  Petit  Nord, 
Newfoundland.  A  memorandum  is  made  on  the 
margin  of  this  report  to  call  the  attention  of  the  western 


towns  to  the  protest.  Happily  their  misgivings  were 
not  realized.^ 

Brouague  set  himself  to  learn  the  Eskimo  language 
from  the  woman  taken  captive  in  Courtemanche's  time, 
and  was  afterwards  able  to  converse  with  them.  He 
solemnly  records  some  astonishing  tales  about  the 
Eskimos,  learned  from  this  woman.  One  tribe,  she 
said,  were  mere  dwarfs,  two  or  three  feet  high,  but 
remarkably  fierce  and  active  ;  another  tribe  had  white 
hair  from  the  time  of  their  birth,  while  a  third  bore 
a  remarkable  resemblance  to  the  "  Uniped "  seen  by 
the  Norsemen,  having  one  leg,  one  arm,  and  one  eye. 
A  curious  persistence  or  repetition  of  a  myth. 

On  several  occasions,  if  not  every  autumn,  Brouague 
sent  a  party  of  Montaignais  Indians,  under  the  command 
of  some  of  his  French-Canadian  trappers,  to  New- 
foundland to  spend  the  winter  hunting  and  trapping, 
game  being  more  plentiful  on  that  island  than  on  the 
Labrador  coast.  He  instructed  them  to  keep  a  look- 
out for  the  Red  Indians  of  Newfoundland,  and  to 
endeavour  to  make  friends  with  them.  They  wintered 
at  Bell  Bay,  which  appears  on  the  Chaviteau  map, 
1698,  and  Bellini  map,  1741,  and  is  undoubtedly  Bonne 
Bay.  They  found  that  the  Beothuks  had  been  there 
quite  recently,  but  had  left  and  could  not  be  found 
afterwards.  The  Montaignais  said  they  were  quite  a 
numerous  race.  There  is  a  tradition  that  the  Mon- 
taignais and  Beothuks  were  always  good  friends,  and 
that  the  remnants  of  the  latter  unhappy  race  left 
Newfoundland  and  joined  their  friends  on  the  Labrador, 
a  tradition  which  one  would  be  glad  to  find  true. 

In   1729  a  Boston  vessel  was  driven  by  a  south-west 

^  The  use  of  jiggers  is  prohibited  on  the  Canadian  Labrador  in  the 
present  day. 

THE   FRENCH   ON   LABRADOR,   1700-1763     153 

gale  into  Isle  au  Bois,  and  was  promptly  confiscated  by 
the  admiral  of  the  port,  but  afterwards  released.  A 
few  days  later,  four  Boston  vessels  put  into  the  same 
port,  but  left  the  next  morning.  These  were  no  doubt 
the  forerunners  of  that  numerous  fleet  which  in  later 
years  monopolized  the  fisheries  on  that  coast. 

The  last  report  from  Brouague  which  I  have  been 
able  to  procure  was  written  in  1743  ;  but  he  continued 
at  his  post  for  at  least  sixteen  years  longer,  for  in  17 59 
a  letter  was  written  by  the  President  of  the  Navy 
Board  in  Paris  to  the  Governors  of  Quebec,  comment- 
ing on  the  depredations  of  the  Eskimos,  and  suggesting 
that  another  commandant  be  appointed  on  the  coast  of 
Labrador  in  place  of  Brouague,  "  who  was  old  and 
worn  out"!  Finally,  in  1762,  the  President  of  the 
Navy  Board  declined  to  grant  to  an  applicant  the  con- 
cession lately  held  by  the  Sieur  Brouague,  "  which  goes 
to  Sieur  de  Courtemanche,  if  the  English  offer  no 

Therefore  Brouague's  death  must  have  occurred 
between  1759  and  1762,  possibly  before  the  conquering 
English  sent  to  dispossess  him  of  the  post  which  he  had 
so  honourably  filled  for  forty-one  years. 

The  settlement  at  Bradore  must  soon  have  been 
abandoned  and  fallen  into  ruins,  which  eighty  years 
later  were  mistaken  for  the  remains  of  the  mythical 
town  of  Brest. 





No.  OF  Ships. 

Qtls.  Fish. 















































The  fishery  was  carried  on  principally  at  Isle  aux 
Bois,  but  also  at  Bradore,  Blanc  Sablon,  Forteau,  and 
St.  Modeste. 

A  vessel  went  into  Chateau  in  1742,  for  the  seal 
fishery,  and  traded  peaceably  with  the  Eskimos,  evi- 
dently a  notable  occurrence,  showing  that  the  harbour 
had  not  been  frequented  previously.  During  this  period 
the  Basques  sent  three  to  six  vessels  annually  to  Port- 
au-Choix  on  the  north-west  coast  of  Newfoundland^ 
but  are  not  reported  on  the  I^abrador  coast. 



A  WITTY  writer  once  described  the  Eskimos  as  : 
"  Singular  composite  beings, — a  link  between 
savages  and  seals, — putting  the  seals'  bodies  into  their 
own,  and  encasing  themselves  in  the  skins  of  the  seals, 
thus  walking  to  and  fro  a  compound  formation.  A 
transverse  section  would  discover  them  to  be  stratified 
like  a  roly-poly  pudding — first  of  all  seal,  then  biped, 
seal  in  the  centre  with  biped,  and  seal  at  the  bottom. 
Yet,  singularly  enough,  these  savages  are  cheerful  and 
really  seem  to  enjoy  life.  Though  in  the  coldest  and 
most  comfortless  dens  of  the  earth,  they  are  ever  on 
the  grin  whatever  happens, — they  grin  when  they  rub 
their  noses  with  snow,  when  they  blow  their  fingers^ 
when  they  lubricate  themselves  inside  and  out  with  the 
fat  of  the  seal.  '  Truly,  then,'  as  Sterne  says,  '  Provi- 
dence, thou  art  merciful ! '  " 

When  one  considers  the  extraordinary  life  the  Eskimos 
lead,  in  regions  where  no  other  human  beings  could 
long  subsist,  much  less  flourish,  it  must  be  conceded 
that  the  writer,  quoted  above,  has  stated  a  natural  fact, 
and  that  evolution  and  environment  have  produced  a 
type  of  human  being  which  has  actually  some  points 
of  resemblance  to  the  animals  upon  which  it  principally 
subsists.  One  striking  point  of  resemblance  is  the 
abundant  adipose  tissue  with  which  beneficent  nature 



has  covered  both  man  and  animal  to  enable  them  to 
live  in  such  intense  cold ;  also  the  Eskimo,  in  his 
kayak,  on  the  water,  is  so  wonderfully  expert,  that  he, 
as  well  as  the  seal,  may  be  said  to  be  amphibious. 
John  Davis,  one  of  the  earliest  English  observers  to 
write  of  them,  said  :  "  They  are  never  out  of  the  water, 
but  live  in  the  nature  of  fishes." 

"  Eskimos "  is  the  name  bestowed  upon  the  race  in 
contempt  by  the  Indians,  and  means  in  the  Algonquin 
language,  "  eaters  of  raw  flesh."  It  was  first  used,  in 
the  form  of  "  Esquimawes,"  by  Hakluyt  in  his  Discourse 
of  Western  Planting,  1584.  They  speak  of  themselves 
as  "  Innuit,"  that  is  "  men,"  in  distinction  to  the  rest  of 
the  world,  whom  they  call  "  Kablunaet,"  meaning  "  sons 
of  dogs."  The  common  national  appellation,  in  both 
Greenland  and  Labrador,  is  "  Karalit,"  the  meaning  of 
which  is  not  clear,  but  is  probably  derived  from  "  Kalla," 
the  Adam  of  their  traditions.^ 

The  origin  and  history  of  the  Eskimos  is  one  of  the 
most  interesting  ethnographical  studies.  It  is  one  of 
the  most  widely  spread  of  human  families,  scattered 
bands  of  them  occupying  the  whole  northern  part  of 
America,  from  Greenland  to  Behring  Straits,  a  distance 
of  over  five  thousand  miles.  Throughout  this  enormous 
region  the  same  language  is  spoken,  the  same  customs 
prevail,  and  the  same  weapons  are  used.  When  some 
of  these  families  were  first  encountered  by  white  men, 
they  had  been  so  long  separated  from  the  rest  of  their 
race  that  all  knowledge  and  remembrance  of  them  had 
been  lost. 

Dr.  Kane  found  one  tribe  who  were  greatly  surprised 
to  learn  that  they  were  not  the  sole  inhabitants  of  the 

^  Another  explanation  is  that  it  is  derived  from  Skraeling,  the  name 
given  to  them  by  the  Norsemen. 


earth,    which,   however,   in   their    case,   was  somewhat 

The  Greenlanders  had  some  knowledge  of  having 
come  from  the  far  west,  where  others  of  their  race 
lived,  but  the  Labrador  branch  knew  nothing  of  the 
Greenlanders,  and  it  is  thought  probable  that  a  thousand 
years  might  have  elapsed  since  any  communication  had 
taken  place  between  the  Labrador  Eskimos  and  the 
inhabitants  of  Behring  Straits.  It  is  surprising,  there- 
fore, to  find  that  the  language  had  remained  almost 
identical  with  these  long-separated  tribes.  The  first 
Moravian  missionaries,  who  had  learned  the  language 
in  Greenland,  were  able  to  converse  with  the  Labrador 
Eskimos  on  their  first  encounter  with  perfect  under- 
standing ;  and  Brother  Meirtsching,  a  Moravian  Mis- 
sionary from  the  Labrador,  who  accompanied  the 
McLure  expedition  to  the  Arctic  regions  north  of 
Behring  Straits,  reported  that  the  language,  spoken  by 
the  Eskimos  there,  was  identical  with  that  of  Labrador. 
Quite  recently  (1901)  one  of  the  Moravian  Brethren 
went  from  Labrador  to  Alaska,  and  was  able  to  con- 
verse with  the  Eskimos  there  quite  freely.  Captain 
C.  F.  Hall,  who  lived  familiarly  with  the  Eskimos  in 
Frobisher's  Straits  for  several  years,  gives  evidence 
which  somewhat  qualifies  the  above.     He  says  : — 

"  The  pronunciations  of  the  same  words  by  Eskimos 
living  a  considerable  distance  apart  and  having  little 
intercourse,  is  so  different  that  they  can  hardly  under- 
stand each  other  on  coming  together.  It  was  with  the 
greatest  difficulty  that  the  Innuits  who  came  to  Field 
Bay  from  the  northern  shores  of  Hudson's  Straits  could 
make  themselves  understood  by  the  Innuits  residing 
north  of  them.  Sometimes  Innuits  arrive  from  North- 
umberland Inlet,  and  it  takes  a  long  time  for  the  two 


parties  to  understand  each  other.  Still  more  difficult 
is  it  for  a  Greenlander  to  be  understood  by  those  on 
the  west  side  of  Davis  Strait." 

Hall  seems  to  speak  of  pronunciation  rather  than  any 
actual  difference  of  words  or  construction,  which  seem  to 
be  the  same  practically  throughout  this  enormous  region. 

This  indicates  that  through  all  these  hundreds, 
perhaps  thousands  of  years,  no  development  or  change 
has  taken  place  in  their  manner  of  life,  and  no  necessity 
has  arisen  for  new  words  or  expressions.  It  also  be- 
tokens a  remarkable  aloofness  from  other  nations,  as 
any  intercourse  would  certainly  have  left  some  trace 
upon  the  language.  Brother  Miertsching  did,  however, 
discover  one  tribe  of  Eskimos  in  North-West  America 
whose  dialect  had  been  considerably  changed  by  associa- 
tion with  the  neighbouring  Indian  tribes. 

From  some  similarity  of  physique  it  was  long  sup- 
posed that  the  Eskimos  had  sprung  from  the  Mongolian 
race  and  had  gradually  spread  from  Asia  to  America. 
Crantz,  the  historian  of  Greenland,  supports  this  theory, 
but  later  writers  have  demonstrated  that  the  contrary  is 
the  case,  and  that  the  Asiatic  Eskimos  are,  in  fact,  a 
contribution  from  the  New  World  to  the  Old,  and  that 
this  migration  took  place  in  comparatively  modern 
times.  No  resemblance  can  be  traced  between  the 
Mongolian  and  Eskimo  languages,  but  the  Eskimo 
language  has  the  polysynthetical  construction  which 
characterizes  American-Indian  languages,  and  has  no 
counterpart  among  the  languages  of  the  Old  World  ex- 
cept, in  a  very  moderate  degree,  the  Basque,  A  recent 
visitor  to  the  Basque  Provinces  remarks  that  the  facial 
characteristics  of  the  people  are  strikingly  Mongolian. 

Dr.  Rink,  who  is  considered  the  greatest  authority  on 
the  Eskimos,  made  a  very  close  analytical  study  of  the 

THE    ESKIMOS  159 

different  dialects  spoken  by  them,  and  deduced  from  his 
studies  the  theory  that  they  once  inhabited  a  narrower 
original  home.  That  they  were  probably,  in  some  far 
off  age,  an  inland  people  who  had  followed  one  of  the 
great  rivers  down  to  the  Arctic  Ocean,  and  from  thence 
spread  east  and  west  to  the  regions  in  which  they  were 
found  at  the  dawn  of  modern  history. 

It  is  probable  that  the  antecedents  of  the  Eskimo,  as 
well  as  of  the  American  tribes,  became  separated  from 
the  rest  of  mankind  at  a  very  early  period  of  the  world's 
history,  and  that  environment  and  evolution  have  pro- 
duced the  remarkable  characteristics  for  which  they  are 

It  has  been  noted  that  the  Eskimo,  in  physique,  in  the 
shape  of  his  skull  and  also  in  his  weapons  and  implements, 
bearsa  striking  resemblance  to  the  Cave  men.  Thiswould 
lead  one  to  imagine  that  the  Eskimo  is  therefore  a  case 
of  arrested  development,  and  that  they  had  been  left  be- 
hind in  the  general  development  of  the  human  race. 
But  when  the  surroundings  in  which  they  were  forced  to 
live  are  considered,  it  must  be  concluded  that  the  Eskimos 
had  ascended  as  far  in  the  scale  of  human  life  as  it  was 
possible  for  them  to  reach.  Their  dress,  their  food,  their 
habitations,  their  weapons,  and  habits  were  all  the  best 
possible  that  could  be  evolved  for  their  circumstances.  In 
theirprimitive  condition, as  ahumanfamily,theyincreased 
and  flourished ;  under  civilization  with  civilized  food, 
dress,  etc.,  they  have  become  rapidly  decadent,  and  must 
soon  disappear  from  those  northern  confines  of  the  earth 
which  they  have  made  their  own,  and  where  no  other 
branch  of  the  human  family  can  or  will  succeed  them. 

Franz  Boas,  in  his  interesting  studies  of  the  Eskimos, 
calls  attention  to  the  curious  fact  that  their  name  for 
"  whitemen," — Kablunaet  or  Kodlunet,  is  the  same  from 


Greenland  to  Behring  Straits,  and  so  far  as  history  is 
able  to  tell  us,  the  first  encounter  between  Eskimos  and 
Europeans  took  place  about  nine  hundred  years  ago  in 
Labrador,  and  the  next  three  hundred  years  later  in  Green- 
land. As  there  had  certainly  been  no  communication  with 
the  Western  Eskimos  for  hundreds  of  years,  how  did  the 
latter  learn  the  name?  A  possible  explanation  is  that 
the  name  at  first  implied  all  foreigners  not  Eskimos, 
and  only  lately  came  to  mean  white  men  in  particular. 

Boas  believes  that  the  original  home  of  the  Eskimo 
is  the  lake  region  west  of  Hudson's  Bay,  for  the  reason 
that  the  Western  Eskimos  point  eastward  as  the  scene 
of  the  exploits  of  their  traditional  heroes,  the  Labra- 
doreans  and  Greenlanders  point  westward,  and  the 
Eskimos  of  the  far  north  point  to  the  south.  All 
authorities  are  agreed  that  the  tide  of  emigration  spread 
from  the  western  side  of  Davis  Straits  to  Greenland. 

The  theory  has  been  advanced  that,  historically 
speaking,  the  Eskimos  inhabit  a  diminishing  area,  being 
gradually  forced  to  more  and  more  northern  regions  by 
the  enmity  of  the  Indian  tribes.  But  no  evidence  has 
been  produced  to  show  that  they  ever  occupied  any  por- 
tion of  the  eastern  seaboard  of  America  south  of  the 
Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  except  that  they  were  in  the  habit 
of  making  summer  excursions  to  the  North  of  New- 
foundland. When,  however,  one  considers  what  enor- 
mous distances  of  place,  and  consequently  of  time, 
separate  Eskimo  tribes  having  precisely  similar  customs 
and  language,  it  is  evident  that  long  jeons  of  time  were 
requisite  for  them  to  have  developed  their  well-known 
characteristics,  and  for  them  to  have  accommodated 
themselves  to  the  Arctic  regions  which  have  become 
their  natural  habitat.  It  can  therefore  be  asserted  con- 
fidently that,  during  historic  times,  their  range  has  been 


co-extant  with  that  of  the  seal  on  which  they  mainly 
subsist,  and  consequently  has  never  been  farther  south 
than  the  north  shores  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence. 

The  first  encounter  between  Europeans  and  Eskimos 
occurred  when  the  Norsemen  visited  Labrador  and 
Newfoundland  about  the  years  1000-1003.  There  is  no 
record  in  the  Icelandic  sagas  of  their  race  being  known 
prior  to  that  time,  and,  in  fact,  all  Icelandic  historians 
state  definitely  that  no  human  beings  were  found  in  Green- 
land when  they  first  went  there,  although  broken  oars 
and  other  debris  showing  men's  handiwork  were  oc- 
casionally seen  upon  the  seashore.  It  was  not  until  the 
middle  of  the  fourteenth  century  that  the  Eskimos 
suddenly  made  their  appearance  at  the  Norse  settle- 
ments in  Greenland,  and  therefore  the  accounts  of  the 
"  Skraelings,"  encountered  in  Vinland  as  told  in  the 
saga  of  Eric  the  Red,  were  not  derived  from  knowledge 
obtained  in  Greenland. 

It  has  already  been  related  how  the  attacks  of  the 
"  Skraelings "  caused  the  Norsemen  to  abandon  their 
project  to  settle  in  Vinland,  and  how  they  completely 
extirpated  the  Norse  settlers  in  Greenland,  so  that  for 
nearly  two  hundred  years  Greenland  itself  was  wellnigh 

The  first  knowledge  of  the  Eskimos  obtained  by 
Englishmen  was  when  three  savages,  "  clothed  in  beastes 
skinnes,  who  eat  raw  flesh,"  were  presented  to  King 
Henry  VII  by  Sebastian  Cabot. 

It  is  a  very  curious  circumstance  that  Jacques  Cartier 
does  not  mention  seeing  the  Eskimos  during  the  several 
voyages  which  he  made  along  the  southern  Labrador 
coast.  The  Indians  whom  he  describes  were  undoubtedly 
the  Montaignais,  and  one  is  inclined  to  decide  that  there 
were  no  Eskimos  on  that  coast  at  that  time,  as  he  went 



on  shore  in  many  places,    and    would    certainly   have 
described  them  had  he  encountered  them. 

Neither  are  they  mentioned  in  the  accounts  of  the 
voyage  of  Roberval,  who  next  followed  Cartier  through 
the  straits,  nor  in  the  Routier  of  Jehan  Alphonse.  The 
Routier  Rime  oi ]eh.2Ln  Mallart,  1^4.6-y,  says: — 

"  The  people  inhabiting  Labrador  are  dressed  in  furs. 
Their  houses  are  in  the  ground.  The  land  is  cold  and 
covered  with  ice  ;  here  and  there  are  found  pine  trees, 
but  no  others.  The  coast  is  dangerous  by  reason  of  ice 
and  islands." 

A  legend  on  the  Mattioli  map  of  1547,  describing  the 
inhabitants  of  Baccalaos  (Newfoundland),  says  they  ate 
raw  flesh,  which  the  Beothuks  did  not  do  ;  further  on  it 
says  of  the  inhabitants  of  Labrador  that  they  were 
idolatrous  and  warlike,  and  clothed  themselves  in  skins 
as  did  the  inhabitants  of  Baccalaos.  Thus  indicating  a 
hazy  notion  of  the  Eskimos,  but  not  specifying  that  they 
occupied  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle. 

Gomara's  history  of  the  West  Indies,  1551,  gives  a  long 
account  of  the  inhabitants  of  Labrador,  which  does  not 
describe  the  Eskimos  in  any  particular. 

The  demons  which  are  so  quaintly  pictured  with 
wings  and  long  tails  on  the  map  of  Gastaldi-Ramusio, 
and  the  Island  of  Demons  which  is  found  on  so  many 
maps  off  the  Labrador  coast,  indicate  some  vague 
knowledge  of  the  Eskimos.  But,  except  in  the  sagas, 
no  description  of  them  can  be  found  until  the  voyage 
of  Frobisher  in  1576. 

According  to  Geo.  Best's  Nai-rative  of  this  voyage, 
great  friendliness  was  displayed  by  the  Eskimos  when 
first  encountered.  The}/-  came  aboard  the  ship,  bringing 
salmon  and  other  flesh,  which  they  bartered  for  "  bells, 


looking-glasses  and  other  toys."  "  After  great  courtesy 
and  many  meetings,"  the  mariners  relaxed  their  vigi- 
lance, and  five  of  them  going  on  shore  one  day  were 
entrapped,  and  neither  they  nor  the  boat  were  seen 
again.  This  attack  seems  to  have  been  entirely  un- 
provoked ;  but  we  know  only  one  side  of  the  story. 
Later  on,  Frobisher  succeeded  in  decoying  one  of  the 
men  to  his  kayak  alongside  the  ship,  and  seizing- 
hold  of  him  "  pluckt  him  and  his  boat  into  the  ship." 
This  man  was  taken  to  England  and  made  much 
of;  his  portrait,  painted  by  Jan  Van  Heere,  is  still 
preserved  in  the  public  library  at  Antwerp.  On  the 
next  voyage  Frobisher  captured  a  man  and  a  woman, 
hoping  to  find  out  from  them  what  had  become  of  his 
lost  sailors.  The  woman  had  a  little  infant  with  her, 
which  was  unfortunately  wounded  in  the  arm.  The 
surgeon  of  the  ship  bound  it  up  with  some  healing  salve, 
"  but  she,  not  acquainted  with  such  kinde  of  surgerie, 
plucked  the  salves  away,  and  by  continued  licking  with 
her  own  tongue,  not  much  unlike  our  dogges,  healed  up 
the  child's  arm." 

Preserved  among  the  State  Papers  at  the  Record 
Office  is  a  long  account  of  the  illness  and  death  of  the 
man  and  a  description  of  the  woman,  written  in  Latin 
by  Dr.  Edward  Doddinge.  It  is  an  interesting  docu- 
ment, but  lack  of  space  precludes  its  reproduction. 
The  man,  whose  name  was  "  Calighoughe,"  died  of 
pulmonary  disease,  brought  on  by  having  two  ribs 
broken  at  some  previous  period  which  had  not  reunited. 

When  called  to  see  him  at  the  last,  Doddinge  applied 
some  restorative,  which  caused  him  to  rouse  himself 
and  to  recognize  his  friends.  He  uttered  a  few  words 
of  English  that  he  had  been  able  to  learn,  "  then  sang 
aloud  the  same  chant  with  which  his  companions  and 


countrymen,  standing  on  the  sea-shore,  had  lamented 
his  own  departure.  Just  as  swans,  foreseeing  all  the 
good  in  death,  utter  a  song  of  joy  as  they  die.  Scarcely 
had  I  left  when  he  passed  from  life  to  death  with  these 
words  on  his  lips,  '  God  be  with  you  ! ' " 

Doddinge  was  deeply  grieved  not  only  by  his  death, 
but  by  the  thought  that  Her  Gracious  Majesty,  Queen 
Elizabeth,  who  had  expressed  a  great  desire  to  see  him, 
would  be  disappointed.  The  woman  was  very  un- 
willingly persuaded  to  attend  his  burial,  and  Doddinge 
notes  that  "  she  either  surpasses  all  our  countrymen  in 
wisdom  and  patience,  or  falls  far  short  even  of  the 
brute  creation  in  feeling,  for  she  displayed  absolutely 
no  emotion  at  his  death  and  no  sorrow  for  it,  making 
clear,  by  this  last  attitude,  what  we  had  long  suspected, 
that  she  regarded  him  with  complete  contempt,  and  in 
fact  had  shrunk  from  his  embraces." 

John  Davis,  when  he  re-discovered  Greenland,  found 
the  Eskimos  there  in  great  numbers,  and  by  "  curtesee  " 
endeavoured  to  allure  them.  "  When  they  came  unto 
us,  we  caused  our  musicians  to  play,  ourselves  dancing 
and  making  many  signs  of  friendship."  By  means  of 
this  gentle  and  genial  behaviour  they  got  on  very  good 
terms.  "  Many  times,"  he  relates,  "  they  waved  us  on 
shore  to  play  at  the  football,  and  some  of  our  company 
went  on  shore  to  play  with  them,  and  our  men  did  cast 
them  down  as  soon  as  they  came  to  strike  the  ball." 
He  declared  them  to  be  "  very  tractable  people,  void  of 
craft  or  double  dealing,  and  easily  to  be  brought  to  any 
civiltie  or  good  order."  But  when  he  encountered  them 
on  the  Labrador  on  his  second  voyage,  they  treach- 
erously attacked  and  killed  some  of  his  crew,  "  without 
having  offered  parley  or  speech." 

After  Davis,  the  next  information  obtained   of  the 


Eskimos  is  from  the  early  seekers  of  the  North-West 
Passage, — Hall,  Hudson,  Button,  Gibbons,  Knight,  etc., 
who  met  them  in  Hudson's  Straits  or  northern  Labrador. 
They  all  had  the  same  story  to  tell :  friendliness  and 
good-humour  at  first,  suddenly  changed  into  treacherous 
enmity  and  fierce  attacks,  without  any  apparent  cause. 
It  hardly  seems  possible  that  all  these  voyagers  were  to 
blame  in  this  respect,  and  we  know,  on  the  contrary, 
that  it  was  the  general  policy  of  all  English  voyagers 
to  cultivate  friendly  relations  with  the  Indian  tribes, 
even  to  the  extent  of  taking  "  musicians,  hobby-horses, 
and  such-like  conceits,"  for  their  amusement.  It  must 
be  concluded,  therefore,  that  the  Labrador  Eskimos 
were  a  particularly  fierce  and  truculent  race.  It  is  pro- 
bable that  their  desire  for  and  appropriation  of  the 
boats,  the  wonderful  new  weapons  and  implements  which 
the  white  people  possessed,  caused  the  first  breaches  of 
the  peace.  In  their  savage  state  they  were  also  a  most 
arrogant  race,  esteeming  themselves  the  lords  of  creation 
and  despising  the  "  Kablunaet."  At  the  end  of  the 
eighteenth  century,  after  they  had  had  considerable  in- 
tercourse with  Europeans,  Cartwright  relates  that  this 
feeling  of  superiority  still  generally  prevailed,  and  it  was 
to  give  them  a  more  correct  idea  of  their  relative  im- 
portance that  he  took  a  family  of  them  to  England 
with  such  sad  results,  as  will  be  told  later. 

The  Eskimos  seem  to  have  been  the  Ishmaels  of 
North  America, — their  hand  was  against  every  man, 
and  every  man's  hand  was  against  them.  Their  feuds 
with  the  North  American  Indians  were  continual  and 
bloodthirsty  to  a  terrible  degree.  I  have  given  reasons 
for  my  belief  that  the  Eskimos  did  not  frequent  south- 
ern Labrador  and  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  at  the 
time  of  the  discovery.     I  am  of  opinion  that  they  did 


not  move  south  until  some  time  after  the  coast  began 
to  be  frequented  by  Basque,  French,  and  English  fisher- 
men, and  that  it  was  the  desire  of  obtaining  iron  tools 
and  weapons  and  other  European  articles  which  in- 
duced them  to  do  so.  This  period  I  place  at  the  end  of 
the  sixteenth  and  early  seventeenth  centuries. 

It  has  been  already  noted  that  Hakluyt,  1584,  was 
the  first  European  to  make  use  of  the  name  Eskimo 
given  by  the  Indians  to  the  race.  Charlevoix  says 
{History  of  New  France)  that  the  Indian  tribes  nearest 
the  Gulf  were  continually  at  war  with  the  Eskimos, 
and  often  took  them  prisoners ;  one  such  event  took 
place  in  1659,  when  a  woman  was  captured  who  was 
possessed  of  a  devil,  but  who  became  quiet  and  docile 
after  being  sprinkled  with  holy  water. 

The  French,  when  they  began  their  settlements 
along  the  coast  about  1702,  found  the  Eskimos  in 
considerable  numbers  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence, 
even  as  far  west  as  Anticosti.  Tradition  tells  of  a 
series  of  battles  between  the  Montagnais,  assisted  by 
the  French,  and  the  Eskimos,  in  which  the  Eskimos 
were  continually  defeated  and  driven  back  to  the 
Atlantic  coast.  Pointe  des  Monts  is  said  to  have 
been  the  theatre  of  one  of  these  fights,  and  Old  Fort 
Bridge  another.  Quite  recently  evidences  of  battle 
have  been  found  at  the  latter  locality,  in  the  shape 
of  broken  weapons  and  bullets  of  antique  mould.  The 
best  authenicated  tradition  is  that  about  the  year  1640 
the  Montaignais,  armed  by  the  French,  attacked  the 
Eskimos,  who  were  encamped  at  Eskimo  Island  in  St. 
Paul's  Bay,  and  slew  about  a  thousand  of  them.  The 
remnant,  estimated  at  two  thousand,  fled  to  the  east- 
ward, but  waged  incessant  warfare  with  the  Indians 
and  early  French  settlers  on  the  coast.     The  last  fight 

THE    ESKIMOS  167 

of  importance  is  said  to  have  taken  place  at  Battle 
Harbour  a  few  years  before  the  English  conquest  of 
Canada,  and  a  certain  spot  there  is  still  pointed  out  as 
the  burying-ground  of  those  who  fell  in  the  encounter.^ 

The  numbers  reported  to  have  been  slain  in  these 
encounters  are  no  doubt  greatly  exaggerated,  and  it 
seems  improbable  that  anything  in  the  way  of  a  pitched 
battle  could  have  taken  place  at  all,  as  such  a  direct 
method  of  warfare  was  entirely  contrary  to  the  practice 
of  either  the  Indians  or  Eskimos. 

While  such  are  the  traditions  of  continual  battles, 
I  have  been  unable  to  find  authentic  support  for 
them  in  any  accounts  of  Labrador.  Charlevoix  tells 
of  the  enmity  between  the  Indian  and  Eskimo  races, 
and  in  a  previous  chapter,  "  The  French  Occupation 
of  Labrador,"  may  be  found  further  tales  of  general 
hostilities,  but  nowhere  is  there  an  account  of  anything 
which  can  be  termed  a  battle. 

This  racial  enmity  was  not  confined  to  the  eastern 
seaboard.  When  Hearn  made  his  famous  journey  to 
the  Coppermine  River  he  was  accompanied  by  Indian 
guides,  who,  as  they  approached  the  mouth  of  the  river, 
were  continually  on  the  look-out  for  Eskimos,  and 
having  unfortunately  discovered  a  small  family,  attacked 
and  killed  them  in  a  most  ferocious  manner,  in  spite  of 
all  Hearn  could  do  to  prevent  them. 

No  serious  disturbance  is  known  to  have  taken  place 
after  the  arrival  of  the  Moravians  on  the  coast.  In 
1855-60  the  Indians  suffered  terribly  from  hunger,  and 

^  It  has  been  supposed  that  Battle  Harbour  obtained  its  name  from 
this  occurrence,  but  in  reahty  the  name  is  found  on  many  maps  as 
"Batal"  two  hundred  years  before  the  fight  is  said  to  have  taken  place. 
The  meaning  of  the  word  is  quite  clear,  being  the  Portuguese  word  for  a 
boat  or  canoe.  On  the  Viegas  map,  1534,  a  Golf  du  Batel  is  marked  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  Placentia  Bay,  Newfoundland. 


many  parties  of  them  were  found  and  brought  by  the 
Eskimos  to  the  Mission  Stations,  and  there  supported 
on  the  best  they  could  supply.  On  another  occa- 
sion the  Indians  were  able  to  reciprocate  by  rescuing 
a  band  of  Eskimos  who  had  gone  into  the  interior  to 
the  salmon  and  trout  pools,  but  being  unsuccessful, 
were  dying  of  starvation  when  found  by  the  Indians. 

Modern  travellers,  who  have  met  the  Eskimos  in 
their  primitive  state,  unite  in  attributing  to  them  the 
most  amiable  and  good-natured  dispositions.  But  occa- 
sionally tribes  have  been  met  with  who  displayed  as 
much  fierceness  and  truculency  as  did  those  of  Labra- 
dor in  the  earlier  days.  The  reason  given  for  the 
exceptional  character  of  these  tribes  was  that  they  had 
been  subject  to  continual  attacks  from  the  Indians,  and 
therefore  viewed  all  outsiders  with  suspicion  and  hatred. 
This  excuse  can  possibly  be  offered  for  the  Labrador 
Eskimos  with  equal  force.  The  latest  traveller  to  meet 
them  in  their  unsophisticated  condition  is  Capt.  Roald 
Amundsen,  during  the  first  famous  voyage  through  the 
North-West  Passage,  just  accomplished.  He  expressed 
his  firm  conviction  that  the  Eskimos,  living  absolutely 
isolated  from  civilization  of  any  kind,  were  undoubtedly 
the  happiest,  healthiest,  most  honourable,  and  most 
contented,  and  concludes  his  account  of  the  primitive 
Nechili  tribe  by  sincerely  wishing  that  civilization 
might  never  reach  them. 

Capt.  W.  Coats,  who  made  many  voyages  to  Hudson's 
Bay  between  the  years  1727  and  1751,  is  a  strong 
apologist  for  the  Eskimos.     He  says  : — 

"  I  do  assert  that  these  people  are  not  near  so  savage 
as  is  represented  by  our  earlier  voyagers,  and  that  their 
confidence  is  in  their  innocence,  not  in  numbers  .  .  . 
a  docile,  inoffensive,  good-natured,  humane  people." 


He  considered  it  unpardonable  for  the  Hudson  Bay- 
Company  not  to  have  attempted  their  conversion  and 
civilization.  He  said  they  were  bold,  hardy,  and  un- 
daunted, living  in  affluence  and  plenty,  "  and  would  not 
change  their  fat  dabbs  for  all  the  luxuries  of  the  East 
.  .  .  they  look  on  us  with  more  compassion  than  we  do 
them  ...  in  these  is  such  a  serenity  and  camposedness 
on  every  occasion  {7iot  but  they  are  veiy  fond  of  iron), 
that  I  have  often  beheld  them  with  great  admira- 
tion." The  veiled  allusion  to  their  thievish  habits,  in 
parenthesis,  is  very  quaint. 

It  is  difficult,  therefore,  to  theorize  upon  this  matter, 
and  it  seems  safer  to  conclude  that  their  conduct  de- 
pended largely  upon  the  treatment  they  received. 

One  thing  only  seems  certain,  that  up  to  the  time 
of  the  English  occupation,  the  Eskimos  were  the  terror 
of  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  and  southern  Labrador,  and 
largely  interfered  with  the  prosecution  of  the  fishery  on 
that  coast.  The  story  of  their  civilization  and  con- 
version to  Christianity  will  be  told  later. 

No  trustworthy  evidence  is  obtainable  as  to  the 
number  of  Eskimos  in  Labrador  when  it  was  taken 
possession  of  by  the  English.  The  Moravian  Mission- 
aries estimated  their  numbers  at  3000  when  they  began 
their  work  in  1763.  Lieut.  Curtis,  who  visited  the 
Moravian  settlements  in  1773,  says  he  had  been  at 
some  pains  to  obtain  information  on  the  point.  His 
estimate  was  as  follows  : — 

From  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  going  north, 
the  first  tribe  was  known  as  that  of 
Ogbuctoke     .         .         .         .         .270  persons 

The  Nonyoki  .  .  .  .  .  100  „ 
,,  Keewedloke  ....  360  ,, 
„    Nepawktoot        .         .         .         .       70       ,, 

I70                                   LABRADOR 

The  Cannuklookthuock      .         .         . 

345  persons 

,,    Chuckbuck         .... 

140        ,, 

„    Chuckbelwut      .... 


„    Noolaktucktoke 

30        „ 

„    Nuckvak    ..... 


From  Nuckbak  north  into  Ungava  Bay 

210        ,, 


No  doubt  the  estimate  of  the  Moravian  Brethren  is 
more  likely  to  be  correct 



AFTER  the  taking  of  Quebec  and  conquest  of 
1^  Canada,  Labrador  naturally  fell  into  the  hands 
of  the  English.  At  that  time,  it  is  said  the  Eskimos 
so  infested  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  that  it  was  not 
safe  for  a  fishing  vessel  to  go  there  alone.  An  organized 
band  of  Eskimos  came  each  summer  from  the  north, 
ostensibly  for  the  purpose  of  trading,  but  they  generally 
contrived  to  obtain  very  much  more  of  the  coveted 
European  goods  by  stratagem  and  force  than  they  did 
by  fair  means.  Their  plan  was  to  creep  along  the  coast 
endeavouring  to  find  some  unsuspecting  fishermen,  and 
at  night  or  in  foggy  weather  to  make  a  sudden  descent 
upon  them,  uttering  the  most  frightful  yells,  in  the  hope 
that  the  fishermen  would  abandon  their  property  and 
flee.  Such  was  the  terror  in  which  they  were  held  that 
this  often  had  the  desired  effect.  If,  however,  the 
Europeans  stood  firm,  the  Eskimos  at  once  came  for- 
ward in  the  most  friendly  way  and  began  a  barter  trade  ; 
but  if  the  fishermen  relaxed  their  vigilance  for  a  moment 
they  were  attacked  and  murdered  in  the  most  barbarous 

One  of  the  earliest  acts  of  Sir  Hugh  Palliser  after 
the  transfer  of  Labrador  to  Newfoundland  was  to  issue 
the  following  "  Order  for  Establishing  Communication 
with  the  Eskimo  Savages  "  : — 



Order  for  Establisliing  Communication  and  Trade  with  the 
Esqiiimaux  Savages  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador^  ^7^S- 

Whereas  many  and  great  advantages  would  arise  to  His 
Majesty  by  establishing  a  friendly  intercourse  with  the  Indians 
on  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  and  as  all  attempts  hitherto  made 
for  that  purpose  have  proved  ineffectual,  especially  with  the 
Esquimaux  in  the  Northern  Ports  without  the  Straits  of  Belle 
Isle,  owing  in  a  great  measure  to  the  imprudent,  treacherous 
or  cruel  conduct  of  some  people  v/ho  have  resorted  to  that 
Coast,  by  plundering  and  killing  several  of  them,  from  which 
they  have  entertained  an  opinion  of  our  dispositions  and 
intentions  being  the  same  towards  them  as  theirs  is  towards 
us,  that  is  to  circumvent  and  kill  them.  And  whereas  such 
wicked  practices  are  most  contrary  to  His  Majesty's  senti- 
ments of  humanity,  to  his  endeavours  to  induce  them  to  trade 
with  his  subjects  in  conformity  to  these  His  Majesty's  senti- 
ments and  Commands.  I  hereby  strictly  forbid  such  wicked 
practices  for  the  future  and  declare  that  all  such  as  are  found 
offending  herein  shall  be  punished  with  the  utmost  severity  of 
the  law. 

And  Whereas  I  am  endeavouring  to  establish  a  friendly 
communication  betw^een  His  Majesty's  subjects  and  the  said 
natives  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  and  to  remove  these  pre- 
judices that  have  hitherto  proved  obstacles  to  it.  I  have 
invited  Interpreters  and  Missionaries  to  go  amongst  them  to 
instruct  them  in  the  principles  of  religion,  to  improve  their 
minds,  and  remove  their  prejudices  against  us.  I  hereby 
strictly  enjoin  and  require  all  His  Majesty's  subjects  who 
meet  with  any  of  the  said  Indians  to  treat  them  in  a  most 
civil  and  friendly  manner  and  in  all  their  dealings  with  them 
not  to  take  any  effects  from  them  without  satisfying  them  for 
the  same,  not  to  impose  on  their  ignorance  or  necessities, 
not  to  foment  or  encourage  quarrels,  discord  or  animosities 
amongst  them. 


And  above  all  things  not  to  supply  them  with  strong  liquor, 
which  at  present  the  Northern  Esquimaux  have  an  aversion 
to,  but  by  all  fair,  just  and  gentle  means,  to  encourage  and 
invite  them  to  come  with  their  commodities  to  trade  with 
His  Majesty's  subjects  and  to  be  particular  kind  to  such  of 
them  as  may  produce  copy  of  this  which  is  to  serve  as  a 
certificate  of  His  Majesty  having  taken  them  under  his  pro- 
tection. And  that  I  have  in  His  Majesty's  name  assured 
them  that  they  may  safely  trade  with  all  his  subjects  without 
danger  of  being  hurt  or  illtreated.  And  I  hereby  require  and 
direct  all  His  Majesty's  subjects  to  pay  the  strictest  regard 
thereto,  at  the  same  time  recommending  it  to  both  parties  to 
act  with  the  utmost  caution  for  their  own  security,  till  by 
frequent  communication  perfect  confidence  may  be  established 
between  them. 

Given  under  my  hand,  8th  April,  1765, 

Hugh  Palliser. 

By  Command  of  His  Excellency, 
John  Horsnaill. 

Sir  Hugh  went  to  Chateau  Bay  himself  in  his  ship, 
the  Guernsey,  in  order  to  open  the  friendly  relations 
with  the  natives,  which  he  advocated.  As  an  example 
of  "  the  state  of  nerves  "  v/hich  the  Eskimos  had  con- 
trived to  produce  in  all  who  visited  Labrador  at  that 
time,  witness  the  following  anecdote.  It  is  related  by 
Sir  Joseph  Banks,  the  great  traveller  and  naturalist, 
in  the  manuscript  journal  of  his  visit  to  Newfoundland 
and  Labrador  in  1766,  which  has  never  yet  been  pub- 
lished. It  is  an  amusing  commentary  on  Sir  Hugh's 
proclamation  published  above  : — 

"In  August,  1765,  as  Commodore  Palliser  in  the 
Guernsey,  a  50-gun  ship,  lay  in  this  harbour  (Chateau) 
expecting  the  Indians,  one  dark  night  in  a  thick  fog. 


the  ship's  company  were  alarmed  by  a  noise  they  had 
never  heard  before.  Everyone  awake  conjectured  what 
it  could  possibly  be.  It  came  nearer  and  nearer,  grew 
louder  and  louder ;  the  First  Lieutenant  was  called  up. 
He  was  the  only  man  in  the  ship  who  had  ever  seen  an 
Eskimo.  Immediately  he  heard  the  noise  he  declared 
he  remembered  it  well.  It  was  the  war-whoop  of  the 
Eskimo,  who  were  certainly  coming  in  their  canoes  to 
board  the  ship  and  cut  all  their  throats.  The  com- 
modore was  acquainted  ;  up  he  bundled  upon  deck, 
ordered  the  ship  to  be  cleared  for  action,  all  hands  to 
the  great  guns,  arms  in  the  tops,  everything  in  as  good 
order  as  if  a  French  man-of-war  of  equal  force  was 
within  half  a  mile  bearing  down  upon  them.  The 
Niger,  which  lay  at  some  distance  from  them,  was 
hailed,  and  told  the  Indians  were  coming, — when  the 
enemy  appeared  in  the  shape  of  a  flock  of  Whobbies 
or  Loons,  (a  species  of  goose),  swimming  and  flying 
about  the  harbour,  which  from  the  darkness  of  the 
night  they  had  not  before  seen.  All  hands  were  then 
sent  down  to  sleep  again,  and  no  more  thought  of  the 
Indians  till  the  Niger  s  people  came  on  board  next  day, 
who  will  probably  never  forget  that  their  companions 
cleared  ship  and  turned  up  all  hands  to  a  flock  of 

Palliser  succeeded  nevertheless  in  getting  upon  very 
friendly  terms  with  four  or  five  hundred  Eskimos,  and 
in  his  Regulations  for  the  Labrador  Fishery,  issued  on 
August  25th,  1765,  he  gives  particular  directions  for  the 
conduct  of  the  fishermen  towards  them.  The  Fishing 
Admirals  were  enjoined  "  to  prevent  anything  being 
done  to  break  the  peace  I  have  made  with  the  Carolit 
or  Eskimo  savages  on  the  21st  inst.,  who  have  promised 
to  live  in  friendship  with  us  by  night  and  by  day  so 

ReJ^rodiiced  by  kind permissioti  of  the  Lords  Ccminissioners  of  the  Adjiiiralty 

Facing  p.  174 


long  as  we  forebare  to  do  them  any  harm."  The 
privilege  of  trafficking  with  the  savages,  in  carefully 
prescribed  manner,  was  one  of  the  perquisites  of  the 
Fishing  Admirals.  But  his  endeavours  were  at  once 
frustrated  by  the  barbarous  actions  of  the  crews  of 
some  New  England  vessels,  of  whom  he  complains  in 
the  following  letter  to  Sir  Francis  Bernard,  the  Governor 
of  Boston  : — 

"St.  John's, 

''August  1st,  iy66. 
"  Sir, 

"  The  great  trouble  and  difficulty  I  met  with  in 
keeping  good  order  amongst  the  fishers  in  a  port  of 
this  Government,  occasioned  chiefly  by  a  number  of 
disorderly  people  from  your  Province,  will,  I  hope, 
excuse  me  giving  you  the  trouble  to  beg  you  will 
permit  the  enclosed  advertisements  to  be  put  up  in  the 
towns  under  your  Government,  where  the  vessels 
employed  in  the  whole  fishery  mostly  belong,  which  I 
apprehend  will  greatly  facilitate  my  proceedings  in  the 
execution  of  the  King's  orders  for  the  benefit  of  His 
Majesty's  subjects  carrying  on  the  fisheries  within  this 
Government.  The  last  year  while  a  tribe  of  four  or 
five  hundred  Eskimo  savages  were  with  me  at  Pitts 
Harbour,  and  by  means  of  interpreters  I  made  a  peace 
with  them,  and  sent  them  away  extremely  well  satisfied 
and  without  the  least  offensive  thing  happening  to 
them,  I  am  well  informed  some  New  England  vessels, 
contrary  to  the  orders,  went  to  the  northward,  robbed, 
plundered,  and  murdered  some  of  their  old  men  and 
women  and  children  who  they  left  at  home,  so  that  I 
expect  some  mischief  will  happen  this  year,  revenge 
being  their  principle. 

"  Hugh  Palliser." 


This,  by  the  way,  is  the  earliest  record  of  the  New 
England  vessels  frequenting  the  coast  in  any  numbers. 

In  a  letter  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Admiralty  in  1766, 
Palliser  complains  that  the  small  sloops  which  he  had 
under  his  command  were  not  fit  for  the  work  which 
they  had  to  do,  and  which  he  thus  describes  : 

"  To  keep  the  French  within  the  limits  prescribed  by 
treaties,  and  thereby  prevent  their  rivalling  us  in  our  valu- 
able fish  trade.  To  prevent  this  country  becoming  a  mart 
for  all  kinds  of  clandestine  trade  between  the  French  and 
our  own  colonies.  To  enforce  the  fishing  laws  and 
preserve  peace  and  some  degree  of  order  amongst  the 
fisheries,  especially  amongst  the  mixed  multitudes  now 
resorting  to  the  new  northern  banks  about  the  Straits 
of  Belle  Isle,  composed  of  about  5000  of  the  very 
scum  of  the  most  disorderly  people  from  the  different 
colonies,  disturbing  each  other,  and  conspiring  to  ruin 
and  exclude  all  British  adventurers  from  that  new  and 
valuable  fishery.  The  whole  number  of  men  and  ships 
employed  in  these  parts  this  year  amounts  to  about 
3500  vessels  and  15000  men  employed  on  board  of 
them,  which  adds  to  the  confusion,  and  this  upon  a 
coast  inhabited  by  the  most  savage  people  in  the 
world — the  Eskimo. 

"  All  these  circumstances  have  required  the  whole 
number  of  King's  ships  on  the  station  and  my  utmost 
endeavours  to  preserve  peace  and  prevent  bloodshed, 
and  to  prevent  the  greatest  mischief." 

This  is  a  very  confused  letter,  and  it  seems  impossible 
that  there  could  have  been  anything  like  that  number 
of  fishermen  frequenting  the  Labrador  coast  at  that 

It  was  with  the  greatest  difficulty  that  Palliser  could 


keep  the  French  from  poaching  upon  the  Labrador 
and  Belle  Isle.  In  spite  of  warnings  they  continued 
to  offend,  even  to  the  extent  of  trying  to  bribe  the 
officers  of  His  Majesty's  ships  for  permission  to  remain. 
Palliser  therefore  posted  up  notices  at  Croque  in  1765, 
saying  that  any  French  vessels  thereafter  caught 
poaching  would  be  confiscated. 

In  the  eyes  of  Sir  Hugh  Palliser,  the  sole  value  of 
Newfoundland  and  Labrador  was  that  they  should  be 
kept  as  a  nursery  for  the  British  Navy.  Granting  that 
this  was  the  end  chiefly  to  be  desired,  his  regulations 
were  admirable.  On  April  13th,  1766,  he  addressed  the 
following  letter  to  the  Admiralty,  giving  his  views  in 
full  :— 

[Copy.  ]  April  13,  1766. 

Proposals  fo7'  Encom^aging  the  Fisheties  on  the  Coast  of 
Labradore,  and  for  Improving  that  at  Newfoundland} 

The  following  Proposals  are  founded  on  a  Knowledge  of  The 
Valuable  Fisheries,  That  may  be  carried  on  upon  the  Coast  of 
Labradore ;  and  suggested,  by  taking  a  View  of,  and  reflecting 
upon,  a  compared  State  of  our's  and  the  French  Fisheries  in 
Newfoundland,  and  The  great  Disproportion  of  the  Advantages 
arising  therefrom  to  each  Nation  respectively ;  Also  on  a  Con- 
clusion that  Fisheries  (Abstracted  from  Pecuniary  Advantages) 
are  of  the  utmost  Importance  to  all  Maritime  Nations ;  and 
more  particularly  to  this.  They  being  the  greatest  and  most 
certain  Nurseries  for  Seamen :  Yet  observing,  That  by  Neg- 
lects, Abuses,  and  the  want  of  proper  Regulations,  The 
Advantages,  That  are  absolutely  Necessary  for  the  Safety  of 
The  State  may  be  lost ;  As  is  verified  by  the  present  State  and 
Management  of  our  Newfoundland  Fishery,  which  instead  of 
being  a  Nursery  for,  is  the  true  Cause  of  the  often  experienced 

^  Additional  MS S.,  33,030,  f.  220-225  (Brit.  Mus.) 


Scarcity  of  Seamen,  for  Manning  our  Fleets  on  sudden  j  and 
Dangerous  Occasions ;  and  is  an  Effectual  Bar  to  all  such 
Increase  of  Seamen  as  is  provided  for  by  the  Laws  of  This  and 
all  Nations,  relating  to  Fisheries. 

My  Poor  and  Humble  Opinion  here  offer'd  for  Establishing 
a  JVetv  British  Fisheiy  and  towards  recovering  the  most 
ij}tportant  Advantages  of  an  Old  One,  is  most  Humbly  submitted 
to  Consideration. 

I.     First,  as  to  The  New  One. 

If  Regulations  are  made  for  the  Coast  of  Labradore,  calcu- 
lated to  encourage  Adventurers,  from  His  Majesty's  Dominions 
in  Europe,  It  will,  in  a  short  Time,  prove  a  great  Source  of 
Wealth  and  Naval  Strength  to  This  Kingdom  ;  But,  in  Order 
To  secure  These  Advantages  to  the  State,  The  Regulations, 
That  may  be  made,  should,  in  my  Humble  Opinion  above  all 

First,  Provide  against  The  Existence  of  any  Pretensions  ivhat- 
ever  to  property,  or  Exclusive  Right  or  Possessions,  or  Monopolies, 
on  that  Coast ;  which  should  be  declared  Publick,  and  Free  to 
all  the  King's  Subjects,  with  all  proper  Preferences  and  Advan- 
tages to  Those  from  His  Majesty's  Dominions  in  Europe. 

And  next,  In  Order  To  put  a  Stop  to  The  Horrid  Massacres, 
and  Many  Other  Mischiefs  committed  on  the  poor  Natives  of 
that  Country  by  Numbers  of  Lawless  People  from  all  Parts, 
resorting  Thither;  JVo  Residents  whatever,  (as  yet)  should  be 
permitted,  durijig  The  Winter,  and  The  Absence  of  The  King's 
Ships  ;  except  what  may  be  particularly  mefitioned  in  the  Regji- 
lations,  'Till  a  farther  Knowledge  can  be  obtained  concerning 
the  Nature  of  the  Country,  The  Indian  Inhabitants,  &c.,  &c. ; 
in  Order  to  make  such  farther  Regulations,  as  may  hereafter  be 
judged  best  for  The  Benefit  of  The  Fisheries,  and  The  Trade 
of  His  Majesty's  Subjects. 

That,  To  encourage  Adventurers  To  begin  The  Fishery  in  a 
proper  way,  a  Bounty  be  Immediately  offer'd  to  British  Ships 
resorting  Thither,  directly  from  His  Majesty's  Dominions  in 
Europe,  properly  Equipt  for  both  The  Whale  and  Cod  Fishery  ; 


Such  a  Bounty  to  depend  o?t  the  Number  of  Men  actually  going 
mi t  from,  and  returning  directly  to  His  MajestVs  Dominions  in 
Europe,  with  a  Proportion  of  Neiv  Men,  (viz.)  Every  Fifth 
Mati  to  be  a  New  or  Green  Man,  (That  is  to  \  say)  Not  a 
Seaman,  or  having  ever  been  at  Sea  before ;  with  such  other 
Restrictions,  and  Conditions,  as  may  Effectually  guard  against 
Abuses,  and  fully  answer  The  Main  Objects  of  bringing  Home 
and  Increasing  Seamen. 

If  Part  of  This  Bounty  was  paid,  on  The  Ship's  Sailing,  T^ri-/ 
giving  proper  Security  for  performing  IVie  Conditions  prescribed 
for  the  Voyage,  as  is  The  Practice  in  France,  It  would  send 
out  great  Numbers  of  New  Adventurers  and  Industrious 
Fishermen,  Independent  of  Rich  Merchants ;  and  This  will 
prevent  The  Fishery  being  a  Monopoly  to  a  Few. 

Such  a  Bounty  would  produce  to  the  Nation,  all  the  Advan- 
tages proposed,  by  That  now  given  to  The  Greenland  Ships, 
but  in  a  far  greater  Degree,  both  as  to  The  Number  of  The  Men 
to  be  employ'd,  and  thereby  secured  in  constant  Readiness  for 
Defence  of  The  State,  as  by  The  great  Profits  That  will  arise 
from  the  Labour  of  such  Increased  Number  of  Men;  For  the 
Bounty  now  paid,  on  an  Average  of  The  Three  last  Years  to  The 
Greenland  Ships,  is  not  less  than  ,-/,'26,oco  p'  An.,  for  not 
more  than  1800  Men,  employ'd  |  Therein;  which  amounts  to 
1411.  8s.  od.  p"^  Man.  If  a  Bounty  is  given,  as  before 
proposed,  at  ^Q-^  ^  Head,  which,  I  think,  would  be  proper  To 
begin  with;  when  It  amounts  to  That  Sum,  It  will  provide 
8666  Men  in  Constant  Readiness  for  Manning  our  Fleets, 
besides  a  Yearly  Increase  of  1,733  such  Men. 

Whatever  Bounty  is  at  first  given  to  This  Fishery,  in  a  few 
Years,  may  be  lessen'd,  after  It  is  once  set  a  Foot ;  and  That 
The  Block-Houses,  hereafter  proposed,  are  fnish'd  upo7i  That 

It  must  be  observed.  That  the  two  Principal  Branches  of 
this  Fishery,  are  for  Whales  and  Cod,  The  others  for  Seals  and 
Salmon  ;  Also  the  Ifidian  Truck  are  very  hiconsiderable  Objects, 
co?npared  with  the  two  first ;  Therefore   The  Regulations  with 


Respect  to  Them  should  consider-  them  only  as  Articles  to  be 
bestowed  as  Rewards  to  the  most  Adventurotis  and  Industrious 
in  the  other  two.  This  seems  proper  for  raising  a  Useful  Spirit 
of  Emulation,  and  is  what  I  studied  to  do  by  My  Regulations 
for  That  Coast,  the  last  year,  by  granting  certain  Priviledges 
respecting  those  Articles  to  \  the  V\  2'^  ajid  j'^  arriving  Ships  in 
each  port  from  Europe;  For  It  must  also  be  observed,  That 
the  Ports  that  admit  of  proper  Situations  for  Sea!i?ig,  or  Rivers 
for  Salmon^  or  Places  resorted  to  by  Indians,  are  but  few. 

As  a  farther  Encouragement,  and  Security,  to  British 
Adventurers  upon  That  Coast  as  well  during  the  Fishing 
Season,  as  for  such  Winters  Crews,  as  by  the  Regulations  to 
be  made,  They  may  be  permitted  to  leave,  I  would  propose ; 

That  the  Coast  be  divided  into  Three  Districts^  viz.  The 
North,  The  South,  and  The  West,  Each  containing  about  100 
Leagues  of  Sea  Coast ;  That  a  King's  Ship  be  stationed  on 
Each,  during  the  Fishing  Season,  as  well  for  Protection  of  The 
Fishery,  as  for  regulating  Disputes  and  Disorders  amongst  the 
Fishers  ;  That  at  so?ne  of  the  Principal  Ports,  in  each  District, 
be  e?'ected  a  Strong  Block-House,  for  the  Security  of  such 
lVi?iters  Creivs,  and  of  the  Boats,  &'c'^,  left  on  the  Coast  by  the 
Fishers ;  such  Block-Houses  to  be  in  such  Situations,  as  may 
be  found  best  for  These  Purposes.  This  will  also  be  Estab- 
lishing the  Possessory  Right  to  the  whole  Country. 

The  Block-Houses  here  proposed  are  of  a  New  Construction, 
far  stronger  than  any  other  hitherto  used  ;  affording  double  the 
Defence  and  Conveniencies  of  any  other  hitherto  constructed 
of  the  same  Dimensions,  yet  not  more  Expensive. 

Besides,  the  Bounty  above  proposed,  for  setting  on  Foot  the 
New  Whale  and  Cod  Fishery  on  the  Labradore  Coast,  If  a 
Bounty  was  to  be  given  for  a  few  Years  only  to  all  Ships  bring- 
ing Home  not  less  thaii  21  Alen,  directly  from  the  Fisheries  of 
Newfoundland,  at  the  Rate  of  jO  shillings  a  Head,  That  being 
the  present  Price  of  a  Man's  Passage  Home,  It  would  prove 
a  great  Encouragement  to  the  Trade,  greatly  contribute  to 
restore  the  Ships  Fishery  there,  prevent  our  men  running  to 


America,  lessen  the  Number  of  Residents  in  Newfoundland, 
draw  from  thence  many  thousands  of  Men  who  remain  there 
only  for  Want  of  the  Means  of  returning  ;  And  this,  together 
with  what  may  be  expected  from  The  Labradore  Fishery,  will 
soon  provide  such  a  Number  of  Men  always  at  Hand  in  This 
Country  for  Manning  our  Fleets,  as  would  be  in  effect  a 
Register'd  Marine  Guard  for  |  Security  of  the  Nation  against 
all  sudden  Dangers,  without  distressing  other  Branches  of 
Trade,  and  prove  a  Real  Nursery  for  Seamen. 

Scheme  for  Executing  what  is  here  proposed — For  Estab- 
lishing the  Block-Houses. 

The  Commanders  of  the  King's  Ships  on  that  Coast  to  be 
directed,  this  Year  to  look  out  for  and  make  Report  of  Places 
within  their  Districts  fit  for  such  Posts ;  Each  of  the  Stationed 
Ships,  the  next  Year,  to  carry  out  all  Materials,  That  can't  be 
had  There,  with  proper  Workmen  for  Erecting  one  of  These 
Block-Houses  in  Their  Respective  Districts,  and  this  Method  to 
be  Observed  Yearly,  till  as  many  are  Erected,  as  may  be 
thought  necessary. 

I  have  visited  and  examined  York  or  Chateaux  Bay,  with 
all  its  contained  Harbours ;  A^id  as  This  will  always  be  the 
principal  Port  on  that  Coast,  If  I  am  empowered,  I  will  under- 
take myself  to  see  One  of  these  Useful  Block-Houses  finished  at 
that  Place  this  Year ;  This  will  be  an  Immediate  Encourage- 
me?it  to  The  Adventurers,  and  Establish  the  Possessory  Right 
to  the  Country  at  a  Place  in  the  Center  of  the  whole  Coast. 

I  would  propose  to  leave  ift  these  Block-Houses,  either  a  Sea 
Officer  with  a  Party  of  Seamen,  or  a  Marine  Officer  ivith  the 
like  Number  of  Marines,  belongifig  to  the  Stationed  Ship,  (or  a 
Detachment  from  the  Garrison  at  St.  John's)  such  Officers  and 
Men  to  be  relieved  Every  Year. 

6  or  7  Men  in  each  or  at  the  Most  lo  Men,  Officer  included, 
fully  sufficient.  The  Officer  during  this  Temporary  Residence 
vested  with  the  Power  of  a  Justice  of  Peace. 

Such  Part  of  These  Block-Houses,  as  are  to  be  of  Wood, 
may  either  be  framed  and  prepared  here,  carried  out,  and 


Immediately  set  up  there,  or  a  proper  Number  of  Workmen 
may  be  sent  out  in  Each  Frigate,  and  Build  them  with  the 
Timber  there,  carrying  such  other  Materials  as  may  be  wanted  ; 
Either  of  these  ways  I  apprehend  the  Expence  will  not  be 
great,  may  be  exactly  Estimated,  and  the  Precise  Time  of  their 
Execution  ascertained. 

If  They  are  to  be  wholly  of  Stone,  The  Expence,  I  appre- 
hend, will  be  considerable ;  Besides  the  Uncertainty  of  meet- 
ing proper  Stone  there.  But  This  may  be  better  Judged  of 
hereafter,  I  would  therefore  recommend  that  One  Block- 
House  on  the  afore-mentioned  Plan,  this  Year,  be  first  erected 
of  Wood,  at  York  Bay,  in  case  of  a  Disappointment  of 

Annex'd  is  a  Sketch  of  the  Block-Houses  here  proposed 
with  the  Engineers  Estimates. 

It  will  greatly  facilitate  the  Establishment  of  the  Fisheries, 
and  procure  a  safe  and  Peaceable  Access  for  His  Majesty's 
Subjects  to  the  Coast  of  Labradore,  If  the  Brethren  of  The 
Unitas  Fratrum  are  encouraged  to  settle  amongst  the  Indians, 
as  Missionaries,  (which  they  are  very  Solicitous  to  do)  I  would 
therefore  propose  to  grant  them  any  Priviledges,  That  may  not 
be  inconsistent  with  the  Prosperity,  and  Freedom  of  the 
Fisheries ;  and  to  give  them  one  of  the  afore-mentioned  Block- 
Houses  to  themselves  to  live  in,  at  any  Place  they  might  pitch 
lip  on. 

The  French  now  give  a  great  Bounty  to  Their  Newfound- 
land Fishery ;  Their  particular  Regulations  I  have  not  been 
able  to  get :  But  the  Object  thereof  is,  To  secure  the  Return 
of  Their  Men  to  France,  with  a  certain  Yearly  Increase  of 
such  Men;  From  the  best  Account  I  have  been  able  to  get. 
The  Bounty  which  their  Merchants  actually  received,  the  last 
year,  amounted  to  between  3  and  4  Poiinds  p''  majt  upon 
13,362  Me7i,  which  they  had  employ'' d  the  last  Year. 

Now,  If  the  Court  of  France  finds  Her  Account  in  Paying 
40  or  50  Thousand  Pounds  p'  An.  for  the  Return  of  13,362 
Men  from  Her  Fisheries,  |  with  a  Yearly  Increase  of  One  in 


Every  Five  on  that  Number,  It  becomes  a  Matter  of  Considera- 
tion, Wiiether  an  Equal  Sum  would  not  be  well  laid  out  by 
Britain,  for  providing  Double  that  Number,  To  give  us  the 
Superiority  over  France  in  that  Important  Article  of  Men, 
fit  for,  and  always  ready  to  man  our  Fleet,  which  we  are  now 
absolutely  robb'd  of  by  the  present  Method  of  the  Fisheries 
being  carried  on.  The  men  remaining  There ;  Therefore  never 
to  be  had  for  that  Service ;  Nor  have  we  such  Yearly  Increase 
as  France  has ;  But  on  the  Contrary,  a  Loss  of  great  Numbers 
That  yearly  run  to  America. 

Hugh  Palliser. 

April  13.  1766. 

[Endorsed :]  Proposals  for  Encouraging 
The  Fisheries  on  the  Coast 
of  Labrador,  and  for  Improv- 
ing That  at  Newfoundland. 

R.  from  Comm'^  Palliser  on 
his  Attendance  at  the  Adm'^ 
Board,  The  14  April  1766. 

Sir  Hugh  energetically  endeavoured  to  carry  out  these 
propositions,  and  was  particularly  harsh  in  his  treatment 
of  w^ould-be  settlers. 

In  his  evidence  before  a  Committee  of  the  House  of 
Commons  in  1794,  he  boasted  there  were  three  thousand 
men  less  in  the  colony  of  Newfoundland  at  the  end  of 
his  term  of  office  than  there  were  at  the  beginning. 
Thus  carrying  out  in  full  Lord  North's  elegant  dictum 
"that  whatever  the  would-be  colonists  wished  raw 
was  to  be  given  to  them  roasted,  and  whatever  they 
wished  roasted  was  to  be  given  to  them  raw."  But  in 
spite  of  all  hindrances  the  settlement  of  the  country 

While  discouraging  any  permanent  settlement  in  the 


colonies,  Palliser  was  full  of  consideration  for  the 
fishermen,  especially  for  those  employed  in  that  branch 
of  the  fishery  carried  on  by  vessels  sailing  every  year 
from  Great  Britain  known  as  the  "Ship  Fishery."  When 
he  returned  to  England  he  became  a  member  of  the 
House  of  Commons,  and  introduced  and  pushed  through 
the  House  a  Bill  known  commonly  as  Palliser's  Act 
(15  George  HI),  for  the  encouragement  of  the  Ship 
Fishery  by  bounties,  and  the  betterment  of  the  fisher- 
men. This  Act  was  very  unpopular  with  the  merchants 
interested  in  the  fishery,  and  is  said  nearly  to  have 
ruined  the  industry  it  was  intended  to  encourage.  One 
of  its  clauses  enacted  that  advances  made  by  the 
merchants  to  the  fishermen  were  only  good  to  the 
extent  of  one-half  of  the  men's  wages.  The  position 
of  the  unfortunate  servants  had  up  to  that  time  been 
pitiable.  They  were  kept  almost  in  a  state  of  slavery, 
poorly  paid,  badly  treated,  and  encouraged  to  spend 
their  hardly  earned  wages  in  drink  and  unnecessaries. 
In  the  same  House  of  Commons  Report  which  is  quoted 
above,  one  witness  states  that  "  rum  is  a  material  neces- 
sary of  life  in  Newfoundland."  The  duty  was  three- 
pence per  gallon  only,  so  that  it  could  be  freely  indulged 
in,  with  what  results  may  be  easily  imagined.  The 
following  is  a  characteristic  servant's  account  which 
was  submitted  at  this  enquiry  : — 






15th  Oct. 


I  quart  of  rum 





10  lbs.  tobacco  . 




17th     „ 

2  cotton  shirts 




I  quart  rum 




30th     „ 

I       „     brandy 




12  th  Nov. 

I      „     rum 








s.     d. 

12  th  Nov. 


I  pair  shoes      ....       0 

9     0 


1  gallon  rum    . 


2     6 


I  quart  rum 


I     3 

20th      „ 


I      55       55 


I     3 

25th      „ 


I      5,       55         I  lb.  s 



2     3 

29th      „ 


I      55       55 


I     3 

2nd  Dec. 


^           55             55 


^-     3 

7th      „ 


^            55             55 


I     3 

8th      „ 


^            55              55 


I     3 

9th      „ 


I           55              55 


I     3 

17th    „ 


I  lb.  tea  . 


5     ° 


I  quart  rum 


I     3 

iSth    „ 


'^             55               55 


I     3 

2ISt        „ 


'f            55              55 


I     3 

24th     „ 


2  quarts  ,, 


2     6 

26th     „ 


I  lb.  sugar 


I     0 


4th  Jan. 


I  quart  rum 


I     3 


I             55               55 


I     3 

7th    „ 


-'^             55               5) 


I     3 


I  lb.  pepper 


5     ° 

8th  May 


I  yard  half  ribbon 


I     0 

loth   „ 


I  quart  molasses 


I     0 

nth   „ 


I      „      brandy 


I     3 

i8th   „ 


I      „      molasses 


I     0 

24th    „ 


I      „      brandy 


I     3 

2nd  June 


h  gallon  gin 


2     6 


I  quart  molasses 


I     0 

loth     „ 


2  quarts  brandy 


2     6 

i6th     „ 


I  quart       „ 


I     3 


I  quart  molasses 


I     3 

30th     „ 


I       55         55 


I     3 


your  washing    . 


0     0 


your  doctoring 


8     0 


your  hospital    , 


2     6 


neglect  of  duty  and  upholding 
and  encouraging  of  two  men 

who  ran  away  in  my  debt 


8     0 


0     3 


CONTRA,    Cr. 

£    s.    d. 

By  his  summer's  wages         .         .         .         .         .     26     o     o 
Balance  due  William  Collins     .         .         .         .103 

£^1     o     3 

Account  as  settled  by  Judgement  of  the  Court. 

Wages  agreed  for        .....         .  £2^ 

By  the  14  Sec.  31st  Cap.  15,  George  III,  No  em- 
ployer is  to  advance  to  his  servant  in  money 
liquor  or  goods  more  than  half  the  amount 
of  his  wages  .         .         .         .         .         .         -13 

Due  Thomas  Leaman  .         .  £1^) 

which  William  Collins  is  to  pay  immediately  or 
he  will  be  prosecuted  for  it,  and  for  the  penalty 
of  the  Act,  in  the  Court  of  Session. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  Palliser  did  much  to 
mitigate  the  hard  lot  of  the  fishermen,  however  harsh 
he  may  have  been  to  the  settlers.^ 

It  will  be  seen  later  that  the  endeavours  of  Palliser 
and  his  successors  to  carry  out  on  the  Labrador  the 
Fishery  regulations  of  Newfoundland  occasioned  such 
opposition  from  certain  grantees  of  fishing  posts  on 
the  coast,  that  the  whole  Labrador  was  transferred  to 
the  jurisdiction  of  Quebec. 

Governor  Carleton  of  Quebec  addressed  two  letters 
to  him  in  1766  and  1767,  requesting  that  certain 
Canadians  be  permitted  to  retain  fishing  posts  occu- 
pied by  them. 

^  Palliser's  Act  did  not  carry  out  in  full  the  intentions  expressed  in  his 
"Memorandum."  No  bounty  was  offered  for  codfish  caught  on  the 
Labrador  coast.  To  be  entitled  to  the  bounty  it  was  provided  that 
codfish  must  be  caught  on  the  banks  and  cured  on  the  Newfoundland 
coast.  But  l)y  another  clause  bounties  were  offered  to  the  first  five  ships 
arriving  from  the  whale  fishery,  with  at  least  one  whale,  taken  in  the 
Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  or  on  the  coasts  of  Labrador  and  Newfoundland. 


Sir  Hugh  replied  refusing  this  request,  and  saying  that 
it  was  the  intention  of  the  King  to  reserve  the  Labrador 
fishery  for  the  adventurers  from  Great  Britain. 

He,  however,  naturally  received  the  hearty  support 
of  the  Ship  Fishers  from  England,  who  in  1767 
addressed  the  following   memorial  to  him  : — 

Memorial  from  the  Merchants  Adventurers  in 
Labrador,  iy6y 


We  the  undersigned  being  Adventurers  in  the  Fishery  from 
Britain  to  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  beg  leave  to  represent  to 
Your  Excellency  that  We  and  a  great  many  others  are  deter- 
mined to  pursue  the  Ship  Fishery  with  spirit  to  this  Coast, 
since  by  your  measures  it  is  made  manifest  that  we  may 
depend  on  being  supported  therein  under  the  Rules  and 
Regulations  prescribed  by  the  Statute  of  the  loth  and  nth 
of  William  III  and  that  the  Government  will  provide  a 
sufficient  security  for  the  Persons,  Ships,  Effects  and  Shipping 
Works  of  the  Adventurers,  as  well  from  the  several  nations 
of  Savages  of  the  country,  as  from  the  depredations,  outrages 
and  encroachments  which  we  have  been  exposed  to,  from  the 
many  lawless  crews  resorting  hither  from  the  different  planta- 
tions and  elsewhere. 

And  as  We  are  satisfied  your  measures  are  proper  for  pre- 
serving good  order  and  for  the  public  benefit,  without  giving 
undue  preference  to  Individuals,  We  beg  leave  to  offer  to 
your  consideration  our  Opinion  that  it  will  be  a  great  en- 
couragement to  the  Ship  Fishery,  if  such  fishing  ships  as 
may  first  make  a  new  place  and  fishing  conveniences  thereon 
can  be  only  allowed  to  enjoy  the  same  to  their  own  use  and 
benefit,  so  long  as  they  continue  to  occupy  and  use  the  same 
with  British  fishing  ships  yearly,  but  no  longer ;  a  Declaration 
of  your  sentiments  upon  this  head,  and  that  you  think  such 
a  custom  will  be  conformable  to  the  intention  of  the  said 


Statute  for  extending  and  improving  the  fishery,  will,  we  know, 
determine  great  numbers  immediately  to  become  ship  adven- 
turers to  this  Coast  from  Britain. 

On  this  occasion  We  also  beg  leave  to  return  our  thanks 
for  the  advantages  We  have  already  experienced  from  the 
pains  the  King's  Officers  upon  this  Coast  under  Your 
Excellency's  directions,  have  taken  for  putting  a  stop  to  the 
great  disorders  that  have  of  late  years  been  committed  on 
this  Coast  by  lawless  crews  from  the  Colonies,  by  which 
great  advantages  to  the  nation  have  been  lost,  the  Coast 
kept  in  a  state  of  War,  and  the  utmost  confusion  reigned 
amongst  the  many  different  people  from  the  different  Colonies, 
all  disputing,  contending  and  obstructing  each  other,  and  ye 
whole  conspiring  to  exclude  and  ruin  Adventurers  from  Britain. 

We  beg  the  continuance  of  your  measures  for  supporting 
us  in  our  rights  and  privileges  as  Ship  Fishers  from  Britain, 
arriving  yearly  Equipped  and  Manned  as  the  aforementioned 
Statute  directs,  against  all  obstructions  and  interlopers,  and 
particularly  that  care  may  be  taken  for  preserving  the  woods 
for  the  uses  of  the  Fishery,  which  is  already  very  scarce, 
many  tracts  of  many  leagues  each  having  been  already  fired 
and  destroyed  by  the  aforementioned  disorderly  crews,  and 
above  all,  We  hope  that  you  will  not  allow  of  any  Patents 
or  Grants  from  the  Governors  of  any  of  the  Plantations,  for 
any  persons  whatever  to  hold  exclusively  any  particular 
districts  or  Harbours  on  this  Coast,  or  any  branches  of  the 
Fishery  thereon,  such  as  we  have  been  informed  the  Governor 
of  Quebec  has  made,  since  such  a  practice  would  prove  not 
only  the  immediate  ruin  of  us,  but  of  ye  whole  Fishery  in 

Signed  by  all  the  Adventurers  Ship  Masters 
AND  Agents  upon  the  Coast  this  year. 

From  a  marked  similarity  in  portions  of  the  language 
of  the  memorial  to  the  letter  written  by  Sir  Hugh  to 
the  Admiralty  previously  quoted,  the  suspicion  naturally 


arises  that  the  memorial  was,  in  part  at  least,  inspired. 
Sir  Hugh  replied  to  this  memorial  as  follows  : — 

Extract  from  Governor'' s  Reply  to  MercJimits'  Memorial^ 


All  inhabitants,  settlements  and  possessions  upon  this  Coast 
of  Labrador  between  the  limits  of  the  Government  of  Quebec 
and  the  limits  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Companies  Charter  are 
forbid  by  His  Majesty's  Proclamation  of  the  7th  October, 
1763  and  all  persons  who  had  then  made  any  settlements 
here  under  pretended  grants  from  any  of  the  Governors  of  the 
Colonies,  or  any  other  pretence  are  by  the  said  Proclamation 
warned  to  withdraw  and  quit  the  same,  therefore ;  and  for 
better  securing  the  Ship  Fishers'  Works  from  being  destroyed 
in  their  absence,  no  person  can  be  permitted  to  stay  on  this 
Coast  in  the  winter  till  His  Majesty's  farther  pleasure  shall  be 
known,  except  ye  masters  of  three  of  the  first  arriving  fishing 
ships  at  or  within  the  limits  of  each  principal  Harbour  here- 
after named,  may  choose  to  leave  each  a  crew  of  twelve  men 
(who  agree  to  stay)  and  no  more  for  the  winter  sealing  voyage, 
etc.,  the  foreman  or  shippers  of  such  privileged  crews  to  be 
proven  trusty  men,  and  to  be  furnished  with  a  certificate  from 
the  Master  of  the  fishing  ship  to  which  they  belong,  who  is  to 
be  answerable  for  the  conduct  of  his  crew  so  left,  and  to  make 
good  any  damages  they  may  commit  to  the  fishing  works. 
The  Masters  of  the  three  first  arriving  ships  who  intend  to  use 
this  privilege  must  in  future  declare  it  in  writing  to  the  fishing 
Admiral  at  each  principal  port  on  or  before  the  first  day  of 
August  each  year ;  this  is  allowing  full  as  many  crews  as  there 
are  Posts  within  the  Umits  of  each  Port  fit  for  the  Seal  Fishery, 
and  this  reference  thereof  given  to  the  first  arrivers  is  intended 
as  a  reasonable  and  useful  reward  and  encouragement  to  the 
most  adventurous  and  industrious  Ship  Fishers,  besides  this 
limitation  of  the  number  of  winterers,  is  absolutely  necessary 
for  preventing  constant  quarrels  about  these  sealing  Posts,  and 


likewise  many  other  quarrels,  outrages,  disorders  and  even 
frequent  shocking  murthers,  that  yearly  happen  amongst 
numbers  of  such  people  staying  in  this  desert  country,  like- 
wise to  prevent  quarrels,  murthers  and  acts  of  violence  against 
ye  natives  of  ye  country  by  which  they  will  be  provoked  to  be 
always  our  enemies  and  to  obstruct  ye  fishery. 

And  as  a  further  encouragement  to  ye  ship  adventurers  on 
this  Coast,  a  strong  blockhouse  is  erected  in  Pitt's  Harbour, 
with  an  officer  and  a  guard  established  there  under  ye  pro- 
tection of  which  they  may  leave  any  number  of  boats,  craft, 
and  fishing  utensils  in  perfect  security  during  ye  winter ;  and 
it  is  intended  to  erect  others  such  for  ye  same  purpose  at 
other  convenient  places  along  ye  Coast.  On  this  footing  ye 
fisheries  on  this  Coast  must  remain,  till  ye  King  may  please 
to  order  it  otherwise. 

Given  under  my  hand  in  Pitt's  Harbour,  Labrador,  loth 
August,  1767. 

Hugh  Palliser. 

By  Order  of  His  Excellency, 
John  Horsnaill. 

The  fort  here  alluded  to  was  known  as  York  Fort, 
and  was  planned  by  Capt.  Dobbieg  and  Lieut.  Bossett, 
Engineers  at  St.  John's.  Sir  Hugh  sent  Lieut,  Beardsley 
in  the  We//s  cutter  to  report  on  the  requirements  for 
building  the  fort,  and  as  the  season  was  then  too  far 
advanced  for  it  to  be  undertaken,  he  was  directed  to 
build  a  "  defencible  house."  Sir  Thos.  Adams,  in 
H.M.S.  Niger,  was  directed  to  assist  him.  Sir  Joseph 
Bank's  journal  contains  the  following  entry : — 

"  September  7th.  At  last  York  Fort  was  finished, 
which  everybody  agrees  was  a  very  surprising  piece  of 
work  to  have  finished  in  the  time  it  was  almost  entire!}^ 
by  the  ship's  company.  Lieut.  Waters  has  taken  up 
his  residence  there,  and  I  have  spared  him  the  only 

■   .?■ 



\>y\  \ 


Facing  p.  190 


thermometer  I  have  left.     He  promises  to  give  me  an 
account  of  the  weather  next  year." 

It  does  not  seem  possible  that  the  elaborate  fort 
originally  planned  could  have  been  built  in  such  a  short 
time,  and  I  therefore  conclude  York  Fort  was  only 
a  "  defencible  house." 

Each  successive  officer  commanding  York  Fort  was 
instructed  to  protect  the  fishermen,  to  apprehend  and  to 
bring  to  trial  any  irregular  crews  from  the  colonies 
whose  misdeeds  had  been  such  a  continual  source  of 
trouble,  to  cultivate  friendly  relations  with  the  Eskimos, 
but  to  take  every  precaution  against  being  surprised  by 
those  treacherous  savages,  and  to  prevent  the  French 
from  encroaching  on  the  Labrador  fishing  grounds. 
The  garrison  were  strictly  forbidden  to  interest  them- 
selves in  the  fishery  or  any  commercial  enterprise. 

York  Fort,  however,  did  not  prove  to  be  of  much 
benefit  or  protection.  Admiral  Duff  wrote  in  1775  to 
Governor  Carleton,  of  Quebec,  that  he  had  procured  the 
sentiments  and  opinion  of  the  merchants  and  traders 
there  on  the  matter,  and  they  had  stated  that  the  gar- 
rison at  York  Fort  was  of  no  material  benefit  to  the 
winter  residents,  and  he  had  consequently  given  orders 
for  it  to  be  withdrawn. 

The  ordinance  and  stores  were  taken  to  St.  John's 
and  given  in  charge  of  the  ordinance  storekeeper,  Mr. 
Edward  White,  who  rendered  an  account  of  them  to 
Governor  Montague. 

Hatton  and  Harvey  in  their  history  of  Newfoundland 
say  that  York  Fort  was  captured  by  an  American 
Privateer  in  1786  (see  1778),  and  again  by  the  French 
under  Admiral  Richery,  in  1796. 

On  the  latter  occasion  the  English  are  said  to  have 
made  a  gallant  defence  and  then  to  have  retired  after 


having  destroyed  their  stores.  This  account  has  been 
repeated  by  Packard  and  other  recent  writers  about 

There  seems  to  be  no  foundation  for  either  story  in 
fact.  To  begin  with,  York  Fort  was  not  garrisoned  in 
1778,  and  we  can  be  sure  if  it  had  been  would  have 
been  carefully  avoided  by  that  "  lying  rascal  Grimes,"  as 
George  Cartwright  calls  him,  in  the  American  Privateer, 
Minerva.  Attacking  forts  was  not  his  line  of  business. 
Cartwright  gives  a  full  account  of  his  doings  on  the 
coast,  and  says  that  Grimes  went  into  Temple  Bay  and 
took  three  vessels  from  Noble  and  Pinson,  but  does  not 
mention  the  taking  of  York  Fort. 

In  1780  guns  and  ammunition  were  sent  from  St. 
John's  for  the  defence  of  Spear  Harbour,  Labrador. 
Admiral  Richery's  descent  upon  the  coast  in  1796  was 
not  a  much  greater  feat  of  arms  than  that  of  Grimes. 
He  took  and  destroyed  the  little  fishing  village  of  Bay 
Bulls,  hovered  off  St.  John's  for  a  few  days,  but  think- 
ing discretion  the  better  part  of  valour  sailed  to  the 
Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  where  he  wrought  considerable 
havoc  among  the  fishing  fleet. 

The  Colonial  Records  for  1796  do  not  contain  any 
account  of  Admiral  Richery's  attack  on  the  Labrador 
fishing  establishments,  but  in  the  following  year  Captain 
Ambrose  Crofton,  in  H.M.S.  Pluto,  was  sent  to  report 
upon  the  state  of  the  fishery  on  the  Labrador,  the 
Magdalene  Islands,  and  the  more  remote  parts  of 

In  a  letter  dated  H.M.S.  Pluto,  Miquelon  Island, 
September  17th,  1797,  he  reported  to  the  Governor 
of  Newfoundland  as  follows : — 

"  From  Croque  Harbour  I  proceeded  to  Temple  Bay, 
Labrador,  and  having  been   informed  that  the  French 


[meaning  Admiral  Richery's  squadron],  continued  at 
Temple  Bay  two  days  after  it  was  abandoned  by  the 
inhabitants,  I  thought  it  proper  to  have  the  British 
Colours  hoisted  in  form,  and  gave  the  Merchants  Agent 
a  written  document  similar  to  the  enclosed  : — 

"  Whereas  three  ships  of  war  belonging  to  the 
French  Republic  supposed  to  be  part  of  a  squadron 
under  the  Orders  of  Admiral  Richery— did  in  the  month 
of  September  last,  Attack,  Land  and  Destroy  by  Fire 
and  otherwise  the  British  settlement  in  the  Harbour  of 
Temple  Bay,  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador — also  the  two 
Forts  on  Temple  Point  which  were  erected  by  the 
Merchants  for  the  defence  of  said  Harbour, 

"Therefore  to  prevent  the  French  Republic  having  any 
claim  to  the  settlement  in  Temple  Bay  or  to  any  other 
part  of  the  Coast  of  Labrador, 

Know  all  men  by  these  presents  that  I,  Ambrose 
Crofton,  Esq.,  Commander  of  His  Majesty's  Ship  Pluto, 
do  publicly  take  possession  of  the  said  settlement 
and  Harbour  of  Temple  Bay — likewise  the  Coast  of 
Labrador,  in  such  manner  to  all  intents  and  purposes 
as  the  said  Coast  of  Labrador  was  considered  to  belong 
to  the  Crown  of  Great  Britain  previous  to  the  arrival  of 
the  French  ships  of  war  here  last  September. 

And  I  further  Certify  that  I  have  done  this  in  pursu- 
ance of  Orders  from  the  Hon'ble  William  Waldegrave, 
Governor  of  the  Island  of  Newfoundland  and  its  De- 
pendencies, Vice  Admiral  of  the  Blue,  Commander-in- 
Chief  of  His  Majesty's  Ships  and  Vessels  employed 
and  to  be  employed  at  and  about  the  Island  of  New- 
foundland, the  Islands  Magdalines  and  Anticosti,  and 
upon  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  from  the  River  St.  John's 
to  the  entrance  of  Hudson's  Streights. 


"  In  Witness,  whereof  I  have  this  day  hoisted  the 
Union  Flag  of  England  on  a  Flag  Staff  erected  in  the 
centre  of  the  Upper  Fort  on  Temple  Point  in  the 
presence  of  the  Officers  and  Ship's  Company  of  His 
Majesty's  Ship  Pluto,  and  principal  inhabitants. 

"  Given  under  my  Hand  and  Seal  on  board  His 
Majesty's  Ship  Pluto  in  Temple  Bay  the  21st  day  of 
August,  1797.  "(Signed)  Ambe.  Crofton." 

Lieutenant  Cheppelle,  who  was  stationed  on  the  coast 
a  few  years  later,  tells  that  at  Lanse-a-Loop  Admiral 
Richery  met  with  some  resistance  from  Messrs.  Noble, 
Pinson  and  Sons  who  carried  on  the  fishery  there,  and 
who  patriotically  destroyed  all  their  stores  rather  than 
that  they  should  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  French. 
They  put  in  a  claim  for  i^20,ooo  to  the  British  Govern- 
ment for  the  value  of  these  stores,  but  did  not  succeed 
in  getting  it  recognized. 

Messrs.  Noble,  Pinson  and  Sons  had  been  fully  cogni- 
zant of  the  danger  they  were  in,  for  in  1794  they 
petitioned  Sir  Richard  Wallace,  the  Governor  of  New- 
foundland and  Admiral  in  Command  of  the  Fleet,  to 
allow  the  sloop  of  war  Boneita,  Captain  Wemyss,  to 
remain  on  the  coast  until  October.  They  said  that 
there  Vi^ere  nineteen  vessels  on  the  coast  to  be  loaded 
with  fish,  oil,  and  salmon,  ten  of  which  belonged  to 
them,  and  that  they  had  been  left  in  an  entirely  de- 
fenceless condition.  It  is  therefore  evident  that  there 
could  not  have  been  any  garrison  at  York  Fort  or  Temple 
Bay.  But  at  the  same  date  (September,  1794)  Captain 
Wemyss  reported  to  Sir  John  Wallace  as  follows : — 

"  At  Temple  Bay  there  are  four  forts. 

"  I.  Fort  Carlton  on  the  top  of  the  hill  where  the 


Colours  are  shown  on  a  ship  approaching  the  harbour, 
where  are  mounted  three  4-lb.  carriage  guns. 

"  2.  Fort  Wallace  at  the  entrance  of  Temple  Bay, 
where  there  are  mounted  six  4-lb.  and  three  6-lb. 
carriage  guns. 

"  3.  Fort  Sheffield,  a  store  106  ft.  long,  fronting 
Temple  Bay,  whereon  are  mounted  eight  9-lb.  and  five 
4-lb.  carriage  guns. 

"  4.  Fort  Charlotte,  a  small  store  near  the  N.E.  fishing 
stage,  whereon  are  mounted  two  6-lb.  carriage  guns, 

"  There  are  no  fortifications  on  the  coast  of  Labrador 
but  at  Temple  Bay." 

It  does  not  seem  possible  that  either  of  these  small 
batteries  could  have  been  York  Fort,  which  had  been 
on  a  much  more  pretentious  scale,  nor  does  it  appear 
that  they  were  regularly  garrisoned. 

The  whale  fishery  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  and 
in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  seems  to  have  been  carried 
on  at  this  period  principally  by  vessels  from  the  New 
England  colonies,  and  was  the  object  of  much  concern 
to  Sir  Hugh  Palliser.  He  issued  proclamations  in  1765 
and  in  1766  for  the  conduct  of  this  fishery,  and  laid 
many  injunctions  upon  the  crew  for  their  proper  be- 
haviour. An  abundance  of  whales  was  said  to  be  on 
the  coast  in  April,  May,  and  June.  From  the  very 
earliest  days  of  the  discovery  of  the  new  lands  a 
whale  fishery  has  been  carried  on  in  these  waters, 
with  short  periods  of  intermission.  The  present 
whaling  station  at  Cape  Charles  has  a  long  line  of 
predecessors.  Sir  Hugh's  proclamations  on  the  whale 
fishery  were  again  supplemented  by  Governor  Byron 
in  1768. 

Sir  Joseph  Banks  tells  the  following  interesting 
story,  which    bears    witness    to    the    successful    whale 


fishery   of    a    by-gone    age,    probably    of   the    "  right 
whale  "  : — 

"Just  opposite  to  Henley  Island  and  very  near  it  is  a 
small  flat  island  called  Eskimo  Island,  when  last  year 
in  digging,  an  extraordinary  discovery  was  made  of  an 
enormous  quantity  of  whalebone  carefully  and  regularly 
buried  upon  tiles,  and  so  large  that  I  have  been  told 
by  those  who  saw  it  that  at  one  time  as  much  was  dug 
up  as,  had  it  been  sound,  would  have  been  worth 
;^20,ooo.  It  is  by  age  totally  decayed,  so  that  it  is 
scarcely  distinguishable  from  birch  bark,  which  indeed 
it  has  much  more  the  appearance  of  than  whalebone, 
dividing  itself  easily  into  liminae  as  thin  almost  as  you 
can  split  with  the  edge  of  a  knife.  The  outside  parts 
are  exactly  the  colour  of  birch  bark.  It  is  supposed 
to  have  been  left  here  by  Danes,  who  in  their  return 
from  Greenland  south  about  touched  upon  this  coast 
and  left  several  whaling  crews,  tempted,  no  doubt,  by 
the  large  quantity  of  whales  which  pass  every  year 
through  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  into  the  Gulf  of 
St.  Lawrence.  Here  we  are  to  suppose  that  the  fortu- 
nate crew  who  had  taken  this  immense  quantity  of 
bone  fixed  their  habitation  upon  this  island  till  the 
ships  should  return  as  usual.  Being  attacked  by  the 
inland  Indians,  they  buried  their  bone  for  the  greater 
security,  and  most  probably  were  cut  off  to  a  man,  so 
that  their  treasures  remained  untouched  till  chance 
directed  us  to  them  in  their  present  decayed  state." 

At  this  period  whalebone  was  worth  about  ;^45o  per 
ton,  so  that  the  quantity  found  was  about  forty-five  tons, 
and  would  be  worth  to-day  nearly  ;^  100,000. 

Another  of  Palliser's  "Orders"  was  against  the  firing 
of  woods.     Dire  pains  and  penalties  were  promised  to 


all  who  should  infringe  this  most  important  regulation. 
Would  that  there  had  always  been  a  Palliser  on  the 
coast  to  enforce  this  order !  Where  wood  takes  so  long 
to  grow  and  is  of  such  very  great  importance  for  com- 
fort, nay,  for  life  itself  in  such  a  cold  climate,  every 
possible  precaution  should  be  taken  against  fires.  Yet 
Labrador  has  suffered  on  many  occasions  from  the 
most  disastrous  fires,  and  recent  explorers  report  that 
vast  tracts  of  the  inland  have  been  swept  by  fire — trees, 
shrubs,  and  mosses  all  being  consumed,  and  nothing  but 
the  bare  rocks  left. 

The  so-called  "  dark  days  "  which  were  experienced 
in  Canada  in  1785,  and  again  in  18 14,  and  which  were 
at  the  time  thought  to  have  been  occasioned  by  the 
eruption  of  a  volcano  on  the  Labrador  peninsula,  have 
since  been  attributed,  no  doubt  correctly,  to  these 
enormous  conflagrations,  the  effects  of  which  are  still 
noticeable.  The  Moravian  Missionaries  also  report 
extraordinary  dark  days  in  July,  1821. 

Two  other  most  important  works  received  PalHser's 
hearty  support — the  survey  of  the  coast  by  Capt, 
James  Cook  and  the  establishing  of  the  Moravian 
Missionaries  on  the  Labrador.  He  has  been  wrongly 
credited  with  having  inaugurated  both  of  these  bene- 
ficial enterprises.  Capt.  Cook's  services  for  the  work 
were  secured  by  PalHser's  predecessor,  Sir  Thomas 
Graves,  and  the  design  of  the  Moravian  Missionaries 
to  convert  the  Eskimos  originated  in  their  own  pious 

Cook  had  served  as  master's  mate  in  the  Eagle,  of 
which  Palliser  was  captain,  in  1755,  and  for  his  ex- 
cellent services  was  recommended  by  Palliser  for 
promotion  to  the  rank  of  master.  In  this  capacity  he 
served  on  the  Pembroke  at  the  taking  of  Quebec,  and 


by  his  indefatigable  labours  made  himself  thoroughly- 
acquainted  with  the  pilotage  of  the  St.  Lawrence. 
He  was  then  appointed  to  the  Northumberland,  com- 
manded by  Lord  Colville,  at  which  time  he  made  a 
survey  of  Halifax  Harbour.  In  1762  he  was  present 
at  the  retaking  of  St.  John's  by  Colonel  Amherst  and 
Lord  Colville  from  the  French  under  De  Tierney. 
During  the  same  summer  he  made  a  careful  survey  of 
the  harbour  of  Carbonear  and  of  Harbour  Grace,  and 
reported  that  ships  of  any  size  might  lie  there  in  safety. 
Sir  Thos.  Graves,  who  was  then  Governor  of  New- 
foundland, would  thus  have  become  acquainted  with 
Cook  and  seen  the  excellence  of  his  work.  Lord 
Colville  also  wrote  to  the  Admiralty  in  praise  of  Cook's 
survey  work.  In  the  following  year,  1763,  Graves  wrote 
to  the  Board  of  Trade  pointing  out  the  great  necessity 
for  accurate  charts  of  Newfoundland  and  Labrador, 
and  asking  that  a  special  surveyor  be  appointed  for 
that  purpose.  A  few  days  later  he  wrote  again,  stating 
that  Cook  was  willing  to  undertake  the  work,  and  on 
this  recommendation  Cook  was  immediately  appointed. 
On  May  2nd,  1764,  the  Secretary  of  the  Navy  Board 
wrote  as  follows  to  Commodore  Palliser : — 

"  Mr.  Jas.  Cook,  who  had  been  employed  last  yere 
surveying  the  Islands  of  St.  Pierre  and  Miquelon  and 
part  of  the  Coasts  and  Harbours  of  the  Island  of 
Newfoundland,  being  appointed  by  the  Navy  Board 
Master  of  H.M.  Schr.  Grenville  at  Newfoundland,  and 
directed  to  follow  your  orders :  I  am  commanded  by 
my  Lords  Commissioners  of  the  Admiralty  to  acquaint 
you  therewith  and  to  signify  their  direction  to  you,  to 
employ  the  said  Mr.  Cook  in  surveying  such  Harbours 
and  parts  of  the  Coast,  and  in  making  fair  and  correct 
Charts  and  Draughts  of  the  same  as  you  shall  judge 

Rcpioduccii  by  kind  permission  of  tJie  Loi;)'s  Coin:iiissioiie7-s  of  the  Adi/iiraiiy. 

Facing  p.  ic 


most  necessary  during  the  ensueing  season,  and  as 
soon  as  the  season  for  surveying  be  over,  you  are  to 
direct  him  to  repair  with  the  Schr.  to  Portsmouth  and 
to  transmit  the  Charts  and  Draughts  to  their  Lord- 

During  the  summers  1763-7  inclusive,  Cook  was 
engaged  surveying  and  charting  the  coasts  of  New- 
foundland and  Labrador.  For  nearly  a  century  his 
charts  were  in  use,  and  it  is  said  that  his  work  was  so 
accurately  done  that  little  alteration  has  been  made  in 
them  since. 

His  observation  of  the  transit  of  Venus,  April  30th, 
1767,  was  made  on  a  small  island  near  Burgeo  on  the 
south  coast  of  Newfoundland.  This  island  is  still  called 
"  Eclipse  "  Island,  and  the  cairn  of  stones  erected  there 
by  Cook  still  remains.  The  results  of  his  observations 
were  communicated  to  the  Royal  Society,  and  first 
brought  him  into  the  notice  of  that  body.  The  acquaint- 
ance formed  between  Cook  and  Banks  while  at  Chateau 
in  1766,  no  doubt  occasioned  that  eminent  naturalist  to 
accompany  Cook  on  his  famous  voyage  around  the 
world,  for  the  purpose  of  "culling  simples,"  as  Dr. 
Johnson  expressed  it.  Captain  George  Cartwright  also 
formed  part  of  the  ship's  company  of  the  Guernsey 
during  the  summer  of  1766. 

In  1767  Mr.  Michael  Lane,  schoolmaster  of  the 
Guernsey,  was  appointed  assistant  surveyor  to  Cook, 
and  succeeded  him  as  master  of  the  Grenville  in  1768. 
Lane  continued  the  work  of  surveying  the  coasts  of 
Newfoundland  and  Labrador  until  1776.  The  sailing 
directions  which  Cook  and  Lane  gave  in  the  first 
edition  of  their  North  American  Pilot,  are  still  repeated 
on  the  latest  charts  issued  by  the  British  Admiralty. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  characters  among  the 


early  traders  to  Labrador  was  Capt.  Nicholas  Darby, 
the  father  of  the  famous  beauty  "  Perdita,"  Mrs.  Robin- 
son.    In  her  Memoirs,  "  Perdita "  says  her  father  was 
born  in  America  and  was  a  man  of  strong  mind,  high 
spirit,  and   of  great  personal   intrepidity.     There  is  a 
strong  presumption  that  he  was  a  native  of  Newfound- 
land.    The  Colonial  Records  for  1763  contain  an  entry 
stating  that  Nicholas  Darby  and  others  were  summoned 
before  the  Court  at  St.  John's  for  dispossessing  one  Walsh 
of  his  fishing  rooms  at  Zelott,  and  were  fined  ;^io.     A 
few  days  afterwards  he  obtained  judgments  against  his 
dealers  for  debts  owed  him,  so  that  he  had  evidently  been 
conducting  a  business  in  Newfoundland  for  some  time. 
About  the  same  date,  one  Thomas  Darby  is  mentioned 
as  being  agent  in   Harbour  Grace,  of  Elson  and  Co.^ 
In  1765  Nicholas  Darby  is  again  before  the  Court  over 
a  disputed  title  to  a  fishing  post.     "  Perdita "  says  she 
was  born  in  Bristol  in  1758,  her  parents  having  been 
married    in    1749.     They   lived   there   in    considerable 
prosperity  and  comfort  until   1767,  when  a  scheme  was 
suggested  to  her  father  of  establishing  a  whale  fishery 
on  the  coast  of  Labrador,  and  of  civilizing  the  Eskimos 
in  order  to  employ  them  in  the  undertaking.     He  went 
to  London  and  laid  his  plans  before  Lord  Hillsborough, 
Sir  Hugh  Palliser,  and  other  distinguished  personages. 
Receiving  great  encouragement  and  promises  of  assist- 
ance from  them,  he  immediately  proceeded  to  carry  out 
his  scheme.     He  designed  to  place  his  children  at  school 
and  take  his  wife  with  him,  but  she  greatly  dreaded  the 
voyage  and  could  not  be  prevailed  upon  to  accompany 
him.     This   caused    an    estrangement    to    take   place 

1  The  descendants  of  Thomas  Darby  are  still  living  in  Newfoundland, 
but  I  have  been  unable  to  assertain  whether  he  bore  any  relationship  to 


between  them,  which    finally   resulted    in  a   complete 

He  established  himself  at  Cape  Charles  at  the 
entrance  of  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and  endeavoured 
to  utilize  the  services  of  the  Eskimos  as  he  had 
intended.  His  good  intentions  were,  however,  brought 
to  nought  by  the  inhumanity  of  some  New  England 
whalers  towards  the  Eskimos,  who,  not  being  able  to 
distinguish  between  different  parties  of  white  men,  in 
revenge  treacherously  attacked  Darby's  establishment, 
slew  three  of  his  men,  and  made  off  with  his  boats. 
The  Eskimos  were  then  attacked  by  the  English  and  a 
regular  battle  ensued,  in  which  some  twenty  or  more 
Eskimos  were  slain,  and  four  women,  two  boys,  and 
three  girls  taken  prisoners.  One  of  the  women,  named 
Mikak,  and  one  of  the  boys,  named  Karpik,  were  taken 
to  England  by  Lieut.  Lucas,  (Lieut.  Lucas,  a  petty 
officer  of  H.M.S.  Guernsey,  who  had  been  appointed 
second  in  command  at  York  Fort  in  1767.  He  after- 
wards went  into  partnership  with  Darby,  and  on  his 
failure  joined  George  Cartwright).  Mikak  was  possessed 
of  considerable  intelligence,  and  received  a  great  deal  of 
attention  from  prominent  people  in  England.  Lucas 
learned  the  language  from  her,  and  was  commissioned 
to  carry  her  back  to  the  Labrador,  where  she  and  her 
husband  Tugluvina  played  a  very  important  part  in  the 
early  relations  between  the  Moravians  and  Eskimos. 

The  boy  Karpik  was  placed  under  the  care  of  Jens 
Haven,  the  devoted  Moravian  missionary  who  had 
already  made  a  voyage  to  Labrador,  the  chosen  scene 
of  his  life  labours.  He  endeavoured  by  the  greatest 
patience  and  kindness  to  win  the  boy's  love  and  convert 
him  to  Christianity,  hoping  that  he  might  become  in 
the  future  a  means  of  communication  with  the  rest  of 


his  race.  But  very  shortly  the  unhappy  lad  was  seized 
with  small-pox  and  died. 

Darby  lost  nearly  all  his  fortune  in  this  enterprise, 
but  nevertheless  continued  to  visit  Labrador,  fishing 
and  trading,  for  several  years  after.  Owing  to  her 
father's  loss  of  fortune,  "  Perdita "  a  few  years  later 
decided  to  go  on  the  stage,  for  which  she  was  trained 
by  no  less  a  person  than  David  Garrick.  There  she 
was  so  unfortunate  as  to  attract  the  notice  of  the  Prince 
of  Wales,  and  to  fall  a  victim  to  that  graceless  libertine. 
Her  genius  and  her  engaging  manners  had  brought  her 
the  friendship  of  many  of  the  most  celebrated  men  of 
the  day,  and  her  beauty  was  many  times  portrayed  by 
Reynolds,  Romney,  Cosway,  Lawrence,  and  other  cele- 
brated painters.  At  the  age  of  twenty-four  she  was 
seized  with  rheumatic  fever,  which  left  her  a  helpless 
cripple.  She  supported  herself  during  the  remaining 
years  of  her  life  by  her  writings,  consisting  chiefly  of 
poems  and  tales.  Such  was  the  unhappy  life  of  this 
granddaughter  of  Newfoundland,  whose  misfortunes 
were  primarily  caused  by  the  failure  of  a  whaling 
enterprise  on  the  Labrador. 

Nicholas  Darby's  later  history  is  quite  interesting. 
He  was  given  the  command  of  a  small  vessel  in  the 
Royal  Navy,  and  at  the  relief  of  the  siege  of  Gibraltar 
in  178 1,  fought  most  gallantly  and  was  the  first  to  reach 
the  Rock.  He  was  received  and  embraced  by  General 
Elliot,  Commander  of  the  Fortress,  and  praised  most 
highly  for  his  brave  conduct.  In  some  accounts  of  the 
siege  he  is  spoken  of  as  Admiral  Darby,  but  this  seems 
to  have  been  an  error.  Not  meeting  with  the  reward 
from  the  Admiralty  to  which  he  thought  he  was 
entitled,  he  left  the  English  service  and  went  to  Russia, 
where  he  was  favourably  received  and  soon  obtained 


the  command  of  a  74-gun  ship.  He  died  in  1785,  and 
was  mourned  by  "  Perdita  "  in  appropriate  verse. 

Another  prominent  man  among  the  early  Labrador 
traders  was  Jeremiah  Coughlan,  whose  head-quarters 
were  at  Fogo.  Writing  to  Governor  Montague  in  I777> 
he  says  that  he  was  the  first  English  subject  to  establish 
a  sealing  post  on  the  Labrador,  which  he  did  in  1765  at 
Chateau,  being  encouraged  thereto  by  his  "  good  friend 
Commodore  Palliser."  Later,  he  entered  into  partner- 
ship with  Captain  George  Cartwright  and  Lieutenant 
Lucas,  but  on  the  death  of  the  latter  the  partnership 
was  dissolved.  Coughlan  had  two  ships  annually  from 
England  and  employed  140  men.  In  his  letter  he 
complains  that  one  of  his  servants,  named  Peyton, 
whom  he  had  sent  to  a  station  sixty  miles  north  of 
the  Mealy  Mountains,  had  tried  to  usurp  his  rights  to 
the  post,  and  prays  for  redress.  The  Governor  replied 
that  his  jurisdiction  over  the  coast  had  ceased  when  it 
was  transferred  to  Quebec,  but  he  nevertheless  would 
send  a  naval  officer  to  inquire  into  the  matter.  This 
officer  reported  in  Coughlan's  favour,  and  the  offending 
Peyton  was  ordered  to  relinquish  the  disputed  post. 

Sir  Hugh  Palliser  introduced  on  the  Labrador  the 
same  judicial  processes  which  were  in  force  in  New- 
foundland. The  captain  of  each  vessel  first  arriving  in 
a  port  became  the  Admiral  of  that  port,  and  was 
invested  with  magisterial  powers.  The  justice  dis- 
pensed by  these  fishing  admirals  is  the  subject  of  many 
amusing  stories  in  Newfoundland  annals. 

Being  the  servants  of  the  merchants  in  the  trade,  it 
can  be  easily  seen  that  when  disputes  arose  between 
fisherman  and  merchant  justice  was  not  likely  to  be 
evenly  dispensed. 

In  addition  to  the  fishing  admirals,  the  commanders 


of  H.M,  ships  on  the  station  were  also  given  judicial 
power.  At  first  this  power  seems  to  have  been  intended 
by  way  of  appeal,  but  gradually  it  became  the  custom 
to  hear  cases  originall}^  as  well,  especially  as  by  the 
ignorance  and  inactivity  of  the  fishing  admirals  their 
brand  of  justice  fell  into  contempt  and  neglect.  Chief 
Justice  Reeves  says  : — 

"  Very  soon  the  captains  of  the  ships  took  cognizance 
of  contracts,  and  held  courts  in  which  they  enquired 
into,  heard,  and  determined  all  possible  causes  of  com- 
plaints ;  and  with  no  other  lights  than  those  furnished 
by  the  statute  of  William,  the  instructions  of  the 
Governor,  and  the  suggestions  of  their  own  good  sense. 
,  .  .  The  Governor  conferred  on  them  the  title  of 
Surrogates,  an  idea  taken  from  the  Admiralty  law.  .  .  . 
The  time  of  Surrogating  was  looked  forward  to  as  a 
season  when  all  wrongs  were  to  be  redressed  against  all 
oppressors  ;  and  this  naval  judicature  was  flown  to  by 
the  poor  inhabitants  and  planters  as  the  only  refuge 
they  had  from  the  west  country  merchants,  who  were 
always  their  creditors  and  were  generally  regarded  as 
their  oppressors." 

The  first  "  Surrogates "  for  the  Labrador,  appointed 
by  Sir  Hugh  in  1765  were  : — 

Capt.  Hamilton,  of  H.M.  sloop  Zephyr,  from  St.  John's 
river  to  Cape  Charles  ;  and 

Sir  Thos.  Adams,  Bart,  of  H.M.S.  Niger,  from  Davis 
Straits  to  York  Hr. 

Thus  was  justice  dispensed  and  order  kept  from  1763 
to  1774. 

The  Board  of  Trade  papers  at  this  date  contain  many 
references  to  the  new  fishery  on  the  Labrador.  In  1771, 
Nicholas  Darby  presented  a  petition  to  the  Board  stating 


how  great  his  expenses  and  sufferings  had  been  in 
prosecuting  a  fishery  on  the  Labrador,  and  prayed  for 
reh'ef.  Which  was  not  granted.  The  next  year  he 
appeared  with  another  petition  again  for  relief,  this  time 
because  he  had  been  dispossessed  of  a  fishing  post  by 
one  Samuel  Davis,  and  having  obtained  a  judgment  for 
£^650  in  the  Court  of  the  King's  Bench,  had  been  unable 
to  collect  the  same.  But  he  had  no  better  success  than 
with  his  first  petition.  In  1771  John  Noble,  of  Bristol, 
and  Andrew  Pinson,  of  Dartmouth,  asked  for  an  ex- 
clusive grant  of  Temple  Bay  and  Whale  Island.  His 
Majesty's  Commissioners  were  unable  to  come  to  any 
decision  on  the  matter,  owing  to  the  claims  of  Canadian 

In  1773,  the  Canadian  grantees  of  Sealing  Posts 
presented  a  little  bill  for  loss  sustained  by  the  new  rules 
and  regulations  which  were  framed  for  the  Whale  and 
Cod  Fisheries. 

In  January  of  the  same  year  appeared  Geo.  Cartwright, 
Esq.,  with  a  memorial  describing  the  state  of  the  fisheries 
and  commerce  on  the  Labrador,  and  complaining  of 
being  disturbed  in  his  possession  of  a  fishing  post  by 
Noble,  and  Pinson,  and  praying  that  he  may  be  con- 
firmed in  its  possession.  Commodore  Shuldham,  Sir 
Hugh  Palliser,  and  Mr.  Andrew  Pinson  were  requested 
to  appear  before  the  Board  to  be  examined  on  the  above 

In  February  their  Lordships  were  of  opinion  : — 

"  That  actual  residence  and  continued  possession  were 
essentially  necessary  to  the  carrying  on  of  the  Seal  and 
Salmon  Fisheries  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador.  That  such 
of  His  Majesty's  subjects  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland, 
who  have  taken  or  shall  hereafter  take  such  actual 
possession  in  any  of  the  rivers  and  bays  of  the  Coast  of 


Labrador  to  the  north  of  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and 
who  have  erected  or  shall  hereafter  erect  houses  and 
warehouses  and  have  made  or  shall  make  other  estab- 
lishments necessary  to  the  carrying  on  of  the  Seal  and 
Salmon  Fisheries,  ought  to  be  protected  in  such  pos- 
session, provided  such  persons  do  for  the  future  annually 
fit  out  from  Great  Britain  one  or  more  ships  to  be 
employed  in  the  Cod  Fishery  on  the  said  Coast  of 
Labrador,  and  provided  also  that  the  greatest  care  be 
taken,  that  the  Proprietor  or  Proprietors  of  such  fishing 
posts  do  not  claim  or  occupy  a  greater  extent  of  the 
coast  within  the  said  bays  or  rivers  than  shall  be  abso- 
lutely necessary  in  proportion  to  the  number  of  men 
employed  at  the  said  posts." 

This  recommendation  was  adopted,  and  Governor 
Shuldham  issued  a  proclamation  putting  it  into  effect  as 
soon  as  he  arrived  in  Newfoundland, 

At  each  meeting  of  the  Board,  at  this  time,  there  was 
some  discussion  on  the  proposal  to  transfer  the  Labrador 
to  the  Government  of  Quebec,  which  was  finally  accom- 
plished by  Act  14  Geo.  Ill,  Cap.  83,  in  1774. 

The  Colonial  Records,  1774,  contain  the  copy  of  a  letter 
from  Noble  and  Pinson  to  Governor  Shuldham,  ex- 
pressing great  regret  at  the  unexpected  alteration  in  the 
Government  of  Labrador.  They  flatter  themselves  that 
the  interests  of  the  adventurers  from  Great  Britain  will 
not  be  overlooked,  and  believe  that  had  the  fisheries  re- 
mained under  the  late  regulations,  there  would  have  been 
a  gi-eat  increase  of  ships  and  men  from  Great  Britain. 

When  the  country  was  transferred  to  the  Province  of 
Quebec  disorder  again  began  to  reign.  The  Acts  of 
Parliament  constituting  the  fishing  admirals  magistrates, 
and  appointing  the  naval  Surrogates  only  applied  to 
the   colony   of   Newfoundland    and    its    dependencies, 


and  no  regulations  were  passed  in  Quebec  to  provide 
for  the  government  of  the  coast.  The  Governors  of 
Newfoundland,  who  were  always  the  admirals  in  com- 
mand of  the  North  American  squadron,  still  continued 
to  supervise  the  Labrador.  Governor  Shuldham,  in  an 
order  to  the  officer  commanding  York  Fort,  says,  after 
stating  that  his  authority  as  Governor  had  ceased  : — 

"  But  it  is  His  Majesty's  Pleasure  that  I  do,  as  Com- 
modore of  the  Ships  employed  for  the  Protection  of  the 
Fisheries,  superintend  those  on  the  Labrador  Coast  as 
well  as  those  of  Newfoundland.  And  that  I  do  in  a 
particular  manner  give  all  possible  encouragement  and 
protection,  as  well  to  the  Seal  and  Sea  Cow  Fisheries  as 
to  the  Cod  Fisheries  carried  on  by  the  King's  subjects 
from  Great  Britain  on  such  parts  of  the  Coast  as  are  not 
claimed  as  private  property  under  regular  Canadian 
titles;  and  that  I  do  also  countenance  and  protect  as 
much  as  in  me  lies,  the  Establishments  formed  under  the 
King's  authority  by  the  Society  of  the  Unitas  Fratrum 
to  the  Northward  of  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle.  You  are 
hereby  required  and  directed  to  take  particular  care  that 
His  Majesty's  pleasure  in  regard  to  the  several  particu- 
lars aforementioned  be  strictly  complied  with  so  far  as 
is  dependent  on  you  as  Commander  of  York  Fort." 

But,  as  we  have  read,  the  garrison  was  withdrawn  the 
very  next  year. 

Anspach,  in  his  History  of  Newfoundland,  is  authority 
for  the  statement  that  after  1774,  a  superintendent  of 
trade,  appointed  by  the  Commander-in-Chief  of  the 
Four  British  Provinces,  resided  on  the  Labrador.  It 
has  not  been  possible,  however,  to  obtain  any  further 
testimony  about  this  official. 

In   the    House   of    Commons   report,    1793,   already 


referred  to  several  times,  Chief  Justice  Reeves  spoke  as 
follows  : — 

"  Another  point  to  which  I  beg  leave  to  draw  the 
attention  of  the  Committee,  is  the  present  state  of  those 
who  carry  on  the  Fishery  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador. 
Although  this  is  not  within  the  concession  of  the 
Governor  of  Newfoundland,  yet  it  so  happens  that  he 
is  the  only  person  who  is  in  the  way  of  knowing  any- 
thing about  it.  The  ship  which  is  sent  round  the 
French  limits  never  fails  of  looking  in  on  some  part  of 
the  Labrador  Coast ;  and  it  appears  from  the  repre- 
sentations of  the  Captains  who  command  these  ships 
that  there  is  great  need  of  some  authority  to  interpose, 
and  see  justice  done  between  master  and  servant,  at 
least  as  much  need  as  there  was  in  Newfoundland. 
The  employments  and  relations  of  persons  are  the 
same ;  the  abuses  and  grievances  are  the  same ; 
amongst  these  is  the  old  one  of  keeping  servants  on  the 
coast  from  year  to  year  ;  all  which  is  more  uniform  and 
insurmountable,  in  proportion  as  the  merchants  are  few, 
and  can  therefore  combine  to  keep  all  their  people  in  a 
more  absolute  state  of  dependence. 

"The  coast  of  Labrador  is  under  the  Government  of 
Canada  ;  but  the  influence  it  feels  from  a  centre  so  far 
removed  is  very  small ;  in  truth  there  is  no  government 
whatsoever  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  as  I  am  informed 
by  those  who  have  been  there.  It  is  very  much  to  be 
wished  that  some  plan  be  devised  for  affording  to 
that  deserted  coast  something  like  the  effect  of  civil 

This  state  of  anarchy  continued  until  1809,  when  the 
Labrador  was  again  attached  to  the  Government  of 


The  officer  in  command  of  H.M.  sloop  Otter,  stationed 
on  the  Labrador  coast  in  1772-3,  was  Lieutenant  Roger 
Curtis,  who  afterwards  saw  considerable  service  and  rose 
to  the  rank  of  Admiral. 

He  took  great  interest  in  his  command,  and  made 
two  lengthy  reports  upon  the  country,  its  inhabitants, 
fisheries,  and  prospects. 

Like  the  Norsemen,  he  was  first  struck  by  the  enor- 
mous quantity  of  stones,  "  many  of  them  of  prodigious 
size,"  which  were  scattered  everywhere  over  the  country. 
He  said  that  there  was  no  part  of  the  British  Dominion 
so  little  known  as  Labrador,  "  where  avarice  has  but 
little  to  feed  upon,"  and  gave  a  most  depressing  account 
of  the  country,  frequently  using  such  terms  as  "  frightful 
mountains,"  "  unfruitful  valleys,"  "  blighted  shrubs," 
"  stunted  trees,"  "  wretched  inhabitants,"  and  "  miserable 

He  drew  a  chart  of  the  coast  as  far  north  as  59°  10", 
and  greatly  prided  himself  upon  its  correctness,  which 
he  said  far  exceeded  any  previous  production.  As  a 
matter  of  fact  it  is  very  crude  and  incorrect. 

He  thought  it  not  surprising  that  such  a  barren 
country  was  so  sparsely  inhabited,  and  was  much  struck 
by  the  irony  of  the  fact  that  the  comparatively  very  few 
tribes  that  lived  there  should  be  so  set  upon  extermina- 
ting each  other. 

He  gave  a  full  account  of  the  Eskimos  and  their 
habits,  and  pleaded  earnestly  for  a  more  enlightened 
and  humane  treatment  of  them.  His  strictures  upon 
the  conduct  of  the  crews  of  the  New  England  vessels 
frequenting  the  coast  are  very  severe,  and  will  be  dealt 
with  more  fully  later  on  in  this  volume. 

He  formed  a  very  high  opinion  of  the  value  of  the  fish- 
eries, which  were  certain  to  become  of  great  importance, 


"the  Newfoundland  waters  being  rapidly  depleted  of 
fish " !  He  was  at  great  pains  to  contradict  the 
general  opinion  of  that  time,  that  codfish  could  not 
be  properly  cured  on  the  Labrador  coast,  and  in- 
stanced, that  a  merchant  at  Temple  Bay  had  that 
year,  1772,  made  5000  quintals  of  codfish  in  no  way 
inferior  to  the  best  manufactured  in  Newfoundland. 
He  did  not  anticipate,  however,  that  the  fisheries  would 
ever  be  pursued  north  of  54°.  The  station  at  Temple 
Bay  was  the  only  one  where  codfish  was  dried  for  mar- 
ket, but  considerable  numbers  of  vessels  and  boats 
came  from  Newfoundland  and  returned  there  with  their 

The  whale  fishery,  he  reported,  was  prosecuted  mainly 
by  New  Englanders,  who  "  swarmed  on  the  coasts  like 
locusts,"  but  for  several  years  past  had  been  very 

He  strongly  recommended  that  the  seal  fishery  should 
be  more  largely  followed  up,  because  oil  was  rapidly 
advancing  in  price,  owing  to  the  increased  use  of  lamps, 
and  he  felt  sure  no  one  who  had  been  used  to  this  luxitry 
would  ever  abandon  it  owing  to  the  increase  in  price  of 
oil.  His  description  of  the  manner  of  setting  the  seal  nets 
is  very  complete. 

He  strongly  supported  Palliser's  regulations,  and  urged 
the  enforcement  on  the  coast  of  the  rules  for  the  gover- 
nance of  the  fishery  in  Newfoundland.  His  views  upon 
the  debated  transfer  of  Labrador  to  Quebec  were  very 
pronounced,  he  being  strongly  of  opinion  that  it  should 
remain  attached  to  Newfoundland. 

In  spite  of  the  lack  of  attention  given  by  the  Province 
of  Quebec  to  this  portion  of  its  government,  a  very 
great  improvement  took  place  in  the  condition  of  the 
Eskimos.     The  fair  and  enlightened  treatment  accorded 


to  them  by  Cartwright,  the  history  of  which  will  be  told 
in  a  later  chapter,  doubtless  had  a  beneficial  effect  all 
along  the  coast.  The  Eskimo  trade  was  an  important 
consideration,  and  as  they  were  more  or  less  a  nomadic 
people,  they  traded  where  they  received  the  best  treat- 
ment Cartwright's  boast  that  he  was  the  chief  agent 
in  their  amelioration  had  a  great  deal  of  truth  in  it. 
That  is,  as  regards  those  Eskimos  who  frequented 
southern  Labrador  :  farther  north  their  improved  con- 
dition was  owing  to  the  devoted  labours  of  the 
Moravian  Missionaries. 

An  interesting  description  of  the  southern  Eskimo  is 
given  by  Captain  A.  Crofton  in  1798.     He  says : — 

"  During  my  continuance  in  Temple  Bay,  a  large 
shallop  arrived  from  the  northward,  with  and  belonging 
to  a  tribe  of  Eskimeaux  Indians,  consisting  of  six  men, 
five  women,  and  seven  children  ;  they  were  on  their 
passage  to  the  harbour  of  Bradore,  where  it  was  their 
intention  to  remain  the  winter  with  the  English  fisher- 
men, and  to  be  employed  in  the  seal  fishery.  They  had 
been  so  provident  as  to  bring  with  them  some  oil  and 
whalebone  to  barter  for  English  provisions  and 
necessaries,  which  they  are  now  very  partial  to,  prefer- 
ring European  clothing  to  the  seal  skin  dresses  they 
formerly  appeared  in  ;  and  are  now  so  much  civilized 
as  to  abhor  raw  meat,  and  always  dress  their  victuals  in 
a  very  decent  manner,  having  several  cooking  utensils 
with  them.  They  have  likewise  laid  aside  the  bow  and 
arrow  for  musquets,  and  are  excellent  marksmen. 

"  The  devastation  committed  by  the  French  ships  in 
this  place  I  suppose  has  discouraged  the  original 
proprietors,  Pynsant  and  Noble,  from  carrying  on  trade 
with  any  great  spirit,  having  only  one  shallop  fishing 
here  this  summer,  which   has  discouraged  the    Indian 


trade,  as  those  people  now  require  clothing,  biscuits, 
powder  and  shot,  and  from  their  present  deportment  it 
is  most  probable,  that  in  future  they  will  become  a  very 
great  acquisition  to  our  commerce.  I  am  sorry  to 
observe,  that  want  of  knowledge  of  their  language,  and 
their  short  stay,  prevented  my  obtaining  all  the  in- 
formation respecting  them  that  I  wished,  but  am  con- 
fident that  they  are  numerous,  being  not  less  than  four 
thousand  along  the  coast  to  the  southward  of  the 
Moravians  or  Unitas  Fratrum  settlement,  of  whom  they 
seem  not  to  have  any  knowledge.  Mr.  Noble's  agent 
says  they  are  strictly  honest  and  well  behaved,  which  I 
had  an  opportunity  of  observing,  having  the  whole  tribe 
to  visit  me  twice  on  board  the  Pluto,  and  sent  them  on 
shore  much  pleased  with  their  reception.  A  merchant 
from  Quebec,  who  has  a  small  settlement  seventy 
leagues  north  of  Temple  Bay,  has  hitherto  been  the 
principal  supplyer,  but  from  the  great  alteration  I  have 
observed  in  the  Eskimeaux  Indians  since  I  met  them 
twenty  years  ago,  it  is  probable  that  in  a  short  time 
they  will  navigate  the  coast  in  vessels  of  their  own  con- 
struction, as  I  discovered  in  their  shallop  carpenter  and 
shipwright  tools  of  all  descriptions." 

Captain  Crofton  made  inquiries  at  Chateau  about  the 
Moravians,  but  could  get  no  information  concerning  them, 
thus  indicating  what  little  communication  there  was  at 
that  time  between  Northern  and  Southern  Labrador. 

His  optimistic  prognostication  about  the  Eskimos, 
alas !  was  never  realized.  The  southern  tribes  soon 
became  extinct.  Intercourse  with  the  white  race  proved 
their  ruin.  The  European  clothes  and  European  food, 
which  Captain  Crofton  complacently  noted  had  been 
adopted  by  them,  no  doubt  were  the  principal  agents 
in  their  destruction.     To  which  must  be  added  also  the 


adoption  of  European  vices  and  the  introduction  of 
European  diseases. 

Captain  Crofton's  estimate  of  the  number  of  Eskimos 
on  the  southern  coast  was  no  doubt  much  too  large. 

These  southern  Eskimos  had  not  the  benefit  of  the 
teaching  of  the  Moravian  Missionaries  as  had  their 
northern  brethren.  No  effort  was  made  to  compensate 
them  for  the  loss  of  their  pristine  virtues  or  to  help 
them  to  withstand  the  white  man's  contaminating  in- 
fluence. They  remained  sunken  in  heathendom  to  the 
last.  Chappell  {Voyage  of  Rosamund^  1818),  tells  of 
a  tribe  of  about  fifty  persons  that  visited  Pinson's 
establishment  near  Lanse-a-loup.  While  there  a  woman 
died,  and  her  female  infant  was  immediately  stoned  to 
death  and  buried  with  her. 


Regulations  for  ye  Fishery  on  the  Coast  of  Labradore, 

Anticosti,  Madelaines  and  Whale  Fishery, 

April  8th,  1763. 


Rules,  Orders  and  Regulations  observed  on  the  Coast  of 
Labradore,  and  on  the  Islands  of  Anticosti  and  the  Made- 

Whereas  the  property  of  all  the  land  on  the  said  Coast 
of  Labradore  and  the  Islands  of  Anticosti  and  the  Madelaines 
is  in  the  Crown,  and  since  the  conquest  thereof  no  part  of  it 
has  been  lawfully  given  or  granted  away  and  no  power  being 
vested  in  me  to  give  or  grant  auy  exclusive  possessions  or 
privileges  to  any  person  whatever,  and  Whereas  it  has  ever 
been  the  policy  of  the  nation  to  give  to  His  Majesty's  sub- 
jects from  Britain  in  preference  to  all  others  to  carry  on  the 

In  order  to  invite  Adventurers  into  that  extensive  Field 


for  Fishing  and  Trade,  I  hereby  order  and  direct  that  ye 
whole  shall  be  publick  and  free  to  all  the  King's  British 
subjects  in  preference  to  all  others  till  His  Majesty's  further 
pleasure  shall  be  known,  under  the  following  Regulations 
subject  to  such  alterations  and  additions  as  may  hereafter 
be  found  necessary  for  extending  and  improving  that  valuable 
branch  of  Trade : 

1.  All  the  Rules  and  Regulations  ordained  by  that  excel- 
lent Act  of  the  loth  and  nth  of  WiUiam  III,  intitled  An 
Act  for  the  Encouragement  of  the  Trade  and  Fisheries  to 
Newfoundland  shall  be  strictly  observed  on  ye  Coasts  and 
Islands  above  mentioned,  except  that  Proviso  in  the  said 
Act  which  says  (provided  always  that  all  such  persons  as 
since  the  25th  day  of  March  1765  have  built  etc.),  is  not  to 
be  in  force  on  the  Coasts  and  Islands  above  mentioned. 

2.  All  British  Whale  Fishers  are  to  choose  places  on  the 
shore  for  landing  to  cut  up  their  Whales  and  other  Oil  fish 
and  to  make  their  Oil  as  they  respectively  arrive  with  Fish 
to  land,  observing  that  they  are  never  to  occupy  or  use  any 
place  that  ever  has  or  hereafter  may  be  used  by  any  British 
Cod  fisher.  Whale  Fishers  from  the  plantations  may  fish 
within  the  Gulph  of  St.  Lawrence  for  Whale  only,  but  not 
for  cod  or  any  other  fish,  and  they  may  land  on  the  said 
Coast  and  Islands  within  the  Gulph  and  nowhere  else,  to 
cut  up  their  Whales  and  to  make  their  oil,  and  for  that 
purpose  may  use  any  place  that  they  find  unoccupied  and 
that  never  have  been  used  by  any  British  Fishing  ships 
for  either  Whale,  Cod  or  Seals,  taking  especial  care  that 
they  do  nothing  to  annoy  or  hinder  any  British  Fishers  what- 

3.  Whereas  complaint  has  been  made  to  me  that  the 
Whale  Fishers  from  the  plantations  have  a  practice  of  turning 
adrift  ye  useless  part  of  the  carcasses  of  Whales  to  the  annoy- 
ance and  damage  of  neighboring  fishers  for  Cod  and  Seal, 
or  else  leave  them  on  ye  shore  which  is  a  great  nuisance. 
I  hereby  order  and  direct  that  all  Whale  fishers  shall  convey 


the  carcasses  of  the  whales  to  at  least  three  leagues  from 
the  shore. 

4.  No  vessel  shall  be  considered  as  a  British  fishing  ship 
nor  be  entitled  to  the  privileges  thereof,  or  of  being  Admirals 
of  harbors  on  the  coast  and  islands  above  mentioned,  except 
such  as  clear  out  from  Britain  the  same  season  and  carry  out 
men  to  be  actually  employed  in  ye  fishery  and  to  return  to 
Britain  when  the  fishing  season  is  over. 

5.  If  any  person  commits  murther,  whether  of  any  of  His 
Majesty's  Christian  or  Indian  subjects  on  the  Coasts  or 
Islands  above  mentioned,  or  any  other  criminal  crime,  all 
His  Majesty's  subjects  are  hereby  required  and  authorized 
to  apprehend  such  offenders  and  carry  them  before  the 
Commanders  of  any  of  His  Majesty's  Ships,  or  before  the 
Admiral  of  any  Harbor,  and  Oath  being  made  before  them 
of  the  fact,  the  Captain  of  any  of  His  Majesty's  ships  are 
hereby  ordered  and  directed  to  secure  them,  and  when  they 
join  me  to  bring  such  offenders  with  them  in  order  to  the 
being  tried  at  the  general  Assizes. 

Given  under  my  hand,  8th  April,  1765. 

Hugh  Palliser. 

By  command  of  His  Excellency, 
John   Horsnaill. 

Regulations  for  Labrador  Fishery^  1765. 

Regulations  for  carrying  on  a  Fishery  and  Trade  on  the  Coast  of 
Labrador  distributed  throughout  this  Government. 


Whereas  a  most  valuable  Fishery  and  Trade  may  be 
carried  on  upon  the  Coast  of  Labrador  for  establishing  of 
which  on  the  best  footing  for  the  benefit  of  the  nation  some 
Rules,  Orders  and  Regulations  are  immediately  necessary, 
and  above  all  things  first  to  banish  all  disorderly  people  who 
can't  be  depended  upon  for  preserving  good  order  and  peace 


with  the  savages  (upon  which  the  success  of  His  Majesty's 
intentions  for  opening  this  extensive  field  of  commerce  to  his 
subjects  wholly  depends).  I  therefore  hereby  order  and  direct 
that  the  following  Rules,  Orders  and  Regulations  shall  be 
strictly  observed  on  all  the  Coast  of  Labrador  within  my 
Government,  subject  to  such  alterations  as  may  hereafter  be 
found  necessary  for  the  aforementioned  purposes.       \ 

1.  That  no  inhabitant  of  Newfoundland  no  By  Boatkeeper 
nor  any  person  from  any  of  the  colonies  shall  on  any  pretence 
whatever  go  to  the  Coast  of  Labrador  (except  Whale  fishers 
within  the  Gulph  of  St.  Lawrence  from  the  Colonies  as 
allowed  by  my  order  of  8th  April  last)  and  if  any  such  are 
found  there,  they  shall  be  corporally  punished  for  the  first 
offence  and  the  second  time  their  boats  shall  be  seized  for  the 
public  use  of  British  ship  fishers  upon  that  coast. 

2.  That  no  person  whatever  shall  resort  to  Labradore  to 
fish  or  trade  but  ship  fishers  annually  arriving  from  His 
Majesty's  Dominions  in  Europe  lawfully  cleared  out  as  Ship 
fishers,  carrying  at  least  21  men  all  engaged  to  return  after 
the  season  is  over  to  the  King's  Dominions  in  Europe. 

3.  That  all  Rules,  Orders  and  Regulations  (respecting 
British  Ship  Fishers)  ordained  by  that  excellent  Act  of  loth 
and  nth  of  William  HI  entitled  an  Act  for  the  encourage- 
ment of  the  Trade  and  Fisheries  of  Newfoundland  shall  be 
strictly  observed  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador. 

4.  And  as  a  further  encouragement  to  British  Ship  Fishers 
the  first  arriving  Ship  in  any  Harbour  on  that  Coast  (besides 
being  Admiral  of  that  Harbour)  shall  have  the  privilege  of 
leaving  in  that  Harbour  one  small  vessel  not  exceeding  eighty 
tons  with  a  gang  of  ten  men  and  no  more  for  the  next  winter 
seal  and  whale  fishery  and  no  other  people  whatever  shall 
stay  the  winter  in  that  Harbour  on  pain  of  corporal  punish- 
ment such  vessel  to  be  properly  armed  for  defence,  and  the 
Master  to  be  a  prudent,  discreet  person,  to  prevent  anything 
being  done  to  break  the  Peace  which  I  made  with  the  Carolit 
or  Esquimaux  Savages  on  the  21st  instant,  who  have  promised 


to  live  in  friendship  with  us  by  night  and  by  day,  so  long  as 
we  forbear  to  do  them  any  harm.  The  Master  of  the  2nd 
arriving  British  Fishing  Ship  in  any  Harbour  as  above  men- 
tioned shall  (besides  being  Vice-Admiral  of  the  Harbour) 
have  the  exclusive  right  to  all  the  Salmon  fishery  in  that 
Harbour  during  that  season.  The  Master  of  the  3rd  arriving 
British  Fishing  Ship  as  aforementioned  (besides  being  Rear- 
Admiral  of  the  Harbour)  shall  enjoy  in  common  with  the  ist 
and  2nd  ships  the  exclusive  privilege  of  trafficking  with  the 
savages,  under  the  Regulations  prescribed  in  the  following 

5.  The  Master  of  the  ist,  2nd  and  3rd  arriving  British 
Fishing  Ships  in  any  Harbour  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador 
shall  equally  enjoy  an  exclusive  privilege  of  Trading  with  the 
natives  that  may  come  within  limits  of  that  Harbour  (the 
precise  limits  belonging  to  each  harbour  to  be  hereafter  ascer- 
tained and  made  publick),  and  no  other  persons  whatever 
shall  have  any  trade  or  truck  with  the  savages  on  forfeiture 
of  all  goods  so  trucked  for  to  be  equally  divided  among  the 
three  Admirals  of  that  harbour,  and  to  lose  their  liberty  of 
fishing  on  the  Coast  for  that  year. 

That  within  the  limits  of  each  harbour  a  proper  place  shall 
be  fixed  upon  by  the  Admirals  at  a  proper  distance  from  all 
the  fishing  stages  where  they  are  to  make  a  barrier  for  truck- 
ing with  convenience  and  safety  with  the  savages,  and  on  no 
account  to  suffer  their  people  and  the  savages  to  mingle 
together.  And  if  either  of  the  Admirals  truck  with  them  at 
any  other  place  within  or  without  the  limits  of  their  own  port 
such  Admiral  shall  forfeit  all  the  goods  trucked  for  to  be 
equally  divided  between  the  other  Admirals,  and  also  to  forfeit 
all  his  privilege  as  Admiral  for  that  season,  and  for  better  pre- 
venting confusion  and  for  preserving  peace  with  the  savages 
all  further  Regulations  or  Orders  that  may  be  made  by  the 
Commanders  of  any  of  His  Majesty's  Ships  stationed  on  the 
Coast  of  Labrador  for  the  time  being  shall  be  strictly  con- 
formed to. 


6.  All  British  Fishing  Ships  as  well  as  the  Admirals  of  the 
Harbours  during  the  summer  fishery  for  Cod,  that  is  from  the 
time  of  their  arrival  to  the  time  of  their  departure  may  also 
carry  on  the  whale  fishery.  This  the  early  arriving  ships  may 
do  with  great  advantage,  there  being  abundance  of  Whales  on 
the  Coast  in  the  months  of  April,  May  and  June. 

Given,  etc.,  in  Pitt's  Harbour  the  28th  August,  1765. 

Hugh  Palliser. 

This  regulation  published  throughout  this  Government. 

By  Command  of  His  Excellency, 
John   Horsnaill. 

Order  Concerning  the  Whale  Fishery  on  the  Coast  of 
Labrador,  1766. 


Whereas  a  great  many  vessels  from  His  Majesty's  plantation 
employed  in  the  Whale  fishery  resort  to  that  part  of  the 
Gulph  of  St.  Lawrence  and  Coast  of  Labrador  which  is 
within  this  Government  and  as  I  have  been  informed  that 
some  apprehensions  have  arisen  amongst  them  that  by  the 
Regulations  made  by  me  relating  to  the  different  fisheries  in 
those  parts  they  are  wholly  precluded  from  that  Coast. 

Notice  is  hereby  given  that  the  King's  Officers  stationed  in 
those  parts  have  always  had  my  orders  to  protect,  assist  and 
encourage  by  every  means  in  their  power  all  vessels  from  the 
plantations  employed  in  the  Whale  fishery,  coming  within  this 
Government  and  pursuant  to  His  Majesty's  orders  to  me  all 
vessels  from  the  plantations  will  be  admitted  to  that  Coast, 
on  the  same  footing  as  they  ever  have  been  admitted  in  New- 
foundland respecting  the  Cod  fishery,  under  the  Act  of  Parlia- 
ment passed  in  the  loth  and  nth  years  of  William  HI 
commonly  called  the  Fishing  Act,  always  to  be  observed. 

And  by   my   Regulations   for   the   encouragement  of   the 


Whale  Fishers  they  are  also  under  certain  necessary  restric- 
tions (herein  prescribed)  permitted  to  land  and  cut  up  their 
whales  in  Labrador,  this  is  a  liberty  that  never  has  been 
allowed  them  in  Newfoundland,  because  of  the  danger  of 
prejudicing  the  Cod  fishery  carried  on  by  our  adventurers 
ships  from  Britain,  lawfully  qualified  with  fishing  certificates 
according  to  the  aforementioned  Act,  who  are  fitted  out  at  a 
very  great  risque  and  expence  in  complying  with  the  said  Act, 
therefore  they  must  not  be  liable  to  have  their  voyages  over- 
thrown or  rendered  precarious  by  any  means  or  by  any  other 
vessels  whatever. 

And  whereas  great  numbers  of  the  Whaling  crews  arriving 
from  the  plantations,  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador  early  in  the 
spring  considering  it  as  a  lawless  country  were  guilty  of  all 
sorts  outrages  before  the  arrival  of  the  King's  Ships  in 
plundering  whoever  they  found  on  the  Coast  too  weak  to 
resist  them.  Obstructing  our  ship  adventurers  from  Britain, 
by  banking  amongst  their  boats  along  the  Coast  which  drives 
the  fish  away,  and  is  contrary  to  the  most  ancient  and  most 
strictly  observed  Rule  of  the  fishery,  and  must  not  be  suffered ; 
also  by  destroying  their  fishing  works  on  the  shore,  stealing 
their  boats,  tackle  and  utensils,  firing  the  woods  all  along  the 
Coast  and  hunting  for  and  plundering,  taking  away  or  murder- 
ing the  poor  Indian  natives  of  the  country  by  these  violences, 
barbarities  and  other  notorious  crimes  and  enormities,  that 
Coast  is  in  ye  utmost  confusion,  and  with  respect  to  the 
Indians  is  kept  in  a  state  of  war. 

For  preventing  these  practices  in  future,  Notice  is  hereby 
given  that  ye  King's  Officers  in  those  parts  are  authorized 
and  strictly  directed  to  apprehend  all  such  offenders  within 
this  Government  and  to  bring  them  to  me  to  be  tried  for  the 
same  at  the  General  Assizes  at  this  place,  and  for  the  better 
Government  of  that  country,  for  Regulating  ye  fisheries  and 
for  protecting  His  Majesty's  subjects  from  insults  from  ye 
Indians,  I  have  His  Majesty's  Commands  to  erect  Block- 
houses and  to  estabUsh  guards  along  that  Coast. 


This   notification   is   to    be   put   up   in    the   Harbours   in 
Labrador  within  my  Government. 

Given  at  St.  John's  in  Newfoundland,  ist  August,  1766. 

Hugh  Palliser. 
By  Order  of  His  Excellency, 
John  Horsnaill. 

N.B. — Three   copies  of  these  Regulations   enclosed  in  a 
letter  to  Governor  Bernard  at  Boston. 

Surrogate  Comniissiotiy  1765. 


By  Virtue  of  the  power  and  authority  to  me  given  by  His 
Majesty's  Letters  made  Patent,  bearing  date  at  Westminster 
the  ninth  day  of  April  in  the  fourth  year  of  the  reign  of  our 
Sovereign  Lord  George  III  by  the  Grace  of  God  of  Great 
Britain,  France  and  Ireland,  King  Defender  of  the  Faith  I  do 
hereby  constitute  and  appoint  you  to  be 

my  Deputy  or  Surrogate  with  full  power  and  authority  to 
assemble  Courts  within  to  enquire  into 

all  such  complaints  as  may  be  brought  before  you  and  to  hear 
and  determine  the  same  to  all  intents  and  purposes  as  I 
myself  might  or  would  do.  By  virtue  of  the  power  and 
authority  vested  in  me  you  have  likewise  power  and  authority 
to  seize  and  detain  in  order  to  proceed  to  condemnation  all 
unaccustomed  prohibited  or  run  goods  that  may  be  found 
within  the  aforesaid  limits  or  ports  adjacent.  And  I  do  grant 
and  give  unto  you  full  power  and  authority 

to  administer  the  several  oaths  to  any  person  or  persons  you 
shall  think  fit  agreeable  to  the  several  Acts  of  Parliament  made 
in  that  behalf.  And  I  do  strictly  enjoin  all  Admirals  of 
Harbours,  all  Justices  of  the  Peace,  all  Officers  Civil  and 
Mihtary,  and  all  other  His  Majesty  liege  subjects  to  be  aiding 
and  assisting  you  the  said  and  to  obey  and 

put  into  execution  all  such  lawful  orders  as  you  shall  give  unto 


them  as  I  myself  might  or  would  do  by  virtue  of  the  power 
and  authority  vested  in  me. 

Given  under  my  hand  this  13th  April,  1765. 

By  Command  of  His  Excellency, 
John  Horsnaill. 

Commissions  delivered  to  : — 

Captain  Hamilton  of  His  Majesty's  Sloop  Zephyr  from  point 
Riche  to  St.  Barbe  on  Newfoundland  and  from  St.  John's 
River  to  Cape  Charles  on  the  Coast  of  Labradore. 

Captain  Sexton  from  Cape  Ray  to  Ferryland. 

Captain  Thompson  of  His  Majesty's  Ship  Lark  from  Trinity 
to  Quirpont,  both  inclusive. 

Sir  Thos.  Adams,  Bart.,  of  His  Majesty's  Ship  Niger  on 
the  Coast  of  Labradore  from  the  entrance  of  Davis'  Streights 
to  York  Harbour  inclusive. 

Daniel  Burr,  Esq.,  on  the  Coast  of  Newfoundland  from 
Cape  Bonavista  to  Cape  St.  Francois. 

Hugh  Palliser. 
By  Command  of  His  Excellency, 
John  Horsnaill. 


QUITE  the  most  notable  of  the  early  settlers  upon 
the  Labrador  was  Capt.  George  Cartwright.  He 
was  a  scion  of  a  well-known  English  family, 
which  first  came  into  prominence  through  the  influence 
of  Archbishop  Cranmer,  whose  sister  had  married  a 
Cartwright  of  the  day.  Two  of  his  brothers  attained 
considerable  notoriety  in  English  public  life, — Major 
John  Cartwright,  the  reformer  and  patriot,  and  Edmund 
Cartwright,  poet,  philanthropist,  and  inventor  of  the 
power  loom.  George  Cartwright  served  in  the  East 
Indies  as  a  cadet  of  the  39th  Foot  Regiment,  and  in 
the  German  war  as  aide-de-camp  to  the  Marquis  of 
Granby,  and  it  is  said  would  have  undoubtedly  risen 
to  distinction  had  he  remained  in  the  Army.  The 
circumstances  which  led  him  to  take  up  his  residence 
in  Labrador  were  singularly  fortuitous.  In  1766  John 
Cartwright  was  appointed  First  Lieutenant  of  H.M.S. 
Guernsey,  ordered  to  the  Newfoundland  station  with 
the  Governor,  Sir  Hugh  Palliser,  on  board.  George 
Cartwright,  being  on  half-pay  at  the  time,  and  "hearing 
that  bears  and  deer  were  plentiful  there,"  decided  to 
accompany  his  brother,  and  spent  the  summer  with 
him  cruising  about  the  Newfoundland  and  Labrador 
coasts.  In  1768  he  again  visited  Newfoundland  with 
his  brother,  who  in  the  meanwhile  had  been  appointed 


to  the  dignified  post  of  Naval  Surrogate,  and  accom- 
panied him  on  a  memorable  expedition  up  the  Exploits 
River  to  Red  Indian  Lake,  where  they  hoped  to  meet 
and  open  friendly  relations  with  the  unfortunate 
Beothuks,  which  expedition,  unhappily,  failed  of  its 
purpose.  It  was  then  that  he  conceived  the  idea  of 
settling  on  Labrador.  He  had  been  disappointed  in  an 
expected  promotion  in  his  regiment,  several  junior 
officers  purchasing  their  steps  over  his  head ;  and 
having,  as  he  said,  "  an  insatiable  propensity  for  shoot- 
ing," and  hearing  that  Labrador  was  practically  virgin 
country,  he  was  irresistibly  drawn  to  the  wild,  free,  ad- 
venturous life  of  a  settler  on  that  almost  unknown  coast. 

Early  in  1770  he  entered  into  partnership  with  Lieut. 
Lucas,  who  had  been  on  the  Guernsey  with,  him  in  1766, 
and  whose  adventures  have  already  been  told.  As- 
sociated with  these  novices  in  business  were  Perkins 
and  Coughlan,  who  were  largely  interested  in  the  New- 
foundland trade  and  had  a  considerable  establishment 
at  Fogo.  They  designed  to  carry  on  a  trapping  and 
fishing  business,  both  seal  and  cod,  and  also  to  endeavour 
to  trade  peaceably  with  the  Eskimo  through  the  medium 
of  Lucas,  who  had  learned  the  language. 

Cartwright  and  Lucas  arrived  at  Fogo  in  July,  1770, 
and  at  once  hired  a  shallop  to  convey  them  to  Cape 
Charles,  where  they  intended  to  make  their  first  start. 
It  will  be  remembered  that  this  was  the  scene  of  Darby's 
ill-fated  scheme  to  establish  a  whale  fishery.  Here 
Cartwright  arrived  in  safety  and  took  up  his  abode  in 
the  house  which  had  been  built  by  Darby.  His  retinue 
consisted  of  Mrs.  Selby,  his  housekeeper,  two  English 
men-servants,  eight  or  ten  fishermen  and  trappers,  and 
a  number  of  dogs  of  various  sporting  breeds.  On  his 
arrival   in    Labrador,  he   says,  "  Being   secluded    from 


society,  I  had  time  to  gain  acquaintance  with  myself," 
and  therefore  began  his  journal  of  Transactions  and 
Events  Dufing  a  Residence  of  Nearly  Sixteen  Years  on 
the  Labrador,  which  he  published  in  1792.  It  is  in  three 
large  quarto  volumes,  full  of  interesting  information, 
though  somewhat  tedious  to  read.  In  his  Preface  he 
excuses  the  literary  style  of  his  book,  which  he 
says  "  will  be  compensated  for  by  its  veracity,"  and 
informs  us  that  "the  transactions  of  the  day  were 
generally  entered  at  the  close  of  the  same,  and  were 
written  for  no  other  purpose  than  to  serve  as  a  memor- 
andum for  my  own  use  and  personal  reference."  The 
extreme  candour  of  the  narrative,  especially  as  to  the 
incidents  of  his  private  life,  makes  one  certain  that  such 
was  the  case.  His  observations  on  the  natural  history 
of  the  country  are  particularly  valuable,  as  is  also  his 
account  of  the  Eskimos.  The  following  short  "  Precis  " 
of  such  a  large  book  must  naturally  be  very  inadequate, 
and  all  interested  in  Labrador  are  recommended  to 
study  for  themselves  the  pages  which  both  Southey  and 
Coleridge  declared  to  be  deeply  interesting. 

On  the  morning  of  his  arrival,  he  tells  of  the  first 
achievement  of  his  Hanoverian  rifle,  shooting  with  it  an 
otter,  a  black  duck,  and  a  spruce  game.  A  record  of 
all  the  creatures  which  fell  to  this  extraordinary  weapon 
of  precision  would  astound  a  sportsman  of  the  present 
day.  Either  the  weapon  was  remarkable  or  "  the  man 
behind  the  gun "  was  one  of  the  best  shots  that  ever 
lived,  for  it  was  a  common  occurrence  for  him  to  put  a 
bullet  through  a  goose  or  a  duck  on  the  wing,  knock 
the  head  off  a  partridge,  or,  more  difficult  still,  to  shoot 
a  loon  in  the  water.  Witness  the  entry  in  his  journal, 
March  22nd,  1771  : — 

"  I  killed  a  spruce  game  with  my  rifle ;  but  my  eye 


not  being  clear  enough  to  attempt  beheading  the  bird 
as  I  usually  do,  I  fired  at  the  body,  and  the  ball  knocked 
him  entirely  to  pieces." 

The  frequency  with  which  similar  entries  occur  in  his 
Journal  should  remove  any  doubts  as  to  his  veracity. 
He  notes  one  day  having  beheaded  three  spruce  game 
with  three  successive  rifle  shots,  and  again  having  killed 
a  raven  with  his  rifle  at  above  a  hundred  yards  dis- 
tance. Probably  both  birds  and  beasts  had  little  fear 
of  man,  and  he  was  thus  able  to  approach  them  quite 

Governor  Byron,  of  Newfoundland,  the  poet's  grand- 
father, took  great  interest  in  Cartwright's  enterprise, 
and  sent  Lieutenant  John  Cartwright  in  a  sloop  of  war 
with  carpenters  and  others,  to  assist  him  in  getting 
himself  comfortably  settled  before  winter  came  on. 
Darby's  old  houses  were  soon  repaired,  and  a  new  one 

Lieutenant  Lucas  went  north  immediately  to  find 
the  Eskimos,  with  whom  they  expected  to  establish 
a  lucrative  trade  in  furs.  He  returned  a  few  weeks 
afterwards,  and  was  followed  by  a  family  of  Eskimos, 
consisting  of  ten  or  twelve  men,  women,  and  child- 
ren, who  took  up  their  abode  near  Cartwright, 
and  were  an  unmitigated  nuisance  to  him  the  whole 
winter,  depending  upon  him  entirely  for  supplies  of 
food.  Fortunately  they  were  not  hard  to  please.  On 
one  occasion  when  they  came  to  him  and  complained, 
as  usual,  that  their  provisions  were  exhausted,  he  gave 
them  "  a  skin  bag  filled  with  seals'  phrippers,  pieces  of 
flesh  and  rands  of  seal  fat  ;  it  was  a  complete  mixture 
of  oil  and  corruption  with  an  intolerable  stench,  and  no 
people  on  earth,  I  think,  except  themselves  would  have 
eaten  its  contents.  The  Indians,  however,  were  of  a 


different  opinion,  and  considered  it  a  most  luxurious 
feast."  Cartwright  says  that  they  were  the  most 
uncleanly  people  on  earth.  His  description  of  some  of 
their  nauseous  habits  will  not  bear  repetition. 

The  company  was  increased  in  October  by  five  men 
who  had  been  shipped  on  shares  for  the  seal  fishery. 
The  men  found  their  own  provisions,  and  Cartwright 
found  the  nets  and  implements ;  the  catch  was  divided 
half  and  half,  the  men  selling  their  share  to  the  com- 
pany at  a  stipulated  price. 

Cartwright  describes  his  outfit  for  the  seal  fishery  as 
follows  : — 

"  The  whole  consists  of  twelve  shoal  nets  of  forty 
fathoms  by  two,  and  three  stoppers  of  a  hundred  and 
thirty  fathoms  by  six.  The  latter  are  made  fast  one 
end  to  the  island  and  the  other  to  a  capstan  on  the 
land ;  by  this  means  the  head  ropes  are  lowered  to  the 
bottom  or  raised  to  the  surface  at  pleasure,  and  being 
placed  about  forty  yards  apart  form  two  pounds. 
There  is  a  narrow  tickle  of  twenty  yards  in  width 
between  this  island  and  the  continent,  across  which  a 
net  is  placed  to  stop  the  seals  passing  through." 

The  seals  passed  along  the  coast  on  their  migration 
south,  about  the  end  of  November.  The  first  season 
was  a  very  successful  one,  and  from  November  28th  to 
December  14th  they  seemed  to  have  nearly  as  m.any 
seals  as  they  could  attend  to. 

Each  year  afterwards  the  nets  were  ready  and  out  by 
November  20th,  but  not  always  with  the  same  success. 
The  length  of  the  season  seemed  to  depend  upon  the 
coldness  of  the  water;  when  the  anchor  ice,  or  "lolly,"  as 
Cartwright  called  it,  began  to  form,  the  nets  had  to  be 
taken  in.     In  1774  a  large  number  of  seals  were  taken 


on  December  24th,  and  in  1778  the  fishery  had  to  be 
abandoned  by  December  5th.  In  1785  not  a  single 
seal  was  taken. 

During  the  first  years  of  his  life  on  the  Labrador  he 
had  pleasant  neighbours  only  twelve  miles  from  him  at 
York  Fort  in  Chateau  Bay.  A  small  garrison  of 
marines  under  a  few  officers  was  stationed  there,  with 
whom  he  exchanged  many  visits.  On  Christmas  Eve 
he  gives  the  following  description  of  the  revels  which 
he  said  were  customary  in  Newfoundland,  having  been 
imported  there  from  Ireland  : — 

"  At  sunset  the  people  ushered  in  Christmas  accord- 
ing to  the  Newfoundland  custom.  In  the  first  place 
they  built  a  prodigious  fire  in  their  house  ;  all  hands 
then  assembled  before  the  door,  and  one  of  them  fired  a 
gun  loaded  with  powder  only  ;  afterwards  each  drank  a 
dram  of  rum,  concluding  the  ceremony  with  three 
cheers.  These  formalities  being  performed  with  great 
solemnity,  they  returned  into  their  house,  got  drunk  as 
fast  as  they  could,  and  spent  the  whole  night  in  drink- 
ing, quarrelling,  and  fighting.  This  is  an  intolerable 
custom,  but  as  it  has  prevailed  from  time  inmemorial  it 
must  be  submitted  to." 

Every  Christmas  afterwards  he  has  to  record  the 
same  occurrence,  much  to  his  annoyance. 

About  the  end  of  January,  Mr.  Jones,  of  York  Fort 
(the  surgeon),  set  out  from  there  to  walk  to  Cartwright's 
settlement,  where  his  services  were  required,  but,  losing 
his  way,  he  was  frozen  to  death.  They  found  him 
several  days  after,  his  faithful  Newfoundland  dog  by 
his  side.  They  covered  his  body  as  well  as  they  could 
with  boughs  and  snow,  but  could  not  persuade  the  poor 
animal  to  leave  her  master. 


Cartwright  himself  had  to  officiate  at  the  ceremony 
which  this  poor  young  man  had  intended  to  perform, 
and  acquitted  himself  to  the  extreme  satisfaction  of  the 
mother,  but  he  said  he  never  wished  to  resume  the 
office  again.  His  patient,  however,  became  very  ill 
some  days  after,  and  "  being  destitute  of  every 
medicine  prescribed  in  such  cases,  I  was  entirely  at  a 
loss  what  to  give  her,  but  as  I  judged  that  Labrador  tea 
{ledmn  latifoliuvi)  was  of  the  same  nature  as  the  herbs 
recommended,  I  had  some  gathered  from  under  the 
snow  in  the  woods,  and  gave  her  a  pint  of  the  strong 
infusion  of  the  plant,  with  the  most  beneficent  results," 
Three  days  after  he  writes  : — 

"  I  read  prayers  to  my  family  and  churched  Nanny, 
who  is  now,  thank  God,  perfectly  recovered,  an  event 
which  I  have  reason  to  believe  was  effected  by  the 
Indian  tea." 

Having  acted  as  doctor  and  clergyman,  it  is  but 
natural  to  suppose  that  he  would  also  have  to  assume 
the  duties  of  the  other  learned  professions ;  and,  in  fact, 
we  often  find  him  acting  first  as  judge  and  then  as  exe- 
cutioner to  carry  out  the  sentences  he  had  imposed. 
One  gross  offender  he  chained  to  his  bed-post  until  he 
could  be  carried  to  St.  John's  for  trial.  Another  he 
sentenced  to  thirty-five  lashes  for  having  threatened 
his  (Cartwright's)  life,  and  immediately  proceeded  to 
inflict  the  punishment,  but  after  twenty-nine  strokes 
the  man  fainted,  and  had  to  be  released.  We  can  be 
sure  that  the  blows  were  not  light  from  a  man  of  Cart- 
wright's  physique. 

On  another  occasion  two  men  refused  to  do  his  bid- 
ding, and  were  insolent,  so  he  gave  them  both  "a  severe 
beating  with  a  stout  stick,"  and  sent  them  off.     They 


were  no  sooner  in  their  boat  than  they  began  to  abuse 
him  again,  upon  which  he  pursued  them  and  gave  them 
another  "  dressing."  On  the  next  day  the  men  came 
again,  and  Cartwright  this  time  gave  them  a  "  trim- 
ining"  for  being  abusive  when  he  left  them  the  night 

He  did  not  scruple  to  perform  any  office  of  the 
Church,  even  to  the  Marriage  Service,  marrying  with 
all  due  ceremony  one  William  Bettres  to  Cathrine 
Gourd,  one  of  the  maid-servants  he  brought  from 

His  first  winter  passed  uneventfully  but  busily;  nearly 
every  day  his  journal  bears  record  of  game  of  some 
description  being  secured.  White  bears,  caribou, 
wolves,  foxes,  otter,  beaver,  etc.,  and  every  variety  of 
feathered  game  in  its  season.  On  June  20th  his  first 
news  of  the  outside  v/orld  was  received  when  the  first 
vessel  arrived  from  Newfoundland.  He  was  greatly 
shocked  to  hear  that  his  partner,  Lieutenant  Lucas,  had 
been  lost  at  sea,  the  ship  on  Avhich  he  sailed  for 
England  the  previous  autumn  never  having  reached  its 

Owing  to  the  neglect  of  his  partners,  Perkins  and 
Coughlan,  whom  he  accused  of  taking  care  of  their 
private  enterprises  to  the  detriment  of  their  joint  trans- 
actions, he  was  not  prepared  in  time  for  the  salmon  or 
cod  fishery.  The  river  was  full  of  salmon,  but  he  had 
no  nets  to  catch  them  nor  salt  to  cure  them,  and  esti- 
mated his  loss  thereby  at  ^^400. 

In  July  a  considerable  number  of  Eskimos  came 
to  the  harbour,  and  he  soon  established  a  brisk  barter 

'  The  solemnization  of  marriage  in  Newfoundland  by  persons  not  in 
holy  orders  became  so  prevalent  that  in  1817  an  Imperial  Act  was  passed 
forbidding  the  practice,  and  making  such  marriages  illegal. 


trade  with  them.  The  proceedings  were  opened  by 
their  presenting  him  with  five  silver  fox  skins,  and 
he  reciprocated  with  beads  and  needles,  to  their  entire 
satisfaction.  In  order  to  inspire  their  confidence  he 
went  over  to  the  island  where  they  were,  pitched  his 
tent  among  them,  sending  all  his  own  people  away. 
He  carried  on  a  lively  trade  all  the  afternoon  with- 
out dispute  of  any  kind,  when  the  proceedings  were 
suddenly  interrupted  by  the  chief,  who  came  into  the 
tent  and  took  Cartwright  by  the  shoulder,  speaking 
sternly  the  while. 

"  As  these  people  have  hitherto  plundered  and  mur- 
dered Europeans  whenever  they  had  the  opportunity, 
I  must  confess  that  I  expected  that  was  to  be  my  fate 
now,  and  my  suspicions  were  confirmed  upon  recollect- 
ing that  I  had  demonstrated  to  the  Eskimos  that  my 
firearms  were  not  loaded.  However,  being  assured  that 
if  they  wanted  to  kill  me  I  could  not  prevent  them, 

1  put  the  best  face  possible  on  this  unpleasant  affair, 
and  followed  the  chief.  He  soon  dispelled  my  fears  by 
telling  me  that  we  had  done  enough  business  for  one 

As  a  result  of  the  afternoon  trade  he  got  3  cwt. 
of  whalebone,  100  seal  skins,  19  fox,  12  deer,  4  otter, 

2  marten,  i  wolf,  and  i  black  bear,  at  the  expense  of  a 
small  quantity  of  beads  and  trifling  articles  of  hardly 
any  commercial  value.  A  representative  transaction 
was  the  exchange  of  a  comb  which  cost  twopence  for 
a  silver  fox  skin  worth  four  guineas. 

Cartwright  never  had  any  trouble  with  the  Eskimos 
during  his  whole  residence  on  the  coast,  which  is  re- 
markable seeing  that  his  immediate  predecessor  at 
Cape  Charles  was  forced  to  abandon  the  place  owing  to 


their  hostility.  He  says  himself  that  his  success  with 
them  was  owing  to  unvarying  firmness  and  fairness  in 
his  dealings  with  them.  He  would  not  allow  himself 
to  be  robbed,  and  was  always  at  pains  to  satisfy  them  in 
every  transaction.  His  ascendancy  over  them  became 
complete,  and  their  friendship  never  ceased,  although, 
as  we  shall  see  later,  it  was  put  to  a  very  severe  strain. 

Later  in  life  Cartwright  wrote  a  rhyming  letter  to  his 
brother  Charles,  describing  life  on  his  "  loved  Labrador," 
and  thus  tells  of  his  intercourse  with  the  Eskimos  : — 

The  Eskimo  from  ice  and  snow  now  free, 

In  shallops  and  whale  boats  go  to  sea  ; 

In  peace  they  rove  along  the  pleasant  shore. 

In  plenty  live  nor  do  they  wish  for  more. 

Thrice  happy  race  ;  strong  drink  nor  gold  they  know  ; 

What  in  their  hearts  they  think  their  faces  show. 

Of  manners  gentle,  in  their  dealings  just, 

Their  plighted  promise  safely  you  may  trust. 

Mind  you  deceive  them  not,  for  well  they  know 

The  friend  sincere  from  the  designing  foe. 

They  once  were  deemed  a  people  fierce  and  rude. 

Their  savage  hands  in  human  blood  imbued  ; 

But  by  my  care  (for  I  must  claim  the  merit) 

The  world  now  owes  that  virtue  they  inherit. 

Not  a  more  honest  or  more  generous  race 

Can  bless  a  sovereign  or  a  nation  grace. 

With  these  I  frequent  pass  the  social  day. 

No  broils,  no  feuds,  but  all  is  sport  and  play. 

My  will's  their  law,  and  justice  is  my  will. 

Thus  friends  we  always  were  and  friends  are  still. 

This  idyllic  picture  certainly  marks  a  very  great 
change  from  the  condition  of  things  a  short  time  before, 
as  described  by  Palliser.  While  Cartwright  claims  the 
merit  for  this  transformation,  it  was  no  doubt  to 
Palliser's  wise  regulations  that  the  beginning  of  the 
change  was  due,  assisted  greatly  by  the  Moravian 
Missionaries  who  had  just  begun  their  noble  work 
among  the  Eskimo. 


The  v/inter  of  1772  was  particularly  cold  and  stormy. 
Cartwright's  English  man-servant  Charles  was  taken  ill, 
and  in  spite  of  every  attention,  finally  succumbed.  As 
an  indication  of  the  hardships  they  had  to  endure,  it  is 
related  that  this  unfortunate  man  Charles  had  his  toes 
badly  frostbitten  one  night  during  his  illness,  from 
putting  his  foot  out  from  under  the  bedclothes,  although 
he  was  in  the  warmest  room  in  the  house  in  which  there 
was  a  blazing  fire. 

His  first  visitors  in  the  spring  of  1772  were  a  number 
of  salmon  fishers  employed  by  the  firm  of  Noble  and 
Pinson,  who  took  possession  of  his  salmon  rivers, 
claiming  that  they  had  a  right  to  do  so  under  an 
Act  of  Parliament.  Not  being  able  to  dispute  the 
point,  Cartwright  was  obliged  to  give  way,  and  had  to 
send  his  men  into  the  next  bay  to  set  their  nets.  The 
Eskimos  were  so  incensed  at  this  occurrence  that  they 
were  with  difficulty  restrained  from  killing  Noble  and 
Pinson's  men. 

Although  the  injustice  was  patent,  it  is  probable  that 
Noble  and  Pinson  were  within  their  rights,  as  we  have 
seen  that  Palliser's  regulations  forbade  any  permanent 
title  to  fishing  posts,  the  first  vessel  arriving  in  a 
harbour  each  season  from  England  having  the  choice 
of  berths. 

However,  when  Cartwright  went  to  England  at  the 
end  of  the  year,  he  made  representations  on  the  matter 
to  the  Board  of  Trade,  from  whose  papers  the  following 
information  is  culled  : — 

"Jan.  28th,  1773.  A  memorial  was  read  from  Geo. 
Cartwright  to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth,  describing  the 
fisheries  and  commerce  of  Labrador,  and  complaining 
that  he  had  been  disturbed  in  the  possession  of  a 
fishing   post  on  that  coast,  and  praying    that    he    be 


confirmed  and  protected  in  its  possession.  Discussion 
on  the  matter  was  postponed  until  Governor  Shuldham, 
Sir  Hugh  Palliser,  and  Noble  and  Pinson  could  be 

After  several  discussions  it  was  finally  decided,  on 
February  19th,  that  actual  residence  and  continual  posses- 
sion were  necessary  for  the  carrying  on  of  the  seal  and 
salmon  fisheries,  and  Cartwright  was  confirmed  in  the 
possession  of  the  fishing  posts  he  had  established  on 
the  Labrador. 

Governor  Shuldham's  proclamation  putting  the  new 
rule  into  effect  has  already  been  given. 

Cartwright's  evidence  was  taken  at  the  same  time 
touching  the  proposed  transfer  of  Labrador  to  Quebec, 
but  we  are  not  informed  of  its  tenour.  It  is  to  be 
presumed  that  he  would  be  strongly  against  the  transfer. 
He  mentions  in  his  journal  that  he  presented  to  the 
Earl  of  Dartmouth  a  plan  for  the  encouragement  of 
trade  on  the  Labrador,  which  was  laid  before  His 
Majesty  in  Council,  and  was  partially  adopted. 

His  intercourse  with  the  Eskimos  did  not  run  alto- 
gether smoothly.  In  August,  177 1,  he  feared  an 
outbreak,  and  believed  that  they  had  been  "  up  to  some 
of  their  old  tricks"  to  the  southward  of  him.  On  several 
occasions  when  individual  Eskimos  misbehaved  them- 
selves, Cartwright  did  not  hesitate  to  inflict  corporal 
punishment.  Once  a  man  stole  a  skein  of  thread. 
Cartwright  immediately  demanded  its  return,  and  when 
the  culprit  brought  it  back  administered  a  few  strokes 
by  way  of  punishment.  The  man  resisted,  when  Cart- 
wright gave  him  a  cross-buttock,  and  pitched  him  with 
great  force  headlong  out  of  the  tent.  A  few  days  after 
this,  Cartwright  became  very  ill  while  he  was  alone  with 
the  Eskimos,  and  one  would  have  expected  them  to 


take  this  opportunity  for  reprisals,  but  they  exhibited 
the  greatest  concern.    He  thus  describes  their  conduct : — 

"  After  it  was  dark  they  gave  me  convincing  proof  of 
their  regard,  (which  I  most  gladly  would  have  excused), 
by  assembling  in  and  about  the  tent  nearest  to  mine, 
and  there  performing  some  superstitious  ceremonies  for 
my  recovery.  As  I  was  not  an  eye-witness  of  their 
rites,  I  can  only  say  that  they  were  accompanied  by 
such  horrid  yells  and  hideous  outcries  as  I  had  never 
heard  before  from  the  mouths  of  the  human  species. 
These  dismal  notes  were  continued  till  daylight ;  add  to 
this  their  dogs  were  continually  fighting  and  tumbling 
into  my  tent." 

The  games  indulged  in  by  the  Eskimos  interested 
Cartwright  very  much,  and  occasioned  him  a  great  deal 
of  amusement.  They  were  very  fond  of  playing  at 
ball,  throwing  it  from  one  to  another,  each  striving 
to  get  it,  but  were  very  poor  catches.  A  species  of 
"  thread  the  needle  "  was  also  often  played,  which  ended 
in  all  rolling  upon  the  ground  in  glorious  confusion. 
Cartwright  taught  them  to  play  several  English  games, 
and  among  them  leap-frog,  which  must  have  been 
inexpressibly  funny. 

By  his  firm  but  fair  dealing,  by  entering  into  their 
sports  and  pastimes,  and  ministering  to  them  when  they 
were  ill  or  in  want,  within  two  years  Cartwright  ob- 
tained a  complete  ascendancy  over  them.  With  the 
intention  of  impressing  upon  them  the  importance  of 
the  English,  of  whom  they  were  frankly  contemptuous, 
thinking  themselves  the  lords  of  creation,  Cartwright 
conceived  the  unfortunate  idea  of  carrying  a  family  of 
them  to  England  with  him.  He  accordingly  selected  two 
of  his  earliest  friends,  Attuiock  and  Tooklavinia,  with 


their  wives  Ickcongoque  and  Caubvick,  and  one  little 
girl,  Ickiuna,  and  sailed  for  England  on  November 
7th.  They  arrived  at  Waterford  on  the  24th  of  that 
month,  where,  he  says,  he  was  teased  to  death  by  the 
whole  population,  and  finally  got  to  London  on  Decem- 
ber 14th,  His  experiences  there  with  the  Eskimo  are 
best  told  by  himself: — 

"  They  were  greatly  astonished  at  the  number  of 
shipping  in  the  river,  for  they  did  not  suppose  that 
there  were  so  many  in  the  whole  world  ;  but  I  was 
exceedingly  disappointed  to  see  them  pass  over  London 
Bridge  without  taking  much  notice  of  it.  I  soon  dis- 
covered that  they  took  it  for  a  natural  rock  which 
extended  across  the  river.  They  laughed  at  me  when  I 
told  them  that  it  was  the  work  of  men,  nor  could  I  make 
them  believe  it  till  we  came  to  Blackfriars  Bridge, 
which  I  caused  them  to  examine  with  more  attention, 
showing  them  the  joints  and  pointing  out  the  marks  of 
the  chisels  upon  the  stones.  They  no  sooner  compre- 
hended by  what  means  such  a  structure  could  be 
erected  than  they  expressed  their  wonder  with  astonish- 
ing significance  of  countenance.  On  landing  at  West- 
minster Bridge  we  are  immediately  surrounded  by  a 
great  concourse  of  people,  attracted  not  only  by  the 
uncommon  appearance  of  the  Indians  who  were  in  their 
seal  skin  dresses,  but  also  by  a  beautiful  eagle  and  an 
Eskimo  dog,  which  had  much  the  resemblance  of  a 
wolf  and  a  remarkable  wildness  of  look. 

"  In  a  few  days  time  I  had  so  many  applications  for 
admittance  to  see  the  new  visitors  that  my  time  was 
wholly  taken  up  in  gratifying  the  curiosity  of  my 
friends  and  their  acquaintances,  and  the  numbers  that 
came  made  my  lodgings  very  inconvenient  to  the 
landlord  as  well  as  to  myself.     I  therefore  resolved  to 


look  out  for  a  house,  and  soon  hired  a  small  one,  ready 
furnished,  for  ten  guineas  a  month  in  Little  Castle 
Street  Being  willing,  as  far  as  lay  in  my  power,  to 
comply  with  the  incessant  applications  of  my  friends 
for  a  sight  of  the  Indians,  and  finding  it  impossible 
either  to  have  any  rest  or  time  to  transact  business,  I 
appropriated  two  days  a  week  for  that  purpose.  On 
those  days  not  only  was  my  house  filled  to  an  incon- 
venience, but  the  whole  street  was  crowded  with 
carriages  and  people,  so  that  my  residence  was  a 
great  nuisance  to  the  neighbourhood. 

"  I  once  took  the  three  men  to  the  Opera  when 
their  Majestys  were  there,  and  we  chanced  to  sit  near 
Mr.  Coleman,  the  manager  of  Covent  Garden  Theatre, 
who  politely  invited  all  the  Indians  and  myself  to  a 
play  at  his  house.  He  fixed  on  Cyvibeline,  and  they 
were  greatly  delighted  with  the  representation.  But 
their  pride  was  most  highly  gratified  at  being  received 
with  thundering  applause  by  the  audience  on  entering 
the  box.  One  afternoon  I  took  Attuiock  with  me  and 
walked  beyond  the  tower,  then  took  boat  and  rowed  up 
the  river  to  Westminster  Bridge,  from  whence  we 
walked  to  Hyde  Park  Corner  and  then  home  again.  I 
was  in  great  expectation  that  he  would  begin  to  relate 
the  wonders  which  he  had  seen,  but  I  found  myself 
greatly  disappointed. 

"  He  immediately  sat  down  by  the  fireside,  placed 
his  hands  on  his  knees,  leaned  his  head  forward,  fixed 
his  eyes  on  the  floor  in  a  stupid  stare,  and  continued  in 
that  position  for  a  considerable  time.  At  length,  tossing 
up  his  head,  he  broke  out, '  Oh,  I  am  tired !  Here  are  too 
many  houses,  too  much  smoke,  too  many  people.  Labra- 
dor is  very  good  ;  seals  are  plentiful  there.  I  wish  I  was 
back  ag-ain.' 


"  Although  they  had  often  passed  St.  Paul's  without 
betraying  any  great  astonishment,  or  at  least  not  so 
much  as  Europeans  do  at  the  first  sight  of  one  of  those 
stupendous  islands  of  ice  which  are  daily  to  be  seen  on 
the  coast  of  their  own  country,  yet  when  I  took  them 
to  the  top  of  it  and  convinced  them  that  it  was  built  by 
the  hands  of  men  (a  circumstance  which  had  not 
entered  into  their  heads  before,  for  they  had  supposed 
it  a  natural  production),  they  were  quite  lost  in  amaze- 
ment. Upon  my  asking  how  they  would  describe  it  to 
their  countrymen  on  their  return,  they  replied  with  a 
look  of  the  utmost  expression,  they  should  neither 
mention  it  nor  many  other  things  they  had  seen,  lest 
they  should  be  called  liars,  from  the  seeming  im- 
probability of  such  astonishing  facts.  Walking  along 
Piccadilly  one  day  with  the  two  men,  I  took  them  into 
a  shop  to  show  them  a  collection  of  animals.  We  had  no 
sooner  entered  than  I  observed  their  attention  riveted 
on  a  small  monkey,  and  I  could  perceive  horror  most 
strongly  depicted  on  their  countenances.  At  length  the 
old  man  turned  to  me  and  faltered  out,  '  Is  that  an 
Eskimo  ? '  On  pointing  out  several  other  monkeys  of 
different  kinds  they  were  greatly  diverted  at  their  mis- 
take which  they  had  made,  but  were  not  well  pleased 
to  observe  that  monkeys  resembled  their  race  much 
more  than  ours.  The  great  surgeon,  Dr.  John  Hunter, 
invited  them  to  dinner  with  him,  and  Attuiock,  stroll- 
ing out  of  the  room,  came  upon  one  of  Dr.  Hunter's 
anatomical  specimens,  a  complete  skeleton  in  a  case. 
He  was  terribly  frightened,  and  came  to  the  conclusion 
that  he  also  was  to  be  killed  and  eaten  and  his  bones 
similarly  preserved,  and  was  with  great  difficulty  re- 

"  Another  day  they  happened  upon  a  review  of  a 


regiment  of  soldiers  by  the  King.  They  immediately 
collected  such  a  crowd  round  them  that  it  attracted  the 
notice  of  His  Majesty,  who  sent  for  them  to  stand  in  a 
place  where  they  would  not  be  crowded,  and  viewed 
them  himself  with  much  curiosity.  He  condescended 
to  salute  them  by  taking  off  his  hat,  accompanied  with 
a  gracious  smile,  at  which  they  were  highly  pleased." 

Cartwright  then  took  them  to  his  father's  country 
residence,  where  they  were  lost  in  amazement  at  the 
sight  of  the  cultivated  land,  grounds,  and  level  fields, 
declaring  that  the  country  was  all  made.  They  had  a 
run  with  the  hounds,  and  were  in  at  the  death,  although 
they  had  only  been  on  horseback  three  or  four  times 

Cartwright  says  that  he  omitted  nothing  that  could 
make  their  stay  pleasant  which  his  pocket  could  afford, 
and  particularly  tried  to  impress  them  with  the  numbers 
and  power  of  the  English,  for  they  had  often  declared  on 
the  Labrador  that  they  could  easily  cut  off  all  the  English 
if  they  chose  to  assemble  themselves  together.  But 
before  they  had  been  long  in  England  they  became 
greatly  chastened,  and  confessed  to  Cartwright  that  the 
Eskimos  were  but  as  one  man  to  the  numbers  of  the 

As  might  have  been  expected,  during  their  visit  in 
London  they  were  visited  by  that  inquisitive  person, 
Mr.  James  Boswell,  as  evidenced  by  the  following  entry 
in  his  immortal  work  : — 

"  Dr.  Johnson  did  not  give  me  half  credit  when  I 
mentioned  that  I  had  carried  on  a  short  conversation 
by  signs  with  some  Eskimo  who  were  then  in  London, 
particularly  with  one  of  them  who  was  a  priest.  He 
thought  I  could  not  make  them  understand  me." 


People  are  generally  indignant  when  their  veracity- 
is  called  into  question,  but  the  faithful  Boswell  turned 
the  insult  into  an  occasion  of  adulation  of  his  hero,  for 
he  adds  : — 

"  No  man  was  more  incredulous  as  to  particular  facts 
which  were  at  all  extraordinary,  and  no  man  was  more 
inquisitive  to  discover  the  truth." 

Cartwright  started  on  his  return  to  Labrador  full  of 
spirits.  The  term  of  his  partnership  with  Perkins  and 
Coughlan  had  expired,  and  by  the  liberality  of  his 
father,  who  had  given  him  ;^2000,  he  was  enabled  to 
embark  "on  his  own  bottom." 

His  brother,  Major  John  Cartwright,  writes  of  him  at 
this  time : — 

"To-morrow  my  brother,  the  Eskimo,  and  myself 
are  to  dine  with  a  select  party  of  the  Royal  Society, 
among  whom  is  to  be  Solander,  We  have  had  him 
frequently.  My  brother  is  in  great  spirits  with  regard 
to  his  Labrador  schemes,  and  at  first  setting  off,  although 
he  has  hitherto  experienced  every  loss  and  disappoint- 
ment that  could  befall  a  man.  He  hath  an  excellent 
heart  and  understanding,  but  early  took  a  turn  which 
has  indeed  been  a  source  of  continual  satisfaction  to 
him,  but  it  has  at  the  same  time  prevented  him  tasting 
the  more  refined  delights  of  society  in  a  superior  degree. 
He  will  therefore  be  happy  in  Labrador." 

Again  : 

"  My  brother  has  succeeded  in  his  wish  with  Lord 
Dartmouth,  and  will  shortly  be  proprietor  of  the  tract 
in  Labrador  he  had  fixed  upon.  Our  Eskimo  friends 
are  greatly  admired,  and  most  so  by  the  most  intelli- 


But,  alas  !  a  dreadful  misfortune  was  to  befall  him  and 
his  humble  friends.  The  vessel  had  hardly  left  the 
Downs  before  Caubvick  was  taken  ill.  On  reaching 
Lymington  and  consulting  a  surgeon  he  pronounced 
her  complaint  small-pox,  which,  says  Cartwright,  "  had 
nearly  the  same  effect  upon  me  as  if  he  had  pronounced 
my  sentence  of  death."  One  after  the  other  the  un- 
fortunate Eskimos  were  taken  with  this  terrible  disease, 
and  all  died  except  Caubvick,  who  slowly  recovered. 

The  sailing  of  the  vessel  was  delayed  for  over  two 
months,  and  he  did  not  finally  get  away  until  July  i6th. 

Caubvick's  hair  had  become  so  matted  with  the 
disease  that  it  had  to  be  cut  off,  but  she  could  not  be 
persuaded  to  part  with  it,  flying  into  a  passion  of  rage 
and  grief  whenever  Cartwright  proposed  it,  which  he 
continually  did,  knowing  the  danger  of  infection — a 
foreboding  which  was  only  too  fully  realized,  for  the 
following  summer  he  has  to  record  that  one  William 
Phippard  came  on  an  Eskimo  encampment  on  an  island 
in  Invuctok  Bay,  where  the  whole  family  had  evidently 
died  of  small-pox.  Cartwright  had  melancholy  proof 
that  this  was  Caubvick's  family  from  a  medal  found  there, 
which  he  recognized  as  having  been  given  to  Caubvick 
by  one  of  his  brothers  when  in  England. 

When  the  vessel  arrived  at  Cape  Charles  all  the 
Eskimos  on  the  southern  coast,  numbering  about  five 
hundred,  hurried  to  greet  their  relations  and  friends.  As 
they  drew  near  the  shore  and  saw  only  Caubvick  with 
Cartwright,  their  joy  was  changed  to  gloomy  silence. 

"  At  length,  with  great  perturbation  and  faltering- 
accents,  they  enquired,  separately,  what  was  become  of 
the  rest,  and  were  no  sooner  given  to  understand  by  a 
silent,  sorrowful  shake  of  my  head  that  they  were  no 
more,  than  they  instantly  set  up  such  a  yell  as  I  never 


before  heard.  Many  of  them  snatched  up  stones  and 
beat  themselves  on  the  face  and  head  till  they  became 
shocking  spectacles.  In  short,  the  violent  frantic  ex- 
pressions of  grief  were  such  that  I  could  not  help 
participating  with  them  so  far  as  to  shed  tears  myself 
most  plentifully.  They  no  sooner  observed  my  emotion 
than,  mistaking  it  for  the  apprehensions  which  I  was 
under  for  fear  of  their  resentment,  they  instantly  seemed 
to  forget  their  own  feelings  to  relieve  those  of  mine. 
They  pressed  around  me,  and  said  and  did  all  in  their 
power  to  convince  me  that  they  did  not  entertain  any 
suspicions  of  my  conduct  towards  their  departed 

Cartwright  returned  to  England  again  in  December 
of  that  year  and  took  with  him  an  Eskimo  boy  of 
twelve  years,  whom  he  intended  to  educate  in  order 
that  he  might  become  the  means  of  fuller  communi- 
cation with  the  savages.  Fearing  that  he  also  might 
take  the  small-pox  he  decided  to  have  him  inoculated, 
but  the  poor  lad  succumbed  to  the  treatment  within 
three  days,  to  Cartwright's  great  grief. 

1774  found  Cartwright  in  partnership  with  Robert 
and  John  Scott,  with  two  vessels,  The  Earl  of  Dartmouth 
and  the  Lady  Tyrconnel,  and  fully  prepared  to  carry  on 
a  much  more  extensive  trade  than  he  had  before  at- 
tempted. The  year  passed  uneventfully,  his  journal 
giving  only  the  steady  slaughter  of  birds  and  beasts  ; 
the  fisheries  were  successful,  and  altogether  it  seems  to 
have  been  the  most  pleasant  and  prosperous  year  spent 
by  him  on  the  Labrador. 

In  the  spring  of  1775  he  decided  to  move  further 
north,  and  built  for  himself  a  comfortable  house  at 
Sandwich  Bay,  which  he  appropriately  named  Caribou 
Castle.     It  was  the  most  northerly  of  all  the  fishing 


stations  at  the  time,  excepting  of  course  the  Moravian 
Missions,  and  was  practically  virgin  country,  having 
been  visited  before  only  by  wandering  bands  of  Eskimo. 
He  was  extremely  pleased  with  his  new  location.  He  says 
the  sea-coast  was  weary  and  desolate  in  the  extreme, 
and  barricaded  with  ice  even  in  July,  but  immediately 
Sandwich  Bay  was  entered  there  was  neither  ice  nor 
snow.  The  waters  of  the  bay  were  covered  with  duck 
and  other  water  birds,  the  hills  were  clothed  with  spruce 
and  birch,  and  the  shore  bordered  with  grass. 

They  took  large  quantities  of  cod  with  the  seine  in 
the  waters  of  the  bay,  and  more  salmon  in  the  rivers 
than  they  had  salt  to  cure.^ 

One  river  which  falls  into  Sandwich  Bay  he  called 
the  White  Bear  River,  from  a  remarkable  adventure 
which  befell  him  there.  Enormous  quantities  of  salmon 
ascended  this  river  every  spring.  Cartwright  says  that 
a  rifle  bullet  could  not  be  fired  into  the  river  without 
killing  some  of  them,  and  the  shores  were  strewn  with 
the  remains  of  thousands  of  salmon  which  had  been 
caught  and  consumed  by  the  polar  bears.  We  have 
already  heard  that  Cabot  also  reported  this  curious  fact 
of  natural  history.  One  spring  Cartwright  went  up  this 
river  during  the  salmon  run  and  came  upon  several 
white  bears  fishing  in  a  pool,  and  shot  a  she  bear  and 
also  its  cub.  The  report  of  his  gun  startled  six  or 
eight  more  bears  out  of  the  woods,  at  which  he  fired  as 
quickly  as  he  was  able  to  load,  but  breaking  his  ramrod 
he  had  to  fly  to  the  woods  until  he  could  get  his  rifle 
loaded  again.    He  then  went  farther  up  the  river,  where 

^  Cartwright  found  on  the  shore  of  Sandwich  Bay  a  pair  of  caribou 
antlers  with  seventy-two  points,  which  was  believed  to  be  the  record  head. 
The  animal  had  apparently  been  killed  in  fight  with  another  stag.  He 
presented  it  to  the  Earl  of  Dartmouth.  This  head  has  recently  been 
traced  by  Mr.  J.  G.  Millais,  who  states  that  it  has  fifty-three  points  only. 


there  was  a  beautiful  little  waterfall  with  a  good  sized 
pool  below  it. 

"  Salmon  innumerable  were  leaping  in  the  air,  and  a 
great  concourse  of  white  bears  were  diving  after  them. 
Others  were  walking  along  shore,  and  others  were  going 
in  and  out  of  the  woods." 

As  he  stood  watching  the  curious  scene  an  old  dog 
bear  came  out  of  the  woods  close  beside  him.  Waiting 
until  the  bear  was  within  five  yards  of  him  he  shot  him 
through  the  head,  but  another  bear  followed  so  closely 
on  the  heels  of  the  first  that  Cartwright  had  to  fiy  until 
he  had  loaded  his  rifle  again.  Returning,  he  fired  and 
again  killed  a  bear.  Unfortunately  he  found  himself 
short  of  ammunition,  a  circumstance  which  had  never 
before  happened  to  him,  so  was  unable  to  avail  himself 
of  the  finest  opportunity  for  sport  that  ever  man  had. 
He  counted  thirty-two  bears  in  sight  at  one  time,  but 
there  were  many  more  through  the  woods.  He  shot  six 
bears  altogether,  but  only  secured  one  skin.  "  So  ended 
in  disappointment  the  finest  sport  I  ever  saw." 

This  was  again  a  very  prosperous  year,  and  his  vessels 
went  home  in  the  fall  loaded  with  fish,  oil,  salmon,  and 
furs.  During  the  summer  he  started  a  garden  and  set 
out  peas,  beans,  radishes,  onions,  cress,  cucumbers,  corn, 
oats,  and  wheat.  An  ambitious  list,  and  it  is  to  be 
feared  many  of  his  vegetables  did  not  come  to  perfec- 

In  the  spring  of  1776,  cod  and  salmon  again  appeared 
in  great  quantities  and  kept  all  hands  at  work. 

In  the  autumn  he  went  home  to  spend  the  winter. 

When  he  started  the  following  spring  for  Labrador 
he  was  obliged  to  sail  in  company  with  a  fleet  of 
vessels  convoyed  by  the  Pegasus  sloop  of  war,  as  the 


war  with  the  American  colonies  had  broken  out,  and  their 
privateers  had  already  made  themselves  feared.  The 
protection  afforded  by  the  Pegasus  seems  to  have  been 
rather  moral  than  actual,  for  no  effort  was  made  to 
keep  the  fleet  together,  and  Cartwright  finally  sailed  off 
by  himself,  his  "  prophetic  soul "  still  greatly  troubled 
with  the  thought  of  American  privateers.  He  arrived 
at  Sandwich  Bay  without  adventure  on  June  20th,  and 
was  informed  that  an  American  privateer  was  cruising 
in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  and  had  taken  one  of 
Pinson's  vessels.  Shortly  after  he  heard  that  the 
privateer  had  taken  H.M.S.  Fox  and  several  bankers. 

The  fishery  that  year  was  even  more  successful  than 
the  previous  year,  and  in  August  cod  were  so  plentiful 
that  his  people  had  not  been  in  bed  for  nearly  a  week 
and  were  nearly  dead  with  fatigue.  But  such  a  pros- 
perous state  of  affairs  was  too  good  to  last.  On  August 
27th  he  writes  : — 

"  At  one  o'clock  this  morning  I  was  aroused  by 
a  loud  knocking  at  my  door,  and  when  I  opened  a 
body  of  armed  men  rushed  in.  They  informed  me  that 
they  belonged  to  the  Minerva  privateer,  of  Boston,  in 
New  England,  commanded  by  John  Grimes,  mounting 
twenty  9-pounders  and  manned  with  160  men,  and 
that  I  was  their  prisoner.  They  then  demanded  my 
keys,  and  took  possession  of  my  vessels  and  all  my 

About  noon  the  Minerva  worked  into  Blackguard 
Bay  and  came  to  anchor  there,  (Cartwright  does  not 
comment  on  the  appropriateness  of  her  anchorage). 
He  went  on  board  and  was  received  civilly  by  Grimes, 
who  told  him  for  his  consolation  that  he  had  a  few 
days   before  taken  three   vessels   belonging   to  Noble 


and  Pinson,  loaded  them  with  fish  and  sent  them  off 
to  Boston.  A  number  of  Noble  and  Pinson's  men 
had  shipped  on  board  the  Mmerva,  and  no  less  than 
thirty-two  of  Cartwright's  men  followed  suit.  The 
Minerva  also  took  away  four  Eskimo  to  be  made  slaves 
of  They  loaded  Cartwright's  vessel,  The  Countess  of 
Effingham,  with  fish  and  sent  her  off  to  Boston.  "  He 
gave  me  a  small  quantity  of  provisions,  returned  my 
boats  and  most  of  their  sails,  and  by  noon  the  ship, 
together  with  my  brig,  went  to  sea.  May  the  devil  go 
with  them ! " 

Cartwright  was  particularly  incensed  at  the  desertion 
of  Captain  Kettle,  (who  seems  to  have  been  of  very 
different  calibre  to  his  modern  namesake  of  fiction),  the 
master  of  the  brig,  and  also  hoped  that  he  would  have 
it  in  his  power  to  reward  the  infamous  behaviour  of  his 
former  servants  who  were  particularly  active  in  dis- 
tressing him.  It  was  a  great  satisfaction  to  him  to  find 
out  afterwards  that  "  that  lying  rascal  Grimes,"  when  he 
arrived  in  Boston,  clapped  Kettle  and  the  rest  of  the 
traitors  into  prison,  having  tempted  them  with  a  promise 
of  a  share  of  the  booty,  but  by  this  means  avoiding 
giving  it  to  them.  Before  Grimes  sailed  he  turned  two 
of  the  deserters  ashore  again,  and  Cartwright  immediately 
gave  them  a  most  severe  beating  with  a  stout  stick. 
The  chronicle  of  this  disastrous  day  closes  with  the 
following  lame  and  impotent  conclusion  :  "  As  soon  as 
they  were  gone,  I  took  up  my  gun,  walked  out  upon  the 
island,  and  shot  a  curlew." 

Cartwright  calculated  that  he  was  robbed  of  ;^  14,000 
worth  of  goods,  which  he  feared  would  prove  his  ruin,  as 
indeed  it  did.  He  was  told  that  this  privateer  had 
plundered  the  merchants  in  Temple  Bay  and  Charles 
Harbour  to  even  a  greater  extent  than  they  did  him. 


His  journal  afterwards  contains  many  bitter  references 
to  privateers.  June  8th,  1779,  was  a  particularly  bad 
day,  and  he  writes  : — 

"  If  any  ships  are  on  this  coast  now,  God  help  them, 
unless  they  are  piratical  privateers  coming  to  plunder 
innocent  people  again  ;  for  such  I  recommend  to  their 
friend  the  devil," 

But  he  had  a  pleasant  surprise  a  month  later,  when 
his  vessel  The  Countess  of  Effingharji  put  in  an  appear- 
ance with  all  his  salt  and  most  of  the  goods  the  priva- 
teer had  taken  away.  She  had  been  retaken  on  the 
passage  to  Boston  by  five  of  the  crew,  who  took  her 
across  to  Dartmouth  and  delivered  her  to  Cartwright's 

Another  American  privateer  visited  the  coast  about 
1779  and  committed  many  depredations,  especially  at 
Twillingate  and  Battle  Harbour,  so  that  the  settlers 
north  of  Trinity  Bay  were  actually  in  the  utmost 
distress  for  want  of  provisions.  But  the  Americans 
were  not  always  successful  in  their  raids,  for  at  White 
Bay,  Mr.  Tory's  people  drove  her  off  with  the  loss  of  a 
considerable  number  of  the  crew. 

This  news  kept  him  in  a  continual  state  of  nerves, 
and  every  strange  vessel  afterwards  was  thought  to 
be  a  privateer.  In  August  one  of  his  hands  came 
running  to  him  exclaiming  "  that  he  was  taken  again," 
but  it  proved  to  be  H.M.S.  Martett,  Captain  Durell, 
who  had  come  to  patrol  the  coast.  The  alarm,  how- 
ever, put  his  spirits  in  such  a  state  that  he  could  not 
sleep.  Captain  Durell  gave  him  three  cases  of  small 
arms  and  plenty  of  ammunition  in  case  he  was  again 
attacked.  He  served  out  the  arms  and  ammunition, 
and  offered  ten  guineas  reward  to  any  of  his  people 


who  first  gave  notice  of  the  enemy's  approach.  But 
he  had  yet  to  suffer  at  their  hands :  two  years  later 
a  new  vessel,  with  his  whole  collection  of  fish,  oil,  and 
furs  being  taken  on  the  voyage  to  England,  thus  com- 
pleting his  financial  ruin.  Cartwright  was  a  guileless 
man,  and  generous  to  a  fault.  He  once  heard  that 
one  of  his  salmon  posts  had  been  taken  possession 
of  by  a  man  called  Baskem,  and  went  immediately 
to  turn  him  out,  but  finding  the  man,  his  wife,  and 
children  in  a  wretched  condition  of  poverty,  he  made 
him  a  deed  of  gift  of  the  house  and  all  his  rights  to  the 
post.  He  was  continually  being  imposed  upon  by  his 
principal  rivals,  Noble  and  Pinson.  Once  he  lent  them 
some  provisions  when  they  ran  short,  but  when  his  own 
supply  was  late  in  arriving  and  he  had  to  go  to  them 
to  get  back  what  he  had  lent,  they  made  him  pay 
through  the  nose  for  it.  Another  man,  Forsythe, 
borrowed  a  lot  of  salt  from  him  on  the  pretence  that 
he  had  plenty  at  another  point  near,  and  would  return 
it  immediately,  but  it  turned  out  that  he  had  not  a 
grain  on  the  coast,  and  Cartwright  again  lost  heavily 
through  his  guilelessness. 

When  he  got  to  England  in  1779,  his  affairs  were 
in  such  a  bad  way,  owing  to  the  losses  he  had  sustained 
at  the  hands  of  the  American  privateers,  that  he  had 
to  call  a  meeting  of  his  creditors  and  ask  for  time, 
when  he  hoped  to  pay  them  in  full.  But  one  mis- 
fortune after  another  fell  upon  him.  His  vessel,  the 
Countess  of  Effi^tgham^  was  lost ;  then  a  new  vessel, 
which  he  bought,  was  badly  damaged  in  a  terrific  gale, 
and  had  to  jettison  her  cargo,  which  was  without 
insurance,  and  finally,  as  we  have  heard,  was  taken 
by  the  enemy.  In  1783  he  was  thus  deeper  in  debt 
than    before,  but   his  hopes  were    revived    by  hearing 


that  a  vein  of  ore  had  been  discovered  on  his  property  ; 
so  he  determined  to  return  again  to  Labrador  and 
take  with  him  an  experienced  miner,  not  in  the  least 
doubting  that  he  would  soon  be  out  of  debt,  and 
indeed,  in  affluent  circumstances.  But  on  reaching 
Cartwright  Harbour  he  was  much  mortified  to  find 
that  his  people  had  collected  very  little  fur  during  the 
winter,  had  had  a  poor  salmon  fishery,  and  the  ore, 
from  which  he  had  hoped  so  much,  proved  to  be 
without  use  or  value. 

He  then  saw  that  he  was  irretrievably  ruined,  but 
worked  on,  and  had  a  fairly  successful  summer's  fish- 
ing. Fate,  however,  had  not  yet  done  with  him,  for 
again  the  vessel  with  his  fish  was  lost  without  insurance. 
But  he  did  not  yet  despair,  and  when  he  met  his 
creditors  in  England  told  them  that  he  felt  confident 
he  could  retrieve  his  fortune  if  allowed  five  years  in 
which  to  do  so,  seeing  that  the  war  was  over  and  he 
had  nothing  to  fear  from  privateers. 

So  in  April,  1785,  he  started  for  the  last  time  for 
Labrador,  feeling  that  he  could  not  look  upon  himself 
as  an  honest  man  unless  he  did  all  in  his  power  to  pay 
up  "  the  last  deficient  penny  "  he  owed.  His  plan  was 
to  take  few  servants,  and  employ  them  and  himself 
in  trapping  during  the  winter  and  trading  with  the 
Eskimos  in  summer.  The  Under  Secretary  of  State, 
Mr.  Nepean,  persuaded  him  to  take  out  some  convicts 
who  were  under  sentence  of  transportation,  and  he 
accordingly  went  to  Newgate  and  selected  four  young 
men.  But  they  proved  a  troublesome  lot,  and  of  little 
use  to  him.  He  went  out  in  a  vessel  to  Trinity,  and 
there  hired  a  shallop  to  take  him  to  Labrador.  On  the 
French  shore,  where  the  rights  of  the  French  had 
recently  been  confirmed  by  treaty,  he  was  told  that  the 


commanders  of  English  men-of-war  had  orders  to  turn 
all  the  English  settlers  out  of  the  French  district. 

In  July,  1786,  he  received  a  letter  from  Noble  and 
Pinson,  who  had  become  one  of  his  principal  creditors, 
"  the  whole  contents  of  which  are  infamous  falsities 
calculated  to  pick  a  quarrel  in  hopes  of  taking  an  unfair 
advantage  of  our  situation."  They  accused  him  and 
his  partner  Mr.  Collingham  of  embezzling  part  of  their 
late  estate,  and  had  seized  the  consignment  of  fish 
which  had  been  sent  over  at  the  end  of  1785.  Cart- 
wright  immediately  determined  to  start  for  England  to 
confute  their  villainies  and  recover  his  property.  On 
his  arrival  in  London,  he  applied  to  his  trustees  and 
agents  for  the  restitution  of  the  property  which  had 
been  seized ;  this  they  refused  to  do,  and  he  had  con- 
sequently to  enter  an  action  at  law  against  them.  After 
many  delays  the  case  came  up  for  trial ;  the  great 
Erskine,  who  was  counsel  for  the  other  side,  was  finally 
obliged  to  admit  that  he  had  not  a  word  to  say  in 
defence  of  his  client,  and  judgment  was  given  in  Cart- 
wright's  favour  with  all  costs. 

This  last  trying  experience  caused  him  to  determine 
never  to  return  to  Labrador,  where  he  had  experienced 
such  hardships,  disappointments,  and  wrongs.  But  he 
still  retained  an  interest  in  the  business.  In  his  evidence 
before  the  Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  in 
1793  he  stated  that  his  business  on  the  Labrador  had 
been  very  flourishing,  having  cleared  over  100  per  cent, 
for  the  past  three  years. 

He  obtained  an  appointment  as  Barrack  Master  at 
Nottingham,  a  position  which  he  filled  with  distinction 
and  popularity  until  he  retired  in  18 17. 

It  is  recorded  that  once  when  political  feeling  was 
running   very  high   at    Nottingham,  and    the    Radical 


populace  had  charge  of  the  streets,  he  alone,  although 
known  to  be  a  violent  Tory,  dared  to  show  his  face. 

He  died  two  years  after  his  retirement,  at  the  age 
of  eighty-one,  full  of  energy  to  the  last,  his  mind  being 
occupied  on  his  death-bed  with  proposals  to  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company  to  establish  hunting  and  trading  posts  on 
the  Labrador.  He  is  described  as  a  handsome  man  of 
Herculean  frame,  with  great  dignity  of  carriage,  courtly 
manners,  and  agreeable  conversation. 



SIR  HUGH  PALLISER,  in  his  "Order  for  Estab- 
lishing Communication  with  the  Eskimos,"  says, 
referring  to  the  Moravian  Brethren  : — "  I  have  invited 
Interpreters  and  Missionaries  to  go  amongst  them  to 
instruct  them,  etc." 

This  was  somewhat  disingenuous  on  the  part  of  Sir 
Hugh,  for  the  initiative  undoubtedly  came  from  the 
Moravians  themselves,  although  when  they  made  the 
proposition  to  him,  he  immediately  encouraged  and 
helped  them  to  the  utmost  of  his  power. 

This  was  not  the  first  attempt  of  these  pious  men 
to  introduce  Christianity  among  the  heathen  Eskimos 
on  the  Labrador.  Fifteen  years  before  Palliser's  time, 
John  Christian  Erhardt,  one  of  the  Brethren,  proposed 
that  he  should  go  to  Labrador  and  establish  a  Mission 
there,  such  as  was  already  successful  in  Greenland. 
He  was  a  sailor  by  profession,  perhaps  of  the  rank  of 
boatswain  or  second  mate,  and  had  been  on  a  Dutch 
whaler  fishing  in  Greenland  waters,  where  he  had  many 
opportunities  of  seeing  the  great  work  which  had  been 
accomplished  by  the  Brethren.  He  wrote  a  touch- 
ing letter  to  Bishop  Johannes  de  Watteville  in  1750, 
begging  that  he  be  allowed  to  undertake  the  work. 
"  Now,  dear  Johannes,"  he  said,  "  thou  knowest  that  I 
am  an  old  Greenland  traveller.    I  have  also  an  amazing 



affection  for  these  countries,  Indians  and  other  bar- 
barians, and  it  would  be  a  source  of  the  greatest  joy 
if  the  Saviour  would  discover  to  me  that  He  has  chosen 
me  and  would  make  me  fit  for  this  service." 

But  Count  Zinzendorf,  the  head  of  the  Brethren  in 
London,  hesitated  to  undertake  this  new  field  of  Mission 
work.  At  length,  in  1752,  the  London  firm  of  Nisbet, 
Grace,  and  Bell  determined  to  fit  out  a  vessel  for  a 
trading  expedition  to  Labrador,  and  engaged  Erhardt 
to  go  as  interpreter  and  supercargo.  Apparently  these 
.  merchants  were  desirous  also  that  a  settlement  should 
be  made  there,  and  at  their  instigation  four  Moravian 
Brethren,  Golkowsky,  Kunz,  Post,  and  Krumm,  signified 
their  willingness  to  accompany  the  expedition  and  to 
remain  in  the  country. 

The  vessel,  which  bore  the  appropriate  name  of  Hope, 
arrived  on  the  southern  coast  of  Labrador  on  July  nth, 
1752.  Proceeding  northwards  they  first  met  the  Eski- 
mos on  the  29th,  and  on  the  31st  arrived  at  a  beautiful 
harbour  in  lat.  55.10,  which  they  called  Nisbett's  Har- 
bour, and  is  now  known  as  Ford's  Bight.  This  they 
thought  to  be  a  suitable  place  for  the  settlement ;  so 
landing,  they  took  possession  of  the  land  in  the  name 
of  King  George  HI,  carving  his  name  upon  a  tree. 

The  Eskimos  exhibited  the  greatest  pleasure  at  meet- 
ing a  white  man  who  could  speak  their  language,  and 
Erhardt  carried  on  a  brisk  barter  trade  with  them  in 
the  most  amicable  manner.  All  during  the  month  of 
August  the  missionaries,  assisted  by  the  ship's  com- 
pany, laboured  at  getting  their  house  finished  and  all 
preparations  made  for  the  winter.  It  was  a  matter  of 
the  greatest  regret  that  none  of  them  could  speak  the 
Eskimo  language  except  Erhardt,  and  he  was  not  very 
proficient    Finally,  on  September  5th,  everything  being 


ready,  the  Hope  left  the  harbour  to  seek  further  oppor- 
tunities for  trade.  Ten  days  later  she  again  appeared 
with  the  dreadful  news  that  Erhardt,  the  captain,  and 
five  of  the  crew  had  left  the  ship  in  a  boat  on  the  13th 
to  trade  with  a  tribe  of  Eskimos  whom  they  had  en- 
countered, and  had  not  been  seen  again.  The  mate, 
Goff,  waited  for  two  days  for  them  in  the  greatest 
suspense,  but  having  no  other  boat  or  a  crew  to  man 
it,  he  decided  to  return  to  Nisbett's  Harbour  to  get  the 
assistance  of  the  four  missionaries  and  the  boat  which 
had  been  left  for  their  use.  The  scene  of  the  tragedy 
appears  to  have  been  quite  near  to  Nisbett's  Harbour. 
But  very  stormy  weather  came  on,  and  after  vainly 
attempting  to  reach  the  place  in  their  boat,  they  sorrow- 
fully decided  that  there  was  no  hope  of  rescuing  their 
companions,  and  consequently  abandoned  the  station, 
sailing  on  September  20th  for  St.  John's. 

What  happened  to  Erhardt  and  the  boat's  crew  must 
for  ever  remain  a  mystery.  It  has  always  been  conclu- 
ded that  they  fell  victims  to  the  cupidity  and  treachery 
of  the  Eskimos  at  the  time  v/hen  they  left  the  ship.  But 
this  is  by  no  means  certain.  For  in  the  following  year 
the  American  whaler  Argo,  Captain  Swaine,  visited  the 
place  and  found  the  house  still  standing,  and  the  remains 
of  the  seven  murdered  men,  which  they  buried.  It  thus 
appears  that  they  had  been  accidentally  delayed  or 
perhaps  detained  by  the  Eskimos  at  the  place  where 
they  left  the  ship,  and  later,  finding  the  ship  gone,  made 
their  way  back  to  the  house.  Here  they  were  after- 
wards murdered.  Jens  Haven  records  later  that  one  of 
the  murderers  was  pointed  out  to  him,  and  Christian 
Drachardt  tells  that  the  graves  where  the  whalers  had 
buried  the  remains  had  been  shown  to  him.^ 

^  In  the  report  of  the  Argo's  voyage,  published  in  the  Pennsylvania 
Gazette,  November  17,  1753,  and  in  Captain  Swaine's  log,  no  mention  is 
made  of  finding  or  burying  the  remains  of  the  murdered  men. 


The  seed  of  their  great  purpose  was  sown,  however, 
and  at  once  another  of  the  brethren  quietly  and  un- 
ostentatiously devoted  himself  to  the  work  of  converting 
the  Eskimos  on  Labrador.  Jens  Haven,  a  carpenter 
by  trade,  ignorant  of  both  the  English  and  Eskimo 
languages,  and  unaccustomed  to  a  seafaring  life, 
decided  within  himself  that  it  was  for  him  to  take 
up  the  work,  and  at  once  began  the  study  of  all  the 
books  he  could  get  relating  to  the  country  and  its 

In  1758  he  went  to  Greenland  and  laboured  in  the 
missions  there,  learning  the  language  and  training  him- 
self for  the  purpose  he  had  in  view.  Returning  in  1762 
to  Herrnhut,  the  home  of  the  Moravian  Church  in  Ger- 
many, he  declared  his  intention  of  going  to  Labrador. 
After  much  discussion  he  obtained  permission  to  make 
the  attempt,  and,  alone  and  unassisted,  set  out  for 
London  bent  upon  carrying  out  his  design.  Through  the 
intervention  of  friends  there  he  obtained  an  introduction 
to  Commodore  Palliser,  who  had  just  received  his  ap- 
pointment as  Governor  of  Newfoundland.  His  pro- 
posals met  with  Sir  Hugh's  hearty  sympathy,  and  all 
necessary  assistance  was  at  once  accorded  him.  He 
made  his  way  to  St.  John's,  Newfoundland,  and  there 
waited  for  the  arrival  of  Sir  Hugh,  who  at  once  issued 
the  following  proclamation  : — 

"  Hitherto  the  Eskimoux  have  been  considered  in  no 
other  light  than  as  thieves  and  murderers,  but  as  Mr. 
Haven  has  formed  his  laudable  plan,  not  only  of  uniting 
these  people  with  the  English  nation,  but  of  instructing 
them  in  the  Christian  religion,  I  require,  by  virtue  of  the 
powers  delegated  to  me,  that  all  men,  whomsoever  it 
may  concern,  lend  him  all  the  assistance  in  their 
power,"  etc. 


He  also  furnished  him  with  the  following  compre- 
hensive Indian  passport  to  be  dispersed  among  the 
Eskimos  : — 

Indian  Passport  fo?^  those  inhabiting  the  Coast  of  Labra- 
dor, to  bring  a  friendly  intercourse  between  His  M. 
subjects  and  them,  and  to  be  distributed  amongst  them 
by  fans  Haveti,  a  Moravia?z. 

Etc.,  Etc. 

Whereas  many  and  great  advantages  would  arise  to  His 
Majesty's  Trading  subjects,  if  a  friendly  intercourse  could  be 
established  with  the  Esquimaux  Indians,  inhabiting  the  Coast 
of  Labrador,  and  as  all  attempts  hitherto  made  for  that 
purpose  have  proved  ineifectual,  owing  in  great  measure  to 
the  imprudent,  treacherous,  or  cruel  conduct  of  some  people 
who  have  resorted  to  that  coast,  by  plundering  and  killing 
several  of  them,  from  which  they  have  entertained  an  opinion 
of  our  Dispositions  and  Intentions  being  the  same  with 
respect  to  them  as  their's  are  towards  us,  that  is  to  circumvent 
and  kill  them.  And  whereas  such  wicked  practices  are  most 
contrary  to  His  Majesty's  sentiments  of  humanity,  to  his 
desire  of  conciliating  their  affections,  and  his  endeavours  to 
induce  them  to  trade  with  his  subjects.  In  conformity  to 
these,  His  Majesty's  sentiments,  I  hereby  strictly  forbid  such 
wicked  practices  for  the  future,  and  declare  that  all  such  as 
are  found  offending  herein  shall  be  punished  with  the  utmost 
severity  of  the  law. 

And  whereas  I  have  taken  measures  for  bringing  about  a 
friendly  communication  between  the  said  Indians  and  His 
Majesty's  subjects,  and  for  removing  those  prejudices  that 
have  hitherto  proved  obstacles  to  it,  I  hereby  strictly  enjoin 
and  require  all  His  Majesty's  subjects  who  meet  with  any  of 
the  said  Indians  to  treat  them  in  the  most  civil  and  friendly 
manner  and  in  all  their  bearings  with  them  to  act  with  the 


utmost  probity  and  good  faith  particularly  with  such  of  them 
as  may  produce  this  Certificate  of  their  having  entered  into 
treaty  with  me,  and  that  I  have  in  His  Majesty's  name  assured 
them  that  they  may  by  virtue  thereof  safely  trade  with  His 
Majesty's  subjects  without  danger  of  being  hurt  or  ill-treated, 
and  I  hereby  require  and  enjoin  all  His  Majesty's  subjects  to 
conform  and  pay  the  strictest  regard  thereto,  at  the  same  time 
recommending  it  to  both  parties  to  act  with  proper  caution 
for  their  own  security  till  by  frequent  communication  a  perfect 
confidence  may  be  established  between  them. 

Given  under  my  Hand,  St.  John's,  ist  July,  1764. 

H.  P. 

To  Mr.  Jens  Haven  to  be  dispersed  amongst  the  Indians 

on  the  Coast  of  Labrador. 

By  Command  of  His  Excellency, 
(Signed)  Jno.  Horsenaill. 

This  laudable  design  of  Sir  Hugh,  however,  failed  of 
its  purpose ;  for,  when  Haven  met  the  Eskimos  and,  after 
reading  the  passport,  presented  it  to  them,  "  they  shrunk 
back  terrified,  and  would  not  be  persuaded  to  touch  it, 
for  they  supposed  it  to  be  a  living  creature,  having  seen 
me  speak  words  from  it."  This,  however,  anticipates 
somewhat.  Haven  found  it  quite  difficult  to  make  his 
way  from  St.  John's  to  Labrador.  The  English  mer- 
chants interested  in  the  Newfoundland  trade  had  just 
extended  their  operations  to  that  coast,  and  communi- 
cations were  infrequent. 

From  Jens  Haven's  Jo7irnal,  which  he  gave  to  Sir 
Hugh  Palliser,  and  which  is  preserved  at  the  Record 
Office,  we  learn  that  he  went  north  with  three  shallops, 
which  were  going  to  Labrador  to  fish,  and  arrived  at 
Carpunt  on  August  17th.  Here  they  were  joined  by  four 
shallops,  which  had  just  come  from  Labrador,  and 
reported  that  a  great  number  of  Eskimos  had  been  at 
York  Harbour,  and  had  driven  away  the  English  by 


their  usual  tactics  of  a  sudden  surprise  and  unearthly- 

The  fleet  of  fishing  boats  being  increased  to  ten,  Jens 
Haven  persuaded  them  to  set  out  again  for  the  Labrador 
coast,  but  their  hearts  failed  them  on  the  way  across, 
and  they  scampered  back  to  Carpunt. 

Haven  then  went  on  board  Capt.  Cook's  vessel,  and 
was  kindly  received  by  the  great  navigator,  who  was 
then  engaged  in  surveying  the  northern  parts  of  New- 
foundland and  Labrador,  Cook  arranged  for  him  to  be 
taken  to  Labrador  by  an  Irish  vessel  fishing  at  St. 
Julian's,  and  he  finally  landed  at  the  much-desired  bourne 
on  August  24th.  But  the  Eskimos  had  left  Chateau  Bay, 
and  he  was  taken  back  to  Carpunt,  greatly  disappointed. 

Here  he  found  a  Capt.  Thompson  and  Capt.  Nicholas 
Darby,  and  learned  that  the  Eskimos  had  been  there  in 
his  absence.  But  a  few  days  afterward  they  returned, 
seeking  to  trade  with  a  French  captain  whom  they  had 
been  in  the  habit  of  meeting  there.  The  encounter  is 
best  described  in  Haven's  own  words  : — 

"September  4th,  1764,  was  the  joyful  day  I  had  so 
long  wished  for,  when  one  Eskimaux  came  into  the 
harbour  to  see  if  Captain  Galliot  was  there.  While  I  was 
preparing  to  go  to  him  he  had  turned,  and  was  departing 
to  return  to  his  countrymen,  who  lay  in  the  mouth  of  the 
harbour,  with  the  intelligence  that  the  Captain  had 
sailed.  I  called  out  to  him  in  Greenlandish  that  he 
should  come  to  me,  that  I  had  words  to  say  to  him,  and 
that  I  was  his  good  friend.  He  was  astonished  at  my 
speech,  and  answered  in  broken  French ;  but  I  begged 
him  to  speak  in  his  own  language,  which  I  understood, 
and  to  bring  his  countrymen,  as  I  wished  to  speak  to 
them  also ;  on  which  he  went  to  them,  and  cried  with  a 
loud  voice  '  Our  friend  is  come.' 


"  I  had  hardly  put  on  my  Greenland  clothes  when  five 
of  them  arrived  in  their  own  boats.  I  went  to  meet 
them,  and  said,  '  I  have  long  desired  to  see  you  ! '  They 
replied,  '  Here  is  an  innuit ! '  I  answered,  '  I  am  your 
countryman  and  friend  ! '  They  rejoined,  '  Thou  art 
indeed  our  countryman.'  The  joy  on  both  sides  was 
very  great,  and  we  continued  in  conversation  for  a  con- 
siderable time,  when  at  last  they  invited  me  to 
accompany  them  to  an  island  about  an  hour's  row  from 
the  shore,  where  I  should  find  their  wives  and  children, 
who  would  give  me  a  cordial  welcome,  I  well  knew 
that  in  doing  this  I  put  myself  entirely  in  their  power ; 
but  conceiving  it  to  be  of  essential  service  to  our 
Saviour's  cause  that  I  should  venture  my  life  among 
them,  and  endeavour  to  become  better  acquainted  with 
their  nature,  I  turned  simply  to  Him  and  said,  '  I  will  go 
with  them  in  Thy  name.  If  they  kill  me,  my  work  on 
earth  is  done,  and  I  shall  live  with  Thee ;  but  if  they 
spare  my  life,  I  will  firmly  believe  that  it  is  Thy  will  that 
they  should  hear  and  believe  the  Gospel.' 

"  The  pilot  and  a  sailor,  who  put  me  ashore,  remained 
in  the  boat,  and  pushed  off  a  little  way  from  the  land 
to  see  what  would  become  of  me.  I  was  immediately 
surrounded,  and  everyone  seemed  anxious  to  show  me 
his  family.  I  gave  every  boy  two  fish-hooks,  and  every 
woman  two  or  three  sewing  needles ;  and  after  con- 
versing about  two  hours,  left  them,  with  a  promise  of 
being  soon  with  them  again.  In  the  afternoon  I  re- 
turned with  the  pilot,  who  wished  to  trade  with  them. 
I  begged  them  to  remain  in  this  place  during  the  night, 
but  not  to  steal  anything  from  our  people,  and  showed 
the  danger  of  doing  this.  They  said,  '  The  Europeans 
steal  also.'  I  answered, '  If  they  do  so,  let  me  know,  and 
they  shall  be  punished.'     I  seized  every  opportunity  to 


say  something  about  the  Saviour,  to  which  they  listened 
with  great  attention.  I  then  invited  them  to  visit  me 
next  morning,  and  took  leave. 

"  Next  morning,  accordingly,  eighteen  Esquimaux 
came  in  their  boats.  I  went  out  to  sea  to  meet  them, 
and  as  the  French  Captain  was  frightened  at  the  sight 
of  such  a  crowd,  I  only  allowed  six  of  them  to  come 
ashore  with  me,  and  directed  the  others  to  land  some- 
where else I  then  got  into  a  boat  and  went 

with  them  again  to  their  families,  who  received  me  as 
before,  with  the  greatest  show  of  kindness.  In  the 
evening  three  French  and  one  English  boat  arrived 
full  of  Esquimaux.  The  men  came  immediately  to  see 
me,  and  requested  I  would  visit  them  in  their  tents.  I 
read  to  them  a  letter  written  by  the  missionary  John 
Beck,  in  the  name  of  the  Greenlanders,  and  as  I  spoke 
to  them  of  the  Saviour's  death  they  appeared  struck 
with  terror — supposing  that  they  were  being  upbraided 
for  some  of  their  former  murders.  On  which  I  showed 
them  that  he  was  a  great  friend  to  mankind — but  they 
had  no  understanding  of  spiritual  things. 

"  To  my  astonishment  I  spoke  to  them  with  much 
more  ease  than  I  supposed  I  could  have  done,  and  they 
expressed  great  affection  for  me,  insisting  always  upon 
my  being  present  at  all  their  trading  transactions  with 
the  sailors,  to  adjust  matters  between  them,  '  for,'  said 
they,  'you  are  our  friend !'  When  retiring,  they  entreated 
me  to  come  again  and  bring  my  brethren  with  me." 

Sir  Hugh  Palliser  was  greatly  pleased  with  this 
successful  beginning  to  the  good  work.  He  sent  Haven 
to  England  in  the  Lark  frigate,  and  gave  him  a  letter 
of  introduction  to  the  Board  of  Trade,  setting  forth  the 
importance  of  the  work  thus  begun,  and  asking  for  their 
influence  and  assistance.     This  was  readily  granted,  and 


the  next  year  Haven,  accompanied  by  three  of  the 
Moravian  Brethren — Christian  Drachardt,  John  Hill, 
and  Andrew  Schlozer — were  sent  out  in  a  man-of-war 
to  Newfoundland.  Here  they  were  fortified  again  by  a 
Proclamation,  reading  as  follows  : — 

Procla,ina,tion  of  Governor  in   Referetice  to  Moravians, 


Whereas  the  Society  of  the  Unitas  Fratrura,  under  the 
protection  of  His  Majesty  have,  from  a  pious  zeal  for  pro- 
moting the  knowledge  of  a  true  God  and  of  the  religion 
of  our  Beloved  Lord  the  Saviour,  Jesus  Christ,  amongst  the 
Heathens,  formed  a  resolution  of  establishing  a  mission  of 
their  brothers  upon  the  Coast  of  Labrador ;  for  that  purpose 
v»'e  have  appointed  John  Hill,  Christian  Drachart,  Jens  Haven 
and  Christian  Schlozer  to  effect  this  pious  purpose ;  and 
whereas  the  Lords  Commissioners  of  the  Admiralty  and  the 
Lords  Commissioners  of  Trade  and  Plantations  have  signified 
to  me  their  entire  approbation  of  an  undertaking  so  commend- 
able in  itself  and  that  promises  so  great  benefit  to  the  publick  ; 
These  are,  therefore,  to  certify  all  persons  whom  it  may 
concern  that  the  said  John  Hill,  Christian  Drachart,  Jens 
Haven,  and  Christopher  Schlozer,  are  under  His  Majesty's 
protection  and  all  Officers  Civil  and  Military,  and  all  others 
His  Majesty's  subjects  within  my  Government,  are  hereby 
strictly  charged  and  required  not  to  give  any  interruption  or 
hindrance  to  the  said  John  Hill,  Christian  Drachart,  Jens 
Haven  and  Christian  Schlozer,  but  to  afford  them  every  aid 
and  friendly  assistance  for  the  success  of  their  pious  under- 
taking for  the  benefit  of  mankind  in  general  and  of  His 
Majesty's  subjects  in  particular. 

Given  under  my  hand  and  seal,  30th  April,  1765. 

Hugh   Palliser. 
By  Command  of  His  Excellency, 
John  Horsnaill. 


They  were  sent  to  Chateau  in  H.M.S.  Niger  under 
the  command  of  Sir  Thomas  Adams,  where  they 
arrived  on  July  17th.  They  then  separated,  Haven 
and  Schlozer  going  north  in  H.M.  sloop  Hope  to  look 
for  the  Eskimos,  while  Drachart  and  Hill  remained 
with  the  Niger,  The  former  were  very  unfortunate 
and  did  not  meet  any  of  the  savages,  as  it  proved 
to  be  customary  for  them  to  travel  south  at  that 
season  of  the  year  on  trading  or  marauding  expedi- 

Drachardt  and  Hill  were  therefore  more  successful, 
and  very  soon  hundreds  of  Eskimos  appeared  in  the 
harbour.  When  the  first  kayaks  approached  the  ship, 
they  uttered  the  French  words,  "  Tous  cammarades,  oui, 
hee ! "  to  which  Drachardt  replied  in  Greenlandish, 
using  the  common  form  of  salutation,  "  We  are  friends  "  ; 
they  at  once  responded  with  the  counterpart,  "  We  are 
also  thy  friends."  Some  of  them  had  met  Haven  in 
the  previous  year  and  inquired  affectionately  for  him, 
and  all  were  delighted  to  find  other  white  men  who 
could  speak  their  language.  With  reassuring  speeches 
they  invited  Drachardt  to  visit  their  camp,  to  which  he 
at  once  agreed. 

There,  surrounded  by  over  three  hundred  savages, 
he  began  to  converse  with  them  in  their  own  language. 
He  told  them  he  had  come  from  the  Karalit  in  the 
Far  East,  of  whom  they  had  no  knowledge,  but  who 
knew  of  them,  and  that  those  distant  Karalits  were 
very  anxious  that  they  should  hear  the  very  important 
news  he  had  for  them. 

He  then  began  to  tell  of  the  Saviour  and  Creator  of 
the  world.  Never  had  the  great  story  been  told  to 
more  unpromJsing  listeners,  and  their  comments  and 
questions    showed    how   little   prepared    they   were   to 


understand  what  was  said  to  them.  But  their  friendH- 
ness  and  pleasure  were  unmistakable. 

Very  shortly  Sir  Hugh  Palliser  arrived  at  Chateau 
in  the  Guernsey^  and  through  the  agency  of  the 
Brethren  made  that  peace  with  the  Eskimos  which 
has  been  referred  to  in  a  previous  chapter. 

Altogether,  their  intercourse  was  most  successful? 
and  when  at  the  end  of  the  season  the  Brethren  took 
leave  of  their  new  friends,  they  were  entreated  to  come 
again,  which  they  readily  promised  to  do. 

Unfortunately,  several  years  were  to  elapse  before 
their  promise  could  be  fulfilled,  and  in  the  interval 
several  ruptures  took  place  between  the  white  fisher- 
men and  the  Eskimos.  Two  of  these  frays  have  been 
already  noted — that  of  the  American  whalers  com- 
plained of  by  Palliser,  and  the  other  at  Darby's  whaling 
station  at  Cape  Charles. 

The  cause  of  the  delay  was  the  difficulty  the 
Moravians  had  in  obtaining  a  grant  of  land  and  other 
privileges,  which  they  deemed  absolutely  necessary  for 
the  successful  conduct  of  their  mission.  They  asked 
for  100,000  acres  of  land  for  each  settlement  they 
should  make  on  the  Labrador. 

This  seemed  to  have  aroused  the  suspicions  of  the 
Board  of  Trade,  and  even  Palliser  demurred.  His  pet 
scheme  was  that  the  Labrador  coast  should  be  kept 
strictly  for  the  ship  fishery  from  Great  Britain,  and 
grants  of  land  were  to  be  rigidly  refused.  He  wanted 
sailors  for  the  Navy,  not  settlers.  But  the  Moravians 
were  firm.  With  remarkable  prescience  they  pointed 
out  that  it  was  absolutely  necessary  that  they  should 
be  able  to  protect  their  flock  from  the  contaminating 
influence  of  chance  traders.  Mr.  James  Hutton,  the 
secretary  of  the    London    Society,   declared    "that    it 


would  be  better  to  leave  them  ignorant  of  the  Gospel 
than  that  by  means  of  spirituous  liquors,  quarrels,  brutal 
lusts,  or  bad  neighbourhood,  they  should  draw  back 
from  the  Gospel.  The  only  way  to  prevent  quarrelling 
and  violence  would  be  to  grant  us  absolute  property  in 
the  land,  upon  which  none  should  be  allowed  to  stay 
except  on  good  behaviour." 

Palliser  and  Hutton  had  a  hot  argument  on  the 
subject,  "  yet  mixed  with  much  cordiality  and  affection, 
Palliser's  hand  on  Hutton's  and  Hutton's  hand  on 
Palliser's  shoulder — shot  for  shot,  friendly  and  warm, 
and  without  the  least  air  of  reserve." 

Finally,  on  May  3rd,  1769,  the  Moravian  Brethren 
obtained  their  grant  on  their  own  terms.  By  its  means 
their  Missionaries,  through  many  years  of  patient 
labour,  unnoticed,  unpraised,  unrewarded  on  this  earth, 
have  gradually  won  the  entire  Eskimo  population  of 
the  East  Coast  of  Labrador  to  the  Christian  verity,  and 
have  undoubtedly  been  the  means  of  preserving  the 
race  from  extinction. 

This  grant  reads  as  follows  : — 

Order  in  Council  granting  land  to  Moravians  at 
Esquimaux  Bay,  1 769. 

The  3RD  day  of  May,  1769. 
Whereas  there  was  this  day  read  at  the  Board  a  Report  from 
the  Right  Honorable  the  Lords  of  the  Committee  of  Council 
for  Plantation  Affairs;  Dated  the  20th  of  last  month,  in  the 
words  following,  viz  : — 

"Your  Majesty  having  been  pleased  by  Your  Order  in 
Council  of  the  20th  February  last  to  refer  unto  this  Committee 
a  Representation  from  the  Lords  Commissioners  for  Trade 
and  Plantations  setting  forth  that  they  have  had  under  their 


consideration  a  memorial  presented  by  the  Earl  of  Hills- 
borough, one  of  Your  Majesty's  Principal  Secretaries  of  State, 
on  behalf  of  the  Society  of  Unitas  Fratrum,  stating.  That  the 
said  Society  are  desirous  of  prosecuting  their  intention  of 
establishing  a  Mission  on  the  Western  Coast  of  Labrador  for 
the  purpose  of  civilizing  and  instructing  the  Savages  called 
Esquimaux,  inhabiting  that  Coast,  in  which  undertaking  the 
Memorialists  represent  that  they  have  already  taken  some  steps 
in  consequence  of  encouragement  received  from  the  Board  in 
1765;  but  that  there  is  a  necessity  of  having  permission  to 
occupy  such  a  quantity  of  land  on  that  Continent  as  may 
induce  the  Esquimaux  to  settle  around  the  Missionaries ;  that 
for  this  purpose  they  have  pitched  upon  Esquimaux  Bay  and 
praying  for  a  grant  on  that  spot  of  one  hundred  thousand 
acres  of  land,  or  about  twelve  miles  square ;  with  liberty  in 
common  of  other  British  subjects  of  fishing  and  trading  on 
that  Coast,  submitting  at  the  same  time  the  expediency  of  the 
Government  erecting  a  blockhouse  near  the  said  intended 
settlement  to  protect  the  Esquimaux  and  their  Missionaries 
from  violence  and  encroachments  of  any  disorderly  people 
who  might  happen  to  come  into  the  Bay. 

Whereupon  the  said  Lords  Commissioners  represent  that  in 
the  year  1765  the  Society  above  mentioned  with  the  approba- 
tion of  the  Government  deputed  four  of  their  brethren  to 
visit  and  explore  the  Coast  of  Labrador  with  a  view  to  propa- 
gate the  Gospel  among  the  savage  inhabitants ;  those  persons 
though  unavoidably  prevented  from  completing  their  design 
in  the  full  extent  did  however  by  the  assistance  and  under  the 
direction  of  Mr.  Palliser,  Your  Majesty's  Governor  in  New- 
foundland, make  some  progress  in  the  laudable  work  of  their 
mission  by  establishing  an  intercourse  and  concluding  a  treaty 
with  those  savages.  Whereupon  in  the  year  following,  upon 
the  favourable  report  made  to  Your  Majesty's  said  Government 
touching  the  conduct  and  behaviour  of  their  said  Missionaries 
and  in  consequence  of  a  petition  of  the  said  Society,  the 
Board  of  Trade  did  in    an  humble  representation  to  Your 


Majesty  dated  March  27th,  1766,  submit,  whether  it  might  not 
be  advisable  to  allow  this  Society  to  occupy  such  a  district  of 
land,  not  exceeding  one  hundred  thousand  acres,  upon  the 
Coast  of  Labrador  as  they  should  think  best  situated  for  the 
purposes  of  their  Mission,  from  the  opinion  of  their  predeces- 
sors in  office  they  see  no  reason  to  dissent  and  as  they  do  in 
like  manner  with  them  think  it  advisable  to  encourage  and 
promote  a  settlement  of  this  sort,  as  well  from  the  pious  and 
laudable  object  of  its  institution,  as  from  the  public  and  com- 
mercial advantage  to  be  derived  from  it ;  they  beg  leave  humbly 
to  recommend  to  Your  Majesty  that  the  Society,  or  any  persons 
deputed  by  the  Society,  for  that  purpose  may  be  allowed  by  an 
order  of  Your  Majesty  in  Council  to  occupy  and  possess  during 
Your  Majesty's  pleasure  one  hundred  thousand  acres  of  land 
in  Esquimaux  Bay  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador  as  they  shall  find 
most  suitable  to  their  purpose,  and  that  Your  Majesty's  Gover- 
nor of  Newfoundland  may  be  directed  by  the  said  Order  to 
give  them  all  reasonable  assistance  and  support  in  forming 
such  establishment,  and  by  a  Proclamation  to  be  published 
in  Your  Majesty's  name  signifying  that  this  establishment  is 
formed  under  Your  Majesty's  express  authority  and  direction, 
to  warn  all  persons  from  molesting  and  disturbing  the  said 
settlers ;  and  in  case  it  shall  appear  to  him  to  be  necessary  for 
their  welfare  and  security,  that  one  or  more  of  the  principal 
Missionaries  shall  be  vested  with  the  authority  of  Justice  of 
the  Peace,  that  he  should  in  such  case  issue  the  proper  com- 
mission for  that  purpose,  conformable  to  the  powers  delegated 
to  him  by  Your  Majesty's  Commission  under  the  Great  Seal. 
With  respect  to  the  matter  of  erecting  a  blockhouse  near  the 
said  intended  settlement  for  the  defence  of  the  Esquimaux 
and  the  Missionaries  and  for  the  general  protection  of  the 
British  Trade  and  Fishery,  they  do  not  think  themselves  justi- 
fied in  advising  Your  Majesty  to  comply  with  a  request  that 
would  very  probably  be  attended  with  considerable  public  ex- 
pense, and  for  which  there  does  not  appear  to  be  any  im- 
mediate necessity ;    but  as   they  think  it  highly  proper  that 

2  66  LABRADOR 

reasonable  and  necessary  measures  should  be  taken  for  the 
security  of  those  who  shall  establish  themselves  on  this  savage 
and  uncivilized  Coast,  they  would  humbly  recommend  Your 
Majesty  to  direct,  that  the  persons  who  shall  engage  in  this 
settlement  shall  be  furnished  out  of  Your  Majesty's  Stores  with 
fifty  muskets  and  a  proportionate  quantity  of  ammunition 
which  they  consider  may  be  sufficient  for  their  personal  security 
and  defence.  The  Lords  of  the  Committee  in  obedience  to 
Your  Majesty's  said  Order  of  reference  this  day  took  into 
their  consideration  the  said  representation  and  do  humbly 
report  to  Your  Majesty  that  they  agree  in  opinion  with  what 
is  above  proposed  by  the  Lords  Commissioners  for  Trade  and 

The  Synod  of  the  Moravian  Church  in  London  at 
once  began  to  make  plans  for  a  permanent  settlement. 
Before  this  could  be  done,  however,  it  was  necessary 
that  a  more  extended  reconnoitring  expedition  should 
be  made.  A  vessel  called  the  Jersey  Packet  was  pur- 
chased, and  a  most  fortunate  choice  of  a  captain  made 
in  the  person  of  Francis  Mugford.  The  history  of  the 
Moravian  ships  and  their  captains  is  one  of  the  most  re- 
markable in  the  records  of  navigation.  For  137  years 
they  have  made  an  annual  trip  to  this  stormy,  ice-beset, 
and  still  uncharted  coast,  but  have  not  yet  lost  a  vessel. 

Jens  Haven,  Christian  Drachardt,  and  Stephen 
Jensen  were  placed  in  charge  of  this  expedition.  The 
vessel  sailed  on  May  17th,  1770,  and  on  June  24th 
arrived  off  Amitok  Island  near  Nain.  This  was  the 
nominal  anniversary  of  Cabot's  discover}^,  but  owing 
to  the  change  in  the  calendar  was  in  reality  twelve 
days  earlier.  This  is  an  important  argument  in  the 
discussion  of  Cabot's  land-fall. 

Proceeding  northward  they  soon  fell  in  wl'&s.  the 
Eskimos,  among  whom   they  found  an  old  acquaint- 


ance,  Segulliak.  Mikak  and  her  husband  Tuglavina 
were  also  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  shortly  made 
their  appearance.  Mikak  was  arrayed  in  the  gorgeous 
dress  which  had  been  presented  to  her  in  England, 
and  had  not  forgotten  the  little  English  she  had 
learned.  By  virtue  of  her  larger  experiences,  or 
perhaps  of  her  dress,  Mikak  had  gained  considerable 
authority  over  her  tribe  as  well  as  her  husband,  and 
freely  exercised  it  on  behalf  of  the  Missionaries.^ 

She  had  told  her  people  that  the  Brethren  intended 
to  live  among  them,  and  when  they  confirmed  her 
report,  the  Eskimos  gave  vent  to  extraordinary  ex- 
pressions of  joy. 

Having  selected  the  locality  now  known  as  Nain 
for  their  first  settlement,  they  felt  it  but  right  that 
they  should  obtain  the  consent  of  the  Eskimos  to 
their  appropriation  of  it.  The  matter  was  explained 
with  some  difficulty,  and  a  gift  made  to  each  family. 
A  document  was  then  drawn  up  recording  the  trans- 
action, and  the  principal  Eskimos  were  required  to 
make  a  mark  upon  it  opposite  their  names,  to  signify 
their  acceptance  of  the  bargain. 

A  piece  of  ground  was  then  chosen  and  marked  at 
the  four  corners  by  stones,  bearing  the  inscription, 
"G.  Ill,  1770,  and  U.  F.,  1770." 

Sir  Hugh  Palliser  had  given  Mikak  a  very  spacious 
tent ;  this  was  erected,  and  from  its  shelter  the 
venerable  Missionary  Drachardt  preached  his  first 
sermon  to  an  assemblage  of  about  800  people.  All 
listened  with  great  attention,  and  when  Mikak  and 
Tuglavina  spoke  in  support  of  the  statements  made 
by    Drachardt,   they   were   all    visibly   affected.      The 

^  A  portion  of  Mikak's  famous  dress  was  still  in  the  possession  of  her 
grandson,  Joseph  Palliser,  in  1870. 


remembrance  of  the  murders  they  had  committed 
weighed  heavily  on  their  minds,  and  they  greatly 
feared  that  the  Missionaries  would  take  away  the 
boats  they  had  stolen  on  their  marauding  expeditions. 

At  length  the  time  came  for  the  Missionaries'  depart- 
ure. Mikak  sent  two  white  fox  skins  to  the  Dowager 
Princess  of  Wales,  a  black  fox  to  the  Duke  of 
Gloucester,  and  two  red  ones  to  Sir  Hugh  Palliser. 
The  heads  of  the  tribes  gave  many  assurances  that 
they  would  live  in  peace  with  the  Europeans,  and 
with  many  promises  of  a  return  in  the  following  year 
the  Brethren  set  sail  for  England. 

The  deepest  consideration  was  given  to  every  detail 
of  the  preparation  for  the  new  colony,  and  their  plans 
were  wisely  and  truly  laid.  The  company  chosen  for 
the  work  were  Jens  Haven  and  his  newly-married  wife, 
an  Englishwoman  ;  Christian  Drachardt,  the  old  Green- 
land Missionary  who  desired  only  to  end  his  days  in 
labouring  for  the  conversion  of  the  Eskimos ;  Chris- 
topher Braasen,  a  physician  and  surgeon,  accompanied 
by  his  wife ;  John  Schneider  and  his  wife ;  Stephen 
Jensen,  who  was  to  take  charge  of  the  trade ;  and  six 
single  Brethren. 

The  frame  of  a  house  was  prepared,  all  ready  to 
set  up,  and  a  large  vessel,  the  Amity,  purchased  to 
carry  the  party  and  their  stores  to  the  chosen  spot. 

On  the  eve  of  their  departure  the  old  church  in 
Fetter  Lane  was  the  scene  of  a  memorable  gathering 
of  Brethren  and  their  sympathizers,  when  the  work 
and  the  workers  were  commended  to  the  care  and 
protection  of  the  Almighty. 

On  May  8th,  1771,  the  Amity,  commanded  by 
Captain  Mugford,  set  sail,  but  did  not  arrive  at  her 
destination  until  August  8th,    They  immediately  began 


to  set  up  their  house,  and  by  great  exertions  had  it 
completed  on  September  22nd.  On  the  24th  the 
Amity  sailed  on  her  return  voyage,  leaving  the  little 
colony  fairly  comfortably  settled  for  the  winter. 

Mikak  and  Tuglavina  were  again  present  and  greatly 
assisted  the  Missionaries,  but  nevertheless  they  felt  that 
their  position  was  often  a  very  dangerous  one,  requiring 
them  to  be  continually  on  their  guard,  "  with  a  tool  in 
one  hand  and  a  weapon  in  the  other."  The  aged  Mis- 
sionary, Drachardt,  in  the  meanwhile  devoted  himself  to 
preaching  and  speaking  to  the  Eskimos,  endeavouring 
to  awaken  in  them  some  idea  of  the  great  truths  of  the 
Christian  religion. 

In  1772  the  ship  which  was  to  take  out  supplies  to  the 
settlement  first  made  a  fishing  voyage  to  the  Banks,  in 
an  endeavour  to  reduce  the  cost  of  the  adventure.  But 
this  delayed  her  so  much  that  she  only  reached  Nain 
at  the  end  of  October.  At  that  time  the  Brethren  had 
despaired  of  receiving  any  succour  that  season,  and  were 
reduced  to  gathering  berries  for  their  sustenance. 

The  next  year  Sir  M.  Shuldham,  Governor  of  New- 
foundland, sent  Lieut.  Roger  Curtis  to  visit  the 
Brethren's  settlement.  His  report  is  most  interesting. 
It  is  full  of  praise  for  the  methods  of  the  Brethren,  and 
wonder  at  the  work  already  accomplished.  In  temporal 
things  he  found  that  they  had  built  a  substantial  living 
house  and  store-house,  had  erected  a  saw-mill,  and  laid 
out  a  garden  which  provided  them  with  salads  and 
some  vegetables. 

The  work  of  proselytizing  was  naturally  of  slow 
growth,  and  the  Eskimos  then  showed  but  little  indica- 
tion of  understanding  the  teaching  of  the  Brethren, 
but  they  had  made  a  good  beginning  in  that  they  had 
already  won  their  hearts.     The  following  extracts  from 


Curtis's  report  are  so  vivid  that  it  were  a  pity  not  to 
quote  them.     Of  the  Missionaries  he  writes  : — 

"  Shielded  by  virtue,  they  find  the  protection  of  arms 
unnecessary.  None  of  the  Eskimos  presume  to  come 
within  the  palisades  without  permission.  They  have 
been  told  that  they  must  not,  and  obey  with  the  most 
satisfied  and  patient  submission.  In  their  contro- 
versies they  appeal  to  the  Missionaries.  Sloth  begins 
to  be  discountenanced  among  them,  and  labour,  which 
was  heretofore  thought  of  with  detestation,  is  now 
practised  with  applause.  Thus  it  is  that  by  means 
of  this  laudable  Society,  a  herd  of  barbarous  savages 
are  in  a  fair  way  to  become  useful  subjects,  and  the 
adventurers  on  the  coast  will  prosecute  their  business 
in  greater  security." 

In  the  following  year  jurisdiction  over  the  coast  of 
Labrador  was  transferred  from  Newfoundland  to  the 
Province  of  Quebec,  during  which  regime  no  enquiry 
into  the  work  of  the  Missions  seems  to  have  been 

The  task  assumed  by  the  Moravian  Missionaries  was 
most  difficult  and  complex.  How  to  reach  the  souls 
of  this  savage  people,  to  teach  them  the  simplest  Chris- 
tian truths,  and  to  explain  and  to  inculcate  almost 
every  principle  of  morality,  was  a  problem  which  exer- 
cised all  their  wisdom  and  patience.  Then  there  was 
the  economic  question,  how  to  provide  for  the  little 
colonies  that  gathered  around  them,  and  how  to  teach 
the  Eskimos  to  provide  for  themselves.  Added  to  these 
was  the  great  difficulty  in  keeping  the  spiritual  apart 
from  the  temporal.  The  Eskimos  soon  saw  what  was 
required  of  them,  and  the  desire  for  European  goods 
increasing    in    proportion    to    the    supply,    there    was 


great  temptation  to  pretend  to  conversion  and  reforma- 

The  Missionaries  had  to  be  constantly  on  guard 
against  being  deceived  by  their  protestations.  Long 
periods  of  probation  v/ere  necessary  before  they  could 
be  certain  that  the  applicants  were  genuinely  con- 

It  was  not  until  1776  that  they  finally  adjudged  a 
man  named  Kingminguse  to  be  worthy  of  baptism. 
The  ceremony  was  made  as  solemn  and  impressive  as 
possible,  and  both  candidate  and  congregation  were 
much  affected,  and  indeed  quite  overpowered. 

A  neighbour  of  Kingminguse  at  once  professed  his 
anxiety  to  receive  baptism  also  ;  but  another  man 
voiced  the  more  general  feeling  when  he  declared 
that  he  too  believed  very  much,  but  what  he  wanted  at 
present  was  a  knife. 

Kingminguse  was  christened  by  the  name  of  Peter, 
and  for  a  long  time  remained  faithful  to  his  vows,  but 
in  1789  he  relapsed  after  a  visit  to  the  south.  He  took 
to  himself  two  or  three  wives,  and  when  expostulated 
with,  declared  that  he  required  them  to  "  man  "  his  boat. 
He  finally  left  the  Moravian  settlement  and  went  south, 
and  his  ultimate  fate  is  unknown. 

The  Brethren  soon  saw  that  one  settlement  would 
not  be  sufficient  for  them  to  carry  on  their  work  to  the 
best  advantage. 

The  Eskimos  were  in  the  habit  of  roving  from  place 
to  place  on  the  coast,  now  north,  now  south,  and  from 
the  outer  fringe  of  islands  in  the  pursuit  of  seals  to  the 
interior,  where  they  sought  caribou  and  salmon.  It  was 
impossible  for  the  Missionaries  to  follow  them  every- 
where, although  they  attempted  to  do  so,  and  wherever 
the  Eskimos  got  out  of  touch,  it  was  found  that  they 

2  72  LABRADOR 

returned  to  their  old  habits  and  superstitions.  For 
these  reasons  other  centres  were  established.  A  second 
grant  was  obtained  from  the  Privy  Council  in  1775, 
which  resulted  in  the  founding  of  the  settlement  at 
Okak,  about  1 50  miles  north  of  Nain ;  and  a  third 
grant  in  1781,  when  the  Mission  of  Hopedale  was 
started  about  150  miles  south  of  Nain, 

Hitherto,  the  Missionaries  in  their  endeavour  to  con- 
vert the  Eskimos  had  but  to  combat  the  superstitions 
and  habits  of  heathendom,  but  from  now  on  their 
anxieties  and  labours  were  greatly  increased  by  the 
gradual  advance  from  the  south  of  fishermen  and 
traders — French  Canadians,  West  Countrymen,  Ameri- 
cans and  Newfoundlanders.  For  the  sake  of  their 
trade  the  poor  Eskimos  were  seduced  with  rum, 
tobacco,  and  useless  European  goods.  The  temptation 
to  travel  south  in  the  summer  was  thus  greatly  in- 
creased. The  rule  of  the  white  trader  was  not  so  rigid 
as  that  of  the  Moravians,  and  the  goods  he  offered  in 
barter  were  more  attractive. 

Many  of  the  most  promising  members  of  the  Mora- 
vians' congregations  falling  under  this  temptation  re- 
lapsed into  their  original  barbarism,  further  darkened 
by  the  vices  of  the  white  race. 

The  Brethren  did  their  best  to  prevent  this  migration 
south,  and  used,  for  them,  quite  bitter  words  on  the 
harmful  influence  of  the  white  traders.  For  the  first 
fifteen  years  of  the  Mission,  George  Cartwright  was  the 
principal  trader  on  the  coast,  who  it  may  be  remem- 
bered also  claimed  the  credit  of  having  civilized  the 
Eskimos.  Of  the  Moravians,  Cartwright  said  with  a 
sneer  that  he  believed  it  was  for  the  purpose  of  trade 
they  had  come,  and  not  to  convert  the  heathen. 

Among  the  unfortunate  ones  were  Mikak  and  Tug- 


lavina.  After  being  largely  instrumental  in  the  peace- 
ful establishment  of  the  Missionaries  and  apparently 
sincere  converts,  they  unhappily  made  a  voyage  south 
in  1783,  when  all  their  vows  were  forgotten.  Poor 
Mikak  did  not  return  to  Nain  until  1795,  but  a  few  days 
before  her  death.  She  sent  for  the  Missionaries  and 
expressed  her  deep  sorrow  for  her  misspent  life  and 
broken  promises,  and  received  such  comfort  as  was 
possible.  The  vicissitudes  of  her  life  were  certainly 
extraordinary,  and  her  experiences  far  beyond  those  of 
any  of  her  nation  before  and  perhaps  since.  Tuglavina 
was  a  man  of  very  great  influence  among  his  people, 
and  after  his  relapse  became  a  great  thorn  in  the  sides 
of  the  Missionaries,  inducing  many  of  the  better  dis- 
posed of  the  Eskimos  to  go  south  and  to  leave  their 
congregation.  He  was  known  to  have  committed 
several  murders,  and  to  have  instigated  several  more  ;  in 
short,  his  life  was  evil  even  for  an  Eskimo.  But  even  in 
his  dark  and  desperate  nature  the  seeds  of  the  Mora- 
vians' teaching  still  lingered.  About  the  time  of 
Mikak's  death  he  also  returned  to  Nain,  and  begged 
again  to  be  taken  into  the  congregation.  So  far  as 
could  be  seen  he  was  sincerely  repentant  and  died 
in  1799  in  the  odour  of  sanctity.  "A  singular  object," 
says  the  Missionary  diary,  "  of  the  mercy  of  the 
Saviour,  who  followed  him  through  all  his  perverse  and 
wicked  ways  with  infinite  patience  and  long  suffering, 
until  at  last  He  drew  him  to  Himself" 

There  are  few  instances  of  greater  self-sacrifice  than 
the  lives  of  the  Moravian  Missionaries  on  the  Labrador. 
Yet  there  has  never  been  any  lack  of  volunteers  anxious 
to  follow  the  example  of  Jens  Haven.  He,  good  man, 
remained  at  his  post  until  the  infirmities  of  old  age 
compelled  him  to  give  up.     He  felt  that  if  he  remained 



he  would  become  a  burden  to  the  little  colony  of  Mis- 
sionaries, and  a  hindrance  rather  than  a  help  to  the 
work,  whose  advancement  he  so  greatly  desired,  and  he 
therefore  asked  to  be  relieved.  He  was  accordingly 
retired  to  Herrnhut  in  1786,  after  thirty  years'  service 
in  the  work  to  which  he  had  devoted  himself.  There 
he  spent  his  declining  years  happily  and  peacefully, 
dying  in   1794. 

Labrador  owes  much  to  his  devotion,  piety,  and 
wisdom.  It  was  at  his  instigation  that  the  work  was 
begun,  and  he  was  the  principal  agent  in  carrying  it  on 
through  the  trying  and  almost  unproductive  early  years. 
But  for  him  the  energies  of  the  Moravian  Church  might 
not  have  been  turned  to  the  requirements  of  the  heathen 
Eskimos  on  the  Labrador,  in  which  case,  it  is  more  than 
probable,  the  race  would  have  been  long  ago  extinct. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century  it  was 
estimated  that  there  were  30,000  Eskimos  in  Labrador, 
but  I  am  inclined  to  think  the  number  greatly  over- 
estimated. The  early  French  settlers  certainly  saw 
hundreds  together  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  at  that 
period,  and  therefore  surmised  that  the  whole  coast  was 
peopled  in  like  manner.  But  we  have  learned  that  the 
southern  journey  each  summer  was  an  invariable  cus- 
tom, so  that  the  numbers  seen  by  the  French  were 
probably  the  whole  population  from  Hamilton  Inlet 
south.  The  four  hundred  Eskimos  with  whom  Palliser 
made  peace  at  Chateau  in  1764  w^ere  no  doubt  the 
remnants  of  the  southern  tribes.  The  Moravian  Bre- 
thren estimated  that  there  were  about  3000  Eskimos 
on  the  coast  at  the  beginning  of  their  administrations. 
This  did  not  include  those  living  within  Hudson's 
Straits,  where  they  were  thought  to  be  in  greater  num- 
bers than  on  the  east  coast. 


At  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century,  after  thirty 
years'  of  administration,  the  number  of  Eskimos  living 
on  the  Moravians'  settlements  were  as  follows  : — 

At  Nain  63  persons,  of  whom  30  professed  Christianity. 

„  Hopedale  51       „  „        33         »>  »> 

„  Okak         48       „  „        22         „  „ 

This  apparently  small  result  for  so  many  years  of 
devoted  teaching  shows  the  magnitude  and  difficulty  of 
the  task.  At  this  period  twenty-six  Missionaries  were 
employed  in  the  work.  The  Amity,  which  conveyed 
the  first  colony  of  Moravians  to  Labrador,  continued  to 
make  yearly  trips  without  particular  adventures  under 
the  command  of  Captain  Francis  Mugford.  In  July, 
1777,  a  sloop  called  the  Good  Intent  was  purchased,  and 
continued  in  service  until  1780.  This  vessel  was  cap- 
tured by  the  French  on  her  homeward  voyage  in  1778, 
but  was  retaken  by  an  English  cruiser.  This  event 
caused  the  application  to  be  made  for  a  passport  from 
the  French  and  Americans,  which  was  readily  given. 
The  latter  document  was  furnished  by  Benjamin 
Franklin,  then  minister  from  the  United  States  at 
the  Court  of  France.  It  is  dated  April  nth,  1779,  and 
is  as  follows  : — 

"  To  all  Captains  and  Commanders  of  Vessels  of 
War,  Privateers,  and  Letters  of  Marque  belonging  to 
the  United  States  Government  of  America. 

"  Gentlemen, — The  Religious  society  commonly  called 
Moravian  Brethren,  having  established  a  Mission  on  the 
coast  of  Labrador  for  the  conversion  of  the  savages 
there  to  the  Christian  religion,  which  has  already  had 
good  effects  in  turning  them  from  their  ancient  practices 
of  surprising  and  plundering  and  murdering  the  white 
people,  Americans  and  Furopeans,  who  for  the  purposes 


of  trade  or  fishery  happened  to  come  to  the  coast,  and 
persuading  them  to  lead  a  new  life  of  honest  industry, 
and  to  treat  strangers  with  humanity  and  kindness, 

"  And  it  being  necessary  for  the  support  of  this  useful 
Mission,  that  a  small  vessel  should  go  there  every  year 
to  furnish  supplies  and  necessaries  for  the  Missionaries 
and  their  converts,  which  vessel  for  the  present  year  is 
a  sloop  of  about  seventy  tons  called  the  Good  Intent, 
whereof  is  master  Captain  Francis  Mugford, 

"  This  is  to  request  you  that  if  the  said  vessel  should 
happen  to  fall  into  your  hands  you  would  not  suffer  her 
to  be  plundered  or  hindered  in  her  voyage,  but  on  the 
contrary  would  afford  her  any  assistance  she  may  stand 
in  need  of:  wherein  I  am  confident  your  conduct  will 
be  approved  by  the  Congress  and  your  owners." 

From  1780  to  1786  the  Amity  was  again  in  com- 
Mission,  but  in  1787  she  was  replaced  by  the  first 
Harmony,  a  vessel  of  133  tons  built  especially  for  the 
Mission,  which  remained  in  service  until  1802. 

In  1782  Captain  Mugford  vv^as  succeeded  by  Captain 
James  Fraser. 

Amongst  the  earliest  works  undertaken  by  the 
Eskimo  Brethren  was  the  translation  of  the  Scriptures 
into  the  Eskimo  language.  As  the  translations  were 
finished  they  were  printed  in  England  and  returned  for 
the  use  of  the  little  congregations. 

Schools  were  established  very  early  and  were  always 
most  successful.  Letters  from  Hopedale  in  1797  state 
that  two  Englishmen  had  come  to  settle  near  them,  and 
that  one,  William  Watson,  had  arrived  at  their  settlement 
on  January  27th,  seeking  to  obtain  supplies  from  them. 
Seven  other  Europeans  were  reported  in  the  neighbour- 
hood, two  of  them  having  married  Eskimo  women.  A 
curious  phenomenon  was  observed   in  the  heavens  on 


three  occasions  during  the  winter  of  1799.  It  consisted 
of  a  vast  quantity  of  inflammable  matter  in  the  air 
which  seemed  to  pour  itself  towards  the  earth  in  im- 
mense fiery  rays  and  balls.  Probably  some  remarkable 
variety  of  the  aurora. 



THE  Moravian  Brethren  have  often  been  very 
harshly  criticized  because  of  the  trade  they  car- 
ried on  in  connection  with  their  Missions  on  the 

A  study  of  the  problems  with  which  they  were 
confronted,  however,  must  convince  any  unprejudiced 
person  of  the  injustice  of  these  animadversions. 

Trading  was  very  unwillingly  entered  into.  In  the 
very  beginning,  when  Erhardt  planned  his  disastrous 
voyage,  Count  Zinzendorf  strongly  objected  to  trading 
in  the  name  of  the  Brethren  ;  and  consequently  the 
commercial  part  of  that  venture  was  undertaken  by  the 
London  firm,  Messrs.  Nisbet,  Grace,  and  Bell.  When, 
however,  permanent  establishments  were  about  to  be 
made,  it  became  apparent  that  trade  in  some  sort  would 
have  to  be  carried  on.  Hutton's  reasons  for  this 
decision  have  already  been  given  in  the  account  of  the 
negotiations  with  the  Board  of  Trade.  The  icy  fast- 
nesses of  Labrador  were  already  being  invaded  by  the 
trader.  From  the  beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century 
the  southern  Eskimo  tribes  had  been  in  the  habit  of 
trading  with  the  French  fishermen  and  settlers  in  the 
Straits  of  Belle  Isle ;  and  the  desire  for  European 
goods,  boats,  utensils,  weapons,  food,  and  clothes  v/as 
already  intense  and  must  be  gratified  by  fair  means 



or  foul — generally  the  latter.  We  have  already  heard 
of  continual  conflicts  arising  out  of  trading  disputes, 
always  in  the  end  resulting  in  the  plunder  and  slaughter 
cf  the  Eskimos.  The  practices  of  the  traders  of  that 
day  were  not  humanitarian,  and  no  idea  of  mutual 
benefit  entered  into  their  calculations  when  trading 
with  the  Eskimos.  To  obtain  their  goods  at  the 
least  possible  expense  was  their  sole  aim,  and  rum  and 
tobacco  soon  became  the  chief  articles  given  in  exchange. 
To  preserve  their  flock  from  this  contaminating  in- 
fluence was  one  of  the  greatest  cares  of  the  Brethren, 
and  to  obviate  any  necessity  for  the  intercourse  their 
own  trade  was  established.  It  has  also  been  pointed  out 
that  the  Eskimos  were  nomads,  and  if  they  were  to  be 
civilized  and  instructed  it  was  necessary  for  an  attractive 
central  depot  to  be  made  where  they  could  be  gradually 
collected  and  kept  within  touch.  It  is  certain  that  had 
not  the  Brethren  established  a  trade  for  the  benefit  of 
the  Eskimo  as  well  as  for  the  support  of  the  Mission, 
their  labours  would  have  ended  long  ago.  The 
northern  Eskimos  would  have  flocked  south,  seeking 
the  wonderful  new  implements  and  food,  and  would 
have  shared  the  fate  of  the  numerous  tribes  that  once 
inhabited  the  southern  coast,  but  have  been  now  long 

The  trading  interests  have  always  been  separated 
as  far  as  possible  from  the  spiritual  work.  A  Society 
connected  with  the  Moravian  Church,  known  as  the 
"  Brethrens'  Society  for  the  Furtherance  of  the  Gospel 
Among  the  Heathen,"  generally  called  the  "  London 
Association,"  under  the  support  of  the  Labrador  Mission, 
and  a  certain  number  of  the  members  of  this  Society, 
who  were  called  the  "  Ship's  Company,"  assumed  the 
trading  enterprise,  and  continued  to  have  the  manage- 


ment  of  it  until  1797.  The  terms  upon  which  the 
company  managed  the  business  have  not  been  ascer- 

After  1797,  the  "  Society  for  the  Furtherance  of  the 
Gospel "  took  over  the  management  of  the  trade.  / 

With  all  the  unfavourable  criticism  this  practice  hss 
caused,  no  one  has  yet  charged  the  Society  as  a  whole, 
or  any  member  of  it,  with  having  traded  for  their 
personal  advantage.  The  whole  proceeds  have  been 
devoted  to  the  upkeep  of  the  Mission,  and  have  but 
seldom  been  more  than  sufficient  to  defray  the  heavy 
expenses  incurred.  On  a  few  occasions  it  is  reported 
that  the  London  Association  had  a  surplus,  which  they 
paid  over  to  the  General  Synod  for  the  benefit  of  the 
Missions  in  general. 

It  has  been  no  easy  task  for  the  Brethren  to  prevent 
the  trade  from  interfering  with  their  spiritual  work,  and 
it  has  often  been  the  occasion  of  considerable  dis- 
satisfaction and  jealousy  among  the  Eskimos.  To 
maintain  the  trade  on  business  principles,  so  that 
industry  and  straight  dealing  should  meet  their  due 
reward,  necessitated,  on  the  other  hand,  a  seeming  hard- 
ness to  the  lazy  and  careless,  which  the  Eskimos 
thought  quite  incompatible  with  the  lessons  of  love  and 
pity  taught  by  the  spiritual  end  of  the  enterprise. 

Every  year  since  the  inception  of  their  Missions 
the  Moravian  Brethren  have  published  a  report  of 
their  work,  carried  on,  not  only  in  Labrador,  but  in 
all  parts  of  world.  Letters  from  Missionaries,  or  por- 
tions of  their  diaries,  accompany  each  annual  report, 
and  in  the  case  of  Labrador  form  a  consecutive  history 
of  the  country.  As  is  to  be  expected,  their  evangelical 
work  is  their  first  concern  and  constitutes  the  bulk  of 
their   reports,   but   in    addition    one    finds    invaluable 


records  of  climatic  conditions,  of  the  supply  of  seals, 
whales,  codfish,  etc.,  on  the  coast,  caribou  and  fur- 
bearing  animals  in  the  interior,  and  the  consequent 
effect  on  the  Eskimos. 

The  following  account  of  the  work  of  the  Brethren 
is  taken  mainly  from  these  reports. 

The  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century  found  the 
Moravian  Missionaries  firmly  established  on  the  northern 
coast  of  Labrador,  but  their  efforts  at  converting  the 
Eskimos  had  not  met  with  marked  success.  The 
superstitions  of  long  ages  were  not  easily  rooted  out 
nor  the  customs  easy  to  change,  seeing  that,  how- 
ever repugnant  they  were  to  civilized  and  Christian 
ideas,  many  of  them  were  still  not  unsuited  to  the 
Eskimo  manner  of  life.  Their  lack  of  success  is  a 
continual  plaint  in  the  Missionaries  diaries  ;  every  back- 
slider is  wept  over,  and  every  convert  joyfully  acclaimed. 
It  was  probably  a  result  of  the  teaching  of  the  children 
in  schools  for  nearly  a  generation  that  the  first  real 
spiritual  wakening  became  general.  In  1801  it  is 
reported  that  many  could  read  tolerably  well,  and  the 
first  book  printed  in  the  Eskimo  language,  a  history  of 
the  Passion  Week,  was  eagerly  studied  and  read  aloud 
in  their  homes.  Their  love  of  music  and  singing  was 
very  early  noticed,  and  the  singing  of  hymns  became  a 
regular  practice  and  delight  to  them.  Later  on  they 
were  taught  to  play  on  instruments  of  various  kinds, 
and  their  musical  capacity  has  been  encouraged  until 
now  they  have  both  a  brass  and  a  string  band  which 
perform  quite  acceptably. 

It  was  in  1804-5  that  the  Missionaries  first  wrote 
cheerfully  of  the  spiritual  condition  of  their  flock. 
One  writes  :  "  Thus  the  many  prayers  offered  up  and 
tears  shed  by  our  brethren  and  sisters  in  Labrador,  on 


account  of  the  conversion  of  the  Eskimo  nation,  begin 
after  thirty-four  years  to  show  their  fruit."  It  was  at 
Hopedale  that  this  encouraging  condition  of  affairs 
was  first  observed.  "There,"  the  Missionaries  write, 
"  is  at  present  a  small  congregation  of  believing 
Eskimos,  blooming  like  a  beautiful  rose."  A  some- 
what unhappy  choice  of  a  simile.  Many  remarkable 
instances  of  conversions  are  given,  often  of  those 
who  had  previously  been  the  most  opposed  to  the 
teaching  of  the  Brethren  and  most  wedded  to  their 
barbarous  habits  and  superstitions.  The  effect  of  con- 
version upon  a  noted  Eskimo  sorcerer  is  thus  described  : 
"  The  ferocious  and  terrific  countenance  of  this  late 
monster  of  iniquity,  which  made  one  tremble  at  his 
appearance,  is  now  converted  into  a  mild  and  gentle 
aspect ;  the  savage  bear  has  become  a  gentle  lamb." 
The  children  were  also  remarkably  affected,  and  at- 
tended the  schools  with  the  greatest  assiduity  and 
interest.  The  difficulty  of  providing  for  their  con- 
gregations, or  rather  of  inculcating  habits  of  industry 
and  economy  so  that  the  Eskimos  could  provide  for 
themselves,  often  prevented  the  heathen  Eskimo  from 
joining  them.  A  number  of  them  came  from.  Nackvak 
to  Okak  at  this  time  and  professed  a  willingness  to  be 
taught,  but  pointed  out  to  the  Missionaries  that  if  they 
left  their  own  country  they  would  starve.  The  prob- 
ability of  which  the  Brethren  could  not  deny. 

The  plurality  of  wives,  which  was  a  custom  of  the 
Eskimos  founded  on  economic  principles,  was  a  most 
difficult  problem  for  the  Brethren.  Apparently  they 
did  not  in  every  case  at  once  insist  upon  its  abandon- 
ment, for  an  instance  is  recorded  about  this  time  of 
the  death  of  the  two  wives  of  one  of  their  converts 
within  a  very  few  hours  of  each  other.     The  women 


had  not  formally  joined  their  congregation,  but  it  was 
hoped  had  not  heard  the  Gospel  in  vain.  There  was  a 
curious  sequel  to  the  death  of  these  two  women.  In 
the  neighbourhood  was  an  Angekok,  or  sorcerer,  who 
was  greatly  feared  by  the  Eskimos.  In  order  to  in- 
crease his  importance,  he  gave  out  that  he  had  caused 
their  deaths — a  rash  boast,  which  at  once  caused  him 
to  be  attacked  and  killed  by  their  husband.  He  richly 
deserved  his  fate,  for  a  short  time  before,  when  his  wife 
had  died,  he  had  barbarously  murdered  an  orphan  child 
in  some  sort  of  heathen  rite. 

But,  it  is  feared,  the  conversions  were  yet  often  very 
superficial.  A  serious  illness,  an  accident,  or  any  mis- 
fortune was  as  likely  to  turn  converts  back  to  their 
heathenish  practices  as  it  was  in  the  first  instance  to 
bring  them  under  the  guidance  of  the  Brethren.  One 
old  man,  Thomas,  at  whose  conversion  there  had  been 
great  rejoicing,  being  taken  ill  and  suffering  great  pain, 
abjured  all  his  vows  and  sought  relief  in  barbarous 
incantations.  "  Indeed,  during  all  last  winter,  his  be- 
haviour was  very  oppressive  to  his  whole  family,  and 
particularly  to  his  two  zuives,  who  are  both  communicants 
and  very  worthy  women"  Which  is  quite  an  illuminating 
little  story.  Plurality  of  wives  is  still  a  custom  among 
the  heathen  Eskimos  of  the  far  north,  and,  in  the 
opinion  of  recent  travellers,  cannot  well  be  avoided. 
(Voyage  of  the  s.s.  Neptune,  1907.) 

In  the  early  part  of  the  century  we  hear  first  of  the 
advance  of  the  white  man  upon  the  Moravian  precincts. 
Hitherto  the  Brethren  had  been  occupied  in  preventing 
their  flock  from  going  south,  but  now  the  dangerous  and 
contaminating  white  man  were  beginning  to  come  to 
them.  The  furriers  were  the  pioneers ;  the  genuine 
fishermen  did  not  arrive  until  many  years  later.     They 


seemed  to  have  been  independent  men,  not  working  for 
the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  or  any  particular  mercantile 
concern.  In  many  instances  they  married  Eskimo 
women,  and  settled  permanently  in  the  country,  form- 
ing the  nucleus  of  the  present  white  or  mixed  breed 

In  1802  the  first  Harmony  was  sold,  and  was  replaced 
by  the  brig  Resolution,  which  continued  in  service  until 
1808.  This  vessel  had  an  adventurous  voyage  back  to 
England  in  1804,  being  twice  pursued  by  a  French 
frigate,  and  only  escaping  by  reason  of  the  boisterous 
weather  which  prevailed.  European  wars  were  naturally 
of  the  greatest  interest  to  the  exiled  Brethren,  and 
many  are  the  prayers  which  went  up  from  Labrador 
that  England  should  be  spared  from  the  invader.  It  is 
amusing  to  find  them  congratulating  themselves  that 
they  live  "  on  this  barren  coast  and  in  the  midst  of 
a  savage  nation  in  perfect  peace  and  safety,  and 
experience  none  of  those  miseries  which  many  of 
the  poor  inhabitants  of  Europe  suffer  during  the 
war " ;  and  adding,  "  We  wish  your  southern  neigh- 
bours, the  French,  were  more  like  our  Eskimos  in 

During  all  these  early  years  the  Eskimos,  and  in  a 
lesser  degree  the  Brethren  themselves,  seemed  to  be 
living  on  the  verge  of  starvation.  Their  food  supply 
was  most  precarious.  Some  years  they  had  a  super- 
abundance of  seals,  and  in  others  the  quantity  taken 
would  be  entirely  inadequate  to  their  requirements. 
The  conditions  of  the  ice  seemed  to  have  more  to 
do  with  the  success  of  this  fishery  than  anything 

The  seals  seemed  to  be  always  there,  but  often  could 
not  be  taken.      In    1806  the  Brethren  introduced  seal 


nets,  which  were  in  use  on  the  southern  parts  of  the 
coast,  and  by  this  means  the  supply  was  made  more 
regular.  The  Eskimos  for  a  long  time  could  not  be 
taught  to  catch  codfish  during  the  summer  for  their 
winter  sustenance,  by  which  means  starvation  could 
always  have  been  avoided.  They  did  not  value  the 
codfish  as  food,  and  apparently  the  stronger  seal  flesh 
was  a  necessity  to  their  well  being.  For  a  number  of 
years  the  capture  of  from  three  to  five  whales,  and  the 
finding  of  several  more  dead,  upon  the  coast  is  reported 
each  season,  but  after  1830  there  is  very  seldom  any 
mention  of  their  having  been  taken  or  found.  It  would 
be  interesting  to  know  what  species  of  whale  the 
Eskimos  could  have  killed  from  their  kayaks, — pre- 
sumably some  of  the  smaller  varieties.  The  dead 
whales  were  no  doubt  drowned  by  being  caught  on  the 
shore  side  of  immense  fields  of  ice,  which  gave  them  no 
opportunities  for  blowing. 

When  seals  and  whales  were  insufficient  to  support 
them  the  Eskimos  went  in  the  spring  to  the  trout  pools, 
where  they  were  generally  able  to  procure  an  abundant 
supply  of  this  fish  ;  but  these  often  failed,  and  accounts 
are  given  of  whole  families  starving  to  death  in  these 
localities.  They  also  hunted  caribou  every  spring,  but 
again  were  often  unsuccessful.  In  some  winters  they 
were  able  to  take  thousands  of  partridges,  but  in  others 
not  a  bird  was  seen.  When  the  Eskimos  were  finally 
induced  to  give  some  attention  to  the  catching  of 
codfish,  it  was  the  practice  of  the  Brethren  to  buy  from 
them  such  codfish  as  they  caught  in  the  summer,  and 
sell  it  to  them  again  in  the  winter  or  spring  when  they 
were  most  in  want. 

On  January  21st,  1809,  and  for  some  days  after, 
severe  shocks  of  earthquake  were  felt,  and  were  said  to 


have  been  general  all  down  the  coast.  The  extra- 
ordinarily rapid  rise  of  the  land,  amounting  in  some 
places  to  ten  or  fifteen  feet  within  the  memory  of 
fishermen  still  going  to  the  Labrador,  would  lead  one 
to  suppose  that  earthquakes  were  of  common  occur- 
rence. No  damage  or  noticeable  disturbance  has  ever 
been  recorded,  however.^ 

The  Preface  to  Volume  V  of  the  Moravian  Reports, 
1 8 10-13,  contains  the  following  information  : — 

"  The  vessel  annually  sent  to  the  coast  of  Labrador 
to  convey  provisions  and  keep  up  communication  with 
the  Moravian  Missionaries  there,  returns  with  skins, 
bone,  and  oil,  the  sale  of  which  in  late  years  has  almost 
covered  the  expense  of  the  voyage.  In  each  settlement 
a  Brother,  who  understands  the  Eskimo  language  well, 
is  appointed  to  receive  such  goods  as  they  bring  in 
barter  for  useful  articles  of  various  kinds,  but  the 
Missionaries  never  go  out  to  trade,  which  would  inter- 
fere too  much  with  their  proper  calling." 

In  181 1  the  ship's  homeward  cargo  consisted  of  100 
barrels  of  seal  oil,  2000  seal  skins,  2750  fox  skins,  the 
value  of  which  may  have  been  $25,000  or  more.  This 
is  the  only  occasion  in  which  the  ship's  cargo  is  given 
in  detail. 

At  the  end  of  18 10,  the  number  of  Eskimos  living  at 
Hopedale  was  145,  at  Nain  115,  and  at  Okak  233.  In 
this  year,  it  is  noted,  a  remarkable  quantity  of  codfish 
visited  the  shores. 

In  181 1,  the  Mission  ship  Jemima  did  not  reach 
Hopedale  until  September  9th,  the  coast  being  blocked 

■'  It  is  stated  by  a  man  who  has  been  fishing  at  Holton  Harbour  for 
thirty  or  forty  years,  that  the  spot  where  he  used  to  moor  his  vessel  is  now 
out  of  water. 


with  ice  until  within  a  few  days  of  her  arrival.  In 
the  next  year,  by  way  of  contrast,  she  arrived  on 
July  5th,  and  was  back  in   London  on  September  24th, 

The  Brethren  Kohlmeister  and  Kmoch  made  a 
boat  voyage  to  Ungava  Bay  in  181 1  in  order  to 
ascertain  the  number  of  Eskimos  living  there,  and 
the  possibility  of  starting  another  station  for  their 
benefit.  A  number  of  tribes  were  met  with  who  re- 
ceived the  Missionaries  well,  and  begged  them  to 
return  and  settle,  but  it  was  recognized  that  the  district 
lay  within  the  territory  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company, 
whose  permission  would  have  to  be  obtained  before  a 
station  could  be  started.  Brother  Kohlmeister  heard 
two  or  three  years  afterwards  that  about  three  hundred 
Eskimos  assembled  at  the  Koksoak  river  the  next 
summer  expecting  him  to  return,  which  he  was  never 
able  to  do. 

The  year  18 16  was  a  very  remarkable  one.  The 
Reports  say : — 

"  As  in  almost  every  part  of  Europe,  so  in  Labrador, 
the  elements  seem  to  have  undergone  some  sort  of 
revolution  during  the  course  of  the  last  summer.  The 
ships  arrived  in  the  drift  ice  on  July  i6th,  when  two 
hundred  miles  from  the  Labrador  coast.  Captain 
Eraser  attempted  to  get  in  first  at  Hopedale,  then  at 
Nain,  and  finally  at  Okak,  which  he  did  not  succeed  in 
reaching  before  August  20th.  The  very  next  day  the 
whole  coast  as  far  as  the  eye  could  see  was  choked  up 
with  ice.  Captain  Eraser  was  unable  to  get  to  Nain 
until  September  22nd,  and  left  there  on  October  22nd 
for  Hopedale;  but  it  came  on  to  blow  exceedingly  hard, 
with  an  immense  fall  of  snow,  and  the  ship  was  in 
imminent  danger  of  being  driven  on  the  rocks.  Seeing 
that  every   attempt   to    reach    Hopedale  was  in  vain. 


Captain    Fraser  was    at  last   forced  to   bear  away  for 

This  was  the  first  occasion  since  the  founding  of  the 
Mission  that  the  ship  had  failed  to  visit  all  their 
stations.  In  1817  the  same  conditions  prevailed. 
Captain  Fraser  reported  : — 

"  That  though  for  three  years  past  they  have  met 
with  an  unusual  quantity  of  ice  on  the  coast  of 
Labrador,  yet  in  no  year  since  the  beginning  of  the 
Mission  has  it  appeared  so  dreadfully  on  the  increase. 
The  colour  of  this  year's  ice  was  different  to  that  usually 
seen,  and  the  size  of  the  ice  mountains  and  thickness  of 
the  fields  immense,  with  sandstone  embedded  in  them. 
As  a  great  part  of  the  coast  of  Greenland,  which  has 
been  for  centuries  choked  up  with  ice  apparently 
immovable,  has  by  some  revolution  been  cleared,  this 
may  perhaps  account  for  the  great  quantity  alluded  to." 

The  Brethren  note  from  Hopedale  that  the  coast  was 
beset  with  ice  as  far  as  the  eye  could  see  on  August  7th, 
and  from  Okak  they  write  :  "  The  ice  did  not  leave  our 
bay  until  July  28th,  which  is  considerably  later  than  has 
been  known  since  the  beginning  of  the  Mission." 

These  peculiar  ice  conditions  on  the  Labrador  and 
Greenland  coasts  caused  a  great  deal  of  discussion  in 
scientific  circles  at  that  period.  In  spite  of  the 
apparently  unfavourable  season,  the  Eskimos  were  well 
supplied  with  food,  having  taken  considerably  above 
the  average  number  of  seals. 

In  the  following  year  the  Jemima  arrived  at  Hope- 
dale  on  August  4th,  after  a  slow  but  favourable  passage, 
without  meeting  any  ice  at  all  By  the  middle  of  June 
all  ice  and  snow  had  disappeared  at  Hopedale,  and 
garden  work  was  in  good  swing. 


The  new  ship  Harmony,  the  second  of  that  name, 
started  on  her  long  career  in  18 19. 

We  learn  from  the  report  of  that  year  that  the 
"  Society  for  the  Furtherance  of  the  Gospel "  had  been 
enabled,  by  means  of  the  barter  trade,  to  take  the 
whole  charge  of  the  maintenance  of  the  Labrador 
Missions  off  the  hands  of  the  Synodal  Committee,  and 
likewise  on  some  occasions  to  contribute  to  the  wants 
of  other  Missions. 

In  the  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  foundation  of  the 
Mission  at  Nain,  the  number  of  Eskimos  living  at  the 
various  stations  was  :  At  Hopedale  149,  Nain  168,  and 
Okak  255,  marking  a  slow  but  steady  progress  in  the 
work  of  evangelization. 

The  spirit  which  animated  the  Missionaries  cannot  be 
better  indicated  than  by  the  following  letter  written  by 
Brother  Schmittman  from  Nain  in  18 19: — 

"  It  seems  that  I  am  not  to  see  you  again  in  this  world, 
for  you  will  hear  that  on  July  12th  last  I  was  seized 
with  a  paralytic  stroke,  by  which,  no  doubt,  God  would 
give  me  to  understand  that  I  should  not  return  to 
Europe,  as  was  intended,  but  that  He  intended  to  call 
me  from  hence  and  perhaps  soon  into  His  everlasting 
kingdom.  This  would  be  quite  according  to  my  heart's 
desire,  and  I  shall  gladly  lay  down  my  mortal  body  to 
rest  near  the  grave  of  my  dear  first  wife  and  children, 
and  those  of  my  Eskimo  brethren  and  sisters,  whom  I 
have  now  had  the  favour  to  serve  for  thirty-eight  years." 

It  was  not,  however,  until  five  years  later  that  this 
faithful  servant  of  the  Lord  was  finally  called  to  rest, 
his  last  years  being  busily  employed  in  translating 
portions  of  Scripture,  hymns,  etc.,  into  the  Eskimo 


In  most  cases  the  Brethren  spend  the  whole  active 
portion  of  their  lives  on  the  coast.  They  go  out  there 
as  young  men,  wives  are  sent  out  to  them  when  they 
wish  to  marry,  and  strangely  enough  these  unions  seem 
to  have  been  invariably  happy.  Their  children,  when 
they  survive  the  rigorous  climate,  are  sent  home  to 
school,  and  often  never  see  their  parents  again.  Their 
pay  begins  at  ;£'ii  a  year  for  an  unmarried  Missionary, 
and  increases,  if  they  marry,  to  £2^,  out  of  which  they 
have  to  find  their  clothes,  breakfasts,  and  small 
necessaries ;  they  collect  no  fees.  Truly  it  cannot  be 
for  any  reward  on  this  earth  that  they  have  laboured, 
and  still  labour,  in  one  of  the  most  rigorous  climates  of 
the  world,  cut  off  from  all  that  seems  to  make  life  worth 
living,  without  public  recognition  and  the  consequent 
feeling  that  their  good  actions  are  known  and  appre- 
ciated. Self-abnegation  can  hardly  go  further ;  and 
nothing  but  the  strongest  sense  of  duty  and  the  deepest 
piety  can  have  enabled  them  one  after  the  other,  for 
one  hundred  and  thirty-seven  years,  to  carry  on  their 
great  and  noble  work  on  the  Labrador. 

The  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  settlement  at  Nain 
was  very  appropriately  celebrated  by  the  visit  paid 
them  by  Captain  William  Martin  in  H.M.S.  Clinkej; 
acting  under  instructions  from  Sir  Charles  Hamilton, 
Governor  of  Newfoundland,  this  being  the  first  official 
visit  or  investigation  in  any  shape  or  form  made  by 
the  Government  since  1773.  Captain  Martin  appears 
to  have  been  extremely  interested  in  all  that  he  saw, 
and  to  have  expressed  his  entire  satisfaction  and 
approval  of  the  work  accomplished  by  the  Brethren. 
They,  on  their  part,  were  highly  pleased  and  flattered 
at  the  visit ;  and  as  for  the  Eskimos  their  wonder  and 
delight  knew  no  bounds.     Captain  Martin  entertained 


them  on  board  his  ship,  regaling  them  with  peas  and 
biscuits,  fired  off  the  ship's  guns,  and  at  night  displayed 
a  number  of  blue  lights  for  their  amusement.  Sir 
Charles  Hamilton  was  very  much  interested  in  the 
aboriginal  races  of  the  countries  under  his  command. 
At  this  time  Mary  March,  one  of  the  last  of  the  un- 
fortunate Beothuks,  was  brought  to  St.  John's,  and 
greater  efforts  were  made  to  communicate  with  and 
save  the  remnants  of  that  race,  alas !  too  late  to  be  of 
any  avail. 

Captain  Martin's  voyage  seems  to  have  been  largely 
for  the  purpose  of  investigating  the  conditions  of  the 
Indian  races,  for  we  find  that  in  this  same  voyage  he 
went  to  the  head  of  Hamilton  Inlet  (which  he  named 
after  Sir  C.  Hamilton),  and  from  thence  ascended  the 
river  for  some  fifty  miles  for  the  purpose  of  meeting 
with  the  Indians  resorting  there.     (See  page  448.) 

A  notable  incident  in  1822  was  the  arrival  of  the 
first  American  fishing  vessel  at  Hopedale,  but  the 
name  of  this  pioneer  is  unfortunately  not  given.  Upon 
receipt  of  Captain  Martin's  report  of  his  visit  to  the 
Moravian  settlements.  Sir  Charles  Hamilton  forwarded 
to  the  Brethren  a  grant  of  land  for  their  fourth  settle- 
ment. An  Order  in  Council  had  been  passed  on 
May  13th,  181 8,  authorizing  the  grant,  but  for  some 
reason  or  other  it  had  not  been  issued.  The  pro- 
clamation accompanying  the  grant  reads  in  part  as 
follows : — 

"  Whereas  His  Royal  Highness  the  Prince  Regent  in 
Council,  May  13th,  18 18,  was  graciously  pleased  to 
authorize  that  every  facility  should  be  given  to  the 
Moravians  in  Labrador  for  extending  the  beneficial 
influence  which  they  have  had  upon  the  character  of  the 
Native  Indians  and  for  spreading  still  further  the  bene- 


fits  of  the  Gospel,  and  to  that  end  to  permit  and  allow 
the  Society  of  the  Unitas  Fratrum  to  form  a  fourth 
settlement  on  the  eastern  coast  of  Labrador,  and  to 
occupy  during  His  Majesty's  pleasure  that  part  of  the 
said  coast  to  the  north  of  Okak,  which  comprehending 
the  bays  of  Kangershutsoak  and  Saglek  reached  the 
59th  degree  of  North  Latitude,  provided  that  the 
sports  chosen  by  the  said  society  for  its  settlement 
may  be  such  as  in  no  way  to  interrupt  or  annoy 
the  fisheries  carried  on  upon  the  said  eastern  coast  of 

This  comprises  a  strip  of  coast  about  one  hundred 
miles  in  length,  not  including  the  great  bays  which  are 
twenty  to  thirty  miles  deep.  It  is  not  clear  what  this 
grant  was  intended  to  convey.  The  other  grants  were 
for  specified  blocks  of  land  ;  this  apparently  is  length 
without  breadth.  Like  the  preceding  grants,  it  is  quali- 
fied by  a  clause  safeguarding  the  interests  of  the 

Brother  Kohlmeister  retired  in  1824  after  thirty-four 
years'  service,  during  five  of  which  he  had  been  in  con- 
trol of  all  the  settlements.  He  reported  that  Nain  and 
Hopedale  were  practically  Christian  settlements,  all  the 
inhabitants  being  baptized  and  no  heathens  living  in 
neighbourhood,  but  that  Okak  was  still  a  mission 
among  the  heathen,  a  great  number  of  Eskimos  from 
the  far  north  and  Ungava  Bay  regularly  resorting 

In  1825  the  Eskimos  were  visited  with  a  peculiar 
disorder,  the  symptoms  being  violent  vomiting  and 
profuse  sweats.  The  Brethren  were  quite  unable  to 
diagnose  it  or  treat  it  successfully,  and  a  large  proportion 
of  deaths  resulted. 

After  the  Harmony  left   Hopedale  this  season   the 


Brethren  were  afforded  another  opportunity  to  write  to 
their  friends  at  home.  A  gentleman  from  Newfound- 
land, Mr.  Cozens,  paid  them  a  visit  in  his  schooner, 
having  been  into  Hamilton  Inlet  to  convey  a  Methodist 
Missionary,  who  intended  settling  there.  This  is  the 
first  mention  of  a  Newfoundland  schooner  on  that  part 
of  the  coast. 

In  1828  all  the  settlements  were  scourged  by  an 
epidemic  of  measles,  which  proved  particularly  fatal  to 
the  unfortunate  Eskimos,  twenty-one  dying  at  Nain 
and  eleven  at  Hopedale ;  the  number  of  deaths  at 
Okak  and  among  the  heathen  is  not  given.  In  that 
year  there  were  living — 

At  Okak       .  .  .     394  persons. 

„  Nain        .  .  .232       „ 

„  Hopedale  •  .176       ,, 

Okak  was  gladdened  this  year  by  the  present  of  an 
organ.  This  venerable  instrument  was  the  same  which 
assisted  the  devotions  of  the  Missionaries  when  they 
first  established  themselves  at  Herrnhut  in  1724.  The 
Eskimos,  who  are  passionately  fond  of  music  and  for- 
tunately not  very  critical,  were  greatly  delighted  with  it. 

Preparations  were  begun  in  1829  for  the  establish- 
ment of  a  fourth  settlement,  which  became  known  as 
Hebron.  It  had  been  authorized  by  the  grant  of  18 18, 
but  the  building  had  been  unavoidably  postponed  from 
year  to  year.  The  timber  for  the  building  was  prepared 
at  the  other  stations,  and  the  Harmony,  with  another 
vessel,  the  Oliver,  took  out  building  material  and  sup- 
plies direct  from  England,  but  it  required  six  years  of 
arduous  labour  on  the  part  of  the  Brethren  before  all 
the  buildings  were  completed.  Very  little  help  could 
be  obtained  from  the  Eskimos.    They  were  very  friendly 


and  assisted  at  odd  times,  but  could  not  be  induced  to 
work  regularly.  Steady  labour  for  a  day's  pay  had  not 
yet  entered  into  their  scheme  of  economy.  This  station 
at  once  took  the  place  which  had  been  occupied  by 
Okak,  and  became  the  chief  point  of  contact  with  the 
heathen  Eskimos.  All  the  trials  and  disappointments 
of  the  early  days  had  to  be  again  endured.  But  few 
of  the  newcomers  could  be  brought  to  listen  to  the 
Gospel  tidings,  and  many  openly  mocked.  They  were, 
as  usual,  greatly  delighted  by  the  music,  but  evinced 
a  desire  to  dance  to  the  hymn  tunes,  to  the  great 
scandal  of  the  Brethren.  One  man,  who  had  two  wives, 
being  asked  if  he  thought  both  of  them  would  accom- 
pany him  into  another  world,  misunderstood  the  pur- 
port of  the  question,  and  naively  replied,  "  Oh,  yes ;  for 
I  have  improved  them  greatly,  and  taught  them  to  live 
in  peace  with  one  another." 

They  were  visited  for  the  first  time  in  1830  by  Capt. 
Patterson,  Judge  of  the  Labrador  Court.  This  court, 
which  was  first  held  in  1826,  was  discontinued  in  1833, 
as  it  was  found  that  there  was  not  sufficient  business 
to  warrant  the  great  expense. 

In  1834  Harmony  III  was  built  at  a  cost  of 
^^3662  i6s.  2d.,  less  ;^I250  received  for  the  old  ship. 
Fortunately  the  cargoes  brought  back  by  the  ship  in 
1834  and  1835  were  of  greater  value  than  usual,  and  the 
heavy  expense  of  the  new  ship  and  station  was 
apparently  wiped  out,  as  no  further  mention  is  made 
of  them  :  1836  was  another  year  when  ice  stayed  on 
the  coast  in  a  solid  jam  until  the  beginning  of  August. 
The  character  of  the  ice  was  also  remarkable,  being 
described  as  bottom  ice  of  great  thickness  either  wholly 
or  partially  concealed  beneath  a  covering  of  water,  too 
shallow  to  allow  a  vessel  to  pass  over  with  safety.     At 


the   close  of   1835  the  number  of  Eskimos   living  at 
each  station  was — 

At  Hopedaie  .  .  .  194 

„    Nain        .  .  .  .  278 

„    Okak        .  .  .  .  251 

„    Hebron   .  .  ,  .  148 

As  seems  so  often  to  happen,  after  a  year  of  much  ice 
succeeded  a  year  of  very  little,  the  Harmony  reporting 
in  1837  that  she  had  met  with  no  drift  ice  and  was 
consequently  able  to  get  into  Hopedaie  on  July  13th. 
It  had  been  a  very  hard  year  on  the  coast.  Very  few 
seals  had  been  taken  and  the  stock  of  codfish  was  very 
small,  the  Eskimos  as  usual  having  neglected  to  make 
provision  for  the  winter.  At  Okak  and  Hebron  they 
were  reduced  to  the  verge  of  starvation,  and  several 
deaths  from  this  cause  occurred  in  the  immediate 
neighbourhood,  although  out  of  reach  of  the  Brethren. 
The  distress  was  very  greatly  intensified  by  a  distemper 
among  the  dogs,  which  caused  the  death  of  about 
90  per  cent,  of  these  useful  animals. 

On  November  30th,  1836,  a  smart  shock  of  an  earth- 
quake was  felt  at  Hopedaie,  attended  by  a  sudden  and 
unusual  warmth  of  temperature.  On  January  24th, 
1837,  a  remarkable  atmospheric  phenomenon  excited 
all  beholders.  A  brilliant  light  appeared  in  the  north 
as  if  an  immense  city  like  London  were  in  flames, 
approaching  in  brightness  that  of  the  sun ;  afterwards 
it  seemed  to  diffuse  itself  in  a  fiery  red  glow  over  the 
eastern  quarter  of  the  heavens,  whence  it  moved  on- 
ward south,  then  west,  and  became  so  intense  that  the 
snow  assumed  a  perfectly  red  colour.  This  singular 
phenomenon  had  but  little  resemblance  to  the  "  Aurora 
Borealis."     It  will  be  remembered  that  another  extra- 


ordinary  atmospheric  phenomenon  was  recorded  in 

The  Harmony  was  treated  to  a  most  unusual  experi- 
ence in  1838,  for  the  ocean  was  entirely  free  from  ice, 
and  the  Missionaries  reported  the  coast  had  been  clear 
for  some  time  before  her  arrival.  This  and  the  years 
1839-40  were  prosperous  and  uneventful.  Moderate 
seasons,  abundance  of  food,  and  a  steady  progress  to- 
wards civilization  on  the  part  of  the  Eskimos,  is  the 
satisfactory  intelligence  derived  from  the  reports  of 
the  Missionaries.  Except  that  a  plague  of  mice  one 
summer  devoured  their  crops  (which  was  pretty  hard 
luck  after  they  had  withstood  the  rigours  of  the  climate), 
and  the  steady  approach  of  the  southlander  traders, 
the  Brethren  had  little  to  complain  of. 

The  number  of  Eskimos  at  the  different  stations 
in  1840  was — 

At  Hopedale         .         .         .  205 

„  Nain         .         .         .         .  298 

„  Okak       ....  352 

J,  Hebron    .         .         .         .  179 

1034  in  all. 

The  Eskimos  at  this  period  are  reported  to  have 
largely  deserted  the  coast  north  of  Hebron  and  to 
have  gone  to  Ungava. 

Ill  1842  a  malignant  influenza  raged  among  both 
Europeans  and  Eskimos,  many  deaths  resulting.  It 
was  a  lean  year,  and  the  Eskimos  often  felt  the  pinch  of 
hunger.  There  was  a  great  scarcity  of  seals,  caused, 
the  Eskimos  said,  by  an  exceedingly  great  quantity  of 
sword-fish  which  infested  the  coast  and  chased  away  the 
seals,  besides  being  very  dangerous  to  themselves.  The 
cargo  of  the  Harmony  was  not  sufficient  to  pay  expenses. 


In  1843  there  was  a  complete  reversal  of  this  gloomy 
state  of  affairs.  The  Harmony  m.ade  the  quickest  round 
trip  on  record,  bringing  back  a  very  valuable  cargo, 
which  happened  in  good  time  as  they  had  just  been 
obliged  to  spend  ^^"1500  on  repairs  to  the  ship.  An 
incident  occurred  in  1844  which  marked,  as  perhaps 
nothing  else  could,  the  advance  v/hich  had  been  made 
by  the  Eskimos  towards  civilization.  A  band  of  Indians, 
belonging  either  to  the  Nascopee  or  Montaignais  tribes,  at  Hopedale  in  great  distress  for  want  of 
provisions.  Time  was  when  the  Eskimos  would  have 
exterminated  them,  one  and  all,  but  now  they  received 
them  with  every  indication  of  friendliness  and  hospi- 
tality, took  them  into  their  houses  and  supplied  them 
with  food,  although  they  themselves  were  on  short 
commons  at  the  time.  The  Brethren  learned  that  these 
Indians  had  been  baptized  by  Roman  Catholic  Mission- 
aries on  the  south  coast  of  Labrador. 

The  Brethren  made  an  interesting  experiment  about 
this  time,  having  obtained  from  the  Himalayas  and 
Thibet  seeds  of  barley  and  other  grains,  as  well  as  of 
pines  and  cedars,  which  flourish  in  those  elevated 
latitudes.  The  climate  of  Labrador  was  too  much  for 
them  however.  The  barley  came  up,  but  v/as  cut  down 
by  frost  before  it  had  attained  much  growth,  while  the 
forest  tree  seeds  did  not  even  germinate. 

1846  was  another  lean  year  on  Labrador,  particularly 
at  Nain,  caused  by  a  total  failure  of  the  seal  fishery 
and  the  neglect  of  the  cod  fishery.  There  were  many 
deaths  from  starvation  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the 
Brethren,  but  of  course  none  at  their  stations.  The 
report  for  1847  says: — 

"  Food  and  raiment,  health  and  strength,  were  largely 
bestowed  upon  the  members  of  our  several  congrega- 


tions  ;  to  their  households  want  was  almost  a  stranger, 
neither  did  any  plague  come  nigh  their  dwellings." 

But  another  visitor  appeared  on  the  coast — the  fabu- 
lous "  Kraaken."  Some  Eskimos  reported  having  seen 
near  to  Cape  Mugford  a  terrible  monster,  whose  arms 
protruded  out  of  the  water  at  a  distance  of  a  hundred 
paces,  and  that  its  voice  was  harsh  and  terrifying,  like 
low  thunder.  They  hastened  to  the  Missionaries  with 
their  tale,  who  had  no  difficulty  in  deciding  that  it  was 
the  giant  octopus  which  had  so  frightened  the  Eskimos. 
This  fearsome  creature  has  several  times  been  seen  on 
these  coasts. 

At  the  close  of  the  year  1850  there  were  1297  Eskimos 
living  at  the  settlements — 

At  Nain        .         .         .         ,  314 

55  Okak        ....  408 

„  Hopedale          .         .         .  229 

„  Hebron    ....  346 

The  voyage  of  the  Harmony  in  185 1  was  reckoned 
the  most  stormy  for  twenty  years;  ice  was  met  350 
miles  off  the  coast,  which  with  dense  fog  and  storms 
of  wind  caused  the  ship  to  be  often  in  extreme  danger. 
On  her  return  voyage  she  took  Brother  Beck  and  his 
wife  to  seek  a  well-earned  repose  after  thirty-four  years' 
service  on  the  Labrador.  He  was  born  in  Greenland, 
where  his  father  had  laboured  as  a  Missionary  for  fifty- 
three  years  and  his  grandfather  for  forty-three  years' 
There  are  several  other  instances  among  the  Moravians 
of  the  Missionary  role  being  handed  on  from  father  and 
son  through  several  generations. 

One  of  the  most  serious  calamities  which  ever  befell 
the  Missions  took  place  in  1853,  when  the  Harmony, 
after  reaching  Hopedale,  was  blown  off  the  coast  by  a 


violent  north-west  gale,  and  in  spite  of  long-continued 
efforts  was  forced  to  abandon  the  voyage  to  the  other 
settlements.  It  was  always  the  policy  of  the  Brethren 
to  keep  a  year's  supply  ahead  of  all  necessaries,  fearing 
some  such  contingency  as  this.  But  it  was  a  hard 
experience.  The  Eskimos  had  had  a  poor  season,  and 
the  Brethren  could  not  afford  them  much  assistance 
from  the  stores,  which  were  quite  out  of  biscuit,  meal, 
and  pease,  before  the  Harmony  again  arrived.  They 
obtained  a  small  supply  of  these  articles  from  the 
nearest  Hudson  Bay  Company's  post  by  giving  in 
exchange  the  skin  boots  made  by  the  Eskimos,  for 
which  a  considerable  demand  had  sprung  up  in  the 

From  Hopedale  we  get  the  following  interesting 
item  : — 

"  Mr.  Smith,  the  director  of  the  factories  belonging 
to  the  H.  B.  Co.,  called  upon  us  in  reference  to  the 
establishment  of  a  Mission  at  Gross  Water  Bay.  He 
took  a  quantity  of  English  Bibles  and  Testaments  from 
hence  with  him  so  that  our  supply  is  exhausted."^ 

In  1855  the  Harmony  fell  in  with  quantities  of  drift 
ice  250  miles  from  the  coast.  The  winter  had  been 
very  severe,  but  an  unwonted  measure  of  prosperity 
had  been  experienced.  An  abundance  of  seal  and  cod- 
fish had  been  taken  and  a  large  quantity  of  fur  collected, 
so  that  the  return  cargo  of  the  Harmony  was  one  of  the 
most  valuable  on  record,  and  not  only  paid  the  expenses 

^  This  excellent  footwear  is  still  in  great  demand  among  fishermen  and 
lumbermen,  being  light  and  quite  waterproof  if  somewhat  odoriferous. 

"  That  Mr.  Smith,  now  Lord  Strathcona,  should  fifty-five  years  later 
be  still  hale  and  hearty,  and  living  a  life  of  activity  and  importance  as 
High  Commissioner  for  Canada  in  England,  is  very  remarkable.  His 
benefactions  are  world-wide,  but  especially  has  he  contributed  to  the 
support  of  the  Deep  Sea  Mission  work  on  the  Labrador. 


of  the  Missions,  but  left  a  surplus  which  was  devoted  to 
the  general  Mission  fund. 

Sad  news  was  received  from  the  Labrador  on  the 
following  year.  Famine  and  disease  again  visited  the 
coast,  especially  at  the  two  northern  stations.  Im.mense 
masses  of  ice  remained  on  the  coast  until  late  in  the 
summer  of  1855,  and  very  small  quantities  of  cod  could 
be  taken.  The  following  autumn  and  spring  the  seal 
hunt  was  a  failure,  so  that  both  the  Brethren  and  their 
flock  were  at  the  end  of  their  resources.  At  Hebron 
fifty-nine  people  died  of  disease. 

The  following  season,  1856-7,  was,  as  so  often  seems 
to  happen,  a  complete  contrast  to  the  preceding  year. 
An  abundance  of  seals  and  cod  gladdened  the  hearts 
and  fattened  the  bodies  of  the  Eskimos. 

Earthquake  shocks  were  again  noted  at  Hebron  in 


In  pursuance  of  an  invitation  given  by  Mr.  Donald 
Smith,  Brother  Eisner  left  Hopedale  in  April,  1857, 
and  journeyed  to  North-West  River  to  discuss  with  him 
the  advisability  of  starting  a  Mission  either  there  or  at 
Rigolet.  After  a  hard  journey  of  five  days  he  reached 
Mr.  Smith's  comfortable  and  hospitable  dwelling.  He 
was  delighted  with  the  country  and  the  appearance 
of  the  settlement.  Mr.  Smith  had  four  head  of  cattle, 
besides  sheep,  goats,  and  fowls ;  there  was  milk  in 
plenty,  and  for  the  first  time  on  Labrador  he  tasted 
fresh  roast  beef,  mutton,  and  pork. 

Mr.  Smith's  proposal  was  an  enticing  one.  While  not 
fully  authorized  by  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  he 
suggested  that  they  would  build  a  church  and  dwelling- 
house,  and  pay  a  Missionary  ;^ioo  a  year,  which  v^^ould 
have  been  affluence  to  the  Moravians,  whose  yearly 
stipend  was  ;^22. 


There  were  very  few  settlers  in  the  neighbourhood, 

and  the  Indians  who  visited  the  post  professed  the 
Roman  Cathohc  religion.  On  Sunday  Mr.  Smith  read 
service  to  his  household,  which  was  attended  by  about 
thirt}^  Indians,  although  they  couid  not  understand  a 
word  of  what  was  being  said.  Brother  Eisner  reports 
that  "  they  were  very  fond  of  rum,  but  get  it  only  in 
small  quantities  as  presents,  the  sale  of  spirits  to  the 
Indians  being  prohibited  by  law."  ^ 

At  Rigolet  Brother  Eisner  found  a  very  small  com- 
munity, and  in  all  Hamilton  Inlet  there  were  but  thirty- 
one  families,  ten  of  which  were  Eskimos.  After  a 
thorough  discussion  the  Moravians  decided  that  it  would 
be  impossible  for  them  to  undertake  this  new  field  of 
work.  Mr.  Smith's  attitude  to  the  Moravians  was  very 
different  from  the  later  policy  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Com- 
pany. We  shall  hear  soon  of  a  very  aggressive  and 
annoying  competition  forced  upon  the  Brethren  by  the 
Company,  who  apparently  aimed  at  engrossing  the  whole 
Labrador  trade. 

In  1859  the  dogs  were  again  attacked  by  the  dis- 
temper which  periodically  visits  the  Labrador.  The 
cause  of  this  mysterious  disease  has  not  been  ascer- 
tained. It  seems  to  be  rather  infectious  than  contagious, 
for  it  breaks  out  simultaneously  all  over  the  coast,  at 
places  very  widely  separated  and  with  no  communi- 
cation. The  dogs  in  Ungava  Bay  were  afflicted  at  the 
same  time  as  those  in  Hopedale.  It  not  only  attacked 
the  dogs,  but  the  wolves,  foxes,  and  even  the  caribou 

^  This  has  been  and  still  is  a  very  serious  question.  John  McLean, 
writing  in  1849,  says  of  York  P'actory,  Hudson's  Bay  : — "  To  find  the 
Company  serving  out  rum  to  the  natives  as  payment  for  their  services  in 
this  remote  quarter,  created  the  utmost  surprise  in  my  mind.  No  excuse 
can  be  advanced  which  can  justify  the  unhallowed  practice."  It  is  feared 
that  it  is  not  yet  at  an  end. 


died  in  vast  numbers  from  the  same  disease.  We  seem 
to  know  very  little  about  the  various  pestilences  to 
which  wild  animal  life  is  subject,  and  less  about  the 
strange  migrations  and  changes  of  habit  which  have 
been  so  often  noted.  Reading  over  these  Moravian 
annals  one  finds  many  curious  and  unexplained 
phenomena  of  this  kind.  In  some  seasons  there  were 
immense  quantities  of  willow  grouse  taken  and  then 
none.  The  caribou  and  foxes  were  equally  intermit- 
tent in  their  visits,  not  to  mention  the  seals  and  cod- 
fish. The  strange  disappearance  within  the  past  fifteen 
years  of  the  vast  flights  of  curlew  which  had  annually 
visited  Labrador  ever  since  the  country  has  been 
known;  and  in  Newfoundland  in  1904-5,  the  strange 
disease  which  attacked  the  rabbits  and  caused  them 
to  die  in  thousands.  All  are  so  far  inexplicable,  and 
demand  investigation  by  the  student  of  natural  his- 

In  i860  the  number  of  Eskimos  at  the  stations 
was  as  follows  : — 

At  Nain        .         .         .         .  277 

„  Hopedale        .         .         .  241 

,,  Okak       .         .         .         .  314 

„  Hebron  ....  306 

The  fourth  Harmony  was  launched  in  1861  ;  a  larger 
vessel  than  her  predecessor,  which  had  braved  the  storms 
and  ice  of  Labrador  for  twenty-nine  years.  The  London 
Association  found  themselves  able  to  pay  for  her  with- 
out calling  for  special  contributions.  The  same  report 
says  that  for  many  years  past  no  demand  had  been 
made  upon  the  Treasury  for  the  support  of  the  work  in 
Labrador,  South  Africa,  or  Surinam. 

The  monotony  of  life  on  Labrador  was  occasionally 


varied  by  the  arrival  of  chance  visitors.  On  two  occa- 
sions American  whalers  wintered  on  the  coast  near  the 
settlements.  One  of  these  vessels  was  very  badly 
damaged,  but  by  the  assistance  of  the  Brethren  was 
put  into  a  seaworthy  condition.  The  spiritual  condition 
of  the  captain  also  caused  them  much  concern,  as  it 
seemed  to  be  in  as  much  need  of  repairs  as  his  ship. 
In  1 86 1  there  swam  into  their  horizon  a  boat's  crew  of 
runaway  sailors  from  an  American  whaler  in  Cumber- 
land Inlet.  Captain  C.  F.  Hall  mentions  their  de- 
parture from  that  bay.  The  boat  then  contained  nine 
persons ;  when  they  arrived  at  Okak  there  were  six, 
and  they  had  no  hesitation  in  confessing  that  they 
had  eaten  their  missing  comrades,  who  they  said  had 
died.  They  were  a  desperate  gang,  and  showed  no 
gratitude  for  the  kindness  they  received,  their  last 
act  being  to  rob  the  Eskimos  who  showed  them  on 
their  way. 

An  interesting  report  on  the  stations  is  submitted  by 
Brother  Reichel,  who  had  been  sent  by  the  General 
Synod  to  investigate  the  condition  of  affairs.  He  esti- 
mates that  there  were  about  1500  Eskimos  living  on  the 
Labrador,  of  whom  1163  were  under  the  influence  of 
the  Brethren,  if  not  actually  converted.  At  New  Year 
they  assemble  at  the  Mission  stations  and  occupy 
themselves  in  the  capture  of  partridges  and  foxes.  In 
February  they  go  to  the  edge  of  the  ice  to  take  seals, 
but  always  make  a  point  of  returning  for  the  services 
of  Passion  Week.  After  Easter  they  go  inland  to  hunt 
caribou.  In  June  they  collect  eggs  from  the  islands, 
after  which  the  cod  fishing  soon  begins,  and  lasts  until 
September.  From  October  to  the  end  of  the  year  they 
give  their  attention  principally  to  the  taking  of  seals  in 
nets,  which  forms  their  chief  supply  of  food  during  the 


winter.  But  very  few  Eskimo  families  were  then  con- 
tent with  the  food  which  had  satisfied  their  ancestors. 
Molasses,  sugar,  biscuits,  and  other  European  food  had 
become  almost  a  necessity,  and  were  obtained  princi- 
pally from  the  Newfoundland  fishing  schooners  or 
traders.  They  had  given  up  the  practice  of  harpooning 
seals  or  taking  sea  birds  by  means  of  darts,  at  which 
they  had  been  so  marvellously  expert,  and  used  fire- 
arms instead,  which  was  more  expensive  and  considered 
by  the  Brethren  to  be  rather  retrograde. 

The  steady  advance  of  the  Newfoundland  fishing 
and  trading  schooners  was  a  continued  anxiety  to  the 
Brethren.  Besides  supplying  their  flocks  with  useless 
European  goods  and  intoxicating  liquors,  they  usurped 
the  fishing  stations  which  had  been  used  by  the 
Eskimos.  When  the  schooners  first  appeared  on  the 
coast  the  Eskimos  were  usually  away  sealing,  and  when 
they  returned  they  would  find  their  places  occupied. 
Six  vessels  fished  at  Hopedale  during  the  summer  of 
1863,  and  were  first  reported  at  Hebron  in  the  same 
year.  Twenty-five  vessels  touched  at  Hopedale  in 
1866,  108  in  1 868,  and  in  1870  over  500  passed  north, 
145  being  counted  in  one  day.  The  Brethren  at  once 
began  to  minister  to  the  spiritual  needs  of  this  large 
floating  population,  and  an  English-speaking  Brother 
was  sent  out  for  this  special  service.  The  men  are 
reported  as  being  generally  very  well  behaved  and 
apparently  appreciating  the  endeavour  to  serve  them. 
Over  three  hundred  attended  a  special  service  held  for 
them  in   1868. 

In  1863-4  serious  epidemics  visited  the  Eskimos  and 
caused  the  death  of  large  numbers  of  them,  and  in  1868 
the  "  loss  of  sense "  disease  again  attacked  the  dogs. 
The  station  at  Zoar  was  begun  in    1865,  and  it  had 

j£i-  •   :■:  __    -    ?,trL^ 


been  decided  to  start  yet  another  small  station  north  of 
Hebron,  and  Saglek  Bay  had  been  chosen  and  a  house 
and  store  built  there.  But  in  the  following  summer  the 
Hudson  Bay  Company  located  an  agent  there,  so  it  was 
resolved  to  leave  him  in  undisputed  possession  and 
move  farther  north  to  meet  the  heathen  Eskimos. 
Nachvak  Bay  was  then  selected  and  a  house  erected 
there,  but  again  an  agent  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company 
was  sent  to  compete  for  the  Eskimo  trade,  and  the 
Moravian  Brethren  again  beat  a  retreat.  This  compe- 
tition with  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  was  most  trying 
to  the  Brethren.  There  can  be  no  question  as  to  whose 
influence  was  the  better  for  the  Eskimos.  The  result 
is,  alas !  all  too  plain  to-day,  for  at  Nachvak  is  living 
the  pitiful  remnant  of  a  tribe  of  Eskimos  steeped  in 
barbarism  and  vice. 

John  McLean,  whose  book,  Twenty-five  Years  in  the 
Hudson  Bay  Company  s  Service,  was  published  in  1849, 
is  very  frank  in  describing  the  disastrous  results  of  the 
Company's  trade  to  the  Indian  tribes.  His  praise  of  the 
work  of  the  Moravian  Brethren  is  as  unqualified  as  is 
his  condemnation  of  that  of  his  own  Company,  in  respect 
to  which  he  quotes  the  old  adage,  "  The  more  the  divil 
has  the  more  he  wants." 

The  hundredth  voyage  of  the  Moravians'  ship,  success- 
fully performed  to  and  from  Labrador,  was  naturally  the 
occasion  of  much  rejoicing.  A  pamphlet  published  by 
the  Brethren  in  commemoration  of  the  event  briefly 
gives  the  history  of  the  ships  and  their  captains, 
and  furnishes  a  story  unique  in  the  annals  of  com- 
merce. They  never  lost  a  ship,  nor  failed  to  reach  the 
Labrador  in  spite  of  ice,  fog,  storms,  and  an  entirely 
uncharted  coast.  It  is  worthy  of  note  that  a  much 
lower  premium  of  insurance  is  paid  on  the  Brethren's 



ships  than  on  any  other  vessels  employed  in  similar 

In  1 870-1  the  coast  remained  blocked  with  ice  until 
very  late  in  July,  so  that  the  take  of  codfish  both  by  the 
Eskimos  and  Newfoundland  fishing  vessels  was  very 
small.  This  seemed  to  be  quite  a  set-back  for  the  latter, 
for  very  few  schooners,  comparatively,  went  north  in 
1872.  In  this  year  the  Brethren  began  to  send  their 
catch  of  codfish  to  St,  John's  for  sale,  as  it  had  been 
very  difficult  to  dispose  of  it  in  London.  The  usual 
food  supply  was  very  short  in  the  winter  of  1871,  and 
there  would  have  been  great  distress  had  there  not 
been  an  extraordinary  number  of  partridges  (willow 
grouse)  taken,  A  change  from  the  ordinary  diet  which 
would  have  been  very  gladly  made  by  anyone  not  an 

In  1 87 1  the  most  northern  station  of  the  Brethren 
was  built  at  Ramah.  For  the  next .  few  years  life 
flowed  along  very  smoothly  at  the  Moravian  Mission 
stations.  In  1874,  at  Nain,  there  was  considerable 
dissatisfaction  among  the  Eskimos  over  their  trade 
dealings  at  the  Brethren's  store,  but  the  trouble  soon 
blew  over. 

The  ice  lay  on  the  coast  in  1875  until  late  in  July, 
and  Hopedale  reports  hundreds  of  Newfoundland 
schooners  lying  outside  the  ice  waiting  to  get  into 
shore  to  begin  fishing  operations.  When  they  were 
finally  able  to  commence  fishing  they  met  with  great 

In  1876  the  poor  Eskimos  were  again  ravaged  by  a 
cwt/zsed  disease,  the  whooping  cough,  and  over  a  hundred 
died  out  of  a  population  of  twelve  hundred.  Brother 
Reichel,  whose  report  on  the  stations  in  1861  has  been 
noticed,  again  made  a  tour  of  inspection  in  1876.     The 


comparisons  he  makes  are  very  interesting.  He  reports 
the  spiritual  condition  of  the  Eskimos  as  vastly  im- 
proved. The  advent  of  so  many  fishing  schooners  to 
their  neighbourhood  seeking  the  cod,  trout,  and  salmon, 
which  the  Eskimos  had  despised  and  rejected,  instigated 
quite  a  feeling  of  rivalry,  and  they  very  soon  became 
much  more  industrious.  By  this  means  they  were 
able  to  improve  their  condition  greatly.  The  snow- 
houses  and  tents  had  given  place  to  blockhouses  after 
the  European  plan.  They  had  also  largely  abandoned 
their  sealskin  clothes,  reserving  those  characteristic  cos- 
tumes for  Sundays  and  state  occasions,  which  was  a 
decided  change  for  the  worse.  As  was  also  the  increased 
use  of  European  food. 

During  the  period  1861-76  the  number  of  boats  had 
increased  from  117  to  237;  the  "umiaks,"  or  women's 
boats,  had  decreased  from  14  to  4 ;  and  the  kayaks 
from  214  to  154;  while  the  number  of  dogs  had  in- 
creased from  222  to  716. 

There  were  still  a  number  of  heathen  Eskimos  from 
Ungava  Bay  regularly  visiting  Ramah,  but  efforts  to 
convert  them  were  long  ineffectual.  One  man  replied, 
when  urged  to  join  their  congregation,  that  he  had 
already  greatly  improved  his  way  of  living,  for  had 
he  not  refrained  from  killing  a  man  zvho  had  offended 
him  ?  A  negative  virtue  which  caused  him  much  self- 
congratulation,  and  doubtless  represented  considerable 

In  1877  the  Brethren  were  afforded  the  luxury  of  a 
steam-launch  to  ply  between  their  stations.  The  credit 
system  had  been  so  much  abused  at  the  stores  that  more 
stringent  rules  had  to  be  enforced,  and  credit  refused  to 
those  Eskimos  v^^ho  made  no  effort  to  pay  their  debts. 
This  nearly  bred  a  riot,  but  after  a  while  the  Eskimos 


admitted  that  the  new  rules  were  founded  in  justice, 
and  for  a  time  the  trade  v^^as  conducted  on  a  better 

The  year  1901  was  a  sort  of  Jubilee  year,  when 
debts  were  cancelled,  and  the  Eskimos  started  on  a 
clean  sheet.  The  Newfoundland  fishing  schooners  are 
first  reported  at  Ramah  in  this  year. 

A  good  many  complaints  are  made  from  all  the 
stations  about  this  time  of  the  conduct  of  some  of  the 
Newfoundland  fishermen  in  appropriating  such  property 
of  the  Eskimos  as  they  took  a  fancy  to.  Such  valuable 
property  as  boats,  nets,  ropes,  and  anchors  were  stolen 
without  any  thought  of  the  inconvenience,  not  to  say 
irreparable  loss,  inflicted  upon  the  Eskimos,  Immunity 
from  punishment  is  a  great  temptation ;  and  there  was 
no  governmental  control,  not  even  a  policeman  on  this 
enormous  tract  of  coast,  to  protect  the  weak  from  the 
strong.  From  the  time  of  Palliser  the  only  method 
of  government  has  been  by  proclamation,  and  in  this 
instance  it  was  the  only  means  taken  to  protect  the 
Eskimos  from  their  lawless  visitors. 

In  1879  we  note  the  following  entry  : — 

"  That  our  request  to  be  provided  with  something 
like  security  in  the  matter  of  our  civil  rights  as 
German  citizens  has  been  met  by  the  appointment 
of  Brother  Bourquin,  our  president,  to  the  office 
of  Consul  of  the  German  Empire  for  Labrador,  was 
a  matter  of  no  little  interest  to  us,  and  we  desire  to 
express  our  thanks  to  the  Brethren  in  London  for  their 
successful  efforts  on  our  behalf" 

In  1880  it  is  stated  that  the  cargo  of  the  Harmo7iy 
might  reasonably  be  expected  to  defray  the  entire  cost 
of  the  Labrador  Missions.      The  number  of  Eskimos 



and  settlers  in  the  Moravian  congregations  was  1302, 
distributed  as  follows  : — 





Nain     . 


Okak    . 






In  this  year  we  have  to  note  an  incident  which  has 
occurred  on  several  occasions  since,  each  time  with 
dire  consequences  not  only  to  the  Eskimos  particularly 
concerned,  but  also  to  the  whole  community. 

From  time  immemorial  civilized  nations  have  been 
possessed  with  a  desire  to  see  savage  people.  Shake- 
speare notes  this  curiosity  when  he  makes  Trinculo  say, 
"  When  they  will  not  give  a  doit  to  relieve  a  lame 
beggar,  they  will  lay  out  ten  to  see  a  dead  Indian." 

The  Eskimos  have  been  particular  objects  of  curiosity 
ever  since  the  discovery  of  the  New  World,  and  have 
been  often  taken  to  England  and  exhibited.  But 
latterly  this  species  of  show  has  become  a  regular 
business,  and  at  every  great  Exposition  remote  and 
curious  people  from  all  parts  of  the  world  have  been 

On  the  occasion  referred  to  now,  Hagenbeck,  the 
well-known  wild  animal  exhibitor  of  Hamburg,  sent 
to  Labrador  and  induced  eight  Eskimo  men,  women, 
and  children  to  go  to  Europe  for  exhibition  purposes. 
The  Brethren  at  once  saw  the  probable  evil  con- 
sequences, and  used  all  their  persuasive  powers  to 
prevent  them  from  going.  But  the  attraction  of  good 
pay,  easily  earned,  outweighed  the  warnings  of  the 
Missionaries.     Their  forebodings  were  only  too  quickly 


realized.  After  appearing  at  the  Zoological  Gardens 
in  Berlin  for  a  few  months,  they  toured  through 
Germany,  and  finally  reached  Paris.  Here  they  con- 
tracted small-pox,  and  all  died.  It  was  almost  exactly 
a  hundred  years  before  that  Cartwright's  Eskimo  friends 
met  with  a  similar  fate  in  England. 

The  following  piteous  letter  was  written  by  the  chief 
man  among  this  little  band  of  exiles  to  one  of  the 
Brethren  : — 

"  Paris,  Jamtary  8th,  1881. 

"My  dear  teacher  Elsner, 

"  I  write  to  you  very  sadly,  and  am  much  troubled 
about  my  relatives,  for  my  child  which  I  was  so  fond 
of  lives  no  more ;  she  has  died  of  the  bad  small-pox, 
after  being  for  four  days  only  ill.  By  our  child's  death 
my  wife  and  I  are  strongly  reminded  that  we  too  must 
die.  It  died  in  Crefeld,  although  many  doctors  saw  it. 
These  men  can  indeed  do  nothing,  so  we  will  above  all 
look  to  Jesus,  who  died  for  us,  as  our  Physician.  My 
dear  teacher  Eisner,  we  kneel  daily  before  Him,  and 
ask  Him  to  pardon  us  for  coming  over  here ;  and 
do  not  doubt  that  He  will  hear  our  prayer.  Every 
day  we  weep  together  for  the  pardon  of  our  sins 
through  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  Even  Terrianiak, 
who  is  now  alone  [his  wife  and  child  had  died],  when 
I  speak  to  him  about  conversion,  tells  me — I  think 
with  sincerity  —  he  desires  to  become  our  Saviour's 
property.  He  joins  us  daily  at  prayers,  as  also  our 
little  Maria.  But  her  life  is  in  danger,  for  her  face 
is  much  swollen.  Tobias  is  very  ill.  I  remember 
that  Jesus  alone  can  help  us  in  the  hour  of  death. 
Yes,  indeed.  He  is  with  us  everywhere.  I  wish  I 
could   tell    my  people    beyond   the  sea  how   kind    the 


Lord  is.  Our  master  buys  much  medicine  for  us, 
but  all  seems  useless.  I  hope  in  the  Lord,  who  sees 
my  tears  daily.  I  care  not  for  worldly  advantage  ; 
but  I  do  long  to  see  my  friends  once  more,  and,  as 
long  as  I  live,  to  speak  to  them  in  the  name  of  the 
Lord.  I  did  not  formerly  understand  these  things ; 
now  I  do.  My  tears  come  often,  but  the  words  which 
He  has  spoken  always  bring  me  fresh  comfort.  My 
dear  teacher  Eisner,  pray  for  us  that  this  sickness  be 
removed,  if  it  be  His  will ;  but  His  will  be  done.  I 
am  a  poor  man  like  the  dust. 

"  It  is  very  cold  in  Paris,  but  our  master  is  now  very 
kind  to  all  of  us.  I  salute  you,  so  does  my  wife ;  and 
with  you  the  members  of  the  church  at  Bremen.  Tell 
the  great  teachers  [the  Directing  Board]  that  we  salute 
them  very  much.     The  Lord  be  with  you  all.    Amen. 

"  I  am,  Abraham,  husband  of  Ulrika." 

Such  was  the  sad  fate  of  these  poor  creatures, 
"  butchered  to  make  a  Roman  holiday." 

It  was  fortunate  perhaps  that  there  were  no  survivors 
to  take  back  disease  and  death  to  their  friends,  as  did 
poor  Kaubvick  in  Cartwright's  time,  and  as  has  been 
done  in  a  more  serious  way  since. 

In  1893  3-  colony  of  Eskimos,  consisting  of  fifty- 
seven  men,  women,  and  children,  were  taken  to  the 
Chicago  Exposition.  They  were  recruited  principally 
from  southern  Labrador,  but  some  few  went  from  the 
Moravians'  stations.  Of  their  adventures  in  Chicago 
little  has  been  learned,  but  at  the  end  of  the  Exposition 
the  survivors  were  returned  to  Newfoundland,  in  an 
absolutely  destitute  condition,  at  the  expense  of  the 
colony.  The  money  due  to  them  was  never  paid.  A 
schooner  had  gone  to  Labrador  and  taken  them  from 


their  homes,  but  they  were  left  to  get  back  as  best  they 
could.  They  brought  with  them  the  infection  of  typhoid 
fever,  to  which  a  very  large  number  of  Eskimos,  from 
Hopedale  to  Hebron,  fell  victims.  At  Nain,  out  of  a 
population  of  three  hundred  and  fifty  Eskimos,  ninety 
died  during  one  winter,  their  dead  and  frozen  bodies 
awaiting  burial  at  one  time  the  following  spring.  One 
man  named  Zecharias,  from  Hebron,  said  on  his 
return  : — 

"  We  are  glad  to  be  at  liberty  once  more,  and  not  to 
be  continually  looked  at  as  if  we  were  animals.  We 
shall  never  go  again." 

Another  of  this  unhappy  band  was  "  Pomiuk,"  the 
little  lame  boy  who  attracted  so  much  attention  at 
Chicago,  and  whose  life  story  has  been  since  written, 
{Pomiuk,  W.  B.  Forbush,  Boston,  1903),  evidencing  in 
the  most  pathetic  way  the  evil  result  of  taking  these 
poor  people  from  their  native  country. 

In  1898  another  lot  of  Eskimos,  thirty-three  in  all, 
were  induced  by  the  same  man  who  had  taken  the 
colony  to  Chicago  three  years  before  to  go  on  tour  to 
England,  Europe,  and  America.  Three  died  while 
exhibiting  at  Olympia,  in  London.  In  February,  1901, 
they  were  heard  of  in  Algeria,  and  then  went  to 
America.  On  September  28th,  1903,  six  only  of  them 
were  landed  at  Ramah,  sick  and  destitute.  They  ad- 
mitted having  led  degraded  and  immoral  lives  while 
they  were  away,  and,  it  has  been  found  since,  had 
contracted  a  most  loathsome  disease  which  has  spread 
gradually  through  all  the  settlements  and  killed  slowly 
and  painfully  a  large  number  of  poor  creatures — the 
innocent  with  the  guilty.  So  serious  had  the  matter 
become,    that    it    was    contemplated    sending    H.M.S. 


Brilliant  down  in  the  fall  of  1907  with  medical  assist- 
ance and  supplies. 

A  way  must  be  found  to  prevent  a  repetition  of  such 
a  tragedy.  Legislation  has  been  contemplated,  but  it 
has  been  difficult  to  decide  what  form  it  shall  take.  A 
reluctance  to  curtail  the  liberty  of  the  subject  is  offered 
as  an  excuse  for  the  delay  of  legislative  enactment ; 
but  in  every  part  of  the  world  laws  and  enactments  are 
in  force  to  protect  the  helpless  from  the  consequences  of 
their  own  folly,  and  already  Newfoundland  has  similar 
laws,  in  so  much  as  the  sale  of  liquor  to  Eskimos  is  pro- 
hibited. Why,  therefore,  hesitate  at  this  most  necessary 
legislation  ?  Ever  since  Cartwright's  humane  experi- 
ment in  1 78 1,  whenever  the  Eskimos  have  left  their 
native  coasts  disease  and  death  have  quickly  destroyed 
them.  It  should  be  made  a  penal  offence  to  induce  the 
Eskimos  to  leave  their  homes,  and  all  captains  of 
vessels  should  be  prohibited  from  carrying  Eskimos 
away  without  special  permission  of  the  Moravian 
Brethren  in  charge  on  the  Labrador,  and  of  the  Minister 
of  Justice  of  the  colony. 

In  1880  the  Newfoundland  government  first  sent 
a  mail  steamer  along  the  coast  as  far  as  Hopedale. 
The  Brethren  were  thus  afforded  the  opportunity  of 
communicating  more  frequently  with  the  outside  world, 
and  the  oppressive  feeling  of  isolation,  which  was  one  of 
the  terrors  of  the  post,  was  greatly  mitigated. 

It  was  the  unpleasant  duty  of  the  Missionary-in-chief, 
Brother  Bourgin,  to  secure  the  arrest  of  an  Eskimo 
man  named  Ephraim  who  had  murdered  his  son-in-law 
in  the  most  cold-blooded  manner.  In  the  early  days  of 
the  Mission  murder  had  been  of  frequent  occurrence 
among  the  Eskimos,  but  latterly  it  had  become  quite  rare. 
The  lack  of  communication  with  the   seats  of  justice, 



and  the  absence  of  any  officers  of  the  law,  had  made  it . 
impossible  heretofore  to  bring  offenders  to  justice,  and 
this  was  the  first  occasion  on  which  an  attempt  was 
made  to  bring  a  criminal  before  a  properly  constituted 
tribunal.  He  was  taken  to  St.  John  s  for  trial,  was 
convicted,  and  sentenced  to  be  hanged,  but  the  sentence 
was  afterwards  commuted  to  imprisonment  for  life. 
He  died  in  1886. 

Whooping-cough  and  measles  ravaged  the  unfortunate 
Eskimos  in  1880-2,  causing  the  death  of  large  numbers. 
So  many  were  ill  at  one  time  during  the  summer  of 
1882  that  it  was  impossible  for  them  to  make  their 
usual  provision  for  the  winter,  and  great  distress  pre- 
vailed in  consequence. 

There  seems  little  of  interest  to  be  noted  in  the  next 
few  years.  The  food  supply  varied  as  usual,  it  being 
always  either  a  feast  or  a  famine  with  the  Eskimos. 
The  Annual  Reports  give  one  to  understand  that  the 
proceeds  of  the  trade  had  been  steadily  sufficient  to  pay 
the  expenses  of  the  Missions, 

In  1890  the  number  of  Eskimos  receiving  the  minis- 
trations of  the  Brethren  was  1335  : 

At  Hopedale 




In  1S92  a  new  era  dawned  for  Labrador. 

From  this  time  forward  the  Moravian  Missionaries 
were  to  have,  in  the  person  of  Dr.  Wilfred  Grenfell, 
a  new  and  powerful  ally  in  the  work  of  God  which 
they    had    been    carrying    on    for    a    century    and    a 


quarter.  They  had  been  called  to  this  desolate 
coast  by  the  needs  of  the  heathen  Eskimos,  then  its 
only  residents.  We  have  read  how  their  work  has 
prospered  through  the  long  years,  and  how  the  heathen 
Eskimos  have  become  genuine  Christians,  living  humble 
Christian  lives  that  would  set  a  good  example  to  many 
a  European  and  American  community. 

We  have  read  how  a  new  transient  population  has 
gradually  invaded  Labrador.  How  the  traders,  furriers 
and  fishermen  from  Canada,  America,  and  the  Old 
Country,  and  now  from  Newfoundland,  have  gradu- 
ally advanced  along  the  coasts  seeking  the  spoils  of 
the  deep  and  the  treasures  of  the  forest.  At  first 
the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  only  were  visited  ;  about 
the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century  they  had  ad- 
vanced as  far  as  Hamilton  Inlet.  In  1821  Capt.  Martin 
could  not  obtain  a  pilot  to  take  him  farther  north  than 
Cape  Harrison.  It  is  i860  before  we  hear  of  New- 
foundland fishing  schooners  at  Hopedale,  and  1863 
before  they  reach  Hebron.  But  the  business  continued 
to  grow  very  rapidly,  until  in  recent  years  it  is  com- 
puted that  1500  to  1800  schooners  and  15,000  to  20,000 
people,  men,  women,  and  children,  go  annually  to 
Labrador  to  employ  themselves  in  the  codfishery.  We 
have  read  how  the  Moravian  Missionaries  endeavoured 
to  minister  to  such  of  these  people  as  they  came  in  con- 
tact with  ;  but  it  was  long  evident  in  Newfoundland  that 
the  condition  of  things  amongst  this  large  fleet  was  not  all 
that  it  should  be.  Every  sudden  growth  of  a  new  in- 
dustry of  this  kind  seems  to  carry  with  it  an  attendant 
crop  of  troubles  and  abuses,  which  have  become  serious 
and  threatening,  almost  before  people  have  time  to 
recognize  them.  It  was  thus  with  the  Labrador  fishing 
fleet.    The  Newfoundland  Government  were  called  upon 


again  and  again  to  pass  laws  and  regulations  to  remedy 
abuses,  and  many  more  yet  require  to  be  passed. 

The  Moravian  Brethren  did  what  they  could  for 
this  large  floating  population  ;  but  the  problem  was 
not  one  with  which  they  could  deal  to  advantage.  The 
Eskimos  were  their  particular  care.  Fortunately,  the 
white  settlers  and  fishermen  were  now  (1892)  to  find 
a  champion  in  Dr.  Wilfred  Grenfell,  whose  remarkable 
work  on  Labrador  will  be  described  in  another  chapter. 

In  taking  leave  of  the  Moravian  Brethren,  the  writer 
trusts  that  he  has  conveyed  to  his  readers  some  idea  of 
the  noble  and  self-sacrificing  lives  of  these  good  men, 
who,  in  a  steady  procession  through  137  years,  have 
carried  on  the  work  of  God  on  Labrador.  By  their 
means  the  Eskimos  have  been  preserved  from  extinction, 
have  been  civilized,  educated,  and  brought  to  the 
knowledcre  of  their  Creator  and  Saviour. 



LORENZO  SABINE,  in  his  most  valuable  Report 
on  American  Fisheries,  1853,  expresses  his  con- 
viction that  it  was  rather  the  pursuit  of  the  fisheries 
which  occasioned  the  first  planting  of  the  New 
England  States  than  the  desire  for  religious  and 
political  freedom,  as  is  generally  supposed. 

He  relates  the  quaint  tale,  which  has  often  been  re- 
told, how  the  agents  of  the  Puritans  went  from  Leyden 
to  London  in  161 8,  and  had  an  interview  with  King 
James  I,  soliciting  his  consent  to  their  going  to  America. 
The  monarch  asked  them,  "  What  profit  might  arise  ?  " 
and  they  answered  in  a  single  word,  "  P'ishing."  Where- 
upon James  replied,  "  So  God  have  my  soul,  'tis  an 
honest  trade  ;  'twas  the  Apostles'  own  calling." 

Another  anecdote  is  related  of  a  minister  who, 
addressing  his  flock  in  a  meeting  house  in  1690,  upraided 
them  with  having  forsaken  the  pious  habits  of  their 
forefathers,  who  had  left  ease  and  comfort  for  the  sake  of 
their  religion  ;  when  one  of  the  congregation  arose  and 
said,  "  Sir,  you  entirely  mistake  the  matter  ;  our  ancestors 
did  not  come  here  on  account  of  their  religion,  but  to 
fish  and  trade." 

Certain  it  is  that  fishing  was  the  chief  pursuit  of  the 
early  New  Englanders,  and  has  ever  since  been  an 
important  industry  with  their  descendants.     The  boast 



was  made  at  first  that  New  England  waters  were  as 
plentifully  supplied  with  fish  as  those  of  Newfoundland, 
but  as  early  as  1645  we  find  that  the  merchants  of 
Boston  and  Charlestown  sent  several  vessels  on  a  fishing 
voyage  to  Bay  of  Bulls,  Newfoundland.  But  the  Civil 
War  in  England  had  spread  even  to  distant  Newfound- 
land. Sir  David  Kirke,  in  charge  of  the  plantation  in 
Newfoundland,  was  a  devoted  Royalist,  while  the  New 
Englanders  favoured  the  Commonwealth.  When  the 
fishing  vessels  had  nearly  completed  their  voyage  they 
were  seized  and  confiscated  in  the  King's  name.  Such 
is  the  story  related  by  Sabine  ;  but  there  is  no  reference 
to  the  event  in  the  voluminous  Colonial  Papers  at  the 
Record  Office, 

It  soon  became  a  regular  practice  for  New  England 
vessels  to  frequent  Newfoundland  waters,  partly  in  the 
pursuit  of  the  fisheries,  but  principally  for  trading 
purposes,  bartering  flour,  provisions,  and  more  especially 
rum,  for  codfish,  which  they  marketed  in  the  West  Indies, 
and  also  for  European  wines  and  other  goods  brought 
out  by  the  fishing  vessels. 

Another  trade  which  developed  very  early  and  was  a 
continued  source  of  trouble  was  the  contraband  trade  in 
men.  A  memorial  on  the  Newfoundland  trade,  pre- 
served at  the  Record  Office  under  the  date  of  1668, 
states  that  "  the  West  country  owners  at  the  end  of  the 
year  send  their  men  to  New  England  to  save  their  pas- 
sage home,  by  which  fishermen  are  made  scarce,  and 
many  serviceable  seamen  lost."  In  1670  new  rules  and 
regulations  for  the  government  of  the  fishery  were 
enacted,  one  of  which  was,  "  That  masters  give  bonds  of 
;^ioo  to  respective  mayors  to  bring  back  such  as  they 
carry  out,  and  that  no  fishermen  or  seamen  remain  be- 
hind after  the  fishing  is  ended."   Subsequent  enactments 


always  repeated  this  rule,  but  as  the  masters  of  the 
vessels  were  glad  to  get  rid  of  the  expense  of  taking 
their  fishermen  back  to  Great  Britain,  and  the  New 
Englanders  glad  to  take  them  to  America,  where  the 
men  themselves  were  only  too  anxious  to  go,  it  can  be 
seen  that  the  law  was  very  likely  to  be  broken. 

As  an  indication  of  the  number  of  New  England 
vessels  resorting  to  Newfoundland  in  the  seventeenth 
century,  it  is  recorded  that  the  Dutch  fleet,  sailing  from 
New  York  in  1671,  had  been  to  Newfoundland,  and 
captured  five  or  six  vessels  belonging  to  Massachusetts. 

The  Report  on  Newfoundland,  by  John  Larkin,  1702, 
says  that  five  hundred  men,  headed  up  in  casks  to  pre- 
vent detection,  were  taken  from  Conception  Bay  alone  in 
one  year.     But  this  was  no  doubt  a  gross  exaggeration. 

In  1762  a  proclamation  was  issued,  compelling  New 
England  vessels  to  give  bonds  under  heavy  penalties 
not  to  take  away  men.  But  in  1765  we  find  one 
Stout,  master  of  the  Good  Intent,  convicted  of  having 
taken  away  sixty  men  the  previous  year,  sentenced 
by  the  energetic  and  direct  Sir  Hugh  Palliser  to  pay 
£60  to  be  spent  in  bringing  out  sixty  needy  men  from 
Great  Britain  or  Ireland,  and  also  to  pay  the  debts 
owed  by  the  men  he  had  taken  away — thus  "  making 
the  punishment  fit  the  crime  "  in  a  very  excellent  man- 
ner. The  next  year  PalHser  issued  an  order  that  all 
New  England  vessels  were  to  sail  before  October  31st, 
"  Or  they  will  have  to  stay  the  winter,  as  their  sails  and 
rudders  will  be  lodged  in  the  Fort  until  next  year." 

Captain  Crofton,  in  his  interesting  report  of  the 
fisheries  in  1798,  says  in  reference  to  this  : — 

"  I  am  sorry  to  inform  you  that  the  three  last  winters 
I  was  in  Newfoundland,  fishermen  and  people  of  all 
descriptions  went  to  America  in  the  most  public  and 


official  manner.  I  say  official,  as  the  vessels  in  which 
they  embarked  cleared  out  at  the  Custom  House  for 
Ireland  to  carry  passengers,  when  it  was  notoriously 
known  that  the  passengers  and  master  of  the  vessel 
had  previously  agreed  that  after  she  sailed  the  pas- 
sengers were  to  seize  the  ship,  confine  the  crew,  and 
proceed  to  America,  where,  having  landed,  the  master 
then  entered  a  protest  and  returned  to  Newfoundland." 

The  first  account  of  American  vessels  visiting  Labra- 
dor is  contained  in  the  paper  written  in  1761  by  Sir 
Francis  Bernard,  Governor  of  Boston,  which  is  so  full 
of  interest  that  it  is  here  reprinted  : — 

Account  of  Labrador  written  by  Sir  F^'ancis  Bernard, 
Governor  of  Massachusetts,  1 760. 
La  Torre  de  Labrador,  or  the  land  for  cultivation,  if  settled 
and  improved  by  civilizing  the  natives,  would  afford  a  great 
fund  for  trade,  especially  that  part  of  it  called  the  Eskimeaux 
shore,  between  Cape  Charles  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  in 
lat.  51,  and  Cape  Chudley,  in  lat.  60  North,  bounding  east  on 
the  Atlantic  ocean.  There  is  but  one  noted  writer  of  the 
French  nation  who  mentions  the  Eskimeaux  Indians  :  The 
derivation  of  Eskimeaux  must  depend  entirely  on  him,  as  it  is 
a  French  termination.  What  nation  of  Indians  he  intends 
by  his  descriptions  of  a  pale  red  complexion,  or  where 
situated,  it  is  not  easy  to  conceive ;  he  surely  don't  mean 
those  on  the  east  main  of  Labrador,  as  it  evidently  will 
appear  by  the  following  observations  that  no  foreigner  had 
ever  been  among  them,  till  Anno  1729;  at  least  since  Captain 
Gibbons,  in  Anno  1614,  who,  had  he  seen  any  of  the  natives, 
it  is  probable  would  have  mentioned  it ;  and  therefore  I 
suppose  the  French  writer  must  mean  those  who  live  on  or 
between  the  lakes  Atchoua  and  Atchikou,  who  have  been 
known  to  trade  with  the  French  in  Canada,  or  perhaps  at 
St.  James'  Bay  factory. 


The  Eskimeaux  coast  is  very  easy  of  access  early  in  the 
year,  and  not  liable  to  the  many  difficulties,  either  on  the 
coast  of  Newfoundland  or  Cape  Breton. 

The  coast  is  very  full  of  islands,  many  of  them  very  large, 
capable  of  great  improvements,  as  they  have  more  or  less  fine 
harbours,  abounding  in  fish  and  seals,  water  and  land  fowls, 
good  land,  covered  with  woods,  in  which  are  great  numbers 
of  fur  beasts  of  the  best  kind.  Along  the  coast  are  many 
excellent  harbours,  very  safe  from  storms ;  in  some  are  islands 
with  sufficient  depths  of  water  for  the  largest  ships  to  ride 
between,  full  of  codfish,  and  rivers  with  plenty  of  salmon, 
trout,  and  other  fish.  The  climate  and  air  is  extremely 
wholesome,  being  often  refreshed  with  thunder  and  light- 
ning, though  not  so  frequently  as  to  the  southward  of  Belle 
Isle  Straits  :  fresh  water  is  found  everywhere  on  the  coast  and 
islands  in  great  plenty. 

What  follows  shall  be  a  plain  narration  of  facts,  as  I 
received  them  from  several  persons  who  have  been  on  the 
Eskimeaux  coast,  with  now  and  then  a  digression,  which  I 
hope  may  be  pertinent. 

Captain  Henry  Atkins  sailed  from  Boston  in  the  ship  called 
the  Whale  on  a  voyage  to  Davis's  Straits  in  1729.  On  his 
return  to  Boston  he  went  on  shore  in  several  places  south- 
ward of  Davis's  Inlet,  in  lat.  56,  but  could  not  discover 
anywhere  the  least  signs  of  any  persons  but  the  natives 
having  been  there  before  him.  In  lat.  53  :  40  :  or  thereabouts, 
being  hazy  weather  he  could  not  be  very  exact,  he  descried 
twelve  canoes  with  as  many  Indians,  who  had  come  from  the 
main,  bound  to  an  island  not  far  from  his  ship,  and  then 
paddled  ashore  to  an  island  as  fast  as  possible.  Captain 
Atkins  followed  them,  and  came  to  anchor  that  night,  where  he 
lay  till  the  next  day  in  the  afternoon.  He  went  on  shore  with 
several  of  his  men,  with  small  arms,  cutlasses,  and  some  small 
articles,  to  trade  with  the  Indians,  who  made  signs  to  him  to 
come  round  a  point  of  land,  but  he  chose  to  go  ashore  on  a 
point  of  land  that  made  one  side  of  a  fine  harbour.      The 



Indians  stood  a  little  distance  from  the  point,  and  by  their 
actions  showed  signs  of  fear  and  amazement.  He  being 
resolved  to  speak  to  them,  advanced  toward  them  without 
anything  in  his  hands ;  the  Indians  took  courage  and  suffered 
him  to  come  near  them.  He  showed  them  a  file,  knife,  and 
sundry  other  little  articles  to  exchange  for  fur,  whalebone,  etc. 
They  did  not  apprehend  his  design,  which  obliged  him  to 
send  on  board  his  ship  for  a  slab  of  whalebone,  on  sight  of 
which  they  made  a  strange  noise.  It  being  near  sunset,  they 
pointed  to  the  sun  going  down,  and  then  lay  down  with  their 
faces  to  the  ground,  covering  their  eyes  with  their  hands.  In 
a  few  minutes  they  rose  again,  pointing  to  the  sun,  and  then 
turned  themselves  to  the  east,  by  which  Captain  Atkins 
understood  they  would  come  to  him  again  the  next  morning. 
The  Captain  then  went  ashore,  and  carried  with  him  some 
trifles  he  thought  most  agreeable  to  the  Indians,  who  returned 
to  the  same  place,  and  brought  a  quantity  of  whalebone,  at 
least  fourteen  feet  long,  and  gave  him  in  exchange  for  about 
I  OS.  sterhng  value,  as  much  bone  as  produced  him  ;^i2o 
sterling  at  Boston. 

The  Indians  were  chiefly  dressed  in  beaver  clothing  of  the 
finest  fur,  and  some  in  seal  skins.  He  could  not  distinguish 
their  sex  by  their  dress,  but  one  of  his  seamen,  being  desirous 
to  know,  approached  one  of  them,  who,  opening  her  beaver, 
discovered  her  sex,  which  pleased  the  Indians  greatly.  Cap- 
tain Atkins  ordered  one  of  his  men  to  strip  himself,  which 
caused  the  Indians  to  hollow  as  loud  as  possible.  While  they 
were  thus  engaged  one  of  the  Indians  snatched  up  a  cutlass, 
upon  which  they  all  ran  off.  Captain  Atkins  resolved  not  to 
lose  it  and  followed  them,  and  making  signs,  they  halted.  He 
applied  to  one  of  them,  whom  the  others  payed  most  respect 
to,  and  got  it  returned.  He  then  fired  off  one  of  his  guns 
pointed  to  the  ground,  which  terrified  them  extremely,  which 
their  hollowing  plainly  discovered.  I  am  the  more  particular 
in  this  account  from  his  own  mouth,  as  I  think  it  plainly 
indicates  that  the  Indians  on  this  coast  and  islands  had  never 


any  trade  or  commerce  with  any  civilized  people  from  Europe 
or  America ;  of  course  not  with  the  French  from  Canada,  or  the 
Hudson's  Bay  factories.  The  Indians  signified  to  Captain 
Atkins,  that  if  he  would  go  over  to  the  main  he  should  have 
more  whalebone,  but  he  did  not  choose  to  trust  them.  He 
observed  their  beaver  coats  were  made  of  many  pieces  sewed 
together,  being  the  best  patches  in  the  skin,  which  shows 
plainly  they  set  light  by  their  beaver  skins,  and  this  un- 
doubtedly for  want  of  trade. 

Capt.  Atkins  observed  they  were  dexterous,  and  active  in 
the  management  of  their  canoes  or  boats,  which  were  made  of 
bark  and  whalebone,  strongly  sewed  together,  covered  with 
seal  skin,  payed  over  with  a  dark  sort  of  gum.  These  Indians 
were  well  made  and  strong,  very  fat  and  full  of  blood,  owing 
to  their  living  on  raw  whale  fat  and  drinking  the  blubber  or 
oil.  Their  limbs  were  well  proportioned,  their  complexion  a 
dark  red,  their  hair  black,  short,  and  straight,  having  no  beard 
nor  any  hair  but  on  their  heads.  Their  behaviour  very  lively 
and  cheerful ;  their  language  gutteral  and  dissonant ;  their 
arms  were  bows  and  arrows,  some  of  bone  and  some  of  wood ; 
their  bows  feathered  and  barbed  ;  they  sling  their  darts  through 
a  piece  of  ivory,  made  square,  and  fastened  to  the  palms  of 
their  hands.  Capt.  Atkins  conceives  them  to  be  very  cun- 
ning, subtile  people,  who  could  easily  apprehend  his  meaning 
when  he  made  signs  to  them,  but  took  no  notice  of  his  speak- 
ing to  them.  As  Capt.  Atkins  coasted  that  main  he  found 
the  country  full  of  woods,  alder,  yew,  birch,  and  witch-hazel, 
a  light  fine  wood  for  shipbuilding ;  also  fine  large  pines  for 
ship  masts,  of  a  much  finer  grain  than  in  New  England,  and 
of  course  tougher  and  more  durable,  though  of  a  slower 
growth;  and  no  question  but  naval  stores  may  be  produced 
here.  The  two  inlets  called  Fitch  and  Davis,  it  is  not  known 
how  far  they  run  up  the  country  ;  Fitch's  is  a  fair  inlet,  bold 
shore,  and  deep  water,  and  great  improvement  might  be  made 
upon  it,  there  being  many  low  grounds  and  good  grass  land. 
Capt.    Atkins    sailed    up    Davis's    Inlet    about    twenty-five 


leagues.  This  coast  is  early  very  clear  of  ice,  though  at  sea 
a  good  distance  off  there  are  vast  islands  of  ice  that  come 
from  Hudson's  and  Davis's  Straits,  which  are  frequently  carried 
as  far  as  the  banks  of  Newfoundland  by  the  strong  current 
that  sets  out  from  those  straits  southward. 

Capt.  Atkins  made  his  last  voyage  on  this  coast.  Sailed 
the  beginning  of  June,  1758,  arrived  at  Mistaken  Harbour, 
which  he  called  so  having  put  in  there  July  ist,  following,  in 
a  foggy  day,  and  went  northward  (with  fine  weather,  very  hot, 
with  some  thunder  and  lightning)  to  lat.  57,  searching  for 
the  Indians  to  trade  with.  Saw  two  large  canoes  which  ran 
from  him.  Despairing  of  meeting  any  more  there  he  returned 
southward,  and  went  on  shore  in  lat.  56  :  40  :  at  the  Grand 
Camp  ^  place,  which  he  called  so  from  great  signs  of  Indian 
tents  that  had  been  fixed  up  there.  Here  he  also  saw  two 
Indian  men,  one  woman,  and  three  children,  who  ran  from 
him.  He  pursued  and  took  them  and  carried  them  on  board 
his  vessel,  treated  them  kindly,  and  gave  them  some  small 
presents  and  then  let  them  go.  They  were  well  pleased  with 
Capt.  Atkins.  They  called  whalebone  Shou-coe,  a  woman  Aboc- 
chu,  oil  Out-chot.  When  he  sent  his  seamen  to  fetch  one  of 
their  canoes  that  had  drifted  from  the  vessel's  side,  they  said 

I  shall  once  for  all  take  notice  that  the  several  harbours  and 
places  named  by  him  was  from  anything  remarkable  he  found 
in  them,  as  Gull  Sound  and  Harbour,  from  the  prodigious 
number  of  gulls  he  saw  there,  also  after  the  name  of  some  of 
his  particular  friends. 

The  entrance  of  Hancock's  Inlet,  in  lat.  55  :  50:  a  very  fair 
inlet ;  very  little  tide  sets  in  or  out ;  from  fifteen  to  twenty 
fathoms  water  going  in ;  five  hundred  sail  of  ships  may  ride 
conveniently  in  this  harbour,  secure  from  any  weather.  On 
the  east  side  the  harbour  is  a  natural  quay  or  wharf,  com- 
posed of  large  square  stones,  some  of  them,  of  prodigious 
bulk.  The  quay  is  near  three  miles  long  ;  runs  out  into  the 
^  Nakvak. 


harbour  in  some  places  sixty,  in  others  two  hundred  feet 
broad  ;  eight  fathom  water  at  the  head  at  high  water  ;  so  that 
ships  may  lay  at  the  quay  afloat,  and  save  their  cables.  The 
harbour  abounds  in  codfish  very  large,  that  a  considerable 
number  of  ships  might  load  there  without  going  outside, 
which  may  be  cured  on  the  shore  and  at  the  quay,  except  in 
very  high  tides  ;  while  some  are  employed  in  the  codfishery, 
others  might  be  catching  salmon,  seals,  etc.  in  the  harbours 
so  called.  Capt.  Atkins  and  his  people  waded  in  Salmon 
River  in  two  feet  water,  and  catched  some  salmon  in  their 
hands,  as  many  as  they  had  salt  to  cure,  one  of  which 
measured  four  feet  ten  inches  long.  How  far  up  this  river 
reached  he  could  not  tell,  but  believes  a  good  way  inland 
(though  shallow  in  some  places),  to  be  capable  of  breeding 
such  vast  shoals  of  salmon,  salmon  trout,  and  other  small  fish 
that  passed  by  them  while  fishing  there ;  also  several  acres  of 
Flats  in  Salmon  River,  filled  with  clams,  muscles,  and  other 
shell-fish,  among  many  other  conveniences  necessary  to  a  good 
harbour,  and  some  falls  of  water  suitable  to  erect  saw  mills, 
grist  mills,  etc.  ;  all  kinds  of  sea  fowl  are  very  plentiful  and 
easily  taken.  A  good  settlement  might  be  made  on  Fort  Island 
in  this  harbour,  easily  secured  from  any  attacks  of  Indians. 
On  Cape  Cod  there  is  a  vast  plenty  of  wood ;  some  pines  he 
saw  there  sufficient  to  make  masts  for  ships  of  six  or  seven 
hundred  tons,  and  he  doubts  not  but  a  little  way  inland  they 
are  much  larger,  and  with  hazel  and  other  woods  fit  for  ship- 
building. The  soil  in  this  harbour  is  capable  of  great  improve- 
ments, there  being  rich  low  grounds.  The  woods  abound  in 
partridges,  pheasants,  and  other  game,  as  well  as  bears,  deer, 
beavers,  otters,  black  foxes,  hares,  minks,  martins,  sables,  and 
other  beasts  of  rich  fur.  The  beavers  are  of  the  black  kind,  of 
the  finest  fur  in  this  country.  He  took  particular  notice  of 
some  small  birds  of  passage,  among  them  some  robins,  well 
known  to  love  a  pleasant  climate ;  and  on  the  shore  side 
great  plenty  of  geese,  ducks,  teal,  brants,  curlews,  plovers,  and 
sand  birds ;  and  from  all  Capt.  Atkins  and  his  people  could 


observe,  they  are  well  persuaded  that  the  winters  at  the 
harbour  (he  now  called  Pownal  Harbour  in  Hancock's  Inlet), 
are  not  so  uncomfortable  as  at  Newfoundland  and  Louis- 
bourgh,  though  so  much  further  northward.  In  September 
29th,  1758,  he  left  this  delightful  inlet  in  fine  weather,  bound 
home  to  Boston,  searching  the  coast  and  trading,  put  into 
Fortune  Bay,  and  left  it  October  i6th.  Some  sleet  and  rain  and 
a  little  cold ;  had  five  days'  passage  to  St.  Peter's  Bay  in 
Newfoundland,  where  the  weather  has  been  so  cold  and 
tempestuous  for  fourteen  days  before  they  could  not  catch 
fish,  which  Capt.  Atkins  might  have  done  at  Fortune  Bay 
the  whole  time. 

I  can  hear  of  no  vessel  having  wintered  on  that  coast,  ex- 
cept a  snow  which  Capt.  Prebble  found  at  Fortune  Bay  when 
sent  on  that  coast  by  Capt.  Atkins  in  1753.  Capt.  Prebble 
traded  with  the  natives,  about  seventy  men,  women,  and 
children ;  got  from  them  about  3000  lb.  of  bone  for  a  trifling 
value.  Capt.  Prebble  carried  with  him  a  young  Frenchman 
in  hope  that  some  Indians  might  be  found  who  understood  the 
French  language,  but  they  could  not  find  one  who  took  more 
notice  of  it  than  of  English — a  plain  proof  these  people 
had  never  left  their  own  country  to  trade  with  the  French ; 
for  it  is  very  observable  that  the  Indians  who  have  been  used 
to  trade  with  the  French  speak  that  tongue  well.  Capts. 
Atkins,  Prebble,  and  others  agree  that  the  current  sets  south- 
ward ;  in  the  several  harbours  they  went  into  they  found 
the  tides  flowed  about  seven  feet. 

The  river  St.  Lawrence  being  now  opened  to  us,  a  passage 
from  Boston  may  be  made  early  to  the  Eskimeaux  coast, 
through  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle.  1  might  here  add  sundry 
observations  made  by  Capt.  Atkins  and  others  on  this  coast ; 
and  of  their  conjectures  of  the  richness  of  this  country  in 
mines  and  minerals ;  but  I,  at  present,  content  myself  with  a 
bare  relation  of  facts,  sincerely  wishing  the  foregoing  ob- 
servations might  be  of  any  advantage  to  future  navigators. 
Boston,  Feb.  i6tk,  1761. 


In  1753,  Captain  Charles  Swayne,  in  the  good  ship 
Ar£-o,  was  despatched  from  Philadelphia  to  attempt  the 
discovery  of  the  North- West  Passage.  He  was  unable 
to  force  his  way  north  through  the  ice,  but  carefully 
explored  the  coast  from  56°  to  65°  N.  lat.  In  1754 
he  again  went  to  the  Labrador  coast,  but  three  of  his 
men  being  decoyed  and  murdered  by  the  Eskimos,  the 
further  prosecution  of  the  voyage  was  abandoned. 

New  England  whalers,  apparently,  were  not  slow  to 
follow  up  the  path  which  had  been  opened  for  them  by 
Captains  Atkins,  Prebble,  and  Swayne,  for  as  we  have 
already  heard.  Sir  Hugh  PalHser  speaks  of  them  as 
regularly  frequenting  the  coast  in  1766.  Their  conduct 
to  the  Eskimos  and  to  the  English  fishermen  was  so  bar- 
barous and  lawless  that  Sir  Hugh  Palliser  wrote  a  letter 
of  remonstrance  to  Sir  Francis  Bernard,  and  drew  up 
rules  and  regulations  for  their  government,  and  for  the 
conduct  of  the  whale  fishery  on  the  coast,  (See  Chap.  X  I.) 
This  is  an  important  point,  and  has  some  bearing  upon 
the  question  of  American  rights  in  British  waters. 

Labrador  had  just  been  joined  to  the  colony  of  New- 
foundland, and  it  was  the  duty  of  the  Governor,  Sir 
Hugh  Palliser,  to  bring  this  new  dependency  to  law 
and  order.  He  recognized  no  divided  authority  with 
Sir  Francis  Bernard,  but  drew  up  his  rules  and  regula- 
tions, and  asked  Sir  Francis  to  have  them  posted  up  in 
those  parts  of  his  government  where  the  whalers  and 
others  going  to  Labrador  would  take  notice  of  them. 
If  the  New  Englanders  went  to  Newfoundland  and 
Labrador  waters  in  pursuit  of  the  fisheries,  they  were 
bound  to  obey  the  ordinances  which  had  been  drawn 
up  for  the  conduct  of  those  fisheries.  As  it  was  then, 
in  the  very  beginning  of  this  industry,  so  it  has  been 
ever  since.     The  claim  made  by  the  Government  of  the 


United  States  to  be  free  of  any  control,  and  above  and 
apart  from  all  local  laws,  can  hardly  be  said  to  be 
founded  upon  original  rights. 

New  Englanders  were  also  in  the  habit  of  visiting 
the  Magdalen  Islands,  where  their  conduct  was  as  ob- 
jectionable as  it  was  on  the  coast  of  Labrador.  In  1771 
Commodore  Byron  issued  a  Proclamation  forbidding 
any  one  to  fish  at  these  islands  without  a  special  license. 

In  1774  a  certain  John  Brown  wrote  to  Governor 
Shuldham  saying  that  he  had  carried  on  a  fishery 
at  Cod  Roy  and  Humber  Rivers,  Newfoundland,  for 
seven  years,  but  had  recently  been  greatly  annoyed  by 
masters  of  vessels  coming  there  from  America,  and 
particularly  by  one  Lawrence  Cavanagh,  who  brought 
parties  of  Cape  Breton  Indians  for  the  purpose  of  furring, 
all  contrary  to  law.  The  Governor  ordered  that  if  any 
American  vessels  were  found  offending  there  in  the  future 
they  were  to  be  seized  and  brought  to  St.  John's. 

Lorenzo  Sabine,  whose  valuable  Report  has  already 
been  quoted,  says  : — 

"  As  I  have  examined  the  scattered  and  fragmentary 
accounts  of  Labrador,  there  is  no  proof  whatever  that 
its  fishing  grounds  were  occupied  by  our  countrymen 
until  after  we  became  an  independent  people." 

And  he  adds  : — 

"As  late  as  1761  it  is  not  probable  that  fishermen  of 
any  flag  had  visited  the  waters  of  Labrador." 

In  another  place  he  says  : — 

"  The  first  American  vessel  which  was  fitted  for  the 
Labrador  fishery  sailed  from  Newburyport  towards  the 
close  of  the  last  century  (1794).  The  business  once 
undertaken  was  pursued  with  great  energy,  and  several 


hundred  vessels  were  engaged  at  it  annually  previous  to 
the  war  of  1812." 

Sabine  was  not  quite  so  well  informed  as  usual  on 
these  points,  for  as  readers  of  this  history  will  have 
learned,  the  southern  Labrador  coasts  were  early  visited 
by  Europeans,  and  the  fishery  carried  on  by  the  New 
Englanders  was  also  quite  considerable. 

G.  Browne  Goode,  in  his  monumental  Report  on 
American  Fisheries,  1884,  tells  that  in  1765  one  hun- 
dred vessels  cleared  from  New  England  for  the  whale 
fishery  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  and  the  Straits  of 
Belle  Isle.  The  season  was  a  very  good  one,  and  they 
returned  with  about  nine  thousand  barrels  of  oil.  Loud 
complaints  were  made  the  next  year  against  Palliser's 
regulations,  which  do  not  of  themselves  appear  un- 
reasonable, but  necessitated  a  considerable  change  from 
the  lawless  and  uncontrolled  methods  of  previous  years. 
The  Boston  News  Letter  of  November  18th,  1766,  reports 
that  the  "  vessels  are  returning  half  loaded  "  ;  and  a  later 
issue  says : — 

"  Several  vessels  are  returned  from  the  whaling  busi- 
ness who  have  not  only  had  very  bad  success,  but  also 
have  been  ill-treated  by  some  of  the  cruisers  on  the 
Labrador  Coast." 

The  following  is  Palliser's  account  of  the  circum- 
stance, in  his  letter  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Admiralty, 
August  25th,  1766: — 

"  When  the  King's  Ships  arrived  on  their  stations  this 
year  upon  the  coast  of  Labrador,  they  found  between 
200  and  300  Whaling  Vessels  from  the  Plantations, 
great  part  of  which  were  employed  fishing  for  Cod  and 
carrying  it  over  to  the  French  ships  in  Newfoundland  ; 
also  destroying  the  fishing  works  belonging  to  English 


fishers,  firing  the  woods  and  doing  every  kind  of  mis- 
chief to  prevent  and  discourage  English  adventurers 
from  going  to  that  coast ;  also  in  hunting  and  plunder- 
ing the  poor  Indians  on  that  coast.  The  King's  officers 
immediately  put  a  stop  to  all  this,  and  sent  them  away 
a  whaling ;  then  our  new  ship  adventurers  from  Britain 
under  this  protection  went  to  work,  and  have  succeeded 
beyond  expectations,  taking  amazing  quantities  of  Cod." 

The  New  Englanders  loudly  protested  against  being 
debarred  from  fishing  at  Labrador.     One  writes  : — 

"  To  me  it  is  amazing  that  any  body  of  men  should 
attempt  to  engross  it  to  themselves ;  it  will  never  prove 
very  profitable  to  any  body  of  men  in  England,  and 
must  be  advantageous  to  Americans  only." 

Additional  instructions  were  sent  to  Palliser  by  the 
Admiralty  in  1766,  telling  him  "not  to  interrupt  His 
Majesty's  American  subjects  in  fishing  providmg  they 
conform  to  the  established  rules  of  fishingP 

In  the  Schedule  of  the  Fishery  for  1767,  the  number 
of  American  vessels  is  given  as  about  300,  18,000  tons, 
and  3900  men.     (See  following  page.) 

Goode  says  that  "  there  can  be  no  doubt  but  that 
the  indiscretions  of  the  whalemen  were  much  magni- 
fied." "Indiscretions"  is  rather  a  mild  term  for  the 
offences  described  by  Palliser.  Goode  continues  :  "  The 
Colonial  governors  often  made  the  resources  under  their 
control  a  source  of  revenue  for  themselves,  and  Palli- 
ser's  action  would  seem  to  indicate  personal  interest  in 
keeping  whalemen  from  the  Colonies  away  from  the 
territory  under  his  control." 

There  is  absolutely  no  ground  for  this  calumnious 
statement.  Palliser  was  a  man  of  the  highest  character, 
and  to  suppose  that  he  could  have  interested  himself 


An  Account  of  the  Trade  and  Fisheries  Carried  on  within  this 
Government  by  Vessels  atid  People  from  the  Plantations. 

No.  OF 









Sloops     and 


These  vessels  Cargo's  con- 

Schooners Em- 

sist  chiefly  of  Rum,   Mo- 

ploy'd Trading 

lasses,  Bread,  Flour,  and 

to     Newfound- 

other   Provisions,    which 


with  their  vessels  sold 
may  be  rated  at  100,000 
Pounds  Value  for  which 
they  are  immediately  Paid 
with  Bills  of  Exchange 
upon  England,  a  very 
small  part  excepted  with 
the  refuse  Fish. 


Sloops     and 
Schooners  Em- 
ploy'd    on   the 
Whale  Fishery 
recon'd    at    60 
Tuns    and    13 
Men  each. 



According  to  the  best  Ac- 
counts, full  this  Number 
of  Vessels  have  been  Em- 
ploy'd  about  the  Gulph  of 
St.  Lawrence,  the  Banks 
and  Coasts  of  Newfound- 
land and  Labrador  ;  they 
killed  above  One  Hundred 
Whales  of  the  best  kind 
within  the  Gulph,  where 
they  stay  only  about  six 
weeks  ;  what  they  killed 
afterwardsabout  theBanks 
is  not  known,  only  that  in 
general  they  have  had  good 


Sloops     and 
Schooners  Em- 
ploy'd    on    the 
Cod   Fishery 
recon'd    at   60 
Tuns     and     10 
Men  each. 



According  to  the  best  Ac- 
counts full  this  Number  of 
Vessels  have  been  em- 
ploy'd  about  the  Banks 
adjacent  to  the  Coasts  of 
Newfoundland  and  Lab- 
rador ;  they  carry  their  Fish 
to  the  respective  Provinces 
to  which  they  belong, 
therefore  the  exact  quan- 
tity of  Fish  they  take  is 
uncertain,  but  on  an  aver- 
age may  be  recon'd  at  800 
Quintals  p"^  Vessel,  making 
240,000  Quintals. 





Hugh  Pallisser,  15th  Dec^.,  1767. 


financially  in  any  business  during  the  three  short 
summers  he  was  on  the  coast  betokens  very  little 
knowlege  of  the  conditions.  A  fortnight  each  season 
was  probably  all  the  time  he  could  spare  at  Labra- 
dor. His  instructions  to  his  subordinates,  commanders 
of  vessels  and  forts,  always  contained  the  strictest  in- 
junctions not  to  engage  in  trade  of  any  description. 

But  the  New  Englanders  did  not  seem  to  mend 
their  ways  as  the  years  went  on,  for  we  find,  in  the 
very  full  reports  made  in  1772-3  by  Lieutenant 
Roger  Curtis,  even  severer  strictures  upon  their  con- 
duct. He  said  they  were  a  lawless  banditti,  the  cause 
of  every  quarrel  between  the  Eskimos  and  Europeans, 
and  whose  greatest  joy  was  to  distress  the  subjects  of 
the  mother  country ;  they  swarmed  upon  the  coasts 
like  locusts,  and  committed  every  kind  of  offence  with 
malignant  wantonness.  Lieutenant  Curtis's  language 
gets  quite  picturesque  on  this  subject,  and  we  can 
only  hope  with  Goode  that  they  were  not  so  black 
as  they  were  painted.  Curtis  strongly  recommended 
that  they  should  be  debarred  the  privilege  of  fishing  on 
the  Labrador  entirely. 

But  their  fishing  operations  were  soon  brought  to  a 
standstill  by  the  outbreak  of  the  War  of  Independence, 
when  many  of  the  erstwhile  fishermen  turned  privateers 
and  returned  to  their  former  haunts,  to  harry  the  unpro- 
tected fishermen  and  settlers  in  Newfoundland  and 

In  1776  Governor  Montague  writes  that  he  hears 
that  four  privateers  have  been  seen  in  the  Straits  of 
Belle  Isle,  and  that  he  has  two  men-of-war  there  which 
he  hopes  may  encounter  them.  In  1777  he  is  informed 
that  two  privateers  are  off  Placentia  "  to  burn,  sink, 
and  destroy."     In  1778  he  reports  that  privateers  are 


daily  committing  depredations  on  the  coast.  Trinity 
Bay  was  actually  in  want  of  provisions  from  that  cause, 
and  in  1779  Fortune,  St.  Lawrence,  and  Burin  are 
reported  to  be  in  the  same  case.  George  Cartwright, 
and  the  firm  of  Noble  and  Pinson,  suffered  considerable 
losses  from  their  attacks.  But  Jeremiah  Coughlan, 
Cartwright's  early  partner,  writes  to  Governor  Montague 
that  he  had  escaped  loss  himself,  and  that  "  Grimes  and 
his  motley  crew  "  had  beaten  a  precipitate  retreat.  He 
had  250  men  in  his  employ,  and  had  put  them  under 
military  discipline,  so  that  he  was  able  to  beat  Grimes 
off.  He  states  that  old  Mr.  Pinson  was  the  cause  of  the 
garrison  being  withdrawn  from  York  Fort,  and  that  if 
Noble  and  Pinson  had  mounted  their  ship's  guns  on 
shore  and  assumed  "  an  encouraging  mode  of  carriage," 
it  would  have  been  defence  enough  against  Grimes. 
But  it  was  by  no  means  a  one-sided  conflict,  for  in 
1780  five  privateers  were  captured  in  Nevv^foundland 
waters,  and  in  1781  H.M.S.  Phito  sailed  from  St.  John's 
one  morning  and  returned  in  the  afternoon  with  two 
captured  privateers. 

While  the  negotiations  for  a  treaty  of  peace  were  in 
progress,  great  stress  was  laid  upon  the  importance  of 
the  fisheries.  Every  point,  every  word,  was  carefully 
weighed.  Time  and  again  the  negotiations  were  nearly 
broken  off  because  of  the  difficulty  in  coming  to  an 
agreement  on  this  matter.  But  finally,  by  the  Treaty 
of  Paris,  1783,  it  was  agreed — 

"  that  the  people  of  the  United  States  shall  continue  to 
enjoy,  unmolested,  the  right  to  take  fish  of  every  kind 
on  the  Grand  Bank,  and  on  all  the  other  banks  of  New- 
foundland ;  also  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  and  at 
all  other  places  in  the  sea  where  the  inhabitants  of  both 
countries  used  at  any  time  to  fish  ;  and  also  that  the 


inhabitants  of  the  United  States  shall  have  liberty  to 
take  fish  of  every  kind  on  such  part  of  the  coast  of 
Newfoundland  as  British  fishermen  shall  use  (but  not 
to  dry  or  cure  the  same  on  that  island),  and  also  on  the 
coasts,  bays,  and  creeks  of  all  other  of  His  Britannic 
Majesty's  dominions  in  America  ;  and  that  the  American 
fishermen  shall  have  liberty  to  dry  and  cure  fish  in  any 
of  the  unsettled  bays,  harbours,  and  creeks  of  Nova 
Scotia,  Magdalen  Islands,  and  Labrador  as  long  as  the 
same  shall  remain  unsettled  ;  but  as  soon  as  the  same 
or  either  of  them  shall  be  settled,  it  shall  not  be  lawful 
for  the  said  fishermen  to  dry  or  cure  fish  at  such  settle- 
ment without  a  previous  agreement  for  that  purpose 
with  the  inhabitants,  proprietors,  or  possessors  of  the 

A  few  points  only  of  the  above  treaty  need  be  touched 
upon.  It  will  be  noticed  that  while  it  was  agreed  that 
the  United  States  should  have  the  right^  to  fish  in  the 
open  seas,  they  had  only  the  liberty^  to  fish  in  British 
waters.  In  Newfoundland  they  could  only  take  fish  on 
such  coasts  as  British  subjects  shall  use — the  intention 
on  the  part  of  the  British  being  no  doubt  to  guard 
the  rights  already  given  to  the  French,  and  also 
because  the  Americans  were  bound  by  treaty  not 
to  interfere  with  the  French.  In  all  other  British 
Dominions  the  liberty  was  granted  to  fish  in  the  coasts, 
bays,  and  creeks,  which  was  a  very  much  more  com- 
prehensive term  than  the  mere  coasts  of  Newfound- 
land. That  a  distinction  was  intended  is  proved  by 
the  fact  that  it  was  so  acted  upon,  and  that  American 
fishing  vessels  did  not  frequent  Newfoundland  waters, 
while  they  completely  overran  those  of  the  other  colonies. 

^  The  use  of  these  words  was  only  agreed  to  after  a  long  and  heated 


It  seems  very  probable  that  the  United  States 
willingly  accepted  the  lesser  rights  in  Newfoundland 
waters  when  unrestricted  rights  were  granted  on 
Labrador,  the  great  value  of  which  they  fully  ap- 

The  New  Englanders  at  once  resumed  their  visits  to 
Labrador,  and  in  a  few  years  the  trade  had  become 

The  Gloucester  Telegraph  published  in  1829  an 
account  written  in  181 5  of  the  Massachusetts  fisheries 
from  1790  to  1 8 10.     It  says  : — 

"The  648  vessels  that  fish  at  Labrador  and  Bay 
Chaleur  I  put  down  at  41,600  tons,  and  5832  men  and 
boys.  They  take  and  cure  648,000  qtls.  of  fish,  making 
one  trip  yearly.  Most  of  the  vessels  cure  part  of  their 
fish  on  shore  near  the  place  where  they  catch  them, 
and  the  rest  after  their  return  home.  Several  cargoes 
are  shipped  direct  to  Europe,  particularly  to  Alicante, 
Leghorn,  and  Naples,  The  average  price  obtained  is 
$5.00  per  quintal.  They  take  20,000  barrels  of  oil 
valued  at  $8.00  to  $12.00.  Some  said  that  1700  vessels 
were  engaged  in  this  fishery,  but  this  is  no  doubt  greatly 

This  writer  himself  greatly  overestimated  the  number 
of  vessels  pursuing  the  Labrador  fishery,  for  in  the 
statistics  given  by  Sabine  of  the  cod  fishery  of  the 
United  States,  the  average  tonnage  employed  altogether 
at  that  period  was  43,000,  the  greater  part  of  which 
frequented  the  near-by  fisheries  on  the  Grand  Banks. 
But  still  the  numbers  were  no  doubt  considerable,  for 
in  1806  forty-five  vessels  are  reported  to  have  sailed 
for  Labrador  from  Newburyport  alone. 

From    Captain    Crofton's    Report    of   the    Fisheries, 


1798,  the  following  interesting  particulars  are  gleaned. 
He  says : — 

"  Before  concluding  my  observations  respecting  the 
Coast  of  Labrador,  I  think  it  proper  to  acquaint  you 
that  vessels  from  the  United  States  of  America  have 
arrived  here  every  year  since  the  Treaty  of  Peace  with 
that  country ;  and  as  there  has  been  no  ship  hitherto 
appointed  to  attend  their  motions,  it  is  most  probable 
that  they  take  every  opportunity  of  trading  with  the 
Indians  (Eskimos^  I  have  likewise  heard  that  they 
have  interrupted  the  British  in  their  Salmon  Fishery, 
having  placed  their  nets  in  Rivers,  which  our  Fisher- 
men consider  contrary  to  the  Treaty ;  Harbours,  Bays, 
and  Creeks  being  particularly  specified,  and  Rivers  not 
being  mentioned.  It  will  therefore  be  satisfactory  to 
have  the  right  of  fishing  in  Rivers  more  fully  explained, 
as  reference  will  be  made  to  the  first  officer  that  happens 
to  be  on  the  spot  during  the  time  of  catching  salmon, 
which  was  finished  before  my  arrival  on  the  coast  of 
Labrador,  and  the  American  vessels  departed." 

While  somewhat  foreign  to  the  design  of  this  book, 
it  is  interesting  here  to  note  Captain  Crofton's  account 
of  the  fishery  at  the  Magdalen  Islands.  He  found  that 
these  islands  had  not  been  visited  by  any  of  His 
Majesty's  ships  since  1787.  Prior  to  the  war  with 
America,  the  fishing  rights  had  been  leased  to  Colonel 
Richard  Gridley,  of  Massachusetts — a  fact  which  is  also 
noted  by  Sir  Joseph  Banks  in  1766.  During  the  war, 
Gridley  played  an  important  part  in  the  American 
Army,  laying  out  the  works  at  Bunker  Hill,  and  after- 
wards becoming  the  head  of  the  engineer's  department 

^  It  must  be  remembered  that  after  the  war  was  over,  trade  between 
the  United  States  and  the  British  North  American  colonies  was  inter- 


under  Washington.  Lorenzo  Sabine  says  he  had  not 
been  able  to  learn  whether  Colonel  Gridley  retained 
his  grant  of  the  Magdalens  after  the  war.  Captain 
Crofton,  however,  reports  : — 

"  That  the  only  British  fishery  on  the  Islands  is 
carried  on  by  Mr.  John  Janvrin  of  Jersey,  who  has  but 
one  boat  and  three  men.  He  bought  a  house,  etc., 
from  Mr.  Gridley  of  Boston  that  had  been  resident  here 
many  years  before  and  since  the  last  war.  Mr,  Gridley 
carried  on  the  Sea  Cow  fishery,  and  was  then  in  partner- 
ship with  Mr.  Read  of  Bristol,  but  by  what  authority 
he  established  himself  here  since  the  War  I  cannot 
learn,  as  he  received  all  his  stores  and  provisions  from 
Boston  in  New  England,  and  sent  the  produce  of  the 
Islands  thither  in  return.  I  was  much  surprised  at 
finding  a  British  Merchant's  establishment  here,  on  so 
small  a  scale,  but  am  informed  that  the  Island  has  been 
so  much  resorted  to  lately  by  American  vessels  that 
it  has  discouraged  Mr.  Janvrin  from  extending  his 
commerce.  This  year  the  number  of  American  vessels 
drying  fish  at  the  Magdalens  amounted  to  thirty-five, 
and  more  than  two-thirds  of  them  have  cured  their 
fish  in  the  Harbour  of  Amherst,  and  occupied  so  large 
a  space  as  to  almost  exclude  Mr.  Janvrin  or  any  British 
Adventurer  from  pursuing  the  fishery  in  an  extensive 
way.  The  Americans,  having  met  with  no  interrup- 
tion, have  lately  had  the  presumption  to  build  several 
fish  stages  and  flakes ;  they  have  not  yet  left  any 
person  to  remain  the  winter,  but  in  the  Spring  bring 
two  crews  for  each  vessel,  one  of  which  remains  on 
shore  to  cure  the  fish.  The  Americans  having  finished 
their  fishery  for  the  season,  I  therefore  only  observed 
to  them  that  I  was  of  opinion  that  it  was  improper  for 
them  erecting  flakes,  etc,  and  so  many  vessels  resorting 


to  one  harbour,  supposing  that  my  admonishing  them 
would  now  be  too  late  to  produce  any  effect  this  season. 
Before  leaving  the  Magdalens,  I  am  extremely  sorry  to 
acquaint  you  that  the  Sea  Cow  Fishery  at  those  Islands 
is  totally  annihilated,  not  one  having  been  seen  for 
many  years."  ^ 

In  September,  1797,  Captain  (afterwards  Admiral) 
Isaac  Coffin  wrote  to  Governor  Waldegrave,  informing 
him  that  the  Magdalen  Islands  fishery  had  been  granted 
to  him  in  1788  by  Lord  Dorchester,  and  asking  that 
Americans  and  all  other  poachers  be  restrained  from  re- 
sorting there.  Governor  Waldegrave  wrote  to  the  Duke 
of  Portland  for  instructions  on  the  matter.  The  reply 
was  made  that  Captain  Coffin's  grant  did  not  convey 
the  right  of  settlement  and  occupation,  that  conse- 
quently the  Magdalen  Islands  could  not  be  said  to  be 
settled,  and  that  therefore  the  Americans  had  the  right 
to  fish  there.  As  lately  as  1852,  his  heir,  Captain 
Townsend  Coffin,  leased  the  islands  to  Benjamin  Weir 
and  others  of  Halifax. 

The  American  fishermen  were  clearly  within  their 
rights  to  dry  and  cure  fish  on  the  Magdalen  Islands, 
provided  that  the  places  used  by  them  were  unsettled. 
Captain  Crofton  evidently  considered  that  Amherst 
Harbour  was  a  settled  and  occupied  harbour  from 
which  the  Americans  were  excluded,  unless  they  made 
special  agreements  with  the  ostensible  owners. 

The  practice  of  hiring  stations  for  drying  and  curing 
fish  was  occasionally  resorted  to  by  the  Americans  on 
the  Labrador,  as  the  following  correspondence  shows. 
That  the  lessors  had  no  right  to  the  place,  and  that  the 

^  In  the  Report  of  the  Fisheries  for  1789,  it  is  stated  that  the  sea  cow 
fishery  had  been  ahnost  totally  destroyed  by  the  Americans,  who  killed 
them  in  the  water  and  on  shore,  especially  during  whelping  time,  in  the 
month  of  May. 


Americans  relet  it  in  part,  adds  considerable  piquancy 
to  the  story. 

In  1802  the  important  firm  of  D.  Codner  and  Com- 
pany, of  St.  John's,  made  complaint  to  Governor  Gambier 
that,  having  sent  a  vessel  to  Red  Bay,  Labrador,  they 
could  not  get  room  there  to  erect  stages  and  cure  fish. 
They  stated  that  the  place  was  claimed  by  Randall  and 
Company,  who  only  occupied  a  small  part  themselves, 
letting  the  balance  to  Americans,  so  that  the  captain 
of  their  vessel  was  forced  to  rent  a  station  from  the 
said  Americans,  for  which  he  paid  £10.  The  Governor 
replied  as  follows  : — 

"  I  have  to  inform  you  that  no  person  is  allowed  to 
take  possession  of  any  part  of  the  coast  of  Labrador, 
where  there  are  no  Canadian  possessions,  nor  to  make 
sedentary  establishments  save  such  as  shall  produce 
certificates  of  having  sailed  from  England.  You  are 
authorized  to  occupy  any  vacant  places  on  the  coast  of 
Labrador  so  long  as  the  above  rule  is  carried  out." 

The  rapid  growth  of  the  American  fishery,  on  the 
coast  of  Labrador  in  particular,  but  also  on  the  Nova 
Scotian  coast  and  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  seriously 
affected  the  prosperity  of  Newfoundland.  In  1804  the 
naval  officer  on  the  fishery  service  was  told  that  there 
were  1360  American  vessels  employed  on  the  Banks,  in 
the  Gulf,  and  on  the  Labrador.  A  watchman  who  had 
been  employed  to  count  the  American  vessels  passing 
through  the  Gut  of  Canso  in  1807,  stated  that  there  had 
been  at  least  938. 

Complaints  of  the  aggressive  conduct  of  the  Ameri- 
cans were  made  from  every  part  of  British  North 
America.  At  this  period  United  States  vessels  do 
not  appear  to  have  frequented  the  Newfoundland  coast. 


owing  no  doubt  to  the  fact  that  the  privileges  granted 
by  the  Treaty  of  1783  were  very  much  more  restricted 
in  that  island  than  in  any  other  part  of  British  North 
America.  While  Newfoundland  waters  were  spared 
from  the  American  invasion,  the  competition  from  the 
United  States  in  foreign  markets  nearly  ruined  the 
Newfoundland  trade.  It  was  a  serious  handicap  to 
have  to  bring  out  ships  and  men  from  Great  Britain  each 
spring  and  to  take  them  back  at  the  close  of  the  season. 
Newfoundland  was  also  debarred  from  the  cheap  pro- 
visions and  marine  stores  which  had  been  obtained 
from  the  American  colonies  prior  to  the  Revolution, 
and  everything  had  to  be  brought  from  England  at 
great  expense. 

Urged  by  the  merchants  of  St.  John's,  the  Governor, 
Sir  Erasmus  Gower,  in  1805,  wrote  to  the  Secretary  of 
State  to  the  following  effect  : — The  New  England 
fisheries  had  increased  to  such  a  degree  that  they  far 
exceeded  those  of  Newfoundland.  Their  produce  com- 
peted with  Newfoundland  fish  in  all  markets,  and  was 
sold  at  lower  prices.  The  Newfoundland  catch  had  been 
reduced  by  half.  The  chief  advantage  of  the  Americans 
lay  in  their  cheap  provisions  and  outfits,  and  he  recom- 
mended that  the  embargo  on  trade  with  the  United 
States  be  removed.  He  also  stated  that  the  Americans 
had  almost  driven  British-caught  fish  out  of  the  British 
West  Indies,  having  sold  there  in  the  previous  year 
150,000  quintals,  while  Newfoundland  had  sold  50,000 
only,  and  asked  that  something  be  done  to  secure  that 
market  from  American  competition. 

The  fisheries  of  Newfoundland  and  Labrador  were  still 
considered  to  be  vitally  necessary  for  the  supply  of  men 
for  the  Navy,  and  Sir  Erasmus  Gower's  representations 
at  once  received  due  consideration.     His  secretary,  Mr. 


Joseph  Trounsell,  wrote  to  the  merchants  of  St.  John's, 
in  March,  1806,  sa5nng  that  the  Lords  of  the  Committee 
for  Trade  and  Plantations  had  recommended  that  a 
bounty  of  2s.  per  quintal  be  paid  on  all  British-caught 
fish  imported  into  the  West  Indies.  This  was  supple- 
mented in  April  by  a  bounty  of  is.  6d.  to  4s.  per 
barrel  on  pickled  fish.  Finally  a  duty  was  imposed 
on  American  fish  to  countervail  the  duty  which  America 
had  imposed  on  British  fish. 

This  was  very  satisfactory  to  the  Newfoundland 
merchants  until  the  United  States  retorted  by  placing 
a  complete  embargo  on  trade  with  the  British  North 
American  colonies,  thus  preventing  them  from  obtaining 
the  supply  of  cheap  provisions  which  was  so  vitally 
necessary.  In  1808  considerable  fears  of  famine  were 
entertained,  and  provisions  went  to  extreme  prices. 
The  bounty  on  exports  to  the  British  West  Indies 
seemed  to  be  only  temporary,  for  in  1808  we  find  the 
merchants  of  St.  John's  petitioning  for  its  continuance. 

These  restrictions  to  trade  bore  very  hardly  also 
on  the  American  fishing  industry.  It  is  recorded  that 
in  1808  quantities  offish  rotted  in  their  stores  for  want 
of  a  market. 

In  1806  the  principal  merchants  of  Conception  Bay 
presented  a  memorial  to  Governor  Hollow3>y  calling  his 
attention  to  the  actions  of  the  Americans  who  visited 
Labrador,  declaring  that  they  were  indefatigable  in 
their  endeavours  to  entice  away  the  fishermen  and  ser- 
vants of  the  merchants,  and  were  connivars  and  abettors 
in  robbery  and  fraud.  Among  other  instances  given 
was  that  of  a  crew  who  had  been  furr.ished  with  a  brig- 
and  supplies  of  all  sorts  by  the  firm  of  Goss,  Chauncy, 
and  Ledgard,  of  Carbonear,  and  v/ho  fished  at  Camp 
Islands,  Labrador.     Owing  to  th^j  inducements  offered 


them  by  the  captain  of  an  American  vessel,  they  sold 
their  catch  of  fish  and  all  the  gear  of  the  brig  to  him, 
left  her  to  go  to  pieces  on  the  rocks,  and  all  went  off  to 
America.  The  petitioners  begged  that  a  ship  of  war  be 
sent  on  the  coast  to  put  a  stop  to  the  illicit  dealings  of 
the  Americans. 

Governor  Holloway  at  once  sent  a  vessel  to  enquire 
into  the  doings  of  the  Americans  on  the  Labrador 
coast,  and  apparently  discovered  more  than  the  memo- 
rialists intended,  as  is  seen  by  the  following  letter  to 
the  Privy  Council,  dated  September  9th,  1907  : — 

"As  His  Majesty's  ship  Topaz  is  ordered  to  sail  for 
England,  I  have  the  honour  to  relate  a  circumstance 
which  I  feel  is  of  importance  for  the  consideration  of 
the  Lords  of  the  Committee  of  the  Privy  Council  for 
Trade  and  Plantations,  which  I  beg  you  will  be  pleased 
to  lay  before  them. 

"  The  Americans  that  fish  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador 
have  long  been  suspected,  and  upon  good  information, 
of  carrying  great  quantities  of  provisions  as  well  as 
other  contraband  articles,  which  they  sell  and  barter  to 
the  British  merchants,  who  with  great  facility  tranship 
them  in  small  quantities  to  this  Island.  It  has  been 
usual  for  the  Commander-in-Chief  of  Newfoundland  to 
send  vesself)  to  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  not  only  to  pro- 
tect His  Majesty's  subjects,  but  the  Commanders  also 
have  orders  to  prevent  any  illicit  trade  between  them 
and  other  povt^ers. 

"  The  Adofiis  cutter.  Lieutenant  McKillop,  a  few 
days  since  detained  two  American  vessels  upon  correct 
information  of  tlheir  having  sold  and  bartered  a  great 
quantity  of  provisions  and  other  articles,  mtd  had  laden 
with  fish  not  caught  or  cured  by  the  people  of  the  United 
States.     They  are  sefit  here  for  adjudication,  where  it  is 


alleged  they  cannot  be  tried  as  the  offence  was  com- 
mitted without  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Government.  If 
they  are  liberated  it  will  be  giving  great  encouragement 
to  the  Americans  to  pursue  this  system,  which  must 
prove  highly  injurious  to  His  Majesty's  commercial 
interests.  It  is  impracticable  at  this  season  of  the  year 
to  send  vessels  to  Quebec,  and  it  would  also  be  attended 
with  great  inconvenience  in  the  event  of  liberation  from 
the  situation  of  that  port. 

"  The  Coast  of  Labrador  was  formerly  annexed  to 
this  Government,  and,  I  understand  by  my  papers 
from  the  Admiralty,  was  removed  to  Quebec  on 
account  of  a  few  grants  to  individuals  which  extend  but 
to  a  small  district. 

"  I  therefore  humbly  beg  leave  to  suggest  to  their 
lordships  the  advantages  which  will  arise  to  His 
Majesty's  Government  by  annexing  the  Coast  of 
Labrador  to  this  command  as  the  most  effectual  mode 
of  suppressing  this  illicit  trade,  which  otherwise  will 
prove  a  great  evil  to  the  trade  of  Great  Britain." 

A  few  days  afterwards  permission  was  granted  to  land 
the  cargo  of  fish  and  sell  it  for  the  benefit  of  whom 
it  may  concern.  The  schooner  Malita,  seized  "  for 
breach  of  navigation  laws  of  Labrador,"  lay  in  St.  John's 
Harbour  and  rotted  there,  and  it  is  probable  that  the 
case  never  came  before  the  Admiralty  Court  at  all. 

On  November  19th,  1808,  Governor  Holloway,  writing 
to  Lord  Castlereagh,  asks  if  any  decision  had  been 
arrived  at  respecting  the  transfer  of  Labrador  to  New- 
foundland, for  "  at  present  the  most  atrocious  deeds 
may  be  committed  and  the  offenders  go  unpunished, 
irregularities  being  constantly  practised  by  the  Ameri- 
cans who  frequent  the  coast,  which  I  have  no  authority 
to  take  cognizance  of,  although  only  to  be  detected  by 


my  cruisers,  Quebec  being  too  remote  for  the  establish- 
ment of  any  civil  or  other  authority.  The  number  of 
vessels  from  the  United  States  frequenting  or  fishing 
on  the  Coast  of  Labrador  and  Newfoundland  have  been 
but  few  in  comparison  with  other  years,  the  number 
this  season  not  having  exceeded  200  or  300." 

The  seizure  of  this  vessel  is  a  most  important  occur- 
rence, and  is  a  most  valuable  piece  of  evidence  on  the 
rights  of  American  fishermen  in  British  waters. 

At  that  period  trade  of  all  descriptions  with  the 
United  States  had  been  prohibited  (28  Geo.  Ill,  c.  6) 
except  that  in  case  of  emergency  the  Governor  of  New- 
foundland was  empowered  to  authorize  the  importation 
of  "  bread,  flour,  Indian  corn,  and  live  stock."  British 
subjects  in  Newfoundland  and  Labrador  als3  were 
strictly  prohibited  from  selling,  to  persons  not  British 
subjects,  vessels  or  gear,  any  kind  of  bait,  or  produce  of 
the  fishery  of  any  sort. 

The  mhabitants  of  the  United  States,  by  the  Treaty 
of  1783,  were  given  the  liberty  to  take  and  cure  fish 
but  not  to  purchase  it,  and  when  this  vessel  was  fourd 
laden  with  fish  not  caught  by  inhabitants  of  the  United 
States,  she  and  her  cargo  were  promptly  confiscated. 

In  181 2  the  pursuit  of  the  fisheries  by  inhabitants 
of  the  United  States  on  the  coast  of  Labrador  w£s 
again  interrupted  by  war,  and  again  the  coast  of 
Newfoundland  was  visited  by  numerous  American 
privateers.  The  merchants  of  St.  John's  asked 
Admiral  Keats,  the  Governor  of  Newfoundland,  for 
a  convoy  to  bring  down  vessels  from  Quebec,  with 
flour  and  provisions,  of  which  the  country  was  much 
in  need.  But  the  Governor  replied  that  he  could  not 
undertake  this  service  with  the  little  squadron  which 
he  had  at  his  command.      Ouite  a  number  of  Bi'itish 


merchant  vessels  took  out  letters  of  marque,  and  a 
goodly  number  of  American  prizes  were  brought  into 
St.  John's.  Provvse's  History  of  Newfoundland  is 
authority  for  the  statement  that  one  could  walk  across 
the  harbour  of  St.  John's  on  the  decks  of  the  prizes 
which  were  moored  there  side  by  side. 

The  merchants  of  St.  John's,  who  were  a  very  active 
body,  presented  a  memorial  to  Admiral  Keats,  the 
Governor,  at  the  close  of  the  year  1813,  begging  that, 
when  peace  came  to  be  negotiated,  both  the  French 
and  Americans  should  be  excluded  from  British  waters. 
It  is  such  an  interesting  document  that  it  is  quoted 
here  in  full.  It  must  be  observed  that  the  worthy 
merchants  were  careful  to  present  their  case  in  the 
strongest  possible  light,  and  that  some  of  their  state- 
ments were  probably  exaggerated  : — 

To  Sir  Richard  Goodwin  Keats,  K.B.,  Governor  and 
Commander-in-Chief  in  and  over  the  Island  of  New- 
foundland, etc. 

The  Memorial  of  the  Merchants  and  Principal  Resident 
Inhabitants  interested  in  the  Trade  and  Fisheries  of 
Newfoundland  assembled  at  the  Merchants  Hall  in 
St.  John's,  twenty-seventh  of  October,  One  thousand 
eight  hundred  and  thirteen : 
Humbly  sheweth, 

The  Merchants,  Planters  and  all  other  classes  of  His 
Majesty's  subjects  in  this  Island  have  at  all  times  manifested 
their  Loyalty  to  their  King,  and  have  never  failed  to  express 
their  indignation  at  the  treacherous  conduct  of  the  enemies 
of  their  country.  And  considering  that  our  existence  as  a 
great  and  independent  nation  must  chiefly  depend  upon  our 
preserving  the  Sovereignty  of  the  Seas,  the  policy  of  excluding 
France  and  America  from  the  advantages  those  nations  have 


heretofore  enjoyed  in  times  of  Peace,  in  this  fishery  must 
be  evident  to  every  man  of  observation  engaged  in  this  branch 
of  commerce. 

By  former  treaties  with  France  and  the  United  States  of 
America,  those  powers  were  allowed  certain  privileges  on  these 
shores,  banks,  coast  of  Labrador  and  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Law- 
rence, in  the  opinion  of  Your  Excellency's  Memorialists  highly 
impolitic,  and  which  the  wisdom  of  the  British  Government 
would  not  coincide  except  under  very  peculiar  circumstances. 

By  this  concession  to  France  and  America  a  great  national 
benefit  was  lost,  and  a  door  opened  to  illicit  commerce  to  the 
injury  of  the  Revenue  as  well  as  to  His  Majesty's  subjects 
engaged  in  the  trade  of  Newfoundland  and  the  British 
American  Colonies.  A  facility  was  thereby  afforded  of  intro- 
ducing into  Newfoundland  and  those  Colonies,  teas  and  other 
articles  of  contraband,  and  temptation  held  out  to  our  fisher- 
men to  emigrate  to  the  United  States,  and  the  superior 
numbers  of  their  citizens  who  annually  resorted  to  the  shores 
of  Labrador  enabled  them  to  control  and  overawe  our  people 
on  that  coast  except  indeed  when  a  ship  of  war  happened 
to  be  within  the  reach  of  complaint.  Fifteen  hundred 
American  vessels  have  been  known  to  be  prosecuting  the 
fishery  at  one  time  on  the  Labrador  coast,  bringing  with  them 
coffee,  teas,  spirits,  and  other  articles  of  contraband.  In 
their  passage  thither  from  their  own  country  they  generally 
stop  in  the  Gut  of  Canso,  where  the  narrowness  of  the  navi- 
gation affords  great  facility  to  smuggling. 

The  intercourse  of  our  fishermen  with  these  secret  enemies 
of  Britain  has  an  effect  not  less  fatal  to  their  moral  character 
than  to  our  fishery.  The  small  planters  and  catchers  of  fish 
which  make  the  great  body  of  the  people  on  the  coast  of 
Labrador  under  the  influence  of  notions  imbibed  by  their 
daily  intercourse  with  men  whose  interests  are  at  war  with 
ours,  become  dissatisfied  with  their  supplying  merchants 
who  are  unable  to  meet  their  foreign  competitors  on  equal 
ground,  the  next  step,  as  experience  shows,  is  the  neglect 


of  the  only  means  in  their  power  to  discharge  their  debts. 
Disobedience  and  Insubordination  follows,  and  finally  their 
minds  become  alienated  from  their  own  Government,  and 
they  emigrate  to  another  to  the  great  loss  of  their  country. 

In  times  of  Peace,  besides,  the  citizens  of  the  United 
States  resort  in  great  numbers  to  the  Banks,  where  they 
anchor  in  violation  of  express  stipulations  to  the  great  annoy- 
ance of  this  valuable  branch  of  the  Newfoundland  trade. 
Nor  is  it  possible  that  the  strictest  vigilance  is  often  able  to 
detect  them  in  the  breach  of  such  stipulations. 

The  evils  growing  out  of  the  impolitic  concessions  to 
insidious  friends  are  more  extensive  than  Your  Excellency's 
Memorialists  have  yet  stated ;  they  accompany  our  commerce 
into  the  markets  of  Europe  and  the  West  Indies. 

In  the  United  States,  men,  provisions  and  every  other 
article  of  outfit  are  procured  upon  much  better  terms  than 
the  nature  of  things  will  admit  of  with  the  British.  These 
combined  advantages  enable  them  to  undersell  the  British 
merchant  in  the  Foreign  Market.  Hence  heavy  losses  have 
often  by  him  been  sustained,  and  must  always  be  sustained 
under  similar  circumstances. 

The  proof  of  the  great  national  advantage  heretofore 
reaped  by  America  from  the  Fishery,  Your  Excellency's 
Memorialists  not  only  quote  the  language  of  Massachusetts 
in  June  last  in  a  remonstrance  to  their  Government  "keep 
your  land,  but  give  us  a  fishery." 

The  French  in  time  of  tranquillity  prosecuting  the  fishery 
at  St.  Pierre  and  Miquelon,  it  is  well  known  carried  on  an 
extensive  illicit  commerce  with  the  British  residing  on  the 
coast  contiguous  to  those  Islands,  although  they  pretended 
that  such  intercourse  was  contrary  to  a  known  law  of  their 
own  country,  similar  illicit  traffic  was  at  the  same  time  carried 
on  by  the  subjects  of  that  nation  with  the  English  on  the 
coast  ceded  to  the  former  on  the  North  part  of  this  Island. 
The  entire  range  between  Cape  John,  Northward  to  Cape 
Rea,  was  yielded  to  France,  and  the  British  were  prohibited 


by  the  French  from  ever  fishing  between  those  two  Capes. 
Your  MemoriaHsts  have  learnt  from  good  authority  that 
France  actually  employed  upon  this  North  Shore  (with  St. 
Pierre  and  Miquelon)  Twenty  thousand  men.  Excellent 
Harbours,  hardly  five  miles  asunder,  skirt  the  coast  from 
Cape  John  to  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  affording  security  to 
ships  and  vessels  in  the  worst  weather,  and  the  great  resort 
of  the  codfish  to  the  very  mouths  of  these  harbours,  beyond 
what  is  generally  known  upon  the  other  shores  of  Newfound- 
land, evince  the  high  advantages  of  the  North  Fishery  formerly 
possessed  by  France. 

The  fishery  now  prosecuted  with  vigour  by  the  British 
upon  the  shores  heretofore  enjoyed  by  the  French  is  become 
very  extensive,  and  employs  a  large  proportion  of  our  fisher- 
men. The  product  of  this  industry  is  brought  hither  and 
carried  to  other  ports  of  export  coastways  in  vessels  owned 
by  the  employers,  and  supplies  of  the  Planters  and  Fishermen. 
Dwelling-houses,  substantial  stages  and  stores  would  soon  rise 
up  in  that  quarter  of  the  Island,  were  it  certain  that  the 
builders  would  at  the  return  of  Peace  be  allowed  to  retain 
their  property.  That  valuable  part  of  Newfoundland,  fertile 
in  everything  for  promoting  a  fishery,  would  in  such  an  event 
form  a  populous  district  of  great  value  to  the  Mother  Country, 
not  only  as  a  fishery,  but  as  it  would  cultivate  a  coasting 
navigation,  at  all  times  an  important  object  with  Government. 

And  believing  firmly,  as  your  Excellency's  Memorialists 
have  reason  to  believe,  and  have  already  stated,  that  our 
existence  as  a  great  independent  nation  depends  upon  our 
Dominion  on  the  Ocean,  the  wise  policy  of  shutting  out  those 
nations  now  leagued  in  war  against  us  from  a  future  participa- 
tion in  so  important  a  branch  of  our  commerce  can  hardly  be 
made  a  question. 

The  increased  advantages  since  the  commencement  of 
hostilities  with  America,  derived  to  both  our  Export  and 
Import  Trade  having  now  no  competitors  in  the  Foreign 
Markets,  and  what  is  of  the  last  and  highest  importance,  the 


increase  of  our  means  to  make  mariners,  while  those  of  our 
enemies  must  in  the  same  proportion  be  crippled,  show  the 
wisdom  of  preserving  the  "  vantage  ground "  we  now  stand 
upon.  And  Your  Excellency's  Memorialists  feel  the  more 
urgent  in  their  present  representation  as  the  prospects  which 
happily  have  recently  opened  in  Europe  may  afford  a  well- 
grounded  hope  that  the  time  is  not  very  remote  when  negotia- 
tions may  be  opened  for  the  return  of  permanent  Peace. 

From  the  protection  afforded  to  the  trade  of  this  Island 
by  Your  Excellency,  as  well  as  by  His  Excellency,  Sir  John 
B.  Warren,  a  great  number  of  fishing  vessels  having  gone  to 
Labrador  from  Nova  Scotia,  the  number  of  men  employed  on 
the  Labrador  shores  this  season  has  been  double,  and  the 
absence  of  their  former  intruders  has  enabled  them  to  fish  un- 
molested. Your  Excellency's  Memorialists  beg  to  press  upon 
your  serious  consideration,  which  they  cannot  too  often  urge, 
the  important  policy^  should  fortunately  the  circumstances  of 
Europe  ultimately  encourage  such  a  hope,  of  wholly  excluding 
foreigners  from  sharing  again  in  the  advantages  of  a  fishery 
from  which  a  large  proportion  of  our  best  national  defence 
will  be  derived. 

From  the  proofs  Your  Excellency  has  manifested,  during 
Your  Excellency's  short  residence  in  Newfoundland,  of  solici- 
tude for  the  prosperity  of  this  trade,  and  from  Your 
Excellency's  high  character,  in  a  profession,  the  salvation 
and  admiration  of  oppressed  nations,  and  upon  which  we  can 
rely  for  a  continuance  of  that  prosperity. 

Your  Excellency's  Memorialists  confidently  hope  that  Your 
Excellently  will,  on  your  return  to  England,  lay  this,  their 
humble  representation,  before  His  Majesty's  Government  and 
give  it  that  support  which  the  high  importance  of  the  case 

(Signed)         J.  MacBraire, 


St.  John's,  Newfoundland, 
SM  November,  1813. 


On  April  loth,  1814,  Governor  Keats  wrote  from 
England  to  the  merchants  of  St.  John's  that  their 
memorial  was  receiving  due  attention,  and  in  the  follow- 
July  he  himself  wrote  the  following  letter  to  the 
Secretary  of  State,  supplementing  the  memorial  of  the 
merchants : — 

Memorial  of  Merchants  and  Exclusion  of  Foreigners 
from  Fishery. 

I  HAVE  the  honour  at  the  request  of  the  Merchants  and 
principal  Resident  Inhabitants  interested  in  the  trade  of 
Newfoundland,  to  transmit  your  Lordship  a  Memorial  which  I 
have  received  from  them,  calculated  to  call  attention  to  the 
growing  importance  of  the  Fisheries  of  Newfoundland  to 
afford  some  useful  information  upon  that  interesting  subject, 
and  praying  that  if  circumstances  should  permit  at  the  return 
of  Peace,  that  our  present  enemies  may  not  be  allowed  to 
participate  in  that  valuable  fishery.  The  important  advantages 
that  would  result  to  Great  Britain  and  Newfoundland  by 
excluding  foreign  powers  from  any  participation  in  the  valu- 
able fisheries  of  that  island  are  too  well  known  to  Your 
Lordship  and  His  Majesty's  Government  to  make  it  necessary 
for  me  to  enter  at  all  upon.  I  will  delay  Your  Excellency 
only  to  remark  that  the  quantity  of  fish  taken  this  season 
exceeds  that  of  any  former  year — that  the  number  of  vessels 
sent  from  Nova  Scotia  (of  which  no  notice  is  taken  in  my 
returns)  to  take  fish  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  where  fleets 
were  employed  by  the  Americans,  have  doubled  that  of  the 
last  year,  and  will  probably  next  year  greatly  exceed  that  of  the 
present,  that  from  the  spirit  and  vigour  with  which  prepara- 
tions are  already  making  to  pursue  the  fisheries  (chiefly  arising 
out  of  the  American  war)  it  is  expected  they  will  be  very 
much  increased  next  season.  Connected  with  this  subject. 
Government  will  have  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  by  the  Custom 
House    Returns    that    the   imports    (provisions   apart)    from 


Great  Britain  have  increased  since  the  American  war,  seem- 
ingly in  a  greater  proportion  than  can  be  accounted  for  by 
any  increase  of  the  population,  and  that  the  6d.  per  gallon  duty 
on  rum  has  of  itself  this  year  produced  upwards  of  ;;^io,ooo. 
The  readmission  of  America  to  privileges  she  enjoyed  by 
former  treaties  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  on  the  Coast  of 
Labrador,  and  Newfoundland,  would  infallibly  be  felt  severely 
by  the  Merchant,  the  Planter,  and  in  the  Revenues,  whilst  the 
worst  effects  would  be  produced  by  communications  with  a 
people  so  inveterately  hostile  and  depraved,  and  the  most 
serious  losses  to  our  country  would  ensue,  by  the  valuable 
seamen  and  fisherman  they  would  deprive  us  of. 

Fort  Townsend, 
No.  25.  St.  John's,  Newfoundland, 

27  July,  1814. 
My  Lord, 

Having  in  my  Despatch  No.  18  referring  to  the 
Memorial  transmitted  from  the  merchants  and  principal 
inhabitants  interested  in  the  trade  of  Newfoundland,  stated 
it  as  my  opinion  that  the  readmission  of  America  to  the 
privileges  she  enjoyed  by  Treaty,  prior  to  the  present  war, 
in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  and  on  the  Coasts  of  Labrador 
and  Newfoundland  would  be  severely  felt  by  the  merchants, 
planters  and  in  the  revenue.  I  have  the  honour  to  detail 
more  particularly  the  grounds  on  which  that  opinion  was 
formed,  conceiving  they  may  be  found  to  contain  some 
observations  not  entirely  undeserving  notice,  whenever  the 
subject  may  come  into  particular  consideration. 
I  have  the  honour  to  be,  with  great  respect, 
My  Lord, 

Your  Lordship's 
Most  obedient,  humble  servant, 

(Signed)  R.  G.  Keats. 

To  the  Right  Honourable 

The  Earl  of  Bathurst,  &c. 



The  Fishery  carried  on  by  America  to  the  Northward 
most  injurious  to  our  interests  seems  unquestionably  to  be 
that  on  the  coast  of  Newfoundland  within  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Lawrence  and  particularly  that  on  the  coast  of  Labrador. 
To  this  fishery  that  pursued  by  the  Americans  on  the  Banks 
of  Newfoundland  was  of  very  inferior  consideration,  the  latter 
not  employing  more  than  three  or  four  hundred  sail  of  vessels 
seemed  stationary,  whilst  the  former  gradually  increased  from 
the  Peace  of  1783  to  the  War  declared  by  her  in  181 2,  at 
which  period  it  appears  from  many  creditable  authorities 
America  sent  not  less  than  1500  vessels  into  the  Gulf  of  St, 
Lawrence  and  upon  the  coast  of  Labrador,  which  at  the 
moderate  calculation  of  10  men  to  a  vessel  would  afford  employ- 
ment for  15,000  men,  admitting  no  abatement  to  be  allowed 
for  those  who  made  second  trips. 

America  from  her  situation,  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence 
being  cleared  of  ice  earlier  than  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  was 
enabled  to  get  the  vessels  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador  before 
our  Merchants  and  Planters  who  reside  on  the  East  Coast  of 
Newfoundland,  and  whose  vessels  enter  by  the  Straits  of  Belle 
Isle.  With  this  advantage,  and  coming  in  such  immense 
numbers,  the  harbours  best  calculated  for  the  cod  fishery  were 
occupied  by  them  to  the  prejudice  almost  to  the  exclusion 
of  our  own  fishermen  in  places  where  we  had  no  settlements, 
whilst  the  multitude  of  boats  sent  by  them  to  the  fishing  ledges 
have  been  even  known  to  create  a  scarcity  of  fish — and  (the 
Gurry)  the  offal  thrown  by  them  into  the  sea  (for  the  fish 
taken  by  the  boats  are  prepared  and  salted  on  board  the  vessels 
at  anchor  in  the  harbours)  produced  the  worst  effects  upon 
the  neighbouring  Salmon  Fisheries,  and  also  on  the  Caplin,  on 
which  our  fishermen  principally  depend  for  Bait,  and  this 
practice,  which  at  the  first  view  it  should  seem  would  be 
equally  injurious  to  the  Americans  was  less  felt  by  them, 
as  they  commonly  came  prepared  with  clams,  and  salted  bait. 
Our  planters  and  fishermen  complain  that  their  nets  were 


continually  cut  by  them  ;  that  they  could  not  leave  anything 
on  their  Sealing  Posts  without  a  strong  guard,  which  they 
could  not  afford,  and  that  the  woods  are  set  fire,  too,  by  them 
(which  numerous  ineffectual  proclamations  have  been  issued 
by  the  Governors  to  prevent)  in  order  to  deprive  our  fisher- 
men of  the  Means  of  making  and  repairing  their  flakes  and 
other  fishing  conveniences. 

Against  practices  of  this  vicious  nature  complaints,  as  the 
Americans  were  commonly  the  most  numerous,  were  disre- 
garded and  treated  with  insult. 

Indisputably  it  never  was  the  intention  of  Government  to 
grant  to  America  a  right  on  our  Coasts,  which,  from  the 
advantages  she  possesses  from  her  situation  and  produce,  could 
be  exercised  to  the  extinction  or  the  serious  disadvantage  of 
our  own  fisheries.  But  the  loose  and  undefined  manner 
in  which  the  3rd  Article  of  the  Treaty  of  1783  is  expressed 
with  the  abuses  already  and  hereafter  noticed,  which  have  been 
practised  by  the  Americans,  expose  our  Merchants  and  Planters 
to  difficulties  to  whom  an  unqualified  renewal  of  the  3rd 
Article  of  the  Treaty  would  inevitably  prove  highly  injurious. 

The  Americans  claim  and  dispute  with  us  the  Right  of  the 
Salmon  Fishery,  which  is  properly  a  River  fishery,  and  by 
setting  their  nets  at  the  mouths  of  the  rivers  prevent  half 
the  fish  from  entering  to  lay  their  spawn. 

They  are  also  in  the  habit  of  sending  Light  Ships  from 
America  to  some  of  the  harbours  on  the  Labrador,  par- 
ticularly Labrador  Harbour,  Red  Bay,  and  Cape  Charles, 
which  receive  the  fish  caught  and  prepared  by  them  on  the 
coast,  and  take  it  with  what  they  procure  clandestinely  from 
our  Boatkeepers  by  Purchase  or  Barter,  for  they  come  pre- 
pared with  money  and  goods  for  that  purpose,  and  thus 
become  the  Carriers  of  a  proportion  of  our  own  fish  to 
the  Market. 

The  Trade  and  Revenue  of  the  Island  equally  with  the 
Planter  are  exposed  to  great  and  serious  losses — an  evil 
which   will  grow  with  the  rapidly   increasing  population  of 


Newfoundland — for  the  Americans  are  enabled  to  undersell 
our  Merchants  in  Bread,  Flour,  Salt,  Provisions,  Teas,  Rum, 
Tobacco,  etc.  The  articles  are  smuggled  into  the  Country 
and  bartered  for  fish  taken  by  our  Boatkeepers,  and  the 
facilities  which  such  an  unrestrained  communication  with 
our  Coasts  and  Harbours  afford  for  Smuggling  and  other 
clandestine  practices  are  such  that  no  vigilance  on  the  part 
of  the  Men  of  War  can  prevent.  A  serious  grievance  arises 
from  the  quantity  of  New  England  Rum  with  which  at  low 
price  they  are  enabled  to  supply  our  Boatkeepers,  fisher- 
men, and  servants,  which  never  fails  to  have  a  sensible 
and  unfavourable  effect  at  the  season  at  which  Industry 
and  Exertion  are  peculiarly  requisite  to  enable  the  Boatkeeper 
to  pay  for  the  supplies  with  which  he  has  been  furnished  by 
the  Planter. 

The  number  of  valuable  men  annually  seduced  from 
their  employers  and  taken  away  by  the  Americans  is  a  source 
of  national  as  well  as  private  injury,  and  with  a  people  so 
democratic,  so  insulting  and  offensive  in  their  conduct  and 
behaviour,  it  were  perhaps  desirable  to  lessen  our  com- 
munications as  much  as  circumstances  may  permit. 

America,  jealous  in  the  extreme  of  what  she  calls  her 
waters,  a  right  she  claims  and  is  labouring  to  establish  to 
the  extent  of  Forty  Miles  from  her  coast,  can,  on  no  fair 
principle,  it  should  seem,  claim  of  us  the  privilege  to  enter 
our  Bays,  Creeks,  and  Harbours,  and  to  use  them  to  the 
injury  of  our  Merchants  and  Planters  and  to  the  prejudice 
of  the  Revenues — if  on  her  principle  we  establish  our  right 
of  what  she  terms  waters — to  only  half  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Lawrence  and  the  valuable  fisheries  on  the  Coast  of  New- 
foundland and  Labrador.  If  we  keep  her  only  three  miles 
from  the  Coast  a  very  considerable  and  perhaps  sufficient 
advantage  will  be  secured  to  our  own  fisheries. 

Whatever  may  be  the  determination  of  His  Majesty's 
Government  respecting  these  fisheries  on  the  return  of 
peaceful  relations  with  America,  explanations  in  any  event 


respecting  the  unwarranted  pretensions  of  the  Americans 
herein  noticed  it  is  presumable  will  take  place,  and  although 
in  the  unfortunate  event  of  their  readmission  into  the  Gulf 
of  St.  Lawrence,  and  on  the  Coasts  of  Newfoundland  and 
Labrador,  it  is  probable  no  foresight  could  effectually  secure 
His  Majesty's  subjects  from  considerable  interruption  and 
annoyance  in  their  occupations,  it  is  nevertheless  to  be 
hoped  some  regulations  will  take  place  which  shall  be  found 
to  check,  if  not  entirely  remove  the  evils  represented.  And 
it  should  seem  from  the  annoyance  which  the  French  also 
experienced  from  the  Americans  on  those  parts  of  the  Coast 
on  which  they  formerly  had  the  right  to  fish,  that  in  the 
event  of  their  readmission  to  their  former  privilege,  that  that 
nation  would  also  feel  a  corresponding  interest  in  keeping  the 
Americans  from  their  coast  and  fishermen. 

Connected  in  some  degree  with  the  present  subject,  I  beg 
leave  to  close  it  with  an  opinion  arising  as  well  from  my  own 
observations  as  that  of  some  previous  persons  on  whose  infor- 
mation and  judgment  I  have  reliance :  That  on  the  return  of 
Peace  no  necessity  will  exist  in  Newfoundland  for  any  com- 
munication whatever  with  the  United  States.  From  Canada, 
Nova  Scotia,  and  the  Mother  Country  all  necessary  supplies 
of  Provisions  and  Lumber  may  be  drawn.  With  some  en- 
couragement Newfoundland  might  be  made  to  supply  herself 
with  lumber  and  even  to  send  to  the  West  Indies,  nor  is  it  by 
any  means  certain  that  she  could  not  be  made  useful  in 
affording  some  supplies  to  our  Dock  Yards  of  Timber  and 
Spars  applicable  for  Naval  Purposes. 

(Signed)  R.  G.  Keats. 

Fort  Townsend,  St.  John's, 

Newfoundland,  21  th  Jtdy,   1814. 

The  representations  of  the  merchants  seemed  to  have 
had  effect,  for  when  negotiations  for  peace  were  entered 
into,  the  British  Commissioners  declared  in  the  most 
positive  v/ay,  that  "  the  British  Government  did   not 


intend  to  grant  to  the  United  States  gratuitously  the 
privileges  formerly  granted  to  them  of  fishing  in  British 
waters."  The  American  Commissioners  also  were  in- 
structed on  no  account  to  suffer  their  right  to  the 
fisheries  to  be  brought  into  the  discussion.  Neverthe- 
less, the  matter  was  discussed  very  freely,  but  the  British 
held  to  their  determination  and  no  mention  of  Fishery 
Concessions  was  made  in  the  Treaty  of  Ghent  of  1814. 

Lord  Bathurst,  Secretary  of  State,  wrote  to  Governor 
Keats  on  June  17th,  18 15,  instructing  him  on  the  new 
state  of  affairs.  He  said  that  the  war  of  181 2  had 
cancelled  all  privileges,  and  that  subjects  of  the  United 
States  could  have  no  pretence  to  any  right  to  fish 
within  British  jurisdiction.  In  regard  to  the  banks  and 
open  sea  fisheries,  the  Americans  were  not  to  be  dis- 
turbed, but  they  were  to  be  rigidly  excluded  from  the 
"  Bays,  Harbours,  Rivers,  Creeks,  and  Inlets  of  His 
Majesty's  possessions." 

The  Americans  set  up  the  peculiar  plea  that  the  war 
of  18 12  had  not  abrogated  their  rights  under  the  Treaty 
of  1783,  which  they  declared  to  be  inalienable,  and  their 
fishino'  vessels  began  at  once  to  invade  British  waters. 
In  18 1 5  a  company  was  formed  at  Gloucester,  Massa- 
chusetts, to  carry  on  the  cod  fishery  on  the  Grand 
Banks  and  Labrador,  and  twelve  vessels  were  built. 

JSlote. — The  following  opinion  on  this  vexed  question 
is  taken  from  Hall  on  Treaties,  1895,  a  standard 
authority  on  International  Law  : — 

"After  the  war  of  18 12  it  was  a  matter  of  dispute 
whether  the  article  dealing  with  these  privileges  (Treaty 
of  1783)  was  merely  regulatory,  or  whether  it  operated 
by  way  of  a  grant ;  its  effect  being  in  the  one  case 
merely  suspended  by  war,  while  in  the  other  the  article 
was  altogether  abrogated.     On  the  part  of  the  United 


States,  it  was  argued  that  the  Treaty  of  1783  recog- 
nized the  right  of  fishery,  of  which  it  is  subject,  as  a 
right  which  having,  before  the  independence  of  the 
United  States,  been  enjoyed  in  common  by  all  the 
inhabitants  of  the  British  possessions  in  North  America 
■  as  attendant  on  the  territory,  remained  attendant,  after 
the  acquisition  of  independence,  upon  that  portion  of 
the  territory  which  became  the  United  States,  in  com- 
mon with  that  which  still  lay  under  the  dominion  of 

"  By  England,  on  the  other  hand,  it  was  as  distinctly 
maintained  that  the  claim  of  an  independent  State  to 
occupy  and  use  at  its  discretion  any  part  of  the  terri- 
tory of  another  without  compensation  or  corresponding 
indulgence,  cannot  rest  on  any  other  foundation  than 
conventional  stipulation.  The  controversy  was  put  an 
end  to  by  a  treaty  in  18 18  in  which  the  indefensible 
American  pretension  was  abandoned,  and  fishing  rights 
were  accepted  by  the  United  States  as  having  been 
acquired  by  contract." 

Governor  Keats  gave  instructions  to  the  captains  of  His 
Majesty's  ships  to  carry  out  the  regulations  laid  down 
by  Lord  Bathurst,  but  on  the  Newfoundland  and  Labra- 
dor coasts  the  records  note  only  one  American  vessel 
found  trespassing,  which  left  immediately  on  being  dis- 
covered. Not  so  on  the  Nova  Scotian  coasts,  where  a 
good  many  seizures  were  made,  some  of  which  at  least 
were  entirely  unjustifiable.  A  strained  condition  of 
affairs  was  produced  again,  and  when  the  President  of 
the  United  States  proposed  that  negotiations  should  be 
opened  for  the  amicable  settlement  of  the  disputed 
fishery  matters,  the  British  Government  weakly  ac- 

In  1 8 16  Lord  Bathurst  informed  Admiral  Pickmore, 


who  had  become  Governor  of  Newfoundland,  that  His 
Majesty's  Ambassador  at  Washington,  the  Hon. 
Charles  Bagot,  had  been  authorized  to  enter  into 
negotiations  and  to  conclude  some  arrangement  by 
which  inhabitants  of  the  United  States  were  to  par- 
ticipate in  the  fisheries  within  British  Dominions,  and 
to  have  a  modified  use  of  British  territory.  We  can 
imagine  the  consternation  the  news  must  have  caused 
in  the  British  North  American  colonies. 

Admiral  Pickmore  was  also  directed  to  be  governed 
by  any  instructions  he  might  receive  on  the  matter  from 
Mr.  Bagot.  This  gentleman,  however,  wrote  from 
Washington  in  January,  1817,  that  the  negotiations  had 
been  brought  to  a  close  by  the  rejection  of  the  English 

On  May  12th  of  that  year.  Lord  Bathurst  informed 
Admiral  Pickmore  that  temporary  permission  had  been 
granted  to  the  Americans,  for  one  season  only,  to  pursue 
the  fisheries  in  any  unoccupied  harbours,  bays,  etc.  of 
British  territories.  Encouraged  by  this  permission 
considerable  numbers  of  American  vessels  visited 
Labrador  that  season.  The  town  of  Newbury  port  alone 
is  said  to  have  sent  sixty-five  vessels  to  the  coast. 

During  the  wars  with  France  and  America,  Newfound- 
land enjoyed  very  prosperous  times.  Being  relieved 
from  the  competition  of  both  French  and  Americans, 
the  Newfoundland  merchants  had  a  monopoly  of  the 
European  markets,  and  very  high  prices  were  obtained 
for  fish.  Considerable  inflation  took  place  in  New- 
foundland, and  a  great  increase  was  made  in  the  resident 
population,  chiefly  by  the  influx  of  a  number  of  poor 
Irish  settlers. 

When  peace  was  declared,  competition  immediately 
began  again,  and  prices  declined  so  enormously  that 


commercial  disaster  overtook  all  interested  in  the 
Newfoundland  fisheries.  The  new  surplus  population 
could  not  be  employed,  and  during  the  years  1 8 16-17 
the  greatest  distress  prevailed  all  over  Conception  Bay, 
as  well  as  in  St.  John's.  The  poorer  classes  were  on  the 
verge  of  starvation,  and  robberies  and  riots  were  frequent 
and  serious.  To  add  to  the  trouble,  a  disastrous  fire 
took  place  in  St.  John's  in  November,  18 16,  and 
thousands  of  people  were  rendered  homeless.  The 
Imperial  Parliament  granted  ^10,000  to  relieve  the  dis- 
tress, and  the  merchants  of  Boston  most  generously  sent 
a  cargo  of  provisions,  which  arrived  in  the  nick  of  time. 

A  committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  was  appointed 
to  enquire  into  the  state  of  the  trade  in  Newfoundland 
in  1 8 17.  Their  report,  dated  June  i6th  of  that  year, 
forms  most  interesting  reading.  Many  merchants  in- 
terested in  the  Newfoundland  trade  were  examined. 
The  principal  reasons  vouchsafed  for  the  prevalent 
distress  were,  first,  the  competition  from  the  French, 
who  gave  large  bounties  on  fish  ;  and  second,  the  in- 
creased duties  on  British  fish  in  Spain  and  Italy.  The 
remedy  proposed  was  that  a  bounty  of  two  shillings 
per  quintal  should  be  given  on  all  fish  exported  from 
Newfoundland  so  long  as  the  French  should  continue  to 
give  bounties. 

The  picture  drawn  of  the  distress  in  Newfoundland, 
both  from  the  personal  experience  of  the  testators  and 
from  letters  received  from  Newfoundland,  is  pitiable. 
These  were  undoubtedly  some  of  Newfoundland's  darkest 

But  the  evidence  which  interests  us  most  at  this  time 
is  that  given  by  Mr,  George  Kemp  as  to  the  American 
fishery  prior  to  the  war  of  181 2,  and  the  view  then 
taken  of  their  rights  under  the  Treaty  of  1783.      Mr. 


Kemp  was  a  merchant  of  Poole,  largely  interested  in  the 
Newfoundland  trade,  and  had  resided  there  for  many- 

Being  questioned  as  to  the  size  of  the  American 
fishery,  he  made  the  statement,  which  originated  in  the 
protest  of  the  St.  John's  merchants  in  1809,  that  he  had 
heard  there  were  1500  vessels  employed,  but  did  not 
think  it  credible.  He  referred  to  regulations  which  had 
been  made  \.o prevetit  the  Americans  coming  near  to  the 
coast  of  Nezvfoundland,  which  they  had  endeavoured  to 
do,  as  it  greatly  facilitated  their  export  of  fish.  He 
did  not  think  this  illicit  business  of  the  Americans  had 
been  as  great  as  that  of  the  present  French  fishery 
which  was  duly  authorized. 

Being  asked  if  the  Americans  employed  vessels  in 
the  fishery  on  the  French  coast  as  well  as  on  the  other 
coasts  of  Newfoundland,  he  stated  that  they  were  not 
allowed  to  come  round  to  that  part  of  the  French  coast 
on  the  front  of  the  island,  but  understood  that  their 
fishery  was  carried  on  principally  in  the  Straits  of  Belle 
Isle,  and  on  what  is  called  the  back  part  of  Newfound- 
land, but  their  privilege  of  fishing  was  ahvays  guarded 
by  being  kept  at  a  suitable  distance  off  the  coast.  That 
communication  with  that  part  of  the  coast  was  not 
frequent,  and  ships  employed  by  the  Government 
would  not  go  round  so  often  to  prevent  their  fishing 
there  as  in  other  parts.  On  the  front  of  the  island 
they  were  more  easily  discovered  by  His  Majesty's 

We  have  already  heard  from  other  sources  that  the 
Americans  gave  all  their  attention  to  the  Labrador 
fishery,  but  it  appears  from  Mr.  Kemp's  evidence  that 
attempts  had  been  made  by  them  to  come  into  the 
inshore  waters  and   use  the   shores  of  Newfoundland 


in  order  to  facilitate  the  export  of  fish.  That  such 
attempts  were  prevented,  and  that  they  were  always 
kept  at  a  suitable  distance  from  the  coast,  is  most 
valuable  evidence  that  the  term  "  coasts  of  Newfound- 
land "  was  strictly  interpreted  at  that  time. 

The  temporary  permission  of  1817  was  renewed  again 
for  the  season  of  1 818.  Capt.  Shiffner,  of  H.M.S.  Drake, 
who  was  stationed  on  the  Labrador  coast,  reported  that 
no  less  than  four  hundred  American  vessels  had  been 
on  that  coast  during  the  season.  He  found  that  they 
were  continually  exceeding  the  privileges  given  them, 
by  trespassing  in  occupied  bays  and  harbours.  He  had 
warned  off  six  vessels  which  he  had  found  so  trespassing, 
but  was  informed  that  when  he  left  they  returned  to  the 
places  from  which  he  had  sent  them. 

On  the  Newfoundland  coasts  two  vessels  only  were 
reported,  the  schooners  Hannah  and  Juno,  which  were 
found  carrying  on  a  whale  fishery  in  Hermitage  and 
St.  Mary's  Bays,  and  having  taken  some  whales  had 
gone  into  occupied  harbours,  and  even  landed,  for 
the  purpose  of  trying  out  the  fat.  They  were  seized 
by  H.M.S.  Egeria  and  sent  to  St,  John's  under  prize 
crews.  The  Ju7io  soon  arrived  there,  and  was  very 
leniently  dealt  with,  being  released  with  a  caution.  The 
Hannah  did  not  put  in  her  appearance,  having  been 
retaken  by  the  captain  and  two  mates,  and  the  prize 
crew  sent  on  shore  in  a  boat.^ 

The  Legislature  of  Novia  Scotia,  in  1818,  prepared 
an  elaborate  protest  against  the  renewal  of  any  fishing 
privileges  to  Americans,  particularly  contending  against 

^  Sir  Charles  Hamilton  wrote  to  Earl  Bathurst,  August  28th,  1818,  in- 
forming him  of  the  capture  of  these  two  vessels,  and  saying  that  he 
intended  to  release  them  after  exacting  an  engagement  from  their  captains 
to  leave  the  Bays  and  Harboins  of  Newfoundland  and  not  to  return,  or  to 
use  the  shore  for  purposes  connected  with  the  fishing. 


the  use  of  the  Gut  of  Canso  by  American  vessels  bound 
to  the  Gulf  of  St  Lawrence  and  Labrador.  A  copy- 
was  sent  to  the  Acting  Governor  of  Newfoundland, 
Capt.  Bowker,  asking  for  a  joint  protest  to  be  sent  from 
there  ;  but  as  the  Newfoundland  merchants  had  already- 
made  their  protest,  no  further  action  seems  to  have 
been  taken  at  that  time, 

June  20,  18 1 8. 

Copy  of  Memorial  from  Council  and  Assembly  of  Nova 
Scotia  to  Lord  DalJiousie. 

To  His  Excellency  Lieutenant  General  the  Right  Hon. 
George  Earl  of  Dalhousie,  Baron  Dalhousie,  of  Dal- 
housie  Castle,  Knight  Grand  Cross  of  the  Most  Honour- 
able Military  Order  of  the  Bath,  Lieutenant  Governor 
and  Commander-in-Chief  in  and  over  His  Majesty's 
Province  of  Nova  Scotia  and  its  Dependencies,  etc. 

The  Address  of  His  Majesty's  Council  and  the  House  of  the 

May  it  please  Your  Excellency 

That  His  Majesty's  subjects,  the  people  of  this 
province,  anxiously  hope  that  His  Majesty's  Government 
will  take  effectual  steps  to  prevent  foreign  fishing  vessels  from 
resorting  under  any  pretence  to  the  harbours,  rivers,  creeks 
and  bays  on  the  sea  coast  of  Novia  Scotia  and  such  parts  of 
the  shores  of  the  Bay  of  Fundy  as  are  within  His  Majesty's 
Dominions,  and  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  Prince  Edward 
Island,  Cape  Breton  and  the  Magdalen  Islands,  the  Labrador 
Shore  and  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and  also  to  prohibit  them 
from  taking  fish  of  any  kind  within  the  said  harbours,  bays,  rivers 
and  creeks,  or  upon  the  banks  and  shores  contiguous  thereto. 

Whatever  right  foreigners  may  have  to  take  fish  in  the 
open  waters  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  the  people  of  this 
province  conceive  they  cannot  have  a  right  to  enter  the  said 


Gulf  through  the  narrow  strait  or  passage  which  separates 
Nova  Scotia  from  Cape  Breton,  it  being  unquestionably  a 
part  of  the  territory  of  the  Crown,  into  which  foreigners  can 
have  no  right  to  enter,  as  it  is  an  arm  of  the  sea  extending  in 
length  between  both  shores  about  twenty-one  miles  and  in 
width  not  more  than  one  mile  in  the  widest  part,  and  about 
half  a  mile  in  the  narrowest  part,  and  foreigners  if  excluded 
from  this  inlet  can  have  no  right  to  complain,  as  they  have 
free  access  into  the  said  Gulf  through  the  open  sea  that  lies 
between  Cape  Breton  and  Newfoundland,  and  the  people  of 
this  province  consider  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  in  like  manner 
the  exclusive  property  of  the  Crown. 

That  His  Majesty's  subjects  the  people  of  this  Province 
are  of  opinion  that  foreigners  can  have  no  more  right  to  pass 
into  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  or  into  the  Bay  of  Fundy  for 
the  purpose  of  taking  fish  therein,  or  within  the  line  which 
separates  the  territory  of  His  Majesty's  in  the  last-mentioned 
Bay  from  the  territory  of  the  United  States  than  His  Majesty's 
subjects  have  a  right  to  pass  into  the  Bay  of  Chesapeake  or 
Bay  of  Delaware  for  the  purpose  of  taking  fish. 

That  British  fishermen  are  in  a  great  measure  excluded 
from  the  most  valuable  fisheries  on  the  Labrador  shore  under 
pretence  of  exclusive  privileges  which  the  North  West  Com- 
pany and  other  Companies  and  individuals  claim  under 
certain  pretended  leases  made  to  them  by  His  Majesty's 
Government  in  Lower  Canada,  whereby  they  monopolize  the 
exclusive  right  of  Hunting  and  Fishing  on  a  vast  extent  of  the 
Labrador  shore,  and  under  Colour  of  these  unjust  monopolies 
foreigners  obtain  the  liberty  of  hunting  and  fishing  on  these 
shores  to  the  exclusion  of  His  Majesty's  subjects,  and  the 
same  evil  arises  from  the  improvident  grants  which  have  been 
made  of  the  Magdalen  Islands. 

That  since  the  last  peace  with  the  United  States  of  America, 
foreign  fishing  vessels  resort  as  they  did  before  the  War  to 
the  Harbours,  Rivers  and  Creeks  on  the  Labrador  shore  in 
numbers  so   far  exceeding  the  British  Fishing  Vessels  that 


British  subjects  can  only  fish  there  at  the  will  and  pleasure  of 
foreigners,  they  being  unable  to  resist  their  superior  force  and 

That  foreign  vessels  also  resort  to  all  the  other  Harbours, 
Rivers  and  Creeks  on  the  sea  coast  of  British  North  America 
the  same  as  they  did  previous  to  the  last  war  with  the  United 
States,  which  is  totally  subversive  of  the  rights  of  His  Majesty 
and  destructive  of  the  best  interests  of  His  subjects. 

We  pray  Your  Excellency  to  move  His  Majesty's  Govern- 
ment for  such  instructions  as  will  clearly  describe  what  are 
the  rights  of  the  Crown  as  touching  the  premises,  and  the 
course  to  be  pursued  to  prevent  foreigners  from  infringing 
such  rights,  and  on  behalf  of  the  people  of  this  Province,  we 
engage  they  will  use  their  utmost  endeavours  to  maintain  and 
defend  the  same. 

We  also  pray  Your  Excellency  to  call  the  attention  of  His 
Majesty's  Government,  and  the  Governor  General  of  the 
North  American  Colonies  to  the  destructive  monopolies 
claimed  on  the  Labrador  shore,  and  the  improvident  grants 
made  of  the  Magdalen  Islands,  so  that  proper  steps  may  be 
taken  to  remove  all  impediments  to  the  fishery  of  His 
Majesty's  subjects  under  such  Rules  and  Regulations  as  His 
Majesty's  Government  may  think  proper  to  establish. 

And  we  further  pray  Your  Excellency  to  request  the 
Admirals  Commanding  in  Chief  on  the  North  American  and 
Newfoundland  stations  to  use  their  best  endeavours  to  ex- 
clude foreigners  from  the  Fisheries  which  belong  exclusively 
to  British  subjects,  and  to  prevent  every  infringement  of 
the  Maritime  and  Territorial  rights  of  His  Majesty's  North 
American  Colonies. 

In  the  behalf  of  the  Council, 

(Signed)  S.  S.  Blowers,  President. 
A  true  copy. 

(Signed)  Henry  H.  Cogswell,  D.  Secy. 

In  behalf  of  the  House  of  Assembly, 

(Signed)  S.  B.   Robie,  Speaker. 


This  fact  cannot  be  too  strongly  accentuated,  that 
during  the  long  period  of  thirty-five  years,  from  1783  to 
1 8 18,  there  is  no  account  of  American  vessels  fishing 
in  the  bays  and  harbojirs  of  Newfoundland,  except 
the  two  whalers  above  mentioned.  Nor  is  there  any 
evidence  to  be  found  that  they  even  took  advantage, 
to  any  extent,  of  their  privileges  of  fishing  on  "  the 
coasts  of  Newfoundland,  such  as  British  fishermen  shall 
use."  This  is  not  surprising,  when  it  is  considered  that 
at  that  period  the  Americans  were  freely  permitted  to 
fish  in  the  bays,  harbours,  and  creeks  of  the  other  British 
provinces,  that  their  route  was  always  through  the  Gut 
of  Canso,  thus  affording  an  easy  approach  to  the  west 
and  northern  shores  of  the  Gulf  of  St,  Lawrence, 
and  thence  to  the  practically  virgin  fishing  grounds 
of  Labrador.  Mr.  Kemp's  evidence  in  18 17  makes  it 
clear  that  they  were  reported  on  the  west  coast  of  the 
island  only,  that  His  Majesty's  ships  were  employed 
in  keeping  them  at  a  suitable  distance  off  the  coast, 
and  that  any  approach  thereto  was  considered  illegal. 

Negotiations  for  a  renewal  of  the  fishing  privileges 
to  the  Americans  were  continued,  until  finally  a  Con- 
vention was  signed  in  London  in  181 8,  which  renewed 
in  part  the  liberty  they  had  formerly  enjoyed. 

Article  i  of  this  Convention  reads  in  part : — 

"  The  inhabitants  of  the  United  States  shall  have  for 
ever,  in  common  with  the  subjects  of  His  Britanick 
Majesty,  the  liberty  to  take  fish  of  every  kind  on  that 
part  of  the  southern  coast  of  Newfoundland  from  Cape 
Ray  to  the  Ramea  Islands,  on  the  western  and  northern 
coast  of  Newfoundland  from  the  said  Cape  Ray  to 
Quirpon  Islands,  on  the  Shores  of  the  Magdalen  Islands, 
and  also  on  the  coasts,  bays,  harbours,  and  creeks  from 
Mount  Joly  on  the  southern  coast  of  Labrador,  to  and 


through  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and  thence  north- 
wardly indefinitely  along  the  coast,  without  prejudice, 
however,  to  any  of  the  exclusive  rights  of  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company  ;  and  that  the  American  fishermen  shall 
also  have  liberty  for  ever  to  dry  and  cure  fish  in  any 
of  the  unsettled  bays,  harbours,  and  creeks  of  the 
southern  part  of  the  coast  of  Newfoundland,  hereabove 
described,  and  of  the  coasts  of  Labrador." 

Volumes  have  been  written  as  to  the  correct  meaning 
of  the  above  clause,  and  it  will  be  a  relief  to  all  con- 
cerned to  have  a  definite  interpretation  given  to  it  by 
the  Hague  Tribunal,  to  which  the  question  has  now 
been  referred. 

It  is  naturally  impossible  here  to  enter  upon  any 
lengthy  explanation  of  the  various  contentions  which 
have  been  advanced  by  both  sides  as  to  the  meaning  of 
this  Treaty,  but  it  is  thought  necessary  to  state  as  shortly 
as  possible  what  the  principal  British  claims  are: — 

1.  That  the  right  was  given  to  bona  fide  inhabitants 
of  the  United  States  only. 

2.  That  the  inhabitants  of  the  United  States  using 
the  privileges  granted  to  them  are  bound  to  abide  by 
the  regulations  made  for  the  conduct  of  the  fisheries 
by  the  sovereign  power. 

3.  That  the  terms  "  coasts  of  Newfoundland,"  "  shores 
of  the  Magdalen  Islands,"  and  "  coasts,  bays,  harbours, 
and  creeks"  of  Labrador  have  a  distinct  meaning,  and 
that  under  the  first  term  a  purely  coast  fishery  only 
is  intended,  and  does  not  give  any  right  to  fish  in  bays 
or  arms  of  the  sea  in  Newfoundland, 

It  is  a  curious  circumstance  that  each  one  of  these 
contentions  has  been  either  admitted  or  contended  by 
the  United  States  when  it  suited  their  purpose  so  to  do. 


At  the  Halifax  Fishery  Commission  in  1877,  Ameri- 
can counsel  argued  persistently  for  contentions  i  and  3. 
Then  the  United  States  were  being  assessed  for  the 
value  of  the  privilege  of  free  fishing  given  by  the 
Treaty  of  Washington,  1871,  and  they  claimed  that 
the  bill  should  be  lessened,  because  large  numbers  of 
Nova  Scotians  went  each  year  to  Gloucester  and 
shipped  as  crews  on  United  States  vessels  07i  shares. 
They  claimed  also  that  they  should  not  be  assessed  for 
the  Newfoundland  frozen  herring  fishery  because  they 
did  not  avail  themselves  of  the  privilege  of  taking 
herring  themselves,  but  always  bought  the  herring,  that 
the  fishery  was  essentially  a  strand  fishery,  and  the 
Treaty  of  18 18  did  not  permit  them  to  go  ashore  and 
seine  herring.  They  claimed  the  herring  fishery  at  the 
Magdalen  Islands  as  a  right  under  the  Treaty  of  18 18, 
because  they  were  by  that  Treaty  permitted  to  use  the 
"  shores  "  of  the  Magdalen  Islands. 

In  respect  to  contention  2,  American  fishermen  have 
been  again  and  again  instructed  to  respect  local  fishery 
laws  when  made  for  the  bona  fide  protection  of  the 
fishery,  particularly  in  March,  1856,  by  letter  from  the 
Department  of  State,  Washington,  to  the  Collector  of 
Customs  at  Boston,  and  again  by  Secretary  Bayard  in 
the  same  year.  On  this  point  it  is  interesting  to  note 
the  early  instructions  given  to  officers  of  His  Majesty's 
ships  on  the  Fishery  Protection  Service. 

When  the  first  Circuit  Court  started  for  the  Labrador 
in  August,  1826,  Governor  Holloway  wrote  as  follows 
to  Captain  Patterson,  the  newly  appointed  Judge  for 
that  district : — 

"  At  the  same  time  that  I  recommend  the  most  con- 
ciliatory and  friendly  conduct  on  the  part  of  yourself 
and  all  attached  to  your  Court  or  under  your  authority. 


towards  the  subjects  of  the  United  States  whilst  en- 
gaged in  the  fishery  secured  to  them  by  the  Treaty, 
you  will  bear  in  mind  that  whilst  they  are  employed 
within  your  jurisdiction  they  are  equally  amenable  to 
the  laws  with  any  of  His  Majesty's  subjects,  and  that 
the  same  measure  of  Justice  is  to  be  dealt  to  them  as 
to  any  others  infringing  the  rights  of  individuals  or 
disturbing  the  public  peace." 

On  comparing  the  Treaties  of  1783  and  181 8,  it  will  be 
noticed  that  no  reference  is  made  in  the  latter  to  the  ob- 
vious right  of  the  United  States  to  the  open  sea  fisheries, 
and  that  the  liberty  to  take  fish  on  the  coasts  of  New- 
foundland was  not  qualified  by  the  words  "  such  as  the 
British  fishermen  shall  use,"  but  the  said  coasts  were 
carefully  delineated,  and  instead  of  being  such  parts 
of  the  coast  as  were  particularly  reserved  for  British 
fishermen,  were  principally  those  parts  of  the  island 
on  which  the  French  had  a  concurrent  right  of  fishery. 

No  one  reading  these  treaties,  the  protests  made 
against  them,  and  instructions  for  their  enforcement, 
can  suppose  that  the  different  expressions  used,  in 
describing  the  various  localities,  were  purely  fortuitous. 

The  Bays,  Harbours,  Creeks,  and  Rivers  of  Newfound- 
land ivere  carefully  resei'ved,  as  were  also  the  rivers 
of  Labrador. 

If  the  term  "Coast  of  Newfoundland"  includes 
"  Bays,  Harbours,  and  Creeks,"  it  can  also  be  made  to 
include  rivers  and  lakes,  which  is  a  reductio  ad 

It  is  interesting  in  this  discussion  to  note  the  letter 
of  President  Monroe  to  the  Secretary  of  State,  June 
2ist,  1815.  He  says:  "It  is  sufficient  to  observe  here 
that  the  right  of  the  United  States  to  take  fish  on  the 
Coast  of  Newfoundland,  and  on  the  coasts,  bays,  and 


creeks  of  all  other  His  Britannic  Majesty's  dominions 
in  America,  and  to  dry  and  cure  fish  in  any  of  the  un- 
settled bays,  harbours,  and  creeks  of  Nova  Scotia, 
Magdalen  Islands,  and  Labrador,"  etc.,  which  proves 
conclusively  that  he  thoroughly  understood  that  their 
rights  in  Newfoundland  waters  were  more  restricted 
than  in  the  other  Provinces.  Also,  it  is  somewhat 
mortifying  to  find  that  the  Americans  were  prepared  to 
accept  less  than  they  obtained.  The  letter  of  instruc- 
tions from  the  Secretary  of  State  to  Messrs.  Gallatin 
and  Rush  of  July  28th,  1818,  reads  : — 

"  The  President  authorizes  you  to  agree  to  an  article 
whereby  the  United  States  will  desist  from  the  liberty 
of  fishing  and  curing  and  drying  fish  within  British 
Jurisdiction  generally  upon  condition  that  it  shall  be 
secured  as  a  permanent  right,  not  liable  to  be  impaired 
by  any  future  war,  from  Cape  Ray  to  the  Rameau 
Islands,  and  from  Mount  Joli  on  the  Labrador  Coast, 
through  the  Strait  of  Belle  Isle,  indefinitely  north 
along  the  coast ;  the  right  to  extend  as  well  to  curing 
and  drying  the  fish  as  to  fishing." 

Immediately  after  the  signing  of  the  Convention  of 
1 81 8,  United  States  vessels  began  to  flock  to  Labrador, 
where  they  had  full  permission  to  use  the  in-shore  fish- 
eries and  to  dry  their  fish  upon  land  ;  the  more  liberal 
privileges  granted  on  this  coast  being  undoubtedly  the 
reason  for  the  fishery  there  being  more  actively  pursued 
than  in  Newfoundland  waters. 

Captain  H.  Robinson,  of  H.M.S.  Favourite,  on  the 
Fishery  Protection  Service  in  1820,  kept  a  private 
journal  while  on  the  coast,  abstracts  from  which  were 
printed  in  the  journal  of  the  Royal  Geographical  Society. 
Respecting  the  Labrador  fisheries,  he  says  : — 
2  B 


"  The  American  fishermen  sail  from  all  the  northern 
ports  of  the  Union.  As  nearly  as  could  be  computed 
there  were  530  sail  of  them  this  year,  generally 
schooners,  but  some  few  brigs  and  sloops,  and  manned 
with  crews  of  nine  to  thirteen  men.  Eleven  would  be 
a  full  average,  giving  5830  as  the  number  of  men  em- 
ployed. One  hundred  quintals  of  fish  per  man  is  a  full 
average  of  their  catch,  with  oil  in  the  proportion  of  one 
ton  to  every  three  hundred  quintals.  The  Americans 
clean  their  fish  on  board,  and  thus  leave  the  coast  early. 
They  use  much  salt,  and  their  fish  is  considered  inferior 
to  our  best.  They  are  expert  and  industrious  fisher- 
men, generally  preferring  the  northern  part  of  the 
coast,  but  following  the  fish  wherever  they  are  to  be 
found.  They  receive  a  bounty  from  their  Government 
in  the  shape  of  a  drawback  on  the  salt  used,  and  they 
fish  in  shares ;  a  merchant  in  America  furnishing  the 
vessel  and  one-third  of  the  boats,  nets,  lines,  and  salt ; 
the  crew  furnishing  their  own  provisions  (which  are  of  a 
very  frugal  description),  and  the  remaining  two-thirds 
of  the  boats,  nets,  lines,  and  salt.  They  divide  in  the 
same  proportions,  and  the  system  is  said  to  answer 

That  Captain  Robinson  was  not  an  accurate  observer, 
or  that  the  editor  of  his  journal  was  very  careless,  the 
very  next  paragraph  clearly  indicates.     It  reads  : — 

"  The  French  are  much  less  successful  fishermen,  and 
do  not  very  much  frequent  the  Labrador  shore,  though 
they  have  some  permanent  stations  on  it." 

This  is  absolutely  incorrect,  for  after  1763  the  French 
never  had  the  right  of  fishing  on  the  Labrador  coast, 
and  captains  of  His  Majesty's  ships  on  the  station 
were  always    particularly  instructed    to   guard   against 


any  encroachments  there.  It  seems  impossible  that 
Captain  Robinson  could  have  made  the  mistake,  so 
we  must  attribute  it  to  his  editor. 

The  Colonial  Records  of  18 19  state  that  no  United 
States  vessels  had  availed  themselves  of  their  privileges 
on  the  Newfoundland  coast,  but  that  on  the  Labrador 
they  had  carried  on  the  fishery  with  great  spirit.  In 
1820  the  same  observation  is  made,  with  additional  par- 
ticulars of  the  same  tenor  as  those  quoted  above,  which 
were  no  doubt  furnished  by  Capt.  Robinson.  Troubles 
between  British  and  American  fishermen  immediately 
arose.  In  1820  the  merchants  of  St.  John's  presented  a 
memorial  to  the  Governor  complaining  that  they  had 
been  interrupted  in  the  fishery  carried  on  by  them  at 
various  rivers  and  harbours  on  the  Labrador  by  the 
Americans,  and  asked  for  redress.  In  1820  Samuel 
Gordon,  fishing  at  Chimney  Tickle,  complained  that  an 
American  had  invaded  his  harbour  and  sailed  through 
his  nets,  causing  him  considerable  loss. 

In  1820  Admiral  Sir  Chas.  Hamilton,  Governor  of 
Newfoundland,  issued  a  proclamation  forbidding  stran- 
gers to  lay  down  their  nets  within  three  miles  either 
way  of  the  rivers  or  entrances  of  harbours  in  which  pro- 
prietary interest  had  been  established  by  long  usage. 
It  is  not  recorded  that  he  consulted  Washington  before 
taking  the  step. 

Complaint  was  made  in  182 1  that  the  Americans 
fishing  at  Greenly  and  Wood  Islands,  in  the  Straits  of 
Belle  Isle,  were  injuring  the  fisheries  b}^  throwing  gurry 
and  offal  overboard  on  the  fishing  grounds.  The  Captain 
of  the  man-of-war  on  the  station  was  requested  to  check 
the  grievance. 

The  same  year  an  act  of  piracy  was  committed  by  the 
crew  of  the  Newfoundland  schooner  Maria,  fishing  at 


Chateau.  They  seized  the  vessel  and  cargo,  and  sailed 
off  for  the  States  in  company  with  some  American 
vessels  which  were  fishing  there  at  the  same  time. 
These  Americans  were  accused  of  aiding  and  abetting 
the  absconders  by  supplying  the  American  flag  which 
they  had  hoisted,  and  also  by  giving  them  a  pilot  to 
take  charge  of  the  vessel.  The  English  Ambassador 
at  Washington  was  requested  to  endeavour  to  have  the 
pirates  and  their  assistants  arrested.  For  some  reason 
unexplained,  the  number  of  American  vessels  on  the 
Labrador  was  not  so  great  as  usual  that  year. 

The  merchants  again  felt  the  force  of  the  American 
competition.  In  1822  they  presented  a  memorial  to  the 
Governor  saying  that  the  Treaty  with  America,  con- 
cluded October  20th,  1818,  had  prostrated  all  their  hopes, 
and  rendered  the  return  to  their  former  prosperity  for- 
ever impossible.  The  remedy  they  asked  for  was  that 
St,  John's  should  be  made  a  free  port,  which  was 

The  Governor,  Sir  Chas.  Hamilton,  reports  in  1823 
as  follows : — 

"  The  subjects  of  the  United  States  continue  to  prose- 
cute their  fishery  along  the  coast  of  Labrador  with  great 
perseverance ;  but  it  may  be  proper,  as  so  much  stress 
has  been  laid  upon  the  concession  made  to  that  people 
by  the  Convention  of  October  20,  1818,  and  the  fatal 
effects  likely  to  result  from  it,  to  repeat  what  I  have 
before  stated  to  your  Lordships,  that  the  Americans 
never  yet  (that  I  have  been  able  to  learn)  availed  them- 
selves of  the  privilege  granted  them  of  drying  and 
curing  their  fish  on  the  unsettled  harbours  of  New- 
foundland between  Cape  Ray  and  Ramea  Islands,  nor 
have  I  understood  that  they  have  any  vessels  on  that 


A  curious  controversy  arose  about  this  time  between 
the  French  and  the  Americans  in  respect  to  their  rights 
in  Newfoundland  waters.  French  cruisers  had  ordered 
United  States  vessels  from  the  western  coast  of  New- 
foundland, and  when  the  American  Ambassador  pro- 
tested against  this  action,  the  French  replied  claiming 
an  exclusive  right  of  fishing  on  that  part  of  the  coast. 
They  also  pleaded  that  the  United  States  by  treaty  in 
1778,  and  again  in  1800,  had  agreed  not  to  interrupt 
the  French  in  pursuit  of  the  fisheries  to  which  they  had 
been  long  entitled.  These  treaties,  however,  had  been 
abrogated  by  the  United  States,  and  the  American 
Ambassador  replied  that  the  French  had  only  a  con- 
current right  with  the  English,  in  which  the  Americans 
were  also  to  share. 

Sir  Charles  Hamilton,  commenting  on  this  cor- 
respondence, stated  that  in  his  opinion  the  cod  fishery 
on  the  coast  remained  as  much  a  right  of  both  parties 
(English  and  French)  as  that  of  the  Grand  Banks. 
He  was  of  opinion,  however,  that  the  English  should 
not  interfere  with  the  French  on  shore  by  erecting 
stages  or  flakes.  He  stated  that  the  coast  was  little 
used  by  any  nation,  and  was  immaterial  to  the  United 
States,  which  enjoyed  so  much  better  fishing  stations 
on  the  south  coast,  and  also  on  the  productive  and 
extensive  Labrador. 

It  is  difficult  to  ascertain  from  American  sources 
the  extent  of  the  Labrador  fishing  industry  after  this 
time.  Newburyport  seems  to  have  been  the  centre 
of  the  industry,  and  to  have  had  as  many  as  sixty 
vessels  employed  in  it  at  various  periods  from  18 18 
to  i860.  Other  New  England  towns  had  from  two 
to  four  vessels  which  went  to  Labrador.  In  1827  the 
Admiral    in  command  of  the  fleet   in    Newfoundland 


reported  that  about  1600  American  vessels  with  12,000 
to  14,000  men  had  been  fishing  in  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Lawrence  and  on  the  coast  of  Labrador ;  400  of  them 
had  dried  their  fish  on  the  Magdalen  Islands  by- 
agreement  with  the  people,  which  he  pointed  out  was 
entirely  contrary  to  the  treaty.  The  business  is 
said  to  have  been  at  its  height  about  1840,  and  then 
to  have  declined  rapidly,  until  in  1870  not  a  single 
vessel  sailed  for  that  coast  Not  that  the  fisheries 
had  failed,  for  there  is  no  instance  of  a  vessel  having 
returned  without  a  paying  cargo.  The  fish  were 
taken  principally  by  seines.  Some  of  it  was  made 
on  the  coast  and  shipped  from  there  to  market,  and 
some  was  brought  to  the  States  to  be  cured  and 
dried.  Bilbao  was  the  principal  market,  for  which 
reason  the  fish  was  generally  known  as  Bilbao  fish.^ 

As  the  average  exportation  of  codfish  from  the 
States  for  thirty  years,  18 18  to  1848,  was  only  250,000 
quintals,  and  the  Grand  Bank  was  always  the  principal 
fishing  ground,  it  will  be  seen  that  the  estimates  of 
500,000  to  600,000  as  the  American  Labrador  catch 
were  probably  greatly  in  excess  of  the  actual  quantity. 

In  John  MacGregor's  British  America  it  is  stated 
that  in  1829  there  were  500  American  vessels  and 
15,000  men   fishing  on  the   Labrador,  and    that  their 

^  From  an  Inquiry  into  the  Fresetti  State  of  Tf'ade  in  Newfoundland, 
1825,  we  learn  that  the  admission  of  American  citizens  into  tlie  British 
fisheries  was  one  of  the  chief  causes  assigned  for  the  then  depression  in  trade. 
''Amoicans  have  many  advantages  over  British  fisliermen  ;  tliey  obtain 
their  outfits  at  a  cheaper  rate  ;  tliey  have  certain  local  encouragements 
in  the  way  of  bounties  ;  they  have  a  home  market  for  their  fish  ;  they 
have  the  means  of  employment  during  the  winter,  and  are  not  compelled 
to  charge  the  expenses  of  the  whole  year  upon  the  labour  of  a  few  months 
in  the  fishing  season — advantages  more  than  sufiicienr.  to  counterljalance 
the  facilities  of  our  local  situation."  The  Americans  are  represented  as 
standing  by,  watching  the  decline  of  England's  oldest  colony  with  glee, 
intending  to  reap  great  advantage  from  her  ruin. 


catch  amounted  to  1,100,000  quintals  cod  and  3000  tons 
of  oil.     But  this  is  palpably  very  much  over-estimated. 

We  learn  from  the  report  of  Elias  Rendell,  who 
was  sent  to  collect  duties  on  the  Labrador  in  1840, 
that  a  great  deal  of  smuggling  was  carried  on  between 
the  American  and  Newfoundland  vessels,  especially  in 
bad  rum.  In  the  same  year  Captain  Milne,  H.M.S. 
Crocodile,  on  the  Fishery  Protection  Service,  reported 
that  there  were  about  a  hundred  American  vessels 
fishing  between  Black  Islands  (lat.  54°),  and  Blanc 
Sablon.  He  also  reports  that  a  large  amount  of 
smuggling  was  done  between  the  American  and  New- 
foundland vessels,  and  urges  that  more  vessels  be 
sent  upon  the  Fishery  Protection  Service. 

In  1852  Captain  Cochrane,  H.M.S.  Sappho,  reported 
that  the  number  of  American  vessels  on  the  coast 
was  fewer  than  usual,  probably  about  150,  and  that 
they  fished  principally  about  Sandwich  Bay  and 
Cape  Harrison.  Mr.  J.  Finlay,  of  the  Newfoundland 
Fishery  Protection  Service,  in  the  same  year  said  : — 

"  The  number  of  vessels  belonging  to  the  United 
States,  as  well  as  the  neighbouring  provinces,  every 
year  engaged  in  trading  on  the  coast  of  Labrador 
is  immense,  and  their  dealings  to  an  almost  incredible 
extent.  The  resident  population  on  these  coasts  draw 
their  supplies  principally  from  these  traders,  whilst 
the  transient  fishermen  have  an  opportunity  to  dispose 
of  their  produce  with  great  advantage  to  themselves. 
These  adventurers  have  now  monopolized  the  entire 
trading  business ;  they  pay  neither  duties  nor  taxes 
of  any  description,  although  they  unquestionably  come 
within  the  jurisdiction  of  this  Government.  I  would 
beg  leave  to  bring  to  the  notice  of  the  Executive  the 
great  necessity  of  appointing  Magistrates  for  the  coast 

376  LABkADOR 

of  Labrador,  who    shall    also   be    duly   invested   with 
power  to  collect  duties," 

The  great  ornithologist,  Audubon,  spent  the  summer 
of  1833  on  the  Labrador  side  of  the  Straits  of  Belle 
Isle.  Passing  through  the  Straits  of  Canso  he  saw 
twenty  odd  sail  of  American  schooners  bound  for 
Labrador.  At  Bras  d'Or,  later  in  the  season,  there 
were  150  sail  of  vessels,  Nova  Scotian  and  American. 
He  estimated  that  the  Americans  were  the  most 
numerous  on  the  coast,  and  mentions  that  Eastport, 
Maine,  sent  out  a  goodly  fleet  each  year. 

No  definite  reason  has  been  given  for  the  decline  of 
the  American  fishery  on  the  Labrador  coast.  G.  Brown- 
Goode  offers  the  following  explanation  : — 

"  Two  reasons  for  the  abandonment  of  these  grounds 
by  American  vessels  are  mentioned : 

"  I.  The  demand  in  American  markets  for  larger  fish 
than  can  be  found  on  the  Labrador  coast ;  the  exportation 
of  salt  codfish,  for  which  the  small  fish  were  formerly 
preferred,  having  fallen  into  the  hands  of  the  British 
provinces  and  Norway. 

"  2.  The  introduction  of  trawling  upon  the  off-shore 
grounds,  which  has  been  accomplished  by  improvements 
in  the  fishing  vessels,  the  capture  of  larger  fish,  and  in  an 
increase  of  skill  and  daring  on  the  part  of  our  fishermen, 
so  that  it  is  now  unnecessary  for  our  fleet  to  go  so  far 
from  home,  or  engage  in  voyages  when  the  vessels  He  in 
harbour  while  fishing,  since  fares  of  higher-priced  fish  can 
be  readily  obtained  on  the  banks  lying  off  our  coast." 

A  few  United  States  vessels  have  frequented  the 
Labrador  coasts  in  recent  years,  but  the  fishing  carried 
on  by  them  is  quite  unimportant. 


The  important  trade  in  frozen  herring,  which  is  carried 
on  in  the  long  arms  of  the  sea  of  Bay  of  Islands  and 
Bonne  Bay,  had  its  origin  in  an  almost  accidental 
occurrence.  Previous  to  1854,  the  year  of  the  Recipro- 
city Treaty,  which  gave  to  the  Americans  the  unrestricted 
right  to  use  all  British  waters,  the  frozen  herring  trade 
was  unknown.  In  that  year,  an  adventurous  skipper, 
Capt.  Harry  Smith,  of  Gloucester,  decided  to  make  a 
winter  voyage  to  Rose  Blanche,  on  the  south  coast  of 
Newfoundland,  to  endeavour  to  get  a  load  of  fresh 
halibut,  which  he  had  been  told  could  be  procured  there 
without  difficulty.  But  finding  halibut  very  scarce,  he 
made  up  his  cargo  with  cod  and  about  80,000  frozen 

When  he  arrived  at  Gloucester  he  sold  some  small 
quantities  of  herring  to  three  bankers  who  were  just 
getting  ready  to  sail,  and  sent  the  balance  to  Boston  to 
be  sold  for  food.  The  three  vessels  were  wonderfully 
successful,  and  returned  in  eight  or  nine  days  with  large 
catches  of  cod. 

The  advantage  of  having  bait  for  the  early  trips  to 
the  banks  was  so  apparent,  that  arrangements  were 
made  next  season  for  a  larger  supply,  and  four  vessels 
were  fitted  out  for  the  purpose.  The  supply  of  frozen 
herring  brought  by  them  was  eagerly  sought  for  by  the 
banking  fleet,  and  its  efficacy  as  bait  was  firmly 

The  industry  immediately  began  to  grow  rapidly,  and 
while  the  fish  were  always  saleable  for  food  purposes,  their 
chief  value  was  as  bait  for  the  early  banking  trips. 

Fortune  Bay  and  Placentia  Bay  were  for  many  years 
the  centre  of  this  industry,  and  it  was  only  after  the 
herring  began  to  fail  in  those  bays  that  vessels 
resorted  to  Bay  of  Islands  and  Bonne  Bay,  where  it  is 


now  principally  carried  on.  The  custom  which  has  been 
always  pursued,  is  for  the  vessels  seeking  cargoes  to  go 
to  the  bays  which  the  herring  frequent  and  there 
purchase  their  loads  from  the  local  fishermen.  The 
method  of  taking  the  herring  has  been  almost  invariably 
by  gill  nets — purse  seining  and  other  plans  for  taking 
them  being  found  to  be  so  destructive  and  improvident 
that  laws  were  made,  very  early  in  the  history  of  the 
fishery,  forbidding  their  use. 

So  far  as  is  known,  the  only  occasion  upon  which 
American  crews  endeavoured  to  take  their  own  herring 
was  in  Fortune  Bay  in  1877.  By  the  treaty  of  187 1,  the 
Americans  had  a  perfect  right  to  take  herring  in  the 
inshore  waters  of  Fortune  Bay,  but  had  never  exercised 
that  right.  On  this  occasion  herring  were  very  scarce, 
and  twenty  or  thirty  American  vessels  were  waiting 
impatiently  for  their  appearance.  At  last,  on  a  Sunday, 
the  herring  were  seen  schooling  into  Long  Harbour, 
which  was  the  principal  fishing  ground.  The  laws  of 
Newfoundland  forbade  fishing  on  Sunday,  and  the  local 
fishermen  would  not  put  out  their  nets.  The  American 
captains  then  determined  to  man  their  own  seines,  but 
on  attempting  to  do  so  the  Newfoundland  fishermen 
forcibly  prevented  them,  cutting  the  nets  and  turning  the 
fish  loose.  It  is  unnecessary  to  rehearse  the  long  dispute 
which  followed  this  breach  of  the  peace,  which  was 
finally  adjusted  by  compromise,  neither  side  waiving  the 
rights  which  they  had  claimed. 

No  record  can  be  found  of  United  States  vessels 
frequenting  the  inshore  waters  of  Newfoundland  prior 
to  the  Reciprocity  Treaty  of  1854.  The  permission 
then  granted  is  now  claimed  as  a  right,  and  is  one  of 
the  principal  points  to  be  submitted  for  the  decision  of 
the  Hague  Tribunal, 



IN  writing  this  chapter,  dealing  principally  with  the 
British  fisheries  on  the  Labrador  coast,  it  will  be 
necessary  to  repeat  some  facts  and  incidents  which 
have  appeared  in  other  chapters  ;  but  the  import- 
ance of  giving  a  connected  history  of  this  industry 
seems  so  great,  that  this  minor  fault  will,  it  is  hoped,  be 

We  can  be  fairly  positive  that  while  Labrador  was 
abandoned  to  the  French  from  171 3  to  1763,  no  English 
fishing  vessels  frequented  the  coast.  But  the  instant 
it  became  a  British  possession,  steps  were  taken  to 
induce  the  ship-fishers  from  Great  Britain  to  continue 
the  fishery  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle  which  the  French 
had  found  so  profitable,  and  to  explore  the  virgin  fishing 
grounds  on  the  east  coast. 

Palliser's  proposals  were  admirable  for  the  end  he  had 
in  view — the  encouragement  of  the  fishery  from  England 
in  order  that  a  supply  of  seamen  might  be  available  for 
the  Navy — and  we  learn  from  the  reply  of  the  Merchant 
Adventurers  to  him  in  1767,  that  they  purposed  to 
pursue  the  fishery  on  the  coast  with  spirit.  The  copy 
of  this  document  at  the  Record  Office  is  endorsed  : — 

"  Signed  by  Twenty  Five  Ship  Adventurers  in  Labra- 
dor,  in    behalf    of    themselves    and    their   partners   at 



Bristol,    Dartmouth,    Exeter,    Teign mouth,    Pool,    and 
London,  August,  1767." 

\yrit  is  a  matter  of  regret  that  the  names  of  these  first 
adventurers  are  not  given. 

In  Sir  Hugh  Palliser's  "  Remarks  on  the  State  of  the 
Newfoundland  Fishery,"  dated  December  i8th,  1765, 
is  found  the  following  information  about  Labrador: — 

"  On  the  fishery  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador  only  was 
employed  1 17  Sloops  and  Schooners  with  1563  men,  who 
killed  104  whales,  which  yielded  on  an  average  140  barrels 
of  oil  and  2000  lbs,  of  good  bone,  all  killed  within  a 
space  of  30  leagues,  and  between  the  14th  of  May  and 
the  loth  of  July.  The  winter  Seal  fishery,  on  the  same 
coast,  carried  on  by  107  men,  yielded  500  tons  of  oil 
besides  fur,  and  the  furs  from  the  Indians  was  very 
considerable,  so  that  the  value  of  the  Whale,  Seal, 
Salmon,  and  Furs,  upon  that  part  of  the  coast  only, 
was,  at  a  moderate  computation,  ;^ioo,ooo,  and  not  one 
Old  English  Ship  or  seaman  employed  therein,  nor  a 
seaman  raised  thereby  for  the  service  of  the  Fleet." 

These  whale  fishers  were  New  Englanders,  and  the 
seal  fishers  the  French  Canadians  who  continued  in 
their  posts  after  the  English  occupation. 

It  evidently  rankled  in  Palliser's  ardent  soul  that  such 
a  splendid  nursery  for  seamen  for  the  Navy  should  be 
entirely  lost.  Hence  the  enthusiasm  with  which  he  set 
about  opening  it  up  to  the  ship-fishers  from  England, 
and  hence  the  rules  and  regulations  made  by  him  for 
their  especial  benefit. 

These  regulations  will  be  found  in  the  Appendix  to  a 
previous  chapter.  They  were  not  authorized  by  Act  of 
Parliament,  but  had  all  the  force  of  law,  and,  as  we  shall 
learn  later,  law-suits  were  decided  by  them  as  late  as 


1820.      Yet   almost  from    the  beginning   some  of    its 
provisions  were  openly  disregarded. 
The  first  clause  reads  as  follows  : — 

"  That  no  inhabitants  of  Newfoundland,  no  By- 
Boatkeeper,  nor  any  person  from  any  of  the  Colonies, 
shall  on  any  pretence  whatever  go  to  the  Coast  of 
Labradore.  And  if  any  such  be  found  there,  they  shall 
be  corporally  punished  for  their  first  offence,  and  the 
second  time  their  boats  shall  be  seized  for  the  public 
use  of  British  ship-fishers  upon  that  Coast." 

In  the  returns  for  the  Labrador  fishery  1766,  it  is 
stated  that  there  were  three  fishing  ships  from  England 
which  took  8500  quintals  of  fish  ;  and  that  eight  fishing 
ships  and  forty-one  boats  came  from  Newfoundland  and 
secured  8900  quintals  ;  that  they  had  left  boats,  gear,  and 
winter  crews  on  the  coast  intending  to  return  the  follow- 
ing year.  10,422  seals  were  shipped  from  Labrador  in 
this  year. 

In  1767  the  returns  state  that  there  were  eighteen 
fishing  ships  from  England  and  nine  from  Newfound- 
land. They  secured  24,690  quintals  codfish  and  13,136 
seals.  The  catch  of  salmon  was  very  small,  45  tierces 

It  does  not  appear,  therefore,  that  Palliser's  threaten- 
ing regulation  was  very  rigidly  enforced. 

In  1769  the  number  of  fishing  ships  was  reduced  to 
nine,  and  no  mention  is  made  of  vessels  from  New- 

Lieut.  Curtis  reported  in  1772  that  many  Newfound- 
land vessels  and  boats  took  codfish  upon  the  Labrador 
coast,  which  was  afterwards  cured  in  Newfoundland. 
He  recommended  that  they  should  be  encouraged  to 
settle  there,  to  off-set  the  New  Englanders.    About  9920 


quintals  of  codfish  were  taken  in  1772,  and  173  people 
remained  on  the  coast  during  the  winter. 

The  following  particulars  of  the  Labrador  fishery  were 
reported  by  the  Naval  Office  on  the  station  in  1773  : — 

8  fishing  ships  from  Great  Britain. 

10,000  quintals  of  Codfish  taken. 

265  tierces  of  Salmon. 

283  men  remained  on  the   coast  all   winter  for  the  Seal 

;^23,o23  value  of  Seal  Oil. 

Jeremiah  Coughlan,  whose  principal  station  was  at 
Fogo,  stated  that  he  was  the  first  to  establish  a  seal- 
ing station  on  the  Labrador,  "  induced  thereto  by  his 
good  friend,  Commodore  Palliser."  With  the  excep- 
tion, of  course,  of  the  French -Canadians  found  by 
the  English  in  possession  of  the  greater  portion  of 
the  shores  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  and  the  Straits 
of  Belle  Isle,  We  have  already  heard  how  Coughlan 
afterwards  went  into  partnership  with  Cartwright  and 
Lucas,  and  later  separated  from  them,  but  still  con- 
tinued to  carry  on  several  establishments,  one  of  them 
in  1777  being  "sixty  miles  north  of  the  Mealey  Moun- 
tains," probably  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Indian  Har- 
bour, but  possibly  in  Hamilton  Inlet.  The  principal 
firm  on  the  Labrador  at  this  time  was  Noble  and 
Pinson,  the  partners  being  Mr.  John  Noble,  of  Bristol, 
and  Mr.  Andrew  Pinson,  of  Dartmouth.  I  have  not 
ascertained  when  they  began  business  on  the  Labrador, 
but  their  trade  was  well  established  and  flourishing  in 
1 77 1,  when  they  applied  for  a  grant  of  Temple  Bay,  at 
which  time  they  had  four  ships  and  a  hundred  and  fifty 
men  employed.  They  were  great  rivals  of  George 
Cartwright,  and  were  evidently  too  much  for  that  in- 



genuous  pioneer.  His  aspersions  of  them  appear  to 
have  been  well  merited.  They  also  lost  heavily  by  the 
American  privateers,  and  again  in  1796  at  the  hands 
of  the  French  under  Admiral  Richery ;  but  in  1818, 
when  Lieut.  Chappell  visited  the  coast,  they  were  once 
more  flourishing,  having  establishments  at  Lance-a-loup, 
Temple  Bay,  and  Sandwich  Bay.  The  managing 
partner  was  a  Mr.  Pinson,  who  had  spent  twenty 
years  on   coast. 

Cartwright  also  mentions  in  his  diary  the  following 
firms :  Adam  Lymburner,  of  Quebec,  who  was  the 
first  to  go  into  Hamilton  Inlet  furring  and  trading ; 
Coughlan  and  Hooper ;  Slade  and  Co. ;  B.  Lester  and 
Co. ;  our  old  friend  Mr.  Nicholas  Darby ;  and  Thomas, 
whose  firm  name  I  have  not  ascertained.  Several  of 
these  firms  continued  honourable  careers  well  on  into 
the  nineteenth  century. 

In  1807  the  Lymburner  mentioned  by  Cartwright,  or 
a  descendant,  associated  with  several  others,  acquired 
by  purchase  the  seignorial  rights  from  Gagnish  to 
Blanc  Sablon.  They  were  known  as  "The  Labrador 
Company,"  which  terminated  its  career  in  a  celebrated 
lawsuit  lasting  many  years,  being  fought  through  every 
court  in  Canada,  and  finally  going  to  the  Privy  Council. 

The  Jersey  firms,  who  had  been  from  the  earliest 
times  largely  interested  in  the  Newfoundland  trade, 
were  among  the  first  to  embark  extensively  in  the 
fishery  in  the  Straits.  The  most  important  of  them 
was  De  Ouetteville  and  Co.,  having  three  or  four 
stations.  Le  Boutillier  Brothers  v/ere  also  prominent 
at  an  early  date. 

In  1775  it  was  stated  that  there  were  a  hundred 
British  vessels  occupied  in  the  fisheries  on  the  coast  of 


From  the  Report  of  the  Lords  of  the  Committee  of 
the  Privy  Council  for  Trade,  dated  March  17th,  1786, 
we  gather  that  the  English  merchants  interested  in  the 
Newfoundland  trade,  whose  evidence  had  been  taken, 
desired  that  the  fishing  on  the  coast  of  Labrador  might 
be  under  the  same  regulations,  and  receive  the  same 
encouragement  as  that  of  Newfoundland.  A  request 
which  the  Committee  fully  endorsed,  "  As  the  Labrador 
Coast  was  included  in  the  Commission  of  the  Governor 
of  Newfoundland,"  thus  ignoring  altogether  the  fact 
that  Labrador  at  that  time  was  under  the  jurisdiction 
of  Quebec.  Their  recommendation  was  not  accepted. 
The  Act  passed  in  that  year  made  no  reference  to 
Labrador,  and  the  bounties  offered  were  payable  only 
to  the  ship-fishers  from  Great  Britain  fishing  on  the 
banks,  and  drying  their  fish  on  the  south  or  east  coast 
of  Newfoundland. 

George  Cartwright's  evidence  before  the  Committee 
of  the  House  of  Commons  in  1793,  contains  the  in- 
formation that  prior  to  1770  the  intercourse  between 
Great  Britain  and  Labrador  was  very  inconsiderable, 
and  was  not  very  important  at  that  present  time.  But 
he  admitted  that  it  had  latterly  been  very  remunerative, 
returning  him  lOO  per  cent  for  his  interest  there  for  the 
last  three  years. 

So  little  was  known  of  the  northern  part  of  the  coast 
at  this  time,  that  we  find  instructions  given  to  Governor 
Elliott  in  1786,  "to  direct  the  officer  appointed  to  visit 
Labrador,  to  search  and  explore  the  great  Inlet,  com- 
monly known  as  Davis's  Inlet,  in  order  to  discover 
whether  the  same  has  or  has  not  any  passage  to  Hud- 
son's Bay  or  any  other  enclosed  sea."  He  was  also 
to  make  a  particular  report  on  the  whale  and  sea-cow 
fisheries,  and   obtain   such  other  information  as  may 



serve  to  convey  a  perfect  understanding  of  the  fisheries 
on  the  coast. 

I  have  been  unable  to  find  that  such  voyage  of  ex- 
ploration was  ever  made. 

In  the  Returns  of  the  seal  and  salmon  fishery  on 
the  Labrador  for  1784-5,  the  firm  of  Lymburner  and 
Grant  are  reported  with  sealing  posts  from  Little 
Mecatina  to  Black  Bay,  employing  100  men,  and  taking 
13,425  seals.  Slade  and  Company  had  stations  at 
Battle  and  Fox  Harbours,  employing  16  men  and 
taking  2300  seals.  Dean  and  Company  at  St.  Francis, 
with  9  men,  taking  2100  seals,  and  Noble  and  Pinson 
at  Lance-a-loup,  Temple  Bay,  Seal  Island,  Cape  Charles, 
and  Spear  Harbour,  employing  48  men  and  securing 
4300  seals.  The  value  of  this  fishery  was  estimated  as 
follows : — 

22,125  seals  producing  553  tons  of  oil  at;^22 
22,125  skins  at  4s. 



The  return  of  the  salmon  fishery  is  as  follows  : — 


River  au  Saumon,  Simon  du  Bois 

St.  Modeste,  Noble  and  Pinson  . 

Mary  Harbour 

St.  Francis  River 

Black  Bear  Bay 

Sandwich  Cove 

Sandwich  Bay 

2  men 




The  value  of  the  salmon  is  stated  to  be  40s.  per 

During  the  season  of  1785,  there  were  eight  fishing 
ships  from  England  and  eight  from  America.  The  catch 
of  codfish  was  estimated  at  1 3,500  quintals.  Winter  crews 
2  c 


to  the  number  of  153  persons  remained  on  the  coast 
sealing  and  furring. 

In  a  Return  sent  in  by  Governor  King  in  1792, 
Forteau  and  Blanc  Sablon  only  are  mentioned.  At 
the  former  place  4  vessels  were  carrying  on  the  cod 
fishery,  employing  144  men,  and  taking  5000  quintals 
of  fish ;  at  the  latter  there  were  2  vessels  with  6^  men, 
whose  catch  was  2700  quintals — a  very  poor  fishery. 
The  following  remarks  appended  to  the  report  give  a 
doleful  account  of  the  condition  of  the  poor  planters 
and  fishermen  :— 

"  The  coast  of  Labrador,  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle, 
is  much  in  want  of  some  attention  from  Government. 
The  planters  and  furriers,  who  are  numerous,  (although 
I  cannot  return  how  many,)  are  entirely  subject  to  the 
oppression  of  the  merchants,  who  impose  whatever 
price  they  please,  and  upon  any  debt  however  small 
being  incurred  and  not  being  paid  upon  immediate 
demand,  the  boats  and  other  effects  of  the  debtor  are 
seized  (without  any  authority  for  so  doing),  sold,  and 
purchased  by  the  creditors  for  sometimes  one-sixth  of 
their  value.  The  prices  upon  the  coast  are  enormous 
and  want  great  regulation,  one  hundred  weight  of 
coarse  Biscuit  being  charged  to  the  planter  at  30s.,  and 
other  provisions  in  proportion.  Man-of-war's  slops, 
condemned  by  Government,  are  bought  up  by  the 
merchants  of  Labrador  and  sold  at  a  guinea  a  jacket. 
The  planters  in  general  I  remarked  to  be  sober,  hard- 
working, industrious  men,  and  worthy  of  encourage- 
ment. It  was  reported  to  me  by  them  that  some 
American  vessels,  from  what  port  they  could  not  say, 
had  taken  some  unwarrantable  liberties  on  the  coast, 
and  drove  them  from  their  fisheries  before  the  Echo's 


From  a  letter  written  by  Noble  and  Pinson  in  1794, 
we  learn  that  there  were  nineteen  vessels,  ten  of  which 
belonged  to  them,  in  the  Straits  that  season  loading 
with  fish,  oil,  and  salmon. 

The  condition  of  Labrador  from  1774  to  1809,  while 
under  Quebec  rule,  was  decidedly  anomalous.  The 
coast  was  not  visited  by  the  ships  on  the  Newfound- 
land station  with  any  regularity,  and  affairs  were  left 
largely  to  manage  themselves.  Palliser's  regulations 
seem  to  have  been  nominally  kept  in  force,  but  "  more 
honoured  in  the  breach  than  in  the  observance."  On 
several  occasions  appeals  were  made  to  the  Governor 
of  xN'ewfoundland  to  settle  disputes  about  fishing 
stations,  which  always  elicited  the  pronouncement  that 
the  coast  was  free  to  ship-fishers  from  Great  Britain, 
and  that  no  vested  rights  in  establishments  were  per- 
mitted save  such  as  pertained  to  the  old  Canadian 

Nevertheless  the  fishery  gradually  came  to  be  largely 
prosecuted  by  boats  and  vessels  from  Newfoundland. 
These  were  at  first  no  doubt  properly  constituted  ship- 
fishers  from  Great  Britain,  who  made  their  head-quarters 
in  Newfoundland  ports,  but  latterly  they  were  New- 
foundland vessels  pure  and  simple,  manned  by  the 
residents  of  Newfoundland. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  nineteenth  century  the 
resident  population  of  Newfoundland  had  grown  to  be 
quite  considerable  in  spite  of  all  the  restraints  which 
had  been  devised  to  prevent  it.  The  island  was  begin- 
ning to  be  a  colony,  and  not  "  a  ship  anchored  on  the 
Banks."  The  inhabitants  had  houses,  land,  and  families, 
and,  one  writer  says,  were  so  much  attached  to  their 
homes  that  they  could  with  difficulty  be  persuaded  to 
make  a  voyage  as  sailors  to  foreign  parts.     The  fishery 



carried  on  by  them  gradually  became  more  important 
than  that  from  Great  Britain.  At  what  time  this  came 
to  be  recognized  by  the  Imperial  Government  is  not 
easy  to  determine. 

It  has  been  stated  that  Palliser's  Act  (1786)  did  not 
provide  for  the  payment  of  a  bounty  on  fish  caught  on 
Labrador,  This  Act  expired  in  1797,  and  was  renewed 
from  year  to  year  until  1801.  In  that  year  an  Act 
was  passed  providing  for  the  payment  of  a  bounty  of 
3s.  per  quintal  on  salted  salmon  and  codfish  im- 
ported into  the  United  Kingdom  from  Newfoundland 
and  Labrador,  which  bounty  was  not  forfeited  if  such 
salmon  or  codfish  were  afterwards  exported  from 
England.  The  term  of  this  Act  was  one  year  only, 
but  in  the  following  year  it  was  extended  until  18 10. 
There  was  one  very  notable  difference  between  these 
Acts  and  Palliser's.  In  the  earlier  Act  the  bounty  was 
only  payable  to  ship-fishers  from  Great  Britain,  but  by 
the  later  Acts  it  was  stipulated  only  that  the  fish 
should  be  caught  by  British  subjects — a  very  important 
concession  to  the  colonists. 

The  following  synopsis  of  reports  furnished  by  naval 
commanders  on  the  coast  in  1804-5-6,  will  afford  a  fair 
idea  of  the  size  of  the  fishery  at  that  time. 

No  of. 

No.  of 

No.  of 


























380  tierces  of 
salmon     at 


The  places  frequented  were  Bradore,  Lance-au-Loup, 
Blanc  Sablon,  Forteau,  Red  Bay,  Henley  Harbour, 
Chateau,  Miller's  Tickle,  Pitt's  Harbour,  Francis  Har- 
bour, Battle  Harbour,  Sandwich  Bay,  and  Indian 
Harbour.  I  am  doubtful,  however,  whether  the  latter 
was  the  place  now  known  by  that  name. 

In  1806  the  resident  population  at  these  fishery  posts 
was  489.  Some  of  the  firms  carrying  on  this  fishery 
were  : — From  England  :  Noble  and  Pinson,  William 
Codner  and  Company,  Grange  and  Nash,  John  Slade 
and  Company,  Dormer  and  Richards,  B.  Lester  and 
Company,  and  Richard  Tory.  From  Jersey :  Robert 
Berteau,  Simon  du  Bois,  Falle  and  Durrell,  L.  Kidville 
(De  Quettville),  and  Emery  and  Best.  From  St.  John's  : 
Skeans  and  Kersley,  J.  Widdicomb,  John  Power,  John 
Bradbury,  and  John  Cahill.  And  from  Quebec  :  Lym- 
burner  and  Grant. 

Their  method  of  taking  fish  was  by  hook  and  line 
only.  The  American  vessels  were  generally  furnished 
with  large  seines,  which  at  times  gave  considerable 
advantage,  and  was  no  doubt  a  principal  cause  of  the 
quarrels  which  were  so  frequent. 

In  1792  the  merchants  of  Harbour  Grace,  forty-three 
in  number,  petitioned  Chief  Justice  Reeves  for  a  perma- 
nent court  to  be  established  there.  They  describe  the 
supplying  trade  in  which  they  were  principally  engaged, 
and  the  difficulty  in  obtaining  judgments  against  their 
dealers,  "  the  boat-keepers  or,  as  they  are  usually  called, 
planters,  most  of  them  natives  of  the  island  who  hire 
their  own  servants  and  plan  out  their  own  voyages 
independent  of  the  merchant,  (except  being  supplied  by 
him),  which  is  not  the  case  in  many  parts  where  master 
and  crew  are  in  fact  servants  to  the  merchant." 

In    1806   some   of    these    same    merchants    sent    a 


petition  to  Sir  Erasmus  Gower,  calling  attention  to 
the  lawless  acts  of  Americans  on  the  Labrador,  and 
asking  for  protection.  They  stated  that  the  fishery 
in  Conception  Bay  had  failed  for  many  years  past, 
and  that  it  had  become  necessary  for  their  planters 
to  go  to  the  northern  parts  of  the  Island  and 
the  Labrador  in  pursuit  of  codfish,  where  they  came 
into  contact  with  the  Americans,  and  were  induced  by 
them  to  rob  their  merchants  and  fly  to  America. 

At  this  period,  therefore,  it  was  the  practice  for 
Newfoundland  fishermen  in  Newfoundland  boats  and 
schooners  to  be  com.monly  engaged  in  the  Labrador 
fishery,  in  spite  of  the  regulation  which  threatened 
corporal  punishment  and  the  seizure  of  their  boats. 

The  protests  of  the  St.  John's  Commercial  Body  in 
1813,  and  the  Nova  Scotian  Parliament  in  181 5,  also 
bear  witness  to  a  considerable  fishery  carried  on  both 
from  Newfoundland  and  Nova  Scotia.  In  1813  the 
number  of  Newfoundland  vessels  going  to  Labrador 
was  said  to  have  doubled,  no  doubt  the  result  of  being 
relieved  from  the  competition  of  the  Americans  by  the 
war  of  18 12. 

In  181 1  an  Act  was  passed  instituting  Surrogate 
Courts  for  Labrador  in  like  manner  as  for  Newfound- 
land. Surrogates  were  either  naval  officers  having  a 
general  jurisdiction  over  the  coast,  or  local  men  at  the 
more  important  stations,  such  as  Mr.  Andrew  Pinson  at 
Temple  Bay  and  Mr.  Samuel  Prowse  at  Cape  Charles, 
who  were  appointed  in  1813.  But  prior  to  this,  in  18 10, 
the  naval  surrogate  visited  Blanc  Sablon,  Forteau,  and 
other  points  in  the  Straits,  opening  court  and  hearing 
and  settling  disputes,  a  proceeding  which  was  appa- 
rently not  authorized  by  law,  and  required  to  be  after- 
ward legalized. 


In  1820  an  important  case  was  tried  before  the 
Supreme  Court  in  St.  John's. 

The  firm  of  Philip  Beard  and  Co.,  of  Dartmouth,  had 
succeeded  to  the  fishing  establishment  at  Sandwich  Bay 
which  had  been  originally  granted  to  George  Cartwright. 
As  a  salmon  and  seal  fishery  were  both  carried  on  there, 
and  a  fishing  ship  from  England  was  annually  sent  out 
with  supplies  according  to  the  proclamation  issued  by 
Governor  Shuldham  in  1775,  their  right  to  the  station 
was  inviolable.  In  18 16  they  were  interfered  with  both 
by  Americans  and  Nova  Scotians,  and  they  therefore 
applied  to  the  surrogate.  Captain  Cooksley,  for  redress, 
who  issued  an  order  in  their  favour.  As  this  order  was 
disregarded.  Captain  Gordon  was  sent  in  18 19  again 
to  in^^estigate  the  circumstances,  and  again  decided  in 
favou-  of  Beard.  This  same  year,  and  again  in  1820, 
Beard  was  disturbed  by  a  Nova  Scotian  named  Jennings, 
Captan  Martin,  the  surrogate  in  1820,  was  sent  by  Sir  C. 
Hamilion  to  issue  new  regulations  in  respect  to  salmon 
fisheries,  especially  dealing  with  Sandwich  Bay,  for  the 
protectbn  of  Beard.  Arriving  at  Sandwich  Bay,  he 
ordered  Jennings  to  take  up  his  nets.  But  here  Beard 
appears  to  have  committed  a  breach  of  the  law.  He 
proceeded  himself  to  execute  Captain  Martin's  order, 
removing  and  keeping  Jennings'  nets,  who  forthwith 
came  to  3t.  John's  and  instituted  suit  for  damages  in 
the  Supreme  Court. 

The  judgment  delivered  by  Chief  Justice  Forbes  is 
very  interesting.  The  powers  of  the  surrogates,  the 
force  of  proclamations,  the  vested  rights  of  Beard  and 
Co.,  and  the  rights  of  the  Nova  Scotians  on  the  Labra- 
dor were  all  difficult  problems.  In  his  judgment,  he 
said : — 

"  Let  us  look  at  the  Code  of  Regulations  for   the 


fishery  and  trade  on  the  coast  of  Labrador,  The  first 
article  declares  that  no  inhabitant  from  Newfoundland, 
nor  any  person  from  any  of  the  Colonies,  shall  on  any 
pretence  whatever  go  to  the  coast  of  Labrador  !  A 
regulation  which  debars  a  million  of  His  Majesty's 
subjects  from  the  exercise  of  a  common  right  may  well 
be  called  law,  and  if  it  be,  however  penal  its  provisions, 
I  am  bound  to  enforce  them.  Now  it  is  well  known  that 
the  principal  fisheries  at  Labrador  are  actually  carried 
on  by  people  from  this  Island  ;  and  I  have  purposely 
put  this  case,  because  I  wish  it  to  be  clearly  seen  to 
what  extravagant  consequences  the  principle  conterided 
for  must  lead. 

"  A  legislative  authority  in  this  government,  unkiown 
to  the  laws  of  England,  but  claimed  under  a  prescr'ptive 
exercise  in  Newfoundland,  is  now,  for  the  first  time, 
sought  to  be  established  in  this  Court.  So  largfe  and 
indeed  so  dangerous  an  innovation  upon  the  accustomed 
principles  of  adjudication  in  the  Court,  ought  not  to 
be  passed  over  unobserved.  If  the  Proclamarion  by 
which  the  surrogate  is  stated  to  have  been  governed 
be  legal,  then  indeed  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  it 
is  as  binding  on  this  Court  as  it  was  on  the  Surrogate 

But  by  Statute  49  George  III,  chapter  27  the  laws 
of  England  were  made  applicable  to  Newfoundland,  and 
by  Statute  51  George  III,  chapter  45,  they  were 
extended  to  Labrador,  and  by  the  common  law  of 
England  all  the  King's  subjects  have  a  common  right 
to  take  fish  in  arms  of  the  sea,  except  in  such 
places  where  an  exclusive  right  has  been  granted  by 
special  charter,  custom,  usage,  or  prescription.  The 
exclusive  right  of  Beard  v/as  not  examined  into,  nor 
evidence  taken  on  the  matter,  and  the  surrogate  ap- 


peared  to  have  considered  the  point  settled  by  the  pro- 

"  All  that  can  be  said  is  that  he  mistook  that  for  law 
which  was  not  law,  and  so  far  his  judgment  was  erro- 
neous. In  giving  this  opinion,  however,  I  desire  to  be 
understood  as  not  determining  any  question  of  right  at 
Sandwich  Bay.  .  .  .  As  it  is  in  evidence  that  the  nets 
are  in  the  defendant's  possession  .  .  .  and  as  the  jury 
have  assessed  separate  damages  for  the  nets,  I  think  I 
am  bound  to  give  judgment  for  the  value."     {£460.) 

This  was  a  very  important  judgment. 

The  Governor,  Sir  Chas.  Hamilton,  wrote  to  the 
Secretary  of  State  and  gave  the  full  history  of  the  case. 
He  said  : — 

"  Your  Lordship  is  aware  that  the  laws  enacted  for 
regulating  the  fisheries  and  trade  of  the  Island  of 
Newfoundland  do  not  extend  to  the  Coast  of  Labrador, 
although  the  Government  of  the  latter  is  included  with 
the  former  in  His  Majesty's  Commission.  The  fisheries 
on  the  Labrador  have  heretofore,  as  appears  by  the 
records  in  this  office,  been  regulated  by  Proclamations 
and  Orders  issued  from  time  to  time  by  the  Governor, 
either  as  the  necessity  of  the  case  required,  or  from 
direct  instructions  under  the  King's  sign  manual  or 
communicated  through  one  of  His  Majesty's  Secretaries 
of  State,  and  which  have  generally  tended  to  encourage 
a  Ship  fishery  and  adventurers  from  England  in  prefer- 
ance  to  any  other  class  of  His  Majesty's  subjects,  with 
the  obvious  view  of  promoting  the  increase  of  seamen. 
These  Orders  and  Proclamations  were  until  very  lately 
considered  to  carry  with  them  the  force  and  effect  of  law. 
...  It  would  appear  that  the  Chief  Justice  considers 
the  Proclamations  of  the  Governors  as  not  binding.     I 


have  considered  it  my  duty  to  transmit  all  these  pro- 
ceedings to  your  Lordship,  and  to  solicit  such  instructions 
for  my  future  guidance  as  His  Majesty's  Government 
may  be  of  opinion  the  case  requires." 

Sir  Chas.  Hamilton  stated  that  the  case  had  been 
appealed  to  the  Privy  Council,  but  I  have  been  unable 
to  find  any  judgment  upon  it  from  that  tribunal. 

The  most  complete  account  of  the  Labrador  fisheries 
obtainable  up  to  this  time  is  that  furnished  by  Captain 
Robinson  on  his  return  from  Sandwich  Bay,  where  he 
was  sent  to  investigate  the  dispute  between  Beard  and 
Jennings.     (See  following  page.) 

"In  all  harbours  where  there  are  any  considerable 
fisheries  a  few  people  winter  to  take  care  of  the 
property,  cut  wood,  and  catch  furs.  These  constitute 
the  only  resident  population. 

"  Petty  Harbour,  Fishing  Ship  Harbour,  Occasional 
Harbour,  Square  Island  Harbour,  Cape  Bluff  Island 
Harbour,  Snug  Harbour,  St.  Michael's  Bay,  Double 
Island  Harbour,  Partridge  Bay,  Black  Bear  Bay,  Island 
of  Ponds,  Spotted  Island  Harbour,  and  Table  Harbour; 
at  all  these  places  there  are  small  establishments,  prin- 
cipally of  adventurers  from  Newfoundland  ;  and,  by 
the  best  information  which  could  be  obtained  respect- 
ing them,  they  may  be  estimated  to  yield  about  1 500 
quintals  for  each  post  on  an  average,  making  about 
20,000 ;  with  a  proportion  of  oil,  at  the  rate  of 
one  ton  for  every  200  quintals  of  fish,  making 
100  tons.  At  all  the  smaller  intermediate  harbours 
there  is  an  appearance  of  settling  and  building  houses, 
but  we  cannot  estimate  their  produce  at  all  correctly ; 
though,  from  the  number  of  Newfoundland  and  Nova 
Scotia  vessels  which  carry  on  a  desultory  fishing  and 
take  away  their  cargoes,  a  very  considerable  quantity 



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of  fish  may  be  added  to  the  above  estimate,  perhaps 
20,000  quintals." 

In  the  Table  of  Exports  in  the  Appendix  it  will 
be  noticed  that  the  total  exports  of  codfish  from. 
Cape  Charles  to  Sandwich  Bay,  are  stated  by  Captain 
Robinson  to  have  been  134,580  quintals,  while  the 
Colonial  Records  state  them  to  have  been  76,000 
quintals  for  the  French  shore  and  Labrador, — a  dis- 
crepancy which  cannot  be  explained.  The  weight 
of  evidence  will  no  doubt  be  held  to  lie  with  Captain 

In  addition  to  the  direct  exports,  Captain  Robinson 
estimated  that  20,000  quintals  were  taken  at  small 
stations,  and  20,000  quintals  by  Newfoundland  and 
Nova  Scotian  schooners  in  all  say — 175,000.  To  this 
must  be  added  the  fishery  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle, 
which  may  be  roughly  estimated  at  50,000  quintals, 
making  a  grand  total  of  225,000  quintals. 

By  an  Act  passed  on  June  17th,  1824,  entitled 
"  An  Act  for  the  Better  Administration  of  Justice  in 
Newfoundland,  etc."  power  was  given  to  the  Governor 
to  institute  a  court  of  Civil  Jurisdiction  at  Labrador, 
such  court  to  be  held  by  one  judge  authorized 
to  hear  and  determine  complaints  of  a  civil  nature. 
By  the  same  Act  the  Surrogate  Courts  were  dis- 

Captain  William  Patterson  was  appointed  judge 
of  this  court  in  1826,  and  continued  in  the  office 
until  its  termination  in  1834.  Mr.  George  Simms 
was  the  first  clerk.  In  1829  Mr.  Bryan  Robinson, 
afterwards  Chief  Justice  of  Newfoundland,  was  ap- 
pointed sheriff,  and  held  office  until  1833,  when  he 
was  succeeded  by  Mr.  Elias  Rendell.  The  proclama- 
tion   issued    at   the   inception    of    this   court   and    the 


letter  of  instructions   to   Captain    Patterson    are   here 
given  : — 

"  Government  House, 

"  i\th  August,  1826 

"  Captain  William  Patterson. 

"  Sir, 

"  With  your  Commission  to  proceed  on  your 
Circuit  to  Labrador  and  the  Proclamation  which  ac- 
companies, I  transmit  to  you  a  list  of  such  places  as 
from  the  best  information  that  can  be  obtained  are 
likely  to  call  for  your  presence.  At  the  same  time  you 
will  understand  that  it  by  no  means  professes  to  be 
correct ;  but  after  your  arrival  at  Invucktoke  you  must 
obtain  from  time  to  time  the  best  information  you  can 
get  on  that  point,  and  regulate  your  proceedings  accord- 
ingly, taking  the  most  Northern  place  at  which  first  to 
hold  your  Court,  so  that  you  may  always  be  making 
progress  to  the  Southward  as  the  Summer  declines. 

'■'  Herewith  you  will  receive  a  copy  of  the  Treaty  with 
America  by  which  that  country  is  entitled  to  take  and 
cure  fish  upon  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  and  with  it  I 
also  forward  you  a  copy  of  an  explanatory  letter  from 
Lord  Bathurst  on  the  subject  of  it.  At  the  same  time 
that  I  recommend  the  most  conciliatory  and  friendly 
conduct  on  the  part  of  yourself  and  all  attached  to  your 
Court  or  under  your  authority  towards  the  subjects  of 
the  United  States  whilst  engaged  in  the  fishery  secured 
to  them  by  the  treaty,  you  will  bear  in  mind  that 
whilst  they  are  employed  within  your  jurisdiction  they 
are  equally  amenable  to  the  laws  with  any  of  His 
Majesty's  subjects,  and  that  the  same  measure  of 
Justice  is  to  be  dealt  with  them  as  to  any  others 
infringing  the  rights  of  individuals  or  disturbing  the 
public  peace. 


"  For  your  further  guidance  in  the  discharge  of  your 
official  duties  I  must  refer  you  to  the  Act  5,  George  4, 
Cap.  51  and  ^J,  with  which  you  will  be  furnished,  and 
should  there  be  any  point  on  which  you  may  previously 
to  your  sailing  require  legal  advice,  the  same  shall  be 
submitted  to  the  Attorney  General  or  to  the  Judges  of 
the  Supreme  Court  as  the  case  may  be. 

During  the  period  that  you  are  upon  the  Coast  of 
Labrador  it  is  very  desirable  you  should  take  every 
opportunity  of  informing  yourself  of  the  state  of  our 
fishery  as  well  as  that  of  the  Americans,  and  that  you 
should  collect  all  the  information  you  can  with  reference 
to  the  Fur  trade,  the  native  inhabitants,  the  Moravian 
Settlements,  the  number,  if  any,  of  Europeans  or 
Americans  who  remain  the  winter,  as  well  as  the 
stations  they  occupy,  and  generally,  that  you  should 
collect  all  the  information  you  can  of  that  imperfectly 
known  country  that  may  in  any  way  tend  to  the 
advancement  of  science  or  commerce. 
"  I  am,  etc. 

"(Signed)  Thos.  Cochrane, 

"  Governor. 
"  To  Capt.  Paterson,  C.B.,  r.n." 

Proclamation  by  His  Excellency  Sir  Thomas  John 
Cochrane,  Knight,  Governor  and  Commander-in-Chief, 
etc.,  appointing  times  and  places  of  holding  the  Labra- 
dor Court. 

Whereas  by  an  Act  passed  in  the  5th  year  of  the  Reign 
of  our  Sovereign  Lord  George  the  Fourth  by  the  Grace  of 
God  of  the  United  Kingdom  or  Great  Britain  and  Ireland, 
King  Defender  of  the  Faith,  etc.,  entitled  "  An  Act  for  the 
better  administration  of  Justice  in  Newfoundland  and  for  other 


Purposes,"  it  is  enacted  and  declared  that  it  shall  and  may  be 
lawful  for  the  Governor  or  acting  Governor  of  Newfoundland 
for  the  time  being  to  institute  a  Court  of  Civil  Jurisdiction 
at  any  such  parts  or  places  on  the  Coast  of  Labrador  or  the 
Islands  adjacent  thereto  which  are  reannexed  to  the  Govern- 
ment of  Newfoundland  as  occasion  shall  require. 

Now  therefore  in  pursuance  of  the  power  and  authority 
to  me  given  by  the  said  Act  of  Parliament,  and  in  fulfilment  of 
the  requisitions  and  provisions  of  the  same,  I,  the  Governor, 
do  by  this  my  Proclamation  institute  a  Court  of  Civil  Juris- 
diction to  be  holden  at  Invuctoke  on  the  22nd  day  of  August 
— at  Huntingdon  Harbour  on  the  30th  day  of  August — at 
Venison  Island  on  the  5th  of  September — at  Cape  St.  Francis 
on  the  9th  day  of  September — at  Cape  St.  Charles  Harbour  on 
the  13th  day  of  September — at  Chateaux  Bay  on  the  21st  day 
of  September — and  at  L'Anse-a-Loup  on  the  29th  day  of 
September  next  on  the  said  Coast  of  Labrador,  or  at  any 
or  either  of  the  said  places,  and  as  nearly  on  the  said  days 
and  periods  or  at  any  other  place  or  places  on  the  said  Coast 
and  at  such  periods  as  circumstances  will  permit,  or  may 
render  necessary,  with  jurisdiction  power  and  authority  to 
hear  and  determine  all  suits  and  complaints  of  a  civil  nature 
after  the  manner  and  for,  provided  by  the  said  Act,  and  arising 
within  any  of  the  parts  or  places  on  the  said  coast  of  Labrador 
or  the  Islands  adjacent  thereto,  which  are  reannexed  to  the 
Government  of  Newfoundland,  viz.  : — from  the  entrance  of 
Hudson's  Straits  to  a  line  to  be  drawn  due  North  and  South 
from  Anse  Sablon  on  the  said  Coast  to  the  fifty-second  degree 
of  North  Latitude. 

And  I  do  authorize,  empower,  and  direct  the  Judges  of  the 
said  court  of  Civil  Jurisdiction,  hereby  instituted,  from  day  to 
day,  and  from  place  to  place,  or  for  any  number  of  days 
within  the  term,  Session  or  continuance  of  the  said  Court  to 
adjourn  the  said  Court,  to  meet  re-assemble  and  sit  again  in  the 
execution  and  discharge  of  the  duties  of  the  said  Court,  when 
and  so  often  as  by  the  said  Judge  may  be  deemed  necessary 


or  expedient  for  the  due  and  proper  fulfilment  and  discharge 
of  such  duties. 

And  of  these  presents  all  Magistrates,  the  Sheriff  and  his 
deputies,  all  Bailiffs,  Constables,  Keepers  of  Gaols  and  other 
Officers  of  the  Coast  of  Labrador,  in  the  execution  of  their 
offices  about  the  premises,  are  directed  and  hereby  required 
and  commanded  to  take  due  notice  and  govern  themselves 

Given  under  my  hand  at  Government 
House,  St.  John's,  the  second  day  of 
January  in  the  sixth  year  of  His 
Majesty's   Reign. 

By  Command  of  His  Excellency  the  Governor, 

(Signed)  E.  B.  Brenton. 

In  1826  thirteen  civil  actions  vi^ere  tried,  in  1827  a 
similar  number,  and  in  1828  twenty-seven  actions,  in- 
volving an  amount  of  ^6^1 885  5s.  3d.  But  the  amount 
of  work  which  the  court  found  to  do  v^as  not  considered 
commensurate  to  the  cost,  and  one  of  the  earliest  Acts 
of  the  House  of  Assembly  of  Newfoundland  in  1834 
was  to  discontinue  it. 

A  series  of  cases  was  brought  before  the  Supreme 
Court  at  St.  John's  in  1826  to  determine  the  particular 
classes  of  seamen  and  fishermen  w^ho  were  liable 
for  the  payment  of  the  Greenwich  Hospital  dues  of 
6d.  per  man,  monthly.  In  the  case  submitted  for 
the  decision  of  Chief  Justice  Tucker,  the  following 
description  is  given  of  the  method  pursued  at  that 
time  in  shipping  crews  and  fishermen  for  the  Labrador. 
It  will  be  seen  that  it  does  not  greatly  differ  from  the 
present  custom.  The  decision  of  the  Chief  Justice  was 
that  all  classes  of  Labrador  fishermen  were  liable  for 
the  dues. 


"Labrador  schooners  are  fitted  out  about  the  ist  of 
June  for  the  Labrador  fishery,  which  is  carried  on  upon 
that  coast  by  open  boats  or  skiffs.  On  board  this 
schooner  are  embarked  six  men,  three  of  whom  are 
hired  on  wages  for  the  season,  say  from  20th  of  May 
until  the  last  of  October  ;  and  three  on  shares  for  the 
same  period  of  time.  One  of  such  servants  takes 
charge  of  the  schooner,  as  master,  to  navigate  her  to 
the  Labrador,  and  carry  the  supplies  and  fishing  crews 
to  a  certain  place,  where,  on  the  vessel's  arrival,  she 
is  moored  in  safety,  and  laid  up,  unused,  for  a  time, 
except  as  an  occasional  store  for  salt,  etc.  The  master 
and  men  are  then  employed  in  skift^'s,  or  open  boats, 
catching  fish,  which  they  carry  on  shore  to  defendant's 
room,  to  be  cured  by  a  shore  crew  of  the  defendant's. 
As  soon  as  enough  fish  is  caught  and  cured  to  load  the 
schooner,  a  sufficient  crew  from  the  men  so  hired  and  on 
shares,  is  put  on  board  to  navigate  the  vessel  to  St. 
John's  ;  from  whence,  after  delivering  her  fish  there,  she 
again  returns  to  the  Labrador,  and  remains  until  the  end 
of  the  season,  and  then  brings  the  residue  of  the  fish  and 
oil,  the  produce  of  the  voyage,  to  St.  John's,  together 
with  the  fishing  and  shore  crews,  returning  about  the 
middle  of  October.  But  besides  the  aforesaid  men,  the 
hired  servants  of  the  defendant,  the  said  vessel  carried 
also  to  the  Labrador  ten  other  fishermen  (besides 
defendant's  shore  crew,  who  were  employed  solely  in 
curing  the  fish  ashore) ;  and  which  fishermen  were 
supplied  by  defendant,  who  also  contracted  to  cure  on 
his  room  the  fish  they  caught,  and  freight  it  to  St.  John's. 
On  the  vessel's  arrival  at  the  Labrador,  these  men,  form- 
ing three  separate  crews,  emplo3^ed  themselves  in  their 
own  skiffs,  or  open  boats,  catching  fish  on  their  own 
account ;  and,  as  they  caught  it,  daily  delivered  it  on 
2  D 


shore  upon  defendant's  room  to  be  cured.  When  cured, 
defendant's  said  schooner  carried  the  fish  on  freight  to 
St.  John's  ;  and  out  of  it  took  the  value  of  his  supplies 
furnished  to  the  catchers,  together  with  the  price  of 
curing  and  the  amount  of  freight ;  and  delivered  the 
surplus  to  the  said  fish-catchers  to  sell  where  they 
pleased,  or  purchased  the  same  from  them  at  current 

In  a  memorial  from  the  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
St.  John's,  1825,  protesting  against  any  portion  of  the 
Labrador  being  returned  to  Canada,  it  is  stated  that 
60  vessels  were  fitted  out  in  St.  John's  and  200  from 
Conception  Bay  for  the  fishing  on  that  coast,  em- 
ploying altogether  about  5000  men.' 

The  senior  naval  officer  on  the  station  had  a  careful 
census  taken  in  1826  of  all  the  vessels  fishing  at  Labra- 
dor, from  Lance-a-Loup  to  Rigolette,  of  which  the 
following  is  a  resume  : — 

95  vessels,  6439  tons,  131 2  men. 
397  boats,  828  men. 

3450  Seals. 

5124  tierces  of  Salmon. 
102,980  quintals  of  Codfish. 
304  tuns  of  Oil. 

Of  the  above  there  were  twenty-one  fishing  ships 
from  England.  But  this  report  was  admittedly  not 
complete,  and  it  was  estimated  that  50,000  quintals  of 
codfish  were  taken  in  small  creeks  and  harbours  not 
visited.  It  will  be  noticed  that  herring  are  not 

We  learn  from  the  Colonial  Records  that  there  were 


276  fishing  ships  from  Great  Britain  to  Newfoundland 
and  Labrador  in  1792.  In  18 17,  the  number  had  de- 
creased to  48,  and  in  1824,  to  15.  In  1832,  it  is 
stated  that  only  5  fishing  ships  went  to  Labrador,  and 
15  to  the  Banks.  Save  for  the  few  Jersey  vessels  to  the 
Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  the  great  ship  fishery,  which  had 
been  fostered  with  so  much  assiduity  for  nearly  two 
hundred  years,  and  for  the  sake  of  which  the  coloniza- 
tion of  Newfoundland  had  been  kept  down  with  an 
iron  hand,  soon  ceased  to  exist. 

It  is  perhaps  idle  to  speculate  on  historical  hypotheses, 
but  one  cannot  help  pausing  a  moment  to  consider  how 
different  Newfoundland  would  have  been  had  she  been 
allowed  to  grow  naturally  from  the  first.  And  one 
must  also  "  point  the  moral  "  of  the  folly  of  trying  to 
foster  an  unnatural  industry,  such  as  the  British  ship 
fishery.  Acts  of  Parliament,  devised  by  wire-pulling 
West-country  merchants,  could  not  keep  it  alive ;  and 
while  it  was  being  artificially  fostered,  the  infant  colony 
of  Newfoundland  was  being  strangled. 

About  the  year  1830  the  Labrador  fishery  was  prose- 
cuted with  great  vigour.  Newfoundlanders,  Nova 
Scotians,  and  Americans  flocked  there  in  great  numbers. 
The  following  particulars  are  taken  from  British  America, 
by  Colonel  MacGregor,  who,  being  A.D.C.  and  private 
Secretary  to  the  Governor  of  Newfoundland,  had  an 
excellent  opportunity  for  gathering  correct  information. 
It  will  be  seen,  however,  that  some  of  his  statements 
do  not  bear  examination,  and  that  he  greatly  over- 
estimated the  American  fishery,  and  possibly  the  British 
fishery  as  well.  He  said  that  about  300  schooners  went 
from  Newfoundland  to  the  different  fishing  stations  on 
the  Labrador  coast,  where  about  20,000  British  subjects 
were  employed   in  the  season.      Many  of   the  vessels 


made  an  early  trip  to  the  straits,  returning  as  soon  as 
a  cargo  was  secured,  and  leaving  again  as  quickly  as 
possible  for  the  eastern  Labrador  coast,  a  practice 
which  is  still  pursued  by  the  schooners  from  the  northern 
outports.  From  the  maritime  provinces  about  120 
vessels  with  1200  to  1300  fishermen  annually  fished 
on  the  coast ;  and  there  were  six  or  seven  English  and 
five  Jersey  firms  with  extensive  fishing  establishments, 
still  carrying  on  the  old  ship  fishery,  and  employing 
about  1000  men.  The  Americans  had  about  500 
vessels  and  15,000  men  employed  on  the  coast,  and 
their  catch  amounted  to  1,100,000  quintals  of  fish  and 
3000  tuns  of  oil. 

According  to  this  authority,  therefore,  there  were 
about  1000  vessels  and  35,000  people  engaged  in  the 
Labrador  fishery  at  this  period. 

To  examine  first  into  his  estimate  of  the  American 
fishery.  According  to  Lorenzo  Sabine's  Report  of 
American  Fisheries,  1853,  the  total  export  of  codfish 
from  the  United  States  in  1830  was  229,796  quintals, 
and  the  home  consumption  about  500,000,  making  a 
total  of  729,796  quintals.  As  a  large  proportion  of  the 
American  fleet  fished  on  the  Grand  Banks  and  in  the 
Gulf  of  St  Lawrence,  it  is  evident  that  MacGregor's 
figures  are  much  exaggerated.  Admitting  that  there 
were  500  vessels,  it  is  safe  to  assume  that  their  crews 
numbered  about  5000  and  their  catch  200,000  to  250,000 

If  in  MacGregor's  figures  for  the  number  of  British 
subjects  employed  on  the  Labrador  are  included  the 
Canadian  and  English  fishermen,  estimated  at  2000, 
and  the  settlers  on  the  coast,  say  2000,  not  including 
Eskimos  or  Indians,  it  will  leave  16,000  people  to  go  from 
Newfoundland,    As  the  whole  population  of  Newfound- 


land  at  that  period  was  about  60,000,  it  would  thus  appear 
that  one-fourth  of  them  migrated  to  Labrador  each 
summer, — a  proportion  which  seems  altogether  too  large. 

Owing  to  the  Newfoundland  fishermen  being  driven 
from  the  French  shore,  they  were  compelled  to  go 
farther  afield,  and  on  this  account  the  Labrador  fishery- 
was  said  to  have  increased  sixfold  between  18 14  and 
1829.  But  on  the  Labrador  they  had  to  meet  American 
competition,  particulars  of  which  are  related  in  another 
chapter.  Our  Yankee  cousins  tried  to  carry  things  on 
the  coast  with  a  high  hand,  and  many  complaints  of 
aggressions  are  recorded.  They  went  so  far  on  some 
occasions  as  to  drive  the  Newfoundland  vessels  from 
the  harbours,  and  tear  down  the  British  flag,  hoisting 
the  Stars  and  Stripes  in  its  place.  They  cut  away  the 
salmon  nets  of  the  Newfoundlanders,  set  their  own 
instead,  and  threatened  to  shoot  any  one  who  interfered 
with  them.  Redress  was  impossible.  The  visits  of  the 
British  cruisers  were  few  and  far  between.  It  was  beyond 
the  power  of  the  poor  fishermen  to  bring  the  aggressors 
to  justice,  and  being  greatly  outnumbered  in  many  places, 
they  could  not  take  the  law  in  their  own  hands. 

But  after  a  few  more  years  of  steady  increase,  the 
balance  of  power  was  in  the  hands  of  the  Newfound- 
land fishermen,  and  we  can  be  sure  that  they  were 
not  backward  in  protecting  themselves.  Possibly  the 
United  States  fishermen  found  the  Labrador  a  little 
warjn  for  them,  which  may  account  for  the  rapid  decline 
of  their  fishery  after  1840. 

The  fisheries  were  variable,  but  no  doubt  were  very 
much  more  productive  than  in  recent  years.  The 
salmon  fishery  was  still  important,  but  the  herring 
fishery  had  not  been  prosecuted  extensively.  In  the 
list  of  exports  given  by  MacGregor,  herring  are  not 


mentioned.  Codfish  were  no  doubt  more  easily  taken 
then  than  now.  There  were  no  traps,  as  in  modern 
times,  but  yet  they  succeeded  in  securing  large  catches. 
The  following  figures  for  1829  are  given  by  Mac- 
Gregor : — 

Exported  to  Europe 
by  English  and  Jersey 

Exported  to  Europe  t 
by  Newfoundland  ] 
houses.  y 

Sent  to  Newfound- 
land from  Labrador. 

50,000  qtls.  codfish 

900  tees,  salmon 

200  tuns  cod  oil 

200  tuns  seal  oil 

Furs  . 

20,000  qtls.  codfish 
300  tees,  salmon 

324,000  qtls.  codfish 

1,500  tuns  cod  oil 

Salmon,  etc. 

Sent    to    Maritime  f  ^i         ^c  u 

T^      •  ^  20,000  qtls.  codfish 

Provinces.  I  ^ 









MacGregor's  statements  do  not  hang  together.  The 
number  of  Newfoundland  schooners  was  said  to  have 
been  300,  and  it  was  impossible  for  them  to  have 
brought  back    1000  quintals  each  on   an  average. 

But  after  making  due  allowance  for  overestimates, 
I  am  inclined  to  think  that  the  total  catch  of  codfish  on 
the  Labrador  at  that  period  may  have  approximated 
1,000,000  quintals  yearly. 

About  the  year  1831  the  Hudson  Bay  Company 
began  operations  in  Labrador,  the  inception  of  which  is 
thus  cynically  related  by  John  MacLean  {JFJiirty  Years 
in  the  Hudson  Bay  Company s  Ser^vice) : — 

"  The  Company,  having  learned  through  a  pamphlet 
published    by    the    Moravian    Missionaries    that    the 


country  produced  excellent  furs,  were  induced  by  the 
laudable  desire  of  '  ameliorating  the  condition  of  the 
natives'   to  settle  it." 

Posts  were  started  at  Rigolet  and  North-west  River  in 
Hamilton  Inlet,  at  Fort  Chimo\  Whale  River,  and 
George's  River  in  Hudson's  Straits,  at  Nackvak,  Davis 
Inlet,  and  Cartwright  on  the  east  coast.  This  last  was 
purchased  from  Messrs.  Hunt  and  Henley,  who  had  suc- 
ceeded to  the  rights  originally  obtained  by  George 

The  title  of  the  Company  to  the  posts  in  Hudson's 
Straits  is  naturally  included  in  their  original  charter, 
but  that  of  the  others,  with  the  exception  of  Cartwright, 
seems  to  rest  upon  squatters'  rights  only,  as  no  grant 
of  them  appears  to  have  been  given  by  the  Imperial 
Government  or  Government  of  Newfoundland. 

In  1840  a  Bill  was  introduced  in  the  House  of 
Assembly  to  provide  for  the  collection  of  duties  and 
for  establishing  a  Court  on  Labrador.  But  being  re- 
turned from  the  Council  with  amendments,  it  was 
allowed  to  drop.  Nevertheless,  an  attempt  was  made 
the  following  summer  to  collect  duties  there,  and  Mr. 
Elias  Rendell  was  appointed  for  the  job.  He  found 
great  difficulty  in  getting  to  Labrador,  as  the  merchants, 
knowing  his  errand,  refused  to  let  him  go  in  their 
vessels.  He  was  therefore  obliged  to  hire  a  small 
schooner,  and  finally  sailed  on  July  5th.  He  travelled 
up  the  coast  as  far  as  Hamilton  Inlet,  into  which  he 
went  some  distance,  and  collected  duties  to  the  amount 
of  ;;^205  IIS.  4d.  All  Complained  loudly  at  having  to 
pay  duties,  and  some  of  the  firms  refused  positively  to 
pay  at   all.     They    pleaded    that  they  should  not  be 

^  "  Chymo,"  according  to  Rev.  S.  M.  Stewart,  missionary  to  Ungava, 
means  "  welcome." 


called  upon  to  contribute  to  the  revenue  unless  they 
derived  some  benefit  from  it,  and  stated  that  another 
year  they  would  resist  payment  by  every  possible  means, 
unless  a  Court  of  Justice  M^ere  established,  and  the 
coast  afforded  the  protection  of  the  police,  Mr.  Rendell 
was  of  opinion  that  such  was  most  necessary,  as  disputes 
were  continually  arising,  and  serious  crimes  occasionally 
committed,  "  a  man  at  that  time  going  at  large,  who 
was  known  to  have  murdered  his  wife  last  winter." 
Mr.  Rendell  also  drew  attention  to  the  encroachments 
of  the  French  on  the  fisheries  of  Labrador.  From 
Blanc  Sablon  to  Henley  Harbour  the  shore  was  literally 
lined  with  French  boats,  and  the  protection  of  a  ship- 
of-war  was  imperatively  necessary. 

We  first  hear  of  French  encroachments  on  the  Labra- 
dor side  of  the  straits,  in  1835,  and  a  Committee  of  the 
House  of  Assembly  was  appointed  to  make  enquiries, 
but  I  have  been  unable  to  find  that  it  ever  made  a  report. 

In  1 841,  the  year  after  Mr.  Elias  Rendell's  visit, 
Captain  Milne,  H.M.S.  Crocodile,  was  sent  to  the  coast 
on  the  fishery  protection  service.  He  found  the  reports 
to  be  more  than  justified,  and  French  encroachments  to 
be  most  general.  They  had  simply  taken  possession  of 
Belle  Isle,  driving  off  the  Newfoundland  and  American 
fishermen  who  had  been  frequenting  it.  Two  fishing 
rooms  had  been  built  there  by  the  French,  and  it  was 
actually  included  in  the  list  of  fishing  stations  which 
were  regularly  ballotted  for  in  France  every  five  years. 
Belle  Isle  was  considered  a  very  valuable  fishery  at  that 
time,  and  immense  quantities  offish  were  taken  annually 
round  the  shores,  approximating  30,000  quintals.  The 
codfish  were  said  to  enter  the  straits  from  the  Atlantic, 
passing  near  the  island,  and  later  schooling  along  the 
Labrador  shore.    The  fishermen  there  were  thus  enabled 


to   secure  the  cream  of  the  voyage,  both  in  size  and 
quantity  of  fish. 

Capt.  Milne  pointed  out  that  as  Belle  Isle  was  nearer 
to  Labrador  than  to  Newfoundland  it  must  be  held  to 
belong  to  the  former  coast  where  the  French  had  abso- 
lutely no  rights.  In  Palliser's  time,  the  commanding 
officers  of  the  fishery  protection  fleet  were  particularly 
directed  to  guard  against  French  aggression,  and  it  is 
hard  to  understand  how  the  abuse  began. 

In  1845,  petitions  were  forwarded  to  the  House  of 
Assembly  from  the  merchants  of  Conception  Bay,  pray- 
ing that  Courts  of  Justice  be  again  instituted  on  the 
Labrador.  Over  200  vessels  and  5000  men  went  from 
that  Bay  alone  to  Labrador,  and  many  disputes  arose 
in  respect  to  fishing  berths,  for  the  prompt  settlement  of 
which  a  Court  of  Justice  was  absolutely  necessary. 

Capt.  Locke,  who  was  on  the  coast  in  H.M.S. 
Alarm  in  1848,  visited  Belle  Isle,  and  although  he 
found  no  French  vessels,  was  told  that  they  had  been 
there  all  the  summer,  and  had  left  hurriedly  when  they 
heard  he  was  in  the  neighbourhood.  All  along  the 
Labrador  side  of  the  straits  he  received  the  same  in- 
formation. It  was  estimated  that  200  French  boats 
with  1000  to  1500  men  had  been  poaching  that  summer, 
and  had  taken  50,000  to  70,000  quintals  of  fish.  The 
British  fishery  had  been  very  good,  averaging  70  or  80 
quintals  per  man.  Blanc  Sablon  was  the  principal 
station,  three  Jersey  firms  doing  business  there.  The 
catch  in  this  one  place  was  15,000  to  16,000  quintals. 
At  Red  Bay,  William  Penney,  of  Carbonear,  carried  on 
business,  employing  twenty-five  boats  and  forty  to  fifty 
men.  Their  catch  was  3500  quintals.  It  is  interesting 
to  know  that  the  firm  of  Wm.  Penney  and  Sons  have 
carried  on  a  prosperous  business  there  ever  since,  hold- 


ing  the  record  for  the  oldest  established  business  on  the 
Labrador  carried  on  at  one  locality. 

No  determined  effort  seems  to  have  been  made  to 
stop  the  French  encroachments,  in  spite  of  the  continual 
reports  which  were  made  in  regard  to  them,  until  1852, 
when  the  sum  of  ;^550  was  voted  by  the  House  of 
Assembly  for  a  fishery  protection  service  at  Cape  John 
and  in  the  Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  and  an  effectual  stop 
was  very  soon  put  to  the  poaching  propensities  of  the 
French,  which  had  been  endured  so  long. 

Capt.  Cochrane,  R.N..  visited  Labrador  in  1852,  and 
assisted  in  this  service,  his  particular  duty  being  to  re- 
move the  French  establishments  from  Belle  Isle.  He 
reported  that  very  few  American  vessels  were  on  the 
coast  that  year,  and  that  they  fished  between  Sandwich 
Bay  and  Cape  Harrison.  The  number  of  Newfound- 
land fishermen  from  Cape  Charles  to  Cape  Harrison  he 
estimated  at  6500. 

In  1856  the  colony  of  Newfoundland  was  amazed  to 
learn  that  a  Convention  had  been  practically  agreed  to 
between  the  Imperial  and  French  Governments,  by 
which,  among  other  concessions,  it  was  proposed  to  give 
the  French  the  right  to  fish  on  the  Labrador  coast  from 
Cape  Charles  to  Blanc  Sablon.  The  colony  was  at 
once  up  in  arms.  Evidence  as  to  the  importance  of  the 
Labrador  fishery  was  taken  by  a  Committee  of  the 
House  of  Assembly.  Among  those  who  testified  were 
E.  White,  Thos.  Rowe,  John  Rorke,  John  Walsh,  Chas. 
Power,  Bishop  Feild,  and  Bishop  Mullock.  They  stated 
that  700  sail  of  Newfoundland  vessels  went  to  Labra- 
dor each  season,  and  carried  on  fishing  operations 
from  Blanc  Sablon  to  Cape  Harrison.  The  most  im- 
portant part  of  the  fishery  was  that  carried  on  in  the 
Straits  of  Belle  Isle,  where  170,000  to  180,000  quintals  of 


codfish  were  taken  on  an  average  each  year.  Indigna- 
tion against  the  Imperial  Government  was  the  dominant 
note  of  the  evidence,  and  many  satirical  references  were 
made  to  their  ignorance  of  the  question,  and  their  re- 
markable generosity  to  the  French. 

The  House  of  Assembly  passed  unanimously  a 
vehement  protest  against  the  ratification  of  the  Con- 
vention, and  the  influence  of  the  neighbouring  colonies 
was  enlisted,  with  the  effect  that  the  Imperial  Govern- 
ment realized  that  they  had  been  on  the  brink  of  a 
serious  error,  and  withdrew  from  the  Convention.  The 
news  was  conveyed  to  Newfoundland  in  the  celebrated 
despatch  from  Mr.  Henry  Labouchere  to  Governor 
Darling  : — 

"  The  proposals  contained  in  the  Convention  having 
now  been  unequivocally  refused  by  the  Colony,  they 
will  of  course  fall  to  the  ground ;  and  you  are  authorized 
to  give  such  assurance  as  you  may  think  proper,  that 
the  consent  of  the  community  of  Newfoundland  is 
regarded  by  Her  Majesty's  Government  as  the  essential 
preliminary  to  any  modification  on  their  territorial  or 
maritime  rights." 

This  is  regarded  as  one  of  the  most  important  docu- 
ments in  the  history  of  Newfoundland,  and  has  been 
quoted  by  the  colony  in  defence  of  its  rights  on  several 
subsequent  occasions. 

The  resident  population  from  Blanc  Sablon  to  Sand- 
wich Bay,  in  1856,  was  computed  at  1553  persons. 
Attempts  to  collect  duties  on  the  Labrador  were  again 
made  this  year,  but  were  very  generally  resisted.  One 
Customs  official  with  an  eye  to  business  pointed  out 
that  the  firm  of  De  Quettville,  employing  250  men, 
served  out   to  each  five  glasses  of  brandy  daily,  the 


duty  upon  which  alone  would  make  a  considerable 

Governor  Darling  visited  the  coast  during  the  sum- 
mer, probably  wishing  to  see  for  himself  the  fishery 
which  the  mother  country  proposed  to  give  away. 

The  Reciprocity  Treaty  with  the  United  States  in 
1854  was  said  to  have  occasioned  an  increase  in  the 
number  of  their  vessels  fishing  on  the  Labrador  coast. 
Why  that  should  have  been  so  is  not  plain,  as  they 
already  had  an  unrestricted  right  to  that  fishery.  If 
such  increase  did  take  place,  it  was  evidently  a  last 
spasmodic  effort,  as  their  interest  in  Labrador  declined 
very  rapidly  soon  after.  In  1859  only  fifty  American 
and  Nova  Scotian  vessels  were  reported  in  the  straits, 
a  great  falling  off  from  the  numerous  fleet  which  had 
formerly  fished  there. 

In  the  Appendix  will  be  found  a  list  of  the  exports 
or  catch  of  fish  on  the  Labrador.  It  will  be  seen  that 
from  1830  to  i860  no  statistics  are  given.  It  has  been 
a  great  disappointment  to  me  not  to  be  able  to  get  the 
figures  for  this  period,  but  after  a  careful  search  in 
every  place  I  could  think  of,  I  have  been  obliged  to 
abandon  the  hope  of  finding  anything,  and  have  con- 
cluded that  no  record  was  kept  of  the  direct  exports, 
or  any  estimate  made  of  the  total  catch  at  that  time. 

The  principal  information  about  the  Labrador  fish- 
eries from  1850  to  1870  is  obtained  from  the  reports 
made  each  year  by  the  naval  captains  on  the  Fishery 
Protection  Service. 

In  1862  the  fishery  was  very  poor,  and  the  herring 
fishery  a  total  failure.  A  Government  regulation  this 
year  prohibited  the  barring  of  herring  in  seines, — a 
very  wise  law,  as  the  destruction  and  waste  by  barring 
is  enormous.     The  Nova  Scotian  and  American  vessels 


resisted  the  enforcement  of  this  ordinance,  the  latter 
claiming  that  it  could  not  be  enforced  against  them 
as  it  was  not  the  law  before  1854,  when  the  last 
Reciprocity  Treaty  had  been  made.  Cape  Harrison 
was  yet  considered  the  northern  limit,  but  a  few 
adventurous  spirits  had  penetrated  still  farther  north. 
The  Moravian  Missionaries  at  Hopedale  in  1857 
describe  the  first  arrival  of  an  American  trading  vessel, 
and  the  demoralization  which  resulted  from  the  sale 
of  rum  to  the  Eskimos.  In  1859  several  Newfound- 
land fishing  schooners  are  reported  at  Hopedale,  Nain, 
Hebron,  and  Okak.  In  the  Nain  diary,  July  2nd,  1861, 
it  is  recorded  that  the  Newfoundland  schooners  had 
made  their  appearance  in  the  offing,  and  were  cruising 
about  in  the  open  water,  waiting  for  the  ice  to  move 
off.  It  was  no  sooner  gone  than  they  came  in,  and 
usurped  the  fishing  places  used  by  the  Eskimos.  Six 
Newfoundland  vessels  fished  at  Hopedale  in  1863, 
25  touched  there  in  1866,  and  108  in  1868,  while  in 
1870  over  500  passed  north,  145  being  counted  in  a 
single  day. 

The  important  northern  Labrador  fishery  therefore 
sprang  into  being  in  1863,  and  was  actively  prosecuted 
by  1870.  The  schooners  going  to  the  far  north  are 
termed  "floaters,"  meaning  that  they  are  not  generally 
attached  to  fishing  establishments  on  the  Labrador, 
but  catch  their  fish  wherever  they  can  get  it,  and  take 
it  direct  to  Newfoundland  ports,  where  it  is  cured. 
This  fish  is  known  to  the  trade  as  shore-cured  Labra- 
dor, and  constitutes  one  of  the  largest  items  in  the 
cod  fishing  industry. 

The  report  of  Captain  Hood,  the  naval  commander 
on  the  coast  in  1865,  was  much  fuller  than  usual.  An 
attempt  was  made  to  take  a  census  of  the  fishing  popu- 


lation,  and  the  catch  of  fish  from  Battle  Harbour  to 
Red  Island,  but  I  am  of  opinion  that  it  is  very  incom- 
plete. He  reported  that  there  were  between  those 
points  1098  boats  and  271 1  men,  and  the  catch  116,700 
quintals  codfish.  The  largest  establishments  were  Black 
Tickle  and  Indian  Harbour. 

The  Newfoundland  Chamber  of  Commerce,  in  1866, 
petitioned  the  Imperial  Government  to  send  a  naval 
vessel  to  survey  the  northern  Labrador  coast,  which 
was  then  entirely  uncharted.  Accordingly,  the  next 
year  Lieutenant  Chimmo,  in  H.M.S.  Gannet,  was  detailed 
for  the  work.  He  called  in  at  Battle  Harbour  to  get  a 
pilot,  but  was  unable  to  obtain  one.  The  schooners  had 
ail  gone  to  Cape  Harrison,  where  they  were  "doing  what 
they  liked  with  the  fish."  Lieutenant  Chimmo  found 
by  careful  observation  that  the  whole  coast  had  been 
placed  on  the  charts  ten  or  eleven  miles  too  far  to  the 
eastward.  His  only  chart  was  that  of  Lane,  drawn  in 
1772,  which  he  found  very  incorrect.  The  coast  had 
not  been  surveyed  since.  When  he  reached  Cape  Har- 
rison he  was  informed  that  about  200  Newfoundland 
vessels  were  fishing  at  Windy  Tickle,  180  miles  still 
farther  north.  He  went  into  Aillik,  where  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company  had  a  station,  and  also  called  at  Hope- 
dale.  Coming  south  he  stopped  at  Indian  Tickle,  and 
was  given  a  glowing  account  of  the  Labrador  fishery 
by  Mr.  Warren  (Matthew  H.),  who  had  his  fishing 
rooms  there.  3000  vessels  were  said  to  have  passed 
through  that  well-known  passage  during  the  season,  on 
the  voyage  north  and  return  south,  and  the  number  of 
fishermen  to  have  been  30,000.  These  seem  rather 
large  figures,  and  I  have  been  able  to  find  no  evidence 
to  support  them. 

By  the  census  of  1857  the  population  of  Newfound- 


land  was  found  to  be  122,000,  which  would  indicate 
about  40,000  men  and  boys.  The  number  of  schooners 
was  800,  with  crews  approximately  about  15,000  men. 
Making  all  due  allowance  for  nine  years'  increment,  it 
does  not  seem  possible  that  the  Labrador  fleet  from 
Newfoundland  could  have  reached  the  figures  given  by 
Mr.  Warren. 

The  merchants  of  St.  John's  were  much  gratified  at 
the  prompt  way  in  which  the  Imperial  Government  had 
carried  out  their  request  for  a  survey  of  northern  Labra- 
dor, and  tendered  Lieutenant  Chimmo  their  best  thanks 
for  his  care  in  the  matter. 

But  it  was  not  until  1876  that  Commander  Maxwell's 
charts,  which  gave  the  first  reliable  information  about 
the  coast,  were  published.     These  charts  are  still  in  use. 

In  i860.  Sir  Leopold  McClintock,  in  H.M.S.  Bulldog, 
was  sent  by  the  Imperial  Government  to  survey  a  route 
for  the  proposed  North  Atlantic  Telegraph  between 
Great  Britain  and  America.  His  course  was  via  Ice- 
land and  Greenland  to  Indian  Harbour  on  the  Labra- 
dor, where  he  arrived  on  August  24th.  Indian  Harbour 
was  then  the  most  extensive  of  the  northern  fishing 
establishments,  and  under  the  charge  of  a  Mr.  Norman. 
Although  there  had  been  very  little  ice  on  the  coast 
the  fishery  had  been  a  poor  one,  owing  to  stormy 
weather.  While  the  Bulldog  was  at  Indian  Harbour, 
however,  the  fishermen  were  taking  codfish  by  means  of 
jiggers  as  fast  as  they  could  haul  them  on  board.  As 
the  Eskimos  in  Greenland  had  been  seen  using  the 
same  method,  it  was  remarked  that  the  Labrador 
fishermen  could  not  improve  upon  the  custom  of  the 
Eskimos.  It  was  not,  however,  an  original  custom  of 
the  Eskimos.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  jiggers  have  been  in 
use  from  very  early  times.     In    17 16  complaints  were 


made  against  their  use  by  the  French  on  the  southern 
Labrador,  as  it  was  said  that  the  fishery  at  Petit  Nord 
(northern  Newfoundland)  had  been  ruined  by  them  ;  a 
statement  which  has  happily  not  proved  correct.  At  the 
present  time  their  use  is  forbidden  in  Canadian  waters. 

As  a  result  of  the  soundings  taken  by  the  Bulldog  it 
was  demonstrated  that  a  bank  extends  north  and  south 
of  Hamilton  Inlet  for  i8o  miles,  and  at  least  lOO  miles 
in  an  easterly  direction.  Sir  J.  C.  Ross  (Parliamentary 
Reports  re  Atlantic  Telegraph)  reported  that  this  bank 
stretches  parallel  to  the  coast  for  a  considerable  distance 
north  and  south  of  Okak.^ 

The  i??///<i'c'^  proceeded  into  Hamilton  Inlet,  surveying 
more  or  less  carefully  that  important  body  of  water.  At 
Rigolette  they  met  Mr.  Smith,  superintendent  of  the 
district  for  the  Hudson  Bay  Company,  who  spoke 
highly  of  the  healthiness  of  the  climate,  and  who,  as 
Lord  Strathcona  in  our  day,  is  a  living  v/itness  to  the 
truth  of  his  statement. 

There  were  said  to  be  about  two  hundred  people  living 
in  Hamilton  Inlet,  but  the  Eskimos,  who  had  once  been 
so  numerous,  were  fast  dying  out.  It  was  told  that  on 
an  island  at  the  mouth  of  the  Inlet,  there  were  a  number 
of  skeletons  of  Eskimos  strewed  about  the  surface, 
showing  that  they  had  fallen  victims  at  one  time  to  a 
virulent  contagious  disease.  These  were  no  doubt  the 
remains  of  that  unhappy  band  of  Eskimos  who  died  of 
smallpox,  caught  from  Kaubvick,  the  sole  survivor  of  the 
party  of  Eskimos  whom  Cartwright  took  to  England 
with  him  in  1773.  That  the  skeletons  should  remain  for 
nearly  one  hundred  years  is  evidence  of  the  remarkable 
anti-septic  nature  of  the  climate.     It  is  more  than  likely 

^  Captain  Charles  Swayne,  in  1753,  ;^lso  reported  an  important  fishing 
bank  about  six  leagues  off  the  coast,  extending  from  lat.  54"  to  lat.  57°. 


they  are  still  there.  The  island  was  called  Eskimo 
Island  on  account  of  this  circumstance ;  but,  as  there 
are  many  Eskimo  Islands,  it  would  not  be  inappropriate 
for  the  name  to  be  changed  to  "  Kaubvick's  Island." 

We  have  heard  how,  in  1841,  and  again  in  1856,  half- 
hearted attempts  were  made  to  collect  revenue  on 
Labrador.  These  attempts  were  nullified  principally 
through  the  efforts  of  the  large  English  houses  having 
establishments  on  the  coast.  But  in  1862  the  Govern- 
ment of  Newfoundland  decided  to  re-establish  the 
Labrador  Court,  and  to  collect  Customs  duties  regularly 
and  systematically. 

There  seems  no  reason  why  the  duties  should  not 
have  been  collected  without  special  legislation,  but  to 
make  assurance  doubly  sure,  and  to  remove  any  possible 
question  of  legality,  the  Customs  Act  of  1863  contained 
special  clauses  dealing  with  the  collection  of  duties  on 
the  Labrador,  In  addition,  "  An  Act  to  provide  for  the 
Collection  of  the  Revenue,  and  for  the  better  Adminis- 
tration of  Justice  at  the  Labrador,"  was  passed  at  the 
same  time,  by  which  the  Governor  in  Council  was 
authorized  to  appoint  a  revenue  officer  for  that  service. 

Mr.  James  Winter  received  the  appointment,  and 
made  his  first  voyage  in  the  summer  of  1863.  In  spite 
of  the  special  legislation  which  had  been  enacted,  several 
of  the  merchants,  notably  Messrs,  Hunt  and  Henley, 
vigorously  resisted  the  payment  of  duties.  As  cash  was 
almost  an  unknown  commodity  on  the  coast,  the  collector 
was  obliged  to  accept  drafts  from  the  various  captains 
and  agents  on  the  mercantile  houses  they  represented. 
When  these  drafts  matured  they  were  nearly  all  dis- 
honoured, and  proceedings  at  law  had  to  be  taken  to 
enforce  payment.  Hunt  and  Henley  were  very  contu- 
macious, threatening  to  take  proceedings  against  the 
2  E 


Governor,  Sir  Alex  Bannerman,  whenever  he  should  land 
in  England.  They  and  other  English  firms  carrying  on 
a  Labrador  business,  presented  a  memorial  to  the 
Secretary  of  State  setting  forth  their  grievances,  and 
begging  that  the  Newfoundland  i\cts  be  disallowed. 
Their  reasons  for  resisting  the  payment  of  the  duties  do 
not  seem  very  conclusive,  and  appear  to  be  derived 
mainly  from  the  old  privileges  given  to  ship-fishers  from 
England.  They  claimed  that  they  carried  on  their 
business  from  England,  and  had  very  little  communi- 
cation with  Newfoundland,  that  they  were  not  repre- 
sented in  the  Newfoundland  Legislature,  and  that  the 
duties  collected  were  not  spent  for  the  advantage  of 

The  very  unfair  position  of  the  Newfoundland  traders 
and  merchants,  who  had  paid  Customs  duties  in  New- 
foundland, and  had  to  come  into  competition  with  duty- 
free goods  from  England,  was  obvious,  but  naturally  it 
did  not  appeal  to  them,  and  they  fought  hard  for  their 
ancient  privileges. 

After  some  delay,  the  Secretary  of  State  notified  the 
memorialists  that  the  Newfoundland  Legislature  was 
fully  competent  to  impose  duties  on  Labrador.  To  the 
Governor  of  Newfoundland  he  wrote  suggesting  that 
Labrador  should  be  represented  in  the  House  of 
Assembly,  a  suggestion  to  which  consideration  was  pro- 
mised ;  and  as  it  has  been  under  consideration  ever  since, 
the  promise  may  be  considered  to  be  amply  fulfilled. 

The  correspondence  which  took  place  before  these 
Acts  were  ratified,  was  thought  of  sufficient  importance 
for  a  special  House  of  Commons  Blue  Book,  which  was 
issued  in  March,  1864, 

The  reports  of  Mr.  Winter,  the  Collector  of  Customs, 
and  Mr.  Benjamin  Sweetland,  the  Judge  of  the  newly- 


constituted  Court,  afford  interesting  information.  Blanc 
Sablon  was  the  most  important  settlement  on  the  coast. 
De  Quettville  and  Co.,  Le  Boutillier  Brothers,  and  two 
smaller  Jersey  firms  carried  on  business  there,  bringing 
over  nearly  all  their  fishermen  from  Jersey  each  summer, 
and  carrying  them  back  at  the  end  of  the  season. 
These  men  were  paid  4s.  gd.  to  5s.  6d.  for  every 
100  fish,  averaging  7  quintals  per  1000  fish.  About 
eighty  Nova  Scotian  and  two  American  vessels  visited 
that  port,  and  all  protested  against  having  to  pay 
duties,  but  all  finally  consented  to  do  so.  The 
fishery  had  been  good,  averaging  70  quintals  per 
man.  At  Sandwich  Bay,  Messrs.  Hunt  and  Henley 
had  taken  about  1200  tierces  of  salmon.  The  Court 
visited  twenty-two  ports  between  Blanc  Sablon  and 
Hawk's  Harbour,  and  heard  twenty-three  cases  of  a 
trivial  character.  The  Judge  stated  that,  "  like  most 
Circuit  Courts,  the  moral  effect  is  greater  than  the 
amount  of  business  done"  ;  but  considering  the  number 
of  years  Labrador  had  been  without  a  Circuit  Court, 
and  the  insignificant  business  found  to  be  done,  it  does 
not  appear  that  even  the  "  moral  effect "  was  very  greatly 

This  Circuit  Court  continued  to  make  yearly  visita- 
tions until  1874,  when  it  was  discontinued.  The  Act 
authorizing  it  is,  however,  still  on  the  Statute  Book,  and 
can  be  put  into  force  at  any  time  by  appointing  officials 
and  voting  their  salaries.  (See  Appendix.)  The  need 
for  it,  however,  does  not  seem  to  be  any  greater  now 
than  in  1874,  a  fact  which  speaks  eloquently  for  the 
peaceful  and  law-abiding  character  of  the  fishing  popu- 
lation of  Newfoundland.^ 

1  This  Court  has  since  been  instituted  again,  and  Mr.  F.  J.  Morris 
appointed  Judge. 


In  1868-9  the  fishery  in  the  straits  and  on  the 
southern  Labrador  coast  was  a  complete  failure,  and 
very  great  destitution  prevailed  in  consequence,  many 
deaths  from  starvation  taking  place  among  the  resident 
population  of  the  coast.  These  people  rejoice  in  the 
title  of  "  liveyeres,"  a  West  of  England  word  supposed 
to  be  a  corruption  of  "  live  here,"  At  this  period 
they  numbered  2479  between  Blanc  Sablon  and  Cape 
Harrison,  including  about  three  hundred  Eskimos  and 
Montaignais  Indians.  They  are  generally  the  descend- 
ants of  the  pioneer  furriers  and  salmon  catchers  who 
married  Eskimo  or  Indian  women,  but  also  a  good 
proportion  of  them  are  Newfoundlanders  who  stayed  on 
the  coast  to  take  care  of  the  fishing  rooms  and  property 
left  there,  and  remained  from  lack  of  initiative,  or 
ability  to  get  away.  In  spite  of  its  hardships  and  pre- 
cariousness,  the  life  seems  to  have  attractions,  and  there 
are  many  instances  of  families  coming  to  Newfoundland 
and  also  emigrating  to  the  States  and  Canada  with 
a  view  to  bettering  themselves,  but  after  a  few  years' 
trial  returning  again  to  their  old  homes  on  bleak  and 
barren  Labrador.  They  have  been  continually  in  poverty 
and  starvation,  and  the  Government  of  Newfoundland 
has  been  many  times  called  upon  to  supply  them  with 
food  and  necessaries. 

This  year,  (1869),  marks  the  end  of  the  American 
Labrador  fishery.  The  sole  vessel  from  the  United 
States  on  the  coast  that  year  was  a  steamer  sent  to 
obtain,  if  possible,  a  cargo  of  herring,  in  which  she 
was  not  successful.  After  this  the  reports  state  that  no 
American  vessels  were  heard  of  In  1870,  the  Labrador 
Steam  Mail  Service  was  begun,  and  has  been  gradually 
extended  until  now  a  comfortable  steamer  makes  fort- 
nightly trips  during  the  season,  calling  at  the  principal 


stations,  as  far  north  as  Nain.  The  straits  fishery  in  1870 
was  the  best  for  twenty-one  years,  but  the  east  coast  was 
blocked  with  ice  until  the  middle  of  August,  and  the 
fishery  there  consequently  the  poorest  ever  experienced. 

The  French  encroachments  on  the  Labrador  coast 
having  been  stopped,  a  new  source  of  complaint  arose. 
The  Newfoundland  fishermen  began  the  reprehensible 
practice  of  selling  bait  to  the  French  fishermen  on 
the  French  shore,  thus  enabling  them  to  secure  the 
codfish  which  afterwards  competed  most  seriously  with 
their  own  catch  in  the  European  markets. 

In  1874  Mr.  J.  L.  Macneil  succeeded  Mr.  Pinsent  as 
Judge  of  the  Labrador  Court.  The  fi.shery  had  been 
below  the  average,  and  the  people  consequently  were 
very  badly  off.  At  Battle  Harbour  the  previous 
winter,  the  main  body  of  the  seals  had  been  driven  in 
on  the  shore,  and  the  people  managed  to  secure  10,000 
— a  God-send  indeed  ! 

The  Government  of  Newfoundland  employed  Mr,  H. 
Y.  Hinde,  the  author  of  Explorations  on  the  Labrador 
Coast,  to  investigate  and  report  upon  the  northern 
Labrador  fishery.  He  visited  the  coast  in  1875-6,  and 
made  a  report  on  the  fisheries,,  which,  although  perhaps 
not  correct  in  all  particulars,  is  yet  a  very  valuable  paper, 
and  should  be  carefully  studied  by  all  who  wish  to  get 
an  insight  into  the  nature  and  working  of  the  fishery. 

He  called  particular  attention  to  the  hne  of  banks 
extending  along  the  greater  part  of  the  Labrador 
coast,  and  prophesied  that  they  would  become  the 
great  fishing-ground  of  the  future, — a  prophesy  which 
has  not  yet  been  fulfilled,  but  from  the  experience  of 
vessels  which  have  recently  made  trial  of  them,  and 
have  been  most  successful,  it  is  probable  that  they  will 
now  begin  to  be  regularly  fished. 

42  2  LABRADOR 

Mr.  Hinde  reported  that  400  vessels,  carrying  about 
3200  men,  had  passed  north  of  Cape  Mugford  that 

It  had  long  been  known  that  vessels  going  to  Labra- 
dor were  systematically  overloaded,  and  overcrowded 
with  passengers — men,  women,  and  children.  The 
Labrador  planters  took  with  them  not  only  their  ser- 
vants for  the  fishery,  male  and  female,  but  also  their 
whole  families,  their  goats,  their  pigs,  their  dogs,  and 
their  fowls.  Seventy  to  eighty  persons  were  often 
crowded  into  a  little  schooner  of  about  forty  tons. 
There  were  no  conveniences  of  any  kind,  and  no 
separation  of  the  sexes.  Decency  was  impossible,  and 
vice  was  flagrant.  At  length,  in  1880,  the  late  Hon.  J. 
J.  Rogerson  succeeded  in  getting  a  Commission  of  the 
House  of  Assembly  appointed  to  examine  into  the 
matter,  and  to  report.  As  a  consequence  an  Act  was 
passed  in  1881  to  put  a  stop  to  the  scandalous  con- 
dition of  things.  The  clauses  relating  to  Labrador  are 
as  follows  : — 

Passenger   Acconnnodation   on   Board    Steamers   and 

6.  Sailing  vessels  carrying  females  engaged  as  servants  in 
the  fishery,  or  as  passengers,  between  Newfoundland  and 
Labrador,  shall  be  provided  with  such  separate  cabins  or 
apartments  as  will  afford,  at  least,  fifty  cubic  feet  for  each  of 
such  females ;  and  the  owners  of  such  vessels  shall  provide 
for  such  females  sufficient  accommodation  for  sanitary 

7.  No  more  than  one  person  for  each  registered  ton  shall 
be  carried  in  saiUng  vessels  proceeding  to  or  returning  from 

8.  The  owners  of  such  vessels  shall  provide  sufficient  boat 
accommodation  for  at  least  one-third  of  the  persons  on  board 


such  vessels  carrying  passengers  between  Newfoundland  and 

9.  The  Governor  in  Council  may  make  rules  and  regula- 
tions for  effectually  carrying  out  the  provisions  of  sections  six, 
seven,  and  eight  of  this  chapter,  and  alter  and  amend  the 
same  from  time  to  time,  which  rules  and  regulations,  when 
published  in  the  Royal  Gazette^  shall  be  construed  to  form 
part  of  this  chapter,  and  shall  have  the  same  effect  in  law  as 
if  they  had  been  specially  incorporated  herein, 

10.  For  all  violations  of  this  chapter  not  hereinbefore 
provided  for  there  shall  be  imposed  a  penalty  not  exceeding 
one  hundred  dollars  for  each  offence,  or  in  default  of  payment, 
of  imprisonment  for  a  term  not  exceeding  three  months. 

It  is  feared,  however,  that  they  are  still  often  disre- 
garded, and  a  more  stringent  enforcement  of  the  Act  is 
very  much  required. 

Betvv^een  October  12th  and  15th,  1885,  terrific  gales 
swept  over  the  Labrador  coast,  causing  enormous  de- 
struction to  the  fishing  fleet.  Eighty  schooners  and  300 
lives  were  lost,  and  2000  people  rendered  destitute. 
Steamers  were  sent  at  once  to  rescue  the  stranded 
survivors,  and  a  large  sum  of  money  subscribed  for  the 
support  of  the  widows  and  orphans  of  the  ill-fated 
fishermen  who  had  lost  their  lives  in  this  terrible  disaster. 

Since  this  period  the  Labrador  fishery  has  proceeded 
steadily,  subject  only  to  the  vicissitudes  to  which  all 
fisheries  are  liable.  There  have  been  periods  of  scarcity, 
and  periods  of  plenty.  An  enormous  expansion  has 
been  induced  by  the  high  prices  obtained  for  codfish 
during  the  past  three  years.  But  the  year  1908  appears 
to  mark  a  turning  point,  for  the  Labrador  fishery  has 
been  short,  and  the  prices  low. 

But  it  is  evident  that  a  great  expansion  of  the  fisheries 
is   possible.       Among  the  archipelagos  that  fringe  its 


enormous  coast-line  there  is  room  for  many  times  the 
number  of  fishermen  that  now  go  there.  Also  outside  of 
the  coast  usually  fished  there  is  an  enormous  untouched 
fishing  ground.  From  White  Bear  Islands  to  Cape 
Chidley  there  extends  a  line  of  banks  no  doubt  teeming 
with  cod.  During  the  past  three  years  a  few  adven- 
turous banking  schooners  have  gone  to  the  Labrador,  and 
spread  their  trav/ls  on  the  off-shore  grounds.  Their 
success  has  been  marvellous.  Properly  equipped  and 
properly  supplied  with  bait,  our  schooners  need  never 
want  for  a  catch  of  codfish.  Schooners  have  also  done 
remarkably  well  fishing  with  trawls  along  shore  on 
southern  Labrador.  Being  an  innovation,  it  is  viewed 
with  great  disfavour  by  trap  fishermen. 

The  one  great  impediment  in  the  way  of  an  increased 
Labrador  fishery  is  the  difficulty  in  marketing  the  fish. 
The  use  of  traps  is  now  universal  on  the  Labrador,  and 
the  fish  taken  is  generally  small,  and  owing  to  the  short- 
ness of  the  season  cannot  be  made  into  hard  dry  salt 
fish.  It  does  not  keep  well,  and  is  all  rushed  off  to 
market  together,  with  the  result  that  the  markets  are 
always  glutted,  and  the  returns  small.  The  fish  taken  on 
the  Labrador  banks  is,  however,  of  large  size,  and  it 
would  seem  a  good  plan  to  take  it  at  once  to  some 
northern  Newfoundland  outport,  where  it  could  be  cured 
in  the  same  way  as  the  fish  caught  on  the  Grand  Banks. 
Such  fish  is  worth,  on  an  average,  two  or  three  dollars 
per  quintal  more  than  the  ordinary  Labrador  fish,  and 
if  it  could  be  substituted,  would  add  enormously  to  the 
value  of  the  fishery  to  the  fishermen  and  to  the  country. 

That  most  valuable  fish, — the  halibut, — also  frequents 
this  off-shore  fishing  ground.  American  vessels  travel 
there,  1400  miles  and  back  again,  solely  for  this  fish. 
It  seems  possible  that  fast  Newfoundland  schooners  may 


make  a  splendid  business  of  supplying  fresh  halibut  to 
the  English  markets  from  the  Labrador  banks.  The 
distance  is  1600  miles. 

It  is  a  fish  in  great  demand  in  England,  where  it  sells 
for  5d.  per  pound,  green.  It  is  brought  principally  from 

The  practice  has  arisen  in  recent  years,  for  steamers  to 
be  employed  to  convey  fishermen  to  the  various  fishing 
stations  on  the  coast.  Loud  complaints  have  been  made 
against  the  use  of  steamers  by  those  who  have  only  their 
schooners  to  take  them  down.  They  say  the  steamer 
crews  take  all  the  best  trap  berths.  Petitions  have  been 
sent  to  the  House  of  Assembly  asking  that  a  law  be 
passed  forbidding  the  practice,  and  a  bill  to  that  effect 
actually  passed  that  House,  but  was  thrown  out  by  the 
Legislative  Council. 

Such  a  retrograde  piece  of  legislation  is  greatly  to  be 
deprecated.  The  wheels  of  progress  cannot  be  stayed, 
and  if  the  fishermen  can  get  to  their  work  quicker  and 
easier  by  steamer  so  much  the  better.  If  steamers  are 
to  be  forbidden,  why  not  fast  schooners  ?  and  why  not 
make  the  schooners  from  Green  Bay  wait  for  those  from 
Conception  Bay,  so  that  all  may  be  on  the  same  footing  ? 
which  is  absurd,  to  use  Euclid's  time-honoured  phrase. 

It  is  impossible  to  find  out  the  exact  quantity  of 
codfish  caught  on  the  Labrador  coast  in  any  one  season. 
The  exports  from  the  coast  direct  to  market  average 
nearly  300,000  quintals  per  annum ;  but  the  quantity 
brought  back  to  Newfoundland  is  unknown.  It  varies 
considerably,  and  is  estimated  in  different  years  at  from 
150,000  to  350,000  quintals.  The  total  catch  by  New- 
foundland fishermen,  therefore,  ranges  from  450,000  to 
650,000  quintals. 

During  the  period  from  1860-80  the  herring  fishery 


was  very  important.  The  fish  were  larger  and  fatter 
than  any  other  known  variety,  and  were  marketed  at 
good  prices  in  Canada  and  Western  America.  After 
1880  this  fishery  rapidly  declined,  and  in  a  few  years 
became  a  thing  of  the  past.  The  herring  entirely  aban- 
doned the  coast.  During  the  last  two  or  three  years 
they  have  again  been  seen,  but  in  quantities  too  small  to 
make  them  worth  fishing. 

The  seal  fishery,  which  was  one  of  the  principal  induce- 
ments to  the  first  settlers  on  the  coast,  has  long  ceased 
to  be  commercially  pursued  by  residents  on  the  coast. 

The  student  of  this  history  will,  I  think,  be  convinced 
that  Newfoundland  must  be  and  will  be  mistress  in  her 
own  waters,  under  the  Crown  of  England,  and  that  the 
extrinsic  and  unnatural  privileges  granted  to  the  citizens 
of  the  United  States,  must  be  sooner  or  later  abandoned. 
There  are  even  many  precedents  for  their  abrogation.^ 
We  have  seen  how  the  great  fishery  once  carried  on  by 
New  England  vessels  has  been  perforce  abandoned,  and 
how  the  privilege  is  now  of  little  value.  The  future  of 
the  great  fisheries  of  Newfoundland  and  Labrador 
belongs  to  the  fishermen  of  those  countries.  One  by  one 
the  contestants  for  a  share  in  them  have  withdrawn.  The 
ship-fishers  from  England  long  ago  abandoned  the 
struggle.  By  means  of  enormous  bounties  the  French 
managed  to  continue  until  1904,  when  they  gracefully 
sold  out,  having  then  but  little  interest  left  to  sell. 

The  analogy  for  our  American  cousins  is  complete, 
and  the  deduction  is  plain. 

Except  for  the  fisheries  it  is  difficult  to  see  how  and 
why  the  population  of  Labrador  should  increase.     The 

^  An  article  in  Nineteenth  Centtiry  Review  for  October,  1908,  strongly 
advises  the  abrogation  of  the  Convention  of  1818,  and  instances  eight 
different  occasions  when  the  United  States  have  themselves  abrogated 
treaties  which  had  become  burdensome  or  out  of  date. 


lumbering  industry  is  no  doubt  capable  of  some  expan- 
sion. Enormous  areas  of  wood  suitable  for  paper  pulp 
are  reported  on  the  Grand  River  and  Hamilton  Inlet, 
where  there  is  unlimited  water-power,  and  a  great  paper- 
making  industry  will  undoubtedly  be  established  there 
some  day. 

But  the  fur-bearing  animals  and  the  caribou,  it  is 
said,  will  disappear  with  the  forests,  and  with  them  the 
Indians  and  trappers,  so  that  the  net  increase  will  be 

Although  Labrador  abounds  in  iron,  no  workable 
deposits  have  yet  been  made  known. 

The  Grand  Falls ^  of  the  Hamilton  River  are  one  of  the 
wonders  of  North  America,  and  contain  a  stupendous 
water-power,  which  perhaps  some  day  may  be  used  for 
the  generation  of  electricity. 

But  Labrador  has  little  promise  for  the  white  settler, 
and  it  is  to  the  Eskimos  that  one  would  be  inclined  to 
look  for  a  population  ;  but,  alas  !  they  also  are  dying  out. 
Except  for  those  fortunate  tribes  which  have  been  under 
the  fostering  care  of  the  Moravian  Missionaries,  the 
Eskimo  race  has  disappeared  from  Labrador,  where  at 
one  time  there  were  doubtless  many  thousands.  At  the 
Moravian  settlements  the  population  about  holds  its 
own.  Were  it  not  for  the  epidemics  which  have  been 
criminally  introduced  there,  they  would  have  shown  a 
substantial  increase.  Let  us  trust  that  the  legislation 
needed  to  protect  them  may  no  longer  be  delayed,  and 
that  this  deeply  interesting  race  may  again  flourish  on 
their  native  coasts. 

It  is  somewhat  astonishing  to  find  that  while  the 

^  Applications  have  recently  been  made  to  the  Government  for  the  right 
to  use  this  water-power. 


spiritual  needs  of  the  Eskimos  in  the  far  north  had  been 
ministered  to  by  the  Moravian  Brethren  since  1771,  and 
the  Montaignais  Indians  in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence 
had  been  converted  to  Christianity  by  the  Recollet 
Missionaries  very  soon  after  the  French  colonization 
of  Canada,  and  regularly  visited  by  Roman  Catholic 
priests  from  Quebec,  the  unfortunate  white  settlers  on 
Labrador,  the  "  liveyeres,"  remained  long  entirely  neg- 
lected. Probably  it  was  not  realized  that  there  were 
any  inhabitants  on  that  desolate  coast. 

The  earliest  record  I  have  been  able  to  find  of 
Missionary  work  on  southern  Labrador,  states  that  the 
Methodists,  prior  to  1829,  had  sent  several  Missionaries 
to  the  coast,  but  were  obliged  to  discontinue  the  work 
in  that  year.  The  Moravian  Brethren  note  in  their 
journal  for  1825,  that  they  had  been  visited  by  a  Mr, 
Cozens  from  Newfoundland,  who  had  been  into  Hamil- 
ton Inlet  to  convey  a  Methodist  Missionary  to  reside 
there.  But  he  returned  after  a  year  or  two,  disgusted 
at  the  unfruitfulness  of  his  labours. 

The  next  clergyman  of  any  denomination  to  visit 
Labrador,  was  Archdeacon  Wix  in  1831.  The  particu- 
lars of  his  visitation  cannot  now  be  obtained,  but  it  was 
evidently  a  flying  visit,  as  Bishop  Feild  could  only  hear 
of  him  at  Venison  Islands. 

In  1840,  the  Anglican  Bishop  of  Quebec  sent  the 
Rev.  E.  Cusack  to  visit  the  people  residing  in  the  Straits 
of  Belle  Isle.  In  some  places  he  was  very  badly  received, 
but  in  others  was  called  upon  to  marry  and  baptize.  A 
Roman  Catholic  priest  also  travelled  along  the  coast  in 
the  following  year,  ministering  to  those  who  professed 
that  faith.  Archbishop  Howley,  of  Newfoundland,  states 
in  his  Ecclesiastical  History  that  the  Labrador  coast  was 
attached  to  the  Roman  Catholic  Episcopate  of  St.  John's 


in  1820,  and  was  regularly  visited  by  a  priest  from 
St.  John's. 

But  except  at  the  Moravian  settlements,  there  was 
neither  church  nor  school,  nor  priest  nor  teacher,  located 
in  the  whole  length  and  breadth  of  Labrador, 

When  Bishop  Feild  was  appointed  to  the  Anglican 
Bishopric  of  Newfoundland  in  1845,  it  came  as  a  surprise 
to  him  to  find  that  Labrador  was  also  under  his  charge. 
He  wrote  to  England  to  find  out  if  such  were  the  case, 
as  Labrador  was  not  mentioned  in  his  commission. 
But  as  it  was  a  dependency  of  Newfoundland  he  decided 
for  himself  in  the  affirmative,  and  at  once  began  to  plan 
a  visit  to  its  shores.  This  he  first  accomplished  in  1848. 
He  landed  at  Forteau,  and  the  next  day,  Sunday,  July 
30th,  held  service  in  a  large  store  which  had  been  lent 
for  the  purpose,  to  a  congregation  of  about  one  hundred 
and  fifty  persons,  mostly  men.  From  there  he  travelled 
along  the  coast  in  the  Church-ship  Hawk,  visiting  all 
the  principal  settlements  as  far  north  as  Sandwich  Bay. 
The  spiritual  condition  of  the  people  was  pitiable.  In 
very  few  houses  was  there  any  pretence  at  religion. 
There  were  very  few  Bibles  or  Prayer-books,  and  fewer 
still  who  could  read  them.  Marriages  had  been  per- 
formed by  the  simple  practice  of  attestation  before 
witnesses,  and  even  that  ceremony  was  often  neglected. 
Occasionally  someone  was  found  who  could  read,  and 
one  marriage  was  considered  well  performed  when  the 
Church  of  England  marriage  service  was  read  by  a 
Roman  Catholic  fisherman  from  Newfoundland.  The 
children  remained  unbaptized,  except  when  a  reader 
happened  along  who  could  master  the  Church  of 
England  service  provided  for  such  instances.  One 
father  was  very  proud  of  the  way  his  children  had 
been  baptized.    When  Bishop  Feild  asked  the  question^ 


as  the  Prayer-book  directs,  "  By  whom  was  this  child 
baptized?"  he  replied,  "By  one  Joseph  Bird,  and  a 
fine  reader  he  wor  !  " 

Bishop  Feild  found  about  1200  settlers  professing 
to  belong  to  the  Church  of  England,  although  very 
kw  of  them  had  ever  seen  a  clergyman.  Dozens  of 
couples  presented  themselves  to  him  to  be  married, 
and  literally  hundreds  of  children  were  baptized.  His 
zealous  Missionary  spirit  was  fired,  and  he  at  once 
determined  that  there  should  be  churches  and  schools 
and  clergymen  on  Labrador. 

On  his  return  to  St.  John's  he  addressed  a  vigorous 
letter  of  appeal  to  the  "  Society  for  the  Propagation  of 
the  Gospel,"  asking  for  a  grant  of  ;^200  a  year,  with 
which  sum  he  purposed  to  start  three  missions  at 
Forteau,  Battle  Harbour,  and  Sandwich  Bay.  His 
request  was  at  once  granted,  and  the  money  voted  ;  but 
his  next  difficulty  was  to  find  "  the  men,  the  right  men, 
patient  and  laborious,  content  with  small  beginnings  and 
slow  results."  But  his  magnetic  personality  and  over- 
flowing zeal  had  the  power  of  attracting  to  his  assist- 
ance many  able  men  imbued  with  the  true  Missionary 
spirit.  The  first  to  offer  himself  was  the  Rev.  A. 
Gifford,  who  went  to  Forteau  in  1849,  followed  in  1850 
by  the  Rev.  H.  P.  Disney,  to  Francis  Harbour.  These 
zealous  clergymen  soon  had  churches  built  at  Forteau 
and  Francis  Harbour.  Also,  in  a  few  years,  at  Battle 
Harbour,  Seal  Island,  Spear  Harbour,  Henley  Harbour, 
and  Camp  Islands,  churches  or  school-houses  were 
erected.  The  experiences,  the  labours,  the  privations 
of  these  first  Labrador  Missionaries  seem  almost  in- 
supportable in  our  easier-going  times.  But  men  were 
found  willing  to  undergo  them,  and  sixteen  years  later 
Bishop  Feild  wrote  with  pride,  that  there  were  then  five 


churches  on  the  Labrador,  with  active  and  able  men 
ministering  in  them  to  a  people  who,  a  few  years  before, 
had  been  without  religious  instruction  of  any  kind. 

The  Church  of  England  has  ever  since  maintained 
the  Missions  thus  started  by  Bishop  Feild.  Nor  have 
the  other  Churches  been  negligent. 

By  the  last  census,  1901,  the  population  of  Labrador 
is  stated  to  be  3947,  divided  as  follows : — Church  of 
England,  1538;  Roman  Catholic,  332  ;  Methodist,  638  ; 
and  Moravians,  1377.  There  were  5  Church  of  England 
churches,  3  Roman  Catholic,  4  Methodist,  and  17  schools. 

The  population  showed  a  decrease  from  1891  of  159, 
but  the  census  was  notoriously  very  badly  taken,  and  the 
figures  can  only  be  considered  approximately  correct. 

In  1 90 1  the  Rev.  S.  M.  Stewart  offered  himself  to  the 
Bishop  of  Newfoundland  for  service  in  the  diocese,  and 
asked  particularly  to  be  allowed  to  go  to  the  heathen 
Eskimos  in  Ungava.  It  has  been  told  how  the  Mora- 
vians contemplated  opening  a  mission  there  nearly  a 
hundred  years  ago,  as  well  as  their  reason  for  not 
undertaking  it.  For  a  hundred  years  longer  the  tribes 
inhabitating  Hudson's  Straits  had  been  neglected,  and 
no  hand  had  been  stretched  out  to  help  them.  The 
inspiration  which  had  moved  Christian  Erhardt  and 
Jens  Haven  prompted  Mr.  Stewart  to  go  to  their  assist- 
ance. The  result  of  his  eight  years'  work  has  been 
most  encouraging.  He  is  satisfied  that  even  in  this 
short  time  many  have  become  real  Christians,  showing 
their  faith  by  their  amended  lives.  He  has  also  been 
the  means  of  causing  the  supply  of  liquor  to  the 
Eskimos  at  the  trading  stations  in  Hudson's  Straits  to 
be  stopped. 



URISDICTION  over  Labrador  has  been  transferred 
from  Canada  to  Newfoundland  and  back  again, 
several  times  over. 

While  these  changes  have  been  noted  in  regular 
course  during  the  progress  of  this  history,  it  is  thought 
important  to  deal  with  the  whole  matter  at  one  time 
and  in  one  chapter ;  more  particularly  at  this  time, 
when  the  subject  has  assumed  considerable  importance 
owing  to  the  dispute  between  Newfoundland  and  the 
Province  of  Quebec,  as  to  the  exact  boundaries  of  their 
respective  portions  of  Labrador. 

This  does  not  pretend  to  be  a  judicial  view  of  the 
question,  but  deals  with  it  entirely  from  the  New- 
foundland standpoint ;  the  arguments  of  the  other 
side  being  entirely  unknown  and  unimaginable  by  the 

The  question  might  have  remained  in  abeyance  for 
many  years  to  come,  had  it  not  been  for  the  inception  of 
a  Lumbering  enterprise  on  a  considerable  scale  on  the 
upper  reaches  of  Hamilton  Inlet. 

The  Government  of  Newfoundland  issued  licences  to 
this  company  to  cut  timber,  exacted  Customs  dues,  and 
otherwise  exercised  lordship  over  the  land. 

The  Province  of  Quebec,  however,  by  virtue  of  an 
Act  passed  by  that  Province  in  1898,  appropriated  all 



the  southern  side  of  Hamilton  Inlet,  "until  it  meets  with 
the  boundary  of  the  territory  of  Newfoundland  "  ;  but 
why  they  contented  themselves  with  the  southern  side 
only  is  not  easy  to  understand.  As  the  aforesaid 
Lumber  Company  had  cut  some  logs  on  that  side  of 
the  river,  the  Government  of  Quebec  made  a  technical 
seizure  of  the  logs  in  order  to  bring  the  matter  to  an 
issue,  and  the  case  is  shortly  to  be  heard  before  the 
Privy  Council. 

While  Labrador  may  have  been  claimed  by  England 
by  right  of  discovery,  it  does  not  appear  that  such  claim 
was  ever  enforced  ;  and  up  to  the  latter  part  of  the 
seventeenth  century  the  country  was  practically  a  no- 
man's  land. 

We  have  heard  how  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  in 
1670  obtained  its  marvellous  charter  from  Charles  H. 
At  about  the  same  period  the  southern  coast  was  regu- 
larly visited  by  French  fishermen,  which  indeed  they 
had  probably  done  continually  since  Jacques  Cartier's 
time.  In  the  early  part  of  the  eighteenth  century,  the 
French  Government  of  New  France  granted  seignorial 
rights  over  considerable  tracts  of  the  Labrador  coast 
bordering  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  and  Straits  of  Belle 
Isle.  The  north  and  south  parts  of  the  country  were 
thus  appropriated  by  England  and  France  respectively, 
and  by  the  Treaty  of  Utrecht,  17 13,  it  was  agreed  to 
divide  the  intervening  coast.  A  Commission  was 
appointed  to  make  the  division,  respecting  the  claims 
of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  on  the  one  hand,  and 
the  French  seignories  on  the  other.  Although  this 
Commission  met,  no  decision  was  arrived  at,  and  the 
country  remained  undivided.  Finally,  by  the  conquest 
of  Canada  in  1760,  all  Labrador  fell  into  the  hands 
of  England,  and  her  possession  thereof  was  confirmed 
2  F 


by  the  Treaty  of  Paris,  1763.  The  Hudson  Bay 
Company  possessed  all  that  portion  of  the  peninsula 
of  Labrador  drained  by  rivers  which  fall  into  Hudson's 
Bay  or  Straits,  and  it  became  necessary  to  divide  the 
rest  of  the  country.  By  the  Proclamation  enforcing 
the  Treaty  of  Paris,  the  boundaries  of  the  newly- 
acquired  provinces  of  Canada  were  defined.  The 
province  of  Quebec  was  "  bounded  on  the  Labrador 
coast  by  the  River  St.  John,  and  from  thence  by  a 
line  drawn  from  the  head  of  that  river,  etc.,"  running 

The  Proclamation  continues  : — 

"  And  to  the  end  that  the  open  and  free  fishing 
of  our  subjects  may  be  extended  to  and  carried 
on  upon  the  coast  of  Labrador  and  the  adjacent 
Islands,  we  have  seen  fit,  with  the  advice  of  our 
said  Privy  Council,  to  put  all  that  coast  from  the 
River  St.  John  to  Hudson's  Straits,  together  with 
the  Islands  of  Anticosti  and  Magdalene,  and  all 
smaller  islands  lying  upon  the  said  coast,  under  the 
care  and  inspection  of  our  Governor  of  Newfound- 

It  can  hardly  be  contended  that  it  was  the  intention 
of  the  Crown  to  leave  the  interior  of  the  country,  not 
included  in  the  Hudson  Bay  Company's  charter,  un- 
appropriated and  under  no  jurisdiction.  And,  in  fact, 
a  line  drawn  from  the  head  of  the  St.  John  River  to 
the  entrance  of  Hudson's  Strait,  (although  it  will  be 
noticed  that  the  entrance  was  not  then  specified,)  will 
include  nearly  the  whole  interior  not  granted  to  the 
Hudson  Bay  Company. 

The  Commission  of  Sir  Thomas  Graves,  Governor 
of    Newfoundland,    April    25th,    1763,    is    substantial 


proof    that    the    whole     residue    was     intended.       It 
reads  : — 

"  And  we  do  hereby  require  and  command  all  officers, 
Civil  and  Military,  and  all  other  inhabitants  of  our  said 
Islands  and  the  Coasts  and  Territories  of  Labrador 
and  the  Islands  adjacent  thereto  or  dependent  thereon 
within  the  limits  aforesaid,  to  be  obedient,  aiding 
and  assisting  you  in  the  execution  of  this  our  Com- 

The  fishermen  and  the  Eskimos  upon  the  coasts, 
together  with  every  band  of  Nascopee  or  Montagnais 
Indians  that  roamed  the  remotest  fastnesses  of  Labra- 
dor, were  thus  called  upon  to  obey  the  Governor  of 

In  1767  Sir  Hugh  Palliser,  then  Governor  of  New- 
foundland, in  a  proclamation,  says  :  "  All  inhabi- 
tants, settlements  and  possessions  upon  this  coast 
of  Labrador  between  the  limits  of  the  Government 
of  Quebec  ajtd  the  limits  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company" 
which  clearly  shows  that  he  claimed  jurisdiction  over 
the  whole  residue  of  the  peninsula  ;  that  is  to  say, 
the  whole  basin  of  the  rivers  which  empty  into  the 
Atlantic,  and  into  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence,  from 
the  entrance  of  Hudson's  Straits  to  the  River  St. 

Sir  Hugh  Palliser  endeavoured  to  carry  out  upon 
the  Labrador  the  same  plan  of  a  free  fishery  which 
was  in  force  in  Newfoundland.  By  a  "  free  fishery " 
was  meant  that  no  vested  rights  were  allowed  in  any 
portion  of  the  coast,  or  in  any  stages,  flakes,  etc.,  the 
design  being  to  prevent  permanent  settlements,  and 
to  preserve  the  fishery  for  vessels  coming  out  from 
England  every  season. 


Reeves,  in  his  History  of  Newfoundland,  rather 
quaintly  says : — 

"  But  their  claims  to  a  free  fishery  seem  to  be  these  : 
namely,  to  be  free  of  all  inspection  from  Government ; 
no  justice,  no  courts,  no  custom  house." 

On  the  Labrador  coast,  however,  there  were  certain 
settlers,  thirteen  in  number,  who  claimed  property  in 
fishing  posts  and  settlements  under  grants  from  the 
French  Governors  of  Quebec.  These  people  resisted 
Palliser's  ordinances,  and  took  an  action  against  him 
which  was  heard  in  Westminster  Hall.  The  Board 
of  Trade,  in  a  memorial,  June  24th,  1772,  recommended 
to  His  Majesty  that  Labrador  should  be  re-annexed 
to  the  Government  of  Quebec.  They  gave  the  follow- 
ing reasons  :  First,  that  the  fishery  on  the  Labrador 
was  principally  a  seal  fishery,  which  was  sedentary, 
and  consequently  the  rules  for  a  "  free  fishery  "  which 
had  been  framed  more  especially  for  the  cod  and  whale 
fisheries  were  not  suitable  there  ;  and  second,  that  a 
large  part  of  the  coast  was  held  under  grants  from 
the  French  Governors,  which  His  Majesty  by  treaty 
was  bound  to  respect. 

Under  the  encouragement  of  Palliser's  fishery  regu- 
lations on  the  Labrador,  a  considerable  number  of 
merchant  adventurers,  as  they  styled  themselves,  had 
come  regularly  from  Britain,  and  in  a  memorial  to 
Palliser  in  1767,  they  thanked  him  for  his  protection, 
and  declared  themselves  determined  "  to  pursue  the 
ship  fishery  with  spirit  on  that  coast,"  and  it  was  pro- 
bably owing  to  opposition  from  this  direction  that  the 
recommendation  of  the  Board  of  Trade  was  not  acted 
upon  until  1774. 

In  that  year  the  famous  "Quebec  Act"  was  passed. 


By  it  "  all  such  territories,  islands,  and  countries,  which 
have  since  the  loth  February,  1763,  been  made  part  of 
the  Government  of  Newfoundland,"  were  annexed  to 
the  province  of  Quebec. 

It  will  be  observed  that  the  "  Coast  of  Labrador " 
mentioned  in  the  proclamation  of  1763,  had  in  this 
Act,  1774,  become  "territories,  islands,  and  countries," 
which  alone  is  proof  that  no  mere  strip  of  coast  was 
intended  in  the  first  instance.  The  debates  which  took 
place  in  the  House  of  Commons  on  the  "  Quebec  Act " 
are  of  great  historical  interest.  There  were  no  authorized 
reports  of  debates  at  that  time,  and  severe  punishment 
was  visited  upon  any  persons  who  ventured  to  make 
public  anything  more  than  the  barest  outline  of  what 
transpired  there.  But  it  happened  that  among  the 
members  of  the  House  of  Commons  at  that  time  was 
an  expert  shorthand  writer.  Sir  Henry  Cavendish, 
member  for  Lostwithiel,  who,  solely  for  his  own  use, 
took  very  full  notes  of  the  proceedings  of  the  House 
from  1768  to  1774. 

Like  Pepys  Diary,  these  shorthand  notes  remained 
hidden  for  many  years,  but  were  finally  discovered 
among  the  Egerton  manuscripts  in  the  British  Museum. 
They  were  easily  deciphered,  and  were  printed  in  book 
form  in  1839. 

Among  those  who  took  particular  interest  in  the 
paragraph  dealing  with  Labrador,  were  Captain  Phipps 
and  Admiral  Sir  Charles  Saunders  of  the  Royal  Navy, 
Mr.  George  Prescott  of  the  Board  of  Trade,  Lord  North, 
the  Solicitor-General,  and  Edmund  Burke. 

The  point  principally  debated  was  whether  the  seal 
fishery  carried  on  by  the  residents  of  the  shore  was 
interfered  with  by  the  cod  fishermen  who  came  out 
every  spring   from    England.      Very  hazy  ideas  were 


entertained  on  the  subject,  but  it  was  made  out  that 
the  seal  fishery  required  a  great  deal  of  nicety  and 
care,  and  that  the  seals  were  very  easily  frightened  off. 
But,  as  we  have  seen,  the  real  trouble  was  that  the 
terms  of  Palliser's  Act  could  not  be  made  to  harmonize 
with  the  seigniorial  rights  granted  on  the  coast. 

A  great  deal  was  said,  particularly  by  Captain  Phipps 
and  Sir  Charles  Saunders,  on  the  importance  of  the 
cod  fishery  as  a  nursery  for  British  seamen.  The 
remarks  of  the  latter  were  particularly  strong.  "  Sir," 
said  he,  "  the  fishery  is  worth  more  to  you  than  all 
the  possessions  you  have  put  together.  Without  the 
fishery  your  possessions  are  not  safe ;  nor  are  you  safe 
in  your  own  country.  Instead  of  doing  anything  to  hurt 
your  fishery  new  methods  should  be  taken  to  rear  more 

No  faith  was  placed  in  the  loyalty  of  the  new  colony 
of  Quebec,  and  it  was  thought  that  the  cod  fishery  on 
the  Labrador  coast  as  carried  on  from  England  would 
be  seriously  jeopardized  if  placed  under  their  control. 

Sir  Charles  Saunders  pointed  out  that  it  would  be 
impossible  to  go  to  Quebec  to  have  disputes  settled,  as 
"  the  loss  of  time  and  expense  would  ruin  any  fishery, 
whereas  the  Governor  of  Newfoundland  could  settle 
them  in  half  an  hour," — a  statement  which  passed 
without  contradiction. 

Edmund  Burke,  who  had  fought  other  clauses  of  the 
Act  on  behalf  of  the  colonists  of  Nev/  York  as  against 
the  Canadians,  on  the  respective  boundaries  of  the  two 
colonies,  objected  to  the  introduction  of  the  fishery 
questions,  which  he  thought  should  be  dealt  with  in  a 
separate  Bill,  when  the  requirements  of  the  sedentary 
and  transitory  fisheries  would  be  legitimate  objects  of 


The  Solicitor-General,  who  followed,  made  use  of 
these  words  : — 

"It  is  extremely  difficult  upon  such  a  point  as  this 
to  contend  against  the  authority  of  the  honourable 
gentleman,  (Sir  Charles  Saunders,  Admiral  in  command 
of  the  fleet  at  the  taking  of  Quebec,)  to  whom  it  may 
perhaps  be  very  truly  said,  that  this  country  owes 
all  the  fisheries  it  has  upon  the  coast  of  Newfoundland." 

He  suggested  a  clause  which  was  intended  to 
preserve  to  the  Government  of  Newfoundland  the 
supervision  of  the  cod  fishery  on  the  coast  of  Labrador, 
but  it  was  not  put  to  the  House,  and  the  original  clause 
was  carried  by  89  votes  to  48. 

In  the  House  of  Lords  the  bill  met  with  the 
opposition  of  the  great  Earl  of  Chatham,  who,  though 
extremely  ill,  came  to  the  House  of  Lords  to  speak 
against  it.  He  prophesied  "  that  it  would  shake  the 
affections  and  confidence  of  His  Majesty's  subjects  in 
England  and  Ireland,  and  finally  lose  him  the  hearts  of 
all  Americans." 

The  King,  in  giving  consent  to  the  bill,  observed  that 
"  it  was  founded  on  the  clearest  principles  of  justice  and 
humanity,  and  would,  he  doubted  not,  have  the  best 
effect  in  quieting  the  mind  and  promoting  the  happi- 
ness of  our  Canadian  subjects." 

It  was  said  of  this  Act  that  "it  not  only  offended 
the  inhabitants  of  the  province  itself  in  a  degree  that 
could  hardly  be  conceived,  but  had  alarmed  all  the 
English  provinces  in  America,  and  contributed  more 
perhaps  than  any  other  measure  to  drive  them  into 
rebellion  against  their  Sovereign." 

The  clause  dealing  with  the  Labrador  was  of  course 
but  a  very  unimportant  part  of  the  Act. 


Although  this  transfer  was  made,  it  does  not  appear 
that  the  province  of  Quebec  ever  exercised  any  juris- 
diction on  the  debated  coast.  On  the  contrary,  the 
Governors  of  Newfoundland,  who  were  also  the  com- 
manders of  the  fleet  in  those  waters,  continued  to 
do  so. 

The  best  English  atlases  of  the  period  continued  to 
state  that  Labrador  was  a  dependency  of  Newfound- 

In  the  course  of  years  it  was  found  that  the  Labrador 
fishery  was  carried  on  almost  entirely  by  Newfoundland 
or  West-country  fishermen,  and  that  it  was  very  much 
more  convenient  for  the  Government  of  that  territory  to 
be  exercised  from  Newfoundland  than  from  Quebec. 

Great  numbers  of  American  fishing  vessels  also  visited 
the  coast  every  season,  and  a  great  deal  of  smuggling 
was  carried  on  and  many  lawless  acts  committed. 

In  the  chapter  dealing  with  the  "  Americans  on  the 
Labrador"  will  be  found  Governor  Holloway's  letter, 
written  in  1807,  describing  the  condition  of  affairs,  and 
strongly  recommending  that  Labrador  be  again  trans- 
ferred to  Newfoundland.  His  advice  was  taken,  and  in 
1809  an  Act  was  passed,  entitled  "An  Act  for  Establish- 
ing Courts  of  Judicature,  etc.",  which  recited  the  pro- 
clamation of  1763,  and  the  Quebec  Act  of  1774,  and 
declared  that  "  such  parts  of  the  said  coasts  of  Labrador 
from  the  River  St.  John  to  '  Hudson's  Straits ' "  (not 
entrance  to)  and  the  islands  on  said  coast,  including 
Anticosti  and  excepting  the  Magdalen  Islands,  as  were 
annexed  to  Canada  in  1774,  should  be  re-annexed  to 
the  Government  of  Newfoundland, 

This  state  of  affairs  continued  until  1825,  when 
another  change  was  made.  It  was  found  necessary  to 
extinguish   all  feudal  and  seigniorial   rights  in  Lower 


Canada,  and  to  convert  the  same  into  the  tenure  of 
free  and  common  soccage.  An  Act  was  therefore 
introduced  into  the  Imperial  ParHament  to  accomplish 
this  (6  Geo.  IV,  cap.  59).  But  in  addition  to  the 
seigniorial  rights  in  Canada,  there  were  also  the  seign- 
iorial rights  on  Labrador.  After  the  passing  of  the 
Judicature  Act,  1809,  Governor  Holloway  wrote  to  the 
Governor  of  Lower  Canada,  Sir  J.  H.  Craig,  asking 
him  "  to  assure  the  possessors  of  those  grants  that 
they  will  not  be  interrupted  in  the  quiet  enjoyment 
of  them."  Now  it  was  decided  to  convert  all  seign- 
iorial grants  as  above  described,  and  apparently  it 
was  considered  necessary  to  transfer  that  portion  of 
the  Labrador  where  these  grants  existed  to  Lower 
Canada,  in  order  that  they  might  be  included  in  the 
conversion  decided  upon.  The  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
St.  John's,  protested  loudly  against  any  partition  of 
Labrador,  but  in  spite  of  their  protests  (see  Appendix), 
this  Act  declared  that  "  so  much  of  the  said  coast  as 
lies  to  the  westward  of  a  line  to  be  drawn  due  north 
and  south  from  the  bay  or  harbour  of  Anse  Sablon 
inclusive,  as  far  as  the  52nd  degree  of  north  latitude 
with  the  island  of  Anticosti,  are  re-annexed  to  the 
province  of  Lower  Canada." 

This  means  that  a  section  of  the  coast  from  Blanc 
Sablon  to  the  52nd  parallel,  and  along  that  parallel  to 
the  River  St.  John,  was  taken  from  Newfoundland  and 
given  to  Lower  Canada,  being  practically  the  basin  of 
all  rivers  falling  into  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence.  That 
such  was  clearly  understood  by  the  province  of  Lower 
Canada  at  that  time  is  proven  by  the  accompanying 
"  Figurative  Plan,"  drawn  by  Wm.  Sax,  Provincial  Land 
Surveyor,  and  submitted  to  the  House  of  Assembly 
of  Lower  Canada  in  1829. 


The  peninsula  of  Labrador  was  thus  divided  roughly 
as  follows : — 

The  basin  of  the  rivers  falling  into  Hudson's  Bay 
and  Hudson's  Straits  belong  to  the  Hudson  Bay 
Coinpany ;  the  basin  of  rivers  falling  into  the  Gulf 
of  St.  Lawrence  to  the  province  of  Lower  Canada  ;  and 
the  remainder  of  the  peninsula,  the  basin  of  rivers  fall- 
ing into  the  Atlantic,  to  the  colony  of  Newfoundland. 

In  1 87 1  the  rights  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company 
were  purchased  by  Canada. 

Now  it  was  very  evident  that  if  the  country  to  the 
south  of  the  52nd  parallel  was  taken  from  Newfound- 
land and  given  to  Canada,  the  country  to  the  north  of 
that  line  must  still  remain  vested  with  Newfoundland. 
And  it  is  this  very  tract  of  country  which  is  now  claimed 
by  the  province  of  Quebec. 

A  letter  will  be  found  in  the  Appendix  to  this  chapter, 
from  Captain  Wm,  Martin,  written  in  1821,  from  which  it 
will  be  seen  that  he  was  sent  by  Sir  Charles  Hamilton, 
the  Governor  of  Newfoundland,  to  the  head  waters  of 
Hamilton  Inlet ;  that  he  ascended  the  river  for  ninety 
miles,  and  reported  upon  the  condition  of  the  Indians 
and  settlers  there  ;  thus  indicating  Sir  Charles  Hamil- 
ton's view  of  the  scope  of  his  jurisdiction. 

In  1826  the  Labrador  Court  was  instituted,  and  was 
continued  until  1834.  Regular  visits  were  made  to 
Rigolet  and  to  some  other  point  on  Hamilton  Inlet, 
probably  North-West  River,  every  year. 

A  case  that  was  settled  by  this  Court  in  1828,  has  a 
very  important  bearing  on  the  boundary  question.  A 
dispute  had  arisen  as  to  the  right  to  the  salmon  fishery 
in  the  Kinnamish  River,  falling  into  Hamilton  Inlet  on 
the  south  side,  about  opposite  to  North-West  River. 
The  Court  visited  the  river  and  duly  adjudicated  upon 


the  case,  thus  clearly  establishing  Newfoundland's 
jurisdiction  over  the  very  territory  now  claimed  by 

This  "peripatetic"  Court  was  discontinued  because 
of  the  heavy  cost  and  lack  of  business.  The  Sheriff  of 
this  Court  also  collected  duties. 

In  1840  Mr.  Elias  Rendell  was  sent  to  collect  duties 
upon  the  Labrador,  and  went  a  considerable  distance 
into  Hamilton's  Inlet. 

In  1856,  it  was  proposed  to  institute  again  the  Labra- 
dor Court  and  the  collection  of  revenue,  but  the  cost 
was  considered  to  be  too  great. 

In  the  minutes  of  evidence  taken  before  the  Select 
Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  on  the  Hudson 
Bay  Company,  in  1857,  we  find  the  following  important 
evidence.  A  letter  had  been  put  in,  stating  that  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Fort  Nascopie,  "  the  Nascopie  Indians 
had  been  dying  from  starvation  in  great  numbers ; 
whole  camps  of  them  were  found  dead,  without  one 
survivor  to  tell  the  tale  of  their  sufferings ;  others  sus- 
tained life  in  a  way  the  most  revolting,  by  using  as  food 
the  dead  bodies  of  their  companions  ;  some  even  bled 
their  own  children  to  death  and  sustained  life  with 
their  bodies."  One  reason  offered  for  this  terrible  con- 
dition of  affairs  was  that  the  Hudson  Bay  Company's 
factor  had  not  supplied  them  with  enough  ammunition. 
Sir  Geo.  Simpson,  the  Governor  of  the  Hudson  Bay 
Company's  territories,  was  giving  evidence,  and  was 
closely  questioned  as  to  this  circumstance.  The 
following  is  the  minute  of  evidence  : — 

Q.  "  In  your  thirty-seven  years'  experience  in  that 
territory  you  have  never  heard  of  any  transactions  like 
that,  or  deaths  like  that?"  A.  "Never,  except  in  Mr, 
Kennedy's  letter !  " 


Q.  "Not  in  your  own  experience?"  A.  "Certainly 

Q.  "In  what  part  of  the  country  is  that  ? "  A."  Upon 
the  Labrador  coast." 

Q.  "  Then  you  do  not  believe  in  that  statement  ? " 
A.  "  I  do  not." 

Q.  "Where  is  Fort  Nascopie?"  A.  "It  is  on  the 
Labrador  coast." 

Q.  That  is  in  Canada,  is  it  not?"  A.  "  It  is  in  (be- 
longs to)  Newfoundland." 

Q.  "  So  that  the  northern  peninsula  does  not  belong  to 
the  Hudson  Bay  Company?"    A.  "  The  whole  does  not." 

Q.  "  But  is  that  Fort  which  Mr.  Roebuck  is  ques- 
tioning you  about  in  Labrador,  or  is  it  in  Rupert's 
Land  ?  "     ^.  ''  It  is  in  Labrador." 

Further  on,  the  following  question  was  asked  : — 

Q.  "  Is  there  any  arrangement  with  the  Government 
of  Labrador,  by  which  you  use  the  territory  for  your 
purposes?"     A.  "  It  is  open  for  anybody." 

Q.  "  In  truth,  is  it  practically  unoccupied  ? " 
A.   "Yes." 

Fort  Nascopie  was  situated  right  at  the  head  waters 
of  Hamilton  River,  about  54°  north  and  65°  west,  and 
400  miles  from  the  coast. 

This  enquiry  was  held  at  the  instigation  of  Canada, 
which  wished  to  limit  the  powers  and  jurisdiction  of 
the  Hudson  Bay  Company.  Every  point  of  the 
evidence  was  jealously  investigated  by  Chief  Justice 
Draper,  in  Canada's  behalf.  That  this  statement  of 
Sir  Geo.  Simpson  passed  unquestioned  by  him,  and 
was  accepted  by  the  Committee  of  the  House  of  Com- 
mons, will,  I  think,  be  regarded  as  conclusive  evidence 
as  to  the  acknowledged  jurisdiction  of  Newfoundland  in 
Labrador  at  that  time.      It  will  be  noticed   that  Sir 


Geo.  Simpson  said  that  Fort  Nascopie  was  on  the 
Labrador  coast — ^00  miles  inland  ! 

The  Revenue  Act  for  1863  made  regulations  for  the 
collection  of  duties  at  Labrador,  and  a  special  Act  was 
passed  at  the  same  time,  providing  for  the  collection  of 
such  duties,  and  also  again  instituting  a  Court  of  Civil 
and  Criminal  Jurisdiction  of  the  Coast.  The  Act  was 
immediately  enforced.  A  notable  instance  occurred  in 
1864,  when  Mr.  D.  A.  Smith,  (now  Lord  Strathcona), 
agent  for  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  at  North-West 
River,  about  one  hundred  and  forty  miles  from  the 
mouth  of  Hamilton  Inlet,  paid  the  full  amount  of 
the  duties  required,  saying  that  it  was  not  the  intention 
of  the  company  to  present  any  opposition  to  the 
payment  of  duties,  the  Act  permitting  the  levying  of 
duties  having  received  the  Royal  Assent. 

In  1873-4  small-pox  was  very  prevalent  in  Canada, 
and  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  feared  it  would  be  intro- 
duced among  the  Mountaineer  Indians  in  Labrador. 
They  therefore  requested  the  Newfoundland  Govern- 
ment to  send  a  physician  to  vaccinate  them.  Dr.  Crowdy 
was  accordingly  sent  in  1874  to  North-West  River,  where 
he  vaccinated  over  three  hundred  Indians,  all  inhabitants 
of  the  interior. 

These  instances  are  quite  sufficient  to  prove  that 
Newfoundland  has  always  exercised  jurisdiction  over 
the  disputed  inland  territory. 

The  Commission  of  Sir  Thomas  Greaves  in  1763,  the 
proclamation  of  Sir  Hugh  Palliser  in  1767,  and  the 
Quebec  Act  1774,  are  all  proof  that  the  coast  carried 
with  it  the  territory  at  the  back  of  the  same.  It  has 
also  been  pointed  out  that  in  the  very  first  delimitation, 
by  the  proclamation  of  1763,  the  boundary  of  the 
province   of  Quebec   " on  the   Labrador  coast','   is   the 


head  of  the  St.  John  River,  which  is  about  one  hundred 
miles  inland,  and  according  to  maps  of  that  period  was 
then  considered  to  be  much  farther. 

The  use  of  the  term  "  river  basin  "  in  this  account  of 
the  changes  which  have  been  made  in  the  exercise  of 
Government  over  the  Labrador,  while  it  has  not  been 
used  in  any  official  papers,  seems  particularly  applicable. 
Having  begun  by  giving  certain  seas,  rivers,  etc.,  and 
the  adjoining  countries  to  the  Hudson  Bay  Company, 
the  same  idea  seems  to  have  influenced  the  division 
made  in  1763,  1774,  1809,  and  1825.  The  territory 
bounded  on  the  north  by  the  52°  parallel  between 
Blanc  Sablon  and  the  River  St.  John,  is  approximately 
the  country  drained  by  all  rivers  falling  into  the  Gulf 
of  St.  Lawrence. 

The  boundary  line  between  Newfoundland  and 
Canadian  territories  on  the  Labrador  seems  therefore 
to  be  roughly  as  follows  : — 

Starting  from  the  most  northern  of  the  Button 
Islands  at  the  entrance  to  Hudson's  Strait,  about  60°  50" 
N.,  60°  40"  W.,  it  runs  almost  due  south  until  it  reaches 
the  50°  parallel  of  north  latitude,  then  westerly  to 
about  6f  W.,  then  in  a  south-easterly  direction  along 
the  head  waters  of  the  Attikonak  River  to  the  52° 
parallel,  then  due  east  along  that  parallel  until  it  reaches 
a  line  to  be  drawn  north  and  south  of  Blanc  Sablon, 
then  south  to  Blanc  Sablon. 

That  Newfoundland  is  the  proper  country  to  have 
jurisdiction  over  Labrador,  seems  hardly  to  need 

The  fisheries  must  ever  be  the  chief  consideration  in 
that  barren  land,  and  it  is  Newfoundland  that  will  con- 
tinue to  send  forth  the  army  of  fishermen  to  populate 
the  coasts  for  the  short  summer  season.     It  is  at  the 


fishing  establishments  on  the  coasts  that  permanent 
inhabitants  will  be  found,  and  from  these  fishing 
establishments,  as  a  nucleus,  will  branch  out  any 
further  development  of  the  country  which  may  be 
possible.  The  lumber  companies  on  Hamilton  Inlet 
probably  have  a  prosperous  future  before  them  for 
many  years,  but  lumbering  cannot  become  an  im- 
portant industry  on  the  Labrador.  No  minerals  of 
commercial  value  have  yet  been  found  on  Labrador. 
Presuming  that  they  are  found,  and  large  mines 
developed,  presuming  that  the  lumber  industry  is 
maintained  or  even  increased,  presuming  that  the 
wealth  of  furs  continues  to  be  drawn  from  the  interior 
of  Labrador,  it  is  to  the  Atlantic  coast  that  all  must 
be  brought  for  shipment,  and  it  is  from  the  Atlantic 
coast  that  all  supplies  must  be  taken.  The  lord  of 
the  sea-board  must  be  the  lord  of  the  hinterland 
properly  pertaining  to  it.  A  divided  authority  would 
occasion  numberless  disputes  and  produce  a  very  un- 
comfortable condition  of  affairs. 

By  force  of  law,  custom,  and  logic,  Newfoundland 
claims  Labrador  from  Blanc  Sablon  to  the  northern- 
most of  the  Button  Islands,  and  all  the  country  drained 
by  rivers  falling  into  the  sea  on  that  part  of  the  coast. 


"  His  Majesty's  Brig  '  Clinker,' 

"  IvERTOKE  Inlet,  2^th  July,  1821. 

"  I  arrived  in  the  entrance  of  this  Inlet  the  12th  instant, 
having  but  hght  and  variable  winds  from  our  leaving  St.  John's ; 
passage  extremely  difficult  from  the  quantity  of  ice  on  the 
coast ;  had  we  not  run  inside  the  islands  from  Spotted  Island 
to  Ivertoke,  we  could  not  have  proceeded,  as  we  skirted  along 
thirty  miles  of  field  ice,  and  I  found,  after  anchoring  at  Grady 
Harbour,  one  of  the  islands  at  the  entrance  of  the  Inlet 
farther  to  the  northward,  navigation  yet  unopened.  From  the 
13th  to  23rd  I  have  been  employed  in  ascertaining  the  extent 
and  source  of  this  Inlet.  I  run  up  in  the  brig  140  miles  from 
N.N.W.  to  W.  &  S.,  distance  across  from  three  to  twenty 
miles  in  widest  part ;  thence  I  proceed  in  a  shallop  (which  a 
Canadian  merchant  kindly  offered  to  accompany  us)  with 
canoes  to  the  source,  where  we  arrived  at  a  grand  waterfall  or 
rapids,  one  backing  the  other  ninety  feet  high.  I  have  had 
communications  with  the  Red  Indians.  At  first  they  hid 
themselves  from  us.  After  a  httle  coaxing,  and,  as  far  as  we 
were  able,  gave  them  to  understand  we  came  to  assist  them, 
they  became  in  a  short  time  familiar.  Next  day  I  prevailed 
on  them  to  come  on  board ;  seven  canoes  of  them  visited  us. 
I  regaled  them  with  plenty  of  beef,  pudding,  and  grog.  Three 
accompanied  us  up  the  river  fifty  miles  from  the  brig.  The 
Canadians  have  extensive  establishments  in  the  salmon  fishery, 
but  their  principal  gain  is  the  fur  trade  with  the  Red  Indians. 
The  fishing  (cod)  establishments  up  the  river  for  forty  miles 



are  numerous,  principally  Americans  for  the  season.  I  am 
now  at  anchor  in  a  place  called  the  Narrows.  I  expect  to  be 
enabled  to  proceed  for  Port  Manvers  about  the  ist  August. 
This  goes  by  shallop  to  Sandwich  Bay  for  the  first  conveyance. 
I  have  the  honour  to  be,  sir, 

"  Your  most  obedient,  humble  servant, 

"  (Signed)         Wm.  Martin. 

"To  Sir  Charles  Hamilton,  Bart., 
"  Commander-in-Chief,  etc." 


1.  The  Court  of  civil  and  criminal  jurisdiction  at  I^abrador 
shall  be  a  Court  of  record  called  the  Court  of  Labrador,  and 
shall  be  presided  over  by  one  Judge,  appointed  or  to  be 
appointed  by  the  Governor  in  Council ;  and  shall,  over  all 
such  parts  of  Labrador  as  lie  within  the  Government  of 
Newfoundland,  have  jurisdiction,  power  and  authority,  to  hear 
and  finally  determine  all  criminal  prosecutions  for  assaults 
and  batteries,  and  for  larcenies  without  force  to  the  person, 
committed  within  the  limits  aforesaid,  and  all  actions  and 
suits  of  a  civil  nature,  wherein  the  debt  damage  or  thing 
demanded  shall  not  exceed  in  amount  or  value  five  hundred 

2.  The  proceedings  of  the  said  Court  shall  be  summary;  a 
record  of  such  proceedings  shall  be  kept  and  signed  by  the 
Judge  thereof;  and  the  forms  of  process  and  other  proceedings 
in  civil  cases  shall  be  as  set  out  in  the  schedule  to  this  chapter 
annexed,  and  in  criminal  matters  shall  be  those  used  in 
summary  proceedings  of  a  like  character  by  Justices  of  the 
Peace  in  this  island. 

3.  The  salary  of  the  Judge  of  such  Court  shall  not  exceed 
eleven  hundred  and  fifty-four  dollars ;  and  there  shall  be  such 
officers  of  the  said  Court  as  the  Governor  in  Council  shall 
appoint ;  and  the  salaries  of  such  officers  shall  be  fixed  by  the 

2  G 


4.  Any  person  against  whom  any  judgment  or  order  of  the 
said  Court  may  be  given  in  any  matter  over  two  hundred 
dollars,  or  where  the  matter  in  dispute  shall  relate  to  the  title 
of  any  lands  or  fishery,  or  where  the  right  in  future  may 
abound,  may  within  two  days  of  such  judgment  or  order 
appeal  therefrom  to  the  Supreme  Court,  giving  one  day's 
notice  to  the  opposite  party  of  such  intended  appeal ;  and 
upon  such  appellant,  within  seven  days,  giving  security  to  the 
satisfaction  of  the  Judge,  for  the  speedy  prosecution  of  such 
appeal  for  the  performance  of  the  judgment  of  the  Court  of 
Labrador,  should  the  same  be  affirmed  or  the  appeal  dismissed, 
and  in  such  last  mentioned  cases  also  for  the  payment  of  the 
costs  of  such  appeal,  execution  shall  be  stayed  upon  the 
judgment  of  the  Court  below  :  Provided  that  such  Judge  may, 
upon  reasonable  grounds,  extend  the  time  for  such  appeal,  and 
when  he  shall  think  it  necessary,  reserve  any  question  of  law 
arising  in  any  case  before  him  for  the  consideration  of  the 
Supreme  Court,  suspending  his  judgment  in  the  meanwhile 
until  such  question  shall  have  been  determined. 

5.  When  an  appeal  shall  have  been  allowed  in  m.anner 
aforesaid,  a  copy  of  all  proceedings  in  the  Court  below, 
authenticated  under  the  hand  and  seal  of  the  Judge  thereof 
and  of  any  other  officer,  if  any  such,  who  may  be  appointed 
for  that  purpose,  shall  be  transmitted  by  such  Judge  to  the 
Registrar  of  the  Supreme  Court  at  St.  John's ;  and  after  ad- 
judication the  Supreme  Court  shall  carry  such  adjudication 
into  effect  by  its  own  process,  or  direct  that  the  same  be 
carried  into  effect  by  the  Court  below, 

6.  The  Judge  of  the  said  Court  shall  be,  ex  officio,  a  Justice 
of  the  Peace  for  the  Island  of  Newfoundland  and  its  depend- 
encies, with  the  like  power  and  authority  as  any  Stipendiary 
Magistrate  or  Justice  of  Peace  lawfully  appointed  in  New- 

7.  Criminal  offenders  sentenced  by  the  said  Court  to  im- 
prisonment, and  debtors  arrested  under  final  process  may  be 
confined  in  any  place  of  security  within  the  limits  aforesaid 


the  said  Judge  may  direct,  or  may  be  conveyed  to  any  gaol 
in  Newfoundland,  there  to  remain  until  removed  or  discharged 
in  due  course  of  law, 

8.  The  provisions  of  the  law  of  attachment  in  this  Colony, 
as  defined  by  the  practice  and  mode  of  procedure  in  the 
Supreme  Court,  shall  be  applied  to  and  used  in  the  said  Court 
of  Labrador,  so  far  as  may  be  applicable  :  Provided  that  an 
attachment  may  issue  for  any  amount  exceeding  ten  dollars. 

To  the  Right  Honorable  Earl  Bathiwst,  K.  G.,  His 
Majesty  s  Principal  Secretary  of  State  for  the  Colonial 
Department,  etc. 


Humbly  Sheweth 

That  Your  Lordship's  MemoriaUsts  having  observed  by 
the  public  Newspapers  that  leave  has  been  granted  to  bring  a 
Bill  into  Parliament  to  annex  part  of  the  Coast  of  Labrador 
to  the  Government  of  Canada,  and  not  knowing  how  much 
of  the  said  Coast  it  may  be  intended  to  comprehend  in  such 
Bill,  beg  leave  to  state  to  Your  Lordship  the  very  great  im- 
portance of  these  Fisheries  of  continuing  under  the  Govern- 
ment of  Newfoundland  all  such  parts  of  that  Coast  as  are 
resorted  to  from  thence. 

That  between  Sixty  and  Seventy  Vessels  are  annually  fitted 
out  for  the  Port  of  Saint  John's  alone,  and  nearly  two  hun- 
dred from  Conception  Bay,  employing  together  nearly  Five 
thousand  men  in  the  Labrador  Fishery,  besides  which  others 
proceed  thither  from  other  parts  of  the  Island,  and  that  of 
late  years  the  Bank  Fishery  having  been  less  productive  than 
formerly  the  Vessels  employed  therein  are  for  the  most  part 
sent  to  the  Labrador  in  the  summer  season. 

That  since  the  cession  to  France  of  the  North  part  of  this 
Island  (usually  denominated  the  French  Shore)  nearly  all  the 


Vessels  employed  in  the  Seal  Fishery  are  afterwards  sent  to 
the  Labrador,  and  that  the  Seal  Fishery  has  lately  assumed  a 
degree  of  importance  which  entitles  it  to  the  highest  con- 
sideration, having  this  Spring  yielded  employment  to  Five 
Thousand  men  at  a  Season  which  the  Climate  would  afford 
them  no  other  means  of  Support. 

That  the  Fishery  at  Labrador  commences  at  a  later  period 
of  the  Season  than  on  the  shores  of  this  Island  now  occupied 
by  the  British,  and  affords  time  for  the  Seal  Fishery  to  be 
fully  compleated,  as  that  to  the  French  Shore  formerly  did,  and 
that  the  Labrador  and  Seal  Fisheries  are  thereby  well  adapted 
to  each  other ;  and  that  moreover  the  vessels  that  are 
necessary  for  the  Seal  Fishery  would  now  be  absolutely  use- 
less in  any  other  branch  of  the  Cod  Fishery  than  that  to 
Labrador,  and  so  remain  unemployed  except  during  the  con- 
tinuance of  the  Seal  Fishery,  which  is  but  two  months  in  the 
Year,  and  for  the  single  use  of  which  their  Owners  could  not 
afford  to  keep  them.  Whence  it  will  appear  to  Your  Lordship 
that  every  impediment  to  the  Labrador  Fishery  hath  a  direct 
tendency  to  reduce  the  Seal  Fishery. 

That  the  whole  business  of  supplying  these  Fisheries  is 
involved  in  a  course  of  settlement  to  be  made  in  the  Fall  of 
the  Year,  the  supplies  being  advanced  in  the  Spring  by  the 
Merchants  to  the  Fishermen  on  credit,  and  for  the  most  part 
entirely  on  the  faith  of  the  voyage ;  that  it  would  therefore  be 
absolutely  impossible  to  continue  this  Fishery  in  any  place 
beyond  the  reach  of  our  Supreme  Court  of  Judicature ;  which 
has  moreover  by  a  long  course  of  decisions  become  the 
depositary  of  all  its  custom_s  and  usages ;  and  that  the  several 
laws  made  for  the  protection  of  the  Fisheries,  being  engrafted 
on  those  customs  and  usages,  are,  and  only  can  be,  applied  or 
properly  understood  within  the  Government  of  Newfoundland. 

That  the  annexation  to  Canada  of  any  part  of  the  Coast  of 
Labrador  usually  resorted  to  from  hence  would  oppose  such 
difficulties  to  the  Settlement  of  Accounts  as  necessarily  to 
lessen  the  confidence  and  ultimately  destroy  the  credit  upon 


which  the  Fisheries  are  carried  on  and  without  which  they 
could  not  subsist,  and  that  this  evil  could  not  be  remedied, 
even  by  the  establishment  of  Courts  of  Judicature  on  that 
Coast,  because  the  greater  number  of  causes  should  originate 
in  the  Courts  here  where  the  transactions  have  taken  place 
and  because  the  Appeal  from  Labrador  Courts,  it  is  appre- 
hended, would  after  such  annexation  lie  to  Quebec,  whither  it 
would  be  equally  impossible  for  Plaintiff  or  Defendant  to 

That  every  event  of  a  Criminal  Prosecution  would  also  be 
attended  not  only  with  great  inconvenience  but  with  absolute 
ruin  to  many  individuals  should  they  be  carried  from  their 
Fisheries  on  the  Labrador  to  Quebec  for  the  purpose  of 
giving  evidence  on  such  prosecutions ;  whereas  they  always 
return  here  in  the  regular  course  of  their  business  at  that 
Season  of  the  Year  in  which  it  is  usual  for  our  Supreme 
Court  to  hold  its  sittings  of  Oyer  and  Terminer. 

Your  Lordship's  Memorialists  therefore  humbly  pray  that 
the  Coast  of  Labrador  may  be  continued  under  the  Govern- 
ment of  Newfoundland  as  settled  by  the  Act  49  Geo.  3. 
cap.  27. 

And  your  Memorialists  will  ever  pray. 


President  of  the  ChaiJibej'  of  Commerce 
of  St.  fohii's,  Neivfotindland. 
St.  John's,  Newfoundland, 
May  20TH,  1825. 


THE  last  chapter  in  this  book  is  naturally  devoted 
to  Dr.  Grenfell  and  his  great  philanthropic  work 
among  the  fishermen  and  settlers  of  Labrador. 

In  1 89 1  Sir  Francis  Hopwood,  Secretary  of  the 
Board  of  Trade,  (now  Under  Secretary  of  State  for 
the  Colonies),  visited  St.  John's  on  business  connected 
with  his  office.  While  staying  at  Government  House, 
the  late  Sir  Terence  O'Brien,  then  Governor  of  the 
Colony,  drew  his  attention  to  the  great  fleet  of  fishing 
v^essels  and  the  enormous  transient  population  visiting 
the  coast  of  Labrador  every  summer.  Sir  Francis  was 
a  Director  of  the  Mission  to  Deep  Sea  Fishermen, 
which  had  been  carrying  on,  and  still  continues,  such 
a  noble  work  among  the  fishermen  in  the  North  Sea. 
The  probability  that  the  fishing  population  of  Labrador 
were  equally  in  need  of  the  services  of  the  Mission  was 
at  once  apparent  to  him  ;  and  when  he  returned  to 
England  he  brought  the  matter  to  the  notice  of  that 
Society,  with  the  result  that  in  the  following  year 
Dr.  Grenfell,  in  the  Mission  ship  Albert,  was  sent  out 
to  investigate  this  new  field  of  labour. 

The  Albert  arrived  in  St.  John's  on  July  9th,  1892, 
the  day  after  the  great  fire  which  destroyed  two-thirds 
of  the  city,  and  left  15,000  people  homeless. 

Proceeding  shortly  on  his  destined  voyage,  Dr. 


Facing  p.  454 

DR.   WILFRED   GRENFELL,   C.M.G.  455 

Grenfell  found  the  population,  both  resident  and  tran- 
sient, of  the  long,  dreary  Labrador  coast,  in  greater 
need  of  help  than  the  homeless  thousands  of  St.  John's. 
But  their  condition  was  not  the  result  of  any  sudden 
catastrophe.  Long  years  of  isolation,  privation, 
ignorance,  and  neglect  had  reduced  the  residents  of 
the  country  to  the  depths  of  poverty  and  misery,  and 
the  floating  population  was  in  but  little  better  case. 

The  origin  of  the  "  liveyeres,"  as  the  residents  are 
called,  has  been  already  given.  These  poor  people 
become  extraordinarily  attached  to  their  homes,  un- 
attractive as  they  may  appear  to  inhabitants  of  more 
favoured  portions  of  the  globe.  It  has  often  been 
suggested  that  the  best  method  of  settling  their 
problem  would  be  to  take  them  all  off  the  coast 
and  place  them  where  they  could  earn  a  livelihood, 
and  be  in  touch  with  civilization.  But  it  is  not  at 
all  easy  to  induce  them  to  leave.  Dr.  Grenfell  has 
known  many  instances  of  families  who,  as  a  result 
of  a  lucky  fishery  or  a  good  year's  trapping,  have 
been  able  to  leave  for  Canada  or  the  United  States, 
but  after  a  year  or  two's  experience  have  returned 
to  their  former  homes.  After  a  life  spent  in  the 
freedom  of  Labrador's  rugged  wastes,  the  crowded 
abodes  of  civilization  were  unendurable. 

While  some  families  contrive  to  maintain  them- 
selves in  a  rough  plenty,  the  greater  number  are 
always  in  the  depths  of  poverty.  The  margin  be- 
tween these  two  conditions  is  slight  and  easily  broken 
down.  An  accident  or  illness,  a  bad  fishery,  or  an 
unsuccessful  furring  season,  plunges  an  independent 
family  into  direst  poverty,  from  which  they  cannot 
extricate  themselves  unaided.  Only  last  summer 
Dr.    Grenfell   found   a   family   living  on  an   island  in 


Hamilton  Inlet  in  an  absolutely  destitute  condition. 
The  mother  was  of  Scotch  descent,  the  father  a  half- 
breed  Eskimo,  and  there  were  five  or  six  children. 
They  were  half  clad  and  had  no  provisions ;  they 
had  neither  gun,  nor  axe,  nor  fishing  gear ;  yet  the 
children  seemed  to  be  in  fairly  good  condition,  "  What 
do  you  have  to  eat  ? "  asked  Grenfeli  of  one  of  the 
children,  and  received  the  unexpected  and  laconic 
reply,  "  Berries,  zur."  It  is  in  such  cases  as  this  that 
Grenfeli  acts  the  part  of  Providence.  Several  of  the 
children  were  taken  to  the  head-quarters  of  the 
Mission  at  St.  Anthony,  and  the  family  helped  to 
make  another  start  in  life.  Without  his  assistance  they 
would  certainly  have  starved.  This  case  may  almost 
be  said  to  be  typical.  Time  and  again  some  late- 
returning  fishing  schooner  has  reported  that  the  people 
of  such  and  such  a  settlement  were  without  food  for 
the  winter,  and  the  Government  of  Newfoundland  has 
had  to  despatch  a  steamer  with  the  necessary  supplies. 
Cases  of  starvation  have  been  recorded,  and  indeed 
deaths  from  chronic  privation  must  have  been  common 

These  settlers  are  so  few  in  number  and  live  so  far 
apart,  that  they  can  afford  each  other  but  little  mutual 
support.  It  is,  however,  a  beautiful  trait  in  their 
characters  that  they  are  always  ready  to  share  their 
scanty  supplies  with  anyone  who  is  worse  off. 

The  medical  needs  of  this  population  were  formerly 
supplied  by  a  doctor  who  travelled  up  and  down  the 
coast  on  the  mail  steamer,  making  fortnightly  trips 
during  the  summer  months.  This  was  naturally  very 
ineffectual,  and  if  people  got  seriously  ill  they  just 

When  accidents  occurred,